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Jas Script

 Titanic-

 Twilight-
BELLA: You're impossibly fast and strong.
Your skin is pale white and ice-cold.
Your eyes change color.
And sometimes you speak
like you're from a different time.
You never eat or drink anything.
You don't go out in the sunlight.
(She gasps)
How old are you?

EDWARD: Seventeen

BELLA: How long have you been seventeen?

EDWARD: A while…

BELLA: I know what you are.

EDWARD: Say it
Out Loud.
Say it!

BELLA: (Trembling) Vampire

EDWARD: Are you afraid?


 Forrest Gump-
Hello. My name's Forrest. Forrest Gump. Do you want a chocolate?
I could eat about a million and a half of these. My mama always
said life was like a box of chocolates. You never know what you're
going to get. Those must be comfortable shoes. I bet you could walk
all day in shoes like that and not feel a thing. - I wish I had shoes like

 Rocky-

 Avatar-

 Mamma Mia-

 Love Actually-

JULIET: There is one here that says "Peter and Juliet's Wedding".
Do you think we might be on the right track?
MARK: Er, yeah, well... Wow. That-that could be it.
JULIET: Do you mind if I...?
MARK: I've probably taped over it.Almost everything's episodes of West Wing.
JULIET: Oh. Oh, bingo. That's lovely. Well done, you.
JULIET: Oh, that's gorgeous. Thank you so much, Mark, this is exactly what I was hoping
for. I look quite pretty. You've stayed rather close. They're all of me.
MARK: Yeah. Yeah. Yes.
JULIET: never talk to me.You always talk to Peter. You don't like me.

 Get Out-
Chris steps out the back door and takes a cigarette out. Chris looks
into the vast night around him. The CRICKETS are deafening.
Suddenly, something DARTS FAST across the yard in the distance.
Chris peers out into the darkness. The thing RUNS across the lawn
again. A moment of terror comes over Chris. He makes out a shape.
It’s now running towards him. Chris backs up in fear just as the
figure emerges from the shadows and into the moonlight. It’s
Walter, the grounds keeper. He passes Chris without noticing. Chris
gathers his breath. The kitchen light turns on and floods the
backyard. Chris drops the cigarette and stomps it out. He turns back
towards the house and finds himself face to face with Georgina,
who glares through the window dead in Chris’ eyes. He’s caught.

 Bridesmaids-
MEGAN That dress is so beautiful it makes my stomach hurt.
ANNIE Lill, I don’t know what to say. You are—
Megan lurches forward as the contents of her stomach come up
into her mouth. She claps her hand over her mouth to stop from
throwing up. After a beat, she swallows and pushes it back down.
Looks nauseous.
ANNIE (CONT’D) Megan, are you okay?
MEGAN I think my dress is too tight.
HELEN Oh my god. You got food poisoning from that restaurant.
ANNIE (sweating) No. No. She had the same thing I had and I feel
fine. Annie is really sweaty now, a mark between her boobs.
Suddenly, Becca politely cups her hand over her mouth to stifle
herself from getting sick.
BECCA (muffled, through her hands) I’m so sorry. Is there a
bathroom? 41
Rita grabs her stomach and hunches over a bit.
RITA I don’t care what dress we get, I just need to get off this white
carpet. We hear a noise. They all stand in horrified silence, Becca
still holding her hands against her face. There are faint (and loud)
stomach CHURNING sounds. Rita bolts down a hallway, followed by
Becca and Megan.
WHITNEY Not the bathroom! Everybody go outside! Seriously!
MEGAN I need the toilet! I need the toilet!
RITA No, Megan! Megan, no!!!
MEGAN Look away! Look away!
HELEN You don’t look very well Annie.
ANNIE I feel fine.
HELEN Are you sure? It wasn’t that grey kind of lamb? You ate a lot
of that weird chicken. Was it that?
ANNIE No. I feel fine.
HELEN I think you’d just feel better if you threw up.
ANNIE I don’t have to throw up.
BECCA I’m so sorry
. RITA Get away from me!
HELEN You’re not sick.
ANNIE No. In fact, I’m feeling hungry. I wish I had a snack.
HELEN You’re hungry?
ANNIE I’m starving.
MEGAN What did we eat??! This sink’s a goner.
BECCA (noticing her on the sink) What are you doing?
MEGAN It’s comin’ out of me like lava! Don’t fucking look at me!!
ANNIE Jordan almonds. These are great, thank you.
HELEN Better?
ANNIE I was just hungry.
LILLIAN Annie, everyone’s really sick from that restaurant.
ANNIE It wasn’t the restaurant.
LILLIAN Oh no. I. Am. In trouble. I need a bathroom.
ANNIE Lillian, where are you going?
ANNIE Lillian! What are you doing? Be careful!
LILLIAN It’s happening, it’s happening. LILLIAN (CONT’D) Oh, it’s happened.
WHITNEY Oh no, don’t you dare ruin that dress!
ANNIE Oh, you’re really doing it aren’t ya? You’re shittin’ in the

 A League of their Own-

 White Chicks-
Latrell: (Waves) Hop in,
Take your time, watch those marshmallows.
Ease on in there. I won’t bite unless you ask me to (rubs face)
You are so beautiful.
Twin: Hey, how bout we listen to a little bit of music
Latrell: How did you know, I LOVE THIS SONG
“Making my way downtown, walking fast etc…”

 Minions-
Tokari noh potato-li kani malo mani kano
Chi ka-baba, ba-ba-nana
Yoh plano boo la planonoh too
Ma bana-na la-ka moobi talaloo
Togari noh pocato li kani malo mani kano
Chi ka-ba-ba, ba-ba-na-na!

 Hairspray-
Oh I know Tracy Turnblad! Good For you girl you got on the show!
Well you better be next
You got that right.
Oh you know she is you better show em' girl!
I'm tired of coverin' up all my pride
So give me five on the black-hand side
I've got a new way of movin'
And i got my own voice
So how can i help
But to shout and rejoice
The people 'round here
Can barely pay their rent
They're "try'n to make dollar
Out 'a fifteen cent"
But we got a spirit
Money just cant buy
It's deep as a river
And soars to the sky!

 Princess and the Frog-

Mama! I don't have time for dancing!
That's just gonna have to wait a while
Ain't got time for messing around
And it's not my style
This old town can slow you down
People taking the easy way
But I know exactly where I'm going
Getting closer and closer every day
And I'm almost there, I'm almost there
People down here think I'm crazy, but I don't care
Trials and tribulations, I’ve had my share
There ain't nothing gonna stop me now ‘cause I'm almost there

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