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4 Time Respo nse

Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/ch-4-time-respo nse-
8 23778

N ame the perf ormance speci f i cati on f or f i rst-order systems. T i me constant

What does the perf ormance speci f i cati on f or a f i rst-order system tel l us? T he ti me f or the step response to reach 67% of i ts f i nal val ue

I n a system wi th an i nput and an output, what pol es generate the steady-state

T he i nput pol e

I n a system wi th an i nput and an output, what pol es generate the transi ent response? T he system pol es

T he i magi nary part of a pol e generates what part of a response? T he radi an f requency of a si nusoi dal response

T he real part of a pol e generates what part of a response? T he ti me constant of an exponenti al response

N atural f requency i s the f requency of the system wi th al l dampi ng removed; the

What i s the di f f erence between the natural f requency and the damped f requency
damped f requency of osci l l ati on i s the f requency of osci l l ati on wi th dampi ng i n
of osci l l ati on?
the system.

I f a pol e i s moved wi th a constant i magi nary part, what wi l l the responses have i n
T hei r damped f requency of osci l l ati on wi l l be the same.
Ch. 4 Time Respo nse
Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/ch-4-time-respo nse-
8 23778

I f a pol e i s moved wi th a constant real part, what wi l l the responses have i n

T hey wi l l al l exi st under the same exponenti al decay envel op.

I f a pol e i s moved al ong a radi al l i ne extendi ng f rom the ori gi n, what wi l l the T hey wi l l al l have the same percent overshoot and the same shape al though
responses have i n common? di f f erentl y scal ed i n ti me.

Li st f i ve speci f i cati ons f or a second-order underdamped system. . ζ, ωn, T P, %OS, T s

F or the l i st of speci f i cati ons f or a second-order underdamped system. how many Onl y two si nce a second-order system i s compl etel y def i ned by two component
speci f i cati ons compl etel y determi ne the response? parameters

What pol e l ocati ons characteri z e (1) the underdamped system, (2) the
1) Compl ex, (2) Real , (3) M ul ti pl e real
overdamped system, and (3) the cri ti cal l y damped system?

N ame two condi ti ons under whi ch the response generated by a pol e can be
Pol e's real part i s l arge compared to the domi nant pol es, (2) Pol e i s near a z ero
negl ected.

H ow can you j usti f y pol e-z ero cancel l ati on? I f the resi due at that pol e i s much smal l er than the resi dues at other pol es

D oes the sol uti on of the state equati on yi el d the output response of the system?
N o; one must then use the output equati on
E xpl ai n.
Ch. 4 Time Respo nse
Study this set o nline at: m/flashcards/ch-4-time-respo nse-
8 23778

What i s the rel ati onshi p between (sI -A), whi ch appeared duri ng the Lapl ace
transf ormati on sol uti on of the state equati ons, and the state-transi ti on matri x, T he Lapl ace transf orm of the state transi ti on matri x i s (sI -A)-1
whi ch appeared duri ng the cl assi cal sol uti on of the state equati on?

N ame a maj or advantage of usi ng ti me domai n techni ques f or the sol uti on of the
Computer si mul ati on

N ame a maj or advantage of usi ng f requency domai n techni ques f or the sol uti on of
Pol e-z ero concepts gi ve one an i ntui ti ve f eel f or the probl em.
the response.

What three pi eces of i nf ormati on must be gi ven i n order to sol ve f or the output
State equati ons, output equati ons, and i ni ti al val ue f or the state-vector
response of a system usi ng state-space techni ques?

H ow can the pol es f or a system be f ound f orm the state equati ons? D et(sI -A) = 0

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