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Good day to you all!

My name is Jeanne Nicole Gonzalos, a 10th grade student from the

Central Visayan Institute Foundation, and I’m here to talk to you about climate change.
So, what is climate change?

Climate change is one of the problems that the world is facing today. Climate change
refers to the long-term shift of temperatures and weather patterns. One of the causes of
climate change is greenhouse gases, along with human activities such as burning fossil
fuels, releasing chemicals into the atmosphere, reducing the amount of forest cover, and
many more that result in higher temperatures, storms, and droughts, which are the few
effects of climate change in our weather. It also affects our food in a way that decreases
the nutritional value of our food. rising sea levels in our oceans and health issues like
respiratory and cardiovascular diseases 
I wonder: do we really want to live in the future with a warmer atmosphere, a warmer and
more acidic ocean, higher sea levels, and larger changes in precipitation patterns? the
wildlife we love and their habitat destroyed, leading to mass species extinction? 
So how do we deal with climate change? There are a lot of ways to deal with climate
change, such as by saving energy, which can help the environment and prevent
greenhouse gas emissions. Second, walk or ride a bike instead of using a vehicle if your
destination is near. Walking or riding a bike can reduce greenhouse emissions and also
benefit your health and fitness. Third, reduce, reuse, repair, and recycle to protect our
planet: shop secondhand, donate instead of dumping, repair what you can, and recycle.
Fourth, switch to renewable resources such as solar panels to generate energy for your
home. Lastly, plant more trees. By planting more trees, we will remove the carbon
dioxide from the air, store it in the trees and soil, and release oxygen into the atmosphere.
In this way, we can slow down the changing climate in our world. As Greta Thunberg
said, "We can't save the world by playing by the rules; the rules have to be
changed." "Everything needs to change, and it has to start today."

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