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The saggy reality of Sogie

By  Eugene Dominic V. Aboy O.P.

TO BE OPEN to a culture of diversity and inclusivity is a mark of a progressive nation. Society’s

flourishing largely depends on its capacity to ensure that everyone feels accepted and that no one
is left behind.
However, respect and tolerance, which has become the battle cry of the 21st century, should
likewise apply to those who are clamoring for the passage of the Sexual Orientation and Gender
Identity or Expression (Sogie) bill.
Respect toward the LGBT+ community can only be genuine if people who have opposing views
are not forced to compromise their own convictions and beliefs. We can only respect others
when we are first and foremost allowed to respect ourselves.
When we just drift amid the caprices of the times and fail to have a firm grip on the values we
hold dear “in the name of love and equality,” the progress that comes from acceptance and
inclusivity becomes illusory.
In 2014, Facebook opened 71 gender options for its users. In 2019, Tumblr has at least 112
genders to choose from. It doesn’t take a student of philosophy to see where this is headed.
I know it calls for an open mind, but as G.K. Chesterton puts it, let us not be too open-minded
that our brains fall out. Our age has come to the false notion that the concept of human rights and
equality serves as license to do whatever we want, without responsibilities and consequences.
Indeed, discrimination and intolerance are abhorrent and should be fought without question.
However, it would be naïve of us to think that tolerance simply means accepting everything.
St. Thomas Aquinas defines love as “willing the good of the other.” If there is anything revealed
by the recent drama of Gretchen Diez inside a Quezon City mall toilet (aside from his real
gender), it is that tolerance and inclusivity sometimes take the form of a subtle reproach.
The University upholds the motto “Veritas in Caritate” (truth in love). Without truth, love turns
into a destructive lie. Real love means that certain things should not be tolerated. Real love
means rejecting things that would not lead others to their own good. Real love means telling hard
truths even if it means looking primitive and bigoted to others.
As Christians, we take our stand regarding the issue on gender not because it is demanded by
doctrine or because the pope says so, but because it is what our nature as human beings demand
and it is from this nature that our rights are derived.
What to do:
A. Write an essay that answers or provides the following:
1. Give two of the author’s opinion/s on the topic and discuss them.
2. Evaluate the author’s opinion/s based on Christian teaching as discussed in the class.
For at most two of the following: human dignity, freedom, responsibility, sin, law,
conscience, virtues, etc.? You may use the book Christian Morality by Dr. Salibay
and other materials as your references just make sure that you properly
cite/acknowledge your sources. (Please use APA format. Visit the following link for
more info about APA style in referencing:
3. Discuss/present your own opinion about the topic.

B. Your paper should be 1 page only, legal size.

1. Use Times New Roman, single space, 12 font from 1st sentence to the last one; justify.

C. For any question or clarification please feel free to message me in the schoolbook. Please
see the rubric below.

Rubric for Article Analysis

Rubric Excellent Intermediate Elementary Beginner
Criteria (91-100) (81-90) (71-80) (60-70)
Content The paper The paper The paper The paper does
Critical analysis provides critical provides analysis attempts to not provide
30% analysis on the on the subject provide analysis analysis on the
subject matter. matter. on the subject subject matter.

Personal Explains fully his Explains his or Vague on No personal

insights and or her own her own insights personal insights and
values learned insights and and values insights and values learned
30% values learned learned values learned reflective of his
reflective of his reflective of his reflective of his or her morality
or her morality or her morality or her morality and the Lasallian
and the Lasallian and the Lasallian and the Lasallian Core Values.
Core Values. Core Values. Core Values.

Presentation, The paper The paper The paper The paper does
clarity, presents his or presents his or attempts to not attempt to
coherence and her her present his or present his or
linkage 30% points/argumen points/argument her arguments her arguments in
ts in a coherent s in a coherent in a coherent coherent
manner and the manner. manner. manner.
linkage of one
point to another
is clear.

Timeliness 10% The paper is The paper is The paper is The paper is
submitted on submitted one- submitted submitted more
time. two days late. three-four days than five days
late. late.

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