Leaky Archives

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For me a Leaky archive is like a net of possibilities for the creation of new historical narratives and
counter or alternative archives; like all nets is made of voids, cracks and “in beetweens” but here
they function as doors and windows, as spaces of relation that are always open to new
colaborations and reelaboration of the words and meanings used in traditional archives.

Accesibility is to put the all the information in a new context of significances but also in a new one
of relationships of criticism, interchange, solidarity and colective creation of knowledge. The idea is
not to “access” only to information already made but also to make the process of the creation of it
interactive and colaborative.

The project I propose is to create a counter history of the western art canon by using the ancient
american artefacts (specially the peruvian ones) of the RJM Collection, the idea is to deconstruct
not only colonializing classifications (like that of “pre-columbian” art) but to make a new
historiography where the main reference is not european art but a global south one. The Project
will be called “Proyecto Huaca” and plays with the ancient peruvian notion of “Huaca”, that is not
only a sacred place but also includes a notion of art that goes beyond the binarism of the
renaissance western art canon of beauty/uglyness, harmony/disorder, sacred/profane,
goodness/evilness. The idea is to create a new and more ludic way to see how ancient american art
goes beyond that binarisms. The artifacts will have a new data base that will tell us their new
history (not only in an academic way but also using irony and imagination). The images of the
artifacts will be display as intervened prints in public spaces but also in digital ones.

My goal with this project is to make the general public watch with new eyes America`s ancient
cultures art (specially the peruvian one). We didn´t have a special word for “art”, the nearest one
was the word “Huaca”, a polisemic notion that includes the sacred and the profane, the beauty
and the horror, the quotidian and the extraordinary. So I will like that these ancient images can
come back to us with new meanings and senses.

As I work specially with outsider and non comercial artists I prefer the interventions in public
spaces, but I recognize that the digital space is important because is global. I use my networks just
when neccesary but with artistic projects I use them a lot. Also I have good connections with the
academic and formal art community but also with mass media in my country (they have always
covered my projects), so that is another plataform I can use.

Access to the digital collection of the museum but also, as I will do prints and posters for public
spaces, I will need some images in very good definition. Also is possible that sometimes we will
need an interaction with your area of graphic designers just for some questions and colaborations.

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