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Silang, Maria Joyce C.

BSED 3 Activity # 1

A Listening Lesson in English 10

LC Competency: EN10LC-IIIb-16.1:
(From the CG with code)
Distinguish the important points from less
important ones in a text listened to.

Title of Listening Text/Passage This race called life.

Description of the Listening Text/ Passage It is a 5-minute video with text.

Pre-listening Activities Groupwork.

The teacher will work in group. The title of
the video will be presented but not yet for
watching. The students will be instructed to
have brainstorming and discussion on what
are their idea upon hearing the title of the
video. They will list their ideas on a bond
paper and shall be presented creatively.

While-listening Activities The students will be instructed to list down

important ideas they will be hearing from
the video. And while listening, students
have to distinguish the less important ones
and the ones that are more important.

Post-listening activities After listening and discussing the video is

the group work. The teacher will instruct
the students to create a short text or
passage that has the same pattern with the
video they watched. They will pick topics
from the choices prepared by the teacher.

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