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Collaborative Project FP7-SST-2013-RTD-1

Seventh Framework Programme

Theme SST.2013.5-3: Innovative, cost-effective construction and
maintenance for safer, greener and climate resilient roads
Start date: 1 November 2013
Duration: 36 months

Deliverable D1.5

Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for

proposal to CEN TC 227/WG5

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Community’s Seventh
Framework Programme (FP7/2007-2013) under grant agreement n°605368
Main Editor(s) Karen Scharnigg (BASt)

Due Date 31st August 2016

Delivery Date 28th January 2017

Work Package WP1

Dissemination level PU

Date: 28/01/2017 Version: 1.0 1 (45)

Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

Main Contributor(s) Martin Greene (TRL)
Darko Kokot (ZAG)

Reviewer(s) 1. Martin Greene (TRL)
2. Darko Kokot (ZAG)

Date: 28/01/2017 Version: 1.0 2 (45)

Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

Control Sheet
Version History

Version Date Editor Summary of Modifications

0.1 17/05/2016 K Scharnigg Initial draft containing Chapters 1 and 3 for review by WP

0.2 14/09/2016 K. Scharnigg Draft structure of the deliverable for review by WP

0.3 09/01/2017 K. Scharnigg Editing chapters 1 to 12

0.4 13/01/2017 K. Scharnigg Final draft

incorporated changes proposed by Martin Greene and Darko

0.5 28/01/2017 K. Scharnigg

1.0 28/01/2017 K. Scharnigg Final version

Date: 28/01/2017 Version: 1.0 3 (45)

Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

Table of Contents
Foreword ....................................................................................................................................10

Introduction ................................................................................................................................11
1 Scope ...................................................................................................................................13

2 Normative References ..........................................................................................................14

3 Recommended uses .............................................................................................................16

4 Symbols, terms and definitions .............................................................................................17

4.1 Symbols..................................................................................................................................... 17
4.2 Terms and definitions ............................................................................................................... 17

4.2.1 calibration...................................................................................................................... 17
4.2.2 contact area ................................................................................................................... 17

4.2.3 friction ........................................................................................................................... 17

4.2.4 friction measuring device .............................................................................................. 18

4.2.5 horizontal force, sideway-force..................................................................................... 18

4.2.6 macrotexture ................................................................................................................. 18
4.2.7 Mean Profile Depth, MPD ............................................................................................. 18

4.2.8 nearside wheel path ...................................................................................................... 18

4.2.9 microtexture .................................................................................................................. 18

4.2.10 network level ................................................................................................................. 18

4.2.11 operating speed............................................................................................................. 18

4.2.12 project / scheme level ................................................................................................... 19

4.2.13 Repeatability; r .............................................................................................................. 19

4.2.14 Reproducibility; R .......................................................................................................... 19

4.2.15 sampling length ............................................................................................................. 19

4.2.16 skid resistance ............................................................................................................... 19

4.2.17 Skid Resistance Index - Sideway-force (SRI-SF) ............................................................. 20

4.2.18 Skid Resistance Index - Longitudinal-force (SRI-LF) ....................................................... 20

4.2.19 Sideway-force coefficient; SFC ...................................................................................... 20

4.2.20 Longitudinal-force coefficient; LFC................................................................................ 20

4.2.21 slip angle ........................................................................................................................ 20

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

4.2.22 slip ratio ......................................................................................................................... 20

4.2.23 slip speed ....................................................................................................................... 21

4.2.24 subsection length .......................................................................................................... 21

4.2.25 target speed .................................................................................................................. 21

4.2.26 reference speed............................................................................................................. 21

4.2.27 test section .................................................................................................................... 21

4.2.28 theoretical water film thickness .................................................................................... 21

4.2.29 water delivery system ................................................................................................... 21

4.2.30 water flow rate .............................................................................................................. 21

4.2.31 wheel path ..................................................................................................................... 22

5 Safety ..................................................................................................................................23

6 Basic principles of the procedure for characterization skid resistance of road surfaces ........... 24
6.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 24
6.2 Sideway-force-coefficient......................................................................................................... 24

6.3 Longitudinal force coefficient ................................................................................................... 24

7 Characteristics of the measurement device ...........................................................................26

7.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 26
7.2 Required characteristics of the measurement device.............................................................. 26

7.2.1 Test wheel assembly ..................................................................................................... 27

7.2.2 Test tyre ......................................................................................................................... 27

7.2.3 Load cells ....................................................................................................................... 28

7.2.4 Water delivery system................................................................................................... 28

7.2.5 Temperature measurement .......................................................................................... 29

7.2.6 Location referencing...................................................................................................... 30

7.2.7 Data recorder ................................................................................................................ 30

7.3 Optional characteristics of the measurement device .............................................................. 30

7.3.1 Documentation of the measuring line .......................................................................... 30

7.3.2 Texture sensors ............................................................................................................. 31
8 Measurement procedure ......................................................................................................32

8.1 Skid resistance measurement .................................................................................................. 32

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

8.2 Macrotexture measurement .................................................................................................... 32

8.3 Time interval between skid resistance and texture measurement.......................................... 32

8.4 Measurement location ............................................................................................................. 32

8.5 Required test conditions .......................................................................................................... 33

8.6 Prior to testing .......................................................................................................................... 33

8.7 Testing ...................................................................................................................................... 34

9 Data Recording ....................................................................................................................35

9.1 Introduction .............................................................................................................................. 35

9.2 Parameters to register for each test section ............................................................................ 35

9.3 Parameters to be measured for each sampling length ............................................................ 35

9.4 Parameters to be recorded for each subsection length........................................................... 36

10 Measurement value correction .............................................................................................37

10.1 Temperature correction ........................................................................................................... 37
10.2 Speed correction ...................................................................................................................... 37

11 Determination of skid resistance on a harmonised scale........................................................38

11.1 General ..................................................................................................................................... 38

11.2 Calculations .............................................................................................................................. 38
11.3 Device-specific parameters ...................................................................................................... 39

11.4 Accuracy ................................................................................................................................... 40

11.5 Test report ................................................................................................................................ 41

12 Calibration and verification of the measuring devices............................................................42

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

Abbreviation Meaning


EFI European Friction Index

LFC Longitudinal (force) Friction Coefficient

SFC Sideway (force) Friction Coefficient

SRI Skid Resistance Index (=EFI)

WP (ROSANNE) Work Package


AIT Austrian Institute of Technology

ASTM American Society for Testing and Materials

BASt Bundesanstalt für Strassenwesen

CEN European Committee for Standardisation

DRD Danish Road Directorate

FEHRL Forum of European National Highway Research Laboratories

Institut Français de Sciences et Technologies des Transports, de

l’Amenagement et des Reseaux

ISO International Standards Organisation

PIARC Permanent International Association of Road Congresses

TC (CEN) Technical Committee

TRL Transport Research Laboratory

WG (CEN) Working Group

ZAG Zavod za gradbenistvo Slovenije


Harmonisation of European Routine and Research Measurement Equipment

for Skid Resistance of Roads and Runways (FEHRL project)

TYROSAFE Tyre and Road Surface Optimisation for Skid Resistance and Further Effects

Friction measurement devices

IMAG Instrument de Mesure Automatique de Glissance (FR)

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

British Pendulum Tester (BS 7976 or EN 13036-4), sometimes also known as

Skid Resistance Tester SRT

RoadSTAR Road Surface Tester of Arsenal Research (AU)

ROAR Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter

SCRIM Sideway-force Coefficient Routine Investigation Machine (UK)

Saab Friction Tester (also Surface Friction Tester, Sarsys Friction Tester,
Safegate Friction Tester or Airport Surface Friction Tester, which are brand
names used by companies producing similar devices), also compatible with the
BV11 device at VTI.

SKM Seitenkraft-Messverfahren (DE)

Skid Resistance Tester, often referring to British Pendulum Tester BPT but also
to a Polish locked wheel tester,

TRT Tatra Runway Tester

Term Definition
The Common Scale that would represent the skid resistance condition of the
road under defined reference test conditions. A generalised conversion formu-
Common Scale la would be used to convert measured values from individual machines under
their particular test conditions to equivalent values for the reference condi-
tions, i.e. to provide measurements on the Common Scale.
Applied to several different measurement methods, harmonisation is "the
adjustment of the outputs of different devices used for the measurement of a
specific phenomenon so that all devices report the same value(s) (i.e. report in
a Common Scale), except for some inaccuracy". This sense is mostly used in
the referenced literature.
Harmonisation Applied to European standards by CEN, "harmonised" standards for measure-
ments are standard methods, which all European countries have agreed to
use. In principle, CEN aims to get "one method for one property", which is
referred to as "standardisation" in this report.
Applied to the scope of ROSANNE, "harmonisation of European skid resistance
approach" is dealing with defining a Common Scale. Such harmonisation can
be achieved both through harmonisation of measurements by adjustment of
the outputs or through standardisation of measurements.

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

List of Tables
Table 1: Symbols and abbreviated terms used in this document and their value or unit .................... 17

Table 2: Specified test conditions for the calculation of the common scale - SRI ................................ 33
Table 3: Test condition to be specified by the user of the data............................................................ 33

Table 4: SRI device specific parameters – device family approach ....................................................... 39

Table 5: Reproducibility standard deviation, σR, after calibration using the full SRI approach ............ 41
Table 6: Measuring device verifications and minimum frequencies .................................................... 43

Date: 28/01/2017 Version: 1.0 9 (45)

Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

This document represents a first draft of text proposed to form the basis of a draft standard for skid
resistance measurements on paved road and airfield surfaces. This document shapes the form for
technical specifications (TS-documents) of the CEN/TS 15901 series and defines the way to introduce
the topic of the “common scale” among the several skid resistance measuring device fami-
lies/groups. A common scale will be established for each of the families/groups.
The families/groups that measure according to different main measuring principles are:
 Sideway-force coefficient measuring devices (using a test wheel set at 20° angle to the direc-
tion of measurements, with measurements at a slip ratio of 34 %),
 Longitudinal force measuring devices with low slip ratios (devices measuring at a slip ratio of
15 % -25 %, close to peak friction),
 Longitudinal force measurement with high slip ratios (devices measuring at a slip ratio of
over 60 %).
At the moment there are 16 existing TS in the CEN/TS 15901 series. Each of these describes a method
for determining the skid resistance of a paved surface, a skid resistance measuring device that oper-
ates in Europe. The number of devices of the same type differs widely: some of them operate in large
fleets and even in several countries across Europe; for some types only few devices exist while some
currently do not operate.
The existing TS procedures rely on using well-established measurement methods and specify the
detailed conditions for their use to allow the determination of characteristic values with a given ac-
curacy and for the use of the determination of the common scale for the respective families/groups.
Due to the numerous types of the skid resistance measuring devices there are several advantages to
maintain the existing system of their standardization – describing each method in the form of a tech-
nical specification in opposition to implement a single standard which includes all of them:
 Existing TSs can be maintained for an indefinite period of time;
 Long annexes of the Standard will be prevented;
 New TS can be added or removed to introduce or withdraw a single device– independently
from the existing Standard;
 Only updates of the TS’s needed not of the whole Standard.
The values derived from the common scale are intended to be used for comparing different pave-
ment types across Europe and their performance, to reduce trade barriers for device operating com-
panies and device manufacturers as well to foster innovation in the road sector.
This document has been prepared as the deliverable D1.5 within the Work Package WP1 of the EU
project ROSANNE (“Rolling resistance, Skid resistance, And Noise Emission measurement standards
for road surfaces”) and forms a proposal for a future harmonized European Standard which will be
written by WG 5 of the CEN TC 227.
The structure of the document is based on the outline structure for European skid resistance stand-
ard suggested in D1.1 and the existing TS 13036-2.

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

The main objective of ROSANNE is the harmonisation and standardisation of the measurement of
skid resistance, noise emission and rolling resistance of road pavements. The Work Package 1 where
this deliverable is linked to deals with the harmonisation of skid resistance measurements while the
other WPs handle the further surface characteristics as well as the implementation and dissemina-
tion of the results.
Controlling these road surface parameters enables road administrations to make a beneficial contri-
bution to making road transport safer and greener. Currently, the measurement methods and poli-
cies vary greatly across Europe, leading to the situation that while their importance is recognized, the
exchange of expertise and good practice among EU countries faces considerable barriers. Ultimately
this leads to barriers facing companies that wish to trade in more than one country due to the diffi-
culties in interpreting the technical requirements for the provision of goods and services (which in
this case are the supply of road surfacing materials and the provision of road survey services), and
the inefficiency of requiring different physical equipment for making measurements.
For this reason any steps forward in developing and harmonising the assessment of skid resistance,
noise emission and rolling resistance will contribute to the reduction of accidents, noise pollution
and greenhouse gas emission. Additionally it will reduce trade barriers and foster innovation in the
road construction sector. Standardisation of these methods could prove even more beneficial, pro-
vided the necessary pre-normative research is carried out.
The work in the ROSANNE project includes pre-normative research to enable the creation of new or
the improvement of existing standards and guidelines. This report forms the last deliverable (D1.5) of
Work Package 1. It summarizes the findings of the first four deliverables as well as the results derived
from the two rounds of comparison measurements among several measuring devices to form a pro-
posal for a draft European Standard where the common scale is implemented.

For historical reasons, the countries of the EU use numerous different systems to measure skid re-
sistance on their roads and they also have different approaches to defining the required level of skid
resistance as an indicator for safety. The recent TYROSAFE project identified different potential
routes to achieve harmonisation and/or eventual standardisation of these approaches. The approach
proposed in ROSANNE is to implement a combination of Route B and C of the TYROSAFE road map,
seeking a more robust approach to harmonisation of existing devices on to a common scale, while
leaving open the options of longer term standardisation.
It is clear from the earlier work that it will be difficult to accommodate all of the different existing
devices, across the full range of road and test conditions that occur, on a single common scale while
still obtaining a sufficient measurement accuracy. Therefore, if harmonisation is to be a realistic
short-term goal, it will be necessary to set boundaries to the scope of devices and/or the conditions
in which they are used. To enable these boundaries to be determined, the first task of the ROSANNE
project is to identify the purposes for which skid resistance measurements are currently used and to
determine the level of accuracy that will be necessary for the measurements to be effective and
trusted by all stakeholders (road administrations, survey services providers and road surfacing con-
tractors). Potentially, different classes of accuracy can be defined for different purposes. A particular
requirement will be the avoidance of bias between device types, otherwise the choice of a device
that produces a systematically higher or lower result could favour one stakeholder (e.g. a road sur-
facing contractor) over another (e.g. a road administration) in contractual situations.

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

The approach to harmonisation that will be followed in ROSANNE is to group the existing devices
according to the main measuring principles present. That means to group the devices with similar
characteristics, focussing mainly on continuous measurement devices but also including locked-
wheel devices (static devices are not considered).
Establishment of these groups will enable a common scale to be defined for each principle. This will
then make it possible to use any device within a given group for measurements, as results from a
device can then be converted into values on the common scale and are thus made comparable. RO-
SANNE has investigated the practicality of linking the common scales for the different groups of de-
vices identified but, based on previous harmonisation attempts, it is accepted that any “overarching”
common scale will provide a lower level of accuracy.
The degree of accuracy required for different uses of skid resistance data will define the maximum
uncertainty that can be tolerated within a harmonised common scale. This overall uncertainty in-
cludes various sources of error, including the precision of different devices of the same type and var-
iation in a number of external factors that influence skid resistance measurements. Minimising these
sources of error through future improvements to the design of equipment, effective quality control
procedures and careful planning of survey procedures will also improve the chances of successful
harmonisation and need to be considered during the development of the Draft Standard(s).

Date: 28/01/2017 Version: 1.0 12 (45)

Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

1 Scope
This Standard describes methods for determining the skid resistance of the pavement surface of a
road or airfield and the method to determine the skid resistance on a harmonised scale.
Devices measuring skid resistance can be classified into two groups according to their measuring
 Sideway-force, generated by a free rotating wheel which is set at an angle with respect to
the driving direction;
 Longitudinal friction, generated by a locked wheel or a wheel which rotates at a lower speed
than the vehicle speed, in line with the moving direction of the vehicle. The devices where
the measuring wheel operates with lower speed than the device can be subdivided in low
slip and high slip longitudinal devices.

This Standard defines the sideway force principle, the longitudinal friction principle and the measur-
ing conditions for determining the skid resistance of a pavement surface. It applies to devices with a
Technical Specification (TS) for the relevant device group, but could also apply to devices without a
current TS but that these would either have to develop a TS (or something equivalent) that defines
the key device properties and operating procedures, and also participate in a trial to determine the
calibration coefficients (a, b & B).
Furthermore it describes a process for comparing the friction results obtained with devices which
operate by the sideway force or the longitudinal force principle, but with variations in the measuring
conditions. By following the procedure in chapter 11, it allows sideway-force coefficients and longi-
tudinal-force coefficients determined by different dynamic methods to be expressed on a common
scale, namely the Skid Resistance Index (SRI).
This standard excludes surfaces covered with snow and ice or any other substance other than water.
It also excludes road marking surfaces.

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

2 Normative References
The following documents, in whole or in part, are normatively referenced in this document and are
indispensable for its application. For dated references, only the edition cited applies. For undated
references, the latest edition of the referenced document (including any amendments) applies.
CEN/TS 15901-1: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 1: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal fixed slip ratio (LFCS): RoadSTAR
CEN/TS 15901-2: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 2: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCRNL): ROAR
(Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter)
CEN/TS 15901-3: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 3: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCA): The ADHERA
CEN/TS 15901-4: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 4: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of pavements using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCT): Tatra Runway Tester
CEN/TS 15901-5: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 5: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCRDK): ROAR
(Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter)
CEN/TS 15901-6: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 6: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the sideway force coefficient (SFCS): SCRIM®
CEN/TS 15901-7: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 7: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal fixed slip ratio (LFCG): the
CEN/TS 15901-8: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 8: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the sideway-force coefficient (SFCD): SKM
CEN/TS 15901-9: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 9: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient (LFCD):
DWWNL skid resistance trailer
CEN/TS 15901-10: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 10: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal block measurement (LFCSK):
the Skiddometer BV-8
CEN/TS 15901-11: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 11: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal block measurement (LFCSR):
the SRM
CEN/TS 15901-12: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 12: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip: the BV 11 and
Saab friction tester (SFT)
CEN/TS 15901-13: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 13: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of a sideway force coefficient (SFCO): the
CEN/TS 15901-14: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 14: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCN):
ViaFriction (Road Analyser and Recorder of ViaTech AS)

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

CEN/TS 15901-15: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 15: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCI): The
EN ISO 13473-1: Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles - Part 1: Determina-
tion of Mean Profile Depth

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

3 Recommended uses
The described procedures are suitable for use for the following applications:
 investigation of pavement surface skid resistance;
 measurements for project-level/scheme compliance;
 monitoring of road networks (for Pavement Management purposes) and airfield condition;
 approval of new surfacing;
 measurements for assessment of circumstances of traffic accidents;
 comparative measurements among different devices;
 measurements for research purposes;
 testing of measuring parts, e.g. tyres.

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

4 Symbols, terms and definitions

4.1 Symbols
Table 1: Symbols and abbreviated terms used in this document and their value or unit
Symbol Value/unit Explanation
SRI - Skid resistance value reported against the common scale
a - Device-specific calibration parameters
b - Device-specific calibration parameters
B - Device-specific calibration parameters
F - Measured skid resistance value
S km/h Vehicle operating speed
SREF km/h Reference speed at which SRI values are reported – 60 km/h
S0 - Speed gradient of the skid resistance values, related to the sur-
face texture
MPD mm Mean Profile Depth, a measure to surface texture

4.2 Terms and definitions

For the purposes of this document, the following terms and definitions apply:

4.2.1 calibration
periodic adjustment of the offset, the gain and the linearity of the output of a measurement method
so that all the calibrated devices of a particular type deliver the same value within a known and ac-
cepted range of uncertainty, when measuring under identical conditions within given boundaries or
range of parameters, e.g. speed, texture, wetting, temperature
NOTE The method of calibration of devices used to produce a Skid Resistance Index is given in chap-
ter 12.

4.2.2 contact area

overall area of the road surface instantaneously in contact with a tyre
NOTE This term describes the overall area generally covered by the tyre. Due to the effects of sur-
face texture or any tyre tread pattern, not all of the tyre or road surface in the contact area
may be in contact at any instant.

4.2.3 friction
resistance to relative motion between two bodies in contact
NOTE 1: The frictional force is the force which acts tangentially in the contact area.
NOTE 2: Friction is essential for a safe grip between vehicle and surface. Surfaces can be in different
conditions and of different types, which can lead to varying friction. Another important fac-
tor is the climate and weather conditions that indeed affect the friction.
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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

4.2.4 friction measuring device

device that measures the frictional force acting tangentially in the contact area
NOTE The results from the friction measuring device are commonly known as a "friction value".

4.2.5 horizontal force, sideway-force

force acting horizontally, perpendicular to a freely rotating, angled test wheel or wheel with a certain

4.2.6 macrotexture
deviation of a pavement surface from a true planar surface with characteristic dimensions along the
surface of 0,5 mm to 50 mm, corresponding to texture wavelengths with one-third-octave bands
including the range 0,63 mm to 50 mm of centre wavelengths
NOTE 1: Peak to peak amplitudes normally vary in the range 0,1 mm to 20 mm.
NOTE 2: This type of texture has wavelengths of the same order of size as the tyre-tread elements. It
is normally produced by suitable proportioning of the aggregate and mortar of the mix or
by surface treatments. It is a major factor influencing skid resistance at high speeds but it
also has an effect at low speeds.

4.2.7 Mean Profile Depth, MPD

descriptor of macrotexture obtained from a texture profile measurement, as defined in EN ISO

4.2.8 nearside wheel path

wheel path that is closest to the edge of the road in the normal direction of travel
NOTE: For countries that normally drive on the right, this is the right-hand side and for countries
that normally drive on the left, this is the left-hand side.

4.2.9 microtexture
deviation of a pavement surface from a true planar surface with characteristic dimensions along the
surface of less than 0,5 mm, corresponding to texture wavelengths with one-third-octave bands with
up to 0,5 mm of centre wavelengths
NOTE 1: Peak to peak amplitudes normally vary in the range 0,001 mm to 0,5 mm.
NOTE 2: Those devices that utilize a relatively low slip speed measure primarily the component of
friction affected by microtexture. Microtexture makes the surface feel harsh but is normally
too small to be observed with the unaided eye. It is produced by the surface characteristics
of the individual aggregate or other particles that come into direct contact with the tyre. It
is a primary component in skid resistance at low speeds.

4.2.10 network level

a network level survey provides data for the whole road network. Network level surveys are usually
performed to identify road lengths that need maintenance.

4.2.11 operating speed

speed at which the device traverses the surface
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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

4.2.12 project / scheme level

a project level measurement provides detailed data for a specific length (or lengths) on the road
network. Project level surveys are usually performed when a need for maintenance has been identi-
fied, or where a network level survey has suggested that further investigation is a requirement.

4.2.13 Repeatability; r
maximum difference expected between two measurements made by the same device, with the same
tyre, using the same crew on the same section of road in a short space of time, with a probability of
95 %

4.2.14 Reproducibility; R
maximum difference expected between two measurements made by different devices with different
tyres using different crews on the same section of road in a short space of time, with a probability of
95 %

4.2.15 sampling length

distance over which responses of the sensors are sampled to determine a single measurement of the
recorded variables

4.2.16 skid resistance

characterisation of the friction of a road surface when measured in accordance with a standardised
NOTE 1: Numerous factors contribute to skid resistance, in particular:
 physical properties of specific friction measuring devices − the contact pressure, contact
area, tread pattern and rubber composition of the tyre, or slider in the case of some test
 slip speed of the tyre/slider over the surface and the vehicle speed;
 surface conditions, i.e. wet or dry, clean or contaminated surface, as well as air and wa-
ter temperature;
 surface texture characteristics of the road surface, i.e. the microtexture and macrotex-
ture of the surface.
If these factors are held constant for a particular measuring device, or if the conditions of
test are standardized, the skid resistance of the surface can be determined.
NOTE 2: The skid resistance of a road surface may vary with seasonal changes. Generally, wet skid
resistance is higher in winter and lower in summer. The effects of wet detritus, effects of
frost and wear by tyres on microtexture and macrotexture, dry polishing by tyres in the
presence of fine detritus, accumulation of dust and dirt and the temperature at the mo-
ment of measurement vary over the seasons and have an influence on the measurement
NOTE 3: The change in skid resistance of a surface in service is affected by the volume of traffic and
the composition of the traffic, i.e. cars, buses, commercial vehicles of different sizes, as the
tyres of these vehicles polish and/or wear away the surfacing material in different ways.
The geometry of the road will affect the change in skid resistance. Generally, tyres polish
less on straight roads than on bends.

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NOTE 4: Where the surface contains aggregate with a coating of binder, e.g. bitumen, resin or Port-
land cement, the skid resistance will change as the coating is worn away by tyres.
NOTE 5: Skid resistance is a particular friction characteristic. Devices for measuring this surface
characteristic may be known as skid resistance or friction measuring devices.

4.2.17 Skid Resistance Index - Sideway-force (SRI-SF)

Performance indicator of skid resistance based on measurements performed by friction measuring
devices that comply with the parts of the TS 15901-series for SFC-devices and this standard, coeffi-
cients for the respective device families are available to calculate the SRI-SF as well as whose correla-
tion with the SRI-SF is determined.
NOTE: The SRI-SF is intended to facilitate objective comparison of surfaces, and is based on friction
and macrotexture measurements and subsequent calculations. The friction measured with a
particular device is combined with corresponding macrotexture data as well as pre-
determined device-related constants representing most devices used in Europe, normalized
to a certain speed, to estimate the Skid Resistance Index.

4.2.18 Skid Resistance Index - Longitudinal-force (SRI-LF)

Performance indicator of skid resistance based on measurements performed by friction measuring
devices that comply with the parts of the TS 15901-series for LFC-devices and this standard, coeffi-
cients for the respective device families are available to calculate the SRI-LF as well as whose correla-
tion with the SRI-LF is determined.
NOTE: The SRI-LF is intended to facilitate objective comparison of surfaces, and is based on friction
and macrotexture measurements and subsequent calculations. The friction measured with a
particular device is combined with corresponding macrotexture data as well as pre-
determined device-related constants representing most devices used in Europe, normalized
to a certain speed, to estimate the Skid Resistance Index.

4.2.19 Sideway-force coefficient; SFC

equal to the horizontal force (sideway-force) divided by the vertical force (load), obtained in accord-
ance with the parts of the TS 15901-series for these devices and expressed to two decimal places
NOTE: SFC values depend upon the operating speed. Testing should be carried out at a specified

4.2.20 Longitudinal-force coefficient; LFC

equal to the horizontal force (longitudinal-force) divided by the vertical force (load), obtained in ac-
cordance with the parts of the TS 15901-series for these devices and expressed to two decimal places
NOTE: LFC values depend upon the operating speed. Testing should be carried out at a specified

4.2.21 slip angle

angle between the mid-plane of the test tyre and the direction of travel projected on the contact
surface. A positive angle is considered as toe-in.

4.2.22 slip ratio

slip speed divided by the operating speed

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NOTE: This may be expressed in tables or reports as a percentage but in any calculation, as part of
the procedure of the Technical Specification, its decimal value should be used.

4.2.23 slip speed

relative speed between the tyre and the travelled surface in the contact area

4.2.24 subsection length

defined length of surface for which one set of the measured variables is reported by the device
NOTE 1: Different applications may require different subsections depending on the context of the
measurements, such as 1 m, 5 m, 10 m, 20 m, 50 m or 100 m.
NOTE 2: For the calculation of the common scale – SRI – the subsection length shall be at least 10 m.

4.2.25 target speed

desired operating speed, a fixed value normally in the range between 40 km/h and 80km/h, specified
by client.

4.2.26 reference speed

vehicle operating speed – 60 km/h – for the determination of the SRI (common scale).

4.2.27 test section

length of pavement between defined points (e.g. location references, specific features, or measured
distances) comprising a number of subsections over which a continuous sequence of measurements
is made

4.2.28 theoretical water film thickness

theoretical thickness of the water film deposited by the water delivery system, assuming the surface
has zero texture depth.
NOTE: The water film thickness is called ― theoretical‖ because it means the thickness on a perfect-
ly dense, smooth and horizontal pavement. The actual water film thickness depends on the
pavement on which it is applied. For example on porous pavements the water depth is de-
pending on the porosity of the pavement.

4.2.29 water delivery system

system for depositing a given amount of water in front of the test tyre so that it then passes between
the tyre and the surface being measured

4.2.30 water flow rate

rate at which water is deposited on the surface to be measured in front of the test tyre, expressed in
litres per second (l/s)
NOTE: The water flow rate is determined by the theoretical water film thickness required, the vehi-
cle operating speed, and width over which the water is applied, which must be at least equal
to the width of the contact area

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4.2.31 wheel path

parts of the pavement surface where the majority of vehicle wheel passes are concentrated
NOTE 1: The wheel path is not a fixed location on a pavement surface. On a worn pavement, the
wheel path is usually easily identified visually. On a newly laid surface, the position of the
wheel path should be estimated by experienced device operators.
NOTE 2: For special circumstances such as acceptance tests, a particular path may be defined, for
example, (700 ± 150) mm from the edge of the running lane of a road.

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5 Safety
Appropriate safety measures shall be in place to maintain a safe working area in accordance with
regulations, including measures to control traffic as necessary.
All devices should be operated safely and fitted with safety devices in accordance with the relevant
procedures and regulations.

NOTE: The wetting of surfaces can have an effect on other users of the site and every effort should
be made to ensure that they do not have to make any sudden changes in speed or direction.

When measuring skid resistance on trafficked roads the device may operate at speeds different to
normal road speeds and as a result can create a hazard to other road users. The test speed specified
when calling for tests in accordance with this standard should take this into account.
Testing should not be carried out if there is a risk of water freezing on the pavement.
Most devices are fitted with a test wheel on one side only, positioned for testing in the nearside
wheel path of their home country. Such devices cannot normally be used to test in the other wheel
path without straddling the edge of the lane and should not be used so unless there is sufficient
room to do so safely and appropriate safety measures regarding other traffic are taken. Some devic-
es are fitted with a test wheel on both sides.

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6 Basic principles of the procedure for characterization skid re-

sistance of road surfaces
6.1 General
Existing skid resistance measuring devices can be grouped according to the orientation of the meas-
uring wheel into:
 sideway-force measurement devices and
 longitudinal-force measurement devices.

6.2 Sideway-force-coefficient
This paragraph describes the minimum requirements for any device using the sideway-force princi-
ple. More detailed and additional specifications for specific devices are set-out in the parts of the TS
15901-series for these devices.
These devices operate on the sideway-force principle using a freely rotating test wheel with its verti-
cal plane derived at a certain fixed angle of at least 15° to the longitudinal plane of the test vehicle.
When the vehicle moves forward, the test wheel slides or slips across the pre-wetted pavement sur-
face. The force generated by the resistance to sliding is related to the wet pavement skid resistance
of the surface.

The test wheel is fitted with a rubber tyre and is applied to the road surface under a known vertical
load, where the contact pressure is representative for a motorized vehicle. A controlled flow of water
wets the road surface immediately in front of the test wheel. The horizontal force on the wheel is
measured. The sideway-force coefficient is defined as the division of the horizontal force by the ver-
tical force. The vertical force on the wheel may be measured or is taken as the static vertical load.
NOTE: Vertical load measurement is preferable at section lengths shorter than 20 m as it reduces
the variability in the SFC value arising from dynamic changes in the vertical force during
measurements. These can arise from changes in vehicle speed and direction or pavement

6.3 Longitudinal force coefficient

This paragraph describes the minimum requirements for any device using the longitudinal-force prin-
ciple. More detailed and additional specifications for specific devices are set-out in the parts of the
TS 15901-series for these devices.

These devices operate on the longitudinal-force principle using a freely rotating test wheel with its
vertical plane derived at a certain fixed slip between it and the speed of travel along a pavement
surface. Depending on the slip ration the LFC-devices can be divided in
 LFC-devices with low slip ratios (devices with 15-25 % slip, close to peak friction)
 LFC-devices with high slip ratios (devices with over 60 % slip)
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When the vehicle moves forward, the test wheel slides or slips across the pre-wetted pavement sur-
face. The force generated by the resistance to sliding is related to the wet pavement skid resistance
of the surface.
The test wheel is fitted with a rubber tyre and is applied to the road surface under a known vertical
load, where the contact pressure is representative for a motorized vehicle. A controlled flow of water
wets the road surface immediately in front of the test wheel. The horizontal force on the wheel is
measured. The longitudinal-force coefficient is defined as the division of the horizontal force by the
vertical force. The vertical force on the wheel may be measured or is taken as the static vertical load.

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7 Characteristics of the measurement device

7.1 General
The minimum requirements for a device to measure the sideway-force or the longitudinal-force coef-
ficient and to ensure a good repeatability and reproducibility are listed below.
The test equipment shall include the following features:

 test wheel assembly;

 test tyre;

 load cells to measure horizontal force and as recommended the dynamic vertical forces;

 water delivery system;

 temperature measurements (pavement surface thermometer and as recommended water
temperature thermometer);

 location referencing (distance and speed measuring system, maybe also including a GPS-
 data recorder.

Optional and recommended features for enhanced interpretation of the measurements are:
 equipment for the documentation of the measuring line (e.g. distance between the measur-
ing line and the road marking);

 instruments for measuring the texture parameters of the road surface to calculate various
indices (e.g. MPD for calculating the common scale).

This Standard refers to the measuring devices specified in the several parts of the TS 15901-series.
Detailed specifications about the individual skid resistance measuring devices are given in the Tech-
nical Specifications.

7.2 Required characteristics of the measurement device

To contribute to the SRI common scale or to report in SRI units a skid resistance measuring device
needs to meet the essential characteristics and to follow the requirements listed in the sub-chapters
below. These characteristics are independent from the operating principle of the device or the device

All the following characteristics are described in more details in the TS 15901-series of the several

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7.2.1 Test wheel assembly

The test wheel shall be mounted within an assembly that is free to move vertically when in contact
with the surface, to minimise the effects of vehicle chassis movements and its influence on the verti-
cal load. The mass of the test wheel assembly shall provide a static vertical load with the test wheel
in its operating position and measured in the tyre-pavement contact area. The combination of verti-
cal load and wheel contact area shall provide a contact pressure which is representative for motor-
ized vehicle. Devices equipped with a load cell to measure the vertical force shall account for the
weight of those parts of the wheel assembly that are located under the load cell.

The vehicle respectively the trailer containing the test wheel assembly shall have an appropriate
mass and road-holding to ensure stability and sufficient counterforce during the measurements.

The rim size shall correspond to the dimensions established in the corresponding parts of the TS
15901 and shall provide sufficient lateral stiffness.

NOTE 1: The weight of the rim is included in the total mass of the wheel assembly.
NOTE 2: The size of the test wheel has a direct influence on the operating temperature of the test
tyre. The smaller the wheel, the higher the temperature in the test wheel.

The camber of the test wheel shall be 0° ± 1.0° and the slip angles for the SFC-devices respectively
the slip ratio for the LFC-devices are established in the respective parts of the TS 15901-series and
shall not differ from these specifications. A mechanism shall be provided for raising and lowering the
test wheel assembly to and from the ground (road surface) with the vehicle in movement.
The test wheel assembly shall protected to prevents any impacts which can influence or damage the
measuring wheel as well as any other external equipment, devices and/or persons. This can be
achieved by e.g. enclosing the measuring wheel or protecting it by a side under-ride guard protection

7.2.2 Test tyre

The device manufacturer shall select a suitable measuring tyre for the device. The measuring tyres
for the devices with their dimensions, type of thread (smooth or ribbed), rubber parameters, tyre
pressure and maybe checking procedures of the tyres are listed in the Technical Specification for
each device (TS 15901-series).

If any QA procedures in the TS of the respective measuring devices are documented, they shall be
followed. Otherwise the following aspects need to be taken into account selecting test tyres:
 All tyres shall carry a unique identification number, a mark to identify the manufacturer and
be stamped with the date of manufacture (week and year).
 All tyres will be certified, by the manufacturer or other body, as meeting the requirements of
its specification in the Technical Specification of the measuring device.
 Lifetime of the tyres shall be limited – max 2 years after production or depending on the
wear or any damage (like deep grooves).

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 The reproducibility of the test tyres between several batches and within one batch need to
be guaranteed.
 Measuring the hardness and if necessary the resilience of the new respectively unused test
tyre, the results shall be registered to ensure that there are no changes (between batches or
within a batch) – limits including tolerances for hardness and if necessary the resilience need
to be defined for each type of test tyre.
 Defining the conditions for storing of the tyres - tyres shall be stored vertically on racks in a
cool, dry and dark environment. Exposure to high concentrations of ozone should be avoided
(e.g. rooms with laser printers or photocopiers).
 For breaks in operation lasting more than one month, the tyre shall be stored as described
 Prior to measurements, a new test tyre will be conditioned, according to the specifications of
the device manufacturer. If no specifications are given, 20 km of run in distance is considered
as sufficient.
 Prior to each measurement or after a break of longer than 15 minutes the test tyre need to
be warmed up before conducting measurements. The specifications are given in the TS
15901-series for each measuring device. If no specifications are given, at least 0.5 km of
warming-up distance is considered as sufficient.
 The operator shall maintain a record of the tyres, including at least the tyre identification
number and the declared and measured rubber properties as mentioned above.
 Tyres not fulfilling any of the requirements shall be discarded.

Additional to the up to date tests of rubber hardness and resilience further tests like comparison
measurements of several tyres may give more necessary information about the tyre behaviour than
the other tests.

7.2.3 Load cells

Horizontal forces on the test wheel shall be measured by a load cell. A vertical load cell to measure
the dynamic vertical forces acting on the wheel is recommended. Both the horizontal and (optional)
vertical load cell shall have a working range of at least 2 times the vertical static load and be capable
of withstanding overloads of at least 50 % of the rated working range.
The total combined error (which includes hysteresis and non-linearity) shall be less than ± 0.1 % of
the static vertical load, and less than 2 N considering the full load range.

The detailed information about the load cells like working range, errors etc. can be found in the TS
15901-series for each measuring device.

7.2.4 Water delivery system

The pavement shall be wetted via a water delivery system located directly in front of the test wheel
over its line of travel. The water supply shall be activated prior to lowering of the measurement
wheel and disabled after the wheel is raised.

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The theoretical water film thickness shall be as specified in the TS15901-series for each device. The
water delivery system must allow adjustment of the water flow rate to achieve this value at all oper-
ating speeds at which measurements are provided.
The water delivery system shall ensure that the contact area of the wheel is wetted at all time, re-
gardless of the wind or air gusts caused by traffic.

The water flow required to achieve the theoretical water film thickness can be calculated by the fol-
lowing equation:
q=d×w×S Equation 1

 q = flow rate in litres per second
 d = the theoretical water film thickness in mm, established at 0.5 mm.
 w = the width of the wetted area
 S = the operation speed, expressed in metres per second

The actual water flow for the target speed shall not be less than 95 % and not be more than 115 % of
the target value q.

The water used for testing shall be reasonably clean, free of suspended solids, oil and salt and have
no added chemicals such as wetting agents or detergents.

7.2.5 Temperature measurement

Due to the influence they exert on measurement results, the pavement surface temperature shall be
measured continuously, and the measurement of the water temperature is recommended. The
pavement temperature shall be measured in line with the contact area of the test wheel, in front of
the water delivery system. The temperature of the applied water, if applicable, shall be measured
near the water outlet of the water tank.

Measurement of surface temperature shall cover the range 0°C to 60°C, with measurement accuracy
of 1.5°C and resolution of 1.0°C.
Measurement of water temperature shall cover the range 0°C to 50°C, with measurement accuracy
of 0.5°C and resolution of 0.1°C.
More details about the temperature measurement can be found in the TS 15901-series of the meas-
uring devices.

NOTE: Temperature corrections improve the accuracy and reproducibility of skid resistance meas-
urements. In order to develop temperature corrections and to improve the precision of exist-
ing correction equations, it is necessary to obtain large datasets of temperature – friction

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7.2.6 Location referencing

The system shall incorporate the following features to enable location referencing of the recorded
 Measurement of elapsed distance travelled from the start of the survey. The maximum per-
missible error in measuring distance travelled is 0.5 % during tests on flat stretches at con-
stant speed.
 Automatic or manual input location reference points.

More details and further information about the location referencing can be found in the TS 15901-
series of the measuring devices.
Furthermore the measuring device shall be able to conduct measurements with the given measuring
speed independent from the topography of the road. The allowed tolerances of the mean value with-
in a sub-section (e.g. 100 m-section) shall not be bigger than ±10 km/h. More details and specifica-
tions can be found in the TS 15901-series of the measuring devices.
To support the idea of a continuous documentation of the measuring line including the documenta-
tion of the road, direction of the measurements etc. in connection with all the measured values it’s
recommended to use a GPS-system for an adequate documentation.

7.2.7 Data recorder

A data recorder shall be provided to measure and record data in accordance with the requirements
of Clause 7 of this Standard as well as the TS 15901-series of the measuring devices.

The data recorder shall enable the operator to view the data as they are collected, to insert manual
input location referencing points and to insert user defined codes.

NOTE: User defined codes are required to enable the operator to indicate lengths of invalid data,
including as a result of the tyre warming up, or deviation from the intended test line, or
where the pavement surface is contaminated.

If vertical load is measured, it shall be synchronised with the horizontal force measurements.

7.3 Optional characteristics of the measurement device

Some characteristics respectively sensors are currently not really necessary to conduct measure-
ments according the several parts of the TS 15901-series. But due to improvements of the repeatabil-
ity and reproducibility as well as the calculation of the common scale SRI, further installations respec-
tively sensors to the devices, are recommended. These are described in the following sub-chapters.

7.3.1 Documentation of the measuring line

While the measuring line has a high impact on the measured values it is recommended to conduct
measurements in a given measuring line within defined limits. The relevant parameter for the defini-
tion of the measuring line is the distance between the middle of the measuring tyre in the contact
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area and the left edge of the road marking on the right side of the lane (for right-hand driving coun-
tries; for left-hand driving countries it is the right edge of the road marking on the left side of the
This system comprises sensors, value recording equipment and a display unit indicating any neces-
sary steering corrections to the driver.

The sensor should have a measurement range of at least 1.20 m with regard to the middle of the
measuring tyre in the contact area.
The system for documentation of the measuring line should have a resolution of 1 cm. Values meas-
ured during static tests shall have a maximum deviation of 2 cm from a given value. Deviations from
the given measuring line should be indicated to the driver with an adequate resolution.
Clearance data should be updated at least every 5 m and recorded continuously.

7.3.2 Texture sensors

The indicator of the surface macro texture – the MPD-value – need to be taken into account during
the measurements, while beside the measured values and the device specific parameters the MPD-
value of the measured section is needed to calculate the SRI as a common scale index.

It is recommended that the skid resistance measuring devices have an additional sensor to measure
the MPD as indicator for the macro texture of the surface. The sensor shall be installed before the
road surface wetting unit and in the same line as the measuring tyre. The measurement of the MPD
as well as the calculation shall follow the specification given in the ISO 13473-1.

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8 Measurement procedure
8.1 Skid resistance measurement
The skid resistance of the surface at the time of test is reported as the friction measurement carried
out by a device complying with one of the part of the TS 15901-series, including the additional speci-
fications of this standard. In order to report a skid resistance common scale - SRI - under this stand-
ard, the required test conditions mentioned in this standard shall be considered as the minimum to
comply with.

8.2 Macrotexture measurement

Due to the fact that for the calculation of the common scale SRI the information about the surface
texture is needed, the macrotexture measurements are required. These shall be carried out in ac-
cordance with EN ISO 13473-1 on a dry (depending on the measuring equipment damp/moist may be
acceptable) pavement on the same location of the skid resistance measurements and also in the
same measuring line.

8.3 Time interval between skid resistance and texture measurement

It’s recommended to conduct the texture measurements at the same time as the skid resistance
measurements. That means that both sensors are installed on one device. If this is not the case the
texture measurement should be conducted on the same day as the skid resistance measurements,
preferably before the skid resistance measurements. If this is not possible the texture measurements
shall be carried out within 24 hours before or after the skid resistance measurements, but only if
there is no impact due to weather conditions (e.g. rain) to the surface texture.

8.4 Measurement location

Under normal circumstances the skid resistance as well as the macrotexture measurements shall be
taken along a line nominally in the nearside wheel path of a lane. The actual distance from the edge
will vary. An additional system may be installed to monitor the transverse distance from the nearest
longitudinal road marking. The transverse location of all tests shall be defined and reported.
NOTE 1: Other transverse locations may need to be measured for example to demonstrate that a
surface is consistent transversely when first constructed.

NOTE 2: The locations for testing airfield pavements may be given in ICAO International Standards
and recommended practices: Annex 14 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation.

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8.5 Required test conditions

The required test conditions for the several measurement devices are given in the respective parts of
the TS 15901-series for the devices.

Additional, specified test conditions required for the calculation of the common scale – SRI – are
given in Table 2 . The conditions to be specified by the user of the data are given in Table 3.
Table 2: Specified test conditions for the calculation of the common scale - SRI
Pavement surface temperature ≥ 5 °C and ≤ 50 °C

Water temperature > 5 °C and < 35 °C

Operating speed 40 km/h to 80 km/h; reference speed: 60 km/h

Pavement status reasonably clean

Sampling length ≤1 m

Table 3: Test condition to be specified by the user of the data

Subsection length For the calculation of the common scale – SRI – the
subsection length shall be at least 10 m.
e.g. 10 m, 20 m, 50 m or 100 m

Position of measurement normally nearside wheel path

The target speed shall be set and maintained constant for each road section. The mean value of the
operating speed within a subsection (e.g. 100 m) shall not deviate from the target speed more than
10 km/h. A stricter interval may be set by the client.

NOTE 1: Measurements should not be made when rainfall significantly increases the depth of water
applied by the friction measuring device.

NOTE 2: Road section with curves, intersections, roundabouts should be assigned an adequate tar-
get speed which can, under normal traffic circumstances, be met by the measuring device.

8.6 Prior to testing

The test vehicle must be maintained in a legal and roadworthy condition.

Prior to testing the following checks are necessary, if these are not listed in the parts of the TS 15901-
series for the respective devices:

 Check the test tyre pressure and wear;

 Check mechanical components of the test wheel assembly for wear or for excessive play;
 Inspect the water flow system for position of nozzle, obstruction or damage to the system;

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 As appropriate for the particular recorder, set the recording system for the required subsec-
tion length.
 Bring the tyre to a stable operating temperature by measuring for at least 0.5 km prior to a
test section. The parts of the TS 15901-series may require longer run-in distances according
to the properties of the test tyre, than these are relevant for measurements.

8.7 Testing
Adjust the vehicle operating speed and driving line to achieve the target speed and position of meas-
urement specified for the test section. Road traffic regulations (for instance, applicable speed limits)
and the safety of the test vehicle and other road users must always be observed in this process.

NOTE 1: The target speed and position of measurement will be defined by the user of the data de-
pending upon his specific requirements. The target speed is not necessarily the same as the
speed used for the purposes of analysing the results for which the values may need to be
During the test the operator should monitor speed, measuring line and recorded values. The opera-
tor may also insert codes to indicate a deviation from the test line or other conditions that could
affect the validity of the readings.
NOTE 2: Usually the path taken by the test wheel should follow the nearside wheel path or the path
taken by normal vehicular flow (in particular the path taken by heavy goods vehicles), re-
spectively the given measuring line by the user of the data.

On completion of the test section, after the final reference point, stop the recorder and raise the test
Further information about testing requirements for the individual measuring devices can be found in
the parts of the TS 15901-series.

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9 Data Recording
9.1 Introduction
During a measurement, the parameters defined in 9.2 must be registered for each test section. The
parameters defined in 9.3 shall be measured for each sampling length.
Either during the test, or after post processing, the parameters defined in 9.4 must be recorded for
successive subsections.

Independently of the selected test section length, raw data without filters or corrections shall be
recorded for each sampling length and stored for future post-processing.

9.2 Parameters to register for each test section

As a minimum the following parameters are to be registered at the start of each measurement. Data
may be recorded as header in the data file related to 9.4 or as a separate file which can be unambig-
uously related to the main data file.

 Identification of the road section,

 Identification of the measuring device,
 Identification of the driver and the operator (if applicable),
 Units used for the recorded parameters,
 Sampling length,
 Date and time of the start of the measurement,
 Weather conditions,
Note: list of weather conditions (sunny and dry, drying, rainy).

9.3 Parameters to be measured for each sampling length

As a minimum, the following parameters are to be measured for each sampling length:
 Operating speed and/or elapsed time,
 Elapsed distance travelled from start of measurements,
 Horizontal force,
 Vertical force (if measured),
 Calculated SFC or LFC coefficient as a quotient of the horizontal force and the vertical force
(if measured) or the static vertical force; length expressed as a number with at least 2 deci-
mal places,
 Pavement temperature,
 Water temperature (if measured),
 Average MPD-value (if recorded directly with the measuring device or with an external de-

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to CEN TC 227/WG5

Note: Texture data are measured and MPD-values are calculated according to the ISO 13473-
1, due to this the MPD sampling length is 100 mm; all single values within the sampling
length need to be recorded, to demonstrate the homogeneity of the surface

These data shall be used to determine the relevant parameters specified in section 9.4 and may op-
tionally be output by the device as raw data.

9.4 Parameters to be recorded for each subsection length

The following parameters are required to be measured or calculated at least for each subsection
length and output by the device:
 Elapsed distance travelled from start of measurements at the start of the subsection length,
 Average horizontal force,
 Average vertical force (if measured),
 SFC or LFC calculated as the average of the quotient of the horizontal force and the vertical
force (if measured) or the static vertical force in each sampling length expressed as a number
with at least 2 decimal places,
 Average operating speed,
 Average pavement surface temperature,
 Average water temperature (if measured),
 Average MPD-value (if recorded directly with the measuring device or with an external de-

Speed shall be recorded to an accuracy of ± 1 km/h and recorded in kilometres per hour (km/h) to
the nearest 1 km/h.

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10 Measurement value correction

10.1 Temperature correction
Temperature corrections depend on the rubber properties of the measuring tyre.

Corrections may be performed following the respective parts of the TS 15901-series of the measuring
device. These corrections can be applied for deviations of surface temperature and/or water tem-
perature from the reference value but within the specified test condition in Table 2.

In case temperature corrections are applied, this shall be clearly indicated in the measuring report, as
well as the applied correction formula.

10.2 Speed correction

Speed corrections shall not be applied if the friction values are used on the common friction scale
Speed corrections shall not be used for speed deviations of more than 10 km/h off the target speed.
Corrections may be performed following the respective parts of the TS 15901-series of the measuring
In case speed corrections are applied, this shall be clearly indicated in the measuring report, as well
as the applied correction formula.

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to CEN TC 227/WG5

11 Determination of skid resistance on a harmonised scale

11.1 General
The common scale as SRI (skid resistance index) can be calculated for the different device classes of
the skid resistance measuring devices, namely sideway-force device and longitudinal force devices
(divided in low and high slip devices). This process allows a comparison of friction results obtained
with devices which operate by the sideway force or the longitudinal force principle, but determined
by different dynamic methods to be expressed on a common scale, namely the Skid Resistance Index

The analysis undertaken in ROSANNE was based on uncorrected data (i.e. no temperature or speed
correction) from the devices and therefore the aspect of these corrections on the SRI was not ex-
plored. Due to this there should be no speed correction, as speed dependency is accounted for in the
SRI calculation, when calculating using the SRI. The temperature correction if necessary should be
applied to the SRI value.
The calibration coefficients listed in Table 4 are based on the raw data that means without any correc-

11.2 Calculations
For the calculation of the SRI the following equations should be used:
𝑺𝑺𝑺 = 𝑩 ∙ 𝑭 ∙ 𝒆 𝑺𝟎 Equation 2

𝑺𝟎 = 𝒂 ∙ 𝑴𝑴𝑴𝒃 Equation 3

 SRI is the skid resistance value reported against the common scale
 a, b, and B are device-specific calibration parameters
 F is the measured skid resistance value (raw data without any correction)
 S is the vehicle operating speed
 SREF is the reference speed at which SRI values are reported
 S0 represents the speed gradient of the skid resistance values, related to the surface texture
 MPD is the Mean Profile Depth, a measure of the surface texture

Where measurements are conducted at the reference speed then S - SREF = 0 and Equation 1 simpli-
fies to:
𝑺𝑺𝑺 = 𝑩 ∙ 𝑭 Equation 4
The reference speed SREF should normally be set to 60 km/h.

NOTE: This is the simplest possible form of harmonisation since, at the reference speed it is not
necessary to account for the complex variation in friction measurements when the test speed

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changes. It is therefore the approach likely to obtain the best accuracy. Devices that are well-
behaved in relation to a Common Scale will be those that can be accurately related to the
reference skid resistance value in a linear manner with zero intercept.

The SFC-devices will report the common scale as SRI-SF while the LFC-devices will report the common
scale as SRI-LFC. The common scale for the LFC-devices can be further divided in SRI-LFLS for low-slip
devices and SRI-LFHS for high-slip devices.

11.3 Device-specific parameters

The device specific parameters for the calculation of the SRI were determined with the data of the
second trial in 2015 (respectively the first trial in 2014, if no other data was available) within the RO-
SANNE project.
In the following table are only the parameters for the device families included which attended the
trial within the ROSANNE project. This leads to the fact that currently not for all device families
where TS exist the device family specific parameters are available.

Table 4: SRI device specific parameters – device family approach

Group Device Country
a b B

Odoliograph Belgium 214.13 1.470 1.073

PaveTesting Spain 138.65 0.572 0.747

SCRIM device family Various 320.89 1.716 0.961

SKM Germany 344.10 1.495 0.934

Griptester (Lyon) France 294.74 1.809 1.001

Griptester United Kingdom 350.14 2.218 1.077

IMAG France 136.20 1.121 1.139

Longitudinal - OSCAR Norway 316.34 1.074 0.922

low slip
RoadSTAR Austria 627.52 2.057 0.837

ROAR/ViaFriction device Various 151.10 1.375 0.990


TRT Czech Republic 269.99 1.155 0.923

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NOTE: In future or at a revision of the respective Technical Specification the parameters a, b and B
should be included in the TS. This will make it easier to take any further development or
changes into account.

11.4 Accuracy
The reproducibility standard deviation σR was determined with the data of the second trial within the
ROSANNE project, to which 8 SFC-devices and 10 LFC-devices participated.

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to CEN TC 227/WG5

Table 5: Reproducibility standard deviation, σR, after calibration using the full SRI approach

Operating speed (km/h)

Device group
20 40 50 60 80 Average

0.030 0.042 0.033 0.030 0.034 0.035*
(with existing TS)

Longitudinal - low slip - 0.048 - 0.044 0.062 0.051

Longitudinal - high slip - 0.032 - 0.040 0.043 0.038

NOTE: The average values quoted are for 40, 60 and 80 km/h results only, to enable comparison
between the three device groups

11.5 Test report

A report shall be produced including the following information:
a) name of the organization;
b) names of driver and operator;
c) machine reference;
d) date of test;
e) weather conditions;
f) test section, detailed description such as state name, road designation, section number, network
node number, starting kilometre (commencement of measurement), direction of travel, lane;
g) test length description;
h) start time;
i) target speed;
j) temperatures (surface temperature, if necessary water temperature);
k) measuring line - specified distance to the road marking;
l) test tyre’s number, abrasion level and mileage;
m) skid resistance value for each sampled length (sub-section);
n) average skid resistance value for each test section;
o) MPD-value for each sampled length (sub-section);
p) factors (a,b and B) used for the calculation of the SRI value;
q) SRI value for each sampled length (sub-section);
r) average SRI value for each test section;
s) comments (e.g. soiling on the pavement surface).

Diagrams of the measured skid resistance values can be added to the report if necessary.
Recorded data shall be kept in an appropriate medium for subsequent processing.

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to CEN TC 227/WG5

12 Calibration and verification of the measuring devices

In order to maintain the accuracy of individual devices or fleets of similar devices, consistent quality
assurance requirements are needed. Regular checks ensure that any malfunction of a device can be
identified and any unreliable data collected can be identified as such and excluded from subsequent

Additional to the checks and frequencies listed below for every kind of device there shall be a QA
procedure described in the parts of the TS 15901-series for the devices. These checks shall consists of
checks done by the device operating company itself or an independent institution/organisation as
well as static and dynamic checks.

These will take the form of static and dynamic verifications of the device as a whole or of its individu-
al components. The frequency of verifications will vary from daily to annually depending on the pa-
rameter being assessed.
To assure the quality of the measurements performed by a skid resistance measuring device the fol-
lowing conditions shall be met:
 The sensors measuring essential parameters for determining the sideway-force coefficient
shall be calibrated providing certified traceability to a national standard at least once a year.
These sensors are:
o Horizontal load cell,
o Vertical load cell (if installed),
o Temperature sensors for pavement surface temperature and water (if installed).
 Regular technical checks shall be performed by the operator or any other institution, which
supervises that QA procedures will be met, to verify the correct functioning of the equip-
ment, according to an internal procedure which shall comply with the following items:
o Static calibration of horizontal load measurement,
o Vertical load (recording) static check,
o Static calibration of vertical load measurement (if installed),
o Distance,
o Water flow rate,
o Position of the water outlet/nozzle,
o Temperature sensors for pavement surface temperature and water (if installed),
o Documentation of the measuring line (line guidance system),
o Texture sensors.

The time intervals shall be specified in the parts of the TS 15901-series for each device. If there are
no requirements in the TS the following frequencies (listed in Table 6) shall be met:

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Table 6: Measuring device verifications and minimum frequencies

Operation Minimum frequency

Static calibration of horizontal load measurement annually

Vertical load (recording) static check annually
Static calibration of vertical load measurement (if installed) annually
Distance annually
Water flow rate Annually
Position of the water outlet/nozzle Three months
Temperature sensors for pavement surface temperature
and water (if installed)
Documentation of the measuring line (line guidance sys-
Three months
Texture sensors annually

NOTE 1: During measuring periods, measuring devices shall perform repeatability tests according to
the TS 15901-series for the device or at least once a month.
NOTE 2: Periodically (at least once every two years) a group of at least five devices of the same
group shall perform a reproducibility test.

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CEN/TS 15901-1: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 1: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal fixed slip ratio (LFCS): RoadSTAR
CEN/TS 15901-2: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 2: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCRNL): ROAR
(Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter)
CEN/TS 15901-3: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 3: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCA): The ADHERA
CEN/TS 15901-4: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 4: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of pavements using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCT): Tatra Runway Tester
CEN/TS 15901-5: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 5: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCRDK): ROAR
(Road Analyser and Recorder of Norsemeter)
CEN/TS 15901-6: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 6: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the sideway force coefficient (SFCS): SCRIM®
CEN/TS 15901-7: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 7: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal fixed slip ratio (LFCG): the
CEN/TS 15901-8: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 8: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the sideway-force coefficient (SFCD): SKM
CEN/TS 15901-9: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 9: Procedure for determining the skid
resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the longitudinal friction coefficient (LFCD):
DWWNL skid resistance trailer
CEN/TS 15901-10: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 10: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal block measurement (LFCSK):
the Skiddometer BV-8
CEN/TS 15901-11: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 11: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal block measurement (LFCSR):
the SRM
CEN/TS 15901-12: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 12: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip: the BV 11 and
Saab friction tester (SFT)
CEN/TS 15901-13: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 13: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface by measurement of a sideway force coefficient (SFCO): the
CEN/TS 15901-14: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 14: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCN):
ViaFriction (Road Analyser and Recorder of ViaTech AS)
CEN/TS 15901-15: Road and airfield surface characteristics - Part 15: Procedure for determining the
skid resistance of a pavement surface using a device with longitudinal controlled slip (LFCI): The

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Deliverable D1.5: Draft prEN for harmonised skid resistance measurement for proposal
to CEN TC 227/WG5

EN ISO 13473-1: Characterization of pavement texture by use of surface profiles - Part 1: Determina-
tion of Mean Profile Depth
Chen; Kelley; Moffatt; Choi; Martin; Wix: A common Data output sepecification for texture, cracking,
strength and skid resistance; Technical report AP-T290-15; Sydney; 2015.
Descornet G, Schmidt B, Boulet M, Gothié M, Do M-T, Fafié J, Alonso M, Roe P, Forest R and Viner H
(2006). FEHRL Report 2006/01 Harmonisation of European Routine and research Measuring Equip-
ment for Skid Resistance.

Gonzalez; Ruiz: SCRIM Spanish Harmonisation Tests 2011; presentation during the CEN TC 227/WG 5
meeting (31st May 2012) in Guimares
Greene M J, Viner H, Cerezo V, Kokot D and Schmidt B (2014). Definition of boundaries and require-
ments for the common scale for harmonisation of skid resistance measurements. ROSANNE Deliver-
able D1.1.

Greene M J, Viner H, Cerezo V, (2016). Analysis of data from the second round of tests and further
development of the common scale. ROSANNE Deliverable D1.3.

Scharnigg K (2016). Quality assurance procedures to accompany proposed common scale(s). RO-
SANNE Deliverable D1.4.
ISO (1994). ISO 5725-2: Accuracy (trueness and precision) of measurement methods and results –
Part 2: Basic method for the determination of repeatability and reproducibility of a standard meas-
urement method.

Roe P G, Do M-T and Vos E (2009). Roadmaps and implementation plan for harmonised skid re-
sistance measurement methods. TYROSAFE Deliverable D09.

Roe P G and Viner H E (1998). The Autumn 1997 SCRIM correlation trial and proposals for Spring
1998. TRL unpublished Project Report PR/CE/82/98. TRL, Wokingham.

UNE 41201 IN: Road and airfield surface characteristics. Procedure for determining the skid re-
sistance of a pavement surface by measurement of the sideway force coefficient (SFCS): SCRIM(r);
Wambold J C, Antle C E, Henry J J and Rado Z (1995). International PIARC experiment to compare
and harmonise texture and skid resistance measurements. PIARC.

Date: 28/01/2017 Version: 1.0 45 (45)

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