Disadvantage and Advantage of S

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Disadvantage and Advantage of Social elem Ona (ane Monday, September 27, 2021 1:09 PM Background of the study Social media is a collective term for websites and applications that focus on communication, community based input, iCaqeladlelsPmacl eM Tee melee) collaboration. It contributed a lot of access and knowledge specially to the students now a days. It also contributed a lot of criticism to the students. Social Media has positive effects on Education. It helps a lot in Education. It provides best learning opportunties and ele MRC EM OSIM len There are a lot of propessors and lecturers etm EM IML -meli melee Miele m fe e210) help students. Mostly the students will contact their friends and their classmates to discuss their homework and project. It a ee ee ema em lala family from a far. It helps student to have a broad knowledge about the things that is happening in our world and help attach to the situation.It contribute a lot of things specially in academic field and it make progress to the way the students approach the academic task. During this new normal, communication is the most popular term and one of the source of communication is the social media. However, along with the advantages, social media also have disadvantages that may affect to the academic performace of the students. Based on the research conducted by Rae Re eeLa Me MCMC AA e LN disadvantages for students not only in health, but also in the privacy. It is also the the setting of one of the types of bullying known as the cyberbullying and that is one of the worst thing about social media and it is one the source of the loneliness and depression of the students. It affects to the OC Tee yew VIM 2 situation of the students who used social eM Le MAUR MCL teLee LS affects their wellbeing. Students may be distracted from their school work and the teachers will have no option of knowing eee ale lS eee eee always a possibility that the students will Tel MILK elie Cm Kelme eet le | purposes. They may use social media for their personal communication (EdTechReview). Surveys show that ninety-nine percent of teens ages 13-17 have used social media. Seventy five percent report having at least one active social media profile, and 51% report visiting a social media site at least daily. The percentage is still arising everyday as the use of social media to the students is significant in present times and ayer TEM a eee) ee eT LL depends on how students approach it and Tema Meee te T) aT KX EM AYO a things that the student should possess on engaging into the social world on how should it goes and how it should not goes. This brighten the things that students should do to avoid on engaging themselves Ce ap me ele ae Xe ee Statement of the Problem. This research focuses on the disadvantage and advantage of social media. Therefore, this study is aiming to answer the the following the questions: 1. What are the disadvantage of using Eyelet kg 2. What are the advantages of social illo Fe 3. What is the effect of social media to the OC [Tkye 4. Why does the rating of the students using social media are currently increasing? 5. How often should people Use social media? Purpose of the Study In situations where physical learning is not posible,nothing is perfect. Many students can get distracted and start using social media for their purposes and not pay attention to educational content,many positive effects on education including ola at mney act ee ma N MIRA Lele socializing, online learning, enhancing skills, but we heard some negative effects which include cyber bullying and social isolation. Social Media platforms are a significant factor that is commencing to oI AMT Me) ka MOM Tee A) CC [Tk eM ok -meeee from studying and instead enjoy browsing on social media. All of this conveys to wastage of time without getting anything from it. Students are often incapable of submitting their work in the specified time Selim ee Ym te leek meet eed ze) on applying social media platforms. Social media is continually developing new educational possibilities for students. (oN t 29 eM Te meme Mellel (ACL) advantages of using social media. e To assess the effect of social media to the academic performace of students. e To compare the rate of the students using Rela Mee M ae mi ¢ To explain how often should people use RYele eM e e To determine what should be done to control the use of social media. Assumptions e It will lessen the negative things that cause by social media to the students. e /t will help students to know their Tht MINK xe melee ¢ Students will be aware of the positive OMe Me LM aeRO LOO eal lm NAMIC ie mem alli: (3 for the students in using social media. e /t will be the source of anew beginning to student. ¢ /t will enlighten the students on the real purpose of social media. e /t will give courage to the students to socialize. Significance of the Study Students will have an awareness on the advantages and disadvantages of social media to them and it will also help them to broaden their knowledge in using social media. The result of the study will help the teachers provide encouragement to think of ideas that will give proper guidance to the students. This may also increase their lolCompetency. The findings of the study will serve as a reference material and a guide for future researchers who wish to conduct the same experimental study or TUT Mea een CO Teme SAME) disadvantage/s of social media to the SOCK Scope and limitation This study focuses on the Disadvantage and Advantage of Social Media to the Students. The data collection conducted to the 10 students in Senior high school in STEM of Saint Augustine High School. TEs eT e)melme eX dU TLa 8) of the reason why there is still disvantages Co) mole Cm em eae ee of the study will be applicable only to the respondents of the study and will not used LMM eee COM mC Cl (melt) advantage of the students who do not belong to the population of the study. The main source of the data will be the interview through messenger, which is conducted by the researchers.

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