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Department: Electrical & Mech.

Subject : Instrumentation
Academic Year: 2021-2022 Semester: Spring
Lecturer : Prof.Dr. Salah Alian Sheet:I

(Part I)

1. A null-type instrument as compared to a deflection-type instrument has

(a) a lower sensitivity

(b) a faster response

(c) a higher accuracy

(d) all of the above

2. In a measurement system, the function of the signal manipulating element is to

(a) change the magnitude of the input signal while retaining its identity

(b) change the quantity under measurement to an analogous signal

(c) to perform non-linear operation like filtering, chopping and clipping and clamping

(d) to perform linear operation like addition and multiplication

3. The measurement of a quantity

(a) is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with a predefined acceptable standard

which is accurately


(b) is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with another quantity

(c) is an act of comparison of an unknown quantity with a known quantity whose accuracy
may be known or may

not be known

(d) none of these

4. Purely mechanical instruments cannot be used for dynamic measurements because they

(a) large time constant

(b) higher response time

(c) high inertia

(d) all of the above

5. A modifying input to a measurement system can be defined as an input

(a) which changes the input–output relationship for desired as well as interfering inputs

(b) which changes the input–output relationship for desired inputs only

(c) which changes the input–output relationship for interfering inputs only

(d) none of the above

6. In measurement systems, which of the following static characteristics are desirable

(a) Sensitivity

(b) Accuracy

(c) Reproducibility

(d) All of the above

7. In measurement systems, which of the following are undesirable static characteristics?

(a) Reproducibility and nonlinearity

(b) Drift, static error and dead zone

(c) Sensitivity and accuracy

(d) Drift, static error, dead zone and nonlinearity

8. In some temperature measurement, the reading is recorded as 25.70°C. The reading has

(a) five significant figures

(b) four significant figures

(c) three significant figures

(d) none of the above

9. In the centre of a zero analog ammeter having a range of -10 A to +10 A, there is a
detectable change of the

pointer from its zero position on either side of the scale only as the current reaches a value of
1 A (on either side).

The ammeter has a

(a) dead zone of 1 A

(b) dead zone of 2 A

(c) resolution of 1 A

(d) sensitivity of 1 A

10. A dc circuit can be represented by an internal voltage source of 50 V with an output

resistance of 100 kW. In order
to achieve 99% accuracy for voltage measurement across its terminals, the voltage
measuring device should have

(a) a resistance of at least 10 W

(b) a resistance of 100 kW

(c) a resistance of at least 10 MW

(d) none of the above

11. In ac circuits, the connection of measuring instruments cause loading errors which may

(a) only the phase of the quantity being measured

(b) only the magnitude of the quantity being measured

(c) both the phase and the magnitude of the quantity

(d) magnitude, phase and also the waveform of the quantity being measured

12. A pressure gauge is calibrated form 0–50 kN/m2. It has a uniform scale with 100 scale
divisions. One fifth of the

scale division can be read with certainty. The gauge has a

(a) dead zone of 0.2 kN/m2

(b) resolution of 0.1 kN/m2

(c) resolution of 0.5 kN/m2

(d) threshold of 0.1 kN/m2

13. A pressure measurement instrument is calibrated between 10 bar and 260 bar. The scale
span of the instrument is

(a) 10 bar

(b) 260 bar

(c) 250 bar

(d) 270 bar

14. A Wheatstone bridge is balanced with all the four resistances equal to 1 kW each. The
bridge supply voltage is

100 V. The value of one of the resistance is changed to 1010 W. The output voltage is
measured with a voltage

measuring device of infinite resistance. The bridge sensitivity is

(a) 2.5 mV/W

(b) 10 V/W

(c) 25 mV/W

(d) none of the above

15. The main advantage of the null balance technique of measurement is that

(a) it gives a quick measurement

(b) it does not load the medium

(c) it gives a centre zero value at its input

(d) it is not affected by temperature variation

16. The smallest change in a measured variable to which an instrument will respond is

(a) resolution

(b) precision

(c) sensitivity

(d) accuracy
17. The desirable static characteristics of a measurement are

(a) precision

(b) accuracy

(c) sensitivity

(d) all of these

18. The errors mainly caused by human mistakes are

(a) systematic error

(b) instrumental error

(c) observational error

(d) gross error

19. Systematic errors are

(a) environmental error

(b) observational error

(c) instrumental error

(d) all of the above

20. An analog ammeter is

(a) an absolute instrument

(b) an indicating instrument

(c) a controlling instrument

(d) a recording instrument

(Part II)

1- A 0-25 A ammeter has a guaranteed accuracy of 1 percent of full scale reading. The
current measured by this instrument is 10 A. Determine the limiting error in

2- The inductance of an inductor is specified as 20 H ± 5 percent by a manufacturer.

Determine the limits of inductance between which it is guaranteed.

3- The measurand value of a resistance is 10.25 Ω, whereas its value is 10.22 Ω.

Determine the absolute error of the measurement.

4- The measured value of a capacitor is 205.3 fiF, whereas its true value is 201.4 fiF.
Determine the relative error.

5- A wattmeter reads 25.34 watts. The absolute error in the measurement is –0.11 watt.
Determine the true value of power.

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