The Scientific Method

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The Scientific


IT management course
The Scientific Method
A method of procedure that has characterized natural
science since the 17th century, consisting in systematic
observation, measurement, and experiment, and the
formulation, testing, and modification of hypotheses.
The Lean Startup Cycle: An example

Idea - Your first idea is to convince an accountant in your company to make himself

available to customers on Skype and chat for one week. Your intention is to reach out

to customers who have been in touch with the company's support team during the last

ten days. These customers will be emailed with an offer for this service

Build - You spend one day creating a landing page signup form and then ask your

colleague in the tech team to give you the emails of all the current customers who

have been in touch with support in the last ten days

Product - The landing page and nicely-designed email represent your product. Some

customers will get an email, then visit the landing page where they can then pay $50

for this service. At the end of the week, you will send each paying customer a survey to

gauge satisfaction

Measure - You will implement some tracking on your landing page

Data - Your data would consist of

How many customers opened the email

How many clicked the button / How many visitors to the landing page

How many purchased the product

What were the satisfaction levels from the survey

Learn - You will examine the data and, from this small experiment, determine

if customers were willing to pa

if they were curious (clicked on the button in the email, but didn't pay

If they didn't pay, why not? If you have a strong opinion here, fixing that problem

would be an idea for your next experiment

If they did pay, were they happy with the service? What did they particularly like?

How did they describe the benefits in their own words? What did they not like? What

would they improve?

The Lean Startup Cycle - Not just for startups!
The story of Dropbox

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