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CIE 126: Quantity Surveying

Student Activity Sheet #1

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

Lesson title: Review of Specifications & Plans: Invitation to Bid. Materials:

Lesson Objectives: Estimating ConstructionCosts
At the conclusion of this activity, I should be able to: References:
1. Define the Importance of Bidding.
2. Know the basics of an Invitation to Bid.

Productivity Tip: The key to studying at home is to create a space within your home that has some of the
benefits of a school or library, with as few of the distractions of the home as possible.

Introduction :
Competitive bidding is a common procurement practice that involves inviting multiple vendors or
service providers to submit offers for any particular material or service. Competitive
bidding allows transparency, equality of opportunity and the ability to demonstrate that the
outcomes represent the best value.

Activity 1: What I Know Chart, part 1

What I Know Questions: What I Learned (Activity 4)

What is Bidding?

What is an Invitation to Bid?

What is the importance of an

Invitation to Bid?

Activity 2: Content Notes

What is Invitation to Bid (IB)?

An invitation for bid or invitation to bid is an invitation to contractors or equipment suppliers,
through a bidding process, to submit a proposal on a specific project to be realized or product or
service to be furnished. IB is generally the same thing as Request for Quotation. The IB or RFQ is
focused on pricing, and not on ideas or concepts. If not stated otherwise, the contractor with the

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

CIE 126: Quantity Surveying
Student Activity Sheet #1

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:
lowest bid is awarded the contract, provided that they meet the minimum criteria for the bid. This
is in contrast to a request for proposal, in which case other reasons might cause or allow choice of
the second best offer.

The Invitation to Bid serves as the notice to the public and all interested parties of the
procurement and bidding opportunities of the Procuring Entity.

Why do you advertise/post an Invitation to Bid?

Advertising/posting the IB and ensuring its widest possible dissemination will increase the
number of prospective bidders and intensify competition for the procurement activity or project.
Intensified competition, in turn, will ensure that the government, in general, and the Procuring
Entity, in particular, will get the best possible proposals as to quality and cost.

What does an IB contain?

The IB must contain the following:

1. The name and location of the contract to be bid;

2. The project background and other relevant information regarding the proposed contract
works, including a brief description of the type, size, major items, and other important or
relevant features of the works;
3. A general statement on the criteria to be used by the Procuring Entity for:
a. The eligibility check/screening;
b. The preliminary examination and detailed evaluation of bids;
c. Post-qualification; and
d. Award
4. The date, time and place of the deadline for:
a. The submission and receipt of the eligibility requirements;
b. The pre-bid conference, if any;
c. The submission and receipt of bids; and
d. The opening of bids;
5. The Approved Budget Contract (ABC);
6. The source of funding (Govt Projects);
7. The place, time and website where the bidding documents may be secured or downloaded;
8. The contract duration;
9. The name, address, telephone number, facsimile number, e-mail and website addresses of
the concerned Procuring Entity, as well as its designated contact person; and
10. Such other necessary information deemed relevant by the Procuring Entity.

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

CIE 126: Quantity Surveying
Student Activity Sheet #1

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:
Activity 3: Skill-building Activities
Fill the Boxes

What is Competitive Bidding?

What is Invitation to Bid?

What does the Invitation to Bid

focused on?

What is the main reason you

advertise and Invitation to Bid?

Activity 4: What I Know Chart, part 2

It’s time to answer the questions in the What I Know chart in Activity 1. Log in your answers in the table.

Activity 5: Check for Understanding

Question: Is public bidding for government projects required by law?

Activity 6: Thinking about Learning

a) What is the most important thing you have learned today?

b) Which part of today’s lesson do you want to learn more about?

c) What topic was difficult for you to understand?

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

CIE 126: Quantity Surveying
Student Activity Sheet #1

Name: Class number:

Section: Schedule: Date:

1. Bidders are screened whether qualified or not.


Answers to Skill-Building Exercises;

This document is the property of PHINMA EDUCATION

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