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————— 9/6/2023 2:48:20 PM ————————————————————

One-Sample T: Marks
Test of μ = 20 vs > 20

Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% Lower Bound T P

Marks 30 24.87 9.67 1.76 21.87 2.76 0.005

One-Sample T: Marks
Variable N Mean StDev SE Mean 95% CI
Marks 30 24.87 9.67 1.76 (21.26, 28.48)

Descriptive Statistics: Marks

Variable Mean StDev
Marks 24.87 9.67

Test and CI for One Variance


Null hypothesis σ = 9.67

Alternative hypothesis σ ≠ 9.67

The chi-square method is only for the normal distribution.

The Bonett method cannot be calculated with summarized data.


N StDev Variance
30 9.67 93.5

95% Confidence Intervals

CI for CI for
Method StDev Variance
Chi-Square (7.70, 13.00) (59.3, 169.0)

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