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Name: ...................................................................................... Adm No. ........................

School: ........................................................Date: ...............................

Candidate’s Sign ..................



1. Below is a Bunsen Burner flame

a) Describe how this flame is produced. (1mark)

b) Label on the diagram the least hot part of the flame. (1mark)

c) Name the gas produced by a burning candle that is a non-pollutant. (1mark)

2. The element X can be represented as . (X is not the actual symbol of element)

a) How many neutrons are contained in X? (1mark)
b) Use the data in the table below to calculate the relative atomic mass X from the masses
and percentage abundances. (2marks)

Mass Percentage abundance

35 90
36 4
37 6

3. A certain volume of oxygen diffused through a porous membrane in 120 seconds. Under the
same conditions, the same volume of gas V diffused in 112 seconds. Calculate the relative
molecular mass of gas V (0=16) (3marks)

4. A student accidentally mixed anhydrous potassium carbonate and ammonium chloride in the

i) Suggest and explain an appropriate method that can be used to separate the two salts.

ii) State one application of the method named in (a) above. (1mark)
b) Explain how the shape of the apparatus shown below is suited for its function. (1mark)

5. The formula of sodium carbonate crystals was known to be Na2CO3.nH2O. The crystals were
heated to a constant mass in order to drive off water of crystallization. Given that the mass of
the hydrated salt was 7.15g while that of the anhydrous salt was 2.65g, find the value of n.

6. a) In terms of structure and bonding explain why diamond is used in drilling while graphite is
not. (2marks)

b) Draw an electron dot and cross diagram to show how bonding takes place in carbon
(II) oxide. (C= 12, O = 16) (2marks)
7. Use the information below to answer the questions that follow.
Equation Enthalpy of formation
i) H2(g) + O2(g) ½ H2O(I) H1 = -286KJ mol-1
ii) C(s)+ O2(g) CO2(g) H2 = -394KJ mol-1
iii) 2C(s)+ 3H2(g)+ 3 O2(g) C2H5OH(I) H3 = -277KJ mol-1

Calculate the molar enthalpy of combustion of ethanol, given that

C2H5OH(I) + 302(g) 2CO2(g) + 3H2O(I)

8. a) State and explain the observations made when a piece of burning magnesium ribbon is
introduced into a gas jar of sulphur (IV) oxide. (2marks)

b) Write an equation for the reaction that took place. (1mark)

9. The diagram below represents the set-up that can be used to prepare and collect oxygen gas.


Solid P

a) Name solid P ........................................................................ (1/2 mark)

b) What property of oxygen makes it possible to be collected as indicated in the diagram.

........................................................................ (1/2mark)
c) Explain why it is important not to collect any gas for the first few seconds of the
experiment. (1/2mark)

10. The table below shows the pH values of solution J to N.

5 13 2 10 7

a) Which solution
i) Contains the largest concentration of hydroxide ions? (1/2 mark)
ii) Is likely to be a solution of acetic acid. (1/2mark)

b) In the equation below, identify the reagent that acts as an acid in the forward reaction. Give
a reason. (1mark)

NH4 (aq) + H2O(I) NH3(g) + H3O+(aq)

12. An organic compound T reacts with chlorine gas in the presence of u.v light to form
compound U. The structural formula of compound U is shown below.


Name the organic compound T and draw its structural formula. (2marks)

13. a) What do you understand by the term molar enthalpy of displacement of an element?
b) During a displacement reaction excess iron powder was added to 25cm3 0.5M, Copper (II)
sulphate solution. The temperature rose form 18.50C to 33.00C. Calculate the molar
enthalpy of displacement of copper (II) sulphate solution (specific heat capacity is 4.2Jg-1K-1,
Density of the solution is 1.0g/cm³). (3marks)

14. Element A has atomic mass 23, element B atomic mass 7 and also has 12 neutrons and 4
neutrons respectively.
a) Write the electron arrangement of elements A and B.

A: .................................................................................. (1mark)

B: .................................................................................. (1mark)

b) Which element has higher ionization energy? Explain. (1mark)

15. (a) Write the formula of the complex ion formed when excess ammonia solution is passed
through a solution containing Zn²+. (1 mark)

(b) The apparatus below was set up to show the catalytic oxidation of ammonia. Study the
diagram and answer the questions that follow.
(i) Write an equation for the reaction taking place in the gas jar. (1 mark)

(ii) What is the role of platinum wire (1 mark)

16. Explain the following trends

(a) Atomic radii of alkaline Earth metals increase down the group (1 mark)

(b) Melting and boiling points of halogens increase down the group. (1 mark)

(c ) Aluminium metal is a better conductor than sodium metal (1 mark)

17. The setup below was used to investigate the reaction between copper(II)oxide and
hydrogen gas.

(a) Identify liquid T (1 mark)

(b) Write an equation for the reaction which took place in the combustion tube. (1 mark)

(c ) State an observation made in the combustion tube (1 mark)

18. Chlorine was bubbled through water for some time. The pale yellow solution formed was
poured into a long glass tube and placed in the sun as shown in the diagram below.

(a) Give a chemical composition of the pale yellow solution (1 mark)

(b) Write an equation to show how gas T was formed (1 mark)

(c ) Give one use of chlorine (1 mark)

19. The solubility of potassium nitrate in water at 70°C is 155g/100g H2O while at 20°C, the
solubility 31g/100g water. 50g of a saturated solution of potassium nitrate at 70°C was cooled
to 20°C, calculate the mass that crystallized out. (3 marks)
20. A hydrocarbon S contains 3.6g carbon by mass and 0.8g hydrogen. Given that 3dm³ of the
compound at s.t.p has a mass of 5.89g. Calculate the molecular formula of the hydrocarbon.
(C=12, H=12) (3 marks)

21. Name the following processes;

(a) when anhydrous calcium chloride was left in air overnight, solution formed. (1 mark)

(b) White sugar crystal changes to black when mixed with excess concentrated sulphuric (VI)
acid. (1 mark)

(c ) Sodium carbonate decahydrate changes to sodium carbonate monohydrate when exposed

to air. (1 mark)

22. Given sodium carbonate solid, lead II nitrate solid and water, Explain how you can obtain a
solid sample of lead II carbonate (3mks)
23. Given the following bond energies:
C-C 347kJ/mol
C–H 413kJ/mol
C=C 612 kJ/mol
H-H 435.9kJ/mol
Calculate the enthalpy change of hydrogenation of ethene (3mks)

CH2=CH2 + H2 CH3CH3

24. Excess carbon (II) oxide was passed over heated sample of an oxide of iron as shown in the
diagram below. Study it and answer the questions that follow.
Data collected as follows:
Mass of empty crucible 10.98 g
Mass of empty crucible + oxide of iron 13.30 g
Mass of crucible + residue 12.66 g

i) The mass of the iron (1/2 mk)

ii) The mass of oxygen (1/2 mk)

iii) The empirical formula of the oxide of iron (2mks)

25. The diagram below shows the bonding between aluminium chloride and ammonia

i) Name the type of bond labeled

a) (1mk)

b) (1mk)
ii) How many electrons are used for bonding in the molecule? (1mk)

26. In an experiment, dry chlorine gas reacted with iron as shown in the diagram below

i) Name substance A (1mk)

ii) Write an equation for the reaction that took place in the combustion tube (1mk)

iii) State the function of the calcium chloride in the set up above (1mk)

27. The set up below is an arrangement showing how metals react with nitrogen (IV) oxide.
Study it and answer the questions that follow.
a) Nitrogen (IV) oxide is passed through the combustion tube before copper is heated. Give a
reason. (1mk)

b) State the observations that would be made at the end of the experiment in the combustion tube

c) Name gas N (1mk)

28. Sulphur is extracted from underground deposits by a process in which three concentric pipes
are sunk down to the deposits as shown
a) Name the process represented above (1mks)

b) What is passed down through pipe J? (1mk)

c) Name the two allotropes of sulphur (1mk)

29. The scheme below shows some reactions starting with ethyne. Study it and answer the
questions that follow.
a) Name substance
i) X (1/2mk)

ii) N (1/2mk)

b) Name the reagent M (1/2mk)

c) Ethene undergoes polymerization to form a polymer. Write an equation for the reaction and
name the product (1.5 mks)
30. Study the diagram below and use it to answer the questions that follow

a) Write the equations for the reactions taking place at the;

I. Anode (1mks)

II. Cathode (1mks)

b) Name one application of electrolysis (1mks)

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