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1. Introduction
Thesis Statement: The family can spend more quality time together and get to know one another
2. Body Paragraph 1:
a. Topic sentence: Family bonding can be well-built if every member behaves well with other
b. Supporting idea: Family Time, Conversation at the dinner table, House Work
c. Concluding sentence: It is like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since life has become the same
after the lockdown.
3. Body Paragraph 2:
a. Topic sentence: For family time, we can watch a movie together or watch our old pictures and
videos to bring our memories back alive those moments are full of happiness and increase our
family bonding.
b. Supporting idea: Family Time, Life after lockdown, Well knowing our family
c. Concluding sentence: The more time you spend with your family, the better you understand
4. Refutation: A Lockdown situation also hurts families many families have many problems like
losing their job. These are major problems in every family. Some people become homesick after
living in a house for a long period, start arguing with their family members, and go into a
financial crisis. Which hamper mental health and worsens family bonding.
5. Conclusion
Lockdown Situation is Helpful in Strengthen Our Family Bonding
Every human is incomplete without a family. The bond between family members is considered a
valuable aspect of human connections. Being a part of a family creates a sense of belonging. In
recent times, every people are familiar with the word lockdown. During the lockdown situation,
most people lived with their families in their houses, which I think was very helpful to strengthen
our family bonding. The family can spend more quality time together and get to know one
another better.
Family bonding can be well-built if every member behaves well with other members. At family
mealtime, dinner table conversations are an example that was missing in our regular life in
lockdown. On lockdown days, we cook at home and eat together, have more conversations with
our families, and tell them about our day, which help strengthens our family bonds. Families are
coming together to keep the house clean. Since the housekeepers are not at home to help during
the lockdown, everyone at home is doing chores such as sweeping and laundry, which allows us
to bond with our family. It is like a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity since life has become the same
after the lockdown.
For family time, we can watch a movie together or watch our old pictures and videos to bring our
memories back alive those moments are full of happiness and increase our family bonding. We
also definitely understand our family better after the lockdown. They will know much more
about them and how they think. The more time you spend with your family, the better you
understand them.
A Lockdown situation also hurts families many families have many problems like losing their
job. Which are major problems in every family and go into a financial crisis. Some people
become homesick after living in a house for a long period, and start arguing with their family
members, which hamper mental health and worsens family bonding.
At end of the day, family matters everything to us if we are going into a bad or good situation
then also family comes first and there are a lot of reasons to believe that the lockdown situation
is increasing and helping to strengthen our family bonding.

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