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The specific gravity of a given material is defined as the ratio of the weight of a given volume of the
material to the weight of an equal volume of distilled water. In the soil mechanics, the specific
gravity of soil solid (which often referred to as the specific gravity of soil) is an important parameter
for calculation of the weight-volume relationship. Thus gravity, G s 1 is defined as:

Gs = V s =
V s Pw

Where W s= mass of soil solids g

V s = volume of soil solids cm 3
Pw = density of water

The general ranges of the values of G s 1 for various soils are given in the table below. The
procedure for determination of the specific gravity Gs 1 described here is applicable for soils
composed of particles smaller than 4.75mm (No.4 U.S. sieve) in size.

Soil Type Range of Gs

Sand 2.63 - 2.67
Silts 2.65 – 2.7
Clay and Silt Clay 2.67 – 2.9
Organic Soil Less than 2

I. Pre-Lab Questions

1. What is the formula for specific gravity?

-The formula for specific gravity, given that the reference substance is water, is the density of the
object divided by the density of water.
2. What is the formula for unit weight and density?
The formula for density is d=M/V, where d is the density, M is the mass, and V is volume.
Density is commonly expressed in units of grams per cubic centimetre.

II. Materials/Instruments

1. Volumetric flask (500 mL)

2. Thermometer graduated in 0.5˚C division scale
3. Balance sensitive up to 0,01g
4. Distilled water
5. Bunsen burner and a stand (and/or vacuum pump or aspirator)
6. Evaporating dishes
7. Spatula
8. Plastic squeeze bottle
9. Drying oven

III. Procedures

1. Clean the volumetric flask well and dry it.

2. Carefully fill the flask with de-aired, distilled water up to the 500 mL mark (bottom of the
meniscus should be at the 500 mL mark).
3. Determine the mass of the flask and the water filled to the 500 mL mark ( W 1).
4. Insert the thermometer into the flask with the water and determine the temperature of the
water T=T 1 ̊ C .
5. Put approximately 100 grams of air dry soil into an evaporating dish.
6. If the soil is cohesive, add water (de-aired and distilled) to the soil and mix to the form of a
smooth paste. Keep it soaked for about one-half to one hour in the evaporating dish (Note:
This step is not necessary for granular soils.
7. Transfer the soil (if granular) or the soil paste (if cohesive) into the volumetric flask.
8. Add distilled water to the volumetric flask containing the soil (or the soil paste) to make it
about two-thirds full.
9. Remove the air from the soil-water mixture. This can be done by:
a. Gently boil the flask containing the soil-water mixture for about 15 to 20
minutes. Accompany the boiling with continuous agitation of the flask. (If
too much heat is applied, the soil may boil over.) or
b. Apply vacuum by a vacuum pump or aspirator until all of the entrapped air
is out. (This is an extremely important step. Most of the errors in the
results of the test are due to entrapped air which is not removed.)
10. Bring the temperature of the soil-water mixture in the volumetric flask down to room
temperature (See Step 4.) [This temperature of the water is at room temperature.]
11. Add de-aired, distilled water to the volumetric flask until the bottom of the meniscus
touches the 500 mL mark. Also dry the outside of the flask and the inside of the neck
above meniscus.
12. Determine the combined mass of the bottle plus soil plus water ( W 2).
13. Just as a precaution, check the temperature of the soil and water in the flask to see if it is T 1 ̊ ±
1̊˚C or not.
14. Pour the soil and water into an evaporating dish. Use a plastic squeeze bottle and wash inside
of the flask. Make sure that no soil is left inside.
15. Put the evaporating dish in an oven to dry to a constant weight.
16. Determine the mass of the dry soil in the evaporating dish.
IV. Results/Data Gathered

Item Test No.

1 2 3
Volumetric flask No.
Mass of flask + water filled to mark, W 1 (g)
Mass of flask + soil + water filled to mark, W 2 ( g)
Mass of dry soil W s ( g )
Mass of equal volume of water as the soil solids,
W w ( g )=( W 1+ W s ) −W 2
Gs (T 1 ° C)=W 3 /W w
Gs (20° C )=Gs (T 1 ° C) x A

V. Computations

Mass of flask plus water filled =624g

Flask plus soil plus water =690.2g
Soil =102.36
Temperature =31.2 degree

Values of A

Temperature T 1˚C A Temperature T 1˚C A

16 1.0007 24 0.9991
17 1.0006 25 0.9988
18 1.0004 26 0.9986
19 1.0002 27 0.9983
20 1.0000 28 0.9980
21 0.9998 29 0.9977
22 0.9996 30 0.9974
23 0.9993

At least three specific gravity test should be conducted. For correct result, these values should not vary by
more than 2 to 3%
VI. Observations

As we observe the ratio of the weight in air of given volume of soil particles at a stated
temperature to weight in air of an equal volume of water at the same temperature.

VII. Conclusions

Knowing the specific gravity of soils helps engineers understand how porous the soil is or how
many voids it contains. It also indicates how saturated the soil is with water.It also indicates how
saturated the soil is with water. Specific gravity is fundamental property of soils and other construction
materials. The dimensionless unit is used to calculate soil density, void ratio, saturation, and other soil

VIII. Post Lab Questions

1. What is the soil type for Gs that ranges from 2.67-2.9?

Clay and Silty clay

2. What have you learned in this laboratory exercise?

I learned that the specific gravity of soil is important in determining its load bearing capability.
It also used in determining cement mixtures. Because it is easy to measure the relative density compared
to water , it can used in the field to determine the composition of rocks and gems.

I. Introduction

In order for the moisture content to be a useful measure, it must provide you with a quantity
that describes the relative amount of moisture in the soil. It is of little value to know that soil
sample contains 16 grams of water. What you need to know is how much soil structure is
made up of water. To accomplish this, we compute the moisture content as the ratio of the
mass of the water to the mass of the solid material in a soil using the equation.
w= x 100%
w= moisture content (in percent)
Ww= mass of the water in the soil sample
Ws= mass of the solid solids on the soil sample

It may seem unusual that the denominator in the moisture content is the mass of the soil solids
rather that the total mass of the water in the soil. It is mathematically possible to have a
moisture content greater than 100% if the mass of water in a soil exceeds the mass of soil
solids. In fact, some highly plastic clays do have a moisture content because the moisture
content of natural soils cab vary over time. Water may be added from infiltration or lost through
evapotranspiration. When the water table fluctuates, it can also change the moisture content of
the soil. When the moisture content changes due to these environmental conditions, not only
does the total mass of a given soil deposit change, but the volume of the soil may change also
as the soil swells or shrinks. The only thing that remains constant for a given unit of soil of the
mass of the solid material. Whether the soil shrinks or swells as water is added or lost, the
amount of soil solids in a given unit of soil remains constant.

II. Pre-Lab Questions

1. What is a moisture content?

Moisture content is the quantity of water contained in a material, such as soil, rock,
ceramics,crops,or wood. Moisture content is simply how much water is in a product. It
influences the physical or properties of a substance, including weight, density,
viscosity,conductivity, and others,it is generally determined by weight loss upon drying.

2. What is the importance of concluding moisture content test?

The importance of moisture content affects the processibility, shelf-life, usability and quality of
a product. Accurate moisture content determination therefore plays a key role in ensuring
quality for many industries including Food, Pharmaceuticals and Chemicals.

III. Materials/Instruments

1. Moist Soil
2. Spatula
3. Soil moisture content in
4. Weighing balance
5. Drying oven

IV. Procedures

1. Check moisture content tin to be sure the tin is clean. If necessary, wipe the tin out. DO not
wash the tin with water.
2. Obtain a clean data sheet and fill out the header information.
3. Weigh the empty moisture content tin (with lid, if required) on the laboratory scale and
record the mass on the data sheet to the nearest 0.01g. Each tin should be permanently
marked with a unique number. Do not put any other marks or place any tape on the tin.
The tin should be identified only by the permanent mark. Sticking labels or tape on tins
reduces the accuracy of the test (labels lose mass in the oven). Writing on the tin ruins it
for future use.
4. Obtain a representative sample of the soil to be tested. To be representative, the sample
must be made up of the same mixture soil materials as the parent soil, must be at the
same moisture content as the parent soil, and must be large enough that the water
removed during drying can be accurately measured. See table below for minimum sample
sizes needed. Avoid taking samples from the edges of soil containers, as these locations
are most susceptible to loss o addition of water during sample storage. The most
representative samples are taken from the middle of the parent soil sample.

Maximum Particle Size of Sample Required Sample Required Accuracy

Diameter (mm) Standard Sieve Size (g) of Scale (g)
75.0 3 in 50,000 10
17.5 1-1/2 in 10,000 10
19.0 ¾ in 2,500 1
9.5 3/8 in 500 0.1
4.75 No. 4 100 0.1
2.00 No.10 20 0.01

5. Place the representative soil sample in the moisture content tin. Ensure that there is no
loose soil hanging on the edges of the tin.
6. Immediately weigh the moist sample and moisture content tin on the scale. Record the
mass to the nearest 0.01g.
7. Place the moisture content tin(s) in a shallow pan and place that pan in the oven. You may
label the pan containing the moisture content tin(s) to distinguish your sample(s) from
others in the oven. Do not label or mark the individual moisture content tins. Use the
unique number stamped on the tin(s) for identifications. If any the tins has lid, off the top of
the tin and place it on the bottom of the tin.
8. Let the soil dry overnight.
9. Return after drying period. Remove the moisture content tin(s) from the oven. Weigh the
dried soil and moisture content tin on the scale and record the mass to the nearest 0.01g.
10. Discard the soil. Clean the moisture content tin(s) without using water, if possible. Return
the cleaned and dried moisture content tins to the proper storage location. Do not return
the tins or soil to the oven.

V. Results/Data Gathered
No. Particulars Observation No.
1 2 3
1 Container No.
2 Mass of empty container with lid (W 1 ),g 19g 19.81 g 19.96g

3 Mass of container with lid and moist soil (W 2), g 143.92g 119.81g 114.91g
4 Mass of container with lid and dry soil (W 3 ), g 131.85g 110.65g 103.68g
5 Mass of water (W w)=(W 2−W 3), g 12.07 9.23. 11.23
6 Mass of dry soil (W s)=(W 3 −W 1 ¿ , g 112.85 90.84 83.72
7 Water Content in % = (W w /W s ¿ x 100 10.70 10.16 13.41

VI. Computations
weight of moist
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Weight of dried
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3

VII. Conclusions
The moisture content will be responsible for decomposition of crude drugs either producing chemical
change or microbial growth.Although the measurement is simple, it is important to determine soil moisture
content in order to better understand soil characteristics. Soil moisture content plays a large roll in a
environmental concerns, especially when considering soil runoff that may contain fertilizers and pesticides.

VIII. Post Lab Questions

1. What have you learned for today’s laboratory exercise?

I learned that determining the moisture content allows need for irrigation to be quantified in
advance of a crop showing signs of distress. Knowing the soil moisture status enables highly
efficient irrigation, providing the water as and when required, eliminating the wasteful use of
water when irrigation is not needed.

2. How can high moisture content affect the soil’s quality?

Increased agricultural practices which reduce soil biodiversity like selective growth of crops, fertilizers
application, regulating ph, tillage, use of pesticides, herbicides and pollution.
I. Introduction

At high moisture content, fine grained soil form suspensions and behave like fluids. As
moisture content gradually reduces, the flow properties change to those of paste like materials
up to this stage, soil is said to be in a liquid state. On further drying, the soil can mold and
develop plastic behavior. This is the plastic state. Further the reduction of the water content,
plasticity is lost and soil starts crumbling on the application of the properties, then is said to be
in the semisolid state. At still lower moisture content, the soil takes on the properties of a solid
or attains solid state.

Atterberg’s consistency limits

 The numerical values assigned to boundaries of four states: solid, semi-solid, plastic
and liquid, are called Atterberg’s consistency limits.
Liquid Limit (LL)
 The liquid limit is conceptually defined as the water content at which the behavior of a
clayey soil changes from plastic to liquid. But experimentally it is defined as the
minimum water content at which two separated grooved soil parts mixed together
under 25 blows of Casagrande’s Liquid Limit Apparatus.
Plastic Limit (PL)
 The plastic limit defined as the minimum water content where the soil thread breaks
when it is rolled into 3mm diameter. A soil is considered non-plastic if a thread cannot
be rolled out down to 3mm at any moisture possible.

II. Pre-Lab Questions

1. Differentiate liquid limit from plastic limit.
Liquid limit is the water content at which soil changes from plastic to a liquid state when the soil
specimen is just fluid enough for a groove to close when jarred in specified manner, while
plastic limit is the water content at the change from plastic to a semi solid state.

2. What is the importance of conducting liquid limit test and plastic limit test?
The liquid limit , plastic limit, and plasticity index of soils are also used extensively, either
individually or with other soil properties to correlate with engineering behaviour such as
compressibility, hydraulic conductivity , shrink-swell, and shear used to calculate the
plasticity index, which is the measure of sensitivity of the soil to changes its moisture content.

III. Materials/Instruments
1. For Liquid Limit Test
a. Casagrande’s Liquid Limit Apparatus
b. Grooving tools
c. Soil Cake

2. For Plastic Limit Test

a. Bowl
b. Spatula
c. Containers
d. Rolling of soil thread
e. Plasticity Chart

IV. Procedures
Liquid Limit Test
1. Take about 120 g of air dried soil sample in a metal tray.
2. Add 20% distilled water to the soil sample to form a uniform soil paste.
3. Put this soil paste in the brass cup of Casagrande’s apparatus and spread horizontally
into portion with few strokes of spatula.
4. Trim the soil up to a depth of 1 cm maximum thickness and remove excess of soil if
5. Divide the soil sample in two parts by the firm strokes of the grooving tool along the
diameter through the center of the brass cup so that a clean sharp groove of proper
dimension is formed.
6. Rotate the handle of Casagrande’s apparatus at a rate of 2 revolutions per second
until two parts of the soil will come in contact with each other for a length of about 12
mm by flow only.
7. Count the number of blows required to clues the groove close for about 12 mm. It is
recorder as N.
8. Take a representative portion of soil for water content determination as w %.
9. Repeat all above steps by changing water soil sample to get the number of blows
between 10 to 50. Record the number of blows and corresponding water content for
various trials.
10. Draw the flow curve i.e. number of blows required as abscissa (log scale) versus water
content determined as ordinate (natural scale) on semi-logarithmic graph paper.
11. Find out the water content corresponding to 25 blows from the graph as liquid limit (
W L) of a given soil sample.

Plastic Limit Test

1. Take a 20-25 g air dried soil sample.
2. Add distilled water soil and mix it thoroughly for 10-15 minutes till soil becomes
plastic enough so that it can be moldable. (It is recommended to keep clayey soils
about 24 hours for its maturity.)
3. Make the balls of soil paste and roll it on a non-porous glass or marble plate using
figure pressure till it becomes a soil thread of 3mm diameter.
4. Continue the rolling process till soil starts crumbling and it resembles a uniform
5. Compare the prepared soil thread with a metal rod of same diameter, then stop the
rolling; where soil thread crumbles into different parts.
6. Determine the water content of crumbled soil parts by oven drying method as w %.
7. Repeat all above steps two more tones to get average water content as plastic limit (
W P) given soil sample.

V. Results/Data Gathered
Liquid Limit Test

No. Particulars Observation No.

1 2 3 4 5
1 No. of blows (N) 22 21 30 25 43
2 Container No. 1 2 3 4 5
3 Mass of empty 34.83g 14.48g 21.31g 22.38g 26.32g
container with lid (
4 Mass of container 178.83g 159.48g 162.56g 168.33g 159.84g
with lid and moist
soil ( W 2) , g
5 Mass of container 154.83g 134.48g 141.31g 142.38g 146.32g
with lid and dry soil
(W 3) , g
6 Mass of water 178.83- 159-48-
162.56- 168.33- 159.84-
( W w )=W 2 −W 3 154.83=24g 134.48=25
141.31=21.25 142.38=25.95 146.32=13.52g
g g
7 Mass of dry soil 154.83- 134.48- 141.31- 142.38- 146.32-
( W s )=W 3−W 1 34.83=120g 14.48=120g 21.31=120g 22.38=120g 26.32=120g
8 Water content in % 24/120*100 25/120*100 19.24/120*100 25.95/120*100 13.52/120*100

( )Ww =20% =20.83% =17.71% =21.63 =11.275

w= x 100

Plastic Limit Test

No. Particulars Observation No.
1 2 3
1 Container No.
2 Mass of empty container with lid ( W 1 ) , g 19g 19.81 g 19.96g

3 Mass of container with lid and moist soil ( W 2) , g 143.92g 119.81g 114.91g
4 Mass of container with lid and dry soil ( W 3 ) , g 131.85g 110.65g 103.68g
5 Mass of water ( W w )=W 2 −W 3 12.07 9.23. 11.23
6 Mass of soil ( W s )=W 3−W 1 112.85 90.84 83.72

( )
7 Ww 10.70 10.16 13.41
Water content in % w= x 100

VI. Computations
trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
Weight of dried
Trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3
trial 1
Trial 2
Trial 3

VII. Observations

I observed that the plastic limit of soil increases if organic matter is added, without any significant
increase in the liquid limit the plastic limit is one of the measured parameters which used for
differentiating consistency states of finer particles in soil material. The gradual increase of water
content in soil, makes the soil changes its forms for solid to semi solid plastic to liquid,

VIII. Conclusions

Therefore soils with high organic content have a low plasticity index. The liquid limit of a soil is an
indicator of the compressibility of a soil.

IX. Post Lab Questions

1. What have you learned for today’s laboratory exercise?

I learned that the liquid limit is increased then the compression index of soil will increase. A soil
is considered non plastic if a thread cannot be rolledd out down to 3.2 mm at any moisture
2. What is the importance of using Casagrande’s apparatus?
The importance of is to used to determine the moisture content at which clay soils pass from
the plastic to liquid state. And knowing the stress history and general properties of the soil met
with construction

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