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Reading Japanese with a Smile Nine Stories from a Japanese Weekly Magazine for Intermediate Learners Tom GALLY i ie POUReE e Tide <7 BEE Y 3 2A Bo IE BE 70S Banko the county of Ban / BUT maar tim for, to intend to go 10 / 2% connosion / 151 hain company employs / AESISEBE machina’ io. SE Ashe story explainy 2B is 2 misitspretaton of 7 7.27 “Bango” / The santed line (") above the Gharacte Bin the ee om p30 indies empha See flo 5a / BART mods PLA. "72 isan abbene tion for 42 7 4 7, that a relative or find who Can prove special asisanee or css ARB isan fmpayee who pot ber Job through a personal inwodue tion intend ofthe unal ing pronase (A gel = ME TH might be the child of former cass of the com pany president) / #30 rac meant “no know and FBR moni “oknes, gponnce” SURE this meas BROKE WR hii Ch) pio eas, 2H “eet cite ce 5 BP aad within Tego (oe 38) / APINNERL: Ae pr “ow The “Country of Ban” cub lage publihing company (se Sb) / M$ % ‘wor is employed / KAR Aad! Mis K / (82> inhad ing (Mis 1) / PUBOSCIEES A dit wo fe ymin Four women ied a th ame tin/ AERA pas gone fits yer afer entering the company / 2 UT thney sie in honor of 7 ©) % how Ben this sping / ES ado mi tga / PLIES hig! polo reneas vip / HIRE 1 haba owt mae x pan RELIC oo ETE binr noe / ICH oe TCS The si in KE ae of respect ora young un smaried woman. Ongzly sed forthe daughiers ofthe sblty and wel, now fi fen applied with kd Sarasa in the popular prs 0 young women who may pt on highclas si / PIB! dik meas "same pecod Of time” 50 KIISMEMRO KHOA means “four omer, indding Miss K, who were hina atthe same Since ge pane companies usally hte ew employ ex only cine a yeu, in Apr, the people hired at the Sane time ten sink of themaches ma poup. And because ther is no seioejunior (232 expe kaka) tension t color tha reasons, 2 cbr i with people Tired eater or lt, FU employes ofen find i exer to vce with ech ober thin wih othe covoras, / Because Mis Kis teneylour and jut staring her fh yar of work, he andthe ater three women ese probe By hired immediately afer they complete to years of junior college Tha would tradionaly make than 2 BL growl, the erm eed for wpport nother, pe lily omen, who ate notin ine for promation Is om tea, GME gb are carer employes who, in Lage companicy are almost invariably graduates of four sa college In recnt years, mre women have beso a ws The "Coan of Ban” tending fouryer colleges aa looking for 2° ity, toe they sil donot ala eve el teste in hi ing and promotions 1 Bahia vate PHRMA OKT $5 (RAR eto candida loestions / 190% vais / HIP dae were mentioned wee propos! / ni the gg af 7 FA een] 0 te of) PEW km Ly 4507 29 Singapore oF Bangok, Thailand / E05 22°C wm hod (or TE, ben) SRLS LE 57 ea en matomate thy dec Bey rexched 2 conduion Wy ite MS dew / HERO REED 2 Thala is call 74 in pune, wie the Thai Inge 9405 Taigy / The ple EOF SEC nfs © ‘ometing dit has bea prsousy mation. 1 uly (he ctr tobe eae ee Engi ie ss Te SU, Hho Lo¥ sott, coledl The “Conny of Bon” A ohajon the next day J SRLOME IS baie no fact om her way home Bom work / WU? namie pecked into; dropped by / BEATIEABN abs deter feel spiny / $21 mat mi enc, pry / 8 nie tie / oa schol / 2 kp amount of money / 77 ~ tour / 217 minke she find / £0324 provisional, forthe time being / ‘BAEC dabuden de om her om judgment / FEE Nt ‘Caaf job 0 oe ale she went ahead and made AML we HRS rl / OW oe BONE miko [RAC ee RUE iene) det oe BE Mus modifis HATO, so Ble ATACS meant “stone agency that she dropped by.” / The we of EVA sugges that Mise K hos made the race vation ealy proionaly, ping conuation with her comorker /"The final 8.07, race above os “wert sexi” indiats an action taken with an eye fate de ‘lopment, Se aso 3, Weer, Kiale ee BW soln the next morning / /#D—LO YR snalana no Kini no Wes Mis. one of the group / B78 ikakry nding ech sgh off 8.2% < me. insy "20% om ho that ater / WEEELPS hl “his reported FEL te ee EE beta ome fore ERECT 15 Be “cunt of Bae” 24 (YM mans“ compan, edo cae (her ip Grady ora goup} The © afer BONS oe sequal © el). 7 EOP he rest he ty Mis K bad made tour rsrwaton The word ff fen sal ees w prea discus mates « Tovotteonos. BECe1O97~ 28 LAL Ee oR Re, Wisb dial He WUOAH OL timo ge atte 30 there a a ool one / BFIS kate mon my ow, without price fonnltion or pemision / BLBAL © of mite Inte sped up for / WE Hi we py ne dats ‘okay tee Mt bok wb /PLAAL ot w BLL Poh we MLAS malo / LES © LE3 2 When refring to 2 peson’s bebrior, BF unaly si fet wifes or diner for the fein of athe, When i fet the speak’ om ating the won coe vos serse of humble apology. In chis sence, Mis Kt pology for what she ha done i renforcd by the Lf 22 afix (oe 3h and Ih This apology i fie mare than «aad hough, Mis Kin fc inks ee ae done + fd thing by mabing hereon and she ping ‘bbe daniel The "Contry of Ban” ight cidcam / DAF abi tone of oie / BO hoc wit inking / 23.7: hota snowed Toe ROE home / BLM a QILLMEFS moans “wo make » supried face" oF “look surprised” 89 means “unexpected” and the reson for the spe i ht something onerpced as outa, The "Country of Ban” 7h [Ob PAELRO IY a? Uethrono) Bb} (hows mild supe) / 74ELEO? Te sha nt Di you decide on Tan? 72> Cn 0 Benda a naa w9 Wasnt Bangkok) Bi Lk FS / Coto @ Tithe s BO domi CHS | ek the see aan ptr meas" dee on boo” / neal we ech ee Sie be pre 9 nay be Se mo opine at aston epg i ints Eps Stans tility tnaon we guts a ip ion in Song mpl w ce shee a nen: sah 94 EERO an ene Sovora quan wot neat des Hoe be? om snag fat 2 TEULO a gc, sfurconet tlt de ecco oS 9 eS 2720 gustan aw. (ton sl Fay tin pct fa af poe sl Ip ifthe enone a cry a queer tea teh 7 tan pune pou en te en sak ome is [Ro Hoty arity 4 oF ee WB Lo arHalt/ Mo but / BS dat capa iy 7 % fH? 2-2, Hote toltitsz2e7 2d. KYIFOT eRVOT fore] of Baw 2.2 ita dhonened vesion of % 2, am intercon that, epecing on the saution ard intonation, ean indete Joh sorow, ange, agement, or fstation, He show forpais: Abin he Stal small > in 2 > nce 3 {ocden baling of te vel choses oe pronoancd SE" Here and in 7) (22), hin > simi to ane cemation pot / The conjunction 12°C is wd in Spach when aseting a fact tha conralios another per {bes snemnt or astamption oC mohiogiie 252 a ows suprise or dibeie J 94% Leon / 579 Choke gr ty ends in aku Comunity’) EM bat na nanae the nae of a county / Ce ts 90 fea na iat Bee CE deme ncie THO 22 is pronounced with « prolonged ring tone. This incerjction is often used in eonverstion by young roman. / The °C afer 16227 5 9 eontacton af EUS Oia to iv moma, which literally means “tat stich is elle." though thee is wualy no need fo ‘ral into Engl In ting /627 227 E31 sigh be rendered with quotation marke “Bangkok” / The clip dow in guottion marks =) indie thatthe Titers, Miss, is 50 stunned she tunable to ae : : ls Tre "Cost of Ba” F Genuine country names that ed in BE hb inca 1 Bidobn "United Kingdom” 711 R208 Chin Kos saci "Republic of Gul" and the ofa mine of pan, BATH Nikola or Non Th YWladencco%, SF mth, yo 9 Pisy ee 3B cen vr thie Bbemotnotaa. BH ARTN CLO amare bane hate ever since she wa bom / =i: mips nnban wen our Jean 7 YE U5 Bl Baw w iv an 9 county elle Ben) >t 1 in ether words that 7 OF U-CHED 22h napaeancata beer and dia doube RENT we ENS umanm (RET BES shea) WE th To er RED ce HED gn 22 OM bow hats means “ines afer” 2 NTLOR is set phe that means "all ones li ever sine one es bo" / The bere 47 isthe quoting ie diag wae Mis Y belied. / Another veion of be hrc L'CRED I-97 appeat in Sn “Recall Hwee) (HbR ORE Ades, Ezz, Je MARSHALS aati mye mo jt chin wi mong the fenale employes who joined dhe company at the sme time / 1751 har dae oly ne (ge) / HIRITE onto capris a peron hed thous 3 por sonal connection / Rt semua rumor / ws da de was ue 15 jie means realy dhe same thing as 1% in Toa pe sonal conan, wbetberthoug blood, manag or Guinn / $251 8 ao am meas "to ie” and BONE ayaa is “hice” /— AERA EHO, 23 dale ko is geo a means “ie rumor that only one’ peso was hid dough peonal connation” / The fein HP tA i a fontracion of the explansony In ether wor, the fact dat thee wae one hsse Miss Youho got het fb through + connection explains why Mise Y is working in this company eventhough abel 2 ignorant / Tho fence is in parentheses because i indcater Mi Ke thous att James LC apie sonreme nisi in the Sy sar ater joining the company / MOK sane np Bhng the ruth ofthe ramor / BRL?! babu ar twa convined of ie leary vonon of {2 of “in oa place oF time)" / The characters and hin FOP) te, “uth” and “chood” respecivey. In som cote, canbe var “th oF Glichod,"thogh here st “rth bere lage Japanese companics, which ofen have the pick of et in, son prospect employes in sol (One is oy chosing oni those who ave graded fom Ingheanked univescs, thus rng on the sigr of the tive entrance eas to eal out the poy elie cated and the es diigen. Another is by subating «> licans 0 exams and interviews, The ust ven by ompanie ae usally noe se tough as cole eanee cams and thy of foes on more practic, como Sense knowldge, such ab current evens and grow. ‘Anda hindi fo ase recommendations from the penal ‘outa of iporant people in te company. While tit cod is somesmes ae efenite atthe these som render cn Joe fice if the invodve! employee tums fut to bes dud-it docs not albye work, a shown bee bythe cane of Mie. BHBPS RRAECEAD RS Tue Rica Bor's Ue Theeary awo His Greurmreno's Depression BHOSPE RREECEA ORB PERMOERESMOOL, MESA (=O) NM RMBOBALT 8 toa MARNE F, LORETS AMMA, FMEA ET. HS BMWENY 2 DEHUPIT TOS, MESARIITR, SH MOwy Foam RL. KEES OH 7 TUERRTI TUF bE Lite EO, MOY 7MEMOME BFW Fup Ihe ORM 4 T-RBUTHSES, BOMBOK Hi Ae RI of [A MOMAWAM LEAL E, OF EEE MOROEB LoOMATSARS TI Tito, Tue Rica Boy's Vewe Tuerary ano His Gieureieno's Depression Miko @0), an office worker at an architectural firm in Kanagawa, now has a boyfriend, O (28), who is 2s bandsome as Kaji Kikiawa. Although he went to a see condate university, he's 184 centimeters tll, works at 2 ral estate company run by his father, and makes over tight milion yen a year. He drives both 2 BMW and a Mitsubishi Pajero. (On Valentine's Day, Miko bought 30000 yen worth of chocobite just for O, and they went on a double date to Yokohama with another couple. That night, the two couples checked into a hotel with a view of the sea. ‘While O was taking a shower, Mo gota tlephone all from her gilfiend in the next room. “Hy, according to my boyfriend, O drinks his own pibs every morning. He says is good for his beat.” "Yuck?" Miko sid. “Are you serious” pclichinnlieoeeed The Rich Bay's Urine Therapy MES ANESBS ORIG E, BRA KA (RRC BHR ORE LOREAL. Roy RFLRTREUT, KOLA AMAL bATCAS £) OREFASHE IZ ORMEL AI, Tha eect 1) UIA RS OR 7-H” ORD AN TOT, g BERLROUTRE OEM, MPS ABE ERMA IR, OR 00RE BLite OAoWeRRLAVCE OR CRREMBEOSE O eT aL, Pe bee” Pork, MLK, BEMSOOB AMAR, mL Ck Es LAL, MESA ame [Ok RAM74 YAMBA CRED, HBEO MEME AT) EBRTSzUIE, CHEM Y< eame ce 2. oa The Rich Boy's Urine Theapy When Mko nervously asked © about it, he replied onfidendy, “It has cured my colds and tonal and fay fever. There's nothing diny about uring it bas the Jame components as sweat and tears. You should ty arinking i, to.” ‘When O started to kiss Mko, she adamantly refused fo kissing! No way © also. practios “nounderpants therapy"—he never sears briefs when he sleeps. ‘Alfer sting over it for three days, Miko laid down hee rules for O: (Do not drink urine in front of me 2) Do not ty tm get me to drink urine G) Always gargle after drinking urine, and then brush your teth for at least twenty minutes. Every weekend, the handsome, gente, and rich O in- ites Miko out to expensive reaurants But Meo just fel depres “That wine he's drinking now will get warmed up in his body, and then tomorrow moming he's going to drink i again” ‘Whenever she thinks about i, the gourmet food ‘urns bier in her mouth. BB BI e E obscene sch boy / HRIRAEE inps enki wine therapy / TEA too gelcnd / 3B int depen mcnchly 2B D8a be i the cr pole verion of 2169 6 1 obochon wich eet pate te for acter po deat von 0 2 deve tm ora ch, ee young ia ie corona / Jan 0 Bivelanpnge eon of the poe sue BA (6) SOE iste dike eon of te en pole mir = & [4s cso in ror, athena of BURIEMEE bs fie tet daking or pling ones wm wie in Be toring is bende one bith in vans ny A FE Jopanse door adore te pacize, tug ot md followed Japan The chars inthe fle SORMBAEEE man “drikutipebehsnetod” | RUB ty te ei a boyfiend 3 ile Ul BA alin “lover” the word A doce not mpl though don ot nde oe intima. / 1 you Ue {Dimes prope wih your ait wrt ied a, the B in RB ine good one to ka, Ut a weten JE ever bh senior at pes pope eren ore) AAT SALTO i. OF TS eR a $8 ASI Kongens prfecure south of Tokyo / 8ERAt BE juke wth pee housing dvgn company / OL er eae fice Works (ee 5) / EN Ke ine rexmbng Koji Kiara / TALC BY: han 8 dis acquire a boyfiend cake ck ‘EIILRAT ica handiome pop singe and actor He was st the Height of fis popular ta the early 150, whe tis sony wae writen / The fix Bat mane “oembling looking Hhe"/ The wv) in OB EW9 mods EA, wo ORES RIIRMBOREA means boyfind ‘aed O who bok ike Koj Kiva” / The sate ‘bois expan in 3. ‘Aries in the popular prs offen describe peoples ap ‘arance through compansons with show busines: pena aie The Rich Bayh Urine Therapy Rik ede, PRA rg, Bs 2 RUM Actbo, EEA elt. 28 A dale every / 5% (abs empha) / “Ye I econ / oP sons ght 7 ASI YF Ile peyote Acetic (60) / ci ' Bi | Te aoe | 21 filing rete company / 9 tame woth employed 40 newb somal income / AE TEE hppa mo eg raion yea / HE hoe nk By HR DE tnt 2% This sentence deacbes thee things 0s education, his eign and his income ae jo, Wile Niko recs the Sood and hrs center and ight mulion yen per yr om his fers companys god, the fint-O' {Gaduaion from a scondmte university not $0 for {Bie The parce © & singh out A's feet rom the other fo cements / The parle 2 after. an ab tanatie fm ofthe subj particle #0 LORS ‘BASRIRIE means “he vests company tht his fe ther mansges” with OEE 2 beng a lave dase ‘hax modi TE 81 2% This sence sual that the rer wa in tne wth the Japan segeat of the sty Ble Ar dae Sng Jopaceswomen ot Sac Gmc he tng Et Prvpectne hasbind RAPE Abgeburds “igh edo ond backgound® RSI hoi “gh bog” sd The Rich Bay Urine HOLA esha “high income” In other words, vez suppose interes only nmin who were ll, Fick and! had gone to good univesise: Because each re queen Dagan wih the Kani 8, they were refed to Colley se = son “the tee highs” Like 113. 7 though, vanished fom the public conxiousss thin afew years Bd HoPWW hy eneBodicns. [BE H hamme care / 189-2 Prieo / BVETOS aici wes one or te ther ppp Bh MEO C me REIT keno The & “ao” flr indicts tht O's cae ae another ccanple of his wealth and atacsvenes to Miko. Pao She mame of line of fourherve vehicles made by Misichi Motor Tn some cunts they ae markt! unde de nae Montero or Shops. 5 SATO wigs jookke Febraary 1th (Valensins Day) / S75 sv mono (oi) ty thousand ye / RES a7 a ence present of chook / JH Ly 1 prepare / Sr © cn toad liens 733 Fi coupe / IRI Ylobana cy rout of Tolga, in Kanagana Prec / 77 H7— + double date REL ee ATS yon / Live 5 EKA is afiend who happens to be a gel or wor Iman. No remaate connection i impli / In Jgene, the mening of 29°97 resid o 2 an snd wo. man who ate lover ot maried teach othe: The Wont [Brot nonaly sed inthe more gene sense of pe On Valetn’ Day, Japanese women sive proeats of ‘Goose t men. Thee eS major cnn of he Ghocolae pocrte WHF 27 gif dele “blgaoy Ghoolac’ whch indudes inapetbe iocle andes tha make ofc works gi to mule cowoien ot toss in whom thy bn no roma neon nd Porc “vores chocolat” which sa more epee hocolate gf gen to an soul oF prospective lor. The Toe ERTS i ero 8 fo Deginaly asp tem fr 3 compen tts fo ome i grin a ey Pop a ao ree he pe {bn nbo bt kading cand for some peson la {Bb Noy, O'8 Mi eating cdl for her fue The Rich Bay's Urine Tray Fnuband./ March Hh has ben degnated 8774 b= "White Dey" in Japan. On tat day, en who sve Valemine presen are supposed to reiprocte with ie cof white choco or other teas af 20%, “ony 7uaoh rere vc Pavel ve $8 £01 sow yor that night / “HO 7 7 fea’ 1 began the two couples / HOB.A. 7-10 wm no tif a hel with 3 vw ofthe wa / F292 7 2 chk in 2 The © in iBOSLAS isan akemae tothe potential paride #, 90 BOZAS 47% Ienlly means "s hot fom which the sex an be sca” / With the omit ted ve added, his setene would end “Fz 9 7°42 L- n & Bll «9 —ehorcweee, Woitiio KR bao Hae 9. Ye T— CHO CURLA she 0 bien thi while taking a shower / BLO AIE ame wo ys che room se door MAEI95 > t2 demat ge ane thre wat tle phone all The Rich Bay Urine Therapy BUC BUS abin/ hot BB Pe YTS ERO in he wal expesion for “w the Shower” HOS means “to be drenched with 3 x mount of water oF other ii” * (oz, Kollidbadieasne, OM ROK EBLOCMATSAROT) BB AR hey lien! / LOObE mata no hay my bond / PIS US blidadee curced information by asking found out / ERE manus ery moming / HEHE 79512 Jes no ten foe heli sake / 28-2 wine / ACBL monde date sid) dain Bo WRIGLA oe MAW Hiden / HATS ow Ht CS we Es wom 2 124 is wed in conveaton to pit another penoos at tention or © change the super to something that te peter considers imporant. / Here #8 means “boy rend Sima, HEE hewoe sometimes means “ga fiend” / U2 i the word that chien ln for orine” A more fama word is J shes The metic vem ip Rg / Toe A afer MRL TE and BRAC 1B iss contncion of te exlnstoy and nominaieng ©.) The ending 2 i ord sport what someone ch bar ni eit conmacion of Ev 8 Fs cathe > ame yl gros / “72 realy? ar you eou? ‘The inion 17 init the sake digs (The seul > explained in dg) An ial (scams com eve nach pe in pane. Sie wor inde VF 2 tromity (Fa “erp” and the nomatopcese WFR, which docs te sound of richine Je na | Shorted, Hany venion of PUM gine “ious not inking” At RR hoa ‘The rolplctal BAAS ig am adverb devel fom the eb 23 cant“ fox” /The © afer WS i the oemial En) 20) means “al” / The sbjet of Bark OR. anwsn2037000) The Rich Boy's Urine They { sk (ii RE 6 BIE 6 cach RAK. LIS he col the Sh / FURIE loo toms / 7, {8% bf pollen ally, ay fer / = 42° by reas ofthis #9 mama wee cae Bh thot ih mam 2& UB aan meer to bos the common cold andthe fa / ‘The ton ae lod GARDE hosen / The ved 2258, iswaten (2 when i mene “to roaver fom an i rst” When it meas "wo be sepa; to be rene” it writen B12. al Roitutewe hes, 04 CF nw Athy ROKATAS & | } a BE ROLE 1 ro se te components of usve / TF a Sweat nee teas / PIL ong the sme JE (oc) at al / EC EV Klanalmal wor ding / int you/ RASCH monde min 90 ty dinking it Be Soe EHC we TH onl / BATT oe BREE es] BP 8 BB, St MOMAIAE-SRE PLS means Suing is made of the se things a eat and tae” / bE 6 adds ee ‘hay fo the mening of a vetence Hei wed ony in gatve constructions / The pronoun in is wed » it The Rich Bays Urine Taerpy iy yc ang do do triton who Wet palo ns lee Beg my So weld icy apy hr bonded ‘Sig de sme Gb fed y Bee rte Phe) on BAT us / Be Ke ‘eri fm a 8: / Wh wd see ped (fam, AB mar Moe mee ea8 ey hte 7 te tl reo Ot seomnendaion aro oy ie hep FARMED 27 ia om ni nats was shoot to De Hise by O) / S212 ae a absoluey / 41 ol Tefal / 127212 daubane wf subborly / HUE Iokede refs FARR @ SABE @ FATE / oko B [WATE oe TEE haba 4 indicts song dike or refs. It is also writen We, Mor Me / The ® in the ada noun (ota Jet) 8 tala is part of the ste, 2 another 5S needed when the word precedes «noun e280 eb nate “edbor txavion” The ich Bay's Urine Thr [s Of 77 ith wan Ane Hacannvostheoian, We 2/5 HM pen hen noundepants the BO ARCUC eon eh sloped HS ESE sero mwa when he gos 0 bel / 0% says / FREON EG go fae! doen't wea underms mR LC ee BROAN ani OC me OS / enw 38 2% Pracitones of 7/87 MA ee tat sep ‘owt ay estos on te nate eg i bene Sotto f 80 Mpa na iiitiar 2 elt. ERM en he Se / 1412 mpd noe fit wav aate to dake / Fae afer /"S90RH ti jon ection US dai prod AP we BE em) IL eB de 2 seo he nd of ston pido in) EMMA tS mean “afer brooding over it for thee ~ Ke ORoti cH Lene ORR House 9 ES 5 OL SEB ibe! $8 KOT ows wo mar din font of me, in ay peer nce / BRL." iyo thine do noe dink tring / BD {21> samo dot ung: do not mcommend / He FRA ins go ar dhinking urine / 9" enero a without fall / 5 3S pale PER 2 ibn i for more han wena ruts / 3 < 4 ¢ meta brs your tah By PRL EU we HIRES ind wn / 02 oe Bh 2B ronan / FAL we SHOT a se 28 Th sete! = inns» song command or eon I oi ud magne PER EE slo seen ao "No Seng” / The pena Gin of 1 is dscused in Im —_ &q more BLY, pelsob dik He, BBLabovicibotina. BH EEC handome / HEL < sai gente kind / BERS okemoadl rch / MHF mata evey vwekend / Wilk AF Ady rte highclss roturint/ °C C18 sant boom inves (ks) POE C POSEY we ILI EV balks ph TEC MEL jas [152°C eB seo Both zhco 5 (and GEL ¢ ate adil foems which sre used tp ink ses of ajecives. Both of these ons ind B&BED molly OF / Wo > EV lea thaw. ned form of >= 0, which means “having + ‘ie, refined appearance” of ore colloquially, “goed. looking” of “col” Ris alo pronounced 2 Bogie BLL however / HBA iar dis depres fs oe 2 This sentence echocs he sons ie UE now / RAEI ZY monde wax the wine he rank / BC tena de ise his body 7 LED ate nar brzomsng warner / iE bi he / RCL hie swat omonow nomi) $72 apn / RO wm wl i& The bet of E> is, chat is, OF. ik, CREME nabee WE (quoting £) / WRF 2 AUS wo aoe tw ey Aime she pte in her mind (tae dec in 3) 7 SALE poets umes ood /2 FCS man mm sans w tate had / 22 beatse Een 3 AUB 2 sos wow means “eo imaging t pcr in ons mind” / Sb can mean fod or dink to which one ir treat ori can tcf to 2 hatsous med. Here the focus ison the later, as they ze eating in at expesive sestarant wher the fod would normally be deco. / The f2 explins why Miko & deprewed in Bebe cn © The Ri Bay’ rite Tey no longer enjoy the deiious food because she kas thinking sbowt wat wil happen to the wine that er isdenking. G DD TF IE IT b DPR BROIBR His Frest Cau Gree Was tue Girt Next Door sneer 3037100 CHDIOS igi 3037109 CHBNOA DO TEE MF b ISRO PORT 7A LTA OMERS BA A) la, AAO, bono mNT WO SONOS, TER ORES KSDI] EBV ORA, COBO HAGE oT, HRORE-ATBOWS EE (eo te S SA WE, Mo RM CHAT. FI, AMTERS LORY [RF MEMRL ED) OLY PFDA Be Fa Ly HERCIBRO tev ERERLIES SAUL, SOBER LU. PATH EGU BUSPLEORELST. © OFA LAO, OPH, WoC MET EMIS SADE DUR, KHRIES 5 ADTEL HA COMBOMES oANOROR. His First Cate Gire Was: we Gree Next Door 5 (59) is depury mayor of Town A on the Sea of ‘Okhowk in Hokkaido, Ar the beginning of June, he went on his fist business trip to Tokyo in sit months, Usually the evenings of his business tips are spent briefing his Diet represenaative'’s sexetary on the latest feign in his sic, but eda he weary Now $ was able to spend the evening in Tokyo lone. Late that night, his brain foggy with drink, he tied to decide what to do, In his hand was someting he had never scen in Town A: flyer advertising a call sill service. “Shell come to your hotel” the ad sid. “Otay, no one will ever find out” be thought, and be picked up the telephone. Hee had just taken 2 shower and sobered up 2 bit when the doorbell rang. Smiling, he slowly opened the oor, But then his eyes widened. The woman wis Miko, the daughter of his neighbor back in the goverment employee housing complex where be lives in Town A. :O3TIOD OUNIOI aves: The Git Na Door Tire FK TH BAR Lal, Seno bok. [BER AMMPARATL S| ROR. Gok HAI, [BREADS OBEY MEST. BOLEL BME EE eB egMA! SA WORITECE BEIT AR, Oh AA AAD In Ve MES eAREBE CAKE BOTA ents? Mb LieoteS 8 Ata, Re LOMRES DOSEN Eo h. MEBANE, Tasigs Aiciapildic LETHE £] CBRE Leticito cut. BE WOmH, Robi, MOM SMES, BIOBR, LoLOPENTHMLES BAIL, Bkowines oman. DUK. Thee ae EME w Ala Catt The Gil New Door “You're supposed to be a junior at a women's univer sity. What are you doing in a place like this?” ‘Mtko was unfazed by S's scolding, “You called for me, di't you?” he repli ‘That put S on the defensive. “Your fither must be sending you an allowance.” he ‘sid. “Shouldn't you be behaving better?” He lectured her for nearly an hous, but tno effect. “You want to pay for some more time?” Miko asked He couldn't elif she was joking or serious, ‘Though S had done nothing, he paid the 30,000 yen «as agred, with no exension, “I won't tell your wife” Méo ssid as she lef, sill vith a stubbar expresion ‘Why? Since wiren? How did she get into his? Un able to find out anything from her and, even wore, ‘aught in the act himself $ returned home, his head, it seemed to hima, having grown even grayet ‘esSP SOITION CUBA {10 daa for theft time/ V1 yond led 207 CHE hot 3 bot el gid / BOB tones some the gio dug WB we I abe [AF bl ie a Bnd of he worde 7-1 “hot” and} 12H Tindale “Tutksh bah” AF Pete rosie who pls ber ade at os / The plas 3 SCIRATER? FM indicates that thir isthe int time the protagonist of thi sory as bie cl i The word bY 2K formerly refered to bathhouse vith privat rome whee women woul provide masngs {nd sonal eves to mle alone In the BAD, ser ‘he Turkish powerment and others complained that ge tbe Tush bats are not bros, te bahouse inde ty abursoned the term and coine the wend 73 2 F ogpland” to replace i Te not know wheter soap manufaures have obted. Altbough Japan ex {tet an antprostuton lw in BS6, te mena bir consizendy enfored and many forms of prossaton tinue to be prac openly ‘The Girt Net Door id, AH. | OR 7 7 Hie Oboe Kad Sea of Obhowk / LE i ma hi fig oto / i838 Holi Hold / ‘ARE B mac Town A / BEE fa depy mayor / A Hime reagan aie atthe beioning of June / 58 “3:0, hentdber forthe Gest te inal «year / HOR TUE Tals aha basins tp to Tokyo / B87 kc to For Mh WL te oe ITS memarn / ADIT we MS 2 TRO TARIC L and ABA both modify AMT, 2 de phe 9 7G Ute ART means Toma A in Hoklsio, faxing onto the Sea of Okhotsk” 31 ie the offical dein for 3 lel governmenel fea smaller than ath “ig” and lng than a tin "ile" The kanji His ved cher a oc mac, Wh some tows peeing ne ring ane er owns the other / A BDRE # a cl verane who sve a sie tancto the mayor of a iy of town. / E80 OROK TBE means “his fe basins tpt Tego in half = ‘ABVUITZOS TION GHSIOS he Git Next Door ovale, aitbitoftik bait | MoH Roriih) ezi2one, con | attottadie cur. eC 26 aay usally / IRIE sus bane tp / Jere evening night / 32% jit loa / HEH dese / ROR gis Dit member / 308 A sce (ary / BAL smlpoly elec dsc 1199 jt sas on / HM saat informationgatbeing / E198 whe Ihevedes / =O BUL dow Be on ts day / AE ts whee / WE ->°COTS tate fl BBE OC HES tama / Of OE FE ODOWMO WEE means “Unlly in the raing on Bie bone i’ / Hew ond En ‘ation of a pall power bag 10 ASERIGO ARE mains *s Dit member cae fom St dite” / 1 = usually relay co 4 member of dhe RARE Stn House of Representatives” the lor and more poms Ipouse inthe panese Dic. / TA sles o gaerng formation for 2 particle purpose BUTE 207 8 means roughly "wo be inceviened” In this se, the Die meme ber secretary would proumably ask § about dhe pole Staton in his tows home dite and prhape put poe sure on $ to provide polite support od Wholle AekcescrcaonSen tS HE At WAT bio de by hime / BUSS Eto ager hone becae able to spend (the evening) / PRE singe beat ight / Bo ITS ae atone de wing his drunken bain / 472 mgende tlt die swt © do nee Bok we eB / Mote BR por / BAT me AE non “The fist half of this sentence means “S, who was now thle tO spend the evening in Tokyo by himedé™ He Seems to have spent the evening geting drunk / (Ele Tere means “o Be unable fo mike & deen” Mas NOOUENOS "ABYS The Girt Naw Door tote fare WH Lat) ovyr sora. Ae PACKS a wwe in hie hand / BES LOR mine Ia no mai ver een (in Tow A) RF ICEL Eo) Doe sds sina “Wl sen (2 Woman) 19 your hots” /'27 29 adverisng leet foro ex bene 28 The word 277 “pink” ie caphemi for scented imatrs A 22 7 DR pinky age is + pornographic movie. //A 72 7 is opcaly « onepage adversing Byer The word iso writen BUS L./ BIU2 moder 8, the pencil ved of this semence tn other words, Swe holding te leaflet in bis hand. / The phrase 2.2 SEM BU and [FF MICHIEL # | both mode Gerreey, % ALY 2474 is ppily« sll pind note ver ting a alg srvice mage palo, or other sx bus nat U7 F497 ae often posted nest (0 public teephones in nightie ses or lin apartment building ‘malboxe. _The Gi Net Door _ 5119 nobananal wil not remain / BIRLA 40 Ata decided / 22678 je wlephione hand / EAP mage picked op RSLs we PES mone / HELI ow YB ur / BUD EIT ee RU EIS wrap BE People ay L when ther have daided wo do or sat socthing new or dificule / The © before BEI LT SEA i de quoting ©, indicating wha § sid to him self when be date cl the prosution sei. xovtibo, dos Bubvrecac, Bhorr 4 nih te SB Y7~ EIU seat 0 abi e took a shower / BR ef drurkancss / Bsc 2 ie it #09 seme Tesora oced off / 2 C when / EOP NT ‘ow a cin dente / 2 1 na ang Oe HOS chin / BDI BOS amen | fe aE nan BE MUAHZ mans “o wber yp” HS ie a ian Stive wea rmeaning “to cool af ln this content, i may tls be writen JED & or LO. ‘Ave _Te Girt Ne wo Corr etire’s sad is th a mle / > 6 Slowly) K€ FR da oaks open he oor / HEUTS wep rt his ors widened Re DIYS HS ahem / 2S a BC man 3 The im 1) 416 moe mao open on crise of angen” The verb i mesoe “to po” bur £2) har a dient mening fom te English "ohasp ond Gs peed” 9H Sha Ss cathode Be Atiothor BI hina cance 7 $2 fay bowing / BB tones meme gio dager SE AMIE is housing comper for publ employees Government agencies and priate companies in Japan ‘fen prose lowcost Housing for ther employes. / The full SA ier MY refloss both Ss aeguiawnce ids her and i iffiene in age So ao be / The er planatory © in MED Age oT tell why St ‘et midend in Sh The Girt Nest Doe The words tty i onna, and SA fain all mean woman” OF thee, Hf isthe mom nautal In extain conten, anna might sage “mized” or post” while A ig is aided by some feminists and others fori oldishiond,pooniang a many expresions, ‘hough £ and Mare ail he only choices rach ar °F maemo bo “i or HAF ike “eee.” * CAREC TOME hi cite | thoughs wae precy sre that / SOFA Jd women's univeity/ = some third year (oe Gen) / 37 bea de suppose wo be / SALES C Towne tho dein'a place Uke this) HE LTE AT nko Ste un da hat ae you ding? w Ltets 2 The seotmtaladveab fi indies thatthe speaker ea ‘most eerain ofthat e saying, ough the wor! dor leave some room for doubt. Here it reinforess (37, ich also indicts somehing dat the spear bles fo be tne, Thus HDL ERO BOI 7 means "| thought you were supposed co be a junio at a womens tnivessay® "SEK ts an abbroation for LE RE (abi dag, / © = 6a informal verion of i wl “pace"/ The A in LCoS Az! fea spoken frm of the explain aed morning 9k Lo, Ssroiiictts «ciate Bot, [ECSAAMRAEATLE | LANL ower / HE shite song / 22 52H dnt lnc, was united UE A. (ls to older mea) / RATEA'C L 2 nda defo you led, aide you PL aAe wots RLAREM ELAS / tS ee ME joe FUSS meang “to be ovewome, 1 be staged” / The word BUA is wee to adsess or rer to men rho ae somewhat older than ene. The word ims Tome degee of falar The equivalent for een qonens BEA. Theworle BLOSA and BIE TB are scl in the sane way 10 eer to ely re sed women | | tp cet) eee BB GOR. tote ats mo mene mats looked de feted / BSCS A, oxen yout father 13 sir allowance / b> EF COI mano majime mi more tu / US oth Le Bot jabs dan ra he ret yu sipposed wo behave? - The Gir Nest Doo By Lote kb / PERE we RERUNS B/ CRG CRE dew mel 3% Me liraly means “the colors of fag” Orginal, the itiom EAE" sfemed to an ays fags bacoming tess wble on the fk of bate a the ays dette ee sf tothe fc hat Sa in a weaker pion to scald Miko for working a8 prostute afer she pointed out that he was the one who ad hied bar. / 8 BE is money sent peioicaly to help anoter person, such a3 colle stent or an aged parent 5 © 8 ‘7H, sea contraction oF 2 EIN IUEPD, which rein “mut da” vba AMHR ARM bn iden for sary am hour / HEBERT 7 bpd o tate continoed preaching | Wa AE ‘ unfocunatly 7 BAUS baby ge ma it had 0 efit (n he) BRUIT RI sarhen / DB, 2 The inti in this semence isthe quoting &, fring 10 91 / Before expresions of quantity, the pret Ay > sean almost ight les than” / The ergnal meaning of BC is “ligous preaching proving” Ins reler fence hee to Ss ateps to comvine: Miko to Gut rete tion the wor! lads any sligious connotation. 317) ‘mean ihe sii © move o ialueer other prope” me iseadhhe Re eoondiien [on Tere 21 ‘3B TUBE fader joke / 8 font honey sevousnss / 12 unable ww she diftence / A lac tone of vice [Oot wid / BERETS 7 oxkd sen do you want 10 ‘ated the Hine cine 26 /Vok w BS lage TUMRE GAME & OHMS means “in a tone of oie that $ coulda el) was joking or serious” / Te ‘cme tat Shad arangd © py fr one hour of Mike seices If he had gros! to the AEF, he would have ad 1p pay an alionl fe MEG Latha 7 mon’ mo dicks bal done noting / HERES LC andes mati de without an exension / UE E ‘ik dost spel / =F sa mano thy tho yon/ 23% abe ph Me Litbote Lae tb/ Bok wi) bea sR (ER Litto fs mon mo shaban ef othe ft tat Shad done aothing tat he bad paid the el il fox. / FRE smear "agreement, rue? and the sufi LBD, we The Ginl Nat Door ao ween 1), means “in seordance with” wo JRE 1 meas "as are” oP MS cla, fawe cccisiibic Leos, Wak) 2bike Lekiclte coon. W -BIESA. (relist alder women) / EIS LEW 172 cio mshi ag Thee it secre for you / Be MR LA ha ste stubborn / ka ae expreion (ho Cire te hate ite et BH LEVT LTB $4, BC / Lee tS [ROT oe EE haem] Vio tow € 2 Hos, BLES. ris t Se wife Miko wes this word be cause she i sngusinted with Ss wife If Miko had never fret St wife or war not on mil sems wih bo, she vould have wid the word 2 A, bun “wie” stead PDE reas “sero confidential” REIS & means ‘eo hep confidential” / 178 indicts that Miko wil ep the se ata vor 8, i $8 BA why / AG since wher? / BoA bit Tbr sne how. did she gt into tit / (16 othing / BES HME Ada unable w ak / 22 Pe anions yen more w / LOIRE OSC sepa Paving ban cought in an act of wakes / SEU eshte retro to bis hore town / SE he ape white har guy Bit MAPS E 9 CHALE fe Fe Wes eed (bia) © Bae incre Mh BIRUMET or LS HIE oo MSY iden / 2 Pane w ob ETe OU BELT BEE Hiys ame / MT ow 2S fen | LE ve “The fin sotence const of the questions that $ wanted Task Mg bur couldn't Why ad when bad she stars woking ss acl i? Wht ed ert do 2 / & 2 iY fran tena, nar; san” / MELT mem“ a” fRofen fas tan ssempt to ctact information Com formeone wo tlucant fo revel it / The idiom IPE a ty wears “to revel a peson's wakes oF 5 fae” The lel teaning so eb by the a” Avmiow's Prom TOM GALLI, lskogaph; and wumlstoree ved sss ges ngs se ams fom the Unie af Chap. He the author of lnk Jeane Te Bats Ey Lee 3 Eg be Sonn ne genre f Kaba Ga ‘Decne Eg lh His dinar work ‘ils ib Ne lone ih Deb a at wel es lie eon spt he Ree Ihe Online Dison. Among at tuited ves 2 nae Vk Cin nig Sou Tis fi [ds end Par, and Jt Up You Jaane ib Gmetad Fer At Lic He prey soca pofsor ia the Cog of Are and Soower a the Saves 2 Tai. 2 Wh he exception of Chaps 8, which nen otis ion, ‘hi sok as publ? by Kodunha Ineo aT ade ee ile ‘Same he Tre Tel iene ase (Coe design by Kc Kawa abled by Jpn Stara Mir 21940200, ‘uss, Suma hen 1.05, open pen to om Deki ‘Cop © At Sh English moon nd commentary onsite © 207 yom Gl ‘ihe exe. Flt ition by pa Seal Ps Spee 207 Conrears ‘awooverion BADE 1 BOF) THENZA-N- ORM The Honey of « Famous Supermark Reval by Daher La’ Sudden Uige 2 tenucesretuRoMBoH “A New Yours Deon on the Sumit of Mt. Pg, (Climbed While Crying «Deed Priced 3 ARBRE MOSLOLERD: A Wome’ Shrednes Cmcaled fea Fcionl Journal 4 wach The Sonia of te Mab 5_ BIRO L Ora The Te Sida of Sspelan Worn u 8 B 93 6 CORRE ERERMUSTTR ‘Bamination Hel Lala fr nf 1 yee 3 2tRORR The Caines of “Come np tray te oan of Ber” BBS PAMREMELT ORE The Rich Bo Urine They and His Gin Depo ADS CEA bMS is Fie Cal Gd Was th Gi ea Dear Inrecoucrion Most Jpanesslingusge textbooks make langue leming sir plead ysmatic They ceil tthe que of kan i troduced at each level They present new vocabulary snd igammasicl pases sep by sep. Moe important of all ty hoos topics that ar cay for rxdrs «0 Udestnd and lilly 0 ofend any acter or dents The only problem with these tetboks is that they generally are ve vey dul. ‘The boredom induced by taxtooks coma tal with the ich snd simulating vay ofthe Japan prem Somme fifty thousad books aze publ ory ya in Jpun on i. ject ranging fom pilosepby to pomogaphy. Thowsins of rgarnes dog the racks of Bookstores and newatand, ofr ing eneinment and dete, sandal and Ric the high the suddltvow, and the very low. Te hs word, the word of Jepanee a i's vel writen, ito which this book i nade 1 proses glmpee ‘The nine storics in this book were chosen ftom the ‘Pekgpola cola tt apse ia he mine ‘Sihan Ati for many years The word dapat (78 HEY) a combination of SA deny wbich means “ere” ot “happening” and dhe Greel/Englis sulfide Dikigotology i othe wor isthe tay of things tat bape pea. Each week the column ead fal dor sony, Puuported to be ue abou iterating res tht had hap- ned to people eey. The sos general concern sibs ‘ha are falar or spi and het itr ein the ay ‘hey reveal what happens bahind the snes of wena Hie Introduction The ore ae ofensupeing ane usually fon. “The staves on the fellowing pages were sted fom the hundred that ran in “Deigeciny” inthe ery 19805 To be chown, cach story had #9 meet 0 ceri ad to be inte ting and it could’ be 50 topic ta t would quik 20 fut of date Tha wot aio an stempt to choose 2 aria of opi. Organization, ach eo presen ft in its nine, xa int paper lack book ation, with Janj: pronunciations marked only sven they appeed inthe origin An Engh vaniation 2p peas on the facing page This tansaion i intended 0 hep the rader undentand the Jpanese, 20 itis more Feral i oes than a smoot: lierarytansation woul! be Sten of Japanese may want to aver looking athe talon und they ae ed ing he ad on, ‘Naw the sory i precited agin a sentence or tw at 2 time, withthe reading of evry kaa mated wid fig, EL of thse txt xeupes followed by sera groups of The fire nots, marked withthe kan 98 Gore for Hie suai), consist of shor gloses of words and plas that {oper in the peciding sence Every word is explana ‘ape basic gammatcal fonction word (I, 2% €, ce) aed ‘wor that ave appeared err inthe sme sy “Th second group of note, maka wid he lant Hd (dhe {or Bb) wh, cons of revere dervasons of deline! vers spd adjectives The fist word in cach deration isthe form ‘Bat appear in the setence wile the ls word isthe form that woold nomally appear in dictionaries For example the gies RD iho fo Mbius wR leg gos fom the partense nga to the nonpet neve tthe pont ‘Mate (er sonar form of this 7 “The third group, marked with 2 (chort for TER aw 7 Intrtacton sotto), consists of detailed nots on the vocabulary and ‘Pummat, Spc atenon is given 0 ientffing the bees Sf verbs ted to showing which nowne are mii! by which dieses rete dues, ec. These note al inde remarks fon ug elated words, snd typographical comentons the lst bing 3 topic ey meational in Japan tebooks ‘The nows in the fal group, matked % Gow Sor ie ‘atu provide information and commentary abou the
    head Ble Came w visit REF ssw the rin saxon, which usualy ‘ome all of Japan expt Hakala in Jone / BL Tama rid pl Hamesy of Famoss Sapermket BT HS tw / BERS bam se The word © can come immediatly afer» pemon's mame swthout 2 connecing 2, 2. § FEA means "Pho, (kos) smothesimlew, who les in Zushi* / The topic of this sentence is FF EAM H TARDE “the time wher) Pko came wo vst the 2 ia nomiaiing part de. This opi ink by the copula P22 12 to M2 FRAME SF The core meaning ofthe westene ie thus the cime when Fo ear fo vit mat around mi Ay during bee dy spel in he rainy son” & The principal characters in the “Dekiotlogy” stories, sod fp mary Soran in he popular pe ind bythe ina. Te $ in SF cate a3 omals nue pelaps $7 Scho or BLY Shaky The ower FP might be CF Bao or BE Fie, Not all wom tans end in 7, bower, 2d sometimes you may ce namcr lke H® (or 89 Hoa) ce A (or 28 Aen, / The a =~ aed ‘Ama writen in kn ae bra that & how they ‘Spal in the egal veri rik, In Bae 2Daal pune the mbes Mould normal be wre tera Sand 1 / The kaj oct on of e158 chases ofthe THRE js hn nt nme by the Japanese goverment fer seta te. Aide om sthoa tattoos and newpopes fv pbiaions adhe foaiy mo ta i andthe mot of pune wo teams ony the ABR wil rain incompleey e Howey of « Famons Srpemarks HB IRE Stik + major busines, shopping, and ena. rent ar on the wer side of ata Tokyo / mage sgandchld / Ba fice ee What Bho mean 10 aay at de end ofthis sentence is 5 ED EROME BIRLA TT "jt dropped byt see ny grinds’ fae." Fk's omission ofthe vb ea ‘ey alae spe dat is common inspec and nf tal wring The sores jn tit book contain many ve. es ennces. / The spmbels [and | are wed ew at cquociion mai Called SGA Aa to hey brcks™ Deus of ther rezemblance to Jopanse Lahaped kes (fag) thee irks ae lo wed fr emphast and 12 tnt proper names a in Ig and 6. le Fhe owo@hhs (oce unk, Wein Hbivote sot. HB MUL pat as cc a posible, wih a til ef for / REE Caso sabe che warmly / °C 7 eternal (her) ao aie / 1 suaoe ugh / SEO car taking slong / BEES spo mi fora walk eo 62% had gone [i] sacl he) going BB TRL A a GCE / MT wr BNE em / oT tie ibe) BS or bO> of The abject of BTELE and WOOK SFEA, andthe sbjen of AUC and WC is PPR A, The image ofa daugherindaw playing the pert hots wile sesey faring hee mori would be faint to many Japanese readers. (ia | SPeace sciatic nim cae, BE SFEAIE 9 Ths Batown wire efor Skins es opinion / 3 on devi, deson / 964" we fie 2% The topic phrase ofthis semence is understood 10 be F PERI. (Confit: berween married women and thes hos motte we 2 Bequent theme of popular fon and te ‘son dramas efesing perhaps he prevence of ic ‘onfas ie vel e WORD E with wee / KL ei «shore re [lt] one ben 3% Asin Sa he atana in 27 & indicate 2 mild empha si, srt tli pe in English. This word appa iionats a [E> E. / Again the ver i omit. The fal ion is 1B © od au "to ake a brates” Honaay of 4 Famoss Sspermarks SO ee eiobk) © vie. % 1d “eiloneoo, BE ASAT Hi ge nde relat bea fs tes es. igang fie] the 50 Became sack / 20 because / TE bt empty somacs hunger /"9E37> ole fe] FE suddenly / ECD chia no neaby |B his bighcas Kory /- 1K 7 SIS] "Rema abbrvinte same of euperarkee / F027: ata porcaed / 4° tim by which (Pk) sid (he bough) 7 F— 72 2 dona wo flo bag of doughnws / HEE 9: neg tomate Sk) nota [it] 409) ee stopped on Rte yn | BIAC IER oboe | an eB of we HES tose The phe SARA 720% means “perhaps bea she rele” explaning why Sko suddenly le hang 7 ‘he topcraskr It ane after Skosin hasbeen ee. / While B28 of means “to semenber” oF “1 In fae ity meaning “to fel” / 3 i the subject of > Pa/ SHEA ithe wpe or AEE ot. Tolyo reidens would rempnie KB as #2 / DER Kina, 3 iozury supermarket sl ipod food (Theres abo an intemtinal chain of boolsoes cll Knoksiy, bt hey wit thi ane PEER) BE FEA jt for we at ones home J Evo Cente 2°5 wats hare becuse (Bo) had sd that / FEB 2205 tro dev cane tuck, cance gt ivoled in (ola hows mild sation wd by female eke) 1600 ‘mons mo bat) SBSH AL baits ‘et ric on ia hangers than reson BoC AD wore / Wt wn’ / BAER ae HES oT den) Wot BD oma The kan is we op a efi in many expresions simi lar to FER, Esorpls include #5! yd “for we by goss” TID pve “for malty wn” and 2 sagt “Tor company we” / The purathess in (= ICE eu ) and in i indiete Sko's unspoken though / Li the ache Herr frm ofthe ade tive tae’ Sarong” / #8 & is underoad to be the sbjet of v9 Cue, while STA ithe act OF HEEL. and Bs The phase MCLEE ED AL ie a pun on the po. veib °<2 G22 86 Lp a hen yn tna “The pe is ihr than dhe avon” WH BHPS E alow w when (Sho) opened / sine / 70 rab ix ounash obs) “A Un il ti serene would nd 1 BH —BEELII© shly dae me if only one (Soughnat is mis) / BCR Hele he wo et in 2 bury] 27D package / HE few coer 2K DS nevi mi Carly, mealoudy /TEICBEL 23.0%: mao mi mab ‘hae et rele (le package (it retuned (he coe) tors orignal poston in preparation fr Bio's rem) Sr GVs oe INE ashen / BOT AC ge) LC RY mada / BK or BK “The paride 2 is uel in two distinct earings in his sentence. The int 2 can be lle the “guting® 2: its ta to eport speck, ares, of in thi eave, though, The quoting & oflen appa wth the verb BE. "oy or Both also usd in Ig and Ih for eae le The sand & the "soqumial™ E> it shows that ne action flows another. amples ofthe sequential E Sppar ini and lk Honey ofa Famous Supermarket, % Shes impale dougnat eng isthe 724 men oein heya St ° tk saz, Hikpoblee, yoReire, Wnts con. Be £9 LIAM N05 ww we sine site het mother inkw, who didnt know ahout tat / HUGE BE & sap hae nora 1 wen (ce) rere fom her walk / RUC soe crying / TREIFIS mcmbage mi with 4 Sid look /J8-5°€ 2 fe ef met home 1) 16 ow M8 ain RIF we BUYS ge / Cerihs haw) ora th i! Be The #2 ending on S15 is « more ltrary veson the ngive sux 2%; 6 42 has the ae mening SEG. 7 Th al ming of he we HOP to dangle co let hang” When the obj i shopping bog, handbag or oter bet with sz or ade the vb i bot tached se“ cay” Haney f¢ Famous Superman 21° however (le, consary © what ws epee o¢ hoped) / Rove malin rune / 94°) sary, iow ising a ding / 2) farina wo be lacing to be mising / RAPOUT Hi gt toe noticed [S ease / tater a mse cis Ror w RS modi 200 DS seu / ers The acre Lode, which modifis #0475, sp apts that Bho i dhe type wbo ls very de gt pt FAs in Is the pane 2 is «nominator, s0 0) ‘eve means Me fc) that one doughnut wat mise ing” / Now thatthe meaning of #5 depends on the form of the verb it follows. Afr the pat oF pret tenet means “eauie? AOI “eae he nosoa” When preceded by she gerund (2) form, how ver, it means “afer 2°V"'CH% “ater the no Seed" /"The word XE ofen express shock oF panic Someone who finds tht the butt has operawed a soaked the tans is Hiely to shout [RIPE 1) "OK oP The wor se in dhe above setzce express Sto fence of impending date. / The copula ater KB fas ben eld. Im SEFoK ides Ae szetaeee b 04 Ge HEE TR oboe Be HF O trata no vogue ding / hte 2% such missle / AC (express doubt, spi, of cage) 8 ¢ immatily / HE oven at lng lngwind: cay / WOR hg complaint / TES des tephone cll 3% As che Jani suet, the original meaning of IEF is nde event “be ene county” or “the wid” Wen tm! smote Fo mens “ey Sermo ete a / Te thin pom of in the mening “csi Jp, not 3s shown aon, Whk the fame peace be head in nw bats ad the Hs, ater mene orn i comeporayspoch (When ess “ros sities potones an) / Whe pein ale ee ol nd OR A oHAY Li. 8 LS soma de pason handling the mans / BEAL Lis hale hie ge up SREY Lfs oe MABE & font nm 3 AAT S mers Yo gre up beau one's opponents smore penitent” » x Sic, Honey of Famous Supermarket RE Mo vay We ER whi, RH ea hOREs * ¥ LOTHB. BO —B pola (or ob) iio the ft ching doe peat mocning / JCFHO F398 hacker mo dna ke one BDyen dough / (REAMI= gas ‘afi nt with inte care / TA. eae Boding hie ot fer fms around) / OER boxbide sles dork / 708 wih as floor (ofthe superar) / RE kinins the manager the peton wih senior responsi / IE seat m0 apologize WA we PARE hem / Bt RE how Ober combinations with $ ince BH solyion he noe day" and 38 pba “the ne wed” / FO is the sam of 14225 Aakama, the prsent formal of HR 8. The prt formal sem ued o Fn eines / “The dicen bewese 8YBI= 8 220°C & dj it BBICE Pi tha the 2 elloned bythe copula CHS indices dhe this sentence it an abortion of the pre to El BW oath 8 CEH natiomo dead fiend / 10°C heme coyig con ond shouldes / 8-3 7 sbate climbed / banc the sumsit of Me Fah / FUEL Reside the fist sane of he Jee HOC we 19C hay / Bf BS nolo The verb Bor modifier BLU and C3 K i the obj of HIT, 9 C8 eH Cao PLL ‘means “the summit oF Me Fu, cmb wile eying 2 ead fir on one’ shoulders” /"The pretic ake “ead” is aho wed in oer combinations suchas 8 J makita "deceased perton™ and Co 852 naib “one's late her” / The prefix 9 beg mean “the fist of the year” asin 2048 fag “ons fit tach of the [Now Yeu” and ‘ith scomade "New Yar st to 2 str” ‘One ofthe many casoms asocited wih the New Yu's season in Jepan i vewing the ist sun of the New ‘Year, People goto mounrantops and exe cing teow fon the morning of January I se and photograph tbe yes fist dm Besse ofthe cokd and snow. hough ‘only the most intepid atempst wo cmb Me Ful, which 4.3776 mens (12388 ft i he highest pak in Japan Fa YEIET Tis dein Tolga / HAE heweshe edice / $5 sewmato st the nd ofthe yor / SELL yt heme tomy mative area / (99. Shanks name of preesun ad cy southwest of Tokyo / Jc. ii Bead / 72EL penton the marning of New Year's Day / Bll iaeae ‘mountain climbing / AEs sabeok de promised LC a FS / MRL Te we HRS bbs The pre HOR CHIRAL LCST EA meine "T, ‘who mots ab an editor in Tolyo” / Series of nownt linked by © aze somatic dif pane, Hee HE OBMORA means “a fiend from Te native ate, Shievla” / HEI i imbing Me Ey ‘The “Dekigotlogy” ecitors ser that all ofthe sos in this wees ae uue One pee of evidence to support this claim it the igh proportion of charter who are ot tory degners or employes of publishing companion ther wor, the srt of people who ar ly to be ac ‘aint ofthe ri wis Crying Dead rend = LABEL 6 ais, Ki cities 2 & & 2 £8 however Ge, contary to what vas expected) ZI Gil he it yo he es 2S dren ro when T tdephoned / ZUR has jk tafe sent / RL Lala cased / 95 ob oe to dest oles MBH LET means “to bein a vale acide" / The E afer MIT'S ie the seer, while the 2 fier RMI ig the quoting = ae Wy / TEA is te iibjes of MATS, and JCA, the sbjet of | fd FRBNY / The sabe of 9) isthe widest enon who told T of his fiends accent over the le hone BR bye wpe / YOU 72 baht when (1 hie (be Found tha) / FC already E> “CUPS manatee bad cid BE MULE OUR we BIITYIY hao / EC te Vie dE nolan, OS 3 LLY (407% mean “Yo muah or hury to desinsion” / e _Geag Dead Find ‘he sab of BLS-OFF 6 ie T 8 4, and dhe subject SPEC Go TR is HA/ Hee the sulle ma os at the mater decid inthe flowing cawct that in the death of Ts fiiend-was surpriing or ‘mnepeced 2e DELS OBEL A Pacis, OLLED fs le / BRLLZ ge ie wit vl 28 cine / SUE wen as ‘Peale begged aa * FILL we BAY sh on / RL KY Bago 8 Ei he mbt of to BL 52815 move fal ay 3 le nt RL. / SAL mtb mo 1 also / A802 iho mi toga (ith you and my soa) / 22 KC > Cre was supposed to, as going to / E93 ord sed wih request) / SAL I mow; soon / BE malo my son / BE LTR Fe abort te bare let [ae] im climb the mountain (a vor tte) hoCube bother hs / BOLT RS FerihS mba) Poca / Cte NS Terese Shite gts tle Saath LESTE amg ee Sseontan oe tea Soren i Uke epee site ergs aaa isin Sree 2 erewrR ORR. Byoucns Gorping Dead Find ends sie was med (enotionsly) / along wis accompany UA 8 / MBL Cor IBS 8 bands en / 2 Cometh C tab / OE EF ee FC ihe TIC ANEE means “the head mune, who wat neat byl [The of SEs te eat at carci of HRM hanphs “use” / The ntene 6 OU e 240% Verally means “Beas Tl go with you ta" The explanatory 2% “bece™ indicates atthe heat fuse ving another reson why T should take fis Fena’s boy to Mt Fulrbecaee she wll accompany eT 8 ey Aa’fecetiulii, PM ices *, @lifich>orocas, ELT then nex / A fuer the evo prope ie, he fhe and the hex mune) / EU Umeda Tel (7) ouside / ACEI bot acy / IRAE ite cong, Vay / kara ct / 3 mae placed (ato the eh 6) {BLE gon mats exe for Me Fai SAE L ee SRN den / Ht RAE [ith tee > maken RFRA is the wansve counterpart of 2 wna a rid © pt ina vehicle" / EPL and JR ae the sor of the preent formal forms SHU RF and See $, rpecvely. As in 3h 1, and 2s, these tems link Stes / The ene of 41> in thi sonore ally west vo fr 3 0 (put the corp into te a)” Ganying a Deed Friend 3B tc along the way / GRR nema bt deorend my fsfedeving| campaign / HR dro Spon quadoning 8-57 ae eau: came Hotei a 9 is one of rea nye to wit the wb 3. When the mening xo mat enderous with” he word trottn 25. The masing oma aig a 5. When writen A, the ver Pes Ho ecu By chan to happen to mest” i wily dof storia expan Dusing ERNE, the pote do spot chek on ping ‘eh, larg for crink dive none sel and Ste fae vo i ce yaya he been hopig wo tam bick some ofthe motores ad {as pact wa young peopl that ahr at he Be of Me Fi fr «sour eration of he Nev Yo PiutieWsds, reoso%, Bewd wert] cHK. BH dan pli / Pn rc of Be) SES ies ich | BBO 7 » Corying a Doe Frid sedis wo ha ha per ook ck /

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