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An issue Caused by

Burning fossil fuels, manufacturing, oil

refineries, electricity generation, and
vehicles release chemical compounds
Acid rain into the atmosphere where they mix and
react with water, oxygen, and other
chemicals to form more acidic pollutants
called acid rain.

Timber logging (to meet the incredible

global demandfor wood and wood
Deforestation products). Climate change (high
temperature and extreme weater lead to
events like wildfires, droughts etc.

Industrial activities (dumping), acid rain,

Soil pollution
waste disposal.

An essential property of the ozone

molecule is its ability to block solar
radiations + it also absorbs ultraviolet
Ozone depletion
radiation. It`s caused by human-made
chemicals that contain chlorine or
Burning of fossil fuels (result in the
buildup of greenhouse gases in the
environment thus influencing the
warming trend because they trap heat in
the atmosphere). Glaciers are capable of
absorbing about 20% of heat from the
sun, reflecting back the remaining 80%.
So exposing the earth changes this,
Melting ice caps because now the earth absorbs most of
the heat and reflects less. Oil and gas
drilling (the oil and gas extraction
process also emit Methane, which is the
main constituent in natural gas + the gas
is more damaging to the environment
than carbon dioxide, locking in heat more
efficiently and escalating global

Areas of dry vegetation. Forest fire can

be natural or man-made. Natural:
lightning, in some cases, volcanic
activities lead to fires. Man-made: human
Forest fire
carelessness (smoking near vegetation
and disposing the cigarette into dry
vegetation without putting out the

Loss of habitat (pollution, climate

change, forest fire), poaching, invasive
species (type of plant or animal that is
not indigenous to a particular area and
causes economic or environmental harm).
Population growth (the increase in the
rate of population has got negative
effects on the environment. The more the
population, the more the waste is being
Landfills full of
dumped in the landfills waste). Soil
waste (it includes waste from markets,
hotels, houses, schools, malls and so on.
Food waste, broken furniture, plastics,
electrical items, electronic goods, wires)


Oil spill

Climate change



Possible results
Causes respiratory issues in animals
and humans, when it falls down and
flows into the rivers and ponds it affects
the aquatic ecosystem (+causes water
pollution). It damages the buildings and
monuments made up of stones and
metals.(statue of liberty)

Loss of biodiversity, desertification,

global warming, increases greenhouse
gases in the atmosphere.

Effect oh human health. Crops and

plants that are grown on polluted soil
absord much of the pollution. Effect on
growth of plants (most plants are
unable to adapt to the soil, which its
chemistry is changed)

Effects on human health (radiation

results in serious health issues among
humansskin diseases, cancer, sunburns,
cataract, quick ageing and weak
immune system) + effects on animals
(skin, eye cancer).
Extreme flooding, rising sea levels (the
melting is causing an abrupt rise in
water input to other water bodies such
as the rivers, lakes, and seas).
Biodiversity loss and animals losing
homes (There are a lot of living
organisms that rely mainly on glaciers
for continued existence). Increasing
global warming (Glaciers play a
significant role in reflecting and
absorbing the heat on earth. This means
that as glaciers keep on melting,
temperatures all over the world will at
the same rate keep on increasing).

Wildfires emit billions of tonnes of

carbon dioxide into the atmosphere
which causes harm to climate and
living organisms. High-intensity forest
fires destroy flora and fauna. It can
change the microclimate of the area
with unhealthy living conditions.

Loss of biodiversity. A cascading effect

– when we lose one species, we may
lose many others that relied on them.
Negative impact on communities –
those who work in the honey or fishing
industries will be negatively impacted if
the source of their job goes extinct.
Air, water and land pollution. Climate
change (they generate and release
biogas into the atmosphere, that cause
climate change and an increase in the
planet's temperature). They can cause
fires or explosions (they are
uncontrolled and also very harmful to
the environment). Contaminate soil and
water (as the contaminating materials,
such as heavy materials like lead and
mercury, that the stored waste may
contain can spread to the soil and water
near the plant).
Possible solutions

Use filters on tha plants, use of renewable

energy instead of fossil fuels. Reduce the
energy consumption of factories and

Reduce the amount of consumption. Spread

awareness and raise consciousness. Plant trees.
Do not use disposable products.

Recycling and reusing. Reforestation and

afforestation. Fines and punishment for illegal
dumping. Using biodegradable goods.

Minimise the use of vehicles. Use eco-friendly

cleaning products (most of the cleaning
products have chlorine and bromine releasing
chemicals that find a way into the atmosphere
and affect the ozone layer). Renewable sources
of energy (The usage and expansion of
renewable energy sources is a critical step in
combating ozone depletion. Apart from nuclear
energy, fossil fuels such as coal constitute a
significant source of electricity).
Spreading awareness for protecting our glaciers
and polar ice caps from melting. By saying no
to plastics. Using electricity and water wisely.
Carpooling, using vehicles with zero-emission.

Educate people and spread awareness about

forest fires. Check weather and drought
conditions. Douse your campfire until it’s cold.
Build your campfire in an open location and far
from flammables.

Clean up local habitats. Change our

maintenance routine (how we care for our lawn
can have a massive impact on our local habitats.
Using pesticides can lead to contaminated water
that our local wildlife then drinks). Eco
education. Spread awareness. Outlaw the
purchase and sale of animal parts and products.
Donate clothes (instead of throwing it away).
Reduce food waste. Buy goods with less
packaging. Reusing, recycling. Just don’t buy as
much stuff. Boycott disposable products.

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