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As this year’s host of the G20 summit, India is holding a series of meetings across the
country. One of these meetings, on May 22-24, will be held in occupied Kashmir as part of
the Tourism Working Group. Over 100 International delegates from the member countries
of the G20 are expected to arrive in Srinagar, where they will discuss the use of digital
technology for cultural preservation, amongst other topics. 
India holding the G20 meeting in Kashmir is a clear attempt to normalize its settler-
colonial project, and enable international authorization and consent for its authoritarian
actions in Kashmir.

Our coalition urges organizations to sign our letter to demand that all member countries
and their delegates BOYCOTT the G20 meeting that will be held in Kashmir. 

Coalition Groups: StandwithKashmir, Kashmir Law & Justice Project, Kashmir Scholars
Consultative & Action Network, Project South, The Polis Project, International Defenders
Council, Within Our Lifetime, We are Dissenters, American Muslims for Palestine Switch accounts

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Sign Our Letter:
In late May, India is hosting G20 meetings in Kashmir – an occupied territory subject to
colonial domination and fascist repression.  The Indian state is using the G20 to project an
image of “normalcy” in Kashmir to the world, while basic human and democratic rights
continue to be denied to the Kashmiri people. International journalists, UN officials,
political leaders, and human rights organizations continue to be restricted from entering
and moving freely within Kashmir. 

The COALITION TO BOYCOTT THE G20 IN KASHMIR, in solidarity with the people of
Kashmir who are seeking an end to India’s brutal occupation and their right to self-
determination, demand that all member countries and their delegates BOYCOTT the G20
meeting that will be held in Kashmir. 

Instead, we urge member countries to demand that the Indian government end the
repression of Kashmiris, release political prisoners, and open up Kashmir to the world as a
starting point towards an ultimate resolution to the long-standing dispute that respects the
aspirations of the people. 

If you STAND FOR human rights, self-determination, democratic rights, labor rights,
economic justice, climate justice, indigenous rights, demilitarization, free speech, a free
press or abolition or STAND AGAINST illegal occupation, colonialism, settler colonialism,
militarization, militarism, nuclear war, authoritarianism, supremacism, casteism, organized
hate, fascism, the surveillance state, mass incarceration, police brutality or ecocide,
Kashmiris’ fight is your fight! 

Indian leaders are on record saying that this G20 event is an opportunity to show that
“normalcy” has returned to Kashmir.

Denying freedom of assembly is not normal! Denying free expression is not normal!
Denying freedom of the press is not normal! Jailing human rights defenders, journalists,
and dissidents is not normal! Censoring artists, writers, and academics is not normal!
Mass arrests are not normal! Evicting people from their homes is not normal! Forced
demographic change is not normal! Denying freedom of movement is not normal! Fake
encounters are not normal! Enforced disappearances are not normal! Extrajudicial killings
are not normal! Repressing human rights organizations is not normal! Creating a
surveillance state is not normal! Denying religious freedom is not normal! 

Denying freedom and self-determination is not normal!

#boycottG20inKashmir #noG20inKashmir #Kashmirnotnormal

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