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Lee = o 22 Get Get with adjectives: for changes. She’s sick. She's getting better. —m She’s better. / She’s well. C3 a I'm getting tired. I want to go to bed. It’s raining! I’m getting wet! Get with nouns If you don’t have something, you can get obtain, find, or receive] it. I want to send a postcard. I have to get a stamp. T’ve finished school. Now I want to get a job. ¥ I'm going to the store to get a newspaper. Where can I get a taxi? Get to [arrive at / reach] a place A: How can 1 get to the airport? p: Take the airport bus at the bus station. A: When you get to Sao Paulo, call me. B: OK, give me your number. Other phrases with get Maria and David are getting married in June. When you get back from Hong Kong, call me. [return / come home] When I get home, I take off my shoes. Pll probably get there at 6 o’clock, so please call me at 6:30. (not get t home or get to there.) 10.1 10.2 10.3 10.4 10.5 Exercises 10 Complete these sentences using (a), (b), or (c). 1. studied too much, and I got (a) hot (b) tired (c) sick 2. Late too much, and I got (a) hot (b) tired (c) sick. 3. Isat in the sun too long, and now I'm getting (a) hot (b) tired (c) sick. Complete these sentences using get and a word from the box. The sun is going down. It's. getting. dark. When the sun comes up, it He's in the hospital, but he It's raining! I Please close the window. I yeep What do you get if... youwantto maila letter? ..a.etamp, you want to carn some money? you want to write something down? you want to read the news? you want to go to the airport? . yaene Fill in the blanks using get. PS SS Singapore (departs 4:55 pm) Vancouver (arrives 11:05 am) 1. This plane Vancouver at 11:05 am, fA a_ =e university (25 minutes) my house 2. The bus from the university my house in 25 minutes. Com —ZS—~ Fe) hotel airport 3. A: How the airport? b: Take a taxi. The bus is very slow! Answer the questions. 1. In your country, how old are people (usually) when they get married? 2. When do most people get married? Which day? Which month(s)? 3. What time do you get home every day? How do you get there? 23

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