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Assume A rechengulan o Bilan ness sechon, an | ena se Pee ae => nAs veal Atr=A @-0 Asp et As, Al = Ag *On-) aap metal Axtah cay, Sega Bh = tel +O-) Ant} mae lone. PA ot 6 oS eee # ee gs ae design leas, Sp, - 0.65 d [0-85 2 (4y-Aijtan f) a ee PRG ayn G) Here, 5 =0-75 —> Spinal column Atcon ating 15 Acz. pf -065 > shea colurnn Bley tctin! Bans 2 No 10 —? Use M0 8S as He = longituctinet Gans Ne lid ig 3 use No 4 aren of Hes:-@ 2 16a, @D é 43 Ate G@ legs} Aismension ! ae orton of eeeertrically loaded column Column: (2° 20" itth’ 40 Noy rae. 6 ad esi + and, fy: 46K.; cc = ig” from « ao Calevlate s ae mM Soi? fs, __ 0-003 => €s, = 00026 “e-te 8 oes => fen = 0-002 Trans were Rein ce men}. ere FO Nae Mun 46 R22 KG yoy i aseease; bd op 3&4 cS eee ree fy Bee it ae ve Ts 275 ind ede Pe, a ee ae Epa abe. oe +1 ee He Ac = aha Othens > 2045 at pag 4 oa 23° 05 aOR laa: = leox Plle es _ %, Allow abie oo G f 32 Glup Sven > fy ae 90 + foo = 2c Ada 10% fo pile tees 200nI\ toe 220Kip Allowable Capacity of pile 826K ae ° 1. pile = 2220 + 0 mIOO = 424K actoned column load Each pile cannies = avy fer actors — As Mw FAY Allocable Sopacity of each pile pile & eT, — rr) 2 = hence fetes _2ec0 (200 capacity Cfachwes) of pile = 234%) =o re =O — 2x56 x 26.4 1204-56 «sj Pa MM = 2 2c (sg - 975) + ay i5e * 751-25) +2arsenanesn(e- + 2HISE A F3 (13-65) +124 (23-5-13) O72 K-fF Problem 33 sez No Wonnwe se s~ Live +0L on noef and flor Case f Po = 222K Po. = 222K Be 4 Py = een Pu = 297Kip Le Mo. = 136 «fr My = 12AK- ft wlumn 2 20% 25 fe, awoopss Gi acer Ut m s4., bcd Hdd 7a Pte ie ae. 2 wy + 6 rm, 193.64. PO Rae pe ; Jar ¢ {vag ¥ fe an 6am ae Ah e ' N a a Pf if] | 4 Ising \ I k oy - ail } i] : Case ; My 17s : Pu “ a ~ 2D te’ Ay R,- " t Anes” with ¢ nic 10 Ban @aleulahe Pi. nee = Hi= ‘Meu = ony Foe, HW eows and y 2 Ay Rae oe pe on iv) — 4: > SE Dein: a a, : 68 -« [o: 5 f2/Gay-an) +Asy fy] =o BASES amity Fo 754.270) +n] 6s “4 > ae 169-465 i,0- $8" Ss 467.455 ip Os A> Dl. 6Zin, Serect- | Now. \240 = o.sxoe5% [0.86%4 (2-x21-Ast) +Ast a60] Ash = Selec} Te: Use noes — Rosh Spacing Died =e > C > 2 O*€e- ie Qa" 086K DOK , SS ipeige: Aeros eemmee. “We oroe men" and fir =aevKip ‘ wt i PoL. Asviip fe": Bes Bt Gunjo-ay + Sq ros Hene, Pur 12 Py they = loaonip Pu Xb Py = 0.80. sealo. Bs fe Cg- 40) +Ast * fy )] On, 1040 = 0-6 mous Anloss fe'CI0)Yofy] and, 9 = 412:5ksi y 317-686. in ©-8KO.6B + (e Box x ODF + 0.03 Kee Dee lat, be 12’ So. hs» 37586 _ 4.45" rs Selleck |column: v2" mab" Now 1040 = 0-65 %0-B-#[ 0:95 fe" (12X2b- Ant) +Ast MOC 2-88 in™ Nee Gave | Selecr Nolo Bars pieerone: Ue noe i U Sereirg omy OD bday le a a “© eA, List : Se: oe] - Asp = None Ree 5, Coda DEON ee Ciwecsan i] : eelumn, | | - Oe lee ing ha: Sow Rear ey $4 : Td: 606; mel ale... i | Pesign loa "6 ou BB = Bab uip. | New. p. moa? Pp A (0-0 nee DBS fC, 25.3 So 6s io Bee x25 + ARKIB4 3 1-24;,2 yA 04 = 0-013 =1.9 in 616-25 o € Design of Spival: © Dia of core sd, = 28-215 25" Ach= Fd» = 7 Cosh = 490.8% oa 464 De =0.0086 i \° er Ase \ Efe ax gh o =3-42 <>" pieoke KIS 24 ReinGeree men roe I Ones ss Sending = a, Dnon \ buy. minal sHeng 4 ood »Y axis @n faite qth P= mx, Pure bend ine © Pe oxiaMton © Balancek cond D 5 20.001 Gengitd Sein @e 21004 Gers © Pine Hene, 4 Clete 6" Pom 085 f(g sy) 4 ie Das fy = O.85H | Stas, TISAI) + 1ox 15, D) IKI b Z 0.002 Ion = 0-86 py, eee ee é YY ©-003+4+0-005 = ae singly Reinforced beam 14 f Bas | ; | | AGL Provisiens fe —S—— — Ban on wine ° >% in a ft ~clean Elie Die hearsshse die ye. a Class note aoe: £2: Deteamine: Nominal ana Design axial compression aa Column : l2¢« 12" Pe —NoQban + 4 —eheck_ te Nos @Al2’ele Be ele B= consi Sel”: nominal EM 4 Ps Pr 0-85 fe" Cay Ast) + asp hy = OBE x AG2x12 ~Ax) + 4x1 x60 4g 12x12 ‘ Ast = Ax bine = Hekip. < Design lod For ted column , Pus Gi 7 fam 018. O68 6 716 ; A = 3F2-BK check: er peer ae Y Cir8X) > ow sez As N02 bar used Nip HD He 7OK_ Ye = 18" pea = Pies ae ~ Beaee ec 4, ho ae = 2s = @ ie die No 2 @ 12 cle =oK Checked) eee Hee, €s = ey DVB sleet PELE AE a-e4 Ov a by = Gu am euch ger to on] é ee oan ee eee ls ey €y +€u 2:002 +0-0025 wt. Spa as! Se A=Pyme = O-6K 1t435 9.38" Now Cu’ ee ec gy te cas O-cOn4 oe aaa 03 = 2 Spr at ee estes Bes exes = See ksi e(- a) 26’ = 637 BA(2- 238) 45x 6d 462-22) +927 ny, dD tHe Go Ye) Ce = 246. 69%-fr For & 20:00! Gensile) Grd. ee eee" fia or OAK ZIRAO ‘ esr o-00! =S 22K CO —— 22 +k) + 5x30 5 be-#’) = o.05, POO a2 | Ss. Rn €s= c'004 Gensile) ———— ef meee ei0c4 5)... ; 215-¢ — ce ora: =.6= 92% anosxon* ah & eset aay TeLeRe D2 is= 0-004, f= UE Ks) 7.6 1c5i As = F725 ksi B pepe at ess nO Com Tr 9.21 -25 2.21 = As fy _'. &5= 0-0021386 sk f¥ = 62-443; M= oot ‘(2- E) + OMS AM 5 (ae 12) Cie-28) +6% = 28S512Kf Pq 0-88 fab + 42 —As fe = SOIL + SK E3-4- SATZS © & == Column: (6%% 30” Reinforce men. 1ONcip Foleulate + © Pure axial load ® Pure Genai,, ® alanced Cond. d Strength fo = 431 ana. fg econs, So Pune Axiad leas: ———— Po= O85 fe’ CA4y- 434) +Aafy te aes ee Cle KS 0 — oxi 25) + 10x1-27x¢0] o P = 2950. s2uip ears Se Beeps. As = BHN274= 6.2510 A536 Herne, B= 20-25 229.5", a’=28', As 6.25 eg See eer oe Wa (ex24-5 ae Se Pe 3 ce fe7_ 0.005 Bis ois! ' miGsa Paros. Tamas O79 Ce cc a Remora Sin Ce ee Desig a a so. max 0 Ee Mn= Ay C-#) Mead 6 Be fe/b Wiese mee ers- 7524) : = FOOdIN (9 — 1282) + 201(5- 25) + 251G15- 52:35 ~'27'% Ep = 000203 7o.002 —' P= 0656 So, |P=as200k | Mo iipemcate nae a” | =o se] a=Bic =3" For c=1% Ecey > Pe oes fiab + Ax GAs fj 10-2.5 3 0-28 40.009 = 0-65 x4 KM ASHIG HACZAK 0-00225 M2 462-4C15- BB )+e asxeo(is 25) B 65-25 > 60k! +6-25%60 (27-5-15) =1207- 96K) 245-12 x0 = { peiges 2 ATED xo. 209 Wy v.00s25 724 é b2 8 esk! | € =321-35" Stones Cr Cc | 002625 >Ey _ = (5. 5 2 Tae DOO = O-OON 25 _ “fe= Ges = 32-e51si Dead loa: —— 13: Slab — - 6% 19D = Prfies slab - 66% 12D. = 5126 p=f O2- Lime conenete = 30 p=f Floor: 04: Slab Ca. 25 4) = 325 pe s o2 FF @5x4) = loo pf 69. Pastition (50%) = 200 pF Roof + leon = 72e.26psfx21424 = SF-O7K- 1224-65 Beam: wt of Beam fs Coe leo ee — 24165) ae2imisa ls = 49.22 144 dott PL = @7r0F 449-22 +30) = 450-29% ae | | Go Colm: oF of Coma: 24%24 Com 15d KS) HBO%P | ee in & Jerce ment + — = Design: 19r lead, Pp, one é PLY NG Pu = 1430 Ag fo fin = 0.85% 0 15 [o Bofe “(Ag ~ A PU Agn 5 a: 9 Aat) t4st & An = tem Oem a8 C10) vat 4 = (4% 4d So AS-AO TO tam oes a : 75 + 0-025 xe a] - Ga" = 524-66 in 5 Se, d= 25.90" ~ ag" Asr= 25 Z (n= too HZ EY = 12-3 in> 22 und BNoio Select So, Aspe AR2+ BAVZT= AG ine So. Pu= 09520-9495 [e-25%2% C2020 Hate) +14texec _.Pu =152) Kp 7 desye Pu Spicals Use WoZ as Spisal 2 A a Ae ZS E =. ch = ZB 4e* -2 (6-5) =346.26 Af = 920-72 Age NT, Se, As = 049 Bee aos e 4A 12 Be eee Bai AS 3 (0-0 AA2Y, 541) 2D Beam = trey Cea! ee Design load. Py mec eee tye : 42% 3004 26% 20D =e son vighane. ae Ph = 0.8 xO ee [ote fe Og) +20 3] = oeK oes x Aglo SRC ~)+- fi] pal Pa25y Se. 680 = osx 0-65 x ag[o85 x3 rs iso use ANo Jo +4AN09 So. A= 24 i0' Be exe os 12 X1B Tie: use io 3 a6 He : Bae ahenicte’ = .le% Sapa eS Spacing @ asey = Asx = 'F D9” vse (Reis @ AS +300 (hg-d) 1925 CA-be) :6(25 -\5)) a. 2 06s” Pelion Ok Me Giinn? ee @F r | Ast Cheek: As, eee dic ie eAokip Per Ag = 645.36 ind .-. do 23.67” A= 207 640 = 0.25 xo 6 [0:95%2(CH 2 and ANe4o = bay in AISA + BX12F =16.22 Mili AEP OBI 28H. ap: * Ta ~ “75 Gaye he} A 2) Spiral deign Selecl- Mo 4 @ Spiral a = 27 Ach = hp Ob, Ag > TAC) hie A o_2Hi5 =O" lp 0 15(AY,,, ve = 00085 @* ale > 0. Ele 85 fer 4 Ash) + Aap $] C85 0-75 *9 (2-85 fe-C-~) 2 2 Ast) +45 wes] ne A@ ee\c ‘\ 2 Interaction Dia tam ty 3:5 kes; fe- 60 Koi HAD at x fy Gig = 2 @sxze 'ox99) +39 P=0, e=x | ie ee ee aly ae Se,,He = A fj A-%) = 7349 Kin | Am 0854 = 166 ge el= Sb-a7 cL ow D655 ~* 2-003 =o, OsShab ah fy 987-9 Kip 9sF- x pia) + 5x0 er cin fe eS (6.97 : Sener ane ee ET ps5 50.5 mn -fF, Se, For exo" ee, b EE EK Betciie ey IOH 8 oa sa. - 2 AzO.B5KIO= 25 So, P= 6-85% fi-nab +AS ff -Asfs = 505-75 kip M = 905.75(s— SS) + 50.49 x (8— SUF K-f- ee Np = 27-517 Be 2.2062). 52, p= o:2 So. |p= 508.1514 Me i192 © ft 79 60 (isa) 00254 = 60k; *60Gas 18) Plum, boga! 2 n 2d Po. = Erm Kin oe Stent: L= ao; Or: f= ek Sod mesg Salen Design, BC CEA eee [e-25% fe"Ca-e) Phi] = ae 1240 OB RO-65 Doss x FA ag 5,55 So Ane) ce Select column 2\ x2)” 4% 09740.0ax6 Now '240= 0.3 x0.05x (0 BBR QP. 54) PA, xe] Se. Aska 15.624 jy2- Selecr [ANott and BNolo check; = BX12F4+4y15m ee. Sees’ at 3.9e/ Ga 2) Ye Tie: Selec No 4 -he. Sapacing = @ 16 xd, = 20° @ 48a ~ yr @ar No 4 @2a%ele ENo10 ANo| no 4@20' Ce £2 As; Ron Pb ne. es: 20 : OTS Stoned Buildin ae Plate gh fornied k 2 Beam Seehon s Columns o ANG. me con On yoy? on, weap psf a Fics 2op sf Random vonil cp Fiovrs 4opsf Eaiey each tae, 3 paf Slab sthickne € « Strength: 6 tea res hey, 4-68) 44 8229) Rises poe HIZXIGD RE = Bein Tetel t= 12-25 kip Design load- Pa = 12 DL tre1t= 1 6-5kip Roo, Pus od Po = os noes(osen f'Cg-A) +40. Cn 746-5 = 0: BK OES (e-ssnoG@ reas ~Asd+ con sci] =. Ast =-O 575 z min? Reinforce ment fone Ast => K2AADA = S Fein eer armiclt (Aer = 61) fe: Select mo4a@22'cle a =22" @24” Spacing O 6ap= 2 r 0 asst = 24 — M(e) oe BQ Daw: Soherachon Diagyear: *henetn: fe%= We gin: fevmasnei - fy = 6oKsi Columns S6*-*Q0” Rein ementt ones Dae i eb __3 Rowe Aria Heres itnes a 3” as = 0.00757 Berar) eee 6-06 fg 008 Prax 2? > 394 Rein (recemenk Bean Myn= As yy C-%) and > Fel. oak-fr y = 262 ~ 08 & O-0020' 0: 003 % O Mp a fees i COREA Oe . pee ae. eb y a ee le-6 Se a i Se, fa= 0.85 fab + ASG" as = 1264.375 + 30 — SX27.84 Peeing = 8% 2% 157 Cress Sechoy - foe Design = tray alae Clumn + 4Ox10¢ Be con: ana p, Sox, Bee Sabor) Soir ue az pee +46 RL =f20n Pu £ XS Pn = 0-8 K0.G5 Os, (20 = = (osspem O52 x (e 85 a Cico si) PAs pita min” Reinfiveement, An YK of 4g as es K1O-XIO i as 72K % ~2% 2g TID eee a a, ~Ast) + Ast (i) Gee cat] + As} x60) Design: rneulay Spiral column Spare Pe cei ara t= SOO strery th: fers acs; and. fy > Coss Cheex LoaS. Pus Y2DL +1erpe 1220 Kip Put O-B5 x o. 75 (0.85% f6-Cag-Ast) Ast fy On (880 = 0.95 x0.45 %AQ (085 40.70) +e fey lap C 295 70-95 xe 5x4 XO2T + 008x6p) Se AA foe ey pe -(-A= 27-137 a=277 Se 1580 = 0-85x0-3506 PO*AGA 29° — Aah) + Ast eo) Sar Le —-AS5b =1F-Finte Spiral: Selecl- Mo 4 ac = 2F- 2x15 = 24” A Nos So, (2 =0-45 a.) = 0:00 797% By ACEP i . nn a Spiral column Loads = DLs Amy ts 60d LL =o and. {3x cous) Soir Design Design Load, Py. ADO Wire tinge Eee Pi “$n. wO.sanoag [ess pe Cyne 6] Om 142 = O.B6noa5,, 86 fe-Cize) + Ril ler ~. 3% Aa = 499.5 int 25” New, j4sp . 0-85 %0.45 [0.25 x3« (72, AS Ne ~ Ash 216-43 use [i2 wo Bar| eee Spiral Design pes ae Ac = 25—2x'G Z \ 5 d Ge P. >4@4 (3-045 (GB -) f ah (© ae o> 0 a2 AAsp _ [2ns0 10 So So _ AF ie fe => 176" No 4 @ 4:1 ele a 8] I +p xe] Draw : An Sntenaction Dia shemin: fe’ = asi ane, ff =601e5) Solum: adscigt Reinforce ment: 10 125 Si | Pure Axial loag: | See ! Sowa Paes 0-88 fer Cag Ast) 44a} fy ORE XA Caoxis 10) tioxeo = 2402 kip eRe op aMe Puse Bending . Here, P= Ax, = 2x! eae 18 xD? S = Pex = 025x095" F¢ 0.00 0-008 - |. [mex 2/2 => ack as singly Reinfred Se, n= Aofy (4-4) ana, a= 72h = Oo oe fb = 613.930 eee So, |sk = 6is- Fak Balanced Cond 2 aa Be ge xian in ce =e - = 21Be 0.0094, f3°= f¥= 6oKsi ie pa ose fe ab + AX fe -4°P? = sa. 006p 5 pencoxers) ) SB +5 x60%(5- 21 026 (o- B58 ) + : Mn oo eel 0-35 *20 u iv Poo O85 x flab +A Pi A283 = 1040-4 +200 —|52'5 No 4 <4 tie Spacing > @ 64, = 22” @ Asap =24” Use No 4@22 ele y aE O.., rreulan Spireat Column Leaas: Fes Boo aa 4 LL sepa, Stren th B= cons; AM, fat ai Soir Beane C incur SClumns Desa sede Pas Zip, ay CPL = Ion k J Spiral: use No 4 > Co ta uC acing : v3 SP O a ; ecg ko = 2 \ £ = 4.197 ~ 47 Bid Founda 0-45 K2\f7 ba ve = = 0-75 42 (aero AIK D AK $%> a4 D sechon ad rine Aq = 00018 br 0-26 Inte CL m1 = 4.3 © 1a%efe 78 Designs column footing (Square) Column: 18713" ReinPrees with 3 Nog beads: Di= 225K and Li = Hskip = Allowable soil pressure > Sksf Goi t eo pef fy: consi Conan: Depth of fiotng Dp = SF ) Soir Assume thickness: oases eee Hene effective soil pressuse, 4e= Ja- Footy asen = 62254195) x0? 3 ea sy 4295 Select Si So qu = feos shear, Vay Qve = 0-75 * ANF Pp xa = 922 SAK V Flexural eee Saneienes Herne, ah 2BO-Y) Ge 2) Pet aai% 4 As= Ss 87 inte az 0.967 = 0-86") 5:95 ing Ca i= GE ea fg % = 6-5 int ana 4F-22in~ Se, As= 722i So, Provide '12NoF i Spacing: = aeons peuple rame he: Length provided. = 49-3 =45" B =AiS len. Develop ment length -ta= aceite ae Developement length “fer column: Lip. ora, = loxd = 19” va: length, =0-0005 x fyxa, = 30 hiekome = 9 43.64 43” Alle wer ble Svrcharge Of = 67 Soir jer Hene, effective Beming cap. 4e= Eero -1ep— Ex Anca = 20D +450 BID X10? = = 23-1" $233” ‘ (45:5 , So, width: B= ———- __ 26.05) 22:25 = 6/6" \2 x C170+250 + 1-6 (1204 200) preeeaad nh SERIO OT SED). Now 23:25 x65 along length, oun 689X65 = aa aiyg = 6-83Ksf— Try ae 34-5’ o STE Punching She For column (exp) MVM = A2- be 2 0-78 165 636K section 2.06% & mA fe KA Aare > u ad ep ake Length povided {rom lefr ena of ees 6x2 ~ 2d ~10x% en 1, ee Spaci Design of 4ransverse Rein 6, - Wy = _620 Ge 7254 ye &0 Big a Seance oi ease 24 Pate | terete ee eo Sey PRG Fase And, b= Aes yes See As. le ana a. Aofy [aaa FA+87-5 we) 5e Peete oy aA th cal Ogg one ets ae Rega Some, a ba oy Ag. = TS ind Be | AY ext col | Sao ” “ pre EE Ce, b+ igg aye: sl Sy ee) “ee nue eior 68-4 (2.25)- SEC 2B) Re F160-AKe ie | SA Binge 2 4.4510 ee cf Aes ending 40 Aer aeite a Probiem 4; Desa: A spisal o. Poe = 4a ‘Reulan Golurmp, PUL = een awe Soir aes Gren. Pao ATE tnd OL» pes Ses Pos 42h 4 5-6Ry FUER AIS 4 Em OH 7 "Tow Nese pc Bor = 086% © von [C eC On, 270 20 26% Ons An[2-88:f2 Som Aa OBB Ke“ HO S740 osKegl c = Ad >a Poio5" ” ag Or, 970 =0.85 m 0-46 et Ao ARS ote 314.16 iw 2 As} -KEED0O "2, DID = 0.86 KO-F5 m( Fe (B\ aur Asi) +Ast Now = 0 f as £04 Yr Bid ie int Assignment | Sat Design: 6% won Soin heads: py, “66 and w= 254, Allowable bearing ap. of seit eee ne = Sf fer: SeDops| ‘ ox ana. DL en Soi” Let, hoig” Se, effectie beanin, cap. of cite 3 oF = ie Bf RAO ~ Bei te Shean cheek. Vo d= ay (y-2 Die = baa bd = 0-78 Se, Kg ove > Seackon a Select ry OF Aeing ae. = “Sas *2 = 855% ~ haa Provide [Nos @ sete] —— Dex elo pment len = 23 2 =2 5’ ~o" Spacing = 22 xe = Ue ee 4 B@I"Clc froting Size Select ee —— = O18 X4 Bcc * ire ve > checked MA Mu NJ Loeb Acie ing ake ve, fy fy 16in™ \6in* ve [i5 No D ae ap IKE ore 14 Het mad 5a ~-La = GaxB% = Len, Hh provided — iG ‘Sx12-3) Derelop ment fe. Ih oe Colum + eth fi column ba. sen ees A 62+ (Beh, +9 = 36.67 Splices length. =: ee BY. Cnos0E Bg) pehing Perimeter, P= Ais+ 20 =\5uin er enn aie See. a : Ee = BAD. 27K Pv = 0-15 4G pe = OFS tt Garp > 1S *2I pestem SK, ok Beam shess Linechon- Vi, = S16 # at long BIND REIS at short Baie cm PE NACID AN 25 M2 * 21 Ys ano, 7. SAD KP EMS MAI 41d < Dorie, Ii: 2 266k. 6 2 | Zonk 5 — | uU*B xe hen z Arey iroriieg fi a = S15 ®8-5-19p.5;)25- a caer bee ee a5t = Pears = = 626-52 kf > Herne, As = Mu PH, ard, Go_As bet asi oss, Ae = 7-44 io aa1.3” As = 7-6in- @) min = bee ba % Select As = 7.550. ba ae = 49" Lys 62.87” ane of Bar= S:125X12-3 =53-S >bL4 DoK_ Ar transverse divecton ———— “ s- Lia SSA WISER EE waaee a. As = G04 ine antt aso-7" As= Bin Cee aS ee use io @ } Here, 15° a oH +1 ee Problem 4 Pesign . A com biney footing | NA See a fe" Bks; Ae, Fy 6007p; BAS BbOp.p ae se lexo4 domen} 20x24 DL = 260 DL= 200K 4 =150 We = 2D Som SS Allowable be arin, d Cogs” left of max™ moment- point Righr . im - “ 7 § 96 Max” -+ve monenh , Wu 956 04k fi as2’ As = 664A ind Aw lS 2 PAgy ln 2.9 in ovide [10 #2 ] = 343 K- fi aslit fe’ ba > 220 pd San a ] Ss oN t » 2 Sens 2 * 246tosu I= Ges _ a2 J Here, Pay ene )/2 ge ~ Ae AS tee fe@-s2) cash, ; eas Aa '7-09;,0° e: - a= 1-447 Bae 16-94 ine Onin poner g ba = Zo diy 22ligh x F221 ine Prvite Spacing = 175 xI2~2x3~ 24x% 23 ATA >A, Dow Development lergt, FA =AtX%= 52.975" bength provided = 712-3 = aI* Ly Don Transverse — Rein ment; My = 2:74 x175 8 FIST mereeR ay Na (Admin = 22\ ire

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