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Establishment of Demonstration Units on Recirculatory

Aquaculture Culture Systems for Doubling the Farmers

Income in Vannamei Shrimp Culture

Final Project Report

Funding Agency: National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad.

Dr.M.G.R. Fisheries College and Research Institute

Ponneri – 601 204

Sl.No. Title Page No.

1 Project details 1
2 Financial details of the Project 2
3 Facilities developed 5
4 Research works carried out 12
1. Project details

1 Title of the project Establishment of Demonstration Units on Recirculatory

Aquaculture Culture Systems for Doubling the Farmers
Income in Vannamei Shrimp Culture
2 Funding Agency National Fisheries Development Board, Hyderabad.
3 Sanction order of the NFDB/Tech/TNJFU/INNOVATIVE PROJECT (Azolla –
Funding Agency Aquaponics – Biofoc – Aqua One)/RAS/2017-18
4 University Administrative Proceedings of the Registrar, TNJFU, Nagapattinam with
U.S.O.No.493/R1/Estt./TNJFU/2018 with
Sanction No. with date
Rc.No.2068/R1/Estt./TNJFU/2018 dated:14.06.2018
5 Date of Start 12.09.2018
6 Duration of the Project 1 year 6 months
7 Date of Closure 31.03.2020
8 Budget sanctioned Rs.24.08 lakhs
9 Budget released Rs.24.08 lakhs
10 Expenditure Rs.24.08 lakhs
11 Principal Investigator Dr.B. Ahilan, Dean, Dr.M.G.R. FC&RI, Ponneri
12 Site of operation Pulicat Research Farm Facility, Pazhaverkadu
Off Campus facility of Dr.M.G.R Fisheries College and
Research Institute, Ponneri
13 Objectives • To study, culture techniques involving least
usage of water and intensive production with
high stocking density in a controlled environment
• To maximize production on a limited supply of
water and land, nearly complete environmental
control to maximize shrimp growth

2. Financial details of the Project
2.1. Details of amount received:

Installment Amount Release order No. UC Submitted

(% of release) released
First (20 %) 4.816 NFDB/Tech/TNJFU/INNOVA Lr.No.6435/F2/TNJFU/2018
TIVE PROJECT (Azolla – dated:21.02.2019
Aquaponics – Biofoc – Aqua
Second (50%) 12.04 NFDB/Tech/TNJFU/INNOVA Lr.No.4340/F2/TNJFU/2018
TIVE PROJECT (Azolla – dated:30.12.2019
Aquaponics – Biofoc – Aqua
Third (30%) 7.224 NFDB/Tech/TNJFU/INNOVA Lr.No.1245/Acct./ARFF/UC/
TIVE PROJECT (Azolla – 2018 dated:31.03.2020
Aquaponics – Biofoc – Aqua

2.2 Split up of amount allotted and expenditure:

Sl.No Specification Amount Amount spent Balance
sanctioned (Rs.) amount
(Rs.) (Rs.)

A.Civil Works:
1. Green house shed with 1,75,000.00 1,75,000.00 0.00
generator bed
2. Additional amenities of 4,00,000.00 4,00,000.00 0.00
RAS for vannamei culture
with green shade net
shed at PRFF,
3. Providing Plumbing work 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00
of RAS vannamei culture
with green shade net
shed at PRFF,
4. Providing Electrification 50,000.00 50,000.00 0.00
on RAS Shrimp Unit at
PRFF, Pazhaverkadu
Sub-total (Civil works) 6,75,000.00 6,75,000.00 0.00
5. Reinforced HDPE Liner 2,05,800.00 2,05,800.00 0.00
and Mesh-10 m3 - 2
6. Centrifugal Pump (3 33,600.00 33,600.00 0.00
Phase -2HP) – 1 No.
7. Root Blower (3Phase - 91,350.00 91,350.00 0.00
2HP) – 1 No.
8. Drum Filter 300LPM – 1 1,20,750.00 1,20,750.00 0.00
9. Bio Filter Media (2m3) - 2,08,400.00 2,08,400.00 0.00
2 Nos.
10. 7.5 KVA Diesel 1,85,915.00 1,85,915.00 0.00
Generator with
accessories- 1 No.
Sub-total (Equipment) 8,45,815.00 8,45,815.00 0.00

Sub Total ( civil + equipment) 15,20,815.00 15,20,815.00 0.00

1 Technician 1,44,000.00 1,44,000.00 0.00
2 Casual Labour 96,000.00 96,000.00 0.00
3 Shrimp Feed and 60,000.00 60,000.00 0.00
4 Shrimp Seed, quality 15,000.00 15,000.00 0.00
testing and
5 Chemicals and Lab ware 35,000.00 35,000.00 0.00
6 Other miscellaneous 62,923.00 62,923.00 0.00
inputs/ accessories &
contingency items for RAS
7 Fittings, Fabrication, 1,60,175.00 1,60,175.00 0.00
transportation and labour
charges for installation of
RAS equipment

Sub – Total (Recurring) 5,73,098.00 5,73,098.00 0.00

Institutional Charges (15%) 3,14,087.00 3,14,087.00 0.00
Grand Total (Rs.) 24,08,000.00 24,08,000.00 0.00

3. Facilities developed
Vannamei RAS Unit at PRFF, Pazhaverkadu:
A shed with an area of 75 square meters for Recirculating Aquaculture System
with treatment tanks was established with steel sheet at the top and green housing at
the sides. Three nos. of treatment tanks were constructed with volumes of 4.3 tonns,
6.3 tonnes and 4.8 tonnes respectively for sedimentation, bio-filtration and chemical
treatment were developed at Pulicat Research Farm Facility, Pazhaverkadu.

Roots blower
Filteration tank

Culture tank

Isometric view

Bio tank Culture tank
Drum filter

Top view

Cross section view of biofilter tank

Outer view of the Vannamei RAS Unit

Outer view of the Vannamei RAS Unit

Inner view of the Vannamei RAS Unit Inner view of the Vannamei RAS Unit

Equipment installed:
The following equipment are installed in Vannamei RAS Unit
• Reinforced HDPE Liner and Mesh -10 m3- 2 Nos.
• Centrifugal pump (3 phase- 2 HP) – 1 No.
• Roots Blower (3 phase- 2 HP) – 1 No.
• Drum filter 300 LPM – 1 No.
• Biofilter Media (2 m3) – 2 Nos.
• Diesel Generator (7.5 KVA) – 1 No.
All the equipment are equipped with auto operation
Flow rate:- 10 Litre/Sec ( 36 m3/ hour)
Recirculation rate -8-10 times/ day
Biomass upto 10 Kg/m3

Reinforced HDPE Liner and Mesh tank (10 m3)

Centrifugal pump (3 phase- 2 HP) Roots Blower (3 phase- 2 HP)

Drum filter (300 LPM)

Biofilter Media (2 m3) Diesel Generator (7.5 KVA)

Aerotube based aeration system in tanks and in biofilter tanks

Auto operation using timer, rely and water level sensors

4. Research works carried out
4.1.Experiment: 1- Evaluation of growth performance of P. vannamei under different
stocking density in RAS based system
Experimental animal:
Vannamei seeds of PL 12 (2000 nos.) was procured from Aqua Nova Hatcheries
(p) Ltd., Reddy Kuppam, Kancheepuram district. The seeds were packed in 2 separate
oxygen filled polythene bags and transported from shrimp hatchery to PRFF
Pazhaverkadu. At hatchery campus, the transported seeds were acclimatized at 25 ppt
before stocking into their respective tanks.
Experimental setup:
FRP tanks of 1000 L capacity was used for the experimental study (RAS
system).Vannamei seed of PL 12 was stocked in four treatment tanks namely, T1 –
200/m3; T2 –300/m3, T3 –400/m3 and T4 - 500/m3. The tanks were cleaned dried and
25 ppt bore well water was filled in all tanks. Vannamei seeds of PL 12 were stocked as
per the stocking density.
Experimental Duration: 120 days
• Vannamei feed No:1 and No: 2 (Protein 35% and Lipid 8%) was procured from
CP feed company. Feeding was done four times a day @ 5% of body weight.

Feeding time Distribution of feed (%)

6.00 25
11.00 25
16.30 20
22.00 30

Sampling details:
• Growth sampling Length weight sampling is done once in 15 days interval. The
growth parameters of the shrimp during different samplings periods in different
treatment tanks are given in the following table 1-5;
• Water quality sampling:

RAS tanks were continuously monitored. Waste accumulated at the bottom of
the RAS tanks were removed daily. Water quality parameters were measured twice a
week. Water quality parameters were within the acceptable limit for the growth of
Water quality data;
Parameters Treatment
T1- 200 m-3 T2 – 300 m-3 T3-400 m-3 T4- 500 m-3
pH 7.9 8.0 8.1 8.0
Temp (0C) 30.1 30.2 30.1 31.0
DO (ppm) 6.0 6.0 6.1 6.0
Conductivity (ohm) 37.5 37.4 40.12 31.8
Resistivity (ohm-m) 26.8 29.6 28.5 28.2
TDS (ppt) 18.9 17.88 17.35 18.4
Salinity (ppt) 22.32 20.98 21.22 20.22
ORP (mV) 192 174 183 19
Total Alkalinity (ppm) 160 160 160 140

CO2 (ppm) Nil Nil Nil Nil

Total Hardness (ppm) 4500 4500 4500 4250
Calcium Hardness (ppm) 180 160 180 160

Magnesium Hardness (ppm) 800 800 800 820

Table 1. Average body weight of P. vannamei reared in different stocking density for a
period of 120 days in RAS based system
Days of culture Treatments
200/m3 300/m3 400/m3 500/m3
Initial 0.03±0.00 0.03±0.00 0.03±0.00 0.03±0.00
15th day 0.82a±0.01 0.71b±0.00 0.62c±0.01 0.51d±0.00
30th day 1.20a±0.05 1.06b±0.03 0.91c±0.01 0.76d±0.03

45th day 1.54a±0.01 1.48a±0.00 1.11b±0.00 1.01b±0.05
60th day 4.30b±0.00 4.36a±0.03 3.40c±0.00 3.20d±0.00
75th day 8.40a±0.05 7.56b±0.08 6.66c±0.03 6.26d±0.03
90th day 12.37a±0.16 11.5b±0.20 10.7c±0.16 10.2d±0.05
105th day 15.32a±0.12 13.86b±0.03 12.20c±0.05 11.80d±0.05

120th day 18.60a±0.11 15.25b±0.02 14.33c±0.08 12.73d±0.12

Values are expressed as Mean±SE. Values in the same row with different superscripts
differ significantly (P<0.05) for each parameter. One way ANOVA was used by following
Duncan multiple range test for post hoc analysis
Table 2. SGR of P. vannamei reared in different stocking density for a period of 120
days in RAS based system
Days of culture Treatments
200/m3 300/m3 400/m3 500/m3
15th day 20.5a±0.11 19.5b±0.54 18.6c±0.15 17.3d±0.08
30th day 1.26±0.11 1.35±0.13 1.28±0.03 1.33±0.17
45th day 0.55±0.08 0.73±0.71 0.43±0.03 0.61±0.21
60th day 14.21a±0.09 14.09a±0.01 14.15ab±0.01 14.0ab±0.01
75th day 3.66a±0.00 2.96b±0.02 2.74c±0.00 2.44d±0.00
90th day 0.54a±0.00 0.52a±0.01 0.46b±0.01 0.43b±0.21
105th day 0.20a±0.00 0.17 ab±0.01 0.12c±0.01 0.13 bc±0.00
120th day 0.18a±0.01 0.15b±0.01 0.09c±0.01 0.07d±0.01
Values are expressed as Mean±SE. Values in the same row with different superscripts
differ significantly (P<0.05) for each parameter. One way ANOVA was used by following
Duncan multiple range test for post hoc analysis
Table 3. MGR (mg d-1day-1)of P. vannamei reared in different stocking density for a
period of 120 days in RAS based system

Days of culture Treatments

200/m3 300/m3 400/m3 500/m3
15th day 121.56a±1.97 119.7b±0.10 117.9c±0.33 114.9d±0.22

30th day 23.4a±0.20 21.4b±0.07 20.6c±0.26 19.3d±0.03
45th day 17.3a±0.71 15.6b±0.12 16.8±ab0.07 16.4ab±0.10
60th day 12.5a±0.12 13.3a±1.25 12.7a±0.32 12.1a±1.68
75th day 5.52a±0.84 7.23a±0.69 4.31a±0.35 6.09a±2.10
90th day 5.30a±0.08 5.19a±0.11 4.58b±0.11 4.24b±0.20
105th day 5.19a±0.11 5.30a±0.08 4.58b±0.11 4.24b±0.20
120th day 1.83a±0.08 1.53b±0.04 0.90c±0.03 0.72c±0.11
Values are expressed as Mean±SE. Values in the same row with different superscripts
differ significantly (P<0.05) for each parameter. One way ANOVA was used by following
Duncan multiple range test for post hoc analysis
Table 5. Weight gain Percentage (%) of P. vannamei reared in different stocking density
for a period of 120 days in RAS based system
Days of culture Treatments
200/m3 300/m3 400/m3 500/m3
15th day 2066.7a±38.23 1768.4b±15.19 1540.4c±38.23 1250.9d±17.54
30th day 1462.8a±10.74 824.31b±13.93 684.31c±3.92 526.6d±3.33
45th day 218.0a±19.36 178.0b±2.62 205.4ab±1.83 195.0ab±2.53
60th day 62.77a±1.26 60.98a±1.70 51.97b±1.65 47.33b±2.89
75th day 46.50a±5.03 50.32a±5.75 47.10a±1.47 49.48a±7.64
90th day 28.59a±4.88 39.030a±4.51 21.52a±1.92 33.21a±12.98
105th day 62.77a±1.70 60.98a±1.26 51.97b±1.65 47.33b±2.89
120th day 21.37a±1.11 17.48b±0.55 9.97c±0.45 7.91c±1.26
Values are expressed as Mean±SE. Values in the same row with different superscripts
differ significantly (P<0.05) for each parameter. One way ANOVA was used by following
Duncan multiple range test for post hoc analysis


Average body weight

10 200/m3

5 400/m3

Initial 15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120

Days of Culture

Fig. 1 Average body weight of P. vannamei reared under different stocking density for a

period of 120 days


Mean Growth Rate (mg d-1day-1)


80 200/m3
40 500/m3


15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Days of culture

Fig. 2 Mean growth rate (mg day-1) of P. vannamei reared under different stocking

density for a period of 120 days


Weight gain percentage (%)


15 30 45 60 75 90 105 120
Days of culture

Fig. 3 Weight gain Percentage (%) of P. vannamei reared under different stocking

density for a period of 120 days

Table 5. Proximate analysis of P. vannamei reared in different stocking density for a

period of 120 days in RAS based system
Parameters Treatments
200/m3 300/m3 400/m3 500/m3
Moisture 57.15d±0.15 70.39c±0.20 75.68a±0.03 74.78b±0.11
Dry matter 42.84±0.15 29.60±0.20 24.31±0.03 25.21±0.11
Ash 9.60a±0.11 5.36b±0.11 1.82c±0.01 1.95c±0.01
Organic matter 90.40±0.11 94.64±0.11 98.17±0.01 98.04±0.01
Crude protein 68.35d±0.12 69.02c±0.09 71.45b±0.26 79.84a±0.20
Ether Extract 1.99c±0.05 2.24b±0.05 2.57a±0.02 2.28b±0.04
Carbohydrate 20.04c±0.17 23.37b±0.15 24.15a±0.26 15.19d±0.24
Digestible energy 371.58c±0.72 389.81c±0.54 405.56a±0.11 392.19b±0.07

Packed Vannamei seeds Acclimatization

Vannamei seeds Counting of seeds

Stocking in RAS tanks Growth of shrimp after 15 days

Table 6. Digestive Enzyme analysis

Parameters 200/m3 300/m3 400/m3 500/m3

Amylase 1.955 1.543 0.871 0.406

Protease 0.472 0.440 0.161 0.382

Lipase 0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3

Experimental animals at the end of 120 days of culture period
4.2. Experiment – 2 :Effect of feeding frequency on bio-growth and water quality of
P.vannamei in RAS based system
Experimental animal:
Vannamei seeds of PL 12 (2000 nos.) was procured from Aqua Hatcheries
Nikita., Kanathur, Chennai-ECR. The seeds were packed in 2 separate oxygen filled
polythene bags and transported from shrimp hatchery to PRFF Pazhaverkadu. At

hatchery campus, the transported seeds were acclimatized at 0 ppt before stocking into
their respective tanks.
Experimental setup:
FRP tanks of 1000 L capacity was used for the experimental study (RAS
system).Vannamei seeds of PL 12 was stocked in four treatment tanks namely, T1 –
200/m3; T2 –200/m3 and T3 –200/m3. The tanks were Cleaned dried and freshwater
was filled in all tanks


Shrimp seed stocking

Experimental Duration: 90 days
Feeding Frequency:
• Vannamei feed No:1, No: 2 and No:3 (Protein 35% and Lipid 8%) was procured
from CP feed company. Feeding as per the following frequency

Feeding frequency Feeding time
T1 – 2 times/day 6 and 18 h
T2 – 4 times/day 6,10,18 and 22 h
T3 – 6 times/day 6,9,12,16,19 and 22 h
• Water quality sampling:
RAS tanks were continuously monitored. Waste accumulated at the bottom of
the RAS tanks were removed daily. Water quality parameters were measured twice a
week. Water quality parameters were within the acceptable limit for the growth of
• Growth Sampling
The sampling was done in 15, 30, 45, 60, 75 and 90 days, the bio growth and
survival rates are as given below:




Weight (g)

0 15 30 45 60 75 90

2 times 4 times 6 times

Days of culture

The average survival rate is also highest in treatment with 6 times of feeding
frequency with 85% followed by 8% in four times of feeding and 75% in two
times of feeding

The food conversion ratio is lower for feeding frequency with 6 times a day @ 1.28 and
highest of 1.68 in 2 times feeding frequency. The Maximum length and weight were
recorded in feeding frequency of Six.

Length and weight of the shrimps at 30th day

Length and weight of the shrimps at 60th day

Length and weight of the shrimps at 90th day

Principal Investigator


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