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After being expelled, Wednesday is sent to the Nevermore Academy,

a school for kids who are outcasts. Kids are rejected by society and
seen as freaks or weirdos.

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Talented Voice Actor - 2



……………………………. /ˈsɜːtnli/ hẳn thế, tất nhiên

nursery rhyme /ˈnɜːsəri raɪm/ …………………………….

……………………………. /wəʊ/ sự đau buồn, phiền muộn

perspective /pəˈspektɪv/ góc nhìn, quan điểm

sanity /ˈsænəti/ …………………………….

therapy /ˈθerəpi/ …………………………….

/dɔːm/ ký túc xá

/ˈvɪvɪd/ chói lọi, sặc sỡ


/peɪl/ tái nhợt, yếu ớt


/haɪvz/ …………………………….

/aɪ wɒz bɔːn/ tôi được sinh ra


/bæk ɪn ðə deɪ/ …………………………….

back in the day

/meɪk ən ɪkˈsɛpʃᵊn/ tạo ra ngoại lệ

make an ………………………

in excellent hands /ɪn ˈɛksələnt hændz/ …………………………….

/rɪˈfrɛʃ maɪ ˈmɛməri/ gợi nhớ lại cho tôi

refresh my ……………………

/draɪv mæd/ làm phiền đến mức khó chịu

drive ………………

/breɪk aʊt ɪn/ ˈɪntuː/ …………………………….

break out in/ into

/biː əˈlɜːʤɪk tuː/ bị dị ứng với

be ……………… to

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Scene 1. The Addams family and Principal Weems

Ms. Weems: Wednesday is ………………….. a unique name. I’m guessing it was the day of the

week you were born?

Wednesday: I was ………………….. on Friday the 13th.

Mrs. Addams: Her name comes from a line from my favorite …………………..…………………..,

“Wednesday’s child is full of …………………...”

Ms. Weems: You always had a unique ………………….. on the world, Morticia.

Mrs. Addams: Hmm.

Ms. Weems: Did your mother tell you we were roommates …………………..…………………..?

Wednesday: And you graduated with your ………………….. intact? Impressive.

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Ms. Weems: You’ve certainly had a very interesting educational journey. Eight schools in

five years.

Wednesday: They haven’t built one strong enough to hold me. I bet this place won’t be any


Mr. Addams: I believe what our daughter is trying to say is that she greatly appreciates the


Ms. Weems: Nevermore doesn’t usually accept students mid-term, but given Wednesday’s

perfect grades and your family’s long history with the school, I’ve spoken with

the board and we’ve …………………..………………………

Mrs. Addams: Larissa, what about Wednesday’s, um… ………………….. sessions? The court

ordered them.

Ms. Weems: Hmm. The school has a relationship with a therapist in Jericho. She can meet

twice a week.

Mr. Addams: Did you hear that, my little storm cloud? You’re …………………..………………………

Wednesday: We’ll see if she survives the first session.

Ms. Weems: I’ve assigned you to your mother’s old …………………... Ophelia Hall.

Wednesday: …………………..………………………Ophelia’s the one who kills herself after being

…………………..……………………… by her family, correct?

Ms. Weems: Should we go meet your new roommate?

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Scene 2. Wednesday meets Enid

Mr. Addams: It’s so… vivid.

Enid: Howdy, roomie.

Ms. Weems: Wednesday, this is Enid Sinclair.

Enid: Are you feeling okay? You look a little …………………...

Mr. Addams: Wednesday always looks half-dead.

Enid: Oh. Welcome to Ophelia Hall. Not a hugger. Got it.

Mrs. Addams: Please excuse Wednesday. She’s …………………..………………………color.

Enid: Oh, wow. What happens to you?

Wednesday: I …………………..……………………… and then the flesh peels off my bones.

Ms. Weems: Luckily, we’ve special ordered you a uniform. Enid, please take Wednesday to

the registrar’s office to pick it up along with a copy of her schedule, and give

her a tour along the way.

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