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Introduction of the Study

The founder of the advertising is Benjamin Franklin. He used this term first time in early 1700’s
to sell wine and mathematical instruments and he used his expertise to teach stores to advertise
by utilizing graphics. Due to this town began to grow, minimized in the cost and easy availability
of goods and finally advertising began to grow steadily.
In the 19th century Thomas J. Barratt became the father of modern advertising, in this era the
advertising totally transformed and will be done by the use of battered slogans, images and
phrases. Barratt presented sundry of the innovative ideas that lie behind successful advertising
and these were widely disseminated in those days. In the 20th century advertising increased
vividly as industrialization lingering the supply of manufactured products.
Now a days corporate war is not only comprises on price but also on the loyalty and
attractiveness of customers toward product matters a lot. Advertising plays a very vital role in
not only clutching the customers but also boosting up the performance of the business. Now a
days advertising through social media is a central weapon in all marketing tools due to its
positive impact on consumer behavior.
The term advertising derived from the Latin word “advert” signifies to turn, the consideration.
Advertising is basically an action of expressing your thoughts to the general public through print,
social and electronic media. Now the term Advertisement in the thoughts of different advertisers.
Kotler Armstrong stated that:
“Advertising is any type of non-individual presentation of plans, merchandise, or benefits by the
utilization of mass correspondence through publicizing media, for example, print, telecast, film,
outside, or electronic media”
Problem Statement

Today’s life social media has become the imperative part of every one life and it has become the
progressive important part of information. But some of the people neglect this philosophy
because they think that they are a crook. So, due to this negative addition in this it becomes
really conflicted and raised the question that “who is right or who is wrong”?
This research is conducted to know the determinants of consumer behaviour on two independent
factors Social Media and Advertising.

Objectives of the Study

This study is for those people who intended toward Social media and Advertising campaign.

Research objectives

The basic objective is to find those factors which have deep impact towards social media and
advertising on consumer behavior.

Specific objectives

Following are the specific objectives:

 Social Media affect the consumer behavior towards online shopping
 Advertising affect the consumer behavior towards online shopping
Literature Review

All in all advertising has two goals in particular, Behavioral or activity destinations what’s more
Sales goals. From the behavioral perspective, it impacts the purchaser conduct of customers. It is
an acknowledged truth that all conduct begins with inspiration. Commercial inspires individuals
by moving their torpid needs that enacts conduct.
In addition Niazi et al said that advertising is an effective tool to attract people and to divert their
attitude positively toward product. There is a moderate relationship between consumer purchase
attention, environmental factors and emotional factors. If consumer is emotionally attached with
the product he/she will prefer to purchase that product.
Consequently Jakstien et al. said advertising has a vital role in modern age because it’s a
mechanism to build the behaviors of society regarding products. With the help of ads people can
enjoy information and make decisions regarding product. People emotional, psychological and
behavioral aspects play a crucial role during buying decision. There is a significant positive
relationship between television ads and Consumer Buying Behavior. Due to television ads
canned food demand as well as price increased. Television ads play a crucial role to change
consumers purchase attention and increase consumer’s new patterns about canned foods.
Rubini said that advertising is an intangible thing but it has a great influence on consumer buying
attention. Advertising can be behavioral or attitudinal so we can say that advertising can be
coincident. Knowledge regarding an advertisement has influence on customer behavior when
customers are intended toward advertising.
If the consumers could understand the intention of advertisements, then the potential effect of
advertising may be reduced. As the impact of television advertising allows consumers to use the
cognitive defenses, such as to produce counter arguments and reasons (Bruck, A, and Goldberg
Allen. Et al., (1992) argue that it is actually the emotional reaction which is developed after the
advertising, for the product advertised, that influences the consumer behavior.
In the words of Gorn, 1982, the consumer behavior towards a product is totally depending on
advertising, without any assessment of the quality of the product.
Most of the time consumers buying behavior is influenced by liking or disliking of consumer
towards the advertisement of the product, advertised (Smith et al., 2002).

Advertising is fundamentally developed as an apparatus by the organizations/brands or advertiser

with the goal to:

 Inform folks about new items and administrations.

 Brand building
 To remind patrons about their brand at the right time and spot
 To fortify client faith in buy
 To assemble Corporate Identity
 To help their deals supremacy gets more powerful
 To give their brand and organization an "Identity" that makes it extraordinary.
 Government and independent bodies use publicizing to:
 Inform individuals about their policies
 Promote contraception
 Educate the masses on health awareness
 Prevent frenzy throughout regular catastrophes
 Dispel unsafe bits of gossip
 Attract outside venture

This study explain the association between consumer behavior which is taken as a dependent
variable and social media and advertising as independent variables.

Social Media


Here are some key dimensions have been selected for the study of impact of advertising on
consumers’ behavior.
 Quality of the product advertised
 Price of the product advertised
 Mode of social media used for advertising
 Brand Image in advertising
 Celebrity endorsement

H0 : Consumer Behavior significantly related with the degree of advertising and social
H1: A significant positive relation exist between Consumer behavior and social media.
H2: A significant positive relation exist between consumer behavior and advertising.


Selecting the correct model to plan and implement your research is called methodology. There
are two methods Qualitative method and Quantitative method. Qualitative method includes the
data collection procedure and analysis. Quantitative method includes the hypothesis formulation,
and variables identification. These variables can measure the objectives and thus lead to inquiry.

Method for Research

This research is done through survey and we have used questionnaire as a tool to gather data
from different students.

Research Design

We have designed our research in such a way that it shows the relation between independent and
dependent variables. We will have to prepare100 questionnaires to collect data from 100
different students from 3 major departments of Punjab University so that results could be
generalized. Questionnaires will be distributed among the respondents.


The students who belongs to the 3 major department of the University Of The Punjab, LHR was
taken as the population of this study. We have selected the participants on the basis of gender,
education and age. Mostly they belong to Bachelors and Masters Level.

A convenient sample of 100 students will be pooled up for the current study in which respondent
of the study will be requested to complete the arranged questionnaire on volunteer basis.


We have used nominal and 5-point likert scale as an instrument to measure. Furthermore, We
have developed clear and simple questions by presenting one idea at a time and using options
like ‘’strongly agree’, ‘’agree’’, ‘’neutral’’, ‘’disagree’’ and ‘’strongly disagree’’.

Data Collection

The primary data of the study will be collected through questionnaires and the data will be
collected mainly from the students and secondary data through internet, journals and business
magazines related to the problem.

Data Analysis

After the collection of the related data through primary or secondary sources, I will have to apply
certain tests on the data. It is analyzed on the basis of appropriate tables by using bar chart and
percentage analysis. Chi-Square test is also applied to test the goodness of fit to confirm the
distribution of observed data.
After that we will put the data in an SPSS software to get some results, the results would be
analyze then and appropriate conclusions has been made whether the results are supporting our
study or not.

Adeolu B. Ayanwale, Taiwo Alimi and Matthew A. Ayanbimipe (2005). The Influence of Advertising on
Consumer Brand Preference. Journal of Social Sciences, 10(1): 9-16.

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