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Manual Therapy 25 (2016) 104e108

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Manual Therapy
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Case report

Lack of confidence in the lower limb: Cognitive Functional Therapy

(CFT) for a unilateral loading impairment in chronic non-specific low
back pain. Case report
Ney Meziat Filho a, *, Roberta Mendonça b, Leandro Alberto Calazans Nogueira c
Departamento de Ci^ encias da Reabilitaça~o, Centro Universitario Augusto Motta e UNISUAM, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Programa de Po s-Graduaça ~o em Ci^ ~o, Centro Universita
encias da Reabilitaça rio Augusto Motta e UNISUAM, Departamento de Fisioterapia, Escola Naval,
Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Departamento de Ci^ ~o, Centro Universita
encias da Reabilitaça rio Augusto Motta e UNISUAM, Instituto Federal do Rio de Janeiro (IFRJ), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: This case report presents the effect of Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) in a patient with chronic non-
Received 29 October 2015 specific low back pain associated with unilateral loading impairment of the left lower limb. The patient
Received in revised form believed surgery was the only possible way to treat the cause of the problem. The management of this
15 February 2016
idea was to change such belief. Manual therapy and active exercises were combined in order to
Accepted 18 February 2016
encourage the patient to trust his back and lower limb again. One month and a half after the first
appointment, the treatment resulted in complete absence of pain and disability. The patient returned to
work and he was able to climb stairs and load his left limb normally.
Low back pain
Lower limb
© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Cognitive Functional Therapy

1. Background playing with his children in a pool, he started to feel unilateral pain
in the lower back. In the same day, the pain worsened and
Cognitive Functional Therapy (CFT) is a multidimensional bio- disturbed his sleep at night. It was even necessary to get up to take
psychosocial approach for the management of patients with LBP some painkillers. The following morning he woke up feeling
(O'Keeffe et al., 2015; Rabey et al., 2015). There are many different numbness in the left lower limb. The patient saw a physician and he
patterns of maladaptive functional behaviours described in O'Sulli- was referred for x-ray and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). The
van's Multidimensional Classification System (O'Sullivan, 2005). One MRI showed two prolapsed discs L4/L5 and L5/S1. The doctor rec-
that could exist in isolation or combined with another pattern and is ommended surgery, but the patient decided to look for another
poorly described in the literature is loading impairment (Vibe Fersum treatment option. The patient was treated with acupuncture, global
et al., 2009). Therefore, the aim of this case report is to describe the postural reeducation (GPR), and hydrotherapy, and he also lost
pattern and also present the effect of CFT in a patient with unilateral some weight. The patient was absent from work for 30 days and
loading impairment experiencing chronic disabling LBP. then came back gradually. He did not return to the gym or play
soccer because he still had discomfort in his back. Such discomfort
2. Methods and also the disability were reported to have persisted during the
six year gap between the first and the second acute episode of low
2.1. History back pain.
The second episode occurred after bending over to pick a bottle
A 49-year-old male dental surgeon who used to have a normal inside the refrigerator. He felt pain on the left side of the lower back
life, which included exercises at the gym and soccer matches, and down his left thigh and knee anteriorly, but without numbness
presented with six years of disabling low back pain. Once after (Fig. 1). He avoided walking for almost 30 days and was sent for
another x-ray and MRI. The results showed degenerative changes in
the segments L1/L2, L4/L5, and L5/S1 (Fig. 2). The doctor said that
* Corresponding author. Departamento de Cie ^ncias da Reabilitaça
~o, Centro Uni- the only way to solve the problem would be surgery, due to the disc
versitario Augusto Motta, Praça das Naço
~ es 34, 3◦ andar, Bonsucesso, Rio de Janeiro,
degeneration and the narrowing space compressing the nerve. The
RJ, 21041-010, Brazil.
E-mail address: neymeziat@gmail.com (N. Meziat Filho).

1356-689X/© 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Meziat Filho et al. / Manual Therapy 25 (2016) 104e108 105

but is not solving the cause that is a matter of wear and tear ’’
(Video 1).
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at

2.2. Examination

At the physical examination one month after the second episode

of the symptoms, the patient's pain was 3/10, and he presented
with 28% on the Oswestry Disability Index (ODI) (Coelho et al.,
2008). He was only working part-time at this stage. The patient
was not afraid of bending over or sitting, but he was not confident
in his left lower limb while walking because he felt his thigh was
tense. He said that this lack of confidence was present even when
he was with mild pain between the onset of the symptoms and the
recent flare-up. For the Fear-Avoidance Beliefs Questionnaire
(FABQ), the physical activity dimension was 27 points, and the work
dimension was 29 points (de Souza et al., 2008). He was low risk
according to the Start Back Screening Tool (Pilz et al., 2014).
The patient was asked to show the movement or tasks that
reproduced the symptoms. He said that the main problem was the
lack of confidence and stiffness in his left lower extremity when
walking and climbing stairs. He reported stiffness and pain on the
left side of the low back while in rotation of the spine, such as when
cleaning himself after elimination and when washing his back
during a shower. He also reported that he felt an increase in pain
when he had to run to cross a street. Active flexion, extension, and
Fig. 1. Symptoms drawn on the body chart by the patient. neutral side bending were pain-free with full ROM. When passive
ROM was tested in the side lying position, the patient presented a
hypo-mobile lower lumbar in rotation. Palpation of the lumbar
patient took some rest and medication. He was treated with
erector spinal muscles at L4 and L5 showed muscle tension on the
acupuncture, and he started to walk with little pain.
left side. A lack of pelvic and thorax rotation as well as upper limb
“He (the surgeon) told me, ‘The surgery, you will not escape
movements was noted during walking (Video 2). While climbing
from it. Everything is treating the effect. It is taking your pain away,
the step of a ladder, it was possible to observe an avoidant behav-
iour associated with the weight loading on the left lower limb. The
patient abducted the upper limb to recover the balance (Fig. 3 and
Video 3).
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
The slump, straight leg raise, and prone knee flexion were all
negative, and there were no neurological signs.

2.3. Intervention

Management of this patient was based on three closely related

elements: maladaptive cognitive, functional and movement, as well
as lifestyle behaviours, in an integrated manner. The objective of
the cognitive intervention was to change the patient's belief that
the surgery would be the only way to treat the cause of the prob-
lem. Reflective questioning was used to engage the patient in
thinking through his ideas and to be able to determine the validity
of his beliefs about the problem (Moran, 1998). The fact that there is
a very high prevalence of degenerative disc disease in asymptom-
atic people and that the presence of a narrowing disc space did not
predict LBP were mentioned.
Since the patient presented with a functional avoidant behav-
iour associated with the weight bearing in the left lower limb, he
was exposed to lunge squat exercises focussing the loading in the
left lower limb (Fig. 4, Video 4). The patient was asked to relax the
abdominal wall and breathe. Also, he was encouraged to trust in his
left lower extremity. After a set of 10 repetitions, he was tested
again in the ladder and he started to present a different behaviour
Fig. 2. Second magnetic resonance image. with more confidence in the left lower limb and a more relaxed
106 N. Meziat Filho et al. / Manual Therapy 25 (2016) 104e108

Fig. 3. Weight-bearing ability on the right and left lower limb during the task of climbing a ladder.

posture (Video 5). The exercises and the retest were repeated for exercises compared to the initial test. The patient was instructed to
two more sets of 10 repetitions, and the pattern continued to be repeat the lunge exercises for two sets of 10 repetitions daily at
modified. The movement of active rotation of the back in standing home. With the aim of helping the patient change his poor lifestyle
and sitting was also more comfortable after the lower limb behaviour, he was encouraged to walk and climb stairs instead of
driving and taking an elevator.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
At the second appointment, the patient repeated the active
exercises but reported stiffness during the back rotation to the left.
With the aim of decreasing stiffness and pain, a pelvic thrust
manipulation in prone position was performed using a drop table
(Video 6). That was the only passive approach used during the
treatment to relax the muscle guarding, restore trunk rotation
movement, and facilitate active exercises.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at

3. Results

One week after the first appointment, the patient's pain

decreased from 3/10 to 1/10 and the disability from 28% to 16% in
the ODI. The FABQ-physical activity was 15 points, and the FABQ-
work was 21 points. The patient was able to perform the lunge
exercise with the upper limbs in a more relaxed manner and he
reported more confidence in his left lower limb (Video 7). Also, he
was able to run (Video 8). He went back to his full-time job as a
dental surgeon. The pelvic manipulation performed at the second
appointment helped to abolish the stiffness and the pain during the
trunk rotation movement (Video 9 e Before the manipulation,
Fig. 4. Lunge squat exercises focussing the loading in the left lower limb. Video 10 after the manipulation).
N. Meziat Filho et al. / Manual Therapy 25 (2016) 104e108 107

Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at “I completely eliminated my back problem from my mind”.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
In the last appointment the patient was completely confident on
his left lower limb while climbing the ladder (Fig. 5), and he was
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
able to jump from the ladder (Video 14).
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at
Three weeks after the beginning of the treatment, the patient
was pain-free and with 8% of disability in the ODI, 9 points in the 4. Discussion
FABQ-work, but still 24 in the FABQ-physical activity. He reported
that he did not perform the exercises regularly but started to use This case report emphasises the importance of a multidimen-
the stairs instead of the elevator in his workplace building. He said sional biopsychosocial approach as one method for assessing and
that he had completely recovered the confidence in his left lower treating LBP (Dankaerts and O'Sullivan, 2011). This patient was told
limb. It was possible to observe that the functional behaviour had that surgery would be the only way to treat the cause of the
changed during the reassessment. There was much more thoracic problem. He thought that the weight bearing in the left lower limb
and pelvic rotation while walking (Video 11) and a more relaxed was dangerous and that the discomfort in the thigh could be a sign
movement pattern of the upper limbs while climbing the ladder of disc degeneration (Bunzli et al., 2015). Those negative beliefs
with the stance of the left limb (Video 12). could explain the cycle of pain, fear, and avoidance of loading in his
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at lower extremity and the maladaptive lifestyle behaviour since the
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.math.2016.02.007. first acute episode.
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at Another important assumption is that the patient was submit-
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.math.2016.02.007. ted to two early MRI exams without any important neurological
Six weeks after the first appointment, the patient was pain-free sign or red flag. There is evidence suggesting that an early MRI
and with no disability in the ODI and 0 points in both the FABQ without indication has a strong iatrogenic effect in acute LBP,
dimensions. He reported that his life had gone back to normal after leading to prolonged disability and increased medical costs
the treatment. Also, he said the new mindset helped him recover (Webster et al., 2013). Patients with persistent LBP hold biomedical
his confidence (Video 13). beliefs about the cause of the problem, attributing pain to the
Supplementary data related to this article can be found online at structural vulnerability of their spine (Baird and Haslam, 2013;
http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.math.2016.02.007. Bunzli et al., 2015). This belief is attributed to the advice given by

Fig. 5. Weight-bearing ability on the right and left lower limb during the task of climbing a ladder in the fourth appointment.
108 N. Meziat Filho et al. / Manual Therapy 25 (2016) 104e108

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