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Emergency Response Plan

00 07/2017 First Issue

Rev. Date Purpose of the revision

Owning entity: HSEQ Other approving entities:

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1. Scope ................................................................................................................... 4

2. Structure .............................................................................................................. 4

3. Reference Documents ........................................................................................ 4

4. Definitions............................................................................................................ 5

Section A - Executive Summary

1. Introduction ......................................................................................................... 9

2. Emergency Management Principles .................................................................. 9

3. Event Notification .............................................................................................. 10

3.1 NOC Operations Centre ............................................................................................ 10
3.2 Duty Officer ............................................................................................................... 10
3.3 Emergency Management Team Leader (EMTL) ....................................................... 10
3.4 Other Stakeholders ................................................................................................... 11

4. Assessing Severity ........................................................................................... 12

5. Response ........................................................................................................... 12
5.1 The Incident Response Team (IRT) .......................................................................... 12
5.2 The Emergency Management Team (EMT) .............................................................. 13
5.3 The Crisis Management Team (CMT) ....................................................................... 13

6. Notification and Response Flowchart ............................................................. 14

Section B - Detailed Instructions

1. Introduction ....................................................................................................... 17

2. Key Roles and Responsibilities ....................................................................... 17

2.1 The HSE Site Authority ............................................................................................. 17
2.2 The NOC Operations Centre ..................................................................................... 17
2.3 The Duty Officer and EMT Coordinator ..................................................................... 18
2.4 Emergency Management Team Leader (EMTL) ....................................................... 19
2.5 The CEO (Crisis Management Team Leader) ........................................................... 22

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3. The Emergency Management Team (EMT) ..................................................... 23

3.1 The On-Call System .................................................................................................. 23
3.2 Mobilisation of the EMT ............................................................................................. 23
3.3 Composition and Structure ........................................................................................ 24
3.4 Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 25
3.5 Command and Control .............................................................................................. 27
3.6 Functional Area Support Teams ................................................................................ 29
3.7 Integration of Specialist Response Teams ................................................................ 30
3.8 A7S and Qatar Petroleum Emergency Control Centre .............................................. 32
3.9 Equipment and Infrastructure .................................................................................... 33

4. The Crisis Management Team (CMT)............................................................... 36

4.1 Overview ................................................................................................................... 36
4.2 Mobilisation of the CMT ............................................................................................ 36
4.3 Composition and Structure ........................................................................................ 37
4.4 Roles and Responsibilities ........................................................................................ 38
4.5 Command and Control .............................................................................................. 38
4.6 Equipment and Infrastructure .................................................................................... 39

Section C - Tools
1. Initial team briefing by EMTL (‘First Response Protocol’) ............................. 42

2. Time Out Format ............................................................................................... 44

3. Action Cards ...................................................................................................... 46

4. Board Templates ............................................................................................... 70

5. CMT Checklist ................................................................................................... 76

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1. Scope
This document lays out and defines NOC’s crisis and emergency frameworks. It is designed both
to provide a general understanding of the company’s emergency response concept as well as to
provide detailed instructions for individuals with emergency management responsibilities. The
following plan includes detailed instructions for preparatory activities, as well as specific direction
for individuals when mobilised.
The overall purpose of the Emergency Response Plan (ERP) is to provide the company with
structures designed to:
 React to events and ensure swift notification of the responsible individuals;
 Assess the severity of an event and establish its actual and potential consequences; and
 To limit the impacts of an event by achieving a timely, proportionate and appropriate
The plan is not designed to script specific responses to particular scenarios, but provides flexible
frameworks capable of shaping appropriate responses to unpredictable events. The plan is
intended to allow NOC to shape a response to offshore and onshore events, which may include
(but are not restricted to):
 Oil spills;  Public Relations incidents;
 Collisions at sea;  Data Breaches/Cyber Attacks;
 Blow-outs and drilling accidents;  Serious security breaches;
 Medical emergencies;  Natural disasters;
 Road traffic incidents;  Fire and explosion.

2. Structure
This document is structured in three sections:
Section A – Executive Summary: A summative précis, providing an executive overview
of the NOC Emergency Response Plan.
Section B - Detailed Instructions: Instructive methodological detail on the components of
the plan and how it is used when activated.
Section C – Tools: Action cards, table templates and checklists for
preparation in advance of a mobilisation event.

3. Reference Documents
The reference documents listed below form an integral part of this document.
This plan is shaped by methodologies laid out in British Standard 11:200 (Crisis Management.
Guidance and Good Practice) and the US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)
guidance on the National Incident Management System (NIMS) or ‘Incident Command System’

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External documents
Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.

Reference Title
BSI 11:200 Crisis Management. Guidance and Good Practice
IPIECA Incident Management System For The Oil And Gas Industry:
Good practice guidelines for incident management and
emergency response personnel

North Oil Company documents

Unless otherwise indicated, the applicable version of these documents, including relevant
appendices and supplements, is the latest revision published.

Reference Title
SD-NOC-ENV-005 Oil Spill Contingency Plan
SD-NOC-HSE-012 Duty Officer Briefing Paper
SD-NOC-HSE-026 EMTL Briefing Paper
CP-NOC-025 HSE Site Authority
Incident, Near - Miss, and Non Conformities Reporting and
CP-NOC-056 Blow Out Contingency Plan
SD-NOC-FO-002 Offshore Response Plan
CP-NOC-062 Security Business Continuity Plan
SD-NOC-HSE-016 Medevac Procedure
SD-NOC-ITS-023 Computer Incident Response Plan

4. Definitions
A7S ‘Alpha Seven Sierra’ (Qatar Petroleum watch-keeper for offshore emergencies)

BOCP Blow-Out Contingency Plan

CAPO Chief Administration and Personnel Officer

CEO Chief Executive Officer

CMT Crisis Management Team

CIRT Computer Incident Response Team

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Crisis An abnormal and unstable situation that threatens the organisation’s strategic
objectives, reputation or viability. (BS 11:200)
The NOC categorises a Crisis as a Level 3 event, the management of which
requires input and support from the most senior management levels in the
company and may require response from national and international
stakeholders. (further detail contained at Section A, Para. 4).

Emergency NOC categorises an Emergency as a Level 2 event, the consequences of which

require a corporate-level response, but do not necessarily require the support
or involvement of the highest level of management (the CEO, for example).
Further details contained at Section A, Para 4)

EMR Emergency Management Room

EMT Emergency Management Team

ERP Emergency Response Plan (this document)

Event A potential incident that has not yet been assessed or declared.

FISA Facts, Impacts, Stakeholders, Actions (a methodological tool for analysing the
outbreak and progress of an emergency or crisis).

FSO Floating Storage and Offloading

HSE Site The individual in an offshore facility responsible for reporting emergencies and
Authority assembling an incident response team.

HSEQ Health, Safety, Environment and Quality.

Incident A Level 1 Event. An event that can be contained at the local level, using site
safety procedures and under the coordination of an OIM, HSE Site Authority or
equivalent. (further details contained at Section A, Para 4)

IRT Incident Response Team

IT Information Technology Solutions (Department)

LTI Lost-Time Injury

NOC North Oil Company

NOC-OC North Oil Company Operations Centre

NOK Next of Kin. The member of an individual’s close family who will be informed in
case of injury or death.

OIM Offshore Installation Manager

On-Scene The head of the IRT (usually the HSE Site Authority).

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OSCP Oil Spill Contingency Plan

OSRT Oil Spill Response Team

PEARL People, Environment, Assets, Reputation, Liabilities (the order in which NOC
prioritises business impacts).

POB Persons On-Board (List)

QP Qatar Petroleum

RTSC Real-Time Support Centre (Drilling and Wells Operations Room)

VTC Video Teleconference

WRER Well Response Emergency Room

For the purposes of brevity the male gender (him/his/he etc.) is used throughout and should be
understood to refer to both males and female personnel as appropriate.

5. Contact Information
Important telephone numbers and email addresses are provided in this document where
appropriate. However, users of this plan should use the NOC Emergency Contact List as the
primary source for emergency contact information. This document is stored alongside other
emergency response tools in the NOC’s shared drive. Updated hard copies will be held by the
Duty Officer and EMTL :
 N:\Emergency Response Tools\06_Contact Lists\1. NOC Emergency Contact List

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Section A

Executive Summary

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1. Introduction
Section A aims to provide a summative overview of NOC’s Emergency Response concept and
structures. The section lays out how events are categorised, who is responsible for making these
judgements and what levels of corporate response will correspond in each case. Section A also
details how the company becomes aware of events through its notification procedures and how
this information is channelled to the appropriate level of management. In addition, the section
summarises how NOC may interact with external governmental and commercial stakeholders
during a crisis or emergency.

2. Emergency Management Principles

This plan aims to establish three core capabilities, which are designed to:
 Notify key decision-makers of an event affecting the business;
 Assess the severity of an event based on its potential to impact the company; and
 Manage a response that is appropriate to the scale and nature of the event.

• 24-7 notification capability (operations room or duty officer);

• Clear protocols for onward and upward notification;
• Continuous readiness to mount a response.

• Assessment of actualised and potential impacts on people, environment, assets and

reputation (PEARL);
• Addressing the worst case scenario;
Assess • Shaping a response appropriate to the nature and severity of the incident.

• Gathering key decision-makers and management together in a structured way to

shape the response;
• Providing the tools to communicate effectively across the emergency or crisis;
Manage • Objective is to achieve timely and efficient response to limit impacts on PEARL.

 Ensure the entire process is auditable and accountable;

Evaluate  Provide tools to capture lessons learned;
 Shape future preventative frameworks.

Figure 1: The fundamental components of the ERP

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3. Event Notification
This plan incorporates a series of notification protocols designed to enable the timely and efficient
flow of information to decision-makers. These are covered in detail in Section B, but are laid out
here in summary.
A diagram summarising the ERP’s notification and response protocols is provided in Figure 2.

3.1 NOC Operations Centre

Offshore events will be reported to the NOC Operations Centre Manager by the HSE Site
Authority (or Delegate) in the first instance. The HSE Site Authority will request that the EMTL is
notified if the incident cannot be contained and if a corporate response is required. The
Operations Centre Manager is then responsible for escalating the event to the EMTL. Note that
the HSE Site Authority is also mandated to contact the EMTL, COO and CEO directly as required
by the situation. The NOC-OC is open during office hours only. Calls outside office hours will be
forwarded to an appropriate member of the Field Operations staff, or to the EMTL directly (by

NOC Operations Centre

+974 4401 7180

3.2 Duty Officer
Onshore events will be reported to the Duty Officer, an on-call position contactable by a
telephone number that will be answered 24/7. The Duty Officer provides a first filter for incoming
initial reports, noting the details of the event and assessing the need for upward escalation. The
Duty Officer will be equipped with some basic information that may be used to locally resolve an
onshore event (medical facilities, consular services, internal helpdesks etc.). Where the Duty
Officer cannot deal with an event locally, he/she escalates to the EMTL. Once mobilised, the
Duty Officer becomes the EMT Coordinator.

NOC Duty Officer

+974 5000 5951

3.3 Emergency Management Team Leader (EMTL)
The Emergency Management Team Leader (EMTL) is the focal point for assessing severity,
mobilising the appropriate personnel and commanding the response. The EMTL role is filled by
the Chief Operating Officer or his nominated deputy.
On notification of an incident, the EMTL will conduct his own assessment of the event’s severity
and classify the event as Level 1 or 2 (See Para 4). If the EMTL judges that the criteria are
fulfilled, he/she will mobilise the EMT. The EMTL is then responsible for determining which
functional areas of the EMT should be mobilised, depending on the nature and severity of the
incident. In parallel with the mobilisation of the EMT, the EMTL is also responsible for notifying
the CEO, who may take further escalatory measures. In order to ensure this is done quickly, the
EMTL may delegate this to the EMT Coordinator or the NOC-OC.

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Although the EMTL leads the corporate response, this does not affect the authority of the HSE
Site Authority, managing the incident at the tactical level.

3.4 Other Stakeholders

The decision to notify external stakeholders must be made in careful consideration of the potential
consequences of doing so. Release of information about an event to third parties may have legal
and reputational impacts. In the majority of cases, information release should be approved by
the EMTL, in consultation with the EMT’s Legal Advisor and, potentially, the CEO and CMT.
However, where immediate communication with third parties is required to mobilise a life-saving
response or to limit severe PEARL impacts, personnel at all levels may take the decision to
disseminate the information necessary for doing so.
Notification and Assessment flows are summarised at Figure 2

3.4.1 A7S and Qatar Petroleum

A7S is the QP watch-keeper service for offshore emergencies. It is the contact point for the
mobilisation of air assets for evacuation (including medevac) and for oil-spill response. In the
case of an off-shore event requiring a technical response, the HSE Site Authority (or Delegate) is
responsible for notifying A7S. However, once established, the EMT and CMT may assume
responsibility for ongoing liaison with QP emergency/crisis management platforms at their
respective organisational levels.

+974 4013 3999

+974 4013 4888
3.4.2 Onshore Emergency Services (999)
For on-shore events, it may be necessary to mobilise local emergency services, such as the
Police, Ambulance or Civil Defence (Fire Service). This ERP should not replace or delay the
notification of Qatari emergency services in order to mobilise a life-saving or impact-limiting
response. Once the EMT has been established, routine communications with the Qatari
emergency services will be delegated to the appropriate organisational level.

3.4.3 Third Party Contractors

This plan applies to all personnel and commercial entities working on NOC Operations and the Al
Shaheen Oilfield. Where events involve personnel belonging to third party contractors, the EMT
will determine the approach to communication and liaison with contracted entities.

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4. Assessing Severity
Events affecting the company will, by their nature, vary in terms of severity and the areas of the
business they impact.
Under-response or over-response can itself significantly worsen the impacts of an event.
Consequently, it is vital to assess and categorise events so that the corresponding response is
both proportionate and appropriate.
While users of this plan should be wary of over-response; good practice demands that where
there is doubt over an event’s level of severity, users should default to the higher response
category in order to obtain guidance from higher authority.
Consequently, where impacts are uncertain, severity should be assessed in respect of an event’s
worst potential outcome.
NOC’s emergency and crisis management concept defines three levels of event, with three
corresponding response protocols.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

“Incident” “Emergency” “Crisis”

Conditions and Triggers

An Incident can be dealt with An Emergency cannot be A Crisis requires a response

and contained locally, according contained locally and requires from the highest management
to the standard operating support from the corporate-level. levels of the company.
procedures of the installation,
An Emergency will significantly A Crisis usually has severe
site or office.
impact upon the company’s impacts on people, environment,
An Incident has negligible people, environment, assets, assets, reputation or liabilities.
potential to significantly impact reputation or liabilities, or have
A Crisis may require close
people, environment, assets, the potential to do so.
cooperation with the Qatari
reputation or liabilities.
An Emergency may also entail Government, or other
Incidents are reported according engagement with external or commercial and diplomatic
to the Incident, Near-Miss, and third-party stakeholders, stakeholders. It may also attract
Non-Conformity Reporting and requiring operational-level national or international media
Recording Policy (CP-NOC- coordination. attention

5. Response
As discussed above, an event may trigger three levels of response, according to its severity
A summative diagram showing the way in which the ERP’s components interact when mobilised
is provided at Figure 3.

5.1 The Incident Response Team (IRT)

The IRT is a locally-assembled group of technical personnel on-site, commanded by the HSE Site
Authority (or Delegate), who manages an event at the point of occurrence. The leader of the IRT
is known as the ‘On-Scene Commander’.

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Level 1 Incidents are managed by the IRT and On-Scene Commander using the site’s standard
operating procedures. NOC management becomes aware of an Incident through the Incident,
Near - Miss, and Non Conformities Reporting and Recording Procedure (CP-NOC-052).

5.2 The Emergency Management Team (EMT)

The EMT is formed to respond to a Level 2 ‘Emergency’ (and above). It is a team of managers
and advisors each representing an emergency response function. Each competency has
individuals pre-identified and placed on call via the Emergency Contact List.
When mobilised, the EMT convenes in a specially-equipped Emergency Management Room
(EMR) located on-shore. The room is pre-designated and equipped with the communications
equipment, information systems and crisis management tools required to mount an effective
response to the emergency.
The function of the EMT is to collect decision makers in one room in order to achieve rapid cross-
disciplinary collaboration, to obtain and record all information pertaining to the emergency and to
provide command and control to the response.
Each functional head represented on the EMT may, depending on the nature of the emergency,
assemble support teams to assist with the gathering and analysis of information, or with shaping
the response. Certain functional areas may have their own pre-designated and on-call response
teams (e.g. Oil Spill Response Team, Well Response Emergency Room), which will convene as
satellites to the EMT.
The EMT is designed to convene and remain manned for the duration of the crisis. Relief-in-
place will be arranged by coordinating personnel in order to rotate EMT members and allow
opportunity for rest.

5.3 The Crisis Management Team (CMT)

The CMT is a high-level advisory council formed to respond to a Level 3 ‘Crisis’ and is managed
by the CEO.
On mobilisation of the EMT, the EMTL is responsible for notifying the CEO, who may decide upon
one of three courses of action:
 Remain informed only;
 Attend the EMT; or
 Declare a crisis and form the CMT.
If the CEO elects to attend the EMT, the EMTL retains overall control of the emergency, but may
act on advice or direction from the CEO.
If the CEO declares a crisis, he may wish to mobilise the Crisis Management Team (CMT). This
body is formed separately and in addition to the EMT, but will generally convene in the same
building. It is designed to surround the CEO with high-level advisors to guide strategic-level
decision-making and, in particular, shape the way in which the company communicates with
external stakeholders during the crisis, including the Board of Directors, the Qatari Government
and the media.
In contrast to the EMT, the CMT is not required to remain formed for the entire length of the crisis,
but may convene and adjourn according to the direction of the CEO. Similarly, membership may

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change from meeting to meeting. Nevertheless, all CMT meetings are formally logged and

6. Notification and Response Flowchart

Figure 2: Diagram showing information and support flows between parts of the
Emergency Management Plan

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Figure 3: Diagram showing the interaction of response teams when mobilised

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Section B

Detailed Instructions

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1. Introduction
Section B is designed to identify those NOC personnel with crisis and emergency management
responsibilities and provide them with detailed instructions – both for preparation in advance of
an event and for their roles and responsibilities in the event of mobilisation. Training requirements
for specific roles and competencies are identified where appropriate.
This section goes on to lay out each of the company’s crisis/emergency management components
in detail and provides guidance over how they interact when mobilised. It also describes what
equipment and infrastructure is required for these components to function and provides
instructions for how these should be used.

2. Key Roles and Responsibilities

2.1 The HSE Site Authority
The HSE Site Authority will be the originator of any emergency notification from an offshore
 The HSE Site Authority is responsible for taking control of an event at the tactical level,
according to procedures laid out in the Offshore Response Plan (SD-NOC-FO-002),
shaping the immediate operational response in order to limit the event’s PEARL impacts.
 The HSE Site Authority is responsible for making an initial assessment of severity based on
worst possible outcomes of an event and requesting the required level of support from the
NOC Operations Centre. Where there is doubt as to the appropriate level of response, the
principle of prudent over-response applies;
 The HSE Site Authority is mandated by his letter of nomination to contact the COO and/or
CEO directly in order to report events or concerns;
 The HSE Site Authority is also responsible for notifying A7S and placing them on stand-by
to provide further support to the response. Note that the A7S may decline to mobilise assets
unless the emergency notification is being passed by the HSE Site Authority or OIM;
 When the HSE Site Authority reports to the NOC Operations Centre, he should inform the
NOC-OC Manager whether or not A7S has been notified.

2.2 The NOC Operations Centre (NOC-OC)

The NOC Operations Centre will be the recipient of any offshore event notifications.
 The NOC-OC Manager is responsible for noting the details of the incident and confirming
them with the originator.
 If the HSE Site Authority has not notified A7S, the NOC-OC should do so;
 The NOC-OC Manager should immediately notify the EMTL and convey all details of the
event, including what other notifications have been made and what actions have been
taken. If the NOC-OC Manager cannot raise the EMTL, he/she should contact the Duty
Officer/EMT Coordinator.
 The NOC-OC is open during office hours only. Out of office hours, the below number will
be programmed to auto-divert calls to an appropriate member of Field Operations staff, or

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to the EMTL directly by agreement. The off-going watch in the NOC-OC is responsible for
ensuring the call-forwarding function is activated at the end of the working day.
NOC Operations Centre

+974 4401 7180

2.3 The Duty Officer and EMT Coordinator
The Duty Officer performs dual roles as the primary point for notification of on-shore events that
may require escalation, as well as overseeing and managing NOC’s Crisis and Emergency
Response platforms – including this plan. The Duty Officer Role will be performed by the NOC
Senior Security Advisor.
 The Duty Officer role provides the NOC with the continual and consistent ability to respond
to incident notification for onshore events.
 The Duty Officer is responsible for maintaining the duty roster and contact list for all EMT
 The Duty Officer or a nominated representative should attend the weekly handover of
duties from one standby EMT to the next;
 When mobilised to the EMT, the Duty Officer fulfils the role of the EMT Coordinator,
responsible for maintaining the smooth running of the EMR. The EMT Coordinator’s
duties may include, but are not limited to:
o mobilising EMT members by telephone as directed by the EMTL,
o the organisation of relief-in-place,
o organising food and rest schedules,
o summoning IS support or other infrastructural assistance,
o updating boards and information systems,
o acting as a runner.

2.3.1 The Duty Telephone

A mobile telephone is designated for the purposes of providing the Duty Officer with the means
of 24/7 communications. The number of the duty telephone is as follows:

+974 5000 5951.

It is the Duty Officer’s responsibility to ensure that this number is contactable at all times and can
be answered immediately at any time of the day or night. The Duty Officer should therefore
ensure that it remains charged to last for 24 hours of intensive use.

2.3.2 Notification and Escalation

When notified of an onshore event, the Duty Officer will make a brief assessment of severity. If
the event requires a corporate response, he/she will escalate to the EMTL and provide a full
situational brief. If the EMTL orders the mobilisation of the EMT, he/she may request the Duty

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Officer’s assistance in notifying and mobilising EMT members. The Duty Officer will then move
to the EMR and begin readying its capabilities.
An offshore event will be reported by the NOC Operations Centre to the EMTL, who will
independently assess severity and decide whether to mobilise the EMT. In this case, the EMTL’s
first call is to the Duty Officer/EMT Coordinator to assist with mobilising the EMT and readying
the EMR.
An Action Card for the Duty Officer/EMT Coordinator is provided at Section C.

2.4 Emergency Management Team Leader (EMTL)

The EMTL is the focal point for all decision-making and response management in Level 2
‘Emergency’ and Level 3 ‘Crisis’ events. The EMTL should therefore hold a senior management
position and have sufficient experience and authority to be capable of making decisions on behalf
of the company as demanded by the situation. The EMTL is a rotational position that will change
according to a weekly roster.
 When notified of an event, the EMTL is responsible for assessing and determining the
severity of an incident based on the information provided. He/she will then decide to
mobilise the EMT if appropriate.
 The EMTL is responsible for determining the membership of the EMT and for notifying
members of the requirement to mobilise. The Duty Manager/EMT Coordinator will support
the EMTL during the notification and mobilisation process.
 The EMTL is responsible for immediately notifying the CEO of an event. In order to ensure
this is done quickly, the EMTL may delegate this to the EMT Coordinator or the NOC-OC.
 Once the EMT is formed, the EMT is responsible for providing an initial situational brief
(See Section B, 3.5.2) and providing EMT members with their first taskings.
 Thereafter, the EMTL is responsible for the command and management of the EMT.
 The EMTL will also decide when to close the event and/or adjourn the EMT. He/she
should do so in consultation with the CMT Leader (the CEO) and the On-Scene
Commander (HSE Site Authority).

2.4.1 Mobile Telephone

The EMTL will use his/her own work mobile telephone as a primary point of contact during the
duty period.
It is the EMTL’s responsibility to ensure that this number is contactable at all times and can be
answered immediately at any time of the day or night. The EMTL should therefore ensure that it
remains charged and loaded with sufficient credit to last for 24 hours of intensive use.

2.4.2 Notification and Escalation

For an offshore event, the EMTL is notified by the NOC Operations Centre Manager. For an
onshore event, the EMTL is notified by the Duty Officer.
The EMTL assesses the severity of the event based on its worst possible outcomes and decides
on the level and shape of response.

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NOC’s three response levels (Levels 1, 2 and 3) are principally shaped by the degree to which
they can be contained, rather than through reference to defined impact criteria (see table below).
The principle of ‘prudent over-response’ should prevail where an event may bridge two response
The severity of oil spills is classified by the Oil Spill Contingency Plan and drilling/well incidents
are classified by the Blow Out Contingency Plan (BOCP). These plans’ three-tier severity
categories broadly correspond with the responses required at the corporate level – outlined below.
The five severity levels for a cyber-security event can be straightforwardly equated.
However, an additional layer of judgement from the EMTL should be applied to determine what
level of corporate response is appropriate in each circumstance.
An Action Card for the EMTL is provided at Section C.

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

“Incident” “Emergency” “Crisis”

Responsible for Declaring

On-Scene Commander EMTL CEO

Body Mobilised to Respond


Conditions and Triggers

An Incident can be dealt with and An Emergency cannot be A Crisis requires a response from
contained locally, according to the contained locally and requires the highest management levels of
standard operating procedures of support from the corporate-level. the company.
the installation, site or office. An Emergency event will A Crisis usually has severe
An Incident has negligible significantly impact upon the impacts on people, environment,
potential to impact people, company’s people, environment, assets and reputation.
environment, assets or reputation. assets or reputation, or have the A Crisis may also require close
Incidents should be reported potential to do so. cooperation with the Qatari
according to the Incident, Near- An Emergency event may also Government, or other diplomatic
Miss, and Non-Conformity entail engagement with external bodies. It may also attract
Reporting and Recording Policy or third-party stakeholders, national or international media
(CP-NOC-052). requiring operational-level attention

Oil Spill Response

Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3

Drilling and Wells Incidents

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3

Cyber-Security Event

L6 L5 L4 L3 L2 L1

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Figure 4: Diagram showing EMTL's initial notification and response flow

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2.5 The CEO (Crisis Management Team Leader)

When the EMTL declares an emergency and mobilises the EMT, he/she will immediately notify
the CEO. The CEO is not expected to remain on call, but will be notified by the quickest method
possible. Once informed, the CEO has three response options at this stage:
 Ask to remain informed by the EMTL;
 Attend the EMT;
 Declare a Crisis (Level 3) and mobilise a CMT.

If the CEO elects to attend the EMT, this should not affect the operational authority of the EMTL.
The CEO may advise, consult with and provide private direction to the EMTL as necessary, but
the EMTL retains ‘Incident Command’.
If the CEO declares a crisis and mobilises a CMT, this will be established in a separate room
infrastructurally connected to the EMR.
The CEO’s roles in this case may include:
 To maintain a strategic focus;
 Establish what high-level interaction is required with the Qatari Government, Qatar
Petroleum and the media;
 Determine a strategic plan for corporate crisis recovery.
Full instructions for actions in the CMT are provided at Section B Para 4.

Figure 5: Diagram showing CEO's initial notification and response flows.

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3. The Emergency Management Team (EMT)

3.1 The On-Call System
A stand-by EMT will remain at notice to mobilise within 30 minutes if required. Each functional
area that the EMTL may wish to mobilise will therefore have a nominated individual to contact in
an emergency. This individual is responsible for notifying the EMTL and Duty Officer if they are
called upon to nominate a deputy (during leave periods, in case of ill-health etc).
The Duty Officer/EMT Coordinator is responsible for maintaining the Emergency Contact List.

3.1.1 Manning
Each functional area should identify at least three individuals from their department capable of
fulfilling an EMT post when mobilised. These individuals will be placed on the Emergency Contact
list, with the lead responder clearly indicated in each case.
Volunteers should have sufficient experience and knowledge of their functional area to provide
insight, make decisions and provide organisational reach into their departments.

3.1.2 Constraints
 Nominated EMT members should remain within 30 minutes’ journey from the EMR;
 Nominated EMT members should remain within earshot of their mobile telephone. Their
telephone should remain charged and prepared for 24 hours of intensive use.

3.1.3 Handover
Handover of EMT nominees may be arranged privately, but the EMTL and Duty Officer must be
informed of any change. The Duty Officer will make any necessary alterations to the Emergency
Contact List.

3.2 Mobilisation of the EMT

When notified of an incident, the EMTL will assess severity and order the mobilisation of the EMT
if criteria are satisfied. With the EMT Coordinator/Duty Officer, the EMTL will determine the
composition of the EMT, depending on the nature of the incident. The EMTL and the EMT
Coordinator will then carry out telephone notifications of the relevant on-call EMT members.
Mobilised EMT members should:
 Refer to the Duty Cards and begin their initial actions;
 Inform friends or family that an incident has occurred, but refrain from discussing any
further details;
 Move to the EMR, using taxi in preference to self-drive - retaining the ability to use a
 Put colleagues on stand-by to form Functional Area Support Teams (See Para 3.6);
 Begin logging observations, decisions and actions.

Full instructions for on-call EMT members are provided in Action Cards provided at Section C.

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3.3 Composition and Structure

The On-Call System provides the EMTL with options for mobilising personnel from the full range
of NOC’s assorted functional areas, depending on the nature, scale and severity of the incident.
The composition of the EMT is therefore determined entirely by the EMTL.

Figure 6: Structure and Composition of a full EMT

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3.4 Roles and Responsibilities

The roles and responsibilities of each EMT member are summarised below. Full and detailed
Duty Cards for each role are provided at Section C.

Role Key Responsibilities

EMTL  As at Para 2.4

Response Staff
 To act as the lead response coordinator for any event affecting producing
offshore installations;
Field Operations  To liaise between the EMT and the NOC-Operations Centre;
 To advise the EMTL on all Field Operations-related matters.

 To act as the lead response coordinator at EMT level during any drilling
incident offshore;
Drilling and Wells
 To liaise between the EMT and the WRER;
 To advise the EMTL on all Drilling and Wells-related matters.

 To advise on the technical and engineering aspects of any emergency

Engineering and Construction  To act as the lead response coordinator during any event affecting
construction activities or geotechnical/geophysical campaigns;
 To advise on infrastructural damage and damage control;

 To advise the EMTL on geoscientific aspects of any emergency and its

response plan;
Geoscience and Reservoir
 To ensure that all relevant data is streamed to the EMR or otherwise
placed at the EMT’s disposal.

 To act as the principal liaison point between the OSRT and the EMT;
 To establish and maintain oversight of oil spill developments throughout
Oil Spill Response Advisor
the event;
 To advise the EMTL on all oil-spill related matters.

 To provide service support to all response efforts in the form of

personnel, facilities, transport and materiel.
Logistics  Advise lead response coordinators on available resources and assist
with allocation;
 Establish and track geographic disposition of logistical resources.

 To act as the lead response coordinator for any cyber or IT-related

emergency or crisis.
 To liaise between the EMT and the Computer Incident Response Team
CIRT Liaison
 To advise the EMTL on any aspect of the emergency relating to cyber
security or IT disruption.

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Advisory Staff

 To advise on HR aspects of the emergency, ensuring personnel

information is readily available;
 Assist Response Staff with human resourcing aspects;
HR Advisor
 Assist with populating the POB list;
 Devise relative response and/or NOK-informing strategy in liaison with
Legal and HSEQ Advisors.

 To act as the EMT’s ‘safety officer’, proactively highlighting potential

HSEQ impacts.
 Advise the EMTL and Response Staff on health, safety and environment
HSEQ Advisor
aspects of the incident response plan;
 Ensure all related HSEQ documentation is readily available for

 To act as the EMTL’s legal advisor;

 Advise on the incident’s legal and reputational impacts;
Legal Advisor  Proactively highlight legal constraints to the Incident Action Plan;
 To check all communications with external stakeholders (especially NOK
and PR/Media communiques) for legal liabilities.

 To establish and report reputational impacts of the incident;

 Prepare and release holding statements (as approved by the CEO);
Communications and Liaison
 Devise an internal and external communications strategy for the incident;
 Check all external communications for reputational liabilities.

Support Staff

EMT Coordinator  As at Para 2.3

 To capture and record all events, observations and decisions pertaining

to the incident in an auditable fashion;
Event Logger
 To maintain and update the event log and assist with updating EMT
boards and displays.

 To assist with the mobilisation and set-up of the EMR;

 To ensure smooth infrastructural running of the EMT and its equipment;
IT Technician
 Proactively solve potential IT failures;
 Trouble-shoot problems as they occur.

 To act as a communications filter for the EMT (in particular for the
Switchboard Operator
 Handle incoming telephone calls, emails and provide holding responses
or signpost communications to the correct EMT member.

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3.5 Command and Control

3.5.1 General
 The EMTL has overall command of the corporate response and will nominate a deputy in
advance of any requirement for him to stand down for rest breaks or any other reason.
 The EMT Coordinator will assist the EMTL with control of the EMT and will oversee support
functions such as the IT Technician, Event Logger and Switchboard Operator. He/she will
devise and oversee work/rest schedules and ensure the EMT is adequately supplied with

3.5.2 Initial Actions

Once mobilised and established in the EMR, the EMT should conduct the following initial actions,
which should be overseen and chaired by the EMTL. An aide-memoire for the Initial Actions is
structured on the FISA principle and contained at Section C.
 Ensure the correct people are in the room and that the necessary systems are active and
 An initial brief, provided by the EMTL, inviting contributions from EMT members with
particular insights into the incident – this process should establish and record the facts of
the incident;
 A discussion on realised and potential impacts – this process should result in establishing
and recording the best-case, worst-case and most-likely scenarios and their associated
PEARL impacts;
 A discussion on the current and potential stakeholders in the incident, with liaison
mechanisms and protocols put in place;
 The EMTL should identify immediate term actions for EMT members and provide
timescales for completion;
 Ensure all EMT members are aware of the functional rhythm of the EMT and remind
members to establish support teams and schedule rest cover as required.
 These tasks and the preceding discussions should provide the primary inputs into the
incident response planning cycle, which begins at this point.

3.5.3 Workflow
Workflow should direct the EMT toward an intuitive cyclical workflow of planning, resourcing and
implementation. The EMT’s planning cycle should consist of the following components:
a) Initial Briefing (as in Para 3.5.2)
b) Incident Command Briefing – The EMTL lays out his objectives, priorities and overall
c) Planning/Coordination Meeting – Objectives are prioritised, resources allocated and an
Incident Action Plan (IAP) is produced.
d) Operations Briefing – The IAP is briefed to the EMT and orders are distributed for

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e) Implementation of IAP – Plans implemented, reporting schedules established and

information boards are updated.

3.5.4 Time-Outs
The EMTL will conduct regular and scheduled ‘time-out’ sessions to ensure that the EMT remains
all-informed of developments and progress. In the early stages of an incident, time-outs may be
held more frequently (every 15-20 minutes), to reflect the rapidity of early developments and the
influx of new information. At later stages, time-outs may be held less frequently according to the
judgement of the EMTL.
The purpose of a time-out is for the EMTL to take full control of the team, to share analysis of how
events have developed and to get the EMT back on task quickly. A time-out should not generate
discussion or involve lengthy question and answer sessions. A time-out should not last more
than 2-3 minutes.
A time-out is chaired by the EMTL and should follow the following structure:
a) Warning – The EMTL gives an appropriate warning to the team to enable them to prepare.
Warnings are usually delivered in the format “Time-out in 30 seconds”.
b) Call ‘time-out’ – The EMT Leader stops proceedings by calling “time-out – phones off hook”.
On the order, EMT members should immediately stop what they are doing and focus on the EMTL.
All except the Switchboard Operator should take their phones off the hook.
c) Situation update – the EMTL states facts and assumptions that have developed.
d) Worst case scenario – the EMTL states what he considers would be the worst possible
outcome (unlike first response protocol, EMT members do not contribute at this stage).
e) Analysis – the EMTL shares what he thinks the most likely developments will be in the short
to mid term
f) Tasking – the EMTL issues clear, precise tasks to members of the team as appropriate,
finishing with “Do you understand?”
g) End time-out – the EMTL will usually ask at this stage if he has missed anything, or if there
are any questions. The Time-Out is closed with a reminder to the team to put “phones back on
An aide-memoire for performing Time-Outs is contained at Section C.

3.5.5 Closing the EMT

The EMTL is responsible for declaring an incident closed and for ordering the EMT to disperse.
This decision should be only be taken after consultation with the On-Scene Commander and the
CEO. The following factors should guide the decision to close the incident:
a) Confirm all personnel are accounted-for;
b) Confirm no personnel are still at risk;
c) Define any circumstances under which the situation may deteriorate, necessitating the
recall of the EMT;
d) Consider continuing with a reduced EMT or reconvening at a later time or date;
e) The nature and status of outstanding tasks;

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f) The incident’s degree of geographical and organisational containment.

On confirmation of the decision to close the EMT, the following actions should be taken:

a) Intent to close EMT is clearly stated with timescales;

b) Reporting schedules are set for any outstanding tasks;
c) Session is formally closed and time recorded;
d) EMTL conducts a short debrief and issue clear verbal guidance on the need for ongoing
e) Content of Overall Incident Log to be checked by EMTL, Event Logger and Legal Advisor;
f) Overall Incident Log is printed, placed in a sealed envelope and placed into the custody
of the Legal Advisor.

3.6 Functional Area Support Teams

Each member of the EMT may establish their own ‘functional area support team’ to provide
information on a particular aspect of the incident or to work on specific areas of the response.
These groups may span more than one Functional Area of the EMT.
These support teams are not on-call. EMT members are responsible for mobilising their own
support teams based on their own judgement of the requirement. While assembling support
teams, EMT functional leads should bear in mind the potential need for longevity in the response
and the need to keep personnel in reserve.

Figure 7: Organisation chart fragment showing possible configurations of Functional

Area Support teams beneath Functional Heads.

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3.7 Integration of Specialist Response Teams

3.7.1 Oil Spill Response Team

In the event of a Tier 2 or 3 oil spill, the EMTL will be notified and the OSRT mobilised according
to the protocols laid out in the NOC OSCP (SD-NOC-ENV-005). The CEO will be notified by the
EMTL in the normal way.
If the incident is one-dimensional (i.e. a single oil-spill with no associated casualties or
catastrophic damage to infrastructure), the EMTL may decide that the OSRT is sufficiently
equipped and resourced to remain the primary response platform for the incident (this does not
prevent the CEO mobilising a CMT above the OSRT).
If the incident is multi-dimensional, but includes an oil spill as one aspect, the EMTL may elect to
mobilise the EMT, but retain the OSRT as a satellite to the EMT and reporting to the Oil Spill
Response Advisor. Depending on the location of the OSRT and the severity of the spill, the EMT’s
Oil Spill Response Advisor will either remain seated at the EMT or detach to the OSRT.
In the case of oil-spill, the EMT and OSRT will liaise with Qatar Petroleum’s own response
platforms according to their respective levels of command.
The EMTL retains overall command of the response.
Communications between the OSRT and the EMT will be via VTC link, VOIP or telephone.
An organisation chart for the integration of the OSRT is provided in the OSRP and replicated
below .

Figure 8: Integration of the OSRT into the EMT

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3.7.2 Well Response Emergency Room (WRER)

Similarly, in the event of a Drilling or Wells incident, the EMTL will be notified, who will
subsequently inform the CEO. The Well Response Emergency Room (WRER) will convene in
the Real Time Support Centre (RTSC), according to the protocols laid out in the Blow Out
Contingency Plan (CP-NOC-056). The EMTL should mobilise the EMT, incorporating the WRER
as an Specialist Response Team reporting to the Drilling and Wells Leader in the EMT.
A permanent VTC link will be established between the EMR and the WRER to ensure close and
constant liaison.
In the case of a Level 3 Drilling and Wells incident, the CMT will be mobilised by the CEO in the
normal way.
The EMTL retains overall command of the corporate response.

Figure 9: Diagram showing integration of WRER into the EMT

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3.8 Computer Incident Response Team

The response protocols for a Cyber Security event are laid out in the Computer Incident Response
Plan (SD-NOC-ITS-023). In the event of a Cyber Security event, the Computer Incident
Response Team (CIRT) is formed by the appointed Computer Incident Response Team Lead
who gathers all relevant members. The CIRT on-scene technician will assess severity and notify
the Duty Officer if the incident threatens to reach levels L3, L2 or L1. The EMTL is informed in the
usual way and will form an EMT according to the areas of the business affected. A member of
the Cyber Security Team will mobilise to the EMR to liaise between the Cyber Security Response
Team and the EMT.

Figure 10: Diagram showing integration of the Computer Incident Response Team into
the EMT

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3.9 A7S and Qatar Petroleum Emergency Control Centre

On notification of an offshore incident, A7S may activate the QP Emergency Control Centre (ECC)
and/or its Crisis Management Team (corresponding to Level 2 and Level 3 events respectively).
These are collocated with the A7S Operations Room in Doha.
The NOC EMTL and his/her counterpart in the QP ECC are responsible for determining the
method and level of organisational interaction dependent on the scope and severity of the
incident. However, in the majority of cases, the two organisations will establish liaison
mechanisms at each corresponding level of authority.
The QP EMR is able to communicate with its own internal response platforms by VTC, but relies
on internet and telephones to connect with external stakeholders.

Figure 11: NOC interaction with QP emergency response platforms

3.10 Equipment and Infrastructure

3.10.1 The Emergency Management Room (EMR)

The EMR is pre-determined and equipped with the infrastructure necessary for its quick
conversion into an emergency response hub.
The EMR is currently located in Room 2011 on the 20th floor of Navigation Tower.
There is no reserve EMR designated at present. However, after occupation of the QIIB Tower on
commencement of operations, the primary EMR will be housed at that location.
The EMR will be equipped with the following infrastructure:

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 Dedicated laptops and telephones for each EMT role;

 Power, data and telephone cables for the above;
 A satellite telephone;
 A Wi-Fi internet connection;
 An uninterrupted power supply box (UPS);
 VTC apparatus;
 Three television screens configured to display the Event Log, VTC and other screen-
sharing feeds;
 Dedicated fax, scanner and printers;
 A conference telephone;
 Whiteboards and flip charts;
 A stock of pre-prepared information boards (corresponding to templates contained at
Section C);
 Hard copies of all as-built charts pertaining to the Al Shaheen Oilfield;
 A clock showing two time-zones;
 Work-ticket pads and in-tray; and
 Ancillary stationery (notebooks, pens, whiteboard markers etc).

The layout of the EMR should reflect its functionality. While the seating arrangements of the
response staff is less crucial, the support staff should be configured around the EMTL to aid
information flow and support the work of the Event Logger

Figure 12: A recommended seating plan for the EMR based on room layout at 20th Floor
Navigation Tower (not all functional areas are represented)

3.10.2 Communications
Telephone – Land-line telephones will form the primary means of communication for the EMT.
Telephones will be portable, so EMT members can retain the capability to answer calls while

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outside the EMR (albeit confidentiality of discussions and information control should be
Mobile Telephones - Use of individual mobile telephones should be discouraged due to the
necessity to keep one dedicated telephone number for each functional area throughout work-rest
schedules and relief cycles.
Email – Only NOC email accounts may be used for the purposes of emergency management.
The IT Technician may create common inboxes and email addresses to ensure that
communications can be accessed once work/rest schedules come into operation.
VTC – Visual teleconferencing facilities are provided in the EMR. This should be used primarily
for internal communications (with the CMT, OSRT, WRER, IRT, Offshore Facilities etc.), but may
also be used for external communications as directed by the EMTL.
Runner – Internal communications (particularly with the CMT) may be conducted by runner or by
personal briefings between individuals. Note that these should be recorded in the log through the
log entry slip system.
Satellite Telephone – Due to the limited functionality of satellite telephony in Doha, the EMR’s
satellite telephone will be used as a last-resort communications system.

3.10.3 Information Management

The communications systems listed above will automatically log times and dates and, in the case
of email, content. However, all significant communications (including verbal exchanges) should
also be summarised and entered into the Overall Incident Log. Log entry slips will be provided to
each EMT member for this purpose.
On no account should notes, emails or SMS messages be deleted or destroyed before they have
been passed to the Event Logger and transferred into the Overall Incident Log.
Information boards and screen-sharing feeds should remain updated by each functional area and
displayed as directed by the EMTL. The EMT Coordinator will assist with keeping boards and
screens up to date. Whiteboards should be regularly photographed for later reference and to
provide an auditable archive of any decision-making processes they record.
The core screens to remain displayed in the EMR are as follows:
 Overall Incident Log
 Persons on Board (POB) List
 Logistics and Movements
 FISA Board (Facts, Impacts, Stakeholders, Actions)

Templates for the above logs are provided at Section C.

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4. The Crisis Management Team (CMT)

4.1 Overview
The purpose of the CMT is to provide a high-level advisory council for the CEO during a Level 3
incident, the consequences of which may have serious and/or lasting PEAR impacts that post an
existential threat to the NOC. In particular, the CMT’s role is to manage communications with
senior stakeholders (including the Board of Directors and Qatar Petroleum), as well as to guide
the NOC’s public relations strategy in the event of the crisis attracting national or international
media interest.

4.2 Mobilisation of the CMT

The CMT is not an on-call response platform. All associated notifications will therefore be made
in the quickest time and by the most suitable means practicable under any given circumstance.
When mobilising the EMT, the EMTL will notify the CEO. Should the CEO be unavailable, a
nominated deputy may function as the Chairman of the CMT in his place.
The CEO will assess the severity of the incident and adopt one of three courses of action:
 Remain informed – In this instance, the EMTL will be responsible for keeping the CEO
informed of the incident’s progress. He may delegate this responsibility to the EMT
Coordinator or any other member of the EMT.
 Attend the EMT – The CEO may wish to attend EMT meetings to provide guidance or input
into its decision-making processes. In this instance, the EMTL retains the overall command
of the corporate response, though he may act under the private advice and guidance of the
CEO as appropriate.
 Mobilise a CMT – The CEO may wish to declare a Crisis (Level 3) and mobilise a CMT. A
CMT would usually be mobilised if an incident:
- has impacts beyond NOC control (consider concession boundaries and international
- has attracted or may attract national or international media attention;
- has caused multiple fatalities;
- threatens the NOC’s Consent to Operate; and/or
- significantly impacts the NOC’s financial viability.

The CEO is responsible for identifying and notifying CMT members, but may do so with the help
of his Executive Assistant.
There is no pre-determined room in which the CMT should convene. However, for the sake of
quick and efficient communication with the EMT, it is advisable to convene the CMT in a room
close by or next to the EMR.
Upon notification, all CMT members should take the following actions:
 Refrain from discussing any details of the incident with friends or family;

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 Move to the location identified as a meeting place for the CMT by the CEO, using taxi in
preference to retain the ability to use telephones;
 Put colleagues on stand-by to form Support Teams; and
 Begin logging observations, decisions and actions.

4.3 Composition and Structure

The composition and structure of the CMT is determined by the CEO. However, the inclusion of
a CMT Event Logger is required and the following additional advisory members are
 Chief Administration and Personnel Officer (CAPO);
 Legal Advisor;
 PR/Communications Advisor;
 Government Relations Advisor;
 Member of senior management team with particular insight into the technical nature of the

Figure 13: The structure of the CMT is looser than the EMT and operates largely at the
discretion of the CEO

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4.4 Roles and Responsibilities

Role Key Responsibilities

CEO  As at Para 2.5

 To capture and record all events, observations and decisions pertaining

to the crisis in an auditable fashion;
Event Logger
 To maintain and update the event log and assist with updating CMT
boards and displays.

 To advise the CEO on all personnel-related aspects of the crisis;

HR Advisor  To liaise between the EMT HR Advisor and the CMT;
 To guide corporate policy on NOK notification.

 Consider the impacts of the crisis on the NOC’s legal and commercial
Legal Advisor  Proactively identify the crisis’ potential legal liabilities;
 Check the CMT’s external communications and event log for legal

 Advise the CEO on all PR aspects of the crisis;

 Act as media spokesperson or guide CEO/nominated individual in these
PR/Communications Advisor
 Liaise with EMT Communications Advisor as required to devise
overarching PR/Communications strategy for the crisis;
 Write media statements or oversee their production and release.

 Act as the principal point of contact for the Qatari Government during the
Government Relations Advisor
 Advise the CEO on a government relations strategy;
 Advise CMT/EMT on cultural/national aspects of the response.

 Advise the CEO on short- and long-term financial impacts of the crisis;
Finance and Business Services
 Ensure finances are available where required to mobilise the response;
 Ensure insurance information is available where appropriate.

4.5 Command and Control

4.5.1 General
 The CEO commands the CMT and chairs meetings. This does not affect the overall
authority of the EMTL.
 The CEO is also responsible for the control of the CMT, though may be assisted by his/her
Executive Assistant, who will oversee the welfare and smooth running of the CMT for the
period of its mobilisation.

4.5.2 Initial Actions

 Ensure the correct people are in the room and that the necessary systems are active and

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 An initial brief, provided by the CEO, inviting contributions from CMT members with
particular insights into the incident.
 A discussion on realised and potential impacts on the company at the strategic level. The
team should clearly establish and record the best-case, worst-case and most-likely
scenarios, as well as their associated strategic impacts on the business;
 The CEO should identify any immediate-term tasks for CMT members and provide
timescales for completion;
 Ensure all CMT members are aware of the functional rhythm of the CMT and remind
members to establish support teams as required.
A checklist for CMT activities is provided at Section C.

4.5.3 Workflow
The workflow of the CMT is not as heavily structured as that of the EMT. The CEO may determine
what functional rhythm is appropriate to the scale and nature of the crisis. Unlike the EMT, the
CMT is not intended to sit continually throughout a crisis, but may adjourn and reconvene
according to requirement. Nevertheless, CMT meetings should be logged in detail and tasks
should be managed in an auditable way (See Para 4.6.3).

4.6 Equipment and Infrastructure

4.6.1 The CMT Room

There is no pre-determined CMT Room in the Navigation Tower. The CMT will be mobilised to a
location at the discretion of the CEO. The CMT Room will require the following infrastructure:
 A conference telephone;
 Power-points to charge laptops and telephones;
 A Wi-Fi internet connection;
 Whiteboards/flip-charts;
 Ancillary stationery (notebooks, pens, board markers etc.);
 Wall space for Scenario and Actions Boards (See Para 4.6.3) or screens for same.

4.6.2 Communications
The CMT will not have pre-configured laptops or telephones dedicated for its use – its members
will use their own NOC computers and mobile telephones in addition to the landlines provided in
the CMT Room.
The CMT will communicate with the EMT via VTC (if practicable), telephone, runner and liaison
meetings with the EMTL as permitted by the rhythm of operations.
The CEO or any member of the CMT is at liberty to enter the EMR and/or liaise with EMT
members at the discretion of the EMTL.

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4.6.3 Information Management

The command and control of the CMT is looser than that of the EMT, however, its proceedings
are equally liable to subsequent scrutiny and audit. CMT meetings should therefore be minuted
in detail and all significant communications and developments recorded by the Logger or
Executive Assistant. On no account should any notes, materials or communications be destroyed
before having been auditably recorded.
Information Boards may assist the CEO and CMT with ordering assessments and action plans.
The following boards are templated for the CMT’s use.
 Scenario Board; and
 Action Plan Board.
Templates for both are provided at Section C.

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Section C


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1. Initial team briefing by EMTL (‘First Response Protocol’)

Section1: Are the right people in the room?

Response Staff Field Operations, Drilling and Wells, Engineering and Construction, Geosciences, Logistics, Oil
Spill Response Lead.

Advisory Staff HR, HSEQ, Communications, Legal,

Support Staff EMT Coordinator, Event Logger, IT Technician, Switchboard Operator.

Reminder to each role to:

 Identify a back to back for shift work
 Mobilise their own support functions at departmental level

Section 2: Summary of the current situation


Impacts People





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Stakeholders Internal



Section3: Analysis
a) What is the worst-case scenario? What responses are required to interdict this pathway?

b) What is the most likely scenario? Analyse and determine appropriate response.

Section 4: Statement of Intent and Objectives

Clear short statement of strategic intent. (e.g. “My intent is to preserve life on FSO Asia and prevent further deterioration
of the situation”)
Short statement of ‘SMART’ objectives. (e.g. Evacuate all survivors before 1300 today)

Section 4: Allocating tasks

Assign short, clear instructions to the team steered by the objectives stated above. Confirm that they have understood.

Section 5: Administration

a) Feeding arrangements – Will food be brought in? How will meal times be managed?
b) Shift change routine – do all roles need to change over at the same time?
c) Housekeeping – may need to recruit a runner.

Section 6: Confidentiality

a) Reminder to team not to discuss the emergency with anyone outside the room
b) Protocol on dealing with media / families (ensure holding statements are prepared)
c) Check that security has been notified and a guard is posted

Section 7: Questions
Keep this short and don’t allow discussions to generate – the key is to get people on task to support the On-Scene

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2. Time Out Format


Format Example Notes

Part 1: Warning “Time Out 5 minutes”

Part 2: Call ‘Time Out’ “Time Out – phones off hooks”

Part 3: Situation update “My understanding of the situation

now is….

Part 4: Worst case scenario: “I think the worst that could

happen is….”

Part 5: Analysis: “This is what I think will happen


“This is what we’re going to do

about it…..”

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Part 6: Tasking Identify, delegate e.g.

“Operations – get hold of
Geomatics and request an ROV
“Logistics – get a list of everybody
on the platform”
“Comms – work on a statement
for the Contractor”

Part 7: End Time Out: “Does anybody not understand?”

“Does anybody have any
“Phones back on hooks”

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3. Action Cards

Role: To lead, motivate and inspire the Emergency Management Team to ensure that every appropriate level
of assistance, support and advice is given to the HSE Site Authority in the resolution of the event(s) without
causing further avoidable harm to people, environment assets or reputation.


On receiving a call from the Offshore Operations Room or Duty Officer

Determine the precise nature of the event

Ask for as much detail as is currently available
and what support the On-Scene Commander
regarding the event, casualties, forecast, requirements

Assess severity and categorise the event. Ensure key decisions are logged.

The CEO will make a decision on whether the CMT will

Notify the CEO.
be mobilised.

Notify members with the EMT Coordinator to

economise on time. Ensure deconfliction.
Mobilise the EMT. EMT composition can be changed later, but consider
which personnel will need mobilising in the event’s
initial stages.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Start preparing the Initial Team Briefing See Checklist at Section C, Para 1.

Record all actions and decisions already All entries to be concise, accurate, and appropriate.
taken for inclusion into the Overall Incident The Event Logger will take over this role on arrival

Ensure the room is set up appropriately Room configuration is at the EMTL’s discretion. The
EMT Coordinator can assist and will implement.

Emergency Management roles

Deliver the Initial Team Briefing See Checklist at Section C, Para 1.

Ensure there is a common understanding of All EMT members must be in agreement about the
the event. severity and possible escalation scenarios

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The EMT Leader should not be involved in data entry,

Make analyses of how best to continue
but remain free to gather information and make
supporting the On-Scene Commander.

Develop and lead the Incident Command

Clearly articulate your intent, priorities and objectives.

Hold regular Time Out sessions See Section C, Para 2

Set rough timescales for planning sessions and

Determine the operational rhythm
operational briefings.

Tasks must be clear, unambiguous and recorded in the

Overall Incident Log by the Event Logger.
Allocate tasks to the EMT members EMTL should check members understand their
allocated tasks and provide timescales for completion.
Ensure these are recorded on action boards.

Keep in regular contact with the CEO Agree a format and a frequency of updates.

Keep appraised of developments by talking Use the Functional Heads for technical advice and
with the Functional Heads updates from the response network

Keep the composition of the EMT dynamic The EMT structure is not static and may adjust
and appropriate according to circumstances

Once identified, the name of the second shift Leader

Identify an EMT Leader that will take over the
must be given to the EMT Coordinator to call and
next shift

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift
future actions and recommendations.

Determine when the EMT may be stood Once the decision is made by the EMT Leader,
down confirmation must be sought from the CEO.


This should be more summative and appreciative,

Hold an immediate debrief with the team
rather than a detailed evaluation.

Ensure that the Overall Incident Log is a true This must be done with input from Functional Heads
and accurate record of events. and, if possible, Legal.

Ensure that the Log is printed off, sealed and Printed Incident Log should be placed into the custody
presented to Legal. of the Legal Advisor.

Make any recommendations to the EMT The EMT Coordinator will prepare a full debrief
Coordinator. document.

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2 EMT Coordinator

Role: To support the EMT by ensuring smooth running of the EMR.


On receiving a call to mobilise (from the EMTL)

Repeat back the details of the incident and What action does the EMTL wish to take and what
confirm the EMTL’s intent. assets does he/she wish to mobilise?

Mobilise the EMT in coordination with the

Ensure deconfliction of mobilisation duties.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival in the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Establish other emergency management Begin configuring displays and boards according to
tools preferences of the EMTL.

Pull out any standing procedures, As-Built drawings or

Access controlled documents
field plans as required for the current event.

Assist EMT members in logging on and Some EMT members may be under pressure and
opening respective Information Boards require assistance in establishing their role

Remind the team of the importance of accuracy of

Issue any reminders on protocol information given to the Event Logger for inclusion on
the Overall Incident Log

Emergency Management roles

The team will need encouragement and guidance on

Support and motivate the team
the roles they are fulfilling.

Provide role support to individual members, update

boards, coordinate work-rest routines, organise food
Coordinate and support the technical running and drink.
of the EMT
Oversee work of the Support Staff and give direction
where appropriate.

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The EMT Leader will need support in the delivery and

Advise the EMT Leader on the management
frequency of Time Out sessions, as well as leadership
of the team.
issues (e.g. when team members need a break).

Ensure all HSEQ actions and decisions are recorded

Provide Event Logger with Overall Incident by the Event Logger in the Overall Incident Log. all log
Log entry notes when required. entry notes are to be concise, accurate and preceded
by a date time stamp as appropriate.

Identify an EMT Coordinator to take over the This will ordinarily be drawn from the HSEQ
next shift Department.

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift. future actions and recommendations.


Make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

Points to cover the management and operation of the

Prepare a debriefing session for the team
EMT, not the incident it was managing

Hold a separate debrief session with the To cover opportunities for improvement in the design of
EMTL and Head of HSEQ. the room and emergency response capabilities.

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3 Response Staff – Field Operations, D&W, E&C, Geosciences, CIRT Liaison

Role: To support the function of the EMT by ensuring the team and the EMTL remain all-informed about
developments at the tactical level. To devise and develop the Incident Action Plan in liaison with other
Functional Heads. To implement the IAP in coordination with other members of the Response Staff.


On receiving a call from the EMT Leader

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival on the
Room with the Event Logger Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Set-up your own equipment and Seek assistance from the EMT Coordinator or IT
infrastructure. Technician as required.

Emergency Management roles

Coordinate with other members of the

Primary means should be via IP phone, but mobile
Response Staff in setting up a direct
phone and internet may also be used. Request the
communications link with the On-Scene
assistance of the IT Technician as needed.

Obtain and make available all existing and e.g. Oil Spill Response Plan, Offshore Emergency
relevant planning documentation Response Plan, Blow Out Contingency Plan etc.

Establish the details and impacts of the Establish the nature, severity, exact location of the
incident incident, number of casualties etc.

Establish what actions have already been taken to

Determine actions already taken
contain / manage the event

Coordinate with other Response Staff to provide EMTL

Provide input into the Initial Briefing.
with initial response options in advance.

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Personnel should have expertise and experience in the

Mobilise additional personnel to your
emergency type. Keep in mind the need to keep
Functional Area Support Team
personnel in reserve.

Identify a Functional Head to take over the This may be sourced from your Functional Area
next shift Support Team.

Hold the Planning/Coordination Meeting Coordinate with other members of the Response Staff
with other members of the Response Staff to ensure feasibilities of implementation. Identify
developing the Incident Action Plan (IAP) as specialist resource requirements early. Ensure close
a product. liaison with Logistics Function Head.

Weather conditions, oil spill trajectory, tidal patterns

Track factors that may affect the IAP

Provide individual taskings to EMT members and any

Provide the Operations Briefing
operational assets.

Liaise with On-Scene Commander and

Develop mechanisms and reporting schedules to track
operational assets in the management and
progress on the IAP’s implementation.
coordination of response operations.

This provides the EMTL with the information necessary

Provide regular progress updates to the EMT to make decisions and to brief the team.
Keep a record of how the IAP develops with time.

Continually identify and address outstanding Developments at the tactical level, factors that may
information requirements. affect planning cycle.

Continually evaluate the performance of the

Test and adjust as necessary.
IAP with the EMTL and the Response Staff.

With the EMT Leader, to establish worst possible

Determine escalation scenarios outcomes as the situation development and to plan

The Response Staff should assist the EMT Leader by

Offer recommendations to the EMT Leader
offering advice about courses of action and
on strategic issues
consequences of decisions.

Identify an Functional Head to take over the This will probably be sourced from your Functional
next shift Area Support Team.

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift
future actions and recommendations.


To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader and what could be improved.

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4 Response Staff - Logistics Functional Head

Role: To support the On-Scene Commander by sourcing, deploying and coordinating all resources necessary
to manage the evolving situation, including air and marine support as well as land transport and
accommodation requirements


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Log into Logistics Laptop and open Movements Log is to be displayed on EMR monitors or
Movements Log. boards.

Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival in the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

Emergency Management roles

Establish a direct line of communications with If not already informed, A7S must be notified of the
A7S. event and put on ‘stand by’ for future calls

If necessary, mobilise Logistics Section in Contact Head of Logistics to explain what has
support. happened and any immediate support requirements

To identify another Logistics Functional Head This might usefully be sourced from the Logistics
to take over the next shift. Support Section

Identify immediate resource requirements to

Source and mobilise resources necessary.
support initial response.

Coordinate with A7S to evaluate the resource

Determine external support capabilities. capability of relevant organisations such as
Coastguard, military etc

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Provide input to Planning Meetings and the Have details of logistical capabilities to hand to answer
Operations Briefing. questions from EMT members.

Continually track the disposition of logistical

Ensure the OSC is aware of imminent / planned
resources and update OSC on evacuation /
vessel and aircraft movement.

Ensure that all vessel and aircraft movements are

Maintain the Movements Log throughout. logged and displayed accurately and that the data is
kept up to date.

Provide the Event Logger with written

All entries to be concise, accurate and include a time
information on all actions taken for entry onto
and date.
the Overall Incident Log.

To include; current situation, any outstanding issues,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift.
future actions and recommendations.


Inform any relevant parties that the EMT is

e.g. A7S, ISF SOC, Coastguard, Gulf Helicopters, etc.
standing down.

To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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5 Response Staff - Oil Spill Advisor

Role: To support the On-Scene Commander in circumstances where an oil spill has occurred To advise on
Tier 1 spills; lead the Oil Spill Response Team to manage Tier 2 spills and to work with Oil Spill Response
Limited and other organisations to manage Tier 3 spills.


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival on the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Set-up your own equipment and Seek assistance from the EMT Coordinator or IT
infrastructure. Technician as required.

Ensure access to the Oil Spill Response Make available to the EMTL and EMT members for
Plan. quick reference.

Emergency Management roles

Brief EMT on actualised and potential oil spill impacts.

Provide input to the Initial Briefing. Prepare initial response options for the EMTL in

For a Tier 1 spill, to monitor and advise the Tier 1 spills are managed locally offshore, but will
IMT Leader on any actions necessary. require monitoring until contained.

T2+3 spills - Mobilise the Oil Spill Response

Team and establish VTC connection Refer to NOC OSRP for mobilisation protocols.
between ORST and EMT.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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To identify an Oil Spill Advisor to take over This individual should be sourced from the pool of
the next shift. trained OSR personnel within the organisation.

This could be done either in person, or via a video link

Participate in the EMT Time Out sessions.
from the OSRT.

Ensure all Oil Spill actions and decisions are recorded

Provide Event Logger with Overall Incident by the Event Logger in the Overall Incident Log. All Log
Log entry notes when required. Entry Notes are to be concise, accurate and preceded
by a date time stamp as appropriate

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift.
future actions and recommendations.


To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved

Prepare a debriefing session for the OSR Document any lessons learned for incorporation to the
team. Procedures

Hold a separate debrief session with the Cover opportunities for improvement in the OSR
NOC Environmental Advisor. Procedures / integration with the EMT

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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6 Event Logger

Role: To promptly and accurately record all actions and decisions made by entering them in the Overall
Incident Log, as well as to ensure the integrity of the log by setting standards for log entry.


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Log into Event Logger Laptop and open Overall Incident Log and Action Log are to be
Overall Incident Log and Action Log displayed on EMR monitors.

Log your arrival at the Emergency

Remember to type in the date and time. Remind all
Management Room on the Overall Incident
other team members to do the same.

Emergency Management roles

The Event Logger records the Emergency

To manage the Overall Incident Log and
Management Teams actions and decisions in order to
Action Log. Assign tasks/objectives as
provide a documented account of the emergency for
directed by the EMT Leader.
legal and learning purposes.

To ensure that all log entries are accurate; if

Brevity, clarity and accuracy should be applied to all
in any doubt – ask for confirmation or
inserts to the Overall Incident Log

All entries to be concise, accurate and preceded by a

Ensure correct format of Log Entries
date time stamp as appropriate

To identify another Event Logger to take over

Ensure this is from the pool of trained individuals.
the next shift

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift
future actions and recommendations.


To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader and what could be improved

A hard copy must be printed off, sealed and placed into

Extract a Report of the Overall Incident Log
the custody of the Legal Advisor.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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7 IT Technical Support

Role: To support the EMT by ensuring that all IT systems including emergency management software,
telephony, network hardware and remote IT solutions (e.g. remote cameras) are fully functional.



To carry out weekly checks on all the Activating each laptop, checking for updates, keeping
Emergency Response Room equipment. on-call mobile telephones correctly configured.

Back-up location is to be regularly checked for its

Ensure that the back-up site remains fully
capability / functionality as the back-up emergency
functional as an emergency response facility.
response room.

On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Ensure that the Information Boards are being The number and type of Information Boards and the
displayed on the EMR monitor in the correct configuration may vary according to the EMTL’s
configuration. preference.

Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival in the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

Emergency Management roles

Support may be mobilised if specialised systems or

Mobilise an IT support team if necessary.
hardware configurations are required.

To ensure all technical aspects of the

This includes all hardware, software and any back up
Emergency Management Room work to
expected functionality.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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To respond to ad hoc requests by EMT This may be either to solve a technical fault, advise on
members for technical assistance. procedure or help design a new system.

To ensure that critical functions have Options for back-up are to be identified e.g. spare,
redundancy options. preconfigured laptops, alternative printers etc.

To ensure critical data (e.g. the Overall Implement options for backing up data in the event that
Incident Log) are backed up. the Internet is disrupted.

Create a secure (EMT only) site where all documents,

To create an Incident-specific filing system.
photographs, reports etc. may be stored

Establish any required email inboxes or Ensure these are not accessible outside the EMT
distribution lists.. unless specifically required.

To identify another technician to take over This will be sourced from the pool of IT technical
the next shift. support.

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift.
future actions and recommendations.


Dismantle and safely store deployed Ensure any new equipment configurations or systems
equipment. are preserved for learning purposes.

To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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8 Switchboard Operator

Role: To support the EMT by providing a first filter for incoming communications, allowing the EMTL and
other functional heads to prioritise communications and remain focussed on response management.


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival on the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Set-up your own equipment and Seek assistance from the EMT Coordinator or IT
infrastructure. Technician as required.

Emergency Management roles

Ensure EMT’s telephone systems are

Coordinate with IT Technician.
functional and correctly configured.

Capture telephone numbers from scene of Ensure they are systematically recorded and readily
incident available to the EMT.

Ensure holding statements are available for

Coordinate with Communications Advisor.
you to read out over the telephone.

Handle incoming communications as they Develop mechanism for establishing availability of EMT
come in. members for telephone communications.

Bear confidentiality and overhearing in mind e.g. Ensure ‘hold’ button is activated when callers are
at all times while operating telephones. waiting.

Developing EMT ‘phonebook’ as incident Systematically record all new telephone numbers and
progresses. ensure they are available to the EMT.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Operate any EMT email addresses or Ensure EMT business is interrupted for essential
inboxes. communications only.

Identify another operator to take over the Ensure this individual is from the pool of trained
next shift. personnel.

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift.
future actions and recommendations.


To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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9 Communications Advisor

Role: To support the EMT Leader by implementing a communications strategy which keeps stakeholders
informed, monitors and responds to media interest and protects the company reputation


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-

Begin checking media and social media

Start establishing the level of information containment.


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival on the
Room with the Event Logger Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Set-up your own equipment and Seek assistance from the EMT Coordinator or IT
infrastructure. Technician as required.

Emergency Management roles

This will ordinarily be done by contacting the Head of

Mobilise the Communications Section

Establish actualised and potential

Provide input to the Initial Briefing accordingly.
reputational impacts.

Assess requirement for quick management of Prepare internal statements to avoid escalation of
internal communications. ‘rumour mill’.

Media, external partners, contractors etc. Consider

Prepare holding statements for external
publishing holding statements on the company

Develop a stakeholder map and

Determine what will be said, to whom, how and when
communications strategy

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Develop an internal communications Decide upon the message that needs to be sent to all
strategy. employees and how they will be kept updated.

A media monitoring function may need to be

Determine strategy to deal with media
established. Hotline may need establishing for media

Cooperate with the HR Advisor to determine Develop a telephone response capability. Possibly a
a strategy to deal with concerned relatives. hotline needs establishing for relatives.

Cooperate with the HR Advisor to determine A clear, sensitive and empathetic message to be
a strategy to deal with informing families of prepared. Determine with senior leadership whether
injured / deceased relatives. they wish to be involved in informing NOK.

Ensure all Communications actions and decisions are

Provide Event Logger with Overall Incident to be recorded by the Event Logger in the Overall
Log entry notes when required. Incident Log. Entry notes are to be concise, accurate
and preceded by a date time stamp as appropriate.

Identify a Communications Advisor to take This will ordinarily be sourced from the
over the next shift. Communications Section.

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift
future actions and recommendations


Inform any relevant parties that the EMT is

All stakeholders to be issued a final statement.
standing down.

An factual statement to summarise the events and

Prepare a final press release.
protect the reputation of NOC

To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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10 Human Resources Advisor

Role: To support the EMT Leader by developing a framework for the management, support and monitoring of
all personnel - identifying and executing associated processes.


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

Mobilise to the Emergency Management Remember to tell any dependents, there has been an
Room. emergency but do not share any detail of the event.


This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Log into HR Laptop and open Movements POB Log is to be displayed on EMR monitors or
Log and Vantage POB boards.

Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival in the
Room with the Event Logger Overall Incident Log.

Emergency Management roles

Establish the HR Advisor as the point of contact for

Make contact with any contractors involved
personnel issues and clarify responsibilities.

This will normally be done by contacting the Head of

Mobilise the HR Support Function HR.

HR Advisor has access to Vantage POB. It may be

Access Vantage POB information more efficient to contact the relevant party at the scene
to confirm POB

The POB list is a ‘live list’ that changes regularly

Keep POB Log regularly updated with any following personnel movements. Display POB Log on
changes EMR monitors.

Personnel arriving in country from offshore may require

Manage any visa issues visas.

As personnel arrive at an evacuation centre (heliport,

Provide a meet and greet function hotel, port facility etc.) a HR representative must be
there to meet them to provide advice /information.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Anywhere that personnel are to be held for any length

Organise evacuation holding areas of time should have bedding, food, drink and hygiene

Cooperate with the Communications Advisor

to determine a strategy to deal with An agreed message to be developed.
concerned relatives

Cooperate with the Communications Advisor

to determine a strategy to deal with informing A ‘relative response’ strategy to be developed.
families of injured / deceased personnel

Ensure all HR actions and decisions are recorded by

Provide Event Logger with Overall Incident the Event Logger in the Overall Incident Log. All Log
Log entry notes when required. Entry Notes are to be concise, accurate and preceded
by a date time stamp as appropriate.

To identify an HR Advisor to take over the This will probably be sourced from the HR support
next shift function.

To include; current situation, any outstanding issues,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift future actions and recommendations. Ensure all
personnel are accounted for.


A table showing the whereabouts of all personnel

Prepare a locations report should be issued to the Head of HR for distribution as

To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to
any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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11 HSEQ Advisor

Role: To support the EMT Leader by ensuring the correct medical, safety, security and environmental
resources are made available


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival on the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Set-up your own equipment and Seek assistance from the EMT Coordinator or IT
infrastructure. Technician as required.

Emergency Management roles

Obtain and make readily available all related

Much of this will be available on the EMT Share-point.
HSEQ documentation

The Head of HSEQ must be contacted with a

Mobilise the HSEQ Support Function recommendation of which HSEQ roles should be

It some cases it would be more effective to have a

Determine which HSEQ roles should join the HSEQ support role sitting on the EMT rather than in
EMT. the Support Team e.g. the Doctor for medevac
coordination etc.

Unlike other EMT functions, the HSEQ Advisor cannot

Ensure the HSEQ Support Function is kept be expected to be a subject matter expert. Specific
fully appraised expertise (e.g. process safety) will lie in the supporting

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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The HSEQ Advisor analyses and predicts future

Offer strategic planning advice to the EMT
resource requirements and advises the relevant EMT
role accordingly.

Ensure all HSEQ actions and decisions are recorded

Provide Event Logger with Overall Incident by the Event Logger in the Overall Incident Log. All Log
Log entry notes when required. Entry Notes are to be concise, accurate and preceded
by a date time stamp as appropriate.

Once the EMT is established, the HSEQ Advisor role

Identify an HSEQ Advisor to take over the
may need a second shift. This will probably be
next shift.
sourced from the HSEQ Support Function.

To include; current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift.
future actions and recommendations.


To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader. and what could be improved.

Points to cover the management and operation of the

Prepare a debriefing session for the team.
EMT, rather than the incident it was managing.

Hold a separate debrief session with the To cover opportunities for improvement in the design of
Head of HSEQ. the room and emergency response capabilities.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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12 Legal Advisor

Role: To act as the legal advisor for the EMTL and the entire EMT. To analyse the situation for legal
liabilities and identify legal constraints to the response. To check the production and release of internal and
external communications for legal liabilities.


On receiving a call to mobilise

Note all details of the event as related by the Use a personal log until this can be transferred to the
EMTL. EMT Log in the EMR.

Repeat back to the EMT Leader the details This is to confirm common understanding and that the
he has relayed and the instructions given. message has been passed accurately.

If necessary, inform your friends and family there has

Mobilise to the Emergency Management been an emergency but do not share any detail of the
Room event. Where practical, use a taxi rather than self-


Log your arrival at the Emergency Response Ensure the Event Logger records your arrival on the
Room with the Event Logger. Overall Incident Log.

This should be started by whomever is the first to

Assist with setting up the EMR as necessary.
arrive at the EMR.

Set-up your own equipment and Seek assistance from the EMT Coordinator or IT
infrastructure. Technician as required.

Emergency Management roles

Orientate to the situation through incoming

Begin assessing legal and reputational vulnerabilities.

Contribute to the Initial Briefing as required. Highlight any legal or commercial impacts.

Occupy a seat next to the Event Logger and

Advise logger and EMTL on what to record and how.
continually audit input for legal liabilities.

Ensure all Communications actions and decisions are

Provide Event Logger with Overall Incident to be recorded by the Event Logger in the Overall
Log entry notes when required. Incident Log. Entry notes are to be concise, accurate
and preceded by a date time stamp as appropriate

Remain on hand to highlight legal or

commercial constraints to the planning and Proactively highlight difficulties with Functional Heads
response process.

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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Supervise production and release of internal

Check communications for legal liabilities.
and external communications.

Ensure no information is lost or discarded

Act as overall monitor to ensure incident is
unnecessarily. Provide advice on how actions may
being recorded in an auditable fashion.
later be interpreted in subsequent proceedings.

Identify a Legal Advisor to take over the next This will ordinarily be sourced from the Legal
shift Department.

To include current situation, any outstanding tasks,

Prepare handover briefing for the next shift
future actions and recommendations


Carry out full and detailed check of the

Overall Incident Log with the Event Logger Agree final version – save and print.
and EMTL.

Take custody of the final Overall Incident

Keep in sealed envelope and store securely.

To make any recommendations to the EMT A brief overview of what went right, what went wrong
Leader and what could be improved

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any
third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
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4. Board Templates
POB List

Date Time Location / Vessel Number Number of Number of Total POB Time of POB
(Entry) Unharmed Casualties Fatalities

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Date Time Type of Type of Company Name Callsign Time of Origin ETD Dest ETA No. Crew No. Notes
(Entry) Movt Vessel POB Psgers

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EMR Action Log

Date Time Action Details Responsible Deadline Priority Entered by Action

(Entry) Completed

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Overall Incident Log

Date Time Type of Details Function Time of Event Entered by Source of Info
(Entry) Event

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Worst Case Best Case Most Likely







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What Who When Status

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The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
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Emergency Response Plan

Rev.: 00 Effective date: 07/2017 Page: 76 of 77

- Proactively identify the crisis’ potential legal

5. CMT Checklist 3. Initial Actions liabilities;
- Check the CMT’s external communications for
CEO’s actions on notification: - Ensure the correct people are in the room and legal liabilities.
that the necessary systems are active and
1. Assess Severity functioning;
Is the incident: - Provide an Initial Brief, inviting contributions PR/Communications Advisor
- having impacts beyond NOC control (consider from CMT members with particular insights into
concession boundaries and international the incident. - Advise the CEO on all PR aspects of the crisis;
borders)?; - Chair a discussion on realised and potential - Act as media spokesperson or guide
- attracting or have the potential to attract national impacts on the company at the strategic level. CEO/nominated individual in these duties;
or international media attention?; The team should clearly establish and record - Liaise with EMT PR Officer as required to devise
- causing multiple fatalities?; the best-case, worst-case and most-likely overarching PR/Communications strategy for
- threatening the NOC’s License to Operate?; scenarios, as well as their associated strategic the crisis;
and/or impacts on the business; - Write media statements or oversee their
- significantly impacting the NOC’s financial
- Identify any immediate-term tasks for CMT production and release.
members and provide timescales for completion; Government Relations Advisor
Actions - Ensure all CMT members are aware of the
functional rhythm of the CMT and remind - Act as the principal point of contact for the
a. Remain informed of the incident through
members to establish support teams as Qatari Government during the crisis;
the EMTL (EMTL);
required. - Advise the CEO on a government relations
b. Attend the EMR;
c. Consider mobilisation of a Crisis
- Advise CMT/EMT on cultural/national aspects of
Management Team (CMT). 4. Define Roles and Responsibilities the response.
Event Logger
2. Mobilise the CMT
- To capture and record all events, observations
Consider who to mobilise: and decisions pertaining to the crisis in an
- Legal Advisor auditable fashion;
- Communications Advisor - To maintain and update the event log and assist
- Government Relations Advisor; with updating EMT boards and displays.
- Event Logger (mandatory) Legal Advisor

Consider how these individuals will liaise with - Consider the impacts of the crisis on the NOC’s
counterparts in the EMT. legal and commercial foundations;

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
Printed versions of this document are uncontrolled, check CMS for latest version.

Emergency Response Plan

Rev.: 00 Effective date: 07/2017 Page: 77 of 77

- Ensure that all parties involved are presenting a

5. Ongoing Activity 6. Shutting Down Response Structures
“common message” to the media, authorities
Continue to monitor effectiveness of etc. i.e. develop and following a common Situational Review
communication links communications strategy.
- Are the conditions right for deactivation?
- Can processes be improved? Can information Review Crisis Management Structures
be provided direct by originator, not via others? - Is the situation contained?
- From time to time review CMT composition.
- How technical is this – do we need qualified - Are there any negative consequences of closing
- Issues may evolve. Additional skills and
personnel/team to advise us? the CMT/EMT?
knowledge may be required.
Hold frequent time outs and briefings when - Are the On-Scene Commander and EMTL
Monitor stress levels
significant new information is received agreed?
- Be open about stress An Auditable Process
- Make sure as many as possible of the CMT - Consider planning for alternate team members
team attend. - Ensure the log is agreed with the Legal Advisor
to take over CMT roles.
- Keep the team informed, focused and active. and the Event Logger.
- Ensure wellbeing of CMT members (water, food,
- Prevent factions, do not allow disagreements to - Print and placed in a sealed envelope.
continue. - Store it securely.
Consider the need for ‘Executive Visibility’
Establish satellite teams to deal with specific Debrief and Evaluation
- As the situation develops, consider the value of
aspects - Debrief in conjunction with the rest of the CMT
dispatching a management team member (+
- Ensure satellite teams have clear scope and others?) to support external locations. - Identify and record lessons learned.
delegated authority to act. - Managers may need support to deal with the - Assign person responsible for communicating
- Do not allow CMT to become tied into specialist situation locally; this may include issues created this to HSEQ.
issues. Feed this to qualified satellite teams to in the aftermath of a crisis. Executive Visibility
work through and present solutions. Do not precipitate a crisis by over or under - Do not underestimate the effect of senior
Communicate Internally reacting management visibility on morale.
- Make company staff aware that the CMT is - A carefully considered ‘wait and see’ strategy - Visit EMT, IRT – provide personal debrief and
operational. Define temporary effects (if any) on may be appropriate. demonstrate appreciation.
line reporting. - In other circumstances, a robust pro-active
- What actions can be taken to ensure that approach may be required.
unaffected parts of the business continue?
- A crisis can be infectious. Isolate it from parts of - Judicious over reaction is more appropriate than
the business not directly affected. under reaction.
- Be ready to counter any information that may

This document is proprietary to North Oil Company and contains confidential information which may not be reproduced, stored, disclosed or transmitted to any third party, without the prior written consent of North Oil Company.
The information contained in this document does not substitute for the laws and regulations applicable in Qatar.
Printed versions of this document are uncontrolled, check CMS for latest version.

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