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Homework Education

1. Read the text and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best completes each
collocation or fixed phase.

2. Complete the extracts from two school reports. Use the words from the box.

Report 1
Tracey has made a big (1) ..effort. this term, showing herself to be
(1) Mature for her age. She (3)participated herself well
(4)contributes fully to class discussions. She shows a
lot of (5) respect towards her teachers.
Report 2
On one occasion Derek was sent home for being (1) insolent
teacher. In terms of effort, his work can sometimes be rather (2) half-
hearted He is
easily (3)distract and finds it hard to (4)concentrate in class.
Also he
has not (5)applies in group work as well as he should.

3. Both options make sense. Underline the one which forms a common collocation.

a. In my country we have to do nine basic/core subjects and then we can choose

several others.
b. At this school we put a strong emphasis on academic/scholarly achievement.
c. In my country bodily/corporal punishment was abolished 40 years ago.
d. In my class we had a helper/support teacher who assisted pupils with learning
e. On Friday afternoons we had lessons with the trainee/apprentice teacher.
f. In my country we have some end of year tests but most of our marks come
from progressive/continuous assessment.
g. At 16 we have the choice of doing more vocation/employment oriented
courses, such as business studies and accounting.
h. When I was 15, I had a 2-week work position/placement with a local factory.
i. There were a number of teenage/child mothers in my class.
j. I was expelled from school for playing/going truant too many times.

4. Complete each space in the text with a word formed from the word in capitals.

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