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Hesham Sadek Wednesday, June 14, 2023

Contemporary Management Abdelhamid Taha Halawa
ESL 72V1

Case Study #03 – Version (1)

Creative Deviance: Apple Org Chart

 Problem Definition:

Several companies and organizations apply work processes and policies with top-down
hierarchy structure, such management approach hinders, and mostly eliminates
opportunities of innovation and creativity by talented employees. Moreover, such
management approach may consider such new ideas as a deviation or violation to the
company policy.
In such cases the organizations wouldn’t have potential for competition in market and
eventually they will lose market share gradually which will have bad impact on
organizations strategic objectives such as sales growth and improving the profit.

 Justification of the Problem:

One of the major reasons for of such management approach is that the Organization
culture, which is discouraging change, creativity and emphasizing close managerial
supervision where highly prize consistency and control over everything. Therefore,
subordinates will have low motivation and are likely to quit as soon as a better
opportunity comes along.
Additional reason is that the structure of the organization emphasizes the centralized
management approach with sophisticated hierarchy decision-making structure where all
decisions and processes are handled strictly at the top or the executive level. Managers
and employees lower in the chain of command are limited in the decision-making
processes and can rarely implement new processes without approval.
Furthermore, the Autocratic management style where the manager makes all the
decisions unilaterally and manages all employees closely. There is little or no two-way
communication. They put workers opinions down with forceful prevention by power or
 List of Alternatives:
a- Change the organization culture to emphasize creativity and innovation.
b- Adapt the hierarchical structure and the processes to reinforce the flexibility and
decision making.
c- Change management approach to enhance the individual responsibility for each
employee for taking the lead of creativity and innovation.

Abdelhamid Taha Halawa Page 1 of 2
Mob.: +201005858149
DR. Hesham Sadek Wednesday, June 14, 2023
Contemporary Management Abdelhamid Taha Halawa
ESL 72V1

Case Study #03 – Version (1)

Creative Deviance: Apple Org Chart

 Alternatives Evaluation:
a. Changing the organization culture toward the risk taking, accept changes and
encourage creativity and innovation by applying new programs for promoting
talented employees a develop rewarding policies for creativity and innovation, in
addition to build mutual trust between managers and employees, and encourage
the teamwork and team engagement.

b. Adapting the hierarchical structure by changing to Decentralized management

approach where multiple levels of the organization make choices by applying
flexible processes and policies and decisions must be taken and implemented as
soon as possible for the firm benefit by giving more authorities to midlevel

c. Encouraging Democratic leadership and participative approach, where managers

involve team members in the decision-making process. In all decisions, the
leader has the final say, but they make decisions according to the input they
receive from, by which employees feel motivated to participate in decision-
making and their input is valued.

 Recommendations:
Immediately action plan for alternative a & c is highly recommended.


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Mob.: +201005858149

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