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00;00;21;00 - 00;00;47;18

Actually, everybody is just like a fruit. Living entity within this world
it's like a fruit that's been disconnected from the tree as long as the
fruit is on the tree, then it remains alive. As soon as it comes separate
from the tree, then it loses its connection with the source of its

00;00;48;06 - 00;01;08;19

And so gradually it shrivels up and dies. So we're all like that. As long
as we keep ourselves connected with Krishna, then we retain our
life. But now, being disconnected with Krishna our healthy condition
is being lost.

00;01;10;00 - 00;01;38;00

And if we continue to remain disconnected, then we’ll be just like

that. Actually, this material energy is described as separate from the
Lord. It's separated from the Lord, whereas the spiritual energy is
always in connection with the Lord. So, the whole process of Krishna
consciousness is how to connect the material energy with the Lord
and thus turn it into spiritual energy.

00;01;38;00 - 00;02;27;00

Actually, there's no thing which is not God's energy. Everything is

made of the energy of God. But some things are connected with the
service of God, and some things are disconnected. So the devotee
goes everywhere throughout the world, connecting things with God
through devotion service, just like you're doing. You take this fruit,
Oh! it's made of material energy, at least the body. There is in the
tree, the atma or the spirit soul. So the tree gives fruit. So that tree is
not very ordinarily, very much devotionally inclined.

00;02;27;00 - 00;02;48;28
A living entity, it takes the body of a tree, the birth in the body of a
tree is not considered very elevated. So practically, there's very little
consciousness which tree simply drinking through its feet, its fruits,
and serving the sunshine through its hands, the branches.

00;02;49;07 - 00;03;13;10

So, he knows how to eat. He knows how to reproduce through seeds.

He's competing with other trees for the sunshine or the water. So,
he's defending and there's some type of sleeping going on. But there's
no question of that tree being God conscious.

00;03;14;25 - 00;03;34;07

The consciousness is not so elevated. But although everything is very

dull, the consciousness, if a devotee meets that tree or the devotee
takes the product of the tree, this grapefruit, and offers it to Krishna,
then that tree gets the benefit for doing service to God.

00;03;35;19 - 00;03;58;03

Therefore, it says that the devotees are just like oceans of mercy,
they are very merciful because they are going everywhere simply to
engage every bit of Krishna's energy in his service. Same idea is
there with these flowers, the flowers are not…

00;04;02;00 - 00;04;26;02

The living entity that it takes the birth in flower is not very advanced
birth, but by taking these flowers and offering them to Krishna, this
living entity becomes greatly elevated. Perhaps in its next life, it will
take it’s birth as a human being. It can give so much benefit simply
by being offered in Krishna service.

00;04;28;12 - 00;04;57;00
So similarly with us, we may not be using our lives properly, but if
we get the opportunity to take up the Krishna consciousness and our
future can actually change. And by dovetailing all of our energies in
the service of God, if we do this completely, then even within this
lifetime, we can become fully God conscious, fully Krishna conscious.

00;04;57;00 - 00;05;08;13

So that is the next time when we leave this body, we won't have to
take another birth in this material world, but we can go directly back
to the spiritual world. And this is actually the goal.

00;05;09;05 - 00;05;29;12

We've been wandering through so many millions of different forms,

sometimes as a grapefruit tree, some time as a flower, sometimes so
many things. And in those different bodies, there was no real facility
for becoming involved in the service of God.

00;05;29;29 - 00;05;48;28

But now, by good fortune, by Krishna’s mercy, we have got the

opportunity to get a human birth and to meet devotees of the Lord.
And with this opportunity, we can actually begin to take up spiritual
life. And if we utilize it very properly, then this can be our last birth.

00;05;49;07 - 00;06;14;00

That is actually what everyone here should be thinking, that this

shall be my last birth, that I should never take another birth in this
material world. This is actual goal of human life. This is the purpose
of Krishna consciousness movement, that one should realize that this
should be my last birth year in this material world, because this
material world is ‘duhkhalayam asasvatam’. It's temporary and
full of suffering.
00;06;14;00 - 00;06;28;08

No one can say that they don't suffer. There are different types of
miseries which everyone is afflicted by, miseries of the body and the
mind, miseries caused by other living entities and miseries due to
supernatural phenomena.

00;06;28;21 - 00;06;42;18

Too much rain and not enough rain. Too much light and enough
light. So many things. Too much heat. So miseries are there, but
they're not there for the soul. The suffering that we are experiencing
now is all on account of the body.

00;06;43;21 - 00;06;58;11

That is all. It's simply an account of the body. So, if we can realize
ourselves as something separate from the body, as soul within the
body, then there won't be any more suffering. Because for the soul
there's neither birth and death.

00;06;59;17 - 00;07;13;18

There's no happiness of pain. These things don't exist on the

platform spiritual life. It’s just like it is said that the moon is fixed up
in the sky. But if you see the moon reflected in water, it may appear
to be rippling.

00;07;14;20 - 00;07;54;08

Actually the moon is not rippling, it’s the reflection of the moon
that's moving. So similarly, the soul is actually completely detached
from this material energy. It has nothing to do with this material
energy, but right now the consciousness of the soul is reflected
through material energy and therefore the consciousness, because
we are misidentified with this body, we are in body consciousness,
we think that we are suffering, we think that we are enjoying. But
actually we are the soul, we are not suffering or enjoying. Just like at
night, you may dream that you're being eaten by a tiger and you may
feel great, intense pain in that dream.

00;07;54;18 - 00;08;12;20

Actually, you're lying quite safely in your bed. It is simply a dream

being experienced on the mental platform. So similarly this bodily
dream, this bodily existence is like an extended dream. And we are
experiencing pain not only on the mental platform but on the gross
physical platform.

00;08;12;28 - 00;08;30;06

But it's just a dream. Actually, the soul is not experiencing this pain,
so therefore one who becomes self realized or conscious of his soul,
he can transcend the dualities of this world. He won't feel this
happiness, distress, heat, cold, all of these summer, winter.

00;08;30;26 - 00;08;50;06

He tolerates all of these, knowing himself to be completely separate

from all of this material existence. And therefore we find that he
engages in activities not of this world, but spiritual activities just like
this is spiritual activity, offering this grapefruit, offering this gift,
offering these flowers.

00;08;50;14 - 00;09;07;04

This is not a material activity because it's not offered for material
purposes. Material life means that one offers something with a
thought of exchange. I offer something thinking how much will I
gain by it, isn’t it? But actually, devotional attitude is not like this.
00;09;07;16 - 00;09;26;25

Devotional attitude means love, and love is given without any

thought of return. That's the actual mood of love, love means that
even you neglect me or you don't become present before me. Still, I
shall go on serving you without any thought of compensation.

00;09;27;24 - 00;09;51;00

What goes on in the name of love within this world is not love. It is a
business contract that two people generally enter into that I'll please
your senses if you please mine. So that's business, that I'll do
something for you if you return that thing to me, or return
something of equal value to me, and therefore these so called loving
affairs, they come to an end.

00;09;51;00 - 00;10;07;18

Because once one of the two parties doesn't reciprocate equally, then
the other party feels cheated and says, Now I will no longer agree to
continue this relationship. That's not love.

00;10;08;18 - 00;10;18;07

Real love has unconditional - unconditional attitude! It never stops

being offered.

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