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Understanding the self Topic Page number

1) Understanding the self
2) Self esteem
3) Personality
4) Group dynamics
5) Self- Reflection Journal
6) Communication and saft skill
7) Philosophy of yoga
8) Developing positivity and emotional
Understanding the self

Concept of self: The present research study is set to point out the self concept of
profile of secondary school of Karnataka. Self concept is in this study of integrated perception
of teachers with respect to their physical, social, intellectual and mental spheres. Self
concept is the image we have of ourselves. This image develops in a number of ways,
including through our interaction with important people in our lives. Learn more about self
concept including whether it can be changed and a few theories related to self - identity
and self –perception.
Levels of self:

William James , ‘who started serious study of self talked.’

1)Material Self
2)Social Self
3)Spiritual self

1} Material Self:The material self, according to William James, pertains to the objects, places or even
people which have the label “mine”. Such possessions are viewed as extensions of individual identities.
For instance, your clothes reflect certain aspects of your personality and you designate them as my

2} Social Self: Social self refers to how we perceive ourselves in relation to others. It involves relationship,
building, empathizing and communicating. A healthy and or not healthy, the social, self will also impact
your overall mental well being and ability to meet life goals.

3}Spiritual Self: The self is a complex and core subject in many forms of the spirituality. Two type of self are
commonly considered - the self that is the ego, also called the learned, superficial self of mind and
body, and egoic creation, and the self which is sometimes called the “true self”, the observing self or the
Type of self

There are mainly four types of self:

1)The Ecological self: The Ecological self refers to the self in the embodied form that can be physically
identified in time and space.

2)The Inter-Personal Self: The Inter-Personal Self involves the self which exists in social relations when we
interact with others.

3)The extended self: The extended self is the self that is our memory. It is personal and private.

4)Conceptual Self: Finally, there is the Conceptual Self which is the idea of self that person holds. All of us
have acquired a set of ideas about what can be included in within the category of self. It is a
comprehensive network of ideas about self.
Dimensions of self
1)Physical Self: There are many traditions about the impact of facial features body build and body
functioning on personality. Aristole claimed that different facial characteristics such as the colour and
texture of skin and hair the quality of the voice and a build of the body were related to certain
personality characteristics. A person adjustment to the left is influenced by the way he physique of the
others his ideal as well as culturally approved standards and by the evaluation of his physical abilities
and disabilities other.

2)Social Self: The social group judge a person in terms of his conformity to group expectations regarding
proper performances behaviour and role playing. Social judgements serve as the basis for self evolution.
In this way the social group influences the self of the individual. Social Self is derived from social

3)Intellectual Self: Intellectual provides the person with the capacity to meet and solve the problems
that adjustments to life requires. The quality of this adjustments(to life require) in turn a major factor in his
personality development.
Self Esteem:
It is the evolution component of self concept. It basically deals with an internalized social judgement
and ideas about how worthwhile a personal quality in self, esteem is an important factor in one’s
psychological health. People who feel good about themselves or have high self-esteem are found to
be more active, motivated, persistent and disappear are related to how self esteem.

High Self Esteem

People who have high self-esteem and to love and accept themselves their abilities. They have the
confidence that whatever challenges might come, they will be able to supers it sone of the benefits of
high self-esteem includes being able to be yourself without the fear of being judged, reddiness to
accept new challenges, not always, searching for approval from others people, readiness to learn new

Low Self Esteem

People who have low self-esteem think of themselves , they do not place value on themselves. Low self
esteem cam effect a lot of thing in one’s life. Sone of the effect of low self-esteem are poor relationship
addition, depression and anxiety
Personality is the characteristics sets of behaviour, cognitions and emotional pattern, that evolue from
biological and Environmental factor while there is no generally agreed upon definitions of personality
most theories focus on motivation and psychological interaction with the environment one is surrounded
by "Traid-based personality theories, such as these defined by:
Raymond Cattell: defined personality as traits that predict individuals behaviour on the other
hand, more behaviourally based approach define personality through learning and habits The study of
the psychology of personality caused personality psychology attempts to explain the tendences that
underline differences in behaviour psychologists have taken many different approaches.

Meaning of personality
The term Personality is derived from the nation word "persona" which means a mask. According to K.
Young," Personality is a patterned Body of habits, traits, attitudes and ideas of an individuals as these are
organised extremely to roles and they relate internally to motivation, goals and various aspects of
G.W all parts defined it "an a person's patterns of Habits, attitudes and traits which determine his
adjustment to his environment."

Lowsence "A Pewin has given a working definitions of personality in their words. Personality represents
these structural and dynamic properties of as to an individual or individual’s as they reflect themselves in
characteristics responses all the situations.

❑ Helps Help you those what to study
❑ Help you with choosing a career
❑ Improves your management skills
❑ Teachers copying Mechanisms
❑ Makes you empathetic

❑ Create our self consciousness.
❑ It makes a person our self confident.
❑ This could create a felre sense of confidence in a candidate. It can be aff patting.
❑ Person may waste more times on self Personality.
Personality is a result of the combination four factors i.e. physical environment.

Determinant And Distinctive Personality

Heredity: It refers to factors predetermined at birth.

Environment: It is the socia-culture environment rather than physical environment. Here, some factors of
determinant of Personality:

1.) Biological Factors: It can be all the individually characteristics of a person that have biological,
background, including, genetics, family etc
2) Social determinant factors: Social factors is the personality disorders are those risk or protective factors
that influences by which traits.
3) Psychological Factors: They are defined as the person's individual characteristic such as cognitive,
belief and motivation that could be potentially
4) Intellectual factors: Intellectual is another essential factors that can play an important role in the
development of our personality.
Distinctive Personality
It has been special quality or features which makes it easily recognizable and different from other by its
unique matter.

According to Rhyhold , ‘Distinctive personality may be defined as the person with special features or

Openess: The quality of being honest and ready to talk about your feelings. The trait feauture
characteristics such as imagination and insight. They are curious about the would' and other people and
High Low
➢ Very creative ➢ Dislike Change
➢ Open to try new things ➢ Does not enjoy new things
➢ Focused on new challenges ➢ No very imaginative

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