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Exploring the effects of project-based learning in

secondary mathematics education

Vicki-Lynn Holmes & Yooyeun Hwang

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2016, VOL. 0, NO. 0, 1–15

Exploring the effects of project-based learning in secondary mathematics education

Vicki-Lynn Holmesa and Yooyeun Hwangb
Department of Mathematics, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, USA; bDepartment of Education, Hope College, Holland, Michigan, USA


This mixed-method, longitudinal study investigated the benefits of project-based learning (PBL) on Received 3 June 2014
secondary-mathematics students’ academic-skill development and motivated strategies for learning (i.e., Revised 5 September 2014
cognitive, social, and motivational). The focus of this study was academic skill-development (algebra- and Accepted 9 October 2014
geometry-assessment scores) and other factors related to secondary mathematics learning, with KEYWORDS
comparable traditional high schoolers serving as the control group. In addition, the relationship between Mathematics; motivation;
PBL and racially/ethnically and economically diverse secondary students was investigated. Results showed PBL; project based learning;
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 05:21 14 May 2016

that at-risk and minority students benefited greatly from PBL in learning mathematics. The academic secondary; self-efficacy
performance gap was present, but its width diminished significantly. Compared to their public school
counterparts, PBL students were more intrinsically motivated, showed significantly higher critical thinking
skills, and appreciated peer learning. Impact of socioeconomic status on the PBL approach needs further

This study is an investigation of the benefit of project-based Ross, & Mergendoller, 2009). For example, Myer, Turner, and
learning (PBL) to secondary mathematics students on both aca- Spencer (1997) demonstrated that PBL fostered challenge
demic skill development and motivated strategies for learning seekers instead of challenge avoiders in students’ mathematics
(i.e., cognitive, social, and motivational). PBL is an instructional learning.
approach significantly different from conventional classroom Research shows that the PBL approach works well with
teaching, whose positive effects have not been clearly estab- students who already have a deep conceptual knowledge of the
lished for secondary mathematics (Petrosino, 2004; Strobel & subject matter but may be detrimental to those with only super-
Barneveld, 2009; Walker & Leary, 2009). PBL’s benefits have ficial knowledge of the subject (Dochy, Segers, Vanden Bossche,
been clearly established in science and elementary-mathematics & Gijbels, 2003; Vernon & Blake, 1993). Further, the benefits of
teaching and learning. The focus of this study is academic skill- PBL for students of varied socio-cultural backgrounds, such as
development (e.g., algebra- and geometry-assessment scores) socio-economic status (SES), are widely debated (Boaler, 2002;
and other factors related to secondary mathematics. In addi- Delpit, 1988; Lubienski, 2000). The issue under discussion is
tion, the relationship between PBL and racially or ethnically twofold. PBL is beneficial for low socioeconomic status (SES)
and economically diverse secondary students was investigated. students because the cooperative learning environment tends to
PBL is defined as students working collaboratively to design provide cognitive and social support. However, it has an under-
solutions for authentic and meaningful questions and problems lying premise that all group members have equal opportunity to
in the real world (Gijbels, Dochy, Vanden Bossche, & Segers, express their views: one’s opinions are as valued as others’. In
2005; Petrosino, 2004). Additionally, these projects “involve our society, that is not always true (Tatum, 1997; Timpson,
students in problem-solving, decision-making, and investiga- 2003; University of Wisconsin Whitewater, 2005; White, 2011).
tive activities; give students the opportunity to work relatively As a consequence, it can be argued that low-SES students are at
autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in a disadvantage and would not be willing to speak out against
realistic products or presentations” (Thomas, 2000, p. 1). their middle- or upper-middle-SES peers or their teacher. This
Regarding mathematics learning, research indicates that reasoning may hold true for ethnic or racial minority and at-risk
PBL, with its unique hands-on (interactive and collaborative), students. As research shows that low-SES and at-risk popula-
minds-on (authentic problem solving and critical thinking) tions are highly correlated with low achievement in mathemat-
approach to learning, increases deeper understanding of math- ics, this is of concern when implementing PBL.
ematical concepts; helps students retain knowledge learned; When a pedagogical approach is successful, students under-
and enhances students’ ability to apply knowledge in real-world stand the information more clearly, remember the information
scenarios (Gijbels et al., 2005). Advocates claim that students in more accurately, perform in assessments more competently,
a PBL environment tend to be more motivated to learn the nec- and transfer the knowledge and skills to a new context. More
essary information for their projects (Dunlap, 2005; Larmer, importantly, a good pedagogical approach helps students

CONTACT Vicki-Lynn Holmes Department of Mathematics, Hope College, P.O. Box 9000, Holland, MI 49422.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this article can be found online at
© 2016 Taylor & Francis

become better learners in the long term. Anderson, Reder, and They include such concepts as self-efficacy, anxiety, and intra-
Simon (2000) argued that when evaluating a good instructional personal attribution. External regulation and cooperative learn-
program, we should not only evaluate the immediate ing describes external behaviors and social skills that allow
learners to better regulate and increase the effectiveness of their
learner effects [e.g., standards, test scores, grades], but also retention
of knowledge and skills and transferability of knowledge and skills
learning. It includes concepts such as self-regulation and coop-
to a broader range of tasks than those used in the instruction. To erative learning. Alternatively, these three groups of constructs
take an obvious example from mathematics, research on calculus can be divided into two overarching categories: motivation and
instruction should be evaluated in large measure (except possibly cognitive skills. Motivational factors encompass both internal
for mathematics majors) by assessing the ability and propensity of motivational beliefs (internal and external goal orientations,
students to use calculus successfully when it is relevant in their
work in physics and economics. (p. 20)
test anxiety, self-efficacy, and control of learning) and external
regulation and cooperative learning skills (time and study envi-
ronment, peer learning, and help seeking). The rationale
Therefore, a comprehensive, well-done pedagogical assess-
behind this division is that cooperative group work is a critical
ment includes academic achievement, characterized by test
component of PBL; it warranted a category of its own. Internal
scores, and qualities of a motivated learner, characterized by
cognitive skills (i.e., learning strategies) cover rehearsal, elabo-
expectations about success, self-judgment of ability, effective
ration, organization, critical thinking, and metacognitive self-
learning strategies, and willingness to seek help (Bandura,
regulation. We did not in any way change the original concep-
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tual structure of current research on learning motivation. The

Based on Vanderstoep and Pintrich (2008), qualities of
following table includes the operationally defined motivational
motivated learners can be classified into three categories: inter-
constructs we have adopted based on VanderStoep and Pin-
nal cognitive skills, internal motivational beliefs, and external
trich’s paradigm (see Table 1).
regulation and cooperative learning. These well-established
Research provides evidence of why these constructs are
constructs are validated in motivational research (Cho & Sum-
foundational to understanding effective learning and why they
mers, 2012; Pintrich, Smith, Garcia, & McKeachie, 1993; Stoffa,
can be used in a holistic approach to assess effective pedagogy.
Kush, & Heo, 2010). Internal cognitive skills refer to cognitive
strategies and processes that learners employ to encode or
manipulate given information effectively. They include such
Internal cognitive skills
concepts as metacognitive skills, study strategies, and critical-
thinking skills. Internal motivational beliefs describe learners’ Effective learners tend to employ study strategies such as elab-
views on their ability to complete a task successfully, on values oration and organization (Goldstein, 2008; Ormrod, 2008;
and challenges of a given task, and on why they succeed or fail. Robinson & Kiewra, 1995). Elaboration is “thinking about

Table 1. Cognitive and motivational factor constructs as defined by MSLQ definitions.

Cognitive component Motivational component

Rehearsal measures the cognitive activity of Intrinsic goal orientation measures the extent to Time and study environment measures how well
repeating facts or definitions. which you work hard because you enjoy the you manage your time and choose good
challenge of learning new things, are places to study.
genuinely curious about your courses, or
enjoy the feeling that comes from
understanding complex material.

Elaboration measures the ability to build Extrinsic motivation measures the act of doing Effort regulation measures your persistence in
connections between the topics and the well because you appreciate the external the face of difficulty or boredom.
course. rewards that go along with doing well.

Organization measures the tendency to make Task value measures the extent to which the Peer learning measures the ability to pool
charts or outlines of class notes and lecture tasks are interesting, important, and useful. knowledge, talk through difficult material,
materials and to select the most important and explain something effectively to
points from your text book or lecture notes. someone else in a group.

Critical thinking measures the ability to use Control of learning beliefs measures the extent to Help seeking measures how well you use the
knowledge in flexible and meaningful ways. which you believe that hard work will have resources of more competent people
positive results. available to you.

Metacognitive self-regulation measures the Self-efficacy for learning and performance

awareness and control you have over your measures your expectation about success and
own cognition, which is the mental your judgment of your own ability.
operation involved in performing a task.

Test anxiety measures the experience of having

distracting and disruptive thoughts that
interfere with your cognitive activity. It also
measures the experience of having physical
feelings of discomfort and nervousness while
taking a test.

what you are reading [or hearing] and giving it meaning by consequences for expecting future success (Weiner, 2000, 2004,
relating it to other things that you know” (Goldstein, 2008, p. 2005; Weiner & Kukla, 1970). The third internal motivational
187). Organization refers to “creating a framework that helps factor is anxiety. Although individuals experience debilitating
relate some information to other information, making the anxiety in many different contexts (e.g., social or classroom),
material more meaningful and therefore strengthening encod- anxiety in learning is commonly referred to as test anxiety
ing” (Goldstein, 2008, p. 188). Another internal cognitive skill (Stipek, 2002) and has two elements, cognitive and emotional
is critical thinking, which involves students evaluating accu- (Stipek, 2002; VanderStoep, 2008). In the mathematics context,
racy and reliability, as well as questioning the value and prac- the cognitive element includes having negative thoughts or low
ticality (or applicability) of what they are learning (Ormrod, expectations for learning mathematics and performing on
2009). In direct relation to this study, “[m]athematics and exams (Meece, Wigfield, & Eccles, 1990; Wigfield & Meece,
critical thinking cannot be separated from each other if we 1988). In his meta-analysis, Ma (1999) found that there is a sig-
seek meaningful learning of mathematics. Critical thinking nificant negative correlation (r D –.27) between mathematics
and mathematics classes should be for all students. Accord- anxiety and mathematics achievement among secondary stu-
ingly, dealing with diverse students is an essential point in dents regardless of gender and ethnicity. The emotional ele-
any critical-thinking training program” (Innabi & Sheikh, ments of anxiety refer to physiological reactions that include
2006, p. 67). A third internal cognitive skill is metacognition, uneasy feelings, sweating, and increased heart rate (Beilock &
which refers to knowledge of and thoughts about one’s own Carr, 2005; Kazelskis et al., 2000; Lyons & Beilock, 2012; Stipek,
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 05:21 14 May 2016

thinking and cognition (or intellect) (Dunlosky & Metcalfe, 2002; VanderStoep, 2008).
2009). Learners with metacognitive skills are able to monitor
their own learning processes, which include reading and lis-
External regulation and cooperative learning
tening comprehension and applying and adjusting effective
learning strategies. In other words, metacognition is an essen- Learners’ external regulation includes self-regulation and regu-
tial part of self-regulated learning that characterizes most lation of the physical environment. Self-regulation refers to the
effective learners. Not everyone is highly metacognitive (But- degree to which an individual intentionally controls his or her
ler & Winne, 1995; Stipek, 2002), but students can be taught own behaviors to achieve goals. Students who are self-regulated
the skills (Borkowski, 1992). Another characteristic of self- tend to set goals for themselves and monitor their progress and
regulated learners is effort regulation, which is the knowledge learning outcomes. They also seek help when needed and select
and ability to control the level of effort put forth to achieve and adjust their strategies (Butler & Winne, 1995). Similarly,
goals based on an understanding of the demands of a given they regulate their physical environment, such as managing
task. They understand that certain tasks require a larger when and where to study.
amount of effort or time than some other tasks, and they are Cooperative or peer learning (e.g., small-group work) is
able to persevere even if the task is difficult or uninteresting another external learner behavior in this category. Two of its
(Pintrich, 2000; Wolters, 1998; Zimmerman, 2000). common characteristics are having a common definitive goal
and having each group member take responsibility for contrib-
uting meaningfully (Abbeduto, 2010). Studies have shown that
Internal motivational beliefs and skills
students benefit from small-group learning (Slavin, 1996; Wen-
One type of internal motivation is learning motivation, which zel, 2000; Williamson & Rowe, 2002). “Students who work in
includes both intrinsic and extrinsic. “Intrinsic motivation is cooperative groups with other students are more motivated
defined as the doing of an activity for its inherent satisfaction and successful, especially with regard to reasoning and critical
rather than for some separable consequence,” whereas “[e] thinking skills, than those that do not” (Wenzel, 2000, p.
xtrinsic motivation is a construct that pertains whenever an 294A). Wenzel also found that the positive attributes of cooper-
activity is done in order to attain a different outcome” (Ryan & ative learning are especially significant in influencing racial and
Deci, 2000, p. 60). Several factors contribute to a learner’s moti- ethnic minority students to consider careers in science and
vation, including self-efficacy, intrapersonal attribution, and mathematics.
anxiety. Self-efficacy refers to a personal belief in “one’s capa- Examining these three motivated learning constructs (inter-
bilities to organize and execute courses of action to attain desig- nal cognitive skills, internal motivational beliefs, and external
nated goals” (Bandura, 1997; Zimmerman, 2000, p. 144). regulation and cooperative learning) is used as a foundation for
Researchers have argued that self-efficacy affects whether stu- evaluating the quality of students’ learning and as a guideline
dents choose challenging or easy activities, set higher or lower for assessing the effectiveness of PBL for secondary mathemat-
goals, exert more or less effort, and persist through obstacles or ics. Specifically, we measured academic achievement and stu-
give up easily (Ormrod, 2009; Pajares, 2005; Schunk & Pajares, dent-motivated learning strategies to explore and understand
2005; Zimmerman, 2000). As a result, students with high self- the effect of PBL in the context of the secondary mathematics
efficacy tend to learn and achieve more on a given task and are classroom.
more motivated and actively engaged in their learning (Stipek, In the fall of 2010, a small Midwestern school district
2001; Zimmerman, 2000). The second internal motivational opened a new PBL high school, whose demographics indicated
belief is intrapersonal attribution, which is an individual’s per- a high at-risk population; approximately 33% of its eighth- and
sonally constructed explanation about the causes of his or her ninth-grade students performed below minimum proficiency
success and failure on a given task or event. Studies have shown (National Center for Education Statistics, 2009, 2010, 2011).
that these underlying explanations have clear motivational Additionally, approximately 39% were eligible for free and/or

reduced lunch, a strong indicator for mathematics under- the same time, there might have been a halo effect to this
achievement (Michigan Department of Education, 2009). approach that motivated teachers and students new to it. In
Although the intention of establishing a new PBL school was to other words, the newness itself could have been either positive
provide academic excellence for college-bound students, the or negative for learning and teaching. Hence, it was not clear in
population attracted was disproportionally lower achieving. which direction the outcome would go. We, therefore, started
According to the state standardized-assessment scores, the per- the study from an exploratory framework.
cent of students with less than a 60% mathematics proficiency
level was about 10% lower than at the control school located in
the same district. Both administrators and teachers were disap-
pointed and had to readjust their own expectations of PBL. This study was conducted to collect both quantitative and qual-
They were aware of the research behind PBL and its positive itative data. For quantitative data, participants’ standardized
effects for high-achieving students but were now faced with test scores and online survey scores were examined; for qualita-
implementing it with students who, according to the literature, tive data, classroom observations and student interviews were
were not assured of benefiting. administered and analyzed for both the PBL and control high
This was a golden opportunity for us to work with the com- schools. While PBL is an approach that assesses student learn-
munity. The school district asked for our involvement in assess- ing through peer presentations, the school needed to demon-
ing their new high school dedicated solely to a PBL strate the effectiveness of the pedagogy through students’
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environment. We, together with the teachers and administra- performance on standardized tests. These tests measure student
tors, attended several PBL-sponsored training conferences and minimal content gain per grade level. The scores on the stan-
workshops prior to beginning the study. This study followed dardized tests allowed us to compare the performance of PBL
the initial eighth- and ninth-grade students. students to that of the control students. For the data collection
process, all researchers were trained in observing classes, inter-
viewing students, and coding data. Eighty percent interrater
Research questions
reliability was maintained for the integrity of the research
The overarching objective of the study was to assess the imple- methodology.
mentation process of PBL in a secondary mathematics curricu-
lum. To do this required both quantitative measures, such as
students’ mathematics achievement test scores and student sur-
veys, as well as qualitative measures. Through classroom obser- The participants of the study were the eighth- and ninth-grade
vations, interviews with students, and the use of a control students of both the PBL and the control high schools. The dis-
school, we assessed how well secondary mathematics was trict’s conventional high school was chosen as the control
taught and learned through PBL. In particular, this study was group. The first year, the total number of students in the study
designed to investigate three main research questions: was 532 (88 PBL and 444 control). In the second year, the total
number of students in the study was 459 (78 PBL and 381 con-
Research Question 1: Is there any relationship between PBL and
secondary students’ academic skill (i.e., mathematics)? trol). The PBL and control groups shared similar demographics
and geographical proximity.
Research Question 2: Would the PBL environment enhance inter- To adjust for the disproportionate sample size between the
nal cognitive skills and motivational factors (i.e., internal motiva- PBL and control high schools, we utilized a stratified random
tional belief and external regulation/ cooperative learning)? sample approach to compare mean differences between these
groups. Specifically, out of the total participants, we randomly
Research Question 3: Does the PBL approach affect minority chose a representative subsample by gender and race (nPBL D
(Latino American and other) and low-SES students who are known 30; nControl D 30). See Table 2 for the detailed participant
to be underachieving in mathematics differently than it does the demographics.
majority students?
The PBL school had heavily recruited students from the
For Research Question 1, please note that this study was not existing high school in the same district. The participants were
designed to examine two different pedagogical approaches students of the PBL school, while the control were students
(PBL vs. conventional) but to investigate the effects of the PBL attending the existing high school. Demographics for the two
approach while using the conventional approach as a control groups were comparable except in the area of mathematics
condition. level, in which PBL students were about 10% lower (census).
As the PBL school started with a higher percentage of stu- From the PBL population, all mathematics students partici-
dents who were lower achieving in mathematics, we were not pated in this study. The students who were interviewed were
clear whether the PBL approach would make any significant randomly selected. The control school administrators allowed
difference. In addition, because the previous research suggested us to observe the mathematics classrooms and interview their
that PBL may not be an effective pedagogical approach for stu- mathematics teachers.
dents with superficial understanding of mathematical concepts,
it was difficult to foresee a positive effect.
Control group’s curriculum
The teachers recruited for the school were novices to the
PBL pedagogical approach. Therefore, they needed time to The control group had a conventional mathematics curriculum,
develop sufficient skills to become adept at implementing it. At which consisted of the traditional sequencing, delineated in

Table 2. Participant demographics.

Experimental PBL school Control non-PBL school

First year (n D 88) Second year (n D 78) First year (n D 444) Second year (n D 381)

8 47 (53%) 8 186 (42%)

9 41 (47%) 44 (56%) 9 258 (58%) 205 (54%)
10 34 (44%) 10 176 (46%)

Male 51 (58%) 47 (60%) Male 198 (45%) 189 (50%)

Female 37 (42%) 31 (40%) Female 244 (55%) 192 (50%)

African-American 11 (13%) 8 (11%) African-American 22 (5%) 13 (8%)

European-American 37 (42%) 33 (43%) European-American 173 (39%) 151 (40%)
Latino(a)-American 26 (30%) 28 (36%) Latino(a)-American 178 (40%) 168 (44%)
Other 14 (16%) 9 (12%) Other 71 (16%) 49 (13%)
Socioeconomic status

48/88 D 55% 226/444 D 52%

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Randomized sampling demographics by gender and race

Experimental PBL school Control non-PBL school


Male 16 (53%) Male 16 (53%)

Female 13 (43%) Female 14 (47%)
Note: one PBL person declined gender specification

African-American 3 (10%) African-American 1 (3%)

European-American 12 (40%) European-American 13 (43%)
Latino(a)-American 11(37%) Latino(a)-American 10 (33%)
Other 4 (13%) Other 6 (2%)

Note. Sometimes numbers do not agree, because some students declined to self-report.

Figure 1 below. The sequencing consists of two tracks, college true within and between grade levels. The classrooms observed
and career ready and accelerated advanced placement (AP). utilized the traditional classroom pedagogy, which included
Students in Grade 8 usually took general mathematics; how- many different formats (e.g., small group, paired discussion).
ever, accelerated students took prealgebra or algebra 1. The main pedagogy, however, consisted of more than 70%
The control group’s curriculum was not mandated to follow lecture.
a uniform topical sequence, and the mathematics teachers were The PBL school was similar to the control school in that it,
allowed to choose an appropriate pedagogical approach as long too, needed to meet the same state standards. However, the
as they met the specified curriculum state standard. This was teachers were not bound by the same sequence of courses. As

Figure 1. Control curriculum sequencing map, course description catalog.


long as students met the same criteria by the end of the year, Power
the teachers had the freedom to teach courses and course con- The study design had ample power to detect significance; the
tent in any order. In other words, while all teachers employed student sample size was large enough, see Table 2. It may
the PBL pedagogical approach, they had the academic freedom appear that we were comparing two different pedagogies (PBL
to teach the content as they thought best to meet the state vs. control), when, in fact, we were examining the PBL
standard. approach at the student level; assessing a cooperative learning
pedagogy requires focusing on the motivational and academic
performance of individual students. Additionally, when the
Attrition data were classified by stratification, gender, race–ethnicity,
We did not have any control over the attrition or the selection and SES, each group had adequate numbers to detect signifi-
of participants. This was because students had the freedom to cance in both the PBL and control populations. Power was
choose their high school but not their school district. This determined initially by using the standard rule of thumb for
meant there was a lot of student movement among schools each test of significance for 80% power (Tintle et al., 2014; Wil-
within the district. Fortunately, the PBL attrition rate was 14%, son-VanVoorhis & Morgan, 2007). A priori, each test of signifi-
which was not significantly different than that of the control cance conducted confirmed that we had ample power to detect
school (p D .431). significance.
We were present from the beginning of the PBL school;
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therefore, our presence was regularly and naturally embedded Missing data
in the classrooms. As a result, our presence had minimal effect Fortunately, missing data was not an issue.
on attrition.
Teachers Overall mathematics scores on the state standardized tests and
The PBL teachers were recruited from the control high school the Plan Explorer (PLAN) test (i.e., commercial tests) for both
because they were highly experienced and reputed to be excel- the PBL and control schools were contrasted (i.e., descriptive
lent mathematics teachers. They were trained through a statistics, and chi-square and t tests). Instead of imposing an
national PBL organization by observing a well-established PBL additional assessment, we chose to analyze the existing tools
school program and attending meetings several times a year. used by both participating schools. Since these tools were cho-
The organization not only provided training but also assisted sen by the school district for their construct validity based on
with curriculum development and implementation. curriculum standards, we felt that they were an appropriate
Analysis In the spring of each year, both PBL and control students’
Because of the disparate population size between PBL and the state standardized mathematics scores were given to us by the
control groups, a randomized stratified sample by gender and school district. The state standardized tests were administered
race was used to analyze between-group differences. Specifi- to eighth- and 11th-grade students. They are ACT-based and
cally, the data were stratified by gender and race; then a simple test algebra, geometry, and statistics. Overall Cronbach’s alpha
random sample was conducted by selecting every third person for reliability for the state standardized tests ranged from .87 to
from the PBL group and every 15th person from the control .88 (Michigan Department of Education, 2012). Grade-appro-
group. Therefore, 60 students, 30 from each group, were priate general topics addressed in the exam included mathe-
included in the analysis for between-group differences. How- matics reasoning, logic and proof, algebraic expressions,
ever, to better understand the full picture, we used the entire equations and functions, relationships, properties and geomet-
population for within-school differences. ric transformations of figures, and statistical univariate and
Independent t tests were run to find significance between bivariate data (Michigan Department of Education, 2010).
PBL and the control group on standardized tests, whereas The PLAN, which is also an ACT-based assessment, was
paired t tests were conducted to find significance within the given to all grade levels (Grades 8–12) at both schools. Accord-
same group among different semesters. An analysis of vari- ing to one of the administrators, the PLAN test is closely corre-
ance was also run to determine the effect of the quantified lated to the state standardized test success, which was why it
survey constructs on the two groups. Specifically, the student was adopted for district-wide implementation. At time of study,
responses to the 15 motivational constructs were analyzed. there were no reliability coefficients available to report.
Descriptive (percentage and proportions) data was provided To determine the achievement level of the PBL and control
to give a general overview of all the survey data (i.e., 15 students prior to the PBL experience, we compared fall 2010
components of the survey and demographics). We used mathematics standardized scores for both groups. We found that
nonparametric statistics for the survey data. A chi-square the PBL students’ scores were lower (by 10%) than the control
test was run to find significance in the magnitude of the per- students; however, the difference was not significant (p D .065).
cent of change. Effect sizes of each motivational construct
were reported for both between- and within-group
Student surveys
All stipulations were met for these tests. Interrater reliability These surveys assessed students’ degree of motivated learning
(80%) was assessed for researchers’ qualitative data. strategies. All students were given an online adaptive version of

the VanderStoep and Pintrich (2008) Motivated Strategies for interviews were conducted at the school, taped, and
Learning Questionnaire (MSLQ) Learning Inventory survey for transcribed for analysis. A number of colleagues from the
three consecutive semesters in their own classrooms by their Education Department and other disciplines reviewed the
mathematics teachers. The MSLQ is a well-established survey questions prior to our conducting the study.
that has been validated by the professional community (Artino,
2005; Crede & Phillips, 2011). The survey comprises 16 subca-
tegories, including demographics. As explained previously, Classroom observations
these 16 subcategories are classified into three groups: internal
Each semester, trained researchers observed the teachers’ dis-
cognitive skills, internal motivational beliefs, and external regu-
course to assess depth of knowledge displayed, using Univer-
lation and cooperative learning. Internal cognitive skills include
sity of Louisville’s Mathematical Knowledge in the
rehearsal (four items), elaboration (six items), organization
Classroom Discourse rubric and scoring sheet (see Appendix
(three items), critical thinking (five items), and metacognitive
B). The instrument measures three aspects of a teacher’s
self-regulation (12 items). Internal motivational beliefs include
mathematics knowledge: instructional learning (i.e., vocabu-
intrinsic goal orientation (four items), extrinsic goal orientation
lary, schemas provided, depth of questions asked), curricu-
(four items), test anxiety (five items), task value (six items), self-
lum (i.e., appropriate use of materials and technology), and
efficacy (four items), and effort-regulation (four items). Exter-
student learning (i.e., interpreting and assessing students’
nal regulation and cooperative learning include time and study
mathematical learning and assisting in abstracting the con-
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environment (eight items), peer learning (three items), and

cepts taught). The observations were summarized by us. The
help seeking (four items).
teachers were observed twice per semester for 50 min each
We edited the original survey questions to align with a
(i.e., an entire class time) by four researchers. This is where
Grade 8 reading level without compromising integrity, for
we were able to observe first-hand actual PBL projects being
which we received author’s permission. In addition, there were
carried out and student interactions.
precedents set for administering the MSLQ survey for K–12
To validate the data, we used several student factors, which
students in mathematics and science (Doll, Zucker, & Brehm,
included surveys, interviews, observations, and achievement
2004; Feiz, Hooman, & Kooshki, 2013; Karadeniz,
scores. To answer our research questions, the students’ factors,
ozt€urk, Akg€un, Çakmak, & Demirel, 2008; Milner, 2011).
both quantitative and qualitative, are reported in this article.
Reliability of the adopted survey was determined after the
results; the survey was reliable (Cronbach’s aPBS D .96; Cron-
bach’s acontrol D .94).
The purpose of this study was not to compare the PBL and
Focus group/student interviews
conventional approaches to teaching mathematics, nor was
Twice a year, semiclinical student interviews were conducted it designed to parse out a cause–effect relationship between
to glean additional information not garnered from the stu- types of pedagogical approaches and learning outcomes.
dent surveys, although results from the surveys helped drive This study was an investigation of the impact of PBL on
the interviews. A list of standardized questions was devel- secondary mathematics learners, both academically and
oped, and each interviewer began with the same questions motivationally. The results include both academic skill devel-
(see Appendix A for sample questions). The interviewee’s opment and motivational factors. In addition, this study
responses, however, guided further questions. Fifteen stu- further disaggregated the findings by demographic factors,
dents (nine girls, six boys) were randomly selected to partici- such as race–ethnicity and SES in secondary mathematics
pate in the interviews, and none declined to participate. All learning.

Figure 2. PBL and control schools’ disaggregated standardized mathematics test scores.

Academic achievement lunch were primarily White students (not eligible: 72% of
White students, 24% of the Latino students, and 33% of other
The following results were analyzed from the state-adopted
minority students; these proportions were significantly differ-
PLAN standardized mathematics test scores for Grades 9 and
ent). Because these two factors are often confounding, they
10 for both the PBL and control schools. The overall scores
may have made stronger the impact of the White students’ per-
used were the mathematics raw scores for algebra and geome-
formance on the overall scores. The White students in the con-
try. The highest possible score was 32.
trol school outperformed the White students in the PBL school
by about 5 points.
When examining the achievement gap between White
PBL and control school results
students and other racial groups of students, race was not a
The results showed that students in both schools mastered determining factor in PBL school’s performance. However,
about half of the requisite mathematics content, scoring 48% at poverty level was. Students who were not eligible for free and
the PBL school and 56% at the control school. There was no reduced lunch scored approximately 2 points higher than those
overall statistical difference between the two schools in mathe- who were. This difference was statistically significant (PBLeligible
matics skill development (p > .05). The control school (m D D 14.90, SD D 2.16; PBLnot eligible D 16.64, SD D 2.66; p < .05).
17.88, SD D 5.01) scored approximately 2 points higher than Another important fact regarding students’ mathematics
the PBL school (m D 15.52, SD D 2.46). This means that, when learning in the PBL school versus the control school was that
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 05:21 14 May 2016

measured by the standardized test, both schools’ secondary stu- the PBL students have smaller variance. Because the standard
dents’ overall mathematics achievement was similar. The math- deviation shows how students’ scores deviated from the aver-
ematics content learning in the two environments did not seem age, a small standard deviation means that their scores were
to make a difference until we disaggregated the data. Then sig- clustered closely around the mean. The average S standard
nificant differences emerged. deviation of the PBL school was 2 points, while the control
Further analysis showed that there were statistically signifi- school averaged 5 points. This suggests that the PBL students
cant differences in the data disaggregated by SES factors (i.e., were brought along together in their learning regardless of race;
free and reduced lunch) and by race–ethnicity. See Figure 2 for their scores seem to support this conjecture, in that their stan-
a breakdown of the disaggregated mathematics scores. First, dard deviations were half those of the control school students.
the achievement gap between students from low-SES and mid- The PBL students were progressing together, which may
dle/upper middle-SES backgrounds in the PBL school (1.75 explain why there were no statistical differences among their
points, which was statistically significant [p < .05]) was smaller subgroups within the school.
than the gap in the control school (3.02 points, which was sta- Scores indicated that both the PBL and control students
tistically significant [p < .05]). This means that, within the PBL were weak in mathematics content knowledge—having mas-
school, SES (i.e., free and reduced lunch) is still a factor in tered only half. The interview results corroborated these find-
mathematics achievement, even though a diminished one. Sec- ings. In the beginning, the PBL students did not understand the
ond, in the PBL school, the difference between the racial–ethnic mathematics behind a given project. On the surface, they could
minority students and the majority White students was nine present an exemplary product (i.e., presentation) with their
tenths of a point, which was not statistically significant. The mathematics assignments completed. However, upon question-
same academic score difference in the control school was 4.13 ing, they did not have a rudimentary knowledge of why the
points, which was statistically significant (p < .05). This means algorithms were used, nor were they able to utilize common
that while race was a factor in mathematics achievement in the mathematics vocabulary. For example, when working on a cul-
control school, it was not in the PBL environment. minating project for an equation of line/regression, students
Examining individual scores of racial–ethnic minority stu- had to predict the number of rubber bands needed to form a
dents and White majority students (i.e., Latino vs. White and bungee cord that would prevent a Barbie doll from crashing
other minority vs. White) in the PBL school, we found that into the ground. The students modeled the simulation beau-
race was not a factor in performance differences. However, in tifully. Using technology, they graphed the number of trials in
the control school, whites outperformed all other racial groups. a scatter plot and presented their findings in an elaborate
Specifically, the difference between the White and other racial PowerPoint presentation. However, when asked two basic
groups was approximately 4 points, and these differences were questions about how they had found the slope and what the
statistically significant (White vs. Latino, 4.13; White vs. other, equation represented, none of the five groups could answer
3.94; p < .05). either one. Further, two of the groups had the ordered pairs
White students’ performances played a major role in under- labeled backwards (y, x), and none of the groups had used the
standing the relationship between the two schools’ overall equation to find the slope. In the beginning, these were not
scores and their disaggregated performances. In particular, atypical phenomena.
there were only two statistically different achievement scores Even though these students did not demonstrate standard
between the schools as a whole, and both score groups had mathematics, they showed signs of thinking and actively con-
majority White participants: they were between Whites (PBL D structing mathematics knowledge. We observed that, in fact,
16.11, SD D 2.09; control D 20.61, SD D 4.90, p < .05) and they were using the mathematics and constructing their own
those who were not eligible for free and reduced lunch (PBL D understanding of prediction by the trial-and-error method.
16.64, SD D 2.66; control D 19.64, SD D 5.15; p < .05). In this Specifically, students simply averaged the number of rubber
population, students who are not eligible for free and reduced bands they used in each successful trial. While it was a more

primitive method, it still brought out the students’ own authen- significantly better outside of the PBL environment needs fur-
tic understanding. This ownership of knowledge was a bench- ther investigation.
mark in having the students come to value mathematics, which In addition to the standardized test, we administered bian-
seem to lead to their better understanding of it. The following nual surveys to investigate cognitive and motivational factors
remarks represented how students felt about their PBL mathe- associated with PBL pedagogy and mathematics learning. The
matics learning experience: following were the main findings in each area.
@I’m retaining it well. In high school [I] struggled with
math and I forgot a lot of the math even between class
periods. I sucked at math and now I’ve improved. I feel Motivational factors measured by surveys
more at ease with math, and I remember the concepts. Because surveys were administered each semester, we were able
@I am more interested in PBL because I get it. to see the evolution in students’ responses longitudinally. The
Although some may be concerned that students did not following reports the differences between the PBL group and
master the acceptable mathematics standards, these students the control group and then the changes within the individual
actually took the first step in understanding that mathematics schools over time in internal cognitive skills, internal motiva-
is a way of explaining the concrete world around them. As time tional beliefs, and external regulation and cooperative learning.
went on, more substantive concepts were learned. Hence, while Throughout this report, students’ comments from interviews
not learning grade-level mathematics content, the PBL students are used to highlight the main survey findings, as their com-
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 05:21 14 May 2016

became more mathematics literate by using mathematics in ments brought depth of understanding.
real-life situations.
Internal cognitive skills
Summary of academic achievement When examining the change of PBL students’ internal cogni-
This exploratory study showed some promising effects for stu- tive skills, we found that students in the PBL school used
dents who struggled with mathematics. Some results were also organization strategies more frequently for studying mathe-
grounds for concern. Standardized mathematics test scores matics (see Figure 3). Moreover, because simply repeating
showed that, though the academic performance gap was still given information to study mathematics (rehearsal) is less
present, the width of the gap had diminished significantly. The effective than adding prior knowledge to new information,
fact that White-majority mathematics students performed students in the PBL setting were not only increasing

Figure 3. PBL students.


frequency of using strategies (i.e., organization) but increas- of just completing the project. If somebody is lagging
ing the quality of their strategies. In the beginning of the and if you try and keep that person who’s lagging with
study, the PBL students began with minimal organization you, you can benefit from it. I try to be patient and not
skills; however, within one year, the PBL students increased fire people immediately.
their usage to 33% and advanced to approximately 67% by These comments clearly show that the students had devel-
the end of this study. The following responses reflect the oped richer cooperative-learning skills and an understanding of
PBL students’ internal cognitive skills: the benefits of working with others. These group-work experi-
@I do homework and wait for the next day’s class where the ences also affected students’ learning motivation in several
teacher will go over the concept. I’ll try and go step by ways. For example, students showed strong help-seeking behav-
step from his notes to the homework and try and con- iors. The following comments showed how students initiated
nect it [i.e., elaboration]. these behaviors. Concept descriptors appear in brackets:
@I look back at old assignments that I didn’t get done and @I ask questions first [of] student[s], then the teacher [i.e.,
go over those. Try to get homework done on time or peer learning].
make plans after school to study with the teacher [i.e., @I want to learn [pause] [I] pick others who can be helpful
elaborative rehearsal and strong sign of self-regulation]. [i.e., help seeking].
@I like to rewrite things, so I rewrite all my notes in the @I look over my notes, watch videos, get private lessons
homework. The more I see it the more I know it [i.e., [from the teacher]. I guess we just have a lot of resour-
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reviewing and rehearsal]. ces available [i.e., help-seeking].

@I go over what’s learned and make a few practice problems @I ask a smart student in class, and then teacher [i.e., peer
[i.e., elaboration and testing]. learning and help-seeking].
These comments showed that the students realized their
Internal motivational beliefs and external regulation and peers could be helpful resources, and even low academic level
cooperative learning students were motivated enough to intentionally seek help. In
The results showed that PBL students’ responses increased in other words, students began to show different characteristics of
four of six subcategories in internal motivational beliefs. The self-regulation, such as setting goals for themselves, looking for
PBL students became more intrinsically motivated (from 25% resources, seeking help, and using better learning strategies that
to 67%); showed they believed more that they were in control would help them succeed.
of their own learning (from 75% 98%); showed an increased In addition, group work affected how PBL students valued
appreciation for peer learning (from 33% to 67%); and learned their mathematics learning (i.e., task value). We gathered from
to regulate their study time and study environment more (from indirect comments and behavior changes that students came to
75% to 88%). Critical thinking (from 40% to near 0%) was one appreciate mathematics as a useful cognitive tool. For example,
main factor that changed negatively. It is also important to during an interview, one student shared that when she went to
note that while not statistically significant, metacognitive self- the store, she actually thought about unit prices and cost com-
regulation also decreased. It first spiked (from 25% to 46%) but parisons. She realized that her mathematics knowledge was use-
then returned to its original state (see Figure 3). ful. Another example is a comment by a student working on a
The interview results showed that group work dynamics in project designing a pancake mix box. It dawned on him that
PBL classrooms brought out various social behaviors among mathematics (i.e., geometry) and economics integrate when
these PBL students, and some students needed an adjustment designing a package with an optimal ratio of small pancake vol-
period in order to become self-disciplined learners. Unlike stu- ume and large pancake aesthetics. In other words, he was calcu-
dents in traditional classrooms in which the teacher manages lating the dimensions of a feasible package that would be both
and controls the class, the PBL students had to work autono- attractive and cost-effective by containing the smallest volume
mously on their projects as a group. In the beginning some stu- of pancake mix. Although it was a greed motivation, it was also
dents were distracted or off task. However, they became more a realization of the value of mathematics. These were just a cou-
focused, skilled in working with others, and appreciative of ple of examples among many comments that underscored the
their peers’ different strengths. The following student responses students’ appreciation of mathematics as practical.
clearly demonstrated the aforementioned qualities: Another qualitative change that the PBL students exhibited
@Group work depends upon work ethic compatibility. If was in their management of study time and environments.
they [other students in the group] do not have a work Their responses indicated signs of increased study time and the
ethic like yours it ends badly. implementation of effective study strategies. Additionally, they
@Some people have more expertise than in other areas. expressed a desire to earn higher grades and understand the
@Projects show which students have which strengths, so materials.
they’re a useful tool for picking out groups in the future. The PBL students seemed to be motivated to use more effec-
@This year everybody knows each other and their qualities tive study strategies voluntarily, although the approach itself
that they bring to the table for projects. does not directly require them. Research has shown that study
@Everybody’s got a different creativity. It’s not just me. It’s strategies such as elaboration, testing, and organization are
not just one person. It’s a collective. very effective in understanding and remembering given infor-
@The project’s not [about] getting the project done all by mation (Goldstein, 2011). It can hardly be refuted that students
yourself; it’s about working together. I realize that it’s who autonomously employ these effective strategies are self-
choosing to take the time to work with people instead regulated and intrinsically motivated.
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Figure 4. Control students.

Moreover, the PBL students of all academic achievement their natural ability, do not usually invest time and effort in
levels (from superficial to deeper conceptual understanding) studying (Dweck, 2009). These PBL students from all academic
responded that they wanted to be successful and master the levels did invest greater amounts of time and effort, which sug-
content. At first, it may have seemed that students were gested a shift in their paradigm. Initially, it seemed that many
expressing performance goals, which usually stem from extrin- attributed their success or failure in mathematics achievement
sic motivations, but their initial comments compared to their to innate ability. That could be why they said they merely
later ones make the qualitative changes obvious. Initially, when wanted to pass, assuming they were not talented enough in
asked their mathematics goals, they responded that they simply mathematics to do better. Through PBL experiences, these stu-
wanted to pass. Gradually students began aiming for higher dents not only maintained high mathematics self-efficacy but
grades (A or B) and mastering the material. In general, students also the belief that effort begets higher grades. They were
who believe they are good or poor at mathematics because of expressing mastery or learning goals, which originated from

Figure 5. PBL versus control.


intrinsic motivations, and demonstrating that they could con- not so. Racial minorities and low SES students seemed to fair
trol their own learning. In the beginning of the study, both the well under the PBL environment. Hence, the results of this
PBL and control students exhibited high mathematics self-effi- study appear to be incongruous with the claim that PBL is det-
cacy. As the students increased grade levels, however, the con- rimental to at-risk students and those with only superficial
trol students showed significantly lower self-efficacy (12%, p < knowledge of mathematics. In fact, lower achieving students in
.05). Because our study began with eighth-grade students, tradi- our study profited from PBL.
tionally middle school, this confirms the findings that self-effi- Both schools had similar ratios of racial–ethnic and SES
cacy in mathematics tends to be more differentiated in high diversity. For the racial/ethnic diversity among the PBL stu-
school than middle school (Bong, 2001; Wigfield & Meece, dents, the differences among groups were minimal. As we pre-
1988). Hence, the normality of control group change adds viously mentioned, while the standard deviations in the PBL
weight to the effect of the PBL approach, as the PBL students school remained close together, those of the control school
continued at the same level. At this juncture, however, the were spread further apart among the groups (White vs. Latino
higher self-efficacy of the PBL students cannot be attributed and White vs. other minority groups). This means that racial
solely to their PBL experiences. Further research needs to be groups within the PBL school were learning at a similar pace
conducted to ascertain if and why the usual downward trend and level, thus reducing the achievement gap among racial
continues for most high school students. groups. Using an analogy, it is like starting a semester with two
The control students showed one notable decrease in self- teachers, each having high-, middle-, and low-achieving stu-
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efficacy (from 99% to 88%) and increase in test anxiety (from dents but then ending the semester with one teacher (the PBL)
20% to 60%) during this study (see Figure 4). These may have having all students in a similar level achievement range and the
indicated that, while the students wanted to achieve their study other teacher (the control) having the same large differences
goal, this caused higher anxiety and made them lose a measure among high, middle and low groups. In sum, the sizes of the
of their initial confidence to achieve the tasks. variations among the PBL students’ scores were significantly
When the responses of the PBL and control groups are com- smaller than those of the control students. Hence, the results
pared to each other, it is evident that their experiences in learn- seemed to indicate that the PBL approach may have reduced
ing mathematics were qualitatively different. For example, the the racial–ethnic achievement gap.
results of the surveys (see Figure 5) showed that the responses We speculated that because the PBL approach by definition
of the PBL students regarding internal cognitive skills were employs small-group work, the format itself contributed to this
higher in critical thinking (13% more; F D 3.89, p D .05). Com- positive outcome of a smaller achievement gap. Students were
paring internal motivational beliefs, the PBL students were constantly being randomly assigned to group to complete proj-
more intrinsically goal oriented (about 12%; F D 4.87, p D .03). ects of varying lengths. Hence, they were required to meet and
At the same time, the results showed that both the control and work with a variety of racially and ethnically diverse students.
PBL students were highly extrinsically motivated (78% and An outgrowth of PBL was the camaraderie of group participa-
79%, respectively). Most students want to earn high grades. tion, which may have facilitated the increase in their perfor-
Additionally, PBL students appreciated working with peers mance together as a group.
(14% more; F D 5.19, p D .03). As evidenced by the comparison The fact that the PBL environment resulted in the small
graph in Figure 5, it is noteworthy that PBL students scored standard deviation among this demographic brought about
higher than the control group in all motivational constructs another benefit, the potential to qualify schools under the No
examined. Child Left Behind Act of 2001 (2002). Many schools fail to
meet school-proficiency standards because of high standard
deviation among their racial/ethnic demographic (achievement
gap). The PBL approach may be one factor that mitigates this
This study was an investigation of both the academic and moti- phenomenon.
vational factors associated with secondary mathematics PBL Latinos and other minority students in the PBL school did
learners. Although PBL cannot claim to have significantly facil- not score significantly differently than did their control school
itated mathematics content acquisition among all learners, it counterparts, meaning they were mathematically on par. How-
did decrease the achievement gap among different demo- ever, the concern was that the White PBL students scored sig-
graphic groups and mathematics achievement levels. Unlike in nificantly lower (i.e., 4.5 points) than did the White control
previous studies, which suggested that only students with in- school students. This does not mean that the PBL approach is
depth knowledge benefit from learning through PBL, our study not beneficial for White students and only beneficial for
showed the PBL approach was equally effective for students minority students. We interpreted this result to be partly due
with various depths of mathematics knowledge. Moreover, to SES. For within SES diversity, there are still many unan-
implementation of the PBL approach increased learning moti- swered questions with the current data. A higher percentage
vation within racial–ethnic and SES subgroups. of White PBL students were from low SES compared to in the
control school, and SES seemed to be a stronger contributing
factor in achievement than race–ethnicity. However, further
Academic achievement
investigation and analysis need to be conducted to support
Although the results from our data seemed to indicate that this hypothesis.
there were no significant differences in the pedagogical The only trend in which the PBL and control schools
approach in terms of mathematics content acquisition, this was were similar was in SES (i.e., identified by free and reduced

lunch). Within each school, those from middle- or upper student interviews, this structure made them feel accepted and
middle-SES backgrounds scored significantly higher than comfortable in their designated roles, which may have encour-
their lower SES counterparts. Results showed that, regardless aged more dialogue among diverse group members. This group
of the pedagogical approach, SES plays a major intervening dynamic in turn may have allowed students to provide each
factor in students’ mathematics achievement. It is important other with cognitive scaffolding. While students used positive
to note that, in the PBL environment, SES seemed to be a words such as easy, accepting, and feeling comfortable or good
stronger predictor of mathematics success than were racial/ to describe their group experiences and their willingness to
ethnic factors. speak more, we ascribed this observation to a safe environment
where they did not have to worry about being judged. In other
words, the PBL instructional setup might have allowed students
Learning motivations
to speak or articulate their views safely while also hearing the
Other factors that may contribute to mathematics success are views of their peers.
learning motivations. Specifically, students’ internal cognitive As Piagetian (i.e., cognitive), Vygotskian (i.e., social), or
skills, internal motivation beliefs, external self-regulation, and other constructivist (e.g., communal) educators might suggest,
cooperative learning are also associated with their success in the entire dialogue process of participating in the sharing and
learning mathematics. If students believe they can understand defending of ideas seemed to facilitate the construction of all
mathematics and become competent at it, they will be more students’ more solid mathematical knowledge. By being
Downloaded by [Orta Dogu Teknik Universitesi] at 05:21 14 May 2016

motivated. Hence, if students autonomously set appropriate involved in authentic projects, students could show not only
goals for themselves, employ effective learning strategies, create the product but also the process of mathematics learning. The
a conducive learning environment, and pursue help from peers benefits extended beyond minority students to everyone in the
and teachers, they will facilitate their own learning processes in PBL classrooms.
the short and long term. Mathematics educators hope that stu- It may not be surprising that compared to the control group,
dents appreciate the usefulness of mathematics and develop the PBL students evidenced greater critical thinking skills. What is
confidence that they can learn. The results showed that PBL surprising, however, is the poor level of critical thinking mani-
students have higher critical thinking, intrinsic motivation, and fested within both groups. Why this was so requires additional
peer learning compared to that of the control students. As pre- study. One paradox is that, although students’ critical thinking
viously stated, PBL should not be considered the sole contribu- skills were minimal, they were able to successfully complete the
tor to these differences, but PBL did appear to be a standardized mathematics assessment. The implication of this
contributory factor. paradox is something mathematics educators should ponder
A core part of PBL is teamwork as students work together and will be a part of our future study.
to solve real-world mathematics problems. This allows them In summation, the results showed that at-risk and minority
to see that mathematics not only has practical value, but also students benefited from PBL in learning mathematics. The aca-
affords them the opportunity to value working relationships demic performance gap was present, but its width diminished
with peers. This collaborative relationship includes intellec- significantly. However, the impact of SES on the PBL approach
tual resources and social support. Rather than working alone, needs further investigation. Compared to their control group
PBL students find merit in working collaboratively and using counterparts, PBL students were more intrinsically motivated,
group members as a resource. This classroom environment showed significantly higher critical thinking skills, and appreci-
seemed to foster students taking ownership of their effort, ated peer learning.
progress, and product, and they began to regulate their time
and improve their study habits, including where and how
they studied (strategies). As a result, students may have felt Limitations and future study
that they had control of their own learning process. Since Because this is an exploratory, empirical research study, the
working in the PBL environment required more active generalizability of the results is limited. Thus, future studies on
involvement (i.e., hands on projects and cooperative learn- the topic are warranted, and additional PBL schools should be
ing), it was positively correlated with students’ intrinsic examined to authenticate the findings.
motivation, which promotes learning. Specifically, PBL stu- In future studies, additional factors associated with PBL
dents believed that they could study the right way and learn should be investigated. Parallel to racial–ethnic and SES diver-
the material (i.e., control of learning), and became confident sity, gender should be explored. Also, given the constructivist
that they could do well. That PBL students were more intrin- nature of the PBL classroom, the developmental differences in
sically motivated than the control students seems to be a sig- students’ epistemological beliefs may reveal additional benefits
nificant advantage of the PBL approach. of PBL. Specifically, students with long-term PBL experience
The minority students may have benefitted additionally compared to students in conventional mathematics classrooms
from group work. Often times, these students in conventional may exhibit more mature epistemological beliefs in mathemati-
classrooms tend to be isolated and stay within their own social cal knowledge.
structure (Tatum, 1997). Because the PBL group work was
inclusive rather than exclusive, it may have promoted learning
motivations for minority students. For example, within the Funding
group, all members were assigned roles, which gave them per- This work was supported by the NSF REU (grant number 28071) and the
mission to speak within protected guidelines. According to Carl Frost Social Science Research Center (grant number 25708).

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Differences across problem types, implementation types, disciplines,
and assessment levels. The Interdisciplinary Journal of Problem Based
kinds of goals have you set?
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Weiner, B. (2000). Intrapersonal and interpersonal theories of motivation 8. What kind of study strategies do you use?
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plurality into theoretical unity. In D. M. McInerney & S. Van Etten
group work, lecture, etc.?
(Eds.), Big theories revisited (pp. 13–29). Grenwich, Ct.: Information 11. How well does your group work together? (good teamwork,
Age. conflicts?)
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New York, NY: Guilford.
class, what would it be?
Weiner, B., & Kukla, A. (1970). An attributional analysis of achievement Note: Bolded and italicized questions were added after initial
motivation. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 15, 1–20. interviews

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