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Date ( S/W Ver. Detail Remark
- Limit the report issue
- Specify the room continuously
- Change the color of an object made via the Drawing function
- Add commands and shortcut keys
2021.11.08 - Check the indoor unit’s total capacity under drain pipe
- EEV Kit design improvement
2022.02.21 - Drawing the dimension
- Selection the blocks that are selected before
2022.02.28 - Copy Room function
- Real-time mark of combination and nominal capacity sum
- Apply "Sales type" function to all system at once
- Object Snap Tracking function
- Line-Polyline fillet function
- Change property Polyline/Line → Refrigerant/Drain pipe
- Add "Node Object Snap"
- “Layer All On”, “Layer Exclusive Off” function
- Mirror function
2022.06.07 - Pickbox size change option
- Using reference value at Rotate function
- Room modification function
- Outdoor temperature setting individually by OAP duct
- Vertical pipe/Drainage design improvement of drain pipe
- Report form improvement
- Duct design function (ERV)
2023.02.20 - Duct design function (Manual)
© Samsung Electronics

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Limit the report issue
■ Limit the report issue
- If the result of System check about Refrigerant or Drain piping is NG, the caution phrase will be marked when users issue the report.
. The report can be issued. But, it has a caution phrase because it is not the correct report.
. A caution phrase is marked in the report in drawing and Excel/PDF report all.

Ex) The report in drawing

Ex) Excel/PDF report

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Specify the room continuously
■ Specify the room continuously
- Rooms can be specified continuously via using Enter/Space key. (Execute a previous command)
1. Specify a room on the drawing after select a specific room in the Building tap as previously
2. If a specific room was done specifying on the drawing, it will be selected the next room automatically in the "Building" tap.
3. At the time, the next room can be done specifying on the drawing via Enter/Space key.
* The next room will be selected automatically in order based on the room that select first.

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If "Room 2" is done specifying on the drawing, If "Room 3" is done specifying on the drawing via Enter/Space key,
“Room 3" will be selected automatically in the "Building" tap. "Room 4" will be selected automatically in the "Building" tap.

© Samsung Electronics
Color change of the Drawing function object
■ Change the color of an object made via the Drawing function
- It can be changed according to select the color in the color combo box after selecting the object that wants to change the color.
. In the case of "Block", it can be changed the color only for the block that set the layer as "by block".

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© Samsung Electronics
Add commands and shortcut keys
■ Add commands and shortcut keys
- Added shortcut keys about functions that have command previously only.
- Add 4 new commands and shortcut keys
Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Function Command Shortcut Remark Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Function Command Shortcut Page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Function Command Shortcut
New NEW N Make Default DvmDrawReport RP Open OPEN OP
Project Set Drawing DvmSetBackground SB New Floor Height Line DvmDrawRptFloorLine RFD Save SAVE SV
HOME Equipment DvmDrawRptPipeAll RPA Save as SAVEAS SVS
Export EXPORT EP Quick Access Toolbar
Vertical pipe DvmDrawRptDrain RPD Print PLOT PLT
Management Equipment Name DvmReplaceName RN
Piping Diagram Drain pipe DvmDrawRptDrainJoin RPJ Cancel UNDO U
Management DvmSpaceManager SM New Annotate Refrigerant Piping DvmDrawRptPipeTag RPT Redo REDO RR
Specify floor DvmSetFloorEachArea SFA Legend DvmDrawRptPipeLegend RPL
Building Specify all floors DvmSetFloorBlocArea SBA Sales Type DvmDrawRptSalesType RST
Specify the room DvmSetRoomEachArea SRA Report Floor Height Line DvmDrawRptFloorLine RFD
Equipment DvmDrawRptWireAll RWA
Delete DvmDeleteSpace SDL
Indoor Unit Power Wire DvmDrawRptPower RWD
System Color DvmChangeSystemColor CSC
Power Indoor Unit Power Wiring DvmDrawRptPowerJoin RWJ
Emphasize on the current system DvmHighlightSystem SH Communication Outdoor unit Power Wire DvmDrawRptPowerTag RPP
New DvmNewSystem SN New Diagram Outdoor Unit Communication Wire DvmDrawRptTransTag RTT
Delete DvmDeleteSystem SD New Wired Controller (Manual) DvmDrawRptRc RRD
System Wired Remote Controller (Auto) DvmDrawRptRcAll RRA
Check DvmCheckPiping SCP
Legend DvmDrawRptControlLegend RCL
Switch DvmSwitchSystem SSW
Separation DvmSplitSystem SSP
Merge DvmMergeSystem SMG Rectangle RECTANGLE RECT
Indoor Auto Selection DvmAutoSelIndoor IDA Circle CIRCLE C
Outdoor Spacing DvmOutdoorSpacing ODS Text TEXT T
Manual DvmDrawLiquid DPW Block INSERT I
Ribbon Ribbon Erase ERASE E
Automatic DvmDrawAutoLiquid DPA
Piping Copy COPY CP
PIT DvmDrawPit DPD
Design Move MOVE M
PIT Sequence DvmCmdPitOrder DPO Rotation ROTATE RO
Check DvmCheckDrain SCD Stretch STRETCH S
Manual DvmDrawDrain DDD Modify Cut TRIM TR
Automatic DvmDrawAutoDrain DDA Extend EXTEND EX
Drain Pipe Vertical pipe DvmDrawDrainPit DDP
TEE DvmDrawDrainTee DDT
Disassemble EXPLODE X
CAP DvmDrawDrainCap DDC Fillet FILLET F
Drainage DvmDrawDrainHole DDH Paste PASTECLIP CPT
Piping DvmDrawPipeMark DPM Clipboard Cut CUTCLIP CCT
Drain Pipe DvmDrawDrainMark DDM Copy COPYCLIP CCP
Distance DIST DI
PIT DvmDrawPitMark DTM Measurement
Annotation/Legend Area AREA AA
Direction Change DvmChangeMark CDM
Screen Magnification ZOOM Z
Erase DvmEraseMark ERM Zoom In ZOOMIN ZI
Legend DvmDrawLegendMark DML Zoom In/Out Zoom Out ZOOMOUT ZO
Communication Wiring DvmDrawTransLine DTR Space Expansion ZOOMRECT ZR
Communication Wiring Wired Remote Controller DvmSelectRc DRS Fit to Window ZOOMALL ZA
Wired Remote Controller Draw DvmDrawPowerLine DRM
Show/Hide Layer off LAYEROFF LOF
Set Object Color DvmChangeObjectColor DCO
Object DvmShowObject SO

© Samsung Electronics
Add commands and shortcut keys
■ Add commands and shortcut keys
- In the "Shortcut Key" page of Configuration, if "Reset Default" is clicked, shortcut keys will be input about all commands.
. But, shortcut keys that were made previously should be set again due to reset.


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© Samsung Electronics
Check the indoor unit’s total capacity under drain pipe
■ Check the indoor unit’s total capacity under drain pipe
- If you select drain pipe, you can check sum of the rated capacities of indoor units that are connected lower part of drain pipe in property tap.
. You can check it after completing the system check result of the drain pipe system normally.

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© Samsung Electronics
EEV Kit design improvement
■ EEV Kit design improvement
- As Is) All ports of the EEV Kit should be connected to the indoor unit.
. If that, it can't be designed when using only 1port of 2ports EEV Kit and another port has remained for expansion.

- To Be) It can select EEV Kit that users want according to the capacity range is displayed as a tooltip by EEV Kit models.
. If the capacity of indoor units is covered in the range of EEV Kit capacity, all ports of the EEV Kit don't have to be connected with indoor units.

If the mouse is on the EEV Kit models, the tooltip is displayed.

© Samsung Electronics
Drawing the dimension
■ Drawing the dimension
- Dimension can be drawn via select between Linear(L) and Aligned(A).
1. "Dimension" click of "Drawing" menu
2. Specify the first extension line
3. Specify the second extension line
4. Specify place the dimension line
5. The dimension scale setting (Font size)



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Selection of the blocks that are selected before
■ Selection of the blocks that are selected before
- In the case of some functions, it can be selected all blocks that are selected before.
Building Delete DvmDeleteSpace
Separation DvmSplitSystem
Merge DvmMergeSystem
Equipment Indoor Auto Selection DvmAutoSelIndoor
Piping Automatic DvmDrawAutoLiquid
Drain Pipe Automatic DvmDrawAutoDrain
Annotation/Legend PIT DvmDrawPitMark
Communication Wiring Wired Remote Controller DvmSelectRc
Drain Pipe DvmDrawRptDrainJoin
Piping Diagram
Annotate Refrigerant Piping DvmDrawRptPipeTag
Indoor Unit Power Wire DvmDrawRptPower
Power Indoor Unit Power Wiring DvmDrawRptPowerJoin
Communication Outdoor Unit Power Wire DvmDrawRptPowerTag
Diagram Outdoor Unit Communication Wire DvmDrawRptTransTag
Wired Remote Controller (Auto) DvmDrawRptRcAll
Rotation ROTATE
Modify Stretch STRETCH
After using a specific function, if command "p" is input, Scale SCALE
blocks that are selected before are selected again. Disassemble EXPLODE
1 Indoor Unit
Add Indoor Unit DvmDrawIndoor
Modify DvmModifyIndoor
Move 2 Equipment Place unconnected equipment DvmConnectIndoor

<Commands that can be applied "p">

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© Samsung Electronics
Copy Room function
■ Copy Room function
- The room that is specified can be copied to another place or floor.
1. Click “Copy Room”
2. Select the room that wants to copy
3. Specify the base point
4. Specify the second point
* It can be copied continuously until canceled.
5. The room name is created as "Room name_number" in sequence. 5

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© Samsung Electronics
Real-time mark of combination and nominal capacity sum
■ Real-time mark of combination and nominal capacity sum
- System combination ratio and nominal capacity sum are marked in real-time on the left below of the screen.
. The system combination ratio is displayed after the outdoor unit and the indoor unit should be placed.
. The nominal capacity sum is displayed after the indoor unit is placed even though the outdoor unit is not placed.

If the outdoor unit is not placed, the combination ratio is not displayed.

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Apply “Sales type” function to all system at once
■ Apply “Sales type” function to all system at once
- The diagram of "Sales mode" can be issued according to select between one system(C) and all systems(A).

All systems are issued at once.

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© Samsung Electronics
Object Snap Tracking function
■ Object Snap Tracking function(F11)
- The mouse pointer can be tracking the point that is crossed vertically based on another snap point via Object Snap Tracking function.
. In order to start tracking, the mouse pointer should be paused on the snap point for a little time.

On/Off via F11

The mouse pointer should be paused on the tracking point.

Click after checking that virtual line and cross point colored green.

© Samsung Electronics
Line-Polyline fillet function
■ Line-Polyline fillet function
- Not only Line-Line and Polyline-Polyline but also Line-Polyline can be applied fillet function.
. After the fillet, it will be changed to Polyline.



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Change property Polyline/Line → Refrigerant/Drain pipe
■ Change property Polyline/Line → Refrigerant/Drain pipe
- If using "Manual" of Piping, Polyline/Line can be changed to the refrigerant pipe via "[Selective conversion](S)" on the command screen.
. In the case of the drain pipe, it can be possible via "Manual" of Drain pipe.


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It is changed to refrigerant pipe.

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Add “Node Object Snap”
■ Add “Node Object Snap”
- Node snap object is added.
. If Node snap is set, the dot object can be used as a snap point.


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© Samsung Electronics
“Layer All On”, “Layer Exclusive Off” function
■ Layer All On
- All layers can be on at once via "Layer All On" function.

■ Layer Exclusive Off

- All layers except the selected one can be off at once via "Layer Exclusive Off" function.
. After click "Layer Exclusive Off", if the object in the layer wanted is selected, all layers will be off except it.

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Mirror function
■ Mirror function
- The object can be symmetrized upper/below or left/right.
* The object symmetrized isn't copied. (Symmetry only)
1. Click “Mirror”
2. Select an object that wants symmetry
3. Specify the first point of symmetry
4. Specify the second point of symmetry


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Pickbox size change option
■ Change the Pickbox size
- Size can be changed via "Pickbox size" in "Design" menu of Configuration.

© Samsung Electronics
Using reference value at Rotate function
■ Use the reference value
- The rotation angle can be input automatically not manually via the reference function.
1. Click “Rotation”
2. Select the object wants to rotate
3. Specify the base point
4. Reference(R) : Input “r”
5. Input the reference angle or specify the first point to reference angle 6
6. Specify the second point to reference angle
7. Specify the new angle

© Samsung Electronics
Room modification function
■ Room modification
- The room specified can be modified.
. The room can be modified to another shape via Add Point(A) or Delete Point(D).

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© Samsung Electronics
Outdoor temperature setting individually by OAP duct
■ Outdoor temperature setting individually by OAP duct
- In some cases, the heater connected with OAP duct can be used to pre-heat so OAP duct should set the outdoor temperature individually.
. It can be corrected capacity in detail.
. Outdoor temperature type : Outdoor cooling DB / Outdoor cooling WB / Outdoor heating DB
* OAP duct's intake temperature is the outdoor temperature.

Capacity correction is different according to setting the outdoor temperature individually.

© Samsung Electronics
Vertical pipe/Drainage design improvement of drain pipe
■ Vertical pipe/Drainage design improvement of drain pipe
- The drain pipe can be designed also that multiple vertical pipes are merged or vertical pipes are connected with drainage.

Vertical pipe Vertical pipe

Case 1) One vertical pipe is connected to a drainage Case 2) Multiple vertical pipes are merged

Drainage Vertical pipe

Vertical pipe

Vertical pipe

Case 3) Multiple vertical pipes are connected to a drainage


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Vertical pipe/Drainage design improvement of drain pipe
■ Case that multiple vertical pipes are merged
- Vertical pipe pits should be arranged from the lowest floor to the top floor via PIT Sequence in order.
. It is the same refrigerant PIT Sequence but, arrange direction is reversed.

If multiple vertical pipes are merging,

PIT group number should be set the same all.

“P” + Group number + PIT number

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© Samsung Electronics
Report form improvement
■ Added new form of Equipment Schedule/Load Calculation
- Added form that is issued by model quantity
. Choice between Model(conventional) / Quantity(New) options in Configuration page

- ByModel : Issued by Equipment name

* Conventional form

- ByQty : Issued by quantity

© Samsung Electronics
Report form improvement
■ Added new form of Equipment Schedule/Load Calculation
- Added form that is issued by model quantity
. Choice between Model(conventional) / Quantity(New) options in Configuration page

[Designer mode] (Drawing form)

ByModel ByModel
Equipment Schedule

Load Calculation
ByQty ByQty

© Samsung Electronics
Duct design function (ERV)
■ It is offered Diffuser selection, Duct line automation drawing, Duct size automation calculation, and so on.
- Diffuser : Diffuser can be arranged via set Type, Drawing option.
. Diffuser type : Circular, Square, Grill, Line

© Samsung Electronics
Duct design function (ERV)
■ It is offered Diffuser selection, Duct line automation drawing, Duct size automation calculation, and so on.
- ERV : It connects ERV with diffuser as Duct line (Elbow, Y-Y branch, and Reducer are arranged automatically.)
1. ERV click on Duct Draw

The farthest diffuser should be connected first.

2. Input Air volume value manually or select ERV after inputting "s".

3. Specify the first point of main duct pipe

4. Connect with diffuser that is arranged the farthest according to piping path
5. Do you want to draw a duct pipe that connects to the diffuser?
[ Select “Y” and select “N”, drawing is done and duct piping is drawn automatically. ]
6. If want to connect with another diffuser, click the connection point on diffuser and connect with main line.

© Samsung Electronics
Duct design function (ERV)
■ It is offered Diffuser selection, Duct line automation drawing, Duct size automation calculation, and so on.
- RA/SA : Diffuser and duct line color are changed according to select RA or SA.

- Diffuser Legend : Create the diffuser legend

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Duct design function (Manual)
■ Duct Line
- Duct line and material can be arranged manually.
(Elbow is arranged automatically.) Spiral

1. Click Duct Line

2. Select duct type 7

3. Input duct size (Squarer/Oval : Input Width/Length orderly)

4. Click start point of duct line
5. If want to change angle as 45˚, push “shift” key
6. Draw the duct line and push “enter” key. Then, duct and elbow is drawn. Square
사각 Oval

7. Elbow can be arranged automatically to only 45˚ and 90˚.

© Samsung Electronics
Duct design function (Manual)
■ Duct Line
- Block management
Except Elbow, Duct blocks are offered in Block menu (Chamber, Cap and so on.)

- Report
The block that is used Block menu are list up with quantity in the report.

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