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Quiz 2


1. Students sometimes get____________ jobs while studying at University in order to earn some
A. flexi B. part-time C. full-time
2. Employers are always interested in the personal ____________ of the candidates.
A. mentally B. career C. qualities
3. A____________ warden controls a parking meter and a car park.
A. parking B. traffic C. shop
4. Jane is tired. She works ____________ hours every day.
A. long B. work C. low
5. A ____________ time job means that you can adjust your work hours to your schedule.
A. full B. flexi C. well
6. After five years of hard work, George got ____________ and became the chief of the section.
A. job B. promoted C. a ladder
7.If you want to earn your own money, you should get a ____________!
A. promoted B. working C. job
8. A____________ time job means that you work nine-to-five from Monday to Friday and you
take another job.
A. flexi B. part C. full
9. Workers decided to stop working to protest their____________ pay.
A. high B. low C. work
10. You will have fixed work____________ and days-off.
A. career B. qualities C. hours

Phrasal Verbs
1. Do you set any money __________each week?
2. Little George is saving__________ for a bicycle.
3. one day Jack decided to sell his house and give all his money __________to the poor.
4. They are going to cut __________on holidays this year.
5. Ann liked the dress very much, but she had got __________her whole salary and couldn't
afford to buy it.
6. The book was $10 and the magazine was $2, so the sum came______$12.
7. The rich don't have to think about how to get____________. Can this be called happiness?
For the poor -Yes, of course!
8. I wish I could live__________ my salary! I have lots of debts!
9. Tom, if you run out __________money, whom will you ask to lend you some?
10. Thamuna was adding- - - - - - the costs to calculate how much she would need for the
holiday expenses totally.
word Translation 25 სპილო
1 ბოროტი 26 შინაური
2 სორო ცხოველი
3 ბეწვი 27 გადაშენება
4 აჩქარება 28 გრძნობების
5 გასწრება შეკავება
29 ხანდახან
6 ტროტუარი 30 ამაყი
7 ნაგვის ურნა 31 cashier
32 trolley
8 დაჯამება 33 checkout
34 Break down
9 ისესხო 35 Pick up
36 Drop off
10 ვალუტა 37 Look for
11 ზებრა 38 Save up
12 გზა
13 39 Try on
14 ზიანი 40 Look round
15 ავარია 41 Take down
16 შემოსავალი
17 42 Come to
18 მდიდარი 43 Get by
19 ტრაბახი 44 Get in
20 საღი აზრი 45 Fill in
46 Go on
21 გოჭი
47 Set up
22 თაგვი 48 Print out
23 მგელი 49 Rip up
24 ნისკარტი 50 Light up

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