Nell (Ars Magica 5e)

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Character: Nell

Player: Apate

Setting: Mythic Europe
Current Year: 1229

House: Guernicus
Age: 25 (25) Size: 0 Confidence: 1 (3) Birth Name: Nell Bascherini
Year Born: 1204
Gender: Female
Decrepitude: 0 Warping: 0 Race/Nationality: English
Effects of Aging: Effects of Warping: Place of Origin: Roman Tribunal
Religion: Agnostic
Title/Profession: Magus
Height: 5'4" Weight: 120lb
Hair: Brown Eyes: Blue
Handedness: Right

Characteristics Abilities
Intelligence Int ( [ ]
Artes Liberales
) +3 (
logic ) +1

Perception Per ( [ ] Awareness ( clues

) +4 ) +3
Strength Str ( [ ] Brawl ) 0 ( dodging ) +1
Stamina Sta ( [ ] Charm ) 0 ( people you )sus
Presence Pre ( [ ]
Code )
of Hermes
+1 ( local Tribunal) +3
Communication Com ( [ ] Concentration
) 0 ( watch ) +1
Dexterity Dex ( [ ]
Folk Ken
) -2 ( liars ) +5
Quickness Qik ( [ ] Guile ) 0 ( conceal invest
) +3
[ ] Latin ( Hermetic terms
) +4
[ ] Magic Theory( Intellego ) +3
[ ] Native Lang.( questions ) +5
Virtues: The Gift [Sp] Hermetic Magus [ ][fr So]
Ord. Hermes ( Lore
legal cases ) +1
Affinity w/ In. [min Her] Clear Thinker [[min
] Parma
Gen] Magica
Mentem ) +3
Great Per. [min Gen] Hermetic Prestige* [ ]
[min Her] Sight
( invisibility ) +1
Hermetic Prestige* [min Her, House] [ ] Stealth ( sneak ) +3
Improved Characteristics [min Gen] [ ] ( )
Puissant In. [min Her] [ ] ( )
Side Effect (lying is hard) [min Her] [ ] ( )
Second Sight [min Sup] Skilled Parens [ [min
] Her] ( )
Tough [Min Gen] Well-Traveled [min Gen] [ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
Flaws: Motion Sickness [Minor, General]
[ ] ( )
Overconfident [Major, Personality] [ ] ( )
Plagued by Supernatural Entity [Major,[ Story]
] ( )
Restriction (lie = no magic; Sun) [Major,
[ Hermetic]
] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )
[ ] ( )

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. © 2004 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games.
Personality Traits Reputations
Honest +3 The Order of Hermes ( good ) +3
Fair +2 ( )
Difficulty giving up
+2 ( )
( )
( )
( )
( )
( )

Combat SOAK
Armor Worn:
Combat Modifiers: Dodging: Init +0, Defense +2 LOAD

Fatigue Levels Wounds

❑ Fresh Light Wounds 1-5 –1
❑ 0 2 min. Winded Medium Wounds 6-10 –3
❑ –1 10 min. Weary Heavy Wounds 11-15 –5
❑ –3 30 min. Tired Incapacitated 16-20
❑ –5 1 hr. Dazed Dead
❑ 2 hr. Unconcious

Weapons Qik + Weap – Enc = INIT Dex + Ability + Weap = ATK Qik + Ability +Weap = DFN Str + Weap = DAM Load Range
+ – = + + = + + = + =
+ – = + + = + + = + =
+ – = + + = + + = + =
+ – = + + = + + = + =
+ – = + + = + + = + =
+ – = + + = + + = + =

Wizardly robes

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. © 2004 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games.
House: Guernicus Domus Magna: Magvillus
Covenant: Primus: Bilera
Wizard’s Sigil: Order Parens: Salvi Bascherini & Catalina Bascherini
Covenant of Apprenticeship:

Magical Arts
[ ] Creo 0 [ ] Animal 0 [ ] Ignem 0
[ ] Intellego 12(5) [ ] Aquam 0 [ ] Imaginem +6
[ ] Muto 0 [ ] Auram 0 [ ] Mentem +6
[ ] Perdo +2 [ ] Corpus +5 [ ] Terram 0
[ ] Rego 0 [ ] Herbam 0 [ ] Vim 0

Base Casting Totals Lab

Basic Lab Total
Formulaic: Technique + Form + Sta + Aura + Die (+ Technique + Form) + + =
Ritual: Technique + Form + Sta + Aura + Artes Lib. + Philos. + die Int Theory Form TOTAL
Spontaneous (Fatigue): (Technique + Form + Sta + Aura + stress
Spontaneous (No Fatigue): (Technique + Form + Sta + Aura)/5

Fast Casting Speed

(+ stress die)
0 +0 =0
Longevity Ritual
Qik Finesse Lab Total: Age Roll Modifier:

Determining Effect Twilight Scars: None

(+ die, vs. 15–magnitude) 4 + 3 =7
Per Awareness TOTAL
Base Targeting
(+ die) 4 +0 =4
Per Finesse TOTAL Raw Vis
Concentration Art Pawns Physical Form
(+ die) 0 + 1 =1
Sta Concentration TOTAL
Magic Resistance
(+ Form) 3 x5 = 15
Multiple Casting
(+ stress die – no. of spells, vs 9) 3 +0 =3
Int Finesse TOTAL

Int/Cun: Size: Bronze Cord: Silver Cord: Gold Cord:
Per: Might:
Sta: Fat:
Pre: Init:
Com: Atk:
Dex: Dfn:
Qik: Dam:

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. © 2004 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games.
SPELL: Physician's Eye SPELL: Eyes of the Eagle
Form: Co (5) Technique: In (12) Form: Im (6) Technique: In (12)
Level: 5 Bonus: +20 Level: 25 Bonus: +21
Range: Touch Duration: MomTarget: Ind Range: Per Duration: Sun Target: Vision
Exp: Mastery: Exp: Mastery:
Notes: Notes:
Base 4, +1 Touch Base 3, +2 Sun, +4 Vision

Summoning the Distant Image

Invisibility of the Standing Wizard
Form: Im (6)
Technique: In (12) Form: Im (6) Technique: Pe (2)
Level: 25Bonus: +21 Level: 15 Bonus: +8
Range: Arc
Duration: ConcTarget: Room Range: Touch Duration: Sun Target: Ind
Exp: Mastery: Exp: Mastery:
Notes: Notes:
Base 2, +4 Arc, +1 Conc, +2 Room Base 4, +1 Touch, +2 Sun

SPELL: Frosty Breath of the Spoken Lie SPELL: Peering Into the Mortal Mind
Form: Me (6) Technique: In (12) Form: Me (6) Technique: In (12)
Level: 20 Bonus: +21 Level: 30 Bonus: +21
Range: Eye Duration: ConcTarget: Ind Range: Eye Duration: MomTarget: Ind
Exp: Mastery: Exp: Mastery:
Notes: Notes:
Base 10, +1 Eye, +1 Conc Base 25, +1 Eye
mist is a purely cosmetic effect thus is free

Whispers Through the Black Gate SPELL: Prying Eyes

Form: Co (5) Technique: In (12)
R: Me (6)
Form: Im (+6)Technique: In (12)
Level: 15 Bonus: +14 Level: 5 Bonus: +21
Range: TouchDuration: ConcTarget:
Ind Range: Touch Duration: ConcTarget: Room
Exp: Mastery: Exp: Mastery:
Notes: Notes:
Base 5, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, no cost forBase
R 1, +1 Touch, +1 Conc, +2 Room

SPELL: Tip of the Tongue SPELL: Curse of the Rotted Wood

Form: Me (6) Technique: Pe (2) Form: He (0) Technique: Pe (2)
Level: 5 Bonus: +8 Level: 5 Bonus: +2
Range: Eye Duration: DiamTarget: Ind Range: Touch Duration: MomTarget: Ind
Exp: Mastery: Exp: Mastery:
Notes: Notes:
Base 3, +1 Eye, +1 Diam Base 4, +1 Touch

Permission granted to photocopy for personal use. © 2004 Trident, Inc. d/b/a Atlas Games.

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