Midterm Test Level 4 (50 Points)

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Midterm Test Level 4 (50 points)

I. LISTENING: (5 points)
Listen to the talk. Then choose the correct answers.

____ 1. What is the talk mainly about?

a. The most important thing for happiness
b. Surprising research about happiness
c. How happy people spend their money

____ 2. Which statement would the speaker probably agree with?

a. Money is not important for happiness
b. Very rich people are often less happy
c. A good job is more important than money

____ 3. According to the talk, the “happiness number” in the United States is around ____.
a. $75,000
b. $200,000
c. $25,000

____ 4. What is NOT mentioned as a way to spend money?

a. Doing things that interest you
b. Travelling with your family
c. Starting your own business

____ 5. Which statement is true according to the passage?

a. $75,000 is enough for two people to feel happy in the U.S.
b. The “happiness number” is the same in every country
c. People with more education need more money to feel happy
II. READING: (5 points)
Read. Then choose the correct answers.

Twin Studies

It is clear that our DNA—our genes—control many things about us, such as hair and eye color. However, for a
long time, most people believed genes had little effect on people's personality. They thought the environment
where people grew up was more important. Recent research on twins suggest that this was incorrect.

In 1979, Doctor Thomas Bouchard heard a strange story about a pair of twins. The twins had been separated
four weeks after they were born. They grew up in different families and only found each other when they
were adults, but their lives were very similar. They had the same hobbies, they had similar health problems,
their wives even had the same name!

Dr. Bouchard started looking at 81 pairs of identical twins who grew up with different families. Identical
twins have the same DNA. If environment is more important, then twins who grew up in different families
should be quite different from each other. However, if genes are important, then twins should be similar
even if they grew up in different places.

The results of the studies were astounding. Scientists expected the separated twins to be different.
Instead, they discovered the opposite. For example, the twins' intelligence levels were often very close. The
twins often had similar hobbies or interests. They often used the same body language. Even their happiness
levels were similar. The list goes on and on.

Since the first research in 1979, many studies have confirmed Dr. Bouchard's original work. Still, scientists
are careful to remind people that genes do not control everything, and environment is still important. For
example, for intelligence, they believe that genes are 70 percent responsible and environment is 30 percent
responsible. In addition, they also stress that the relationship between environment and genes is quite

____ 6. What is the main topic of the article?

a. Why identical twins have different genes
b. How the environment affects our genes
c. The effect of genes on our personalities

____ 7. In Paragraph 1, the word this refers to ____.

a. a widely believed theory
b. recent research into twins
c. an idea about environments

____ 8. What is NOT true about the twins described in Paragraph 2?

a. They grew up in the same family.
b. They had similar interests.
c. They were both married.
____ 9. In Paragraph 4, the word astounding probably means
a. disappointing
b. surprising
c. confusing

_____ 10. In Paragraph 4, why does the writer say, “the list goes on and on?”
a. To emphasize that DNA affects many parts of our personalities
b. To explain that many people disagree with Dr. Bouchard
c. To suggest that scientists need to do more research

III. GRAMMAR: (10 points)

A. Complete each sentence with the infinitive or gerund form of an appropriate verb. If both can be
used, write both.

11. In my view, ____________________ on vacation every year is good for reducing stress.
12. She earns a good income from ____________________ toys for children.
13. Some people prefer ____________________ in the city than the suburbs.

B. Choose the answer that best completes each sentence.

14. Scientists think the flood last week _____ worse by climate change.
a. was made
b. is made
c. makes
d. made

15. These days, most air pollution in cities is _____ by cars and other vehicles.
a. did cause
b. caused
c. causing
d. cause

16. Some factories _____ a lot of pollution, unfortunately.

a. produce
b. produces
c. is produced
d. was produced

17. Migration to some parts of the country _____ problems with the water supply in those areas.
a. has caused
b. has been causing
c. both a and b

18. My parents, who _____ here for years, say there's a lot more trash on the streets these days.
a. have lived
b. have been living
c. both a and b
C. Complete the sentences with your own ideas using unreal conditionals.

19. If a big earthquake happened, _____________________________________________

20. Many species would die out _______________________________________________

IV. VOCABULARY: (10 points)

A. Write each number in words.
100,500 _________________________________________________________________________
500,000,000 _____________________________________________________________________
B. Choose the best answer to complete each sentence.
24. When I was younger, I experienced some _____ health problems, such as depression.
a. mental
b. physical
c. either a or b

25. Emotional experiences can _____ people for a long time, often in surprising ways.
a. affect
b. connect
c. either a or b

26. Even though Sam and I have very different _____, we're great friends.
a. beliefs
b. methods
c. either a or b

C. Complete each sentence with a word from the list. You do not need to use every word.


27. Abigail works from home, but she says it's difficult to find a good ____________________ between
working and relaxing.
28. I like most things about living in the countryside, but I wish there were better
____________________ to high-quality stores, schools, and museums.
29. Did you hear that Mr. Reynolds is going to retire after a fifty-three-year ____________________ with
this company?
30. I love working as a nurse. I get a great sense of ____________________ when I help people .

VI. SPEAKING: (20 points)

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