Kachest Kelove...

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Kachest kelove…

Part 1



Kachest kelove…


Okay. Finally! That right there is the most suitable expression for the completion
of this novel. I spend three months with only one page until I finally had a
discussion with my friends and from those conversations, an epiphany dawned on
me concerning exactly what I would love to write about. So, a warm hug of
gratitude to Zoe, Ivy Dzeka and Priscilla Banda. These three ladies are the triangle
to my strength in completing this novel.
Because my last two books revolved around supernatural aspects and the likes.
With this book I wanted to do something different, something that ushered a
contemporary resonation by any reader from anywhere around the world. Despite
the book’s title, this story is not at all a love story, I’ll spoil that much for you.
This novel’s about growth, global society, suffering from disbelief, struggling with
identity etc. And more themes you will discover in the sequels. Yes, this is part 1.
What I am looking forward to achieving from this book is simple. I need you as
reader, to have a connection, fellowship and or chemistry with one of the
characters. Looking at that character’s built up, life narration and from your own
perspective, construct an actual reality where perception is not reality, where what
completes one as an individual is not challenged, where love does exist etc. I feel
like the 21st century has dismissed expression, it is now redundant. Well, after you
have read, if you feel like sharing or need clarification, do get in touch with me
and send me a message:
I’m grateful to you all my readers around the world. I appreciate the love and
support that you give. To my family and friends, thank you for always being there
and believing in me even when I decided to quit writing. Thank you.



The city of Mutare does not have an operational cinema to date nor a
construction that is specifically reserved for such purposes. Rainbow cinema, the
property was sold and bought by the government and was renovated. The
structure now operates as the city of Mutare’s High Court Of Zimbabwe.
The residential areas mentioned in the novel do exist in the city of Harare and the
same goes for the bars that are mentioned. They all are legally licensed and
operating businesses in the city of Harare.
The current year 2023, the nation of Zimbabwe is moving towards the presidential
elections that are dated on the 23rd of August 2023. May peace reign.
The Constitution Of Zimbabwe Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013 does exist and has
a section that stipulates the people with disabilities human rights and protection.

Author’s Note
The areas mentioned in the book are real although the story itself is entirely
fictional. Any similar reference to real life events or people is honestly a
coincidence and any damage that may be caused to certain individuals is deeply


Munashe and Pollen find themselves in a love tale but somehow find it
challenging for them to be together. Anotidaishe still getting used to living in the
capital city, she finds herself in between the tug of war for power and her
ambitions deny her to falter and or allow certain pressures to derail her. Ivy, being
a good friend she is, exits in a limbo where she is constantly searching for the
secret whatever to help her friend find peace and a healthy guy to build something
with. Geraldine on the hand blind in her world of a perfect marriage and


wonderful family. She is yet to realize the worst reality has to offer but as for now,
assisting Anotidaishe cement her career objectives has become part of her career


1. Kachest kelove…

Mid October morning sun rays slowly sneaking into Munashe’s bedroom through
the air vents and window. Loud barking dogs were pulling him from his sleep.
When they got louder, he woke up furious yet powerless to get out of bed. He
groaned with his head pressed deep in the pillow. He waited a few minutes just
for the barking to quiet down and then he dragged himself out of bed.
“Bhoki itori purobhuremu! Unotoshaya kuti munhu anonga achitenga mugido iye asina yard
kuti zvidii!!” He said furiously.
After taking a shower, all dressed up. He was standing by his gate just watching people rush
about. Ruoko rwekuruboshwe rwakange rwakaiswa muhomwe, rwekurudyi ruine fodya. He
took a long pull and dropped the fag to put it out. He checked his surroundings, spat on the
ground and began walking. There was absolutely nothing at all to be happy about. First it was
a Tuesday and second it was his second week at the new job. He hated Tuesdays and his
wardrobe was not at all representing his job title. His someone with so much going on in his
life such that thinking straight is not his league. Working as a librarian at a private high school
in Vainona was something he never imagined would ever go down in his resume. He was not
complaining, no. It was about how far he came to getting that job, keeping it and what to do
with his life.
For Munashe it was never simple. He had been dealing with anxiety and depression since the
age of twelve and he had been diagnosed with obsessive compulsive disorder a few years
back. He would constantly ponder on how ever he should start to properly align himself, life,
finances etc. into building a life for himself, get a house of his own and move out of his
sister’s place. The peace that came with the thought of getting his own place was descendant
to the peace God meant if Lucifer did not screw everything up. He had moved from Mutare to
Harare for greener pastures but the joke had been on him for the past five years as Mutare
was more greener than Harare.
So here he was, twenty-four years of age with a HRM higher national diploma, living with his
sister, being provided for by her, just recently got employed and crawling to whatever he
assumes is his outlet. He walked in the library, quiet, of course, distant bird chatterings, cold
winds blowing in as he opens the windows and students rampaging outside composed his
new favorite morning song every Monday till Friday. Well, Fridays the pitch will be a bit high.
Looking around the entire library, he felt the peace yet on his nerves a battle was still being
fought. A troubled young man he truly was. He switched everything on, wiped off the dust
from a few shelves, made sure the books were in order and properly shelved. He switched on
the library Wi-Fi and sat at his desk, playing his little game again to put his mind off things,
which grade student is going to enter first. The game is senseless and truly stupid for


someone doing an actual job but it actually helped him relax and be in his zone. Monday
mornings were the worst, the loneliness will be on its highest peak and him associating with
the others, the staff, the teachers and the likes seemed to be a whole new contract of
employment for him. He figured that was the only thing to like about Tuesday. The worst part
is being human, a young man and the most of all single and attracted, this made his everyday
work life a torment. You guessed it. There was a young teacher at the school, her name,
Pollen. Now Munashe’s interests in her were rather unfounded given he was never the kind
of person to pursue that which he desired. It was never simple getting to comprehend his
position in whatever situation concerning his distant nature in regard to that which he holds
dearly. The man had little faith in himself ever thriving to the highest of pedestals. He always
did punch down what could become of him, what other people saw in him he saw in others.
Talk about not deserving anything better than you already possess. The whole existence was
very disturbing because he did put effort, he work hard and very strict on putting out the very
best at whatever task.
Now, Pollen was quite the opposite. An opportunist, never one to waste a what if. She was a
very strong, capable and aggressive yet vigilant woman in her every association. Well setup, a
math teacher, businesswoman and entrepreneur. She was simply good looking. Not
gorgeous, not beautiful, none of that extra-extra. She was just, just is. Everything about her
was just right, appropriate, intentional etc. Her gait was balanced, her manner of speech was
well proposed. The men at the school all had their eyes on her. It was now exhausting having
to turn down another after another. It was almost as if to say, she could see right through
them. She could tell saying yes would make her a trophy and she did not want that. She was
in fact, searching, one who is down to earth. Still, unfortunately for Munashe, he was not at
all in her radar. They had crossed paths several times but he had failed again and again to
make her notice him. She did not even know of his existence, perhaps a little too harsh but
she never did think of knowing who it was that worked in the library. Munashe himself had
distanced himself from appearing as one of the guys on the lineup. But, the chefs at the
school café knew he too had interests in her. Only a queer would not. They actually had tried
setting them up but Munashe could always get the better of them every time and with time
they stopped and decided to let things flow on their own.
The one time he got close to her and had a conversation with her was when she ordered her
lunch meal and he prepared it for her. Pity, really. He never seemed to be overly bothered by
her not acknowledging his existence, to him, he was way out of her league. Then again so
what? He knew deep down effort would not disappoint him if he dared to sprinkle it.
“You know…? At times I really want to feel pity for you but the sentiment defeats me. You
and her are a perfect match.” One of the cooks said, Mrs. Dakwa.
“In that knowledge, despair.” Munashe replied smiling.


“Yes, there’s a reason for you not acting. I mean, all these other young men are just as much
of a male as you are.” Mr. Kapito added.
Munashe chuckled. “Now that’s an unfounded assessment in my opinion. Some of them are
masculine, well secured financially and just have that general swag. Nice cars too.”
“Mr. Dakwa bought his first car ten years after we got married and twenty years after
meeting each other.” She looked at him with confidence.
“Clearly you and your husband were not born in the late 20 th century. Right now I’m shit
scared what if I’ll never be able to purchase my stand.” Munashe said calmly.
“How’s that a valid point?” Mr. Kapito asked.
“Think of it this way. The chronicles of young adults in Zimbabwe.” Munashe laughed.
“I don’t see how sarcasm and humor are clarity for your perspective here…” Arnold said.
“It’s simple. My interests in her might be influenced by the fact, asking her out will be filled
with such a thrill since every man here wants her. I can’t deny that I do have feelings for her
but my problem is I can’t further those feelings after sleeping with her. It’s almost as if the
only reason everyone is hyped about her is because she’s a perfect fantasy when you
sexualize her.” Munashe said.
“That’s disgusting. Honestly, is that the only reason you kids pair up nowadays…?” Mrs.
Dakwa asked with disappointment in her tone.
“7/10, yes. Nobody has much to offer anymore. Individualism is the new humanity.” Arnold
“Well, at least now you understand me. It’s not that I’m scared but I’m just not certain.”
“Munashe when are you ever certain?” Mr. Kapito asked him.
“Right now. I’m most certain that in a few seconds the siren’s gonna sound and I’m going to
leave you guys.” The siren goes off. “Hear that? Saved by the bell. Well, this was exciting, let’s
do it again sometime.” He took off the apron and waved goodbye.
“That’s the point Munashe. We do this all the time.” Mrs. Dakwa said to him as he walked
He made his way straight back to the library feeling a little foreign to his environment, his
thoughts were elsewhere closing a deal. He sighed as he was unlocking the door to the library
wondering, exactly how in the world did he even put himself in this position he now finds
himself in. He just sat by his desk and it was all work from then on.
Across the country was a fair young woman by the name Anotidaishe. She was on her way to
Harare for internship as a lawyer. She had been hired by a prominent private firm in Harare.


Anotidaishe was indifferent towards everything actually. She found ignorance in logic, her life
story was pretty simple. The only young girl in her family who denied to acquire success
through family traditions. Although her family was financially stable, she did not appreciate
the tradition that the parents would choose for you your life career. So she turned down the
opportunity of being next in line to becoming the CEO of her father’s company to pursue law.
A free spirit like hers, running the world was her destiny and what other better way of doing
that other than being in the law sector.
She meant business, little time for bonding, intricate and intriguing. The type to get what
they want when they want it. She was just curious as to what it will be like living in Harare as
compared to living in Mutare. She was on her way and experience herself had a lot to learn
from what was coming her way. She was going to be staying in Kensington, quiet and subtle.
Munashe in Avondale and Pollen in Milton Park, it was quite a setup. A lot would rather
Pollen just say yes to one of the guys asking her out and that thought is ignorant really.
Nothing is ever enough, her very existence was filled with beings searching for the
opportunity to take her into bed, be there for her, be the mother to their kids and
surprisingly others were content just having her in their circle, shocking.
15.00hrs sharp in the library going through some articles about the Chinese people. He was
really shocked bumping into one that said the Chinese actually had a national channel that
was dedicated to explaining why Africans were black. Munashe always thought they were
racist bastards with nothing much to offer. He figured with the elders it was just ignorance
but with the young generation it was plain old racism. The one god that proved immortal
even before the birth of any nation’s gods and to their deaths up until now. Racism still
receives his prayers abundantly. He often wondered exactly what was so special about being
human, if there was something to it, that one satisfactory answer, perhaps the world would
not be so broken. Well, who cares… He continued trying to find his way out of these articles
he was drowning in. The library door opened and he did not even move an inch to see who it
was. The person approached his desk but his reaction was rigid to acknowledge the presence
of the person.
“What’s new in politics?” A female voice spoke to announce her presence.
He did not move to face her, he just replied facing the desktop with his left hand holding his
head with the fingers slightly covering his left eye. A position of boredom.
“Meh. Same old script.” He clicked on a newsletter to open it still not looking to see who he
was conversing with.
“At least there’s that thrill in it. For a couple weeks everybody will be paying attention.” She
He sighed. “Same thing with sex… After ten to fifteen minutes you’re inside your head going
all judge jury on your libido.” He just blurted out.


She laughed. “We tend to become our own parents at times. Especially after indulging in our
Munashe then suddenly gained conscience after hearing the response and turned to see who
it was. And to his surprise, the one and only.
“My apologies ma’am…” He cleared his throat.
He suddenly became uncomfortable in his seat and was a little shifty and his palms were all
“Hi. You’re okay?” Pollen asked.
“Absolutely not.” He replied sarcastically.
“Oooohh okay.” She felt a little weird and imbalanced that she put up a fake smile just to go
with it.
“Yes. How may I be of assistance?” Munashe asked politely.
“Well, first of. That’s just surprising how you switched from being creepy to being polite. I’d
say a moment ago, you offended me in a very delicate way.” Pollen said expecting some sort
of apology.
“Because I failed to attend you from the very moment you walked in and said some stuff I
may or may not regret only to realize it’s a female I’m conversing with. I feel downright
ashamed as a young man. As a librarian, if I can get you in the same boat with me of feeling a
bit uncomfortable perhaps only then, I might have another clear shot at changing how you
already perceive me.” Munashe said subtly.
Pollen genuinely smiled at his response. “I’m very much interested to finding out how you
intend to make amends. I mean, wow. That was carefully worded.”
Munashe smiled back. “Well, you’ll be surprised with your capabilities in handling situations
that could’ve been avoided. I appreciate you for giving me the chance. First, my name is Mr.
Muparutsa and how may I be of assistance?” He stood up as he shook her hand gently.
“I’d like to see what you have you on ‘A’ level further mathematics.” She said.
“Very well. If you follow me here.” He walked calmly with full intention towards the math
shelf. “Ummm I’m a heavy reader myself which is suffice to say I believe this is one of the
books you’re looking for.” He properly handed her the book to check.
Pollen went through the book for a few minutes. “Yes, this will do. It has the topic I need.
Thank you.” She closed the book, wrapped it with her arms to her chest and gave Munashe a
stern look in the eyes, not smiling.


He felt a little uncomfortable and then he spoke. “You’re welcome. If you might need
anything else, this shelf here is your handout. Second, I did not catch your name.” He said
steadily looking right back into her eyes.
She cleared her throat and looked away. “Ms. Jaka.” She nodded.
“Pleasure to meet you Ms. Jaka. Please forgive my indelicacy earlier. That was a poor display
of my person.” He said with his tone very expressive.
“Person?” She asked.
“There’s more to everyone than what meets the eye. Interest, can vouch for me.”
“You truly are interesting and curious too. Nice to meet you Muparutsa.” She smiled, turned
softly and began walking towards the door. “Good evening.” She made her exit.
Munashe watched her walk out, he did not say a single word. In his head he was busy
wondering what exactly would come out of his approach. Respect perhaps, that is of course if
Pollen says yes. He continued, this time criticizing himself. He could just find some other girl
out there that would make him feel even more that he does and most importantly, certainty.
Guns and roses it was, one would actually think as young adults on their internship, they
would know better to not get entangled with whatever they get coming their way.
Of course he was thrilled to have had a conversation that lasted that long with her and above
all, he managed to get her interested in him and smile. That was two for the price of one,
worth telling his small circle at the Café but he decided not to and make it a bit more of a
shocker. Pollen however, was past all the day’s events. Her having met Munashe was a
moment but it was more of a walk through the park. Of course she remembered him but not
as much as Munashe had it perceived. She was at home battling what to have for supper. She
was a successful twenty – seven year old woman. Three years older than Munashe. She came
from a stable family, well provided and surprisingly managed to fair perfectly in this world
with men. Her family often worried if she was heterosexual or not. Not once had she brought
a man back home and never was she caught with a guy in her teens or have a typical young
girl impregnated situation. But her mother knew she was no longer a virgin. She had
discovered some newly bought condoms in her room, she did not get mad. She was put at
peace with the thought that at least she is into men. Still, she had her moments of doubt. So
there she was, in her kitchen going through her fridge not even sure what to prepare.
Frustrated as she was, she just brushed the thought and decided to go to Chicken Slice Cork
road drive through and leave the grocery for another day.
In Kensington, Anotidaishe was just down packing her stuff into the flat she would be staying.
The feeling of being in Harare was finally at peace, she was wondering if she should go out for
a drive. Just to scout her area. But fatigue had her dominated, she decided to call it a night
and just wait for Friday. Besides, she had work tomorrow and first day at work has to be
properly figured out and paid attention to. When she was done with everything, she just


locked her door and threw herself onto the bed and went lights out. She just had her alarm
on guard duty and the rest was tomorrow’s problem. Anotidaishe had no expectations
whatsoever, she just wanted to know from the get go how everything goes and operates. She
figured having expectations would lead her to self sabotage, so it made sense to her to learn
up front how everything goes just like a toddler and adjust accordingly. If there be a need for
some of her touch, she was well equipped to handle that too. Pretty smart and dangerously
patient too.
Wednesday morning, everything was going well so far. Well setup and wondering if perhaps
she will get a peace of mind. These other interns were just too much. She was basically
suffocating in this bubble. These kids were just a little confused about who they are and who
she is, they were trying way too hard to get her involved. The male permanent staff were the
trigger. First day and they had their fangs already sharpened. She had ammo for whoever
willing to go beyond enemy lines, make sure they do not receive a medal when they hit back
base. First day was just something else for Anotidaishe. Her work colleagues were at least
human enough to acknowledge boundaries. She was not at all bothered the guys did not
waste any time, they took their shot at her the moment they saw an opportunity. She was
more than pleased turning them down. Anotidaishe was beautiful yet had that toxic vibe
going off every time and every where she was. She was okay with handling the basic
paperwork but she had her eyes on the ball. She wanted in with the big cases, willing to start
from the bottom, a build up was very much more than necessary and fortunately for her she
had two worms to do all the work for her. Those guys that want to impress for recognition,
she let them play their game, make mistakes and correct their mess. She had her take over
plan well laid out with all the 48s ready to be deployed for combat. Firstly, she wanted in on
the marital cases, property shares and so on. Anything that involved an inside conflict, her
game was simple, close cases on the desk every day then at one point just change ship to the
open oceans.
Day end, she drove home feeling a little beat, so she made sure there were no detours. She
drove straight. She got home around seven, had her supper and kept thinking of a way to get
on Geraldine’s radar. Geraldine was the only one working on the type of cases she wanted
and having an assistant never crossed her mind. Everyone seemed to be all hands on deck
with the big bucks cases and to her rescue was Anotidaishe. Thursday morning, second day at
work, Anotidaishe went to see Geraldine soon as she got to work.
She knocked on her door. “Come on in.” Geraldine responded.
“Good morning ma’am. My name is Anotidaishe Mapuranga, the new intern.” She greeted
her as she stood presentably in front of her.
“Yes, yes. I recall, how may I help you Ano?” Sha asked politely yet with impatience in her
tone and Anotidaishe detected it.


“Right, straight to the point. I would like to be your assistant on the cases you work on. I took
the time to familiarize myself with the environment here and one of my findings was the
realization that only you work on the marital cases. I have my own interests as to why I didn’t
join the rest of the competition out there and came to you. My skills and the knowledge I
would like to acquire rest with you here. I really do appreciate you taking these cases and
would love to join in.” She said calmly.
“Very well. I can have you setup in here by lunch hour. Just clear out your desk and leave
everything there that do not belong in here. In the meantime, just clear that side of the
office, that’s your new home and arrange those files accordingly. Don’t worry, they are
labeled.” She said to her politely.
“Yes ma’am.” Anotidaishe did exactly that was asked of her without causing a scene or
stirring some sort of petty uproar at the workplace.
Most of the colleagues were surprised by the shift, others assumed that perhaps she was
overwhelmed by the workload and the sophistication, that she had chickened out. The ones
that got bruised the most were the ones that reassured her that if she may need anything,
work related or not, she could always come to them. Clearly she was not at all playing their
game, she had her own cards on their table, they were the pawns and little did they realize
Geraldine on the hand, present as she was her objectives in the firm were practical and
beneficial. Of course she was not one to associate with her colleagues but she took a chance
on Anotidaishe for one reason only. She is still fresh, not tainted and appears to know what
she wants and how to acquire it. That hunger, she admired it and she never believed she
would ever meet an intern willing to learn the game and not just understand it. That spark
could change everything if it is kept away from water and water from it. Thursday went well,
shifting and settling in the new office with Geraldine, to Anotidaishe it was a day well spent.
That Thursday night at home, she just collapsed in front of a lot of paperwork. Exhausted and
bothered by the idea of having moved into Geraldine’s office. Yes she got what she wanted
but she did expect to move from the interns’ office. She wanted her colleagues real close to
her in case she may need to level the plain field and be on high alert if something is coming
her way. With Geraldine she knew very well a lot of damage control will be going on up until
her completion, she knew very well she was a target now. Just plain old jealous making
moves to keep her under and hence brutality was a necessary code of conduct for from here
In her kitchen, Geraldine was assisting the maid finish up with supper. Her husband Trevor,
preferred her cooking to the maid’s. He just appreciated having his wife prepare his meals,
take care of his laundry and needs. He was not at all abusive as this is how many others
would react to such a setup or arrangement. They were a family of five including the maid
blessed with two children a boy and a girl. The older one at ten and the young one at six.


They were a quiet and simple family, the husband was a car salesman. Working at Exquisite
Cars, car sale and they had the best cars, executives and sport versions. Getting ready for bed
she could not wait to share about Anotidaishe, so she waited for him to finish showering.
“Hey, you didn’t have to stay up.” The husband said drying his hair.
“Of course I had to. When was the last time you followed me in my dreams?” She said softly
and smiled at the end of the sentence.
“Hahaha. Funny. You’re more alive tonight. And no it’s the shower. I noticed at the dinner
table. Something I should know?” He asked.
“There was a time I would have sleepless nights wondering will there ever be a day that he’ll
stop seeing me. I stopped worrying when she was born. You canceled a business trip just to
be there.” She smiled.
“My family, my world. My work, a means.” He got in the blankets and gave a gentle kiss on
the forehead.
“Mmmm, I’m blessed. So a new intern started yesterday. And today she approached asking
to work with me on my cases.” She rested her head on his chest.
“And that’s a little off to you?” He asked patiently.
“Yes and no. I mean, normally these kids already have an idea on how private firms work. The
big cases blah-blah-blah-blah and what not. So it makes sense to them and us for them to
jump straight into the ocean head on like that. This one didn’t. This morning she came asking
for permission to work with me, be my assistant and she was downright about what she
wants and want to achieve.”
“So, what did you say to her?” He tilted his head.
“I took her in. She’s nothing like me. There’s more to her, I suppose.” She said having given it
a fair thought.
“Babe, you’re never wrong. You made the right call, you’ll see.” He said.
“Mmm is that so? Never wrong?” She said lowly in a confidential voice.
“Yes, never wrong.” He responded whispering in her ear.
She then shifted getting on top of him and started from his belly button going upwards slowly
kissing him softly with wet lips. He groaned calmly as he got comfortable closing his eyes
letting his wife take very good care of him. Friday morning, the couple woke up with light feet
in a good mood.
“Good morning.” Trevor kissed her.


“Morning babe. Date night?” She asked quietly.
“Yes, your treat.” He smiled.
“Oh come on, I thought last night was my treat.” She laughed.
“Auditioning and you got the role.” He smiled then winked at her. “You got this honey.”
“I know.” She threw her head on the bed.
At work she was awfully soft than usual. She was a nice person yes but blunt. Today she was
just extra nice with everything and everyone. She even had a long conversation with
Anotidaishe not related to work whatsoever. She took advantage of the mood to get to know
more about her assistant and the kind of person she is. Amongst the topics was her promise
to take Anotidaishe out, show her around Harare, some nice spots and the places she will
need go to get certain stuff and what not. Having been to Bulawayo for quite some time, she
had an idea of Harare from how Geraldine described it to her, lifestyle and all. She figured
Mutare is the city in which you find the saints, the lovers, Harare you find the money
motivated and Bulawayo you find those who just living life as if today was their last with no
regrets. She could not wait to get out there and let experience know she had a new soul on
the block. For this Friday she wanted to go out and live a little but she was a bit skeptical
considering that she was still finding her way in the city, driving with a GPS and still trying to
get used to how people drive in Harare. Thursday morning she almost got involved in an
accident because some car cut her off when she had the right of way. Driving was the scary
part for her and most of her friends from Harare she had lost communication with them. So
this was a bald head that is supposed to be having 1970s afro in a few months. Regardless,
she decided she will just stick to the close range bars and clubs.
Still Friday, midday. Pollen was feeling completely overwhelmed by her schedule and she
knew there was no way she was going to have the time to attend to her bucket list for some
basic commodities. So she had her friend Ivy do the grocery run for her. Her and Munashe
had not crossed paths since Tuesday and to her it was not detail. For Munashe however, it
meant a lot. He had been going to the café from tea break to lunch time hoping to rub his
new accomplishment in his colleagues’ faces. This Friday he did not show up, he had a lot
going on in the library he decided to suck it up and cross his fingers. Come lunch time he was
in the café already, helping out with the orders. A few minutes before 14hrs. Pollen came to
the café looking very tired.
“Afternoon, what are we having today?” Arnold asked with hospitality.
“Mmmm anything that you recommend. It must rejuvenate me because I feel like I’m already
in my 80s.” She gave a small laughter to which Arnold joined.
“Alright, special treat. Coming right up.” He then moved to the side to put her order. “Alright,
that’ll be $3.50.” Arnold said.


“And the juice?” She asked.
“That’ll make it $4.50.” He said.
“Alright. Flavor, mmm make it passion.” Arnold got up to get her meal and the juice.
She then noticed Munashe handing Arnold the meal from the kitchen. She just chuckled with
surprise. Munashe did not notice her and nor did Arnold pick up on her reaction seeing
Munashe. Arnold brought her order to her and he saw her putting her wallet away back into
her jacket pocket. He seemed a little discombobulated but he just waited to see her
he gracefully received her order. “Muparutsa will take care of the bill.” She said calmly.
Shocked, Arnold asked for clarification. “I’m sorry, you said…?” He paid close attention.
She then stood clear to address Munashe who had his back turned to her.
“Hey, Muparutsa. $4.50. Uchabhadhara handiti?” She said clearly.
Having turned to her. He responded. “Yes. I’ll take care of it.” He gave a nod and smiled.
She smiled back then went back to the staff room. There was silence in the café for a few
minutes. Nobody had anything to say until Arnold finally broke the silence intentionally just
to clear the tension.
“Hey Munashe, am cashing now.” He looked at him steadily.
Munashe felt the sting for he knew he will cash in at 16hrs. He figured this was a poke just to
get him to open his mouth. He decided to handle it as Arnold had presented it. He took a $5
bill from his pocket and handed it to him.
“I’ll get a Miranda on my way out.” He said calmly.
“Oh please. We can’t pretend that didn’t happen.” Mrs. Dakwa shot.
“Why you looking at me?” Munashe laughed.
“Akusheedza nesurname.” Mr. Kapito emphasized.
“Eh. Taakutaura.” Munashe replied.
“And you didn’t think this was worth mentioning!?” Arnold shot at him.
“And how many of you would have believed me?” He shot back at him.
“I wouldn’t have.” Mrs. Dakwa laughed. “So how did it happen?” She asked filled with
“You know how you guys are always telling me sarcasm and humor isn’t fit to console?”


“Yes and it still isn’t.” Mr. Kapito said.
“Well, I hate Tuesdays and she just walks in the library and I’m in my normal attitude for
Tuesday. I mess everything up then upon realizing who I’m talking to, I use that to clean it up.
Smooth.” Munashe nodded.
“If we’re going to be singing After Last night by Bruno Mars and Anderson Paak, I’m going to
give everyone a raise.” Mrs. Dakwa dared.
“Haha now that’s unnecessary there.” Munashe laughed.
“Boy hush! I’ll personally see to it that we are.” Arnold intervened.
“Good. It’s a bet then.” Mrs. Dakwa confirmed.
“Wait. How will you be able to tell I’m not lying to you guys?” He asked with confidence.
“Aahh. Munashe… Maoko ako anobvunda kana urikunyepa.” Mr. Kapito whispered to him
then gave a wink.
“Wait, what?” Seriously? No, no, no you got this all wrong.” Munashe was in denial.
“Mmm-mmm. He even looks sweet when his in denial.” A cook said from the back.
“Wow, thank you Mai Tendai. I thought you liked me.” Munashe joked.
“Handiti iwewe hauchadi kuita mukwasha wangu waane mumwe musikana.” She joked back.
“Eish. Wanhu wemuno makatonditeya. Ndirikumuonai zvangu.” He laughed. “Well, see you
guys Monday.” He then exited.
Munashe left the café feeling a little more collected, believing he might actually have a
chance with Pollen. Of course he misread the situation but he was not far from the fact that
he could turn things to his favor only if he plays his cards right. The best part was that he did
not consider Pollen to being his friend, she was just a colleague and nothing more. Same with
Pollen, she saw him as a colleague but with her, feelings were getting involved but for now he
was still an admiration. Between the two, nothing was foretold and to the both of them how
things appeared to the other was the proper perception in the sense that if one was to either
get ahead of themselves into getting any ideas it would ruin their unspoken fellowship.
Whatever it is that was becoming of them had to be left alone to run its course without effort
or a little push. Boundaries needed to be respected at least just until.


2. Hi. My name is…

For Munashe existence is moving permanently from one place to another without having the
hustle to worry about luggage or property. It is just him and his sister of course yes but he
sees only himself. There’s no one else to handshake him congratulations or give gratitude.
Their parents died when he was only four years and their grandparents took them in. Fatal
car accident sealed his fate to always punch down what could become of him. He never had
the luxury to enjoy his youth, every decision made and choice taken had to count for
something worthwhile. He identified himself as a secular, preferred death, to him it was a
blessing and he was of the notion that perhaps if there was no deity to pray to, humanity
would not be in shambles. But then again, if there was no deity, would there even be such a
thing as existence? Munashe was crippled in his own way with nothing much to offer, a never
happy individual and the worst part was the belief that humanity could never amount to
But so what, not one soul cared enough to get to know him for himself not even his friends at
the café and or his own sister. He cared for them regardless. He honestly wanted the best for
them in their lives because they had something he did not have, a belief. Belief in a purpose.
He never did think anything about anything, everything was just a blur. Being bereaved might
have taken the sense of appreciation on the gift of life but he often wondered if that was not
an excuse. Yes, he over thought everything. This was one of the problems, he never seemed
to see anything for what it is, there always had to be life behind every gesture, comment,
appraisal, choice made, decision, words said etc. Truly a troubled young man. With all this,
one thing commendable was that he acknowledged his troubles to be his and never let them
affect others or what he perceives or thinks and feels about others around him.
An altruist and some what spoils of misanthropic vibes within his person. Genuine too,
caregiver, passionate and a great listener. Contemporary speaking, whatever he and Pollen
had going on between them was a great remedy for him. At least he had less time to exist
inside his and his head was no labyrinth, no. It was just a small circled room with one hole for
a window seven feet from the ground floor and he stood six-one. Reality’s joke on him he
figured and yes at times he would life about it. Gross, to be imagined sitting on some
pedestal only to realize his actually one of those skinny pricks at the end in a commotion
trying to climb their way up to the top. So he mastered perception. Each individual is skilled
in something that makes them particular and unique to the next person. If that uniqueness
can be of effect in his life, he will make you see that part of him in which you are capable to
influence. If that uniqueness has nothing to offer as you live and breathe, he had no problem
reading the eulogy to the death of the fellowship between the two of you. With Pollen now,
he had no strategy on how to play this one and letting things go on their on seemed more
than appropriate but then again there was the issue of being in a royal rumble with men


more capable than him. Ego was the one sin that had no control over him whatsoever and in
this case that card did not prove to be a necessary evil. He so wanted Pollen, what was
troubling him was the fact that he could make it more than a case of his thoughts. He wanted
to actually feel something for her but it just was not there. The only thing he could go with
was the wonder of what it would mean or it would be like if she was to say yes to him. So
there he was, lying in his bed Saturday morning. No plans for the weekend, he did not even
have her number in case his friend Loveridge decided they go out for the weekend. Of course
he had other women to call but Pollen was the difference and that right there was the
problem. Stay home, watch couple TV series, Power Book II or The Flash the series finale or
just read. Perhaps visit his cousin and see if he can mingle with one of her UZ friends.
Success is certain. It has to be. If death cannot be avoided no matter what, then success can
be achieved no matter what. Any disagreement to this is just absurd and nothing more but an
excuse of failing to see past one’s own society because perception is not reality. Pollen’s logic
allowed the suppression of her being to feed her onus. Imagine the existence of Queen
Cleopatra, still in Egypt but does not get to be the queen nor born of royalty. Gorgeous as she
is and successful at a young age. Life always had plans for her and never her for it. Peer
pressure is her parents, friends, role model, spouse, business partner, advice, child, sibling,
mentor, master etc. Getting a diploma in teaching is her parents’ way of having society accept
their family and her because they could not just accept having a successful business woman
and an entrepreneur for a daughter. Moreover, desirable as she was, loneliness always did
found a way to reflect within her. She truly yearned for affection, to be loved but her friends
reminded her no man deserved her. If ever she was to settle for someone, that person had to
be a billionaire or something. It never made sense to her considering she had money and still
making lots of it on her own. What always made her nod to them was their tone, very
She was basically lifeless, parents telling her what to do with her life at her age and friends
punching down what could become of her. What she wanted for herself had faded. Inferiority
was another aspect but in a twist. She thought of every built up to be below her.
Congratulations to her parents and friends she had absorbed the mindset that if one does not
earn more than she does then you are obviously a waste, in regards to men that is. Letting a
man control your every move and decision was a display of stupidity and Zimbabwean
customs appeared primitive to her.
Love would be her Shriek if there was any man with the wits and courage to climb that tower
of a pedestal she was kept in by mild delusions. Munashe was just there, to her he was
nothing more but an existence she had come to acknowledge and she thought of him as that
Charles Dickens novel, Great Expectations. Deep down she truly wanted him to be more than
just a male. She saw him to be reserved and a wonder, her El Dorado if euphemism is to be
subtly used with reiteration on being the city. If someone else did prove to be more before he
did, well his loss. She had no stipulations on him specifically on how he had to make his


approach, which ever way was okay. His luck was that there was no other men on her
potential list, just those trying hard and references that are nothing close to what was
mentioned but only disappointment. Clean target, only if he knew.
Her friend Ivy had an idea on her ideal men but she was of the notion that a man was not
what she needed at the moment. Pollen always thought she was a selfish friend when it came
to that. She had such a good thing going on for her with her boyfriend. He was so caring and
loving everything she too yearned for. Ivy would always tell her that she had no idea what
she was talking about and was not at all ready to be with someone. Few months back she
tried reaching out to two of her last ex boyfriends only to find out that they had been married
and the other one had a family now and a second child on the way. It broke her, to think
these men used to wake up in her bed but failed to see a future with her. What was it that
they possessed that she did not. Might be submission, the very essence that makes a woman,
a woman. She had thought about it and since then she had been making changes. She saw
her theory to be true with Ivy as well. The only one amongst her friends who was married,
had the title wife and the obligation to cook for someone. She had those hidden qualities that
always showed whenever her husband was around, submission. And she never told Pollen
this to be the case, she only gave a few pointers which were never down to detail. Disagreed
with their friends at times whenever it involved what makes a man a man. Munashe could be
the guy only if she natures the feelings she had for him.
There’s no such thing as maturity. For maturity is determined by that which each individual
perceives as normal. Hence, nothing really matters everything is forsaken. Anotidaishe never
came close to seeing individualism all her life till the day she completed ‘A’ level. She had to
go through family denouncing her for her to walk her own path. She had no interest in
medicine and having a family from an arranged marriage. That was just pathetic to her. She
often wondered how her parents survived each other and had the breath to even have a
family. If they had managed to find their way, lucky for them but she was not going to let that
happen to her. Her older siblings may have succumbed to the custom but she thought of
herself destined to change all of that. Everything had to be approved by them, that was not
living and most certainly she was not prepared to die in those shackles.
They were Africans. Just that they were a family tree of idealists and this disgusted
Anotidaishe for in their know it all bubble, they always missed the bigger picture. They never
cared for what she wanted for herself or the ideas she felt might contribute to things that
actually matter. They never seemed to acknowledge whenever she might be going through a
tough time. All her highs and lows she was alone. This basically laid the foundation for her
being indifferent and as far as religion goes, humans were made of matter and nothing more.
She did not believe in any higher power. Seeing might be believing but that too did not
evaluate her opinion for science was trash too. To her it was simply the absence of what is
not there and the presence of what is there. She approved humanity of whatever that
completed one as an individual, back home she had religious friends of different faiths and


she always made sure to respect them as people and their views and they did the same with
her. Guess in her was an honest light of leadership.
Love failed her again and again. Although her moving to Harare for internship came with a
breakup because her partner preferred they remained in the city and she refused, she was
not in regret. If someone claims to live in her heart and fails to roll in the mud with her then
that person is just an experience and growth to her. Falling in love during her stay in Harare
was not something she looked forward to but she cared enough to at least make sure that
she gets involved with someone that has vision. Whether or not that vision comes to pass
was not an issue, her worry was making sure that as a young adult, she gets to live her best
life. With spoils and everything that came with it.
In the event that the economy does a number on her and she fails to make the most from her
career, she did not have something to fall back to and she deliberately canceled the idea of
having a plan B and bet it all on Geraldine. Law was all there is for her and starting small was
a great strategy to position herself in such an opportunist manner that at least there will
always be a door open ready to welcome her in. A sweet joyful soul and hard working but
what she is, is an aggrieved young woman that sees complication in whatever that resonates
with family. Her childhood had scared her for life to such a point she had no certainty in
herself wanting to grow old and be blessed with a loving spouse, children and grandchildren.
She could not see her future pass fifty years of age. That was her markup and to her she had
only twenty-five years left to create a legacy to leave behind. Perhaps the eagerness to make
it in life to want to achieve and accomplish so much to the point whatever she touches
becomes gold was her appreciation for existence, towards her parents. Her siblings were
never in the picture, to them she was what was standing between them and whatever that
stands to be offered to them. They did have a fellowship but it was never much to build
something upon it, she saw similarities in her friends than she did in her own siblings. Her
cousins were poison, she had cut ties with them long time ago and she kept this no secret to
anyone. They were ticks and only had their backs, at some point she thought she was the
misfit only to realize that she was the one who had been rightly placed to make a change.
Sunny Saturday morning with a soothing wind and Ivy had made it a commitment to always
watch every Saturday sunrise and the Sunday sunset. To her it was more like a preparation
for whatever the weekend has in store for her and what the week has in store for her. She
found peace in the realization that only she has the power to grant allowance to however she
may choose to react to whatever. It always did find fascination in her capability to navigate
her person through her emotions. Her husband was a loving father and husband. He
provided, protected and professed his love to her and his family. They truly were his priority
and she appreciated that much about him. As a woman she was blessed having such a
wonderful man but what always bothered her was having to introduce her friends to him,
spend some time with him and their countless boyfriends. Every time they had to go out as a
group of friends, three to four of her friends will be having a different man from the last time


and her husband would have to just go with it. Of course it is none of his business whatever
that goes on in their lives but it becomes his business when it associates his wife. Because
now his left with questions concerning how then does his wife cope up with this behavior and
if she is in a space of being able to exist within sacred exchange between souls on a monthly
basis, how further can she go in lying to him, ruin his life and above pretend to be the mother
of a family she can easily dispose of.
He had this discussion with her several times and he could sense how it was eating her up.
She could no longer proudly be herself when with her own friends and proudly call them
friends. Having made the decision to cut ties with them months back, she discovered Pollen,
trying to find her way out of that ratchet life. Being a great friend that she is, she gave her
hand and Pollen gratefully reached out to it. Pollen however, stayed in touch with their
friends and Ivy kept a distance. These two were sisters and respected each other as women
of their own agendas. Pollen had already told Ivy about Munashe. There was nothing special
about that or Munashe himself but what struck Ivy was that for the first time Pollen had
nothing to say. She had just told her that there might be someone and that she knew nothing
about him but the tension between them was just unbearable. Obviously Pollen figured she
was being too much hence getting her best friend involved so that at least her emotions,
thoughts and most importantly, expectations, do not get the better of her and end up in the
pool of regret.
This Saturday, they planned to hang out, just two best friends having some girl time. They
decided to spend the day at Pollen’s place. Just a simple good nostalgic backyard hang out. So
there she was, wondering. Could he be it? Could he be the one for her after all these other
men? It is chronical really, the desire to want to belong to someone. With globalization and
rapid cultural exchange, the very concept of commitment is fading out of the world. It no
longer makes sense to cherish being whole as a woman, sex has lost its sacredness and
admiration and appreciation has lost its grip on people. Anybody can be with anybody now
and not care about them as a human being they intend to share their life with. Experience is
the god now when it comes to relationships. The thrill to have experienced a certain
something with a certain someone has successfully replaced creating moments, going
through a journey and existing in the same pair of shoes with one person forever. It is now a
thing of the past. Contemporary society has nothing to hold on to in as much as living is
concerned. Deep down that is what bothered Pollen, thinking that perhaps being gorgeous
and rich is what forsake her to never have what women desire. Ivy noticed it, how could she
not. She basically was a living motivation or reminder to her of what how her life can be
concluded if she does not get her accounts in order. At times Pollen felt just being loved is all,
that would complete her but certainty always made loud knocks on her door of confirmation
before she solidifies any decision. They had pork and chicken they planned to braai, relax and
gossip. Of course gossip has to be done otherwise what sort of women would they be. Not
that it defines women but it represents their nature, what makes women, women, a part of
their codex.


Anotidaishe on the other hand had no plans for Saturday. She was just at home in bed
wondering why Geraldine did not dedicate this weekend, her first weekend in Harare to
showing around the city and having fun. Of course she realized that outside work Geraldine
has an actual life that is not immune to her consequences and she was seven years older than
her so there was no way she would just jump on the boat with a stranger and cruise to
wherever. There actually are sharks and monsters of the deep out there waiting to drown
anybody and have them get lost in their triangle. Home during the weekend was a great way
to enjoy any new environment, at least so she thought.
Anotidaishe might have started her morning feeling like a land in chaos and honestly what
she needed was something more of a paradigm leveling of sorts. Everything about her was
redundant. Being in the capital city for the first time alone and working came with an
unsettling caution of wanting to protect yourself from what you do not know. Normally her
Saturdays meant home, town, backyard party with a couple of friends and everyone gets to
go home safe and sound, of course say for one or two people. So it came to this, taking a
drive locally and perhaps find a place to hang around later during the day. And so she did just
that, took a shower and drove out. With her GPS of course lest she will be getting a cab back
home or the police which will be a lot of unnecessary drama. She went and parked at
Kensington shopping center, not far from home and just to breathe in the Saturday life. As
she was parked there standing next to her car, she saw a white and black Range Rover drive
in and park four cars from her. Tinted windows obviously and she could not wait to see who
steps out. She thought perhaps a couple because the car was being delicately drove or old
executive man. She just kept her eyes on the car and watched the doors open only to see two
women come out, laughing and smiling. Bit of a shocker to her expectations. She just
watched them as they walked in Spar. The two women, Pollen and Ivy, did not notice her.
They were busy making fun of Ivy’s brother. He tried to ask out Pollen before but it was a
catastrophe, the guy failed to connect with her and kept rambling about his work.
“I mean don’t get me wrong. Your brother is a wonderful guy but me being me, the kinda
woman I am. He failed to come close to what I’m looking for even to this day and that was a
year ago…! Oh my God! Does this mean I just can’t be with anybody!?” Pollen expressed.
“Sha, hona iwewe. Urikupedza nguwa thinking how to please a man, get a man and keep a
man. Shamwari hakuna zvakadaro!” Ivy said to her.
“Iiii chommie.” Pollen sounded hurt.
“Shuwa ka. You can never keep a man if he doesn’t want to be kept. You can never tell a
grown ass man into your own version of a man.”
“Mmmm. I’m listening…” Pollen responded.
Anotidaishe watched them walk by and straight into the supermarket. She did not mean to
pry but she just got interested in them. She kept staring at them and decided to follow them,


good thing she had just arrived as well and with her mind on her mystery people, she would
not feel awfully peaky inside. People are always minding their own business in a supermarket
but in her case, she did not want to shout to everybody that she is new in the city and finding
her way in the social sector in this part of the country. She kept her distance and paced
through them making sure they do not notice or suspect her.
“So what’s he like? Emotion or discipline?” Ivy asked.
“You do realize I haven’t been with him for more than an hour right?” Pollen corrected.
“Okay let me rephrase that. Friday morning or Saturday morning?” She asked again.
“Mmmm Monday midday and then let’s say Thursday morning.” She expressed.
“I don’t get Thursday.” Ivy sounded lost.
“Thursday inononotsa Friday. Get it?” She clarified.
“Oohhh I get it now. So how are we to be certain if he seems reserved? Do you have a plan or
something?” Ivy asked.
“I thought that’s why you’re here. That’s your cue… isn’t it?” Pollen laughed.
“Oh come on gal. I haven’t met him yet and I’m thinking you already have hots for him…”
Pollen interrupted.
“Nooo!! Come on l!!” They both laughed. “His a total stranger.” Pollen emphasized.
“That you think you might like.” Ivy said.
“No, that I think his onto something.” Pollen debated.
“Really? Guy you never knew puts your interest in shackles first time you meet and converse
in five minutes with a single sentence? Yeah, right.” Ivy argued then walked towards the
fridge Anotidaishe was standing.
Anotidaishe was just standing by the fridge undecided on what she will be having. When Ivy
approached the fridge she took a step back to give her room.
“Hi.” Ivy greeted.
“Hey, how are you.” Anotidaishe greeted back with a smile.
“Better than you.” She said in a prying tone.
Anotidaishe caught that and she laughed lowly. She then took a moment and looked up to Ivy
to give a response.
“Clearly the fact I can’t tell how I’m feeling today is reflective.” She joked.


Ivy laughed and answered. “Take your time. The last thing you want is not remembering a
part of the night from alcohol you did not even fancy in the first place. Don’t rush.” She then
reached for her choice of alcohol.
“Ohh Mayfair? Great choice.” Anotidaishe said respectfully.
“Well. My BFF and I are Mayfair goddesses. We were born to drink it. It’s like receiving a
ritual or something.” She took two cases.
“Alright. Guess I’ll go with that then. Discovery?” Anotidaishe asked.
“Mmm Brutal fruit is more of discovery. Mayfair is balance.” Pollen cut in the conversation.
Anotidaishe turned to acknowledge her presence and she could not believe what she was
seeing. Someone this gorgeous can be this free.
“Brutal fruit and Mayfair it is then.” Anotidaishe nodded.
“Right. Well, do enjoy hey…” The best friends bid their leave.
Anotidaishe was amazed she handled a conversation pretty well with very admirable women.
Ivy could tell she was lonely and looking for some company. At one point she wanted to
invite her to their hangout but she respected Pollen’s feelings and brushed the thought away.
Anotidaishe on the other hand did not want to seem as if she is forcing herself into their circle
so she quickly kept her interests at bay.
“Sure thing, right back at ya.” Anotidaishe smiled and went to the till operator to purchase.
Pollen and Ivy were already back to their conversation about Munashe and how they were
going to get to him before he makes a move or notices something is up. Their logic was pretty
simple. Their working theory was that getting to Munashe first before a chemistry is definite
between the two of them was ideal in the sense that at least they have an idea of who they
are dealing with. Rather than having to tackle an already armed interest, it will be difficult to
come close to something definite for them to work with whether or not his genuine based on
the input from him. Motive is very important, might not be the true motive but having an
idea was the important part. Ivy was of the notion that in that manner as a woman you will
not be blind sighted from the guy’s endgame. So if there’s a loop hole, get to it and use
whatever in it to get either two steps or a step ahead, emphasis on being ahead. As they
were walking out to their car, Ivy checked in the parking lot to see if she can spot
“Everything alright?” Pollen noticed.
“Huh?” She responded still absent minded.
“What are you looking for?” Pollen asked.


“Not ‘What.’ ‘Who.’ I’m just checking to see if that young lady from the store is somewhere
around here.” She replied.
“Yea, she seemed a little, lonely, to you too right? I hope she’s okay.” Pollen said.
“Yea. Like she could use a conversation or something. Well, she’s gone now. Hey, do you
think we were rude not to rob her in with us?” Ivy had a little guilt in her tone.
“I can’t say for sure but your tone is unfounded. Besides, she’s a proper stranger. Whatever
that’s going on with her isn’t much to deal with, that I noticed. So yea, robbing her in might
have been a nice gesture but not so sure if what we have to offer is the right remedy.” Pollen
“Yeah, you’re right. Since when are you this smart?” Ivy joked.
“Since Munashe popped into the picture.” They both laughed at the response.
Time was doing its job as well but for Munashe it was being incompetent. He always felt this
way if he gets to spend a day home. He hated being home, nothing about being home felt at
home for him. The tension around the house was just too much for anyone not to notice. The
only thing he appreciated about life was being not a home. He never concluded what the case
was really, if it was him or something was truly off but one thing he knew for sure was that
nobody under their roof liked being at home, no matter electricity was there or not. He
thought perhaps it’s better he goes to see his friend, kill the whole day at his place. To him
that would count as a day well spend. Still thinking about it, it then hit him how come he
never asked for Pollen’s number. Of course a greater part of him was certain there is no way
he would have reached out even if she had given him her number. One thing he was certain
of was that at this moment, he was thinking about her and it was just loud. Perhaps too loud.
He thought perhaps it might be because it has been a while since his been with anyone but he
failed to see how it could involve Pollen for he had a few ladies he could reach out to about
his issue but Pollen was just the it factor, she made the difference.
Going through this in his head he was finally coming to the acceptance of having feelings for
her. Still not sure what to call it but whatever it was, it was there and he was feeling it as
much as it demanded to be felt. Existence is just punishment. He always thought it funny how
women hold all the cards but they never seem to realize it. In Africa, a man pays lobola and
has the woman come to his house, join his family but the moment she settles in, powers
shift. In as much as the man is the head of the house, whatever the woman says goes. If
wants you back home and inside by 19.00hrs, make no mistake, the man is going to be there
by that given time or else he knows he is in some serious trouble. It makes sense why nature
has it that way, no one wants to lose the one thing that believes and sees the best in them no
matter what.
So there he was, going through the most difficult task of every day, getting out of bed. He
never enjoyed that feeling, it always meant check your arsenal to him. Not sure what to


expect and which route to take. It was just a hustle being alive. So he decided to do the one
thing one of his good lady friends always tells him to, get through the day. He wanted to go
out, it was Friday after all and this meant he had to get hold of Loveridge, check with him to
see if he has any plans for the night. After washing his face he went to sit outside and began
listening to music. He sure did love his old school rap music and spoils of whatever genre as
long as it was old school. Down grading in his agony and little did he realize that somewhere
less than four kilometers from him were two ladies discussing about him, busy strategizing on
how best they can get to him and he was just busking in the sun feeling sorry for himself like
a sixteen year old African American kid in the 70s chilling by the house with the boys in the
hood wearing wife beaters and others with no shirts on. Loveridge reached out to him letting
him know to come by POSITION BAR around 16.00hrs. It was a nice place to hang out, beer,
liquor, braai, music and enough room to park and chill. Munashe however, preferred it on a
Sunday. Of course he would never turn down going there, free WIFI from Pariah Bar and
cheap alcohol. Otherwise for Friday, Saturday nights he preferred going to Cork Bar or as it
was popularly known, Angie’s place. It was in the neighborhood but a bit more young adult,
free ladies with free indulgence, still cheap alcohol and a more appropriate environment to
let loose and live your worst behavior without getting judged. Plus, the place was a nice setup
and open gate to all ages, just your wallet and yourself. He had ideas that a few hours later
he convinces Loveridge that they change the spot and go to Angie’s but he knew all too well
that even though he will agree. He was going to opt for home ground, 21 Arglye or this other
nice bar in Kuwadzana 6. He had to make sure that they go to Angie’s place and if they end up
in Kuwadzana 6, at least they had to have women with them. That was too far of a place to
go to a have drink at and not have some company and the place was fairly a nice place to be
as well.
In this whole Saturday mess, clock was now reading 20.00hrs and Anotidaishe found herself
having a Mayfair by Angie’s place. It was packed, she could not begin to imagine how much
kids her age back in Mutare were missing out. Well, not to rip the sense of fun and enjoying
from them but on a scale of actually living a good life and enjoying their youth, they truly
were missing out. She had life in her now, a little tipsy but still on her feet and conscience,
she was wondering if only parents knew what their children will be getting into. Of course
they have an idea but it does not come close to the reality of the events and the indulgence
of their child. Well, a toast to being us in this hour. People all over, drinking, kissing, touching,
doing shisha, others at the pool, watching football and others eating. She just sensed this
feeling of being whole. Moments later, a guy approached her, she could see how wasted this
guy was. It was Loveridge, turns out Munashe had managed to get him to agree to go to
Angie’s place.
Anotidaishe had noticed them coming in and at the rate they were drinking they were
completely taken. When Loveridge approached Anotidaishe, Munashe covered for him just in
case the woman he had been hitting on all night sees him with Anotidaishe.


“Hi.” He said sitting down trying hold his balance.
“Hi.” She replied nicely.
“Haa inini ndiri bho, it’s Saturday. How about you? How’s yours?” He asked.
“I’m good and so is the night.” She nodded with a slight smile.
“I’m Loveridge.” He introduced himself.
“Hey Loveridge, I’m Ano.” She said her name back.
“Nice to meet you Ano.” He nodded.
“Same.” She gave a smile.
“Good. I saw you about an hour ago with your friends. I was wondering, why is she not a part.
None of my business but when I saw them getting up to go get more drinks. I figured I come
say hi and possibly get your number. Tonight you have your people and perhaps next
weekend we can hang out.” He looked right into her eyes trying keep them normally open.
“Sure.” She stretched her hand out for his phone.
With excitement, he quickly unlocked it and passed it on to her. She put the number in and
gave it back to him. Munashe then signaled to him that the friends were coming and not in a
haste just to avoid embarrassing himself. He slowly got up and went to stand next to her.
“Thank you, Ano. I’ll be in touch.” He then slowly walked away.
“Yo. You won?” Munashe asked.
“Always, mufanami. Ha-ha what I tell you? Chasara kuona kaya kaya. Kazoendepi?” Loveridge
asked Munashe.
“She’s at the back. Kubikwa sadza uko.” Soon as Munashe was done talking Loveridge went
after her.
Loveridge thought he had Anotidaishe on the hook where in reality she actually had him off
the hook. She had actually given him one of her friend’s number. She just was not feeling him
in that way but getting him out of the way was a priority at that moment. Munashe was just a
total black out, he had no idea who they had just asked and what she looks like. Anotidaishe
left the bar a bit early since she was alone, she took off around 23.00hrs. She bumped into
Munashe but he was just too drunk to recognize her, to him she was just some other girl and
he just staggered his way to wherever he was headed.
Winding back a few hours, Ivy and Pollen were chilled in the backyard with a braai and the
company of Mayfair. They had been going on about Munashe since morning and at this point
it was just exhaustive to keep at it. Pollen then switched the topic from it being about her and


brought up work. She had ideas about starting a cinema in Mutare. She had been visiting the
city from time to time the past two months doing the right paper work, getting the land,
developing it and everything that was required for her project. The mayor approved of her
plan, the city truly needed a place for the young adults and teenagers to hang out, get them
out of their heads. She knew telling Ivy was a pretty bad idea because she never does
approve of any of her business ideas. Telling her this was more of a friendship courtesy, just
so that she is not left out.
“Hey, so I’ve been meaning to tell you something.” Pollen pitched.
“Okay. Wassup?” Ivy sat up right leaning forward waiting for her to speak.
“So. I’m going to be opening a cinema in Mutare. Not your usual cinemas. But, you know…
The ones like they have in Texas. Kuti people be in their cars, watching a moving from their
cars… Asi problem manje iripakuti I need it to be a controlled environment. That means,
number of people, food service, rest rooms and yes, room for those love birds, you know.”
Pollen pitched it out.
“Ummm, you sure that’s a good idea though?” Ivy sounded highly concerned.
“Yea don’t worry about it, I got it.” Pollen assured her.
“Yea, no I get that. What I mean is, financially, the whole setup and security and stuff…” Ivy
“You’re doing it again.” Pollen was disappointed.
“Doing what? I’m just surfing if that’s the right thing you need to do right now.” She argued.
“See? You’re not even listening to me. I already bought the land, registered, hired a security
firm, employee recruitment, infrastructure development and all. In two weeks it’ll be finished
and in a month’s time it’ll be up and running!” She said, a bit more aggressive.
“Wow.” Ivy exhaled.
“I know right. You’re always against me when it comes to my own growth. What I want for
myself. You’re just absorbed in this idea of pairing up that you’re failing to realize that there’s
more to being own person than just existing in a shared life! And I mean that respectfully and
you know it.” She emphasized.
“Yes, I know you do.” Ivy sighed. “Hona. I’m sorry if I made you feel like you’re not enough.
Be your best version please.” The two friends smiled, made up and rested the night in
laughter and deep talks.


3. Idya rekumba kwenyu.

Monday afternoon, it was rightly placed to say that everything about each passing hour was
disposable and trying to attune own senses was very much impractical just because
everything about the day’s events felt delayed in every manner. Munashe had a migraine and
a lot of nervous energy, he wanted this to be the day that whatever he says to Pollen actually
sticks and clears him from the potential list. He had come to accept that he actually has
feelings for her and asking her out was not the game plan but making his intentions known
was the big bang. Fortunately or unfortunately for him, she did not show up at the library and
she did not come to the café to buy her lunch. He had ran out of opportunities on marking his
territory. He thought of sending for her, sending a student or one of her teacher friends he
normally sees her with sometimes but it just did not make sense pulling that kind of move.
He let it go and decided to weigh out his remaining options just to see where he could safely
land and how he can navigate his way to telling his story. Leaving the library unattended to
and or locking it up was not at all the right card to play and so was for the girl you love.
Frustrated, his migraine grew worse that he just killed the last hours half asleep making sure
the students observe the library rules and not doing what they should not be doing.
Uptown, in her new office. Anotidaishe was just rampaging through files, exhausted from all
the rookie test drives that Geraldine had her going through. First it was the lunch the very day
she moved in, the tidying and packing files accordingly ie. case, race and religion and now it
was sorting out closed cases so that they move the boxes to the locker room. She understood
the drill, she just wished that she dropped the theatrics and be straight up with her. Of course
Geraldine could hear the thoughts inside her head raising their voices on each other. She just
watched, pushed her even further just to pin point her breaking point. Sadly, she kept going
and did not take her eyes off the ball not even once. Impressed, she asked her to stop
whatever she was doing and take a breather.
“I’ll be right back. I have something for you. Something I think you need to get your eyes on.”
She walked out of the office.
Anotidaishe threw herself on the client couch exhausted and breathing heavily. She never
thought she would ever get to live a fucked up Monday such as this and honestly she was
partly disconnected. In her head, she was preoccupied with the thought of where she can get
anything to distract her. All of this was too much garbage she did not anticipate to carry out
all at once. Just as she was getting hold of her breath, Geraldine walked back in with a file in
her hands and she leaned against her desk to address Anotidaishe. Soon as she noticed
Geraldine walking towards the desk edge, she sat right up and faced her.
“Before I hand you this. I have two questions for you.” She looked down at her straight in the


“Very well.” Anotidaishe confirmed to comply and added a nod.
“Good. First, truth is a currency, the court is the black market, the lawyer is the buyer, the
client is the seller and the ruling is the rate. The firm, is where we make state gold and that
gold is honesty. So my first question to you is, are you angry with me right now?” Geraldine’s
tone was very precise.
“No. I’m pissed!” Anotidaishe corrected with hostility in her tone.
“Good. Second, information from outside sources is foreign currency. Always remember to
bank it. Now, my second question to you is… Are you ready?” Geraldine asked with
composed attitude.
“No. I’m prepared.” Anotidaishe kept their eye contact for what felt like six seconds.
“I’m very much impressed. And there’s only one way to find out if you can maintain the great
expectations. This is now your case. I need an argument that saves our client. Everything is in
there. Have it prepared for me by Wednesday noon. You are free to do whatever you want
from here, home or whatever. Your choice.” Geraldine handed her the file and took a sit at
her chair.
“I appreciate it ma’am.” Anotidaishe was so grateful that Geraldine could actually tell she
made the right call not turning her away when she came asking to be her assistant.
With her first case, an actual case, she wanted to call anybody and let them know she is on
her way up to the top. Mixed emotions always get in the way of a moment worth celebrating.
She had a feeling no one would bother even pretending to be in her camp. She felt lonely her
heart sank and she just thought of Geraldine as the only family she has. Very grateful, she
called it a day for Monday and went home to begin working on the case.
Early that morning Pollen had a conference call with her friends and things went exactly as
she wanted them to. She personally wanted this Mutare Cinema project and if her friends
were not going to support her or be interested enough to understand the project, she was
prepared to cut them off, all of them and Ivy had got the memo given she had the first hand
experience of Pollen’s reaction to any criticism concerning the project. So when Pollen
brought it up, she did not make it casual. She expressed how much this project meant to her
and waited for them to pass their thoughts.
Her friends were blind to her feelings and her own objectives as a person. She was very
disappointed and hurt to realize that to them men and a flamboyant life is all there is and
ought to be what makes a woman. She did not let them see how broke she was, she just
continued with the call till they concluded. Ivy was not fooled though, she kept at a distance
and did not oppose her. She was the only one who actually said something positive to
support her. To Pollen it did not count much because she already knew and seeing that her
circle did not want anything to do with the expansion of her business and influence. She


decided to cut them off and just dump whatever that made them friends. She called in
injured from a car accident and the school granted her a week off. Whilst Munashe was
punching the voices in his head, Pollen was in another city putting her business in order and
he was lucky to not have met her otherwise whatever it is between them would have seen its
end. She was not in the mindset to be begging for anyone to stay or recognize how much
keeping a fellowship might be worth it. It was either her way or bye-bye to what you want to
build with her.
In Mutare, she was very pleased to be on site seeing the construction to have come so far and
about to start paying back. She was personally making the rounds making sure everything is
up to its perfect setup. She had Costimbers, a timber company do a small fence and the
structure that will hold the white screen and a small structure for the projector. Everything
was as she had designed it in her head and a great job was done. She already had accounts
setup for the purchase of Box-office movies and had her own advertising agency and
marketing team work on marketing her new company, Seat Belt Cinema. Tickets were already
flooding and she had purchased the right movies to start with and in a month’s time the
cinema will be open to all, the only one in Mutare.
It would make a lot of sense looking back after say about five to seven years and laugh about
how yesterday is not anyone’s to recover. Ivy was clearly bothered by Pollen’s decision to cut
everyone off and she could not just live with herself. The past two days she had been
completely off the grid and not anyone could reach her. She had been to her place several
times hoping to just run into her but Pollen’s security had assured Ivy that her friend was
doing well. That she had left Monday dusk in perfect shape and she had also packed so he
had assumed she was visiting family or friends. She said nothing to him, only that she will be
back in a week’s time and anyone to look for her is to leave him the message. Ivy and the
other girls were a bit worried but her more having knowledge of her mindset.
Munashe was now going mental, beating himself wondering exactly why he did not make a
move when the opportunity was right there in front him. Every guy has this meltdown,
whereby at first they act all gentleman and want to be reasonable and not seem forward.
They mean well yes but it is a conflict of interest really. Days or weeks later they will be
swimming in the pool of regret seeing clearly all the times they messed everything up and
could have done better. In a way that is exactly what creates the hype to every relationship
really. Because, now you have the guy doing all he can to get the girl and girl hyped by his
energy and everything becomes a chemistry exchange neither can control. Munashe was
thinking to himself how he is going to approach her, when she gets back. He had received
news that she had called in sick and that she will be unavailable the whole week. He wanted
to get her number but the fact that he was not going to be getting it from her just put him in
a dilemma. He could not tell which move is in his best interest. Either he gets her number
from the school colleagues, reach out to her and talk or not and risk being thought of as
another prick that did not care enough to check up on her when she was sick. And he knew all


to well that this was a card that women boldly play, convincing her otherwise has a high
probability of failing and with two strikes, one silly move can easily get you off the board just
like that and to her you will be dead and gone. He however, did put enough effort discreetly
to learn about her whereabouts without giving people any suspicions. The one thing he did
not do was get her number.
In Mutare, things were looking upright and Pollen was even getting ideas of moving into the
city. Well, with the realization that most of her businesses are in Harare, it makes sense to be
based there and it would not hurt to have a place in Mutare for when she will be feeling like
visiting or checking how the business is going this side. She had great anticipations in terms of
the cinema business thriving in Mutare. After Rainbow closed and then the property got
purchased by the government, the people of Mutare had since been deprived of community
socialization. The Courtauld Theater tried being there to fill that vacuum but it never really
did succeed in tapping that excitement of being in an actual cinema and living its experience.
Yes, most citizens did respond and came to watch movies but not at the rate a cinema ought
to operate. Her cinema idea did of course eliminated a number of citizens from coming to the
cinema but her goal was to offer a service so unique to a controllable number of audiences.
People always respond to best standards and the more they improve, the more people get
loyal and that right there is what she was gunning for. Arguably, the economic structure in
Zimbabwe obviously meant only a certain community will be able to afford coming to the
cinema on a two to three week basis regularly and her intentions beat the balance. If it meant
pulling strings to bring the different people, culture and customs in Mutare under one roof
then in the name of business and cultural exchange, tipping the affordability of tickets in a
certain direction was a necessary chess for the endgame and what stands to be achieved. Of
course she had to brace herself to be dragged on social media for providing for the rich
throwing the common folk to the curb but if the internet society failed to see her vision and
only saw a greedy, lonely, successful and egoistic woman then that disgusting character flaw
is all she needed.
Thursday morning felt quite at home for Anotidaishe. She had the argument ready and she
was a little invigorated being in the position she was, structuring a whole argument for an
official case and if all went well, she will have closed her first official court case. Her case was
a domestic abuse case. A family had a disabled family member whom they exploited and
abused with the perception that there was nothing he could do about it or anyone he could
report to. The twenty year old young man was exposed to involuntary sexual intercourse, his
aunt would have sexual intercourse with other men in front of him and sometimes would be
left for hours whilst having messed himself deprived of toiletry use and the siblings and his
cousins would have him do all sorts of house chores. He opened up to one of his friends who
told his parents who are friends with Geraldine. Having contacted the police, the court case
was on the way and the family members were in denial hence the need to close this case and
save the poor young man.


Anotidaishe had put together enough laws and rights behind her to make sure they win this
one and get the young man a better home. According to the Constitution Of Zimbabwe
Amendment (No. 20) Act 2013. She had marked part (C) which stated people of disability had
to be protected from all forms of exploitation and abuse. She highlighted for Geraldine that
with abuse cases winning them would not have to be overly based on evidence but mostly on
an emotionally driven jury and jury consists of biases so they had to make sure the bias
swings in their favor. She also took the liberty to add in normative ethics in hopes of cuffing
the family members and see to it that they serve their time for dehumanization, abuse and
Geraldine was truly impressed with her argument and kept going through it over and over
just to make sure all loop holes are closed and that the family’s lawyer will not have anything
against the young man that will have him sitting at the same meal table with his monster
family again. They just had to pay, they had tainted the poor young man for life. Looking
himself in the mirror, he could no longer recognize his own conscience in good faith and will.
Psychologically, he was showing early symptoms of schizophrenia, escaping in different
personalities where he found peace and felt safe. So it was imperative that they win the case.
“Hey. What do you mean by making sure the bias is in our favor?” Geraldine asked.
“Men tend to be punishment oriented and favor prosecution. And we will need to find
personal connections to make the jury sympathize.” Anotidaishe explained.
“Mmm. Impressive. And what if the defendant’s lawyer says something pivotal dismissing
prosecution?” Geraldine asked again.
“In such an event. We look for juries prone to distrust authority.” Anotidaishe said.
“Aahh, what? I don’t see how that helps.” Geraldine challenged.
“The weaponry here will be economy balance, societal structure and normative ethics. This is
where they come in.” Anotidaishe responded calmly.
“Okay, go on.” Geraldine was attentive to what she had to say next.
“Virtue Ethics. Because Zimbabwe is a nation trying to not lose its customs, this will come in
handy. They focus on the inherent character of a person rather than on the nature or
consequences of specific actions performed. You have eudaimonism, agent based theories
and ethics of care. So this being an issue of the society, guaranteed or not. The court will have
to rule in favor of us or stand to be accused of being a sign that the government is failing its
citizens and look, it’s election time. So we got this case already.” Anotidaishe said with
“Not bad kid, not bad. You’re coming with, to represent our client. After all, it is your case.
Next Monday, be ready. And we don’t need a pre trial prep for this one.” Geraldine smiled.


“Thank you ma’am. I appreciate you.” Anotidaishe smiled and went to sit by her desk.
They made a very good and strong prosecution. Things could go otherwise but with
everything the nation was going through, the judge would in all logic, rule in their favor.
Anotidaishe was angry at the family and she really wanted to see them go to prison.
Community service or bail was not an option, she had enough armor to make sure their only
way out was serving time first. Three to five years sounded like music to her. She thought
perhaps she might be a monster for wanting such punishment upon another human being.
Regardless, it made perfect sense, given that it meant safety for her client and a healthy life
and also he now had to see a doctor, a psychologist and get some therapy sessions as well.
Back at the firm, the other interns were catching eyes on them given the move Anotidaishe
had just pulled. She had just catapulted herself and was now focused on the foundation of
her career. The guys felt sort of intimidated to even think of asking her out. It’s silly honestly,
even Anotidaishe knew all to well that if the guy is in her preference, she would not hesitate
saying yes and the other intern ladies tried taking notes from her playbook but that ship had
already sailed. Farai, an intern from UZ, he was a great guy and made a great lawyer.
Anotidaishe would always make sure to keep her eye on him and not be haste with him. To
be fair, she was not at all looking for anything serious or close to that. However, she did
wanted someone in her corner for when certain feelings demanded to be felt, she needed
someone who would be there to commit to her libido. Someone to grow with, per se and
sadly she had not found anyone she would appreciate. She was too selective, she needed the
person to be detached from reputation camps and just live life. She was not a loose young
woman as many would perceive her to be, no. She cared enough about her woman to not
deny her, her nature and it had been long.
Geraldine was pleased with her assistant and she felt Anotidaishe would have a great career
coming back to work at the firm as a permanent staff member. She had preconceived
assumptions of her coming from a family of law practitioners or something related to the
likes and little did she realize that Anotidaishe thought of her as family more than she did her
own blood, seeing her from the start, building something she felt accountable for her first
leap and responsible for everything that stood to be accomplished in the near future. The
need to protect her suddenly became a reflex for Geraldine because in all honesty, she was
no longer safe and she knew that Anotidaishe did not acknowledge how too much of a bigger
target she had just become. She thought of subtle ways she could make her understand what
it meant being her going forth. Obviously she still had to prove herself in the court but in as
much as building an argument is concerned, she had written her name on the score board
with the firm’s top practitioners and on top of that, she was just an intern. This was a green
light for her and what she wanted had just been granted, owning her position was the next
big step for no success comes without unfounded hate, jealous and envy.
Saturday morning, Munashe and Loveridge were at their friend’s place and the three guys
were busy throwing shots at each other. Their good friend Desire had a cousin, Elvina. She


was a UZ student studying marketing part 4. She had come for her final semester and instead
of renting, her uncle proposed she comes and lives with them since they are close to UZ, it
will cut expenses. To Desire’s friends, these guys only saw the new girl in the neighborhood
and it was who is going to get to her first. Desire preferred if she was going to date either of
the guys, that it should be Munashe but Loveridge had a way of just seeing himself as the
perfect fit always, pompous and arrogant. Munashe although irritated by his behavior, he just
made Loveridge believe he had already won but was making moves silently.
It was not her first time in Avondale, she would visit here there but since she was going to be
part of the community full time for a couple of months, Munashe took it upon him to show
her around. Despite his efforts of trying to put an impression on her, Elvina had secretly
developed a soft spot for him and could see a chemistry between them. He was very delicate
with her. She was stunning, seductive in the manner she presented herself and spoke, right
height and amazing body structure. The wrong thing with the chemistry growing between
these two was that it had bad intentions from both parties. For Munashe it was just
admiration and for Elvina it was just closure. Neither could see themselves having anything
serious with the other hence they kept that side of them hidden just until. Elvina was just
fresh out of a heartbreak which she had brought upon herself. Her boyfriend was working out
of the city and when he came back, he tried calling her but her phone was switched off. When
she did switch it back on and received his call, she lied to him that she was at home and that
there was no electricity hence her phone troubles because the battery was low.
Having sold that story, she went out to Mashwede with a couple of friends and the mistake
she made was telling her best friend where they were going. Her best friend sold her out and
told the boyfriend. When the boyfriend got to Mashwede, coincidentally, upon parking his
car he spotted her half drunk and wrapped around one of the guys she had came with.
Recognizing the car, shocked and knowing there was nowhere to run, she pulled herself
together and went to the car. The guy opened the passenger seat door for her to let her in.
Furious, hurt and disappointed, he drove her home and neither said a word. When they got
to the boarding house she was renting, only brief words were shared between the pair.
“Am I seeing you tomorrow?” Elvina asked in a low voice.
“Yes.” Her boyfriend responded with an attitude.
“Okay. Soo tinokwanisa ku…” He interrupted her.
“Go and sleep Elvina!” He was very harsh.
Without saying anything else, she quickly sobered up, nodded and quietly got out of the car.
He waited till she was inside the yard and waited for a few more minutes. He called Elvina’s
best friend to confirm if she was in a her room. When she confirmed, he quickly drove off and
went home. The following day, he met her to breakup with her in person. Elvina was
devastated receiving the news and could not believe what was happening. Her boyfriend was


precise with his decision that she just felt abandoned and left for dead. The only one guy she
had known her entire womanhood and the worst part was he had made breaking up easy as
if it was just another relationship. These two used to have unprotected sex every time they
had sex, meaning to say that Elvina had never known a condom her whole sex life. As if not
that was tormenting enough, weeks later she later discovered that he was now dating her
best friend, her roommate and her day one. Talk about living hell. She always wondered why
her best friend decided to move out and go rent elsewhere. That last semester was hell for
her and now back again, she was trying to pick her life up again and still hurting from the
breakup. Knowing what had happened to her last relationship and what it was making her go
through, Munashe wondered why she does not just move on instead of keeping tabs on the
two people who were making her life a crawl on a hill climb with broken glasses with a
tractor tied onto her waist, pulling it all the way up. She would always tell him that it was
necessary, going through the pain but Munashe only saw it as a way of strengthening an idea
instead of actually dealing with pain.
Not that he cared much, he would only comfort her for a while then jump on another topic,
sort of taking advantage of her loneliness. That whole weekend he spent it with Elvina,
getting to know her better and showing her around the place. Monday, back at work, he felt
quite peaceful yet worried. He had spent the last two days in the comfort of another woman
not thinking about Pollen and he did not know what to expect or how to react if they had to
have a conversation. He was so used to either not talk to her or just respond to what she says
to him. Now having spent the whole week with an empty space saving it for Pollen, it seems
Elvina responding to him positively let her into that space. She did not fill it though, hence
why he was discombobulated as to how he was going to handle what might or might not
happen because between the two of them nothing was solidified. It was just a nameless
chemistry about to combust into thin air.
Lunchtime, he did not go to the café and in good faith, he truly was preoccupied at the library
registering the new books that had just came in. Pollen came over to the library to see him
and brought him something to eat having been told at the café of his whereabouts. When she
got there, she found him busy and focused with what he was doing. She slowly walked in and
calmly greeted him.
“Hi.” Pollen smiled.
Looking up to her, his heart jumped and he kept his cool, he smiled back. “Hi, how are you?”
“I’m alright thanks.” She looked down at him.
He paused for a moment. “I’m sorry, forgive me. I’m not used to having guests up here. Here,
take a seat.” He cleared a few books and offered her a chair.
She sat down. “Thank you. My feet were hurting.” She laughed lowly.


“I apologize for the delay hey. Aaah here, you can put that here. There you go. So, how are
you, how are you feeling now?” He sounded genuinely concerned yet freaking out.
“Oh yeah. I’m much better now, thanks. You know I was going to chop your head off.
Thinking the least you could’ve done was get my number and just send me a text wishing me
well.” She said in a nice way.
“Oh yeah, yeah. Ummm I’m sorry, fortunately or unfortunately or both. I don’t have a
satisfactory answer as to why I didn’t.” He put a soft smile. “But I sense you changed your
mind. You’re not in a killing mood.” He mentioned.
“Oh yes. Well, after I heard you had been looking for me, I healed.” She laughed. “So, I
brought you lunch. For last week’s sake.” She handed him his lunch and the juice.
“Wow. Thank you, means a lot. I’m starving. Oh and if it’s all the same to you. I think it’s best
I have your number now in case you decide to leave me alone again and I don’t have a way of
reaching you.” He said in a joking tone.
Pollen laughed. “Alone huh?” She personally put her number in his phone, saved it and dialed
her number to save his on her phone. “There you go. Now we both have each other’s
number, don’t be a stranger.” They both laughed.
“So, I don’t know if this might be indelicate considering you just got back…” Pollen cut him.
“Hey. Never get sensible and feel sorry for a girl when you’re about to her something that
may have to do with how you feel about her.” She winked at him.
Munashe laughed. “Wow. Okay then. And how do you know I intended to say anything close
to that?” He asked.
“Now, what you did there was stupid. But I’ll let you have it. It’s written all over you and all
of a sudden you sound defensive.” She looked at him.
“Mmm. Now I feel like a complete idiot.” He said looking away.
“You should. But, carry on.” She sat back.
He felt sort of challenged and he obsessed on that thought so much that he goes through it
without breaking a sweat.
“I have feelings for you. How to say precisely, I do not know how as of yet. But what I can tell
you is that I have this feeling, the desire to belong to you. And last week I had this whole date
planned but because what happened, happened. I’m asking you if you may give me the
opportunity to take out on a date this weekend.” He said boldly.
“Yes. I’d like that. Took you long enough.” She teased and they both laughed.
“Took me long enough? Girl, please. You have no idea.” He said to her.


“You think? No, but really. There were moments I would think about you. And holding on to
the fact that I was going to see you again today kept me whole.” She said lowly.
“Feeling’s mutual. Although at times that optimism defeated me. I guess staying in denial
kept me going. Regardless, I promised myself that I tell you how I feel about you even if it
meant you were going to turn me down.” Pollen smiled.
She looked at her watch to check the time. “Free advice…? Always let time do the heavy work
for you. I’ll see you tomorrow Munashe. Thanks for lunch.” She smiled and got up.
Standing up to walk her out. “No, thank you. You were the thoughtful one.” She stood by the
“I can find my way from here. You can get back to that. See you Saturday.” She smiled.
“Good day to you.” He smiled and watched her walk away.
That was an amazing experience for them both. The courage it took for them to accept to
each other about a chemistry and feelings they themselves were individually uncertain of.
Either way, they were both glad that it happened how it happened because Munashe was
pretty sure there was no way he was going to walk into the staff room to see her with how
things were between them. Thanks to Pollen for pulling her big girl pants up and lay out a
perfect execution. They both got what they wanted and making the most from it is all that
was left.
When Munashe got home, he went to see Elvina first before going home. The two were
getting comfortable with each other and Desire did not see the sexual tension part of it. He
just figured they were still getting along and finding their way. Loveridge would make his
moves on the phone and the attention was directed to Munashe at the time. He was getting
turned down at every proposal and with Munashe, even though he had not did much as
propose to her, flirting was a fair exchange between the two. He would spent an hour or two
at her place just talking with no physical contact and non of those silly teasing gestures. He
would at times freeze looking into her eyes
and just think to himself, such beautiful eyes. Making a move seemed silly especially when
he felt like he can get whatever he wants without doing so. And so, three hours of going back
and forth with Elvina, he then went home.
When he got home he contacted Pollen. She had been waiting for his message since she left
the library. She was not making a big fuss about it but just that she expected at least a little
sense of prioritization from the guy who just claimed to have feelings for her. She imagined
that at this stage he cannot afford having her think otherwise towards him but to her
surprise, Munashe seemed sort of relaxed. It was as if he does not have an impression to put
and that she was his already. She was a little bit disappointed but then again, perhaps he was
just not ready to commit and she decided to keep her choices open.


It's not that Munashe was oblivious on how a lady is ought to be treated in the early stages of
a relationship. Problem was he was thinking with his second brain. Suddenly, bedding Elvina
was a priority to him and the distraction was causing a lot of damage towards something that
he could actually have, he was just straight up blind to that. His conversation with Pollen that
night was smooth, at least he managed to make her feel desired, admired and important to
him personally. It completely crushed Pollen’s anticipations on him and that charm she would
blush to had been replaced with men who are the same. She was now just waiting for that
one cliché move from Munashe to kick him off the list. He kept everything interesting and at
a low pace just to be sure he does not ignite any expectations. She was caught up in trying to
get a glimpse at his true intentions and this was even after he had made his interests known.
Munashe himself did feel a little distant from her, he failed to understand what the case
might be or what he could have done. He tried not to feed into it, anything negative may
distract him and realizing that he has true feelings for Pollen kept him going even though his
attention was now divided.
Elvina herself made no interest in wanting to know Munashe’s story. Having told him hers did
not necessarily mean that he was obligated to do so with her and seeing that he did not
share, she respected that about him and wanted him even more. The sexual tension was just
high and all this back and forth they had going on was just exhaustive at times and even to
them sometimes. Online they would flirt and talk dirty to each other, just pounding more and
more on that climax and finally they spoke about actually having sex and that conversation
was just a walk in the park. Even though they did put it on a calendar, they just made it
known to each other lest the opportunity comes up.
Next day, Munashe and Pollen kept their knot a little loose and the excitement was just dry.

4. Five minutes in bed.

It’s weekend again and everyone has the same words on their tongues, what are we doing for
the weekend. Anotidaishe was feeling hyper for no particular reason. She just had this
excitement as if she had been looking forward to this day for while now and she was well
aware of how much Geraldine was impressed by her work, she imagined in a few years to
come she will be having her own private firm. Just needed to bank on the experience,
knowledge of how things operate and who is who. Work was far from her this weekend, she
really could use a release and she was hoping to get a call from Geraldine but even that felt a
little far fetched. So, what she did was do a repeat of last weekend’s playbook only this time,
she will be involved. So she spent the whole day preparing for the night.
In the love corner, Pollen called Munashe at around 09.00hrs in the morning asking him if
they can have their date during the day. It was all with good intentions, she had just received


a call that she needed to be in Mutare to clear off some hiccups on her property paperwork.
She told them she can make a Sunday rendezvous, a private meeting and the guy agreed. So
her plan was to have her date then leave for Mutare at around 17.00hrs. Munashe did not
dispute or anything, he quickly suggested that they meet 13.00hrs sharp and make it a lunch
date. He asked his sister for her car and she agreed as long as he was driving local. Munashe
was not comfortable driving in the city town before 20.00hrs. He did not appreciate how
other drivers handled their vehicles and their way of observing road rules. He only drove in
residential areas if he was going to be behind the wheel in town, it will be after 20.00hrs
when traffic is low. So Munashe had everything well planned out for their first romantic
exchange, he went to pick her up at her place in Milton Park.
“Good afternoon. Wow, you look gorgeous.” Munashe complimented her as he held the door
open for her.
“Good afternoon to you too. Thank you. You look amazing yourself, a proper gentleman.” She
returned the gesture.
“Why thank you. I’m just trying to keep up with you.” He said so smoothly with comfort
looking straight into her eyes and she blushed as she got into the car.
Well played, he was collecting points already. He had booked for a nice lunch meal by Boss
Café, an Indian restaurant in Avondale. The place was so beautiful, customer service and the
food as well. Pollen was very much impressed by the simplicity. It was not too much yet it did
not lack anything of a couple essence. The venue was nice too, she had no idea Avondale
village was this nice as well, yes small, but nice. The whole lunch was introductory and
laughter, more of an exhibition of each other’s best and worst qualities. They looked great
together, they were just so cute and shockingly they were both enjoying each other’s
company despite the new balance of things between them. For a moment there, Munashe
had forgotten all about Elvina and that she too stays in Avondale and that there exists the
probabilities of bumping into her any second. Well, he was not at all worried about that, his
concern was surrounded around Pollen’s perception if it did and how he was going to make
things clear to her if she is to overreact. It is fair to say that he was overthinking everything
and masking it was the tough part whilst trying to maintain a positive energy with Pollen.
Three hours pass, Munashe then took Pollen to Yanaya restaurant next to Pick n Pay
supermarket still in Avondale. Here, they had a most delicious desert, all fruits and ice cream.
The day had went so well but then in the dying minutes, everything went to hell. The two
decided to get too personal with their personal information for people who were just getting
to know each other. It appears either they were in a hurry to make their relationship official
or to get rid of each other. Pollen just completely derailed everything.
“I’ll be honest. I’m grateful, I appreciate the effort and today’s by far the best date I ever
had.” She said lowly with a shy smile.


“Oh no please. I appreciate you, for looking my way and granting me this opportunity. This is
all but your doing.” He reached for her hand and held it firmly with caress and Pollen blushed.
“So this is where you stay?” She asked.
“Yes, nearby.” He responded quietly.
“Ummm so I’ve been dying to ask you. This is so improper, I don’t know why I’m even
asking.” She giggled. “I’m just curious. I’m sure you can respect a woman’s principles?” She
said to him.
Munashe felt a slight discomfort. “Yes, sure. Go on, you may ask.” He confirmed.
“How old are you? I’m sorry, I’m just… I don’t know what to say to you but…” She took a deep
breath to calm herself. “Look. If I let go of who I am, I become who I might be.” She gave him
an innocent dead stare.
Munashe sighed and already he felt this overwhelming negative energy just swoop him and
suddenly everything just seemed totally wrong.
“No, no. I understand and you’re correct. If anyone is to be with you, they ought to be in the
position to accommodate all of you. Love and respect.” He nodded. He took a deep breath in
and responded calmly. “I’m twenty-four. And you?” He asked boldly.
Pollen’s feelings for Munashe felt as if they just ran into a brick wall and were struggling to
quickly get up back on their feet. She just felt disappointed and deceived but she made sure
her expression do not show to him. Hearing him say his age just left her feeling miserable
with herself.
“I’m twenty-six.” She smiled.
The pause that was between the two send a clear message that they both read clearly and
understood. Munashe was worried something like this would happen and living it was totally
different from how he had imagined it and all he felt was denial and loneliness, all that love,
gone, in three seconds.
He smiled and broke the silence. “Well, those two years have no knob to close the door for us
to know what it’s like being together.” He gave a poorly constructed smile.
Even Pollen sensed he had realized what this meant and all he was doing was trying to
survive the last moments till he drove her back home. There was no exit to escape the
tension between them and they both put effort not to make the other feel bad or
disconnected. Munashe could sense Pollen’s absence and he could no longer see why he was
trying still. So he kept at it for the next thirty minutes then decided to take her back home to
which she gratefully agreed to. Besides, she had to go to Mutare and Munashe just reminded
her that she had mentioned about having a tight schedule later that night.


Their drive home was awfully quiet, well not entirely but the conversation was now
structured in question and response, there was no exchange anymore and Pollen did not
regret having asked about his age but she felt entirely bad for throwing his efforts right in his
face. When they got to her place, Pollen hastily reached for her door and stopped Munashe
who was about to go out and open the door for her.
“No, I got it. It’s okay.” She said with a sour tone.
“Okay…” Munashe felt that sting and quickly took that as the sign of denial.
“Thanks again. Good night.” She said without even looking at him and slammed the door, not
impolitely or angrily but with a specific attitude.
“Sure.” Munashe replied lowly. He watched her as she got inside and closed the gate.
Hurt and disappointed, he drove straight to Position Bar back in Avondale. He had a few
drinks of Zambezi lager and Mayfair. The young man was perfectly dressed in shame and his
existence was only found in denial. He tried calling her but she did not pickup his call and she
was not returning his calls and messages. He thought perhaps she was now preoccupied with
whatever she had said she needed to do. He then texted Elvina who was available and texting
him back. He did not pour out his sorry tone to her, no. He was very subtle and
straightforward with her. He then went to his car to make a phone call.
On the phone. “Hi”
“Hey. Mmm sounds like ukunakidzwa hako. Uripi?” She asked.
“Kukufonera zvorewa kuti handisi kunakidzwa zve nhai baby.” He said.
“Mmm shuwa? Ndini ndashota?” Network muffled.
“Sorry, watiii…?”
“Ndati ndini ndashota heree…?”
“Ehe.” He replied.
“Uya undione. I’ll see if I can make your night, make you whole.”
“I can’t say no to you. Okay, I’ll call you ndasvika.” He said in a sexy voice.
“Uya izvezvi. Umboripi izvezvi wacho?”
“Ndiri paPosition.” He replied.
“Okay. Ndifonere wasvika.”
“Okay, cool.”
“Iribho.” He hung up.


Actually, Pollen had got off the phone with Mutare informing her that everything is in order,
it was just a glitch with their computers and they had already fixed it. She did saw his calls
and messages but chose not to answer. She was disappointed in herself for being so blind,
she never thought she would ever date anyone younger than her. It was nothing new in her
circle but the first time to happen to her personally. That little voice in her head was speaking
again, telling her to think about what her friends will think of her and her family and
everyone else, what would they say. Especially those at work. She just got dressed and went
Munashe on the other side of the city, feeling really low, he just got up and went to the car.
He had been sulking and drinking beer at Position Bar since he drove Pollen back home.
Feeling a bit tipsy, he started the engine and drove to Elvina’s place. He parked by the side of
her gate and called her.
“Hey, ndasvika.”
“Okay, ndakuuya.” Elvina said.
In two minutes time Elvina was already walking out the gate wrapped in her morning gown.
She got in the car and they moved to the back seats. The energy was just tense and tender.
After some minutes of talking, Munashe just untied the belts of her gown. Seeing that she did
not reject him, she actually shifted into a more comfortable position and sat in a manner in
which he will be able to touch her comfortably. Car windows were slightly rolled down so a
chilly breeze was blowing in and inside the car it was a little dim, street lights were finding
their way in through the tinted windows. Munashe slowly leaned forward and in his mind he
was thinking thank goodness I took that breath mint. He slowly reached for Elvina’s neck and
slowly started caressing her earlobe with his thumb exchanging the duty with his four fingers
by her neck just beneath the hairline. She inhaled softly responding quietly to him and she
tilted her head low to rub it against his hand with her eyes closed. Munashe then gently
leaned forward and went in to kiss her. Still with her eyes closed, at the contact of his lips,
she then held him by his left cheek kissing him back.
After a moment Munashe pulled back. They looked each other deep in the eyes without
saying anything. The only thing on Munashe’s mind was going back to those soft wet lips of
hers. She gave him that seductive look, her eyes slightly closed and softly biting the left side
of her lower lip with a smile that’s held back. Seeing this, Munashe was turned on and he
whispered in a confidential voice.
“That’s a dare baby.” Elvina gave him a soft wink.
He quickly jumped back on her lips, this time he was going all in. They were breaking turns
and French kissing all the way. He slowly slid his cold hands under her shirt, straight to the
right breast. He was not too harsh with it yet manly with it. He kissed her by the neck and
lifted her to lay her down on the car seat and went lip to tits on her. He began sucking her tits


giving them a slight bite yet keeping them wet and exhaling on them. That warm breath just
turned Elvina on. Each time he exhaled on them his left fingers were gently rubbing her
clitoris. He felt her run wet and she whispered to him out of breath.
“I feel like having sex now but…” She moaned. “Oh my God. Mmmm wait, wait...” She
pushed him back by the chest.
“What is it?” He asked softly.
“Not tonight., not like this. I want you inside me badly but not this way in here. I wanna enjoy
the sex not just have it.” She said to him.
“Okay. I get it. Mmm next weekend?” He replied.
“No, kure kweseuko. Musi weWednesday. I’ll be home alone, Desire will be kumba kwabae
wake and aunt and uncle they are traveling.” She smiled.
“Okay, Wednesday it is.” Elvina quickly pulled him back and began kissing him again.
She held him tightly even Munashe could tell that she really wanted it but as she said, she
was not comfortable having sex in the car, they had to postpone. And going elsewhere, a
lodge or his place was not an option either. He had to wait for Wednesday and the one thing
that put him off was leaving those hard nipples unattended to and leaving her in this state,
he wondered what if Loveridge comes and since she is already horny, would she say no to
him. He just kept cursing and shouting in his head but keeping up the good work in the
physical realm.
After making it clear that tonight was only making out, Munashe made sure that he left her
satisfied regardless. He made her cum twice. Not bad for someone who only had his hands
and mouth granted access. Hour later, they were cuddling and just having a normal
conversation, Munashe slowly rubbing his right hand on her left arm.
“Kupuruzira kwaurikundiita ndakukotsira.” She giggled.
“Kana pasina akuona uchibuda, you don’t need kudzokera mumba.” Munashe said.
“Ha-ha. Funny. Desire andiona, ndiye andipa key yepagate. He knows I’m with you right now.
So, at least respect him and allow me to get back inside then Wednesday I’m all yours.
Ndendiri wako, whatever zvawada kuita.” She emphasized.
“I don’t see why and how would I say no to that deal. Wednesday huh. Okay.” He kissed her
by the forehead.
She then held her head up and kissed him for what felt like seven minutes straight.
“Goodnight. Drive straight home wanzwa?” She said firmly.
He chuckled. “Yes, Ndanzwa.”


“Ndiri serious Munashe. Munhu kumba. There’s nothing else for you out there, enda kumba
and call me wasvika. Pamba penyu padhuze apa it’s five minutes. Three minutes drive from
here to parking the car then two minutes to get muroom mako. Call me in exactly five
minutes time.” She said strongly.
“Yes, yes I hear you. Ndanzwa, ndokufonera. Urare bho.” He then kissed her goodnight.
He waited for her to close the gate and drove home, straight home as instructed. It felt funny
to him that he was doing exactly as he was told to do. He got home exactly at the stipulated
time and it felt weird to him, worried she might be getting in his head. He called her when got
home. They did not talk much, just wished each other goodnight sleep and went to bed, well,
Elvina did. Munashe stayed up to watch a movie and tried to call Pollen, whose phone was
not reachable. He tried twice and gave up. He then decided to just let her go. Painful for
something that seemed so right and just went off road just like that. He kept her number but
was beginning to slowly let her go. He was so angry with himself for allowing himself to feel
this way in the first place. Ignoring the pain, he focused on the movie.
Sunday morning, Pollen woke up from the cold floor she was lying on. She had knocked out
by the floor just next to the couch. The pain from her left knee cap and strained muscle pain
from her right arm indicated she fell trying to sleep on the couch. Her arm was just numb for
straight five minutes which got her worried. How much alcohol did she have last night. She
saw the Jack Daniels Whiskey bottles on the table. One full and the other half full. In front of
her was a glass of whiskey almost empty and she recognized the cup. She left with the cup,
last night’s events came back in shots as she gained full consciousness. She was at Jamtree
last night and remembered meeting Anotidaishe. They had a great night together but did not
drive back home together. She left early and left Anotidaishe who kept going on about living
out the night. Crazy woman. She smiled and staggered to the bathroom. She washed her
hands and as she was about to wash her face she looked in the mirror and her heart gave a
sudden shock.
“What? I don’t wear pink…” She said out loud with no idea whatsoever of what she was
looking at.
She was stunned and tried to remember something but nothing came to mind. She just
brushed the thought and washed her face. She had a lot of housekeeping to do. She put her
phone on the charger and switched it on. Just as she did, she saw Munashe’s good morning
message and just ignored it. Everything that happened yesterday after seeing Munashe she
had only bits and pieces of those memories. She could only recall the early evening but
everything after that was all blank. She then just put her mind to cleaning the house and let
each memory come back slowly. This meant that she was not going anywhere the whole day,
she was going to be home getting better.
09.00hrs, Anotidaishe was driving in. Wreaking of booze, she drank all night and she still had
the soberness that drove her home and to drink some more. Thank God her body could no


longer take it. When she walked in her flat she just dropped right there by the door. The
conscience registration of being home quickly took over control soon as she registered her
vicinity. All that tiredness and drunkenness she had been suppressing for hours just gained
consciousness and she was just shut down. After closing the door she just slowly leaned
against the door with her back and slowly slid down falling asleep at the same time and that
was it. Surprisingly, she still had her phone although the screen was cracked and her hair was
all messy. All her possessions were still with her and a little change as well. Her car was all in
good shape, just dirty. It was in need of serious washing as in she really needed to make a car
wash stop before heading to work unless of course if she did not mind driving an off road
treatment on a small portable smart car for the city, sport version too. Well, that was a battle
she had to engage tomorrow morning. As far as surviving Saturday night was concerned, she
had passed with flying colors. The young woman did enjoy her night, she went all out
religiously living Harare. She had left home around 16.30hrs and went to Cork Bar aka Angie’s
place. She started drinking there mercilessly and around 21.00hrs she went to club evetro by
Belgravia shopping center. There she went all out and after a few hours she went to the bar
just across the road. She did not spend much time there, she headed to Jamtree and later on
headed to Kuwadzana 6 with some ladies she had made friends with, so to speak. There they
killed hours and finally her last hours till sunrise she was at the Stravern club alone now. She
had refused going home or to be driven home, her mission was to get wasted big time with
no strings attached and hey, she did that alright. At least going back to Mutare, she now had
a story to tell, a night in Harare and what she went through and that alone completed her
There’s this tormenting feeling that everybody gets especially when they are looking forward
to having sex and the yester night they were with that person they are looking forward to. It
is not anticipation per se, although that word might be close to rightly describing it. No, no. It
is more of knowing what needs to be done and exactly how you are going to do it but you just
can not rush everything because you want to exist in that moment, you want to make that
time eternal. It is always a good laugh that no matter how grown or matured any human
being will claim to be, when it comes to the service of their own libido neither is master to
that. Most may logically argue Pope, the cardinals and everyone holding a ranking position in
the Catholic faith is master to it. Perhaps, men and women who believe in a cause have no
short comings in their path but one would fairly argue, not all of them. Hence, it is obvious
that most of those guys give in to their human nature, it simply makes them human, not
incompetent. Anyone who thinks otherwise is oblivious to reality, in their argument they are
simply saying you can teach a robot or AI emotion, which is absurd. There is no such thing.
That, is what Munashe was going through. The anxiety and thought of Wednesday was just
overwhelming him. Waking up Sunday morning he had this idea of working out and jog just
to boost his energy. However that was logical, was entirely constructed inside his head. It is
real simple, he wanted to sexually please and satisfy Elvina and the lengths he was going just
to prepare himself were extremely unnecessary. Then again, perhaps it had been a while for


him, well it had been a while since he had sex and remember Loveridge was an archenemy he
could not underestimate at all. One blink will cost him everything hence he had to keep his
eyes wide open. That Sunday him and Loveridge were doing their normal walks and sight
seeing. He did not mention not one bit of what happened between him and Elvina the night
before and that they had been seeing each other for some time now. Gladly, whenever they
went to see Desire, Elvina would not stick around them, she would excuse herself and her
entertaining Loveridge was very cautious. Loveridge would always wonder why that is, that
she would be distant, in denial and dispute him always.
Loveridge and Munashe were real close. That’s one thing she failed to fathom. Loveridge
would tell Munashe everything about his day and the women in his life. So Munashe knew
about the teasing going on between Elvina and Loveridge and in all fairness she did keep her
distance as far as getting physical with him is concerned. Meaning to say, Munashe was the
first one to get physical with Elvina before Loveridge. Loveridge did not love her, like
Munashe he just wanted what he could get from establishing a certain relationship with
Elvina. The one thing these three did not realize was that they all wanted the same thing from
each other and no feelings attached. The guys had the memo already and had picked from
her vibe that she wanted nothing to do with being in a relationship. The pattern here was just
that of appreciating each other’s gender and what there is to offer as such. Loveridge would
tell Munashe everything that happened between him and Elvina when he was not around.
And he would say the same thing every time. That she rather take from him and offers
nothing in return. To Munashe, what he did seemed somewhat kind of flashy and pointless.
Loveridge himself gave Elvina his Netone simcard that had 15GB of data. She did not ask for
it, he just gave her. Now, Munashe knew what he was buying but to Elvina it was him being
generous, she had no interest in the buy out that seemed cheap and when he started barking,
she clarified her side and he clarified his as well and nothing worthwhile came from it. This is
when Munashe actually had the epiphany that just being a man is precisely her price, that is
what he had to offer and what she needed. Silly him for being in denial all this way all to just
come back to the acceptance of that which he had dismissed and of course, he did not tell
Loveridge. Everything is fair in love and war, classic Munashe. Besides, it was right or justified
to let him tangle in the maze for a while.
The crazy thing about all this wicked Wednesday sheets was that Elvina herself was not at all
looking forward to Wednesday. Being with Munashe was more of curiosity and what it would
mean to her as a woman. As far as the sex and enjoying it was concerned, she had a list of
potentials but the way Munashe took care of her, to rightly put it. It really sank in. That was
like nothing she had ever experienced, the teasing, the short and long kisses all coming in
with a different rhythm. She wanted to experience that again, explore her own limits.
In general yes, she did find him attractive, her November man and all but the idea of
commitment was becoming more and more like a horrible little girl that would watch a
midget fall off the stairs just to remember what it is like to laugh. She always made sure to


keep every interaction casual, she hated it when a guy tries so hard to initiate a flirting
conversation over the phone. She preferred it to be in person, either way was just being plain
disrespectful. The breakup with her boyfriend just devastated her completely. Getting used
to having to go to the library for Wi-Fi, managing her use of data and being at home all
weekend. Everything she was going through now made her realize just how much of an old
person she is appearing. Her ex-boyfriend was very cautious with who he gets involved with.
He had to, he was a married man with a family but he had not told Elvina about it. He kept
her in the dark and she genuinely thought she was going to be his, he did love her but when it
came to actually build a life with her he was very hesitant. He was not prepared to lose his
one true family to some young woman who only believed in the thrills life had to offer. A
little harsh coming from a married guy spending hundreds of dollars on young university
women but then again, why would he sweat if he can afford it and also, it is fair to submit the
saying, just because you can, does not mean you should. But if life evolves around freewill
then what gives, honestly?
Later that Sunday, about an hour and a half before sunset. Loveridge had one of his side girls
come over to his place. And when he was walking her out, Munashe was just sitting outside
and then Elvina came over to see Munashe. She showed up the same time Loveridge and his
girl were walking pass Munashe. He tried to play it cool, to downplay any affiliation with this
other lady and seeing that Elvina was actually there to see Munashe he got curious as to why
that is. He figured if anything between them, he drew the intention and was worth getting
interested in. It bothers him seeing she is not even paying any attention to him one bit, so he
tried to build a mutual environment. Elvina was irritated by his efforts and being so oblivious
to fail to notice she is not concerned with him being with some other girl. She even teased
him by getting comfortable with the girl and began interacting with her. The simple stranger
girl talk, the basics, I like your hair, where did you get it done, oohh that coat of yours and so
on and so on. It rubbed on Loveridge so much he felt somewhat disconnected.
He tried to set up Munashe with his lady so he could draw Elvina’s attention just so to get a
few minutes with her, a quick talk. Noticing his intentions, she pulled Munashe by the arm
and held on and said her leave.
“Really nice coat. I’ll see you around, I really need to see him, it’s that urgent. Ciao you guys.”
He waved at Loveridge and his girl and began walking away with Munashe.
It was quite a drama, the tension going around amongst these people and only Munashe
could laugh about it for he was the one with the full picture of the elephant from all angles.
He understood why Loveridge was acting weird and felt awkward, why Elvina downplayed
everything and why Loveridge’s girl seemed totally lost and all of a sudden felt off colored. It
did not bother him much though, knowing that Loveridge was making moves to get down
with Elvina. Of course yes, as a man he felt disrespected.


Sundown, Pollen was just sitting outside by her pond, done with the cleaning and had a glass
of wine for company. She was doing some simple marketing for her cinema project, social
media spoils and the likes. A friend of hers came over to see her. She showed great
hospitality, as usual but everything went side ways when the friend went out of line
discrediting her efforts and dreams.
“So this other week, you weren’t around. The ladies and I were super worried about you. You
just ghosted and even when you came back you never said anything. Only to find out you
were in Mutare. Doing a cinema thing, I guess.” She said ignorantly.
“Why are you here Lucy?” Pollen asked bothered.
“I just want to know what’s going on with you honey… You just disappear on us and go to
Mutare on a business thing? Come on, we do everything together! Since when did we
become insignificant and this cinema bullshit is suddenly your world…!!? Honestly!” Lucy
looked at Pollen.
“Iwe. Urikubabauka kutii ko iwewe!?” Pollen laughed feeling insulting. “Hona. Iwewe and
your friends, ndisiyeyi guys. Hapana pandakamboku kanganisirai handiti? Iwewe what gives
you the right to say all that you just said to me? Uri ani? Aiwa, uri chii? Because from where
I’m sitting, we aren’t friends. At least not anymore. You were my friends, all of you but when
I came to you as friend what did you ladies do? Makandirasa. Asi here you are,
urikunditsvaga, unditsvagirei?” Pollen spoke harshly.
“Usatsvage pamuromo neni handitika. Shamwari inini I’m beyond your petty boyfriend issues
you got going on. Kana urikushaya mboro yekupinza mukabeche kako ako, don’t bring your
drama to my table tirikunzwanana here!!!? Ndauya sefriend and wakuedze kuda kunyepera
kuita woke pamberi pangu. Miss me with that bitch shit shamwari!!!” At this point Pollen was
really hurt about what Lucy said in referrence to her love life. She was already crying from the
She collected herself and spoke calmly. “Ndanzwa. I’m sure you can see yourself out.” Pollen
then looked away.
“Gladly! Kana hanya shamwari, Iya!” Lucy clicked her tongue then left.
Pollen did not look her direction till she had Lucy’s car tires screeching as she drove away.
Perhaps a simple misunderstanding or finally, the honest truth. Either way, what was said
was said and even Pollen felt hurt, she felt betrayed most. This is someone she called a friend
a went to her family dinner and not once and she had the guts to express herself in that
manner with those specific words. Clearly they discuss her behind her back, probably talk
dirty on her name and might be the reason her relationships never work out. One thing she
knew for sure was that Ivy would never be a part of this but if by any chance she might have
the slightest awareness that their friends speak ill of her, then her too is dead to her. In her
head she was thinking of how she was going to get to Ivy without alarming her in case Lucy


tells her of their quarrel or more so, breakup. Lucy herself was further away from
comprehension towards what she had just ruined. To her it was just a girls’ quarrel, to Pollen,
a nail to the coffin.
What is done is done, we move on to the next chapter. Next Monday, Pollen was not really
herself at work and Munashe was on a pendulum. They did not cross paths that Monday and
neither looked for the other. It was like things had got back to how they were in the
beginning, her not knowing of his existence and him not caring about her existence only this
time, he truly was trying hard to forget about her, meaning he genuinely did not care about
her existence at the moment.
Along came Tuesday, it was the same script, a downgrade in agony and self pity. Honestly
though, you would think that the young adults from the age of twenty – four to mid thirties
would have a deeper perception and a proper perspective at life. You know, something worth
while, something that completes one as an individual. But no, the sons and daughters
breathing in the 21st century do not aspire to no such thing, to them that is primitive, barbaric
even. Of course, the only non barbaric thing about them is that they are very good students
of Napoleon Hill. Oh he would be proud, one bets he is, turning in his grave with a smile of on
his face, “I did it. They listened.” Because the one thing that they do is think and grow rich.
Money is the only aspiration there is.
Wednesday. The day. Wicked Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Wednesday. Waking up Wednesday
morning was pleasant as ever unlike all these other days. Munashe felt quite himself under a
stranger’s skin. He so wanted to tear himself out of this imposter, blossom and let the world
meet him, the one and only. Work went well, way too well and just in case you are
wondering. No, Pollen and him still were not talking, no contact of whatever kind. By end of
day he already had the library empty and everything in its place. Too much hyper for one
person to handle. He had been looking forward to this since he got introduced to Elvina and
this was truly getting his accounts in order. He drove home steadily trying not to jinx his
opportunity and the two had been communicating since morning texting each other back and
forth. Matter fact, it was Elvina herself who reminded him of what day it was today and told
him the right time to come. She told him to come straight to her place from work and just
sleepover. And oh you guessed it. Those words tame any man. Well, any heterosexual man
that is. He was very careful getting to her place and made sure he was unnoticed. Elvina had
left the door open for him and he locked it as he walked in. She had already cooked supper
and had it ready. The two had some closure time with a movie as well as they had supper.
After the dishes she had him take a shower and she took one after him.
“No sweat in your sheets huh?” He said to her as she was drying her hair.
She laughed. “Yeah.”
“Well that’s just pointless.” He said lowly.


“No outside sweat. Only ours.” She dropped the drying towel wrapped around her body and
slowly advanced towards him naked.
When she got to Munashe, she unwrapped the towel around his waist, held him by the neck
with her right hand drawing him closer to kiss him passionately, with her left hand she was
slowly and softly running her fingertips around his abs. Munashe responded by holding both
her arms and let her lead and just followed her rhythm. She tilted her lower back to stand in
a bit bend form and reached for his penis and slowly began stroking it. Munashe groaned
softly, she then pushed him onto the bed, on top of him, she continued kissing him while
stroking. She felt the erection in her hand. Wild in her thoughts, she dropped backwards to
give him a blow job. Soon as he felt her wet lips on his penis, he quickly pulled her up and had
her lying on the bed.
He whispered to her. “Let me.” He slowly ran his wet tongue from her chest, through her
belly button down to her clitoris.
He began giving her oral. Passionately tapping her clitoris with his tongue. He massaged her
breasts and nipples as he slowly suckled on her clitoris at the same time licking her vagina.
Because the clitoris is tender and with a thousand nerves, he covered his teeth with his lips so
he does not mistakenly bite and or bruise her. He went on for some time and during then she
came three times and impatiently, she dragged him on top of her and started kissing him as if
she was going to devour him. He then pulled her close to the edge of the bed with her right
leg lying down and her left on the bed. Her legs spread apart, he stood between her legs
tapping her vagina with his penis for stimulation and building anticipation. Seeing she was
already wet, without her expecting it, he slowly went inside her. She gasped as he did, she
tilted her head back and held his arm firmly. Munashe pulled back out and she looked at him,
he then went back inside her as she bit her lower lip, feeling him slide slowly, in her eyes
Munashe saw her disappear into a world he could never follow her. He began stroking slightly
leaning in with his left hand on her neck and the right on her thigh. He followed her rhythm
as he slowly built up speed.
After some minutes they changed the position to cowgirl. She was very good with her waist
that he did not want her to get down. He sat upright and they began kissing as she worked
her magic. He breathed on her neck slowly and the warmth stimulated Elvina even more that
she picked up her speed. He then brought her down and went missionary on her with her legs
lifted. His strokes were all timed and went in different rhythms and length. He then
completely slowed down to initiate a sensual feeling for Elvina. After a moment he went
deep inside her and she moaned even louder holding on to his arms. He went back to stroking
“Yes, yes, yes!! Don’t stop… I’m cumming, I’m cumming!!. Oh my God baaabee!!!!” Elvina


When he felt her gripping him tighter he picked up the pace even more until she came, she
just looked exhausted and they kissed as he stroked softly and then withdrew spraying cum
on her bellybutton. Exhausted and drenched in sweat, they laughed as they gasped for air to
breathe. He kissed her and just dropped next to her both still panting.
“Wow. That was amazing.” Elvina said.
“You’re amazing.” Munashe said to her.
“No. You’re amazing, wow.” She then rolled on top of him to kiss him some more.
Elvina was truly satisfied. It went exactly as she thought it would, with her going to bed with
light feet comfort. She even asked him to come see her that coming weekend, he said yes and
he obviously had more plans for 03.00hrs in the morning. Morning sex just has some
wonderful charms to it and she was going to get those abundantly.
Lying in bed just pondering. Pollen felt disgusted with herself for ever having associated with
her ex friends in the first place. The troubles of being a successful young woman, no genuine
people ever show up in your life. She hated herself for having taken this long to pull away
from their grip and still, she had a lot of pulling to do even till now. At this point she was
considering quitting her job, she never liked it anyway and it was not her idea to begin with.
Trying to push out these raging thoughts in her head, she suddenly recalled some of the
events of Saturday night. She finally knew where she got the pink lipstick. Shocked, she just
laughed. That Saturday night, she was with Anotidaishe, they met at jamtree. She recalled
they began kissing to a Jamaican song that was playing despising the song’s lyrics. The song
was a popular song but not many caught the lyrics and they were sort of, downplaying the
claims being made. She then recalled exactly how it started, who kissed who first as they
were dancing close to the turntable.






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