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1. Jeff wants to ________ his college education at the United States

Military Academy.

a. graduate c. acquire

b. lead d. appoint

2. When military students at the NCO College graduate, they will

be _________________ as sergeants at the Turkish Air Force.

a. commissioned c. established

b. strategy d. designed

3. Bob : What are you studying in your economics class?

Dave : _______________________

a. We are learning how money is used.

b. Yes, she is in a Ph.D. program.

c. She’s working on a special assignment for her sociology


d. There are some kind of social activities there.

4. Beth : How do you know so much about electricity?

Tina : ________________________

a. It looked like a tie to me.

b. This is a museum of anthropology.

c. It’s my father’s. He is a scientist.

d. We studied it in my physics class.

5. None of the students, except Greg and Anne , will take more

than three tests.

How many tests will Greg and Anne take?

a. one c. three

b. two d. four

6. The first supersonic plane _________at the speed of Mach 1.0 by

an American pilot in 1950s.

a. flies c. flew

b. is flown d. was flown

7. A. Three tools are used for eating; the fork, the knife, and the


B. There are four basic dishes that are put at each person’s

place at the table.

What is the best title for the outline?

a. Meals in an American Restaurant.

b. Most popular food.

c. Basic Equipment for eating most food.

d. Money made from the snack sale.

8. Larry : ______________________

Freddy : What did Larry ask?

Jane : Larry asked someone where Building 11 was.

a. Where is Building 11?

b. Where Building 11 is?

c. Where was Building 11?

d. Where Building 11 was?

9. _______ Pvt Walters __________ to wait here?

a. Was / told c. Did / told

b. Were / told d. Are / told

10. Some of the students _____ by the university.

a. weren’t accept c. weren’t accepted

b. didn’t accept d. wasn’t accepted

11. Neither Roy nor I ____ happy with this agreement.

a. were c. am

b. are d. is

12. _________ Murat __________ Arif have a new car.

a. Both /and c. Neither / nor

b. Not only / but also d. Either / or

13. When they got married, they had _______furniture ___ appliances.

They furnished their home a couple of years later.

a. either / or c. both /and

b. not only / but also d. neither / nor

14. Tim : What’s the matter with you?

Tim asked Jill ______________________ .

a. what’s the matter with her c. what the matter is with her

b. what the matter was with her d. what was the matter with her

15. Capt Smith : “Whose hat is this?

Capt Smith asked ____________________ .

a. whose hat that was c. whose was that hat

b. whose hat was that d. whose hat that is

16. ________tell him the truth ________ you will lose his friendship.

a . Either / or c. Both / and

b. Neither / nor d. Not only / but also

17. “When _________ this building ___________?” “In 1990”

a. was / established c. is / established

b. did / establish d. was / establish

18. Although he promised to keep contact with me, he ________called

__________wrote to me.

a. not only / but also c. both / and

b. neither / nor d. either / or

19. You should ____________ sit down _____________ go out.

a. not only / but also c. both / and

b. neither / nor d. either / or

20. Anyone who is married is ______for appointment to any of the U.S

military academies.

a. eligible c. candidate

b. ineligible d. appointed

21. A : Did you invite Carol to the opening of the new department?

B : I keep trying. I have been unable to __________ her so far.

a. name c. appoint

b. qualify d. reach

22. Would you like to ______________a foreign language?

a. acquire c. graduate

b. appoint d. establish

23. As instructed, the pilot ______ followed the directions of the control


a. primarily c. likely

b. both d. severely

24. Harvard, _________at Cambridge, Massachusetts in 1636, is the

oldest college in America.

a. built c. established

b. authorized d. damaged

25. I tried to ___________the information that my friend needed.

a. reached c. lead

b. design d. acquire

26. The country is __________ by the newly elected prime minister.

a. advised c. lead

b. watched out for d. led

27. Does Mrs. Smith __________ for admission to this department?

a. name c. lead

b. qualify d. appoint


28. If she exercised regularly, she ____________fit enough.

a. would be c. will be

b. becomes d. became

29. She could arrive on time if she ______________by 7.30.

a. leaves c. will leave

b. would leave d. left

30. Mark’s salary isn’t enough to buy the car he wants.

He wishes he ________________ a car.

a. can afford c. affords

b. could afford d. couldn’t afford

31. What do you wish you ____________now?

a. are doing c. were doing

b. can do d. will be doing

32. If you heat air, it _____________________ .

a. is rising c. rises

b. has risen d. would rise

33. If I _______________ you, I’d call the police.

a. am b. was c. were d. would be

34. What would you do if you _________the lottery?

a. have won c. win

b. would win d. won

35. I wish I ____________________ more free time.

a. had c. will have

b. have d. can have

36. Where ______ you go if you wanted to rent a car?

a. can c. would

b. did d. would have

37. Mustafa wishes he _________studying English many years ago.

a. had started c. starts

b. started d. has started

38. A : Oh! You __________ smoke!

B : You are right. I didn’t. I’ve just started.

a. used to c. are used to

b. didn’t use to d. aren’t accustomed to

39. I __________working with that noise. It doesn’t bother me.

a. am used to c. used to

b. am not accustomed to d. didn’t use to

40. Which brand of coffee _______ your wife ________ drinking?

a. is / used to c. did / use to

b. is / use to d. did / used to

41. None of the clocks in the old section of the city works any more;

but they _______________ perfectly.

a. work c. are used to working

b. were used to working d. used to work

42. Smoking is ______________ to human health.

a. benefit c. unfavorable

b. favorable d. hazardous

43. Ali said it was _________ for us to leave right now.

a. probable c. severely

b. probably d. visible

44. The Chinese were ________ the first tea drinkers in the world.

a. probable c. probably

b. primary d. severely
45. Meteorologists use balloons to _________weather conditions.

a. consider c. take precautions

b. watch out for d. forecast

46. She was an _____________candidate for the position.

a. qualified c. primary

b. eligible d. appointed

47. Two of the passengers were _________injured in the accident.

a. unlikely c. primarily

b. severely d. unfavorably

48. The night was so _________ that the murderer was easily able to


a. foggy c. slippery

b. visible d. invisible

49. When it __________a lot, the traffic stops since the roads become


a. hails c. sleets

b. foggy d. drizzles

50. When the fire brigade arrived, the people had already been ____

from the building.

a. evacuated c. warned
b. watched out for d. flashed

51. When the _________is below zero, you shouldn’t drive since it will

be hazardous.

a. fog c. moisture

b. visible d. visibility

52. Have you ever __________ the danger of flash flood?

a. been c. stuck

b. looked out for d. run into

53. Many people who live along the coast of Australia are

accustomed to the _____________of sudden storms.

a. hazards c. hazardous

b. stuck d. severe

54. It has been raining for three days, so many houses were ______

and destroyed by heavy rain.

a. damages c. flooded

b. evacuated d. flashed

55. ________ is pieces of ice which are large enough to damage cars

and hurt people.

a. Sleet c. Drizzle

b. Hail d. Storm


56. The manager is ______ that employees need a rise in their salary.

a. convinced c. supervised

b. permitted d. employed

57. Because of the ____________ in the country, many people prefer

to go abroad to look for a job.

a. employment c. employed

b. unemployment d. unemployed

58. Only two people were ________ from this department in ten years.

Those people were always late.

a. employed c. fired

b. unemployed d. hired

59. They usually argue about many things because of their different


a. agreement c. benefits

b. points of view d. consider

60. Note down the ______ points of the speech. Throw out the details.

a. main c. benefit

b. chiefly d. concern

61. Bill and I often ____________ but we’re good friends though.

a. disagree c. advise

b. agree d. permit

62. My father is a retired _____________.

a. employee c. employ

b. employed d. employment

63. This firm will _________ more than 500 people.

a. employee c. employment

b. employ d. employed

64. These newspapers and magazines are out of date and make our

living room look messy.

Let’s ___________ them today.

a. point out c. get rid of

b. convince d. keep

65. _______ is the person you must see to leave work early, to ask for

leave or to complain about a problem.

a. An employee c. An unemployed

b. An employer d. A supervisor

66. _______ is the person who gives you a job. He can also fire you.

a. An employer c. A chief

b. An employee d. A firm

67. Roger : Have you eaten at the restaurant on Main Street?

Antonio : Yes, I have. It’s the best restaurant I’ve ever seen.

Charlie : ____________________ The food was delicious.

a. Do you think it’s right to say that?

b. Oh, I have to disagree with you.

c. I don’t really think I agree.

d. I have to agree with you.

68. Clark : ____________________________

Nick : I disagree. Some highways are better and have less traffic

than others. The speed limit should be higher than 55

m.p.h. on those highways. Don’t you agree?

a. Small cars are safer to drive than large cars.

b. Everybody ought to be required to serve in the Navy.

c. The speed limit should be 55 m.p.h. on all highways.

d. People who drive too slowly should be given traffic tickets.


Race number Winner Number of Laps Time in minutes

1 Athlete 2 8 6

2 Athlete 4 15 8

3 Athlete 5 10 7

4 Athlete 1 20 10
5 Athlete 3 15 7

How many laps were in race number 4?

a. 15 c. 10

b. 20 d. 8

70. The following grades are from the German language test.

No Name Grade Listening Reading Voc. Function Skill Grammar

1 Kirk 70 11 24 14 2 9 10

2 Elvis 78 14 25 17 1 9 12

3 Lucas 74 13 24 18 1 8 10

4 Ian 56 8 20 12 0 8 8

Who answered the most of the questions correctly?

a. Ian did. c. Kirk did.

b. Lucas did. d. Elvis did.

71. Jim looks very unhappy. He didn’t get promoted, ________?

a. did he c. he didn’t

b. didn’t he d. he did

72. Ken : Which course should I take?

Kay : I think the Excel course would be fine.

a. Kay advised her take a computer course.

b. Kay advised her taking a computer course.

c. Kay advised her to take a computer course.

d. Kay advised take to her a computer course.

73. “You should lose weight.” He _______me to lose weight.

a. requested c. permitted

b. advised d. required

74. “Don’t touch that switch. You may get an electric shock.”

My mother _____________me not to touch that switch.

a. advised c. warned

b. permitted d. allowed

75. “You may leave early tonight.”

His manager ______him to leave early.

a. asked c. advised

b. expected d. allowed

76. I suppose you are not serious, _______?

a. are you c. do I

b. don’t I d. aren’t I

77. He has never been to abroad, _______?

a. has he c. did he

b. hasn’t he d. does he

78. He has just filled the tank, so the car ________ be out of gas.
a. must c. weren’t

b. can d. can’t

79. Mr. Hill has almost no spare time to join the social activities

in this club, _____________?

a. hasn’t he c. has he

b. doesn’t he d. does he

80. Almost everyone left early, ________?

a. didn’t be c. did he

b. didn’t they d. did they

81. Did he permit you __________ to the party?

a. go c. to go

b. going d. went

82. Haven’t you invited your boyfriend ______ your promotion with


a. celebration c. celebrate

b. to celebrate d. celebrating


83. Bobby : Why are you ________ me for breaking that door? I didn’t

do it.

Sue : I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be sure that I’m right before I accuse
anyone of anything.

a. blaming c. considering

b. persuading d. accusing

84. Steve : Are you sure that the information in your report is correct?

Rita : Yes, I am. I checked all the ___________ before I wrote it.

a. along c. facts

b. consideration d. memory

85. Bruce : If this rain continues, they may have to evacuate people

from the low areas.

Gregory : Yes, and I think you’d better get your animals inside.

What did Gregory warn Bruce about?

a. evacuating people c. leaving his animals outside

b. staying in low areas d. slipping and falling

86. Henry : Beth looks happy.

Adam : ________________

a. She could have blamed herself.

b. She might have had a headache.

c. She shouldn’t have watched TV so late.

d. She must have gotten a letter from her family.

87. Harvey : _______________________

Ned : I don’t know. She should have come earlier because she

told me she was planning to leave early.

a. Why did Jane look so uncomfortable today?

b. Did Jane drive carefully enough for you?

c. Did Jane take the report to the meeting?

d. What time did Jane come to office this morning?

88. Select the word that comes between the guide words.

bald ___?___ career

a. bad c. aside

b. both d. count

89. Hillary is the girl _______ I want to go out with at the weekend.

a. ____ c. where

b. if d. which

90. Can’t you get someone __________ you with that assignment?

a. help c. to help

b. helping d. helped

91. I’m sure she didn’t call because I’ve been here all day.

a. she can’t have called c. she must have called

b. she shouldn’t have called d. she might not have called

92. A : I can’t find my wallet anywhere.

B : You’ve definitely lost!

a. You should’ve lost it.

b. You may have lost it.

c. You must have lost it.

d. You could have lost it.

93. He is late. He probably missed the bus.

a. He must have missed the bus.

b. He should have missed the bus.

c. He may have missed the bus.

d. He can’t have missed the bus.

94. I ought to ______________ to the butcher’s, but I forgot.

a. go c. went

b. have gone d. would go

95. The plane couldn’t __________ . It’s not due to take off until 10


a. have left c. been left

b. leave d. left

96. His office is empty and his briefcase is not here.

a. He must’ve gone home.

b. He should’ve gone home.

c. He could’ve gone home.

d. He couldn’t have gone home.

97. I ____________ go to the doctor. I’m feeling much better.

a. don’t have to c. had better

b. must have d. shouldn’t

98. When I was a child, my father _______ read me a story before bed


a. is used to c. was accustomed to

b. would d. must

99. Mary _____________ any green apples but she did.

a. shouldn’t eat c. wouldn’t

b. shouldn’t have eaten d. mustn’t

100. The lights have gone out. A fuse _____________ .

a. will have blown c. must have blown

b. might blow d. can blow

101. Why didn’t you buy a lottery. You _______ a large prize.

a. should’ve won c. must’ve won

b. could’ve won d. may win

102. Why did you take such a risk? You ___________ died.

a. must have c. could have

b. should have d. could

103. Lucy is late again. She ____________ her train.

a. may miss c. could miss

b. may have missed d. should’ve missed

104. Janet ________ some problems. She keeps crying.

a. must have had c. ought to have

b. must have d. seem to have

105. Mike _________________ left last week.

a. should c. had to

b. has to d. might have

106. My father didn’t like the house _______ was and uncomfortable.

a. ___ c. which

b. where d. who

107. The hurricane Rita ______ in the U.S.A. caused a lot of damage.

a. which appeared c. when appeared

b. that will appear d. which has appeared

108. Could you ______________ me to lock the door when we leave?

I always forget to do that.

a. persuade c. force

b. remind d. accuse

109. I didn’t want to go to the party but Sam _________ me. So we

decided to come together.

a. accused c. persuaded

b. reminded d. blamed

110. Looking through the photos ________ memories of our childhood.

a. blinds c. controls

b. carries d. brings back

111. The stadium was ___ into the middle of the town by the hurricane

Katrina which hit the U.S.A. in September, 2005.

a. carried c. brought back

b. looked after d. blinded

112. You shouldn’t __________ yourself of hitting the car. Nobody was

injured in the accident.

a. accuse c. convince

b. blame d. persuade

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