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Phone call discussing the race

Dialogue with the other runners

Int To Character at training scene

Jay,16,Asian,teen, athlete,undisciplend and unmotivated, still

wanting to win in his race

*Fade from black*

(*** )Character training arc

Starts with the character training, running in the forest. It starts

off fast and a little bit exciting. We don't know who this guy is we
just know he's a runner. We see him training hard, and training fast.

(*** )Lost arc

Jay gets tired, frustrated angry at himself he tries again to keep

going fails, tries again fails. He punishes and goes hard on himself.
He stops resting tired ready to give up then he sits down

The character is about to give up but then an over-the-0shoulder shot

of another person

Person- "Why are you stopping"

Jay "I can't do it"

Person- "Who said you can't"

Jay " I wasn't strong enough before, I can't do it now"

*memory clip shows* The boy losing 1st by half a step

Person- "If you dwell on the past you won't move forward in the
future, you have to let go" You have to wait and remember the pain
you've been feeling can't compare to the joy that is coming".

Jay- "How do I do it then"?

The camera reveals the other person to be himself. This entire time
he had it, in himself, and that it was only him that was only
standing in his way.

The person- "Be patient and trust the process".

Redemption arc

The boy goes back and takes a deep breath. Starts to run again. He
becomes more patient and just trusts the process he is taking. He
keeps going further and further and he slowly starts to get a little
happier. He realizes his potential and becomes excited and ready. He
is now disciplined and motivated.

transition to a dissolving black screen "5 days later"

(*** )Winning arc

The audience sees the notification on phone "Race day"

Jay wakes up full eyes open ready for this day and now preparing for
his race

Slow-mo scene

Jay pulls up to the race scene and starts walking to the starting

*Thriller music plays*

Slow-breathing audio is played in the background

Jay is getting ready a Lil nervous

*Breathing audio*

Jay gets into his running stance

*audio* Ref "On your marks.. get set.. GO"

*Race starts*

Intense music plays

Jay races

*times is going*

multiple shots of Jay running. We see him struggling a little bit,

but he rubs it off knowing that he's almost there

Jay in his thoughts "It's now or never, come on".

Jay finishes his race and wins he then shows him so tired and plops
to the floor. Time passes by, his name gets announced winning and
gets first

*Crowd Cheers*

Jay then gets interviewed

*all smiles and cheers from everyone*

*Happy music plays*

* Fade to Black card*


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