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Hesham Sadek Saturday, February 18, 2023

Contemporary Management Abdelhamid Taha Halawa
ESL 72 V1 abdelhamid.halawa23bg@eslsca.edu.eg

Case Study #01


 Problem Definition:
Workplace violence can be in several forms; discrimination, verbal abuse, physical
abuse, harassment, vandalism, and can reach to a loss of life, the same as our case study
with result of 2 injuries and one fatality due to a gun shooting at the workplace.

 Justification of the Problem:

At the glance, the problem is related to lack of security measures, which is one of
reasons indeed, this is due to lack of competency of security persons, absence of
security scanners, and allow access for unauthorized persons.
However, the root cause of such accidents is related to management style of the
company’s resources that leads an employee to tack a revenge or a violent reaction
against coworkers or managers where it is a repetitive behavior.
 List of Alternatives:
Changing the management style of the company by:
a. Apply new company policies to prevent and criminalize abuse behavior between
b. Develop Security program based on new challenges.
c. Apply new HR policies to retain and motivate employees.

 Alternatives Evaluation:
a. New policies should be applied to prevent and criminalize violence/abuse
behavior between coworkers and to control vertical and horizontal relation
among employees by conducting trainings, and awareness sessions to identify
the “Violence” forms and how to avoid such behavior at workplace, develop the
code of practice and ethics to match the goal of “Violence prevention”
highlighting the penalties of such behavior, encourage employees to report such
Abuse through strictly conditional and protect communication channels.
b. With reference to the repetitive incidents of gun fire at workplace, new security
measures and actions should be taken and applied such as increase the
competency of security persons, use high tech equipment for scanning the
workplace visitors, increase the awareness of employees to detect and report
abnormal behavior or violent intensions announcement at workplace, increase
employee awareness of how to react in different violence cases.

Abdelhamid Taha Halawa Page 1 of 2

Mob.: +201005858149
DR. Hesham Sadek Saturday, February 18, 2023
Contemporary Management Abdelhamid Taha Halawa
ESL 72 V1 abdelhamid.halawa23bg@eslsca.edu.eg

Case Study #01


c. HR policies and guidelines for retaining the high potential employees, improve
the employees’ soft skills, and good reward/motivation policies will result to
improve the workplace and environment.

 Recommendations:
Immediately action plan for alternative a & b simultaneously is highly recommended.


Abdelhamid Taha Halawa Page 2 of 2

Mob.: +201005858149

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