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MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual




Name of the Student : S.RAHUL
Register Number : RA2252006010024
Year & Semester : I YEAR & THIRD
Section : MBA,BFS
APRIL / MAY 2023

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual



This is to certify that this is the bonafide record of work done by

Registration No.

of First Year M.B.A. Degree Course

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management in the


TECHNOLOGY, Kattankulathur during the academic year 2022-23.

Date: Faculty In-Charge


Internal Examiner External Examiner

Date of Exam:

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

DATE Page Faculty Signature
1 Activity 1: Sculpting stories

2 Activity 2: What’s My Emotion?

3 Activity 3: Self-Awareness

4 Activity 4: Watch a TED Talk

5 Activity 5: WOOP

6 Activity 6: Optimism

7 Activity 7: Social Response

8 Activity 8: Leadership Pizza

9 Activity 9: You can beat it!

10 Activity 10: Circle of Control

11 Activity 11: Smart Goal Setting

12 Activity 12: Conflict Resolution

13 Activity 13: What would you do?

14 Activity 14: Traffic Light Behaviour Management

15 Activity 15: Walk in their Shoes

16 Activity 16: Relationships and Emotional

17 Activity 17: Picture Yourself

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 1 Sculpting stories

● This exercise involves students interviewing a person of

their choice (inside or outside the classroom) and creating
visual representations of what they learned.

● This will encourage students to practice active and compassionate

listening, to put themselves in another’s shoes, and to share their
stories with others.

Aim: The aim of this activity is to encourage students to practice active and
compassionate listening, to put themselves in another's shoes, and to share
their stories with others. The activity also provides an opportunity for
students to explore their creativity and express their understanding of the
interviewee's story through visual representations.


• Each student needs to find someone to interview (inside or outside the classroom)
and schedule a time to meet with them.
• Students will need access to materials for creating visual representations
• A classroom space with adequate room for students to work on their sculptures.

1. Introduce the activity to the class, explaining the purpose and requirements.

2. Allow time for students to find someone to interview and schedule a time to meet with

3. Once students have completed their interviews, provide time for them to reflect
on what they learned and how they can represent their interviewee's story

4. Distribute the necessary materials to each student, and allow time for them to work on
their sculptures.

5. Once students have completed their sculptures, have them share their creations
with the class and explain the story behind their sculpture.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

During this activity, students will be observed for their ability to actively listen and show
compassion for their interviewee. They will also be evaluated based on their creativity and
ability to express their understanding of their interviewee's story through visual
representation. Additionally, students will be observed on their ability to share their creations
with the class and explain the story behind their sculpture in a clear and concise manner.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 2 What’s My Emotion?

● In this activity, students must copy the list of emotions mentioned by the teacher.

● For example, the list can include the following emotions.

o Happy o Sad o Frustrated

o Calm

o Proud

● Now, within 10-15 minutes, students must list when or how they feel these emotions.

● For example, they can write, “I feel happy during the art class,” or “I feel
frustrated when my father is angry.”

● Students also learn the correct way of emphasizing and learn to differentiate it from

Aim: To help students identify and understand different emotions and how they are
experienced in various situations.


A list of emotions provided by the teacher.


1. The teacher provides a list of emotions, such as happy, sad, frustrated, calm, and proud.

2. Students are given 10-15 minutes to list down when or how they feel these emotions.

3. Students can write down specific situations or events that trigger these emotions for them.

4. After the given time, students can share their lists with the class if they feel comfortable doing

5. The teacher can emphasize the importance of recognizing and expressing

emotions appropriately and differentiate between empathy and sympathy.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

This activity helps students develop their emotional intelligence by recognizing and
understanding different emotions they experience. It also helps them differentiate between
empathy and sympathy, which is an essential skill in building relationships. The students can
actively participate in the activity, and it helps them become more aware of their emotions
and how to express them in different situations.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 3 Self-Awareness

● It starts with an amazing point that states: It’s hard to make changes to yourself
when you aren’t sure where to start!

● The worksheet lists 30 strengths or character traits that you might feel are
strengths or areas for you to improve. This list includes traits like:

● Creative

● Confident

● Positive

● Funny

● Curious

● Imaginative

● Hard-working

● On one side, there is space to identify three strengths you have and on the other,
there is space to identify three traits you would like to work on.

Aim: The aim of this activity is to help students identify their strengths and areas for
improvement in order to enhance their self-awareness.


Worksheet with a list of

30 strengths or character
traits,Pen or pencil


1. Provide each student with a worksheet that includes a list of 30 strengths

or character traits.

2. Ask the students to identify three strengths they have and write them in
the provided space.

3. Next, ask the students to identify three traits they would like to work on and
write them in the provided space.

4. Encourage students to reflect on their strengths and areas for improvement and
how they can use this information to grow and develop.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

5. If time allows, ask students to share their strengths and areas for improvement
with the class.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:

Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

• Identify their personal strengths

• Identify areas for improvement
• Reflect on their personal growth and development
• Use this information to create goals for personal growth and development.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 4 Get Motivated

Watch a TED Talk

● TED Talks are believed to be a great source of motivation. So, to work on the fifth
core element of emotional intelligence all you have to do is watch this TED Talk and
get motivated.

Aim: To motivate students to work on the fifth core element of emotional intelligence -
empathy - by watching a TED Talk.


Access to the internet and a device to watch the TED Talk.


1. Ask students to search for the TED Talk "The Power of Vulnerability" by Brené Brown on

2. Instruct them to watch the entire 20-minute talk without any distractions.

3. After watching the talk, ask students to take a moment to reflect on how it made them feel and
what they learned from it.

4. Encourage students to share their thoughts and observations with the class.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 4
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

Students may observe that the talk is inspiring and motivational as Brené Brown speaks about
the importance of vulnerability in building stronger connections with others. They may also
learn the significance of empathy in emotional intelligence and how it can improve their
relationships and overall well-being. Additionally, they may feel encouraged to practice
vulnerability and empathy in their own lives.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 5 WOOP


Help students prepare to take on a new challenge by using the WOOP Method – a 4-step
strategy that includes positive thinking with a dose of reality:v

• Wish: Students name an important but feasible wish or goal that they want to fulfill.

• Outcome: Students imagine, as vividly as possible, what the future will be like
once they fulfill this wish or reach the goal.

• Obstacle: Students imagine the most critical personal obstacle that stands in the
way of fulfilling that wish or reaching the goal.

• Plan: Students name an effective behavior to overcome the obstacle and create
a specific plan using an if-then statement: “If X happens, then I will do Y.”

To help students prepare for a new challenge by using the WOOP method.


Pen and paper


1. Introduce the WOOP method to the students.

2. Ask students to think of an important but feasible wish or goal that they want
to fulfill.

3. Once they have identified their wish, ask them to write it down.

4. Next, ask the students to imagine, as vividly as possible, what the future will be
like once they fulfill this wish or reach the goal. Ask them to write down their

5. Ask the students to imagine the most critical personal obstacle that stands in
the way of fulfilling that wish or reaching the goal. Ask them to write down
their thoughts.

6. Finally, ask the students to name an effective behavior to overcome the obstacle
and create a specific plan using an if-then statement: “If X happens, then I will do
Y.” Ask them to write down their plan.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 5
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

Observe the students as they go through each step of the WOOP method. Make sure they
understand the purpose of each step and encourage them to think creatively. Offer support
and guidance as needed.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 6 Optimism

These questions are designed to provoke discussion and encourage students to see the value
of character and leadership

● What does the word “optimism” mean?

● Describe someone (without giving his or her name) who is optimistic?

● Why is optimism important to a friendship? What does the following statement

mean? “Friends should bring out the best in each other.” ● Name three benefits of
being an optimist?

Name three consequences of being a pessimist?

Aim: To understand the meaning of optimism and its importance in character and leadership.

Requirements: Group of student’s.


1. Ask the students what they think the word "optimism" means.

2. Discuss their answers and provide the definition of optimism.

3. Ask the students to describe someone they know who is optimistic without
giving away their name.

4. Discuss the characteristics of an optimistic person.

5. Ask the students why optimism is important in a friendship and discuss the
statement "Friends should bring out the best in each other."

6. List three benefits of being an optimist and three consequences of being a pessimist.

7. Discuss how optimism can be developed and practiced.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 6
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

During the activity, students will be engaged in a discussion about optimism and its
importance in character and leadership. They will have the opportunity to share their thoughts
and experiences, and learn from their peers. The activity will help them understand the
importance of having a positive outlook in life, and how it can benefit them in various aspects
of their lives. They will also learn how to develop and practice optimism in their daily lives.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 7 Social Response

● Discuss a variety of social situations and have students act out what they might
● For example, “Imagine you see someone fall down in the hall. What would
you do?”
● This social situation encourages students to think about how someone else
might feel as well as how they should respond

Aim: The aim of this activity is to get students thinking about different social situations and
practising appropriate responses. It also encourages students to consider how others might
feel and to create empathy for others.


• A class of students
• A collection of social events
• A calm and secure environment in which to play out the situations


• This activity involves role-playing social situations to teach appropriate responses.

• Students will act out scenarios such as witnessing someone stumble, hearing
someone cry in the hallway, or being excluded from a group in pairs or small groups.
• After each scenario, a brief group discussion will be held to discuss the proper
response and the feelings of those involved. The exercise will be repeated
with different social situations.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 7
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

This activity fosters self-awareness and social skills by teaching students how to react
appropriately in social situations, such as assisting a fallen person or standing up to bullying.
Students can develop empathy and comprehend how others might feel in these situations
through role-playing and group discussions.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 8 Leadership Pizza!!

● A goal-setting exercise can work really well as a tool to improve our

selfmanagement and our motivation.
● Firstly, we can reflect on our current qualities by doing a self-assessment,
and then identify areas of improvement, along with a timescale of when we
want to see a difference.

Aim: The aim of this activity is to discussion and encourage student to see the value of
character and leadership


• A group of 4-5students
• A goal setting exclsidase can coo really, will us a tool to improve management
the self me Procedure:

To understand about passion purpose, Integrity vision., Inspire empathy & value
of Acknowledge people to prioritization, self, efficiency, self-awareness

To analyze where all those quality require

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:8
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

Enhance the leadership quality and ability

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 9 You Can Beat It!

Students will:

• Identify ways that can help themselves through depression

• Develop a public service announcement with tips about how to fight

depression What is needed? Articles on “Ways to Help Yourself Through


• Paper

• Pencil or pen

Aim: The aim of this activity is to help students identify ways to cope with depression
and develop a public service announcement to educate others on how to fight depression.


• Articles on "Ways to Help Yourself Through Depression"

• Paper
• Pencil or pen
• Access to a computer or other resources to create a public service announcement


• The activity involves providing students with articles on depression coping

strategies and asking them to take notes, share their findings, and brainstorm ways to
communicate the strategies to a wider audience in small groups.

• Students will then use computers or other resources to create a public

service announcement, which will be presented to the class.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 9
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

This activity will help students learn about different strategies to cope with depression and
develop their communication and collaboration skills. It will also help them to create a
public service announcement that educates others on how to fight depression, raising
awareness about this important issue.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 10 Circle of Control

● One coping method we can teach our students is the circle of control.
● When we acknowledge what we actually have control over, we can
better manage our fears, anxieties, and worries.


The aim of this activity is to help students acknowledge what they actually have control over,
they can better manage their fears, anxieties, and worries.




MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

• The students are supposed to make two circles in the sheet of paper.

• In one circle, they are supposed to write down all the qualities and aspects of

their lives that they can control

• In the other circle, they are supposed to list all the things that are not in control

of them.

• Once done, they are supposed to discuss why they feel certain qualities can

be controlled and not controlled.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 10
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

We could acknowledge what we actually have control over and learn about how we can
better manage our fears, anxieties, and worries

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 11 Smart Goal Setting

Aim: The aim of smart goal setting is to help individuals set achievable and realistic goals
that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound.

Requirements: To achieve smart goal setting, individuals need to have a clear

understanding of what they want to achieve, why they want to achieve it, and how they
plan to achieve it. They also need to be able to measure their progress and adjust their
strategies as needed.

Procedure: The procedure for smart goal setting involves breaking down a larger goal into
smaller, achievable steps. Each step should be specific, measurable, attainable, relevant,
and time-bound. Individuals should also track their progress regularly and adjust their
strategies if necessary.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:11
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

Based on my observation, it is important to help them set smart goals that are relevant to their
interests and abilities. Teachers and mentors can guide students through the goal-setting
process and help them track their progress. Regular feedback and encouragement can also
help students stay motivated and focused on achieving their goals.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 12 Conflict Resolution

● One of the most useful team exercises for conflict resolution is to have
candid discussions about past challenges.

● Simply gather in a group, then ask volunteers to share stories.

While sharing the story, the presenter should touch on the following


1. What was the cause

2. What escalated the situation

3. How was the issue resolved

4. What I did well

5. What I learned or what I could have done differently

Aim: The aim of this team exercise is to resolve conflicts within a team through candid
discussions about past challenges.

Requirements: The requirements for this exercise include a group of individuals willing to
participate and share their stories.


The procedures for this exercise involve gathering the group and asking for volunteers
to share their stories. During the presentation, the individual should touch on five points:
the cause of the conflict
• what escalated the situation
• how the issue was resolved
• what they did well
• what they learned or could have done differently.
This process should be repeated with other volunteers until all stories have been shared.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:12
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

Based on my observation this exercise provides an opportunity for individuals to reflect on
past conflicts and identify areas for personal growth. Through active listening and sharing,
team members can gain a better understanding of each other's perspectives and work towards
a more harmonious work environment. Additionally, the exercise encourages open
communication and can improve trust within the team.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 13 What Would you Do?

What Would You Do? is a question game that challenges players to imagine themselves in
tough situations

Some example prompts:

● What would you do if two teammates refused to speak to each other and used you
as an in between?

● What would you do if your boss took credit for your work during a meeting?

Aim: The aim of this activity is to challenge players to imagine themselves in tough
situations and encourage them to come up with creative solutions.

Requirements: This game requires a group of players, a facilitator, and a list of tough
situation prompts.


1. The facilitator presents a tough situation prompt to the group.

2. Each player takes turns answering the prompt with their own solution.

3. Players should try to be creative and think outside of the box with their solutions.

4. After each player has given their answer, the group can discuss the pros and cons
of each solution.

5. The facilitator can ask follow-up questions to encourage deeper thinking and

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:13
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

The output of this activity is a series of creative solutions to tough situations, as well as a
deeper understanding of the different perspectives and approaches that can be taken in
challenging situations. It also helps to develop problem-solving and critical thinking skills
among the players.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 14 Traffic Light Behaviour Management

● This is a traffic light behaviour management tool that I made for students to easily self-
monitor their behaviour
● Briefly describe and place each of your behaviour in the respective lights where
you think it would fit in.

Aim: The aim of this behavior management tool is to help students easily self-monitor their
behavior and make better choices.

Requirements: The requirements for using this tool are simple. You need to have a
traffic light behavior management chart, which could be a physical chart or a digital one,
and students who are willing to use the tool.

Procedure: The procedures for using the tool are as follows:

1. Whenever a student notices that they are about to do something wrong, they
should stop and think about what they are doing.

2. If the student is unsure about what to do, they should think about what they
are going to do next.

3. Finally, the student should act in a kind way towards


MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:14

Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

The output of using this tool would be better behavior choices from the students. By stopping
to think about their actions and considering the consequences of their behavior, students will
be more likely to make positive choices. The use of this tool can help students develop
selfawareness, self-regulation, and social-emotional skills that will benefit them in the long

Faculty Observation:

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 15 Walk in their Shoes

● Work alongside the first empathy activity with this fun activity.
● Whether students complete it in art class or elsewhere, this is a perfect way
to empathize with students' personal stories.
● Use separate sheets of paper at first, and then have students create the shoe of
their choice, sample given below.

Aim: The aim of this activity is to encourage empathy among students by asking them to
create a shoe that represents their personal story. By completing this activity, students can
learn to empathize with each other's experiences and develop a deeper understanding of
one another.

Requirements: To complete this activity, students will need sheets of paper, pencils, erasers,
colored pencils/markers/crayons, and access to reference materials.


• This activity involves explaining empathy and asking students to think of a

personal story that has shaped who they are.
• They will then create a shoe that represents their story using separate sheets of
paper and colored pencils, markers, or crayons.
• Students will share their stories with the class, and classmates will ask questions and
provide positive feedback.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.:15
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

During the activity, observe students' engagement, creativity, and empathy towards each
other, and their active listening. Note any students who need extra support or guidance.
Observing students allows providing feedback and guidance to develop their empathy skills
and deepen their understanding of others' experiences.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 16 Relationships and Emotional Connections!!

● In this activity, for each of the green circles, write the names of important people
in your life.
● Then, think about what you know about that person.
● List two traits, hobbies, or features related to the person in the designated boxes.
● For example: Bob Smith 1) Runs marathons 2) Tells funny jokes

Aim: The aim of this activity is to encourage students to reflect on the important people
in their lives and think about what they know about them. This can help students develop
social-emotional skills such as empathy, gratitude, and self-awareness.

Requirements: To complete this activity, students will need a pen and paper or a digital
device to record their responses.


• This activity involves asking students to think about important people in their
lives and write their names in green circles or any other shape they prefer.
• Students will then reflect on their relationships and memories with each person
and list two traits, hobbies, or features related to them in designated spaces around
the green circle.
• They will share their responses with a partner or small group, discuss similarities and
differences, and reflect on what they learned about themselves and their

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 16
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

A chart with several green circles, each containing the name of an important person in your
life and two traits, hobbies, or features related to them. This activity can help you appreciate
the people in your life and identify their positive qualities. It can also help you reflect on the
impact of these people on your life.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity: 17 Picture Yourself

• To help participants visualize themselves in successful situations
• To encourage participants to act on their thoughts
• To build successes with employees by visualizing actions that are consistent with
the goal of building employees’ sense of importance

Aim: The aim of this activity is to help participants visualize themselves in successful
situations and encourage them to act on their thoughts, while also building their sense of
importance as employees


• A space large enough to accommodate all participants

• Paper and pens/pencils for each participant
• An open and positive attitude from all participants
• A facilitator to lead the activity and guide the discussion


• In this activity, participants will visualize themselves in a successful work-related situation,

draw a picture or write a description of it, and share with the group.
• The facilitator will guide a discussion on turning visualizations into action steps and support
participants in achieving their goals.
• The activity aims to help participants build a positive mindset and take action towards
achieving success in their work.

MBF22308L- Emotional Intelligence and Courtesy Management – Lab Manual

Activity No.: 17
Date :

Student Observation: (Steps/Procedure/Output)

As an observer, pay attention to the following:

• Are participants engaged in the activity and willing to share their visualizations?
• Are they able to identify actionable steps to achieve their goals?
• Are they supporting each other in their efforts to succeed?
• Is the facilitator guiding the discussion effectively and creating a positive
and supportive atmosphere?
Overall, this activity can be a powerful tool for building employee motivation and fostering a
culture of success in the workplace.

Faculty Observation:

Signature of the Staff In-Charge


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