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Avaya Managed Service Coverage Reference

Mananged Services Options Coverage Types Description

Service Level response SLR8x5 2 hour Emergency Repair Response 8am to 5pm M-F, or Next Business day. After hours work
would be billable at Overtime rates. See Repair feature for On-Site or Remote repair
SLR24x7 24x7x365, 2 hour Emergency Repair Response. 24 hour Routine repair response

Monitoring & Alerting M&ARMM Remote Monitoring & Management of alarms received by MIT. Only available with 24x7 SLR
(Service Level Response)
M&ANM No Monitoring or alerting. Customer will engage MIT and open a Service Call as necessary.

Parts Coverage PCP1 MIT replaces Asset parts including Phones

PCP2 MIT replaces Asset parts. Excludes Phones
PCM1 Manufacturer replaces Asset parts. MIT replaces phones.
PCM2 Manufacturer replaces Asset parts. Excludes Phones
PCP4 Asset parts have No Coverage from MIT or Manufacturer.

Repair Labor RLOS OnSite and Remote Repair Labor included. Travel to site is not billable.
RLRO Remote Only Repair labor is included. On-Site Repair is billable for all Time and Expenses.

Moves Adds and Changes MACU Remote User Level administrative MAC's are included. This excludes system configuration
changes and any other Professional Services requests. On-Site MAC's are billed for all Time
and Expenses at Current contract rates.
MACB All MAC's are billed at contract rates. On-Site MAC's are billed for all Time and Expenses at
current contract rates.
MACCC&U Remote User level administrative and Contact Center MACs are included. This excludes system
configuration changes and any other Professional Services requests. On-Site MAC's are billed
for all Time and Expenses.

Software Updates SWUD Labor included for Bi-Annual check and installation of Manufacturers Minor release, Service
Packs and Patches.

Hardware/Firmware Updates FWUD Labor included for Bi-Annual check and installation of Manufacturers release of Hardwares
Firmware update (exludes customer installable phone firmware)

Guardian Services InfoPlus Quarterly InfoPlus Site Survey, SourceBook reports and Offsite Backups (backups are
dependant on file transfer capabilities allowed)

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