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Age: 22 years old

Date of Birth (DOB): January 10, 2001

Place of Birth: Mumbai, India

Gender: Male

Weight: 70 kilograms

Height: 175 centimeters

Educational Qualifications:

 Bachelor's degree in Computer Science Engineering

 Pursuing german language Indian Institute of Foreign Languages

Religion: Hindu

During the subject's school life, she excelled academically and
actively participated in various extracurricular activities. She
demonstrated a strong work ethic and dedication to her studies,
consistently achieving high grades. Her academic success was a
source of pride and satisfaction for her, and she was known among
her peers for her intellectual capabilities. Alongside her academic
pursuits, the subject engaged in a wide range of extracurricular
activities. She was an active member of student clubs, such as the
debate team and science club, where she displayed her passion for
learning and exploring different subjects. These activities provided
her with opportunities for social interaction, leadership
development, and personal growth. Furthermore, the subject
maintained strong social connections with her classmates and
friends. She was known for her friendly nature, approachability, and
ability to foster positive relationships. Her interactions with peers
were characterized by mutual respect, support, and shared interests.


However, during her 12th standard, the subject's life took a drastic
turn as symptoms of Major Depressive Disorder (MDD) emerged. She
began experiencing overwhelming sadness, which seemed to
permeate every aspect of her life. This deep sense of sadness made it
challenging for her to find enjoyment or pleasure in activities that
were previously sources of happiness. The loss of interest in
previously enjoyed activities extended to her academic pursuits. The
subject's motivation to excel academically diminished significantly.
She found it increasingly difficult to concentrate on her studies,
experiencing frequent lapses in attention and a general sense of
mental fog. This resulted in a decline in her academic performance,
causing frustration and disappointment. Additionally, the subject's
social interactions and connections suffered as a result of her
depressive symptoms. She started withdrawing from social
gatherings, isolating herself from friends and peers. The once vibrant
and engaging individual became more reserved and distant, avoiding
social situations that required energy and effort. Her social
withdrawal was influenced by feelings of hopelessness, low self-
esteem, and a belief that others would not understand her
emotional state. The subject's life during her 12th standard was
significantly impacted by the emergence of MDD symptoms. The
combination of academic struggles, loss of interest in activities, and
social withdrawal created a challenging environment for her overall
well-being and academic success.

Upon entering college, the subject's symptoms of Major Depressive
Disorder (MDD) continued to worsen, further affecting her daily life
and overall well-being. The transition to a new environment, coupled
with the demands of higher education, presented additional
challenges for the subject. The subject found it difficult to adapt to
the new college environment. She experienced feelings of anxiety
and insecurity, which hindered her ability to establish new
friendships and social connections. The social anxiety often led her to
isolate herself, avoiding social situations and interactions with peers.
The lack of a strong support system exacerbated her feelings of
loneliness and further deepened her depressive symptoms.
Academically, the subject's motivation and ability to concentrate
continued to decline. She struggled to maintain focus during
lectures, found it challenging to complete assignments on time, and
experienced a significant decline in her grades. The once-driven and
ambitious student was now overwhelmed by a sense of hopelessness
and struggled to find meaning or purpose in her studies. The
subject's depressive symptoms also affected her overall college
experience. She felt detached from the college community, unable to
engage in extracurricular activities or take advantage of the
opportunities available to her. The lack of participation and
involvement in college life further isolated her, limiting her personal
and intellectual growth. Furthermore, the subject's future plans and
career aspirations became uncertain due to her depressive
symptoms. The once-clear path she had envisioned for herself
seemed clouded and unattainable. It became increasingly difficult for
her to set goals or make decisions about her academic and
professional future. The lack of motivation and pessimistic thinking
patterns hindered her ability to plan for her desired career path.


1. How would you describe your relationship with the subject?

Answer: As the subject's aunt, I have a close and loving relationship

with her. I have been actively involved in her life, providing
emotional support and guidance whenever needed. We share a
strong bond based on trust, understanding, and unconditional love.

2. How often do you spend time with the subject?

Answer: I try to spend time with the subject regularly, whether it's
through visits, family gatherings, or simply staying connected
through phone calls and messages. However, due to various
commitments and distance, the frequency may vary. Nonetheless, I
make an effort to be present in her life and offer my support
whenever necessary.

3. What are your thoughts on your child's friends and social circle?

Answer: I believe that the subject has a diverse and supportive group
of friends. From my interactions with them, they seem like caring
individuals who genuinely care about the subject's well-being. Their
friendship has provided her with a sense of belonging and support
during difficult times.

4. How would you describe your relationship with the subject? Do

you get along well?

Answer: I have a close and positive relationship with the subject. We

have a strong connection built on trust, open communication, and
mutual respect. We get along well and are able to discuss various
topics, including her struggles with Major Depressive Disorder, in a
supportive and understanding manner.

5. How do you feel when your child is feeling low or experiencing

depressive symptoms?

Answer: As a parent figure, it deeply saddens me to see my child

experiencing emotional pain and struggling with depressive
symptoms. I feel a sense of empathy and concern, and I want to do
everything possible to support her and help her find relief from her

6. When did you first realize that your child needed medical
attention/help for her depression?

Answer: I began to notice changes in the subject's behaviour, mood,

and overall well-being during her 12th standard. Her prolonged
sadness, withdrawal from social activities, and decline in academic
performance were clear signs that she needed professional
assistance and medical attention for her depression.

7. Does your child's behaviour and struggles with depression have

an effect on other family members?

Answer: Yes, the subject's behaviour and struggles with depression

have had an impact on other family members. We have all felt a
sense of concern, empathy, and a desire to support her through her
difficult times. It has also highlighted the importance of mental
health awareness within our family and fostered a sense of unity in
providing her with the necessary support.

8. What efforts did you make in helping your child during her
treatment for depression?

Answer: During her treatment, I made efforts to educate myself

about depression and its impact on individuals. I actively supported
her in seeking professional help, accompanying her to therapy
sessions, and ensuring she had access to the necessary resources for
her recovery. Additionally, I provided emotional support, listened to
her concerns, and encouraged her to prioritize self-care and well-

9. Have you noticed any positive changes in the subject since she
began her treatment for depression?
Answer: Yes, since the subject began her treatment for depression,
we have observed positive changes in her. She has shown increased
resilience, a gradual improvement in her mood, and a greater sense
of hope for the future. It is encouraging to witness her taking steps
towards recovery and regaining a sense of well-being.


1. How would you describe yourself?

Answer: I would describe myself as a resilient and determined

individual. Despite the challenges I have faced, I strive to maintain a
positive outlook and continue working towards my goals. I am
empathetic, introspective, and value meaningful connections with

2. What do you believe are your strengths and weaknesses?

Answer: One of my strengths is my ability to empathize and

understand others, which allows me to offer support and be there
for those around me. I am also a determined and resilient individual,
able to bounce back from setbacks. However, I do acknowledge that I
can be overly self-critical at times, which can be a weakness.

3. How would you describe your interactions with friends?

Answer: My interactions with friends are important to me. I value
deep and meaningful connections and enjoy engaging in open and
honest conversations. However, during my struggle with Major
Depressive Disorder, my social interactions were limited as I found it
challenging to reach out and connect with others.

4. How is your relationship with your family members?

Answer: My relationship with my family members is generally strong

and supportive. They have been there for me during my difficult
times and have provided a safe and loving environment. However,
my depression did strain our relationships to some extent as it was
challenging for them to fully understand the depth of my struggles.

5. What do you like to do when you feel lonely or upset?

Answer: When I feel lonely or upset, I find solace in engaging in

activities that bring me comfort and relaxation. This includes reading,
listening to music, practicing mindfulness, and spending time in
nature. These activities help me to ground myself and find inner
peace during challenging times.

6. Do you often find yourself overthinking about what's going on in

your life?

Answer: Yes, I tend to overthink and ruminate about various aspects

of my life. It can be challenging to quiet the negative thoughts and
worries that arise, but I have been working on mindfulness
techniques to help manage and redirect my thoughts in a more
positive direction.

7. Are you reminded of past events that occurred in your life?

Answer: Yes, certain past events continue to have an impact on me

and can resurface in my thoughts and emotions. However, through
therapy and self-reflection, I am learning to process and heal from
those experiences, allowing myself to move forward and focus on
the present.

8. Do you have any regrets in your life?

Answer: I believe that regrets are a natural part of life, and I have
had my share of them. However, I am learning to approach regrets
with self-compassion and use them as learning experiences to grow
and make better choices in the future. It is important for me to focus
on self-forgiveness and personal growth.

9. Did the medical treatment you received help you in any way?

Answer: Yes, the medical treatment I received for my depression has

been instrumental in my journey towards recovery. Therapy,
medication, and support from healthcare professionals have
provided me with tools and coping strategies to manage my
symptoms, gain insight into my thoughts and emotions, and work
towards improving my overall well-being.
10. What lifestyle changes have you made since your treatment
for depression?

Answer: Since my treatment, I have made several positive lifestyle

changes. I prioritize self-care and engage in activities that promote
my mental and physical well-being, such as regular exercise,
maintaining a healthy sleep schedule, and practicing mindfulness. I
have also learned to set boundaries, manage stress more effectively,
and prioritize my own needs and personal growth.

In conclusion, the case study of the subject's experience with Major
Depressive Disorder (MDD) sheds light on the impact of this mental
health condition on various aspects of their life. The subject's
personal history revealed the onset of depressive symptoms during
their 12th standard, which significantly affected their school life,
academic performance, and overall well-being. The interviews
conducted with the subject's aunt and the subject herself provided
valuable insights into the challenges faced, the support received, and
the journey towards recovery. The subject's aunt played a crucial
role in recognizing the changes in the subject's behavior and
initiating the process of seeking medical attention and professional
help. Her support and understanding were instrumental in creating a
safe and supportive environment for the subject. The interviews with
the subject revealed their struggles with depression, the impact on
their relationships, and the efforts made to cope with the symptoms
and regain a sense of well-being. It is evident from the case study
that Major Depressive Disorder can have a profound effect on an
individual's life, including their academic performance, social
interactions, and overall quality of life. However, with proper
diagnosis, treatment, and support, individuals like the subject can
find ways to manage their symptoms, seek professional help, and
make positive lifestyle changes. The case study highlights the
importance of raising awareness about mental health issues,
destigmatizing mental health conditions, and encouraging individuals
to seek help without hesitation. It emphasizes the significance of a
supportive network of family, friends, and healthcare professionals
in the journey towards recovery. In conclusion, the case study serves
as a reminder that mental health conditions like Major Depressive
Disorder are complex and require a multifaceted approach to
treatment and support. By understanding the personal experiences,
challenges, and coping mechanisms of individuals with MDD, we can
work towards creating a more compassionate and inclusive society
that supports and uplifts those who are struggling with mental health


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