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Philippians 2:1-2 ESV\

So if there is any encouragement in Christ, any comfort from love, any

participation in the Spirit, any affection and sympathy, complete my joy by being
of the same mind, having the same love, being in full accord and of one mind.


It is okay to be different from other people. It's fine to not always have the same
perspective about the discussed topic. Sometimes, people see things differently and
that's completely okay. But we should also see the importance of having the same
reflection or idea about something with a person because this will speak for the
relationship. We should also be united with one another because this is what will
help us establish a plan for the next step we'll take. Especially for an intimate

When you think differently from someone you have an intimate relationship with, we
normalize it. But there are some matters where we have to be united so we will be
able to work together. There are important matters we have to take into account.
Because if we do not have the same mind as the one we're partnered with, how are we
able to be harmonious? It will only lead to grudges and anger if we are not capable
of holding onto a same idea. The other wants this option, but you prefer the other
option. How can you work together if each wants to go on their wanted ways?

Talking about the things that God treasures so much like life, love, faith,
beliefs, and such, we have to be one with one another. In this matter, we're
talking about the relationship and God within it. How can we be united with God if
we cannot be harmonious with one another? Sometimes, it is better to have someone
whom we can share the same idea with, without grudges, than having someone whom we
have to argue with all the time just because we do not think the same way as they
do. We can make Jesus Christ happy if we are alligned with one another because this
is when we have faith and when we consider each other's emotions. If we work as
one, we can be accordant in deciding how our lives will go. If we are united with
each other, we can also be united with Christ.

As we believe unto same things, we also believe to the ways we have to do to

establish the relationship- with one another, and with Christ as well. Sometimes,
things are better off when you have someone you have the same vibe with inside it.
In order to keep the relationship, and to keep God within our individuality as

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