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‘CANDIDATE = PLEASE NOTE! -ERUYT your name n theline below and return this ookler with yur answer shel Failure to Moo aay real in disquaiication, Test cope 02212010 MAY/JUNE 2020 FORM TP 2020196 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL CARIBBEAN ADVANCED PROFICIENCY EXAMINATION® CHEMISTRY UNIT 2~ Paper 01 1 hour 30 minutes (08 JUNE 2020 (p.m.) READ THE FOLLOWING INSTRUCTIONS CAREFULLY. 109 1. This st consists of 45 items. You will have 1 hour and 30 minutes to answer them, 2. In addition to this test booklet, you should have an answer sheet and a data booklet. 3. Each item in this test has four suggested answers lettered (A), (B), (C), (D). Read each item you are about to answer and decide which choice is best. 4. On your answer sheet, find the number which corresponds to your item and shade the space having the same letter as the answer you have chosen. Look at the sample item below. Sample. Which of the following energy transitions is the HIGHEST in an organic compound? Sample Answer (A) ntoos ®2@0©8 (B) stoox © nton (D) xtome Ane he correct answer to this item is “o to o*”, so (B) has been shaded. 5. If you want to change your answer, erase it completely before you fill in your new choice. 6. When you are told to begin, turn the page and work as quickly and as carefully as you can. If you cannot answer an item, go on to the next one. You may return to that item later. 7. You may do any rough work in this booklet. 8. Figures are not necessarily drawn to scale, 9. You may use a silent, non-programmable calculator to answer items. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. ‘igh ened oa21z010MicaPE 202 1. Inwhich of the following pairs of formulae is the molecular formula and empirical formula correct for butanoic acid? Molecular Empirical Formula Formula 5. (A) C\H,0, cH,O (B) CHO, CHO CHO, CHO (D) CHO CHO Items 2-3 refer to the following information about hydrocarbon Z. 6. Hydrocarbon Z has a relative molecular mass of 84. When 0.1 g of Z was burnt in oxygen, 0.316 g of carbon dioxide and 0.128 g of water were formed. 2, The empirical formula of hydrocarbon Z is @ cH cH, cH, @) CHO The molecular formula of hydrocarbon Z @ cH, @) CH, CH, CH,O 4. Alkane molecules are cracked into smaller molecules which may include smaller alkanes, alkenes and hydrogen molecules. Which of the following equations shows the cracking of C,,H,,? @) C,H > CH, + CH, Oipcnsencusecr 02212010/MI/CAPE 2020 ie Item § refers to the following structure, ore | ca, Based on the IUPAC rules, the name of the compound above is (A) L-phenylbutan-1 (B) _L-phenyibutan- (©) I-benzylpropan-1-amine @) | phenyipropan-2-amine Analeohol is treated with acidified K,Cr,0, and the resulting mixture gives a positive tri-iodoform test. Which of the following structures BEST represents the alcohol used? “ cu,—on y o =m OH HOH © c—e—b—n boda CH, o ca—t—oy e GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE m Which of the following reaction mechanisms Item 9 refers to the compounds, P, Q, R occurs between benzene and concentrated and S, with the following structures. HNO/H,SO,? . s: (A) Nucleophilic addition (B) _ Electrophilic addition P: LOH (C) —_ Nucleophilic substitution Q@ CH(CH,),CH,COOH . GW) | Flectrophitic substitution R: CH(CHD,CHCICOOH Ferien satiated oils torchecridco ig Sr The correct sequence of the compounds, in EALSEy order of DECREASING acid strength, is (A) (A) They undergo saponification. B (B) They are hydrogenated to produce ep margarine ) They are hydrolyzed to produce ep diglycerides. (D) Their shelf lives are prolonged with hydrogenation, Item 10 refers to the following table which shows the results of an investigation to analyse an ‘organic liquid, Test ‘Observation Inference 1. Solid Na,CO, was added to Z. | Rapid effervescence, gas evolved formed a white precipitate with Ca(OH), solution. CO, gas liberated 2. soci White misty fumes —OH group is present 10. The organic liquid Z is MOST likely (A) analeoho! (8) acarbonate (©) anacyl chloride @)) a carboxylic acid GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0221201 0/Ms/CAPE 2020 11, Pentane has the molecular formula C,H, How many possible isomer(s) does this compound have? 12, Which of the following methods could NOT be used to differentiate ethanal from propanal? GD Using Tolten’s reagent (B) Measuring boiling point (C) Determining molecular mass (D) Determining empirical formula 13. The functional groups present on an amino acid are the amine group (R-NH,) and the carboxyl group (RCOOH). This allows an amino acid to exist as A) ®) oo ‘The product formed by the polymerization of propene, (C,H,), may be used asa GP plastic materiat abase an acid an azo dye azwitterion 14. (B) disinfectant (©) liquid @) fuel 02212010/MJ/CAPE 2020 Be 15. 16. What would be observed when aqueous bromine is added to the following ‘compound? oH (A) There would be no visible reaction. (B) The colour of the bromine would be discharged leaving a yellow precipitate. (©) The colour of the bromine would be discharged and a colourless solution is formed. The colour of the bromine would be discharged and a white precipitate is formed. Which of the following statements is NOT true about the detection limit of an instrument? (A)__Itis related to the sensitivity. It is equal tothe standard deviation. (©) Itis usually expressed in parts per niillion. (D)__Itis the lowest concentration of an analyte that can be detecte: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 17. ap ’ Item_17 refers to the following diagram which represents a paper chromatogram, of food dyes obtained using water as the solvent. A spot of a sample was originally placed at Z. It contained the components X and Y. Solvent Front Starting Point | _____»_g | Which of the following statements regarding the components of X and Y is correct? more strongly adsorbed by the paper than X, and Y has a smaller R, value than X. (B) _ X is more strongly adsorbed by the paper than Y, and X has a smaller R, value than Y. (©) Yismore strongly adsorbed by the paper than X, and Y has a larger R, value than X. (D) _Xismore strongly adsorbed by the paper than Y, and X has a larger R, value than Y. (02212010/MA/CAPE 2020 ie 18. 19. 20. 2 ‘Treatment of a 10 g sample containing a chloride salt with excess silver nitrate solution produced 8.08 g of silver chloride. (Ag= 108, Cl= 35.5) Which of the following expressions can be used to calculate the percentage of chloride in the sample? 143.5 x 8.08 43.5% 8.08 “a 35.5 * 10.00 HL 35.5% 8.08 35.5% 8.08, @D 7135x1000 * 1 35.5 10.00, © 143.5 x 8.08 eo A 300 mg solid sample containing a chloride is dissolved in water. The chloride is then precipitated as AgCl by the addition of silver nitrate to the solution of the sample. The precipitate is collected, washed, dried and weighed, and found to have a mass of 525 mg. (RAM: Cl = 35.5, Ag = 108) ‘The mass of chloride present in the sample is A) 742me @) 118.0mg agp 129.9 mg 208.0 mg, Which of the following inaccuracies may be eliminated by calibrating a measuring instrument? (A) Lack of precision Random errors only ‘Systematic errors only (D) Both random errors and systematic GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 21, 22. 23. 24, Which of the following sets of regions in the electromagnetic spectrum is in the correct order of INCREASING wavelength? (A) UV VIS) X-ray IR Xray UV VIS IR VIS UV IR X-ray @) IR VIS UV X-ray Which of the following species is NOT a significant fragment from the mass spectrum of ethanol? (A) OH" (B) CH © cH mp cH0# An unknown organic compound with molecular mass of 44 g is analysed using infrared radiation. The bonds are found at 1700 env! and 2800 cm’! ‘The compound is MOST likely | errant (B) ethanol (C) _ ethanoie acid (D) carbon dioxide In the infrared spectrum of an organic compound, a strong band is observed at 3000 cm", The MOST likely explanation is that (A) protons absorb infrared radiation at this frequency (B) the compound is being decomposed by the radiation radiation is absorbed and causes the C-H bonds to vibrate (D) bonding electrons absorb radiation and are excited to a higher level 02212010/MJ/CAPE 2020 25. 26. 27. Which of the following processes occur in ‘a mass spectrometer before isotopes can be detected? 1 Accel 1. Ampi UL Deflection (A) Land I only Tand II only (C) Wand Il only (D) 1, Wand Ht Item 26 refers to the following information. A student carries out the gravimetric analysis of a soil sample taken from an area surrounding a garage. The soil sample is found to be contaminated with Pb* ions. 100 em! of a solution obtained from the sample when mixed with 25 em* of 0.100 mol dm HCl yields 0.010 g of lead chloride. [The relative formula mass of lead chloride is 278.2.] The balanced equation for the reaction between lead ions and hydrochloric acid is (A) Pb (s) + 2HCI (aq) — PbCI, (s) + #, @) (B) 2Pb (s) + 2HCI (aq) ~» 2PbCI (s) +H, (g) (©) Pb** (aq) + 2HEI (aq) -» PCI, (aq) +2H" (aq) G©P Pe* (aq) + 2HCI (aq) —> PECL, () + 2H*(aq) Which of the following features are advantages of steam distillation? I. It provides savings in fuel cost. I, Itoceurs under reduced pressure, IIL. The components do not decompose. (A) Land Il only (B) Land Itfonly (©) Mand IIT only @) tena GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 28. 29, 30. Compound X contains three components, P, Qand R. Component P is needed as the starting material for the synthesis ofa new drug. Which of the following methods of chromatography is MOST suitable for obtaining a pure sample of Component P? (A) Paper & Column (©) Gasliquid @) — Thin-layer Which of the following bonds would show the STRONGEST absorption in IR spectroscopic analysis? (A) Sulfur-hydrogen (B) —Carbon-hydrogen Oxygen-hydrogen (D) | Nitrogen-hydrogen Which of the following statements about partition coefficient may be true? I. The partition coefficient does not vary with temperature. I. The two solutions have to be concentrated for the partition coefficient to be a constant. III. The solute has to be in the same ‘molecular state in both solvents for the partition coefficient to be constant. (A) only (B)_ Monty UI only (D) Tand Il only 0221201 0/MI/CAPE 2020 31. 32. 33. The extraction of aluminium is an electrolytic process where the electrolyte used is purified ore dissolved in eryolite, Na, AIF, Which of the following descriptions is true for the use of cryolite? (A) Provides an additional source of aluminium @) Reduces the melting point of the mixture (C)__ Increases the electrical conductivity of the melt () Provides an additional source of aluminium and reduces the melting point of the mixture In one of the steps involved in the manu- facture of sulfuric acid, sulfur dioxide and ‘oxygen are mixed to form sulfur trioxide according to the following equation. 28O,(g) + O,(g) === 280,(8) Which of the following options describes the effect of adding the catalyst V,O, to the mixture? Equilibrium | Reaction Yield Rate (A) [Increases Increases [By [No change Increases (©) [No change No change (@) [Increases No change Chlorofluorocarbons undergo homolytic fission by being exposed to ultraviolet light in the stratosphere. Which radical could result from CHECF,CI? @® crcur @) © © -crcicne GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 34, 35. 36. 37. Cracking is a process used to break down 38. large hydrocarbons into smaller molecules. Which of the following is a balanced equation for the cracking of dodecane into nonane and propene? (A) CH, > CH, + CH, (B) CyB, > C,H, + CH, GD Cai, CH + CH, @) CyH,, > 2C,H,, + CH, What is the product of the following 9% (unbalanced) equation? A1,0,.H,0 (8) + H,O (1) + OFF (aq) > (A) Al,HLO) ®) — Al(COrD,) © Al, EM) @® A10M,0a ‘The essential conditions for the Haber process are (A) 2atmpressure,400°C, ironcatalyst (B) atm pressure, 450°C, no catalyst 4g 200 atm pressure, 450 °C, iron 7 catalyst (D) 200 atm pressure, 1000 °C, no catalyst The presence of phosphate ions (PO,") can be detected using (A) sodium thiosulfate = ammonium molybdate potassium thiocyanate solution (D) _ potassium hexacyanoferrate(I) solution 02212010/MI/CAPE 2020 tae Which of the following methods are used in water purification? 1. Filtration U1. Distillation HI. —-UV radiation (A) Land Il only (B) Land Il only (©) Wand It only @) | tani From the reaction given below, @ high pressure would give the best yield, but in industry, a moderate pressure is used. N,(@) + 3H,(g) ==> 2NH,(g) ‘Why is amoderate pressure used in industry rather than high pressure? ©) Kis t00 expensive to produce high pressure (B) The reaction would be uncontrollably fast. (©) The reaction would be too slow to generate adequate NH, (D) _Itiseasier to remove the NH, from the reac n container. Compounds of sulfur such as sulfites are used as food additives because they (A) improve the flavour of food B)__ help to enhance the colour of food fats @D) _helpto preserve food by dehydration GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 41. Chlorine can be produced by the diaphragm method and mercury cell electrolysis. Which of the following statements is/are true regarding the diaphragm cell method? I. Its less energy efficient. Il. Itis more energy efficient. IIL. Itis less harmful to the environment. (A) Tonly (8) Tonly (©) Land Monty @) Mandi only 42. In which layer of the atmosphere does ozone act as a pollutant? @®) Toposphere (B) — Mesosphere (©) Stratosphere () — Thermosphere 43. Which of the following compounds is NOT a primary pollutant? (A) Sulfur dioxide Nitrogen dioxide (C) Carbon monoxide (D) Nitrogen monoxide GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 0221201 0/MJ/CAPE 2020 EE -10- Item 44 refers to the following diagram which is a simplified version of the nitrogen cycle with four components labelled L, M, N and O. Ammonium fons in the soll 44. Which of the following options represents L, M, N, and 07 M N o Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Nitrogen Oxides Denitrilying Bacteria Denitrifying Bacteria Nitrogen Oxides __Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria (©) Reduction Denitrifying Bacteria Ammonia Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria (D) Oxidation Nitrifying Bacteria ‘Ammonia Nitrogen-Fixing Bacteria Item 45 refers to the following test for pollutants carried out on a sample of water and the observation made. TEST OBSERVATION TiCKaq) was added to the water [A white ppt. formed sample drop by drop. 45, Based on the test and observation given, which of the following ions is present in the sample of water? @) rv @) Noy ©) POY @) CN END OF TEST IF YOU FINISH BEFORE TIME IS CALLED, CHECK YOUR WORK ON THIS TE: st. 0221201 0/MI/CAPE 2020

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