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Phrasal Verbs

A Phrasal verb is a combination of a verb and an adverb or a

verb and a preposition, or both, in which the combination has a
meaning different from the meaning of the words considered

Verb + Adverb and/or Preposition = New meaning

There are more than 5000 Phrasal Verbs, this is a small list.

- Back up → to support or defend someone.

- Break down → break, despair, droop, fail.
- Call off → to cancel or postpone inde nitely something that was scheduled.
- Call around → contact multiple people.
- Calm down → tranquilize. To become less excited, intense, or angry.
- Carry off → negotiate, to be successful; to achieve a goal.
- Carry on → 1 - behave badly. 2 - direct the course; manage or control.
- Carry on with → to continue doing or participating.
- Carry out → accomplish, execute, ful ll.
- Carry over → transfer, persist from one stage of activity to another.
- Check out → 1 - examine to determine accuracy, quality, or condition. 2- announce one's
departure from a hotel.
- Clean up → 1 - be extremely successful in an endeavor, such as business, sports, or
gambling. 2 - tide.
- Come around → to change your opinion of something.
- Come between → to disturb a relationship.
- Come down with → to become sick.
- Come out of → to happen as a consequence of another event.
- Come up → 1 - to happen, usually unexpectedly. 2 - to mention in a conversation. 3 - to
move towards someone.
- Come up with → to suggest or think of an idea or plan.
- Count on → to depend on, depend upon, rely on.
- Dive into → to start doing something energetically, often without stopping to think.
- Dress up → to put on special clothes in order to change your appearance.
- End up → eventually reach some conclusion or destination.
- Fall apart → to break into pieces.
- Find out → to discover or learn.
- Get across → to make someone to understand something.
- Get ahead → to be successful.
- Get along → to have a good relationship or not having
problems with someone.
- Get at [something] → to touch or to reach something
- Get at [somebody] → to criticize someone repeatedly.


- Get away → to escape, to break loose.

- Go about → to begin to deal with.
- Go after [something] → to chase, look for, pursue.
- Go after [somebody] → to try to catch or stop someone.
- Go against → to oppose or to disagree.
- Go ahead → to start or to continue to do something.
- Go for → try or attempt to achieve something.
- Go on → to continue doing something.
- Go over → to review or look at it again.
- Hand in → to give something to someone.
- Leave out → omit or to fail to include something or someone.
- Let down → to disappoint .
- Let in →to allow someone or something to enter.
- Let know → tell someone something.
- Let down → disappoint, fail to meet the hopes or expectations.
- Let down → move something or somebody to a lower position.
- Let go → to stop holding something or someone.
- Let off → to not punish someone who has committed a crime or done something wrong.
- Let out → to allow someone or something to leave a place.
- Look after →take care of someone or something.
- Look up to →admire or idolize someone.
- Make for → to go in the direction of a place or thing.
- Make of → Understand, nd a reason.
- Make off → Hurry away, escape.
- Make out → 1 - Decipher. 2 - to say, usually falsely, that something is true. 3 - to have a
sexual relation with someone.
- Make up → Invent, lie about something.
- Make up → forgive each other.
- Make up for → to compensate for something.
- Mix up → to confuse something with something else.
- Pull up → to retrieve or bring something nearer.
- Put up with → to tolerate or condone.
- Put on → to wear or add something to your person or an object .
- Run out of → to use all of or drain the supply of something .
- See to → to make sure something is done.
- Set off → to start a journey or trip.
- Set up → to arrange or organize.
- Show off → to behave in a way that is intended to attract attention or admiration, and that
other people often nd annoying.
- Shut off → to stop operating.

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