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1. James Nyavoga Chair
2. Cyrus Musau Treasurer
3. Pascaline Ndinda Secretary
4. Nyambura Mwenda
5. Mathew Ngui
6. Rodah Kangai
7. Martha Otwori

The meeting started at 12.15 pm with a word of prayer from Madam Pascaline.

Min.01/05/022: Membership
It was agreed that all the teaching and non-teaching staff of MTVC will be the members of the
welfare group.

Min.2/05/022: The Constitution

The members agreed that the following rules and regulations will guide the welfare group:
Death: In case of death, the contributor, their spouses, (one spouse) parents including
parents-in-laws and children will benefit from the welfare kitty. In case of death of more than
one person at the same time, each victim will be treated individually. Information about death
should be given to the Chairperson or any welfare official three days prior to the burial day. It
was agreed that members should submit names of the parents-in-laws.
Sickness: In case of sickness, it has to be hospitalization, excluding maternity. Only the
contributor is covered. In case of chronic diseases, the contributor to be covered twice a year
Due to lack of time, the meeting was postponed at 1.00 pm, with a closing prayer from Mr. Ngui
and members agreed to meet on 30th May at 11.00 am.
30th May 2022 at 11.30 a. m.
Mr. Jeremiah was invited to join the meeting on 30th May 2022 in order to represent the non-
teaching staff.
Weddings: The members agreed that Civil, Religious, Traditional weddings and dowry payment
will be covered for the contributor only. It was also agreed that dowry payment should be
covered once only.

Min 3/05/022: Monthly Contributions

After a long debate, it was agreed that members contribute ksh.200/= (two hundred only)
monthly, which would go to the welfare kitty and this will be reviewed every quarter. It was
agreed that the contributions should start with the June 2022 salary.
Submissions should be done by 10th of every month. It was agreed that the amount will be
deducted directly from salaries of the B.O.G members, but P. S. C. members to submit cash to
the principal’s office which will then be given in cash to the treasurer for depositing in the
welfare account.
It was also o concluded that the beneficiaries will receive ksh.10,000/= (ten thousand) only for
every occurrence. In case a member exits honorably, he would receive a token of
ksh.2,000/=(two thousand) after having contributed for one year.
The Welfare Account: It was agreed that an account be opened with Kenya Commercial Bank
(KCB) for deposits.
Account signatories were selected as follows;
1. James Nyavoga Chair
2. Cyrus Musau Treasurer
3. Pascaline Ndinda Secretary

It was agreed that all the monies be deposited in the account and messages of every transaction
be sent to the Quality Assurance Officer. In case the money accumulates in the account, a
minimum of ksh.40,000/= (forty thousand) only be kept in the account and the surplus be shared
among the members after every 12 (twelve) months. All members shall have contributed for at
least one year in order to get a share of the dividends.
Min. 4/05/022: Staff Lunch
The members that the staff lunch would be optional. That the college would employ a cook who
will be preparing lunch for the trainers. Madam Nyambura was asked to come up with a menu in
order to decide how much the members will pay for the lunch.
Min 5/05/022: Team Building for the Teaching Staff
The committee members in consultation with the principal agreed that team building would be
for the teaching staff but to include the secretary and the accountant. The retreat would take
place 3rd August at CMC Fun Place Kitengela.
The members were asked to come up with a budget to include;
i. Buying a live goat to be slaughtered and served at the hotel.
ii. Team building activities.
Mr. James was requested to coordinate team building activities and Madam Nyambura to consult
on food and refreshments. The coordinators were asked to give their report by Monday 25th June
The committee members agreed to come up with a calendar of events for the welfare group. It
was also agreed that the welfare meetings should be held at least once every term.
The meeting ended at 1.00 p m with word of prayer from madam Nyambura.

Chair: Date:

Secretary: Date:

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