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Administering Partner Cloud Powered

by Avaya xCaaS

January 31, 2023

Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

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January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS


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January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 3


connection with the Hosted Service as described further in your service description documents for the
applicable Hosted Service. Contact Avaya or Avaya Channel Partner (as applicable) for more information.

Hosted Service
UNDER THE LINK “Avaya Terms of Use for Hosted Services” OR SUCH SUCCESSOR SITE AS


Avaya grants You a license within the scope of the license types described below, with the exception of
Heritage Nortel Software, for which the scope of the license is detailed below. Where the order documentation
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physical machine; or (ii) on one deployed software virtual machine (“VM”) or similar deployment.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 4


License type(s)
Designated System(s) License (DS). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software
only: 1) on a number of Designated Processors up to the number indicated in the order; or 2) up to the number
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Avaya may require the Designated Processor(s) to be identified in the order by type, serial number, feature
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Concurrent User License (CU). End User may install and use the Software on multiple Designated Processors
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any given time. A “Unit” means the unit on which Avaya, at its sole discretion, bases the pricing of its licenses
and can be, without limitation, an agent, port or user, an e-mail or voice mail account in the name of a person
or corporate function (e.g., webmaster or helpdesk), or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized
by the Software that permits one user to interface with the Software. Units may be linked to a specific,
identified Server or an Instance of the Software.

Cluster License (CL). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only up to the
number of Clusters as indicated on the order with a default of one (1) Cluster if not stated. “Cluster” means a
group of Servers and other resources that act as a single system.

Enterprise License (EN). End User may install and use each copy or an Instance of the Software only for
enterprise-wide use of an unlimited number of Instances of the Software as indicated on the order or as
authorized by Avaya in writing.

Named User License (NU). You may: (i) install and use each copy or Instance of the Software on a single
Designated Processor or Server per authorized Named User (defined below); or (ii) install and use each copy
or Instance of the Software on a Server so long as only authorized Named Users access and use the
Software. “Named User”, means a user or device that has been expressly authorized by Avaya to access and
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corporate function, or a directory entry in the administrative database utilized by the Software that permits one
user to interface with the Software.

Shrinkwrap License (SR). You may install and use the Software in accordance with the terms and conditions of
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Heritage Nortel Software

“Heritage Nortel Software” means the software that was acquired by Avaya as part of its purchase of the Nortel
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Third Party Components

“Third Party Components” mean certain software programs or portions thereof included in the Software or
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The following applies only if the H.264 (AVC) codec is distributed with the product. THIS PRODUCT IS

Service Provider

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 6




Compliance with Laws

You acknowledge and agree that it is Your responsibility for complying with any applicable laws and
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Preventing Toll Fraud

“Toll Fraud” is the unauthorized use of your telecommunications system by an unauthorized party (for
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Security Vulnerabilities
Information about Avaya’s security support policies can be found in the Security Policies and Support section

Suspected Avaya product security vulnerabilities are handled per the Avaya Product Security Support Flow

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 7


Downloading Documentation
For the most current versions of Documentation, see the Avaya Support website:, or
such successor site as designated by Avaya.

Contact Avaya Support

See the Avaya Support website: for product or Hosted Service notices and articles,
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Linus Torvalds in the U.S. and other countries.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 8




This document contains information about how to perform Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
administration tasks, such using management tools, managing data and security, and performing maintenance

This document is intended for people who perform Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS system
administration tasks such as backing up and restoring data and managing users.

The Avaya Professional Services (APS) personnel and Hosted Service Providers deploy and administer the
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Change history

Issue Date Summary

Updated the version of Avaya

1.1 June 28, 2018 Aura® Messaging to 7.0 SP0
Patch 3.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 9



Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS overview

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS is a SIP-based solution specifically designed for hosted service
providers. Use Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, which is a cloud-based solution, if you require both
contact center and unified communication experiences. Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS is flexible
and scalable and therefore meets the changing needs of hosted providers and enterprises. Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service and Avaya CE for UC are unified and called as
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS within the Avaya Cloud Enablement strategy. For more information
about Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, see Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Solution

Using this solution, hosted service providers can brand and deliver unified communications and contact center
services from Avaya. Hosted service providers can also address customer requirements such as flexibility and
help customers adopt a utility-based operational expense (OPEX) approach. By addressing these
requirements, hosted service providers can help customers improve business agility and optimize budgets and
resources. Hosted service providers can deliver advanced communication, collaboration, and integration
services across small, medium, and large enterprises from a single, open, and scalable platform.

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution uses Avaya Control Manager as a centralized
administration system for hosted providers to manage billing and track the selected features in each end-user
enterprise. Following are some of the features of the solution:

• Support for a basic Hybrid reference configuration that supports calling, call transfers, and call
conferences between an Avaya Customer Premises Equipment (CPE) UC deployment and a cloud-
based Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service.
• Support for multiple instance configuration and billing from a single Avaya Control Manager, in both
multitenant and dedicated instance models.
• Support for running Avaya CE for UC and Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a
Service features on the same instance.
• Addition of speech recognition to Avaya Aura® Experience Portal IVR.
• Support for Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise and capacities of 4000 concurrent contact
center agents or up to 20000 general business or unified communications users. Avaya Session Border
Controller for Enterprise allows users on the public internet to access Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
For more information about configuring Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise, see Deploying
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Support for H.323 endpoints in a dedicated instance model. For a dedicated instance, the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution supports the same capacities as of the multi-tenant model if
using the SIP endpoints.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 10


• Support for a capacity of up to 4000 concurrent contact center agents and up to 5000 administered
endpoints, if the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution provides both Unified
Communication and Contact Center services.
• Support for a capacity of up to 20,000 Unified Communication endpoints, if the Partner Cloud Powered
by Avaya xCaaS solution is dedicated to provide only Unified Communication services.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.1 includes the following new capabilities:

• Supports Usage Metering (UM) to collect usage data for metered objects and generate usage reports.
If the Avaya Control Manager (ACM) billing module is deployed with a Cloud Service Provider (CSP)
prior to release 2.1, the CSP can continue to use ACM billing to obtain billing reports.
For new deployments, ACM billing module is unavailable.
• Supports a two-server deployment of ACM when UM billing is deployed.
• Supports deployment of the solution on Amazon Web Services (AWS) and IBM Bluemix.
• Supports deployment of Avaya Aura® Experience Portal Hybrid Solution.
In the Hybrid Solution, Experience Portal components can be deployed on the CSP cloud to offer self-
services to handle inbound traffic in on-premises contact centers.
• Supports 15 xCaaS instances in a single ACM instance.
This capability requires the deployment of Usage Metering.
• Supports Avaya Equinox® Attendant.
• Supports Avaya Esna Officelinx to provide voicemail features.
• Supports Avaya J169 IP Phone and Avaya J179 IP Phone endpoints.
• Supports new functionalities of Avaya Oceana™ Solution

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Release 2.0.1 solution introduces the following features:

• Supports the following new clients:

• Avaya Agent for Desktop for CC Elite voice-only deployments. Agent provides a full SIP enabled
and H.323 soft client options.
• Avaya Vantage™ as a device that provides telephony and conferencing functionality. Avaya
Vantage™ runs on an Android operating system. Vantage uses the Avaya Breeze™ Client SDK
and custom applications to integrate business processes on a single device.
• Avaya B189 Conference IP Phone as a multi-line H.323 conference phone. Avaya B189
Conference IP Phone is a companion to the Avaya B179 SIP Conference Phone.
• Support for Avaya Oceana™ Solution Social Media as a channel
• Support for Avaya Oceana™ Solution Outbound channel with Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager.
• Support for Multi-Rate card (backward compatible with previous Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS releases)

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.0 solution introduced the following features:

• Support for Avaya Breeze™ as a platform to deploy Avaya Breeze™ Snap-Ins in the cloud.
• Support for Avaya Oceana™ Solution and Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 11


• Supported only in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Dedicated instance deployment
• Introduces support for Avaya Oceana™ Solution Hybrid model where an existing CPE CC
Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite deployment can integrate with Avaya Oceana™ Solution
deployed in the cloud.
• Support for Avaya Workforce Optimization Select.
• Removal of support for ANAV. In place of ANAV, the Call Management System Multi-tenant capability
will be used for Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite. End customers will have direct access to Avaya Aura®
Experience Portal and Call Center Elite Multichannel Reporting Desktop for AAEP and EMC Reports.
• Support for Avaya Equinox® Team Engagement deployment.
• Supported only in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Dedicated instance deployment
• Includes Avaya Multimedia Messaging, Avaya Aura® Device Services, Avaya Aura Web
Gateway, and Avaya Equinox® Web Client.
• Support for SIP Service Observe configuration.
• Support for Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Business Advocate configuration
• Support for Call Management System multi-tenancy configuration
• Support for Avaya J129 IP Phone.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2 solution introduced the following features:

• Support for Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager only in a dedicated instance model. Avaya Aura®
Experience Portal manages Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager reporting.

POM does not support SRTP for agent based campaigns if Communication Manager is configured to
support both RTP and SRTP. For agentless campaigns, SRTP might be possible if SIPS is specified in
the Campaign contact list.
• Support for Avaya Control Manager provisioning and billing to manage up to 10 instances of Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Support for Avaya Breeze™. Presence Services is implemented as a snap-in on top of Avaya
• Support for geo-redundancy in case of Presence Services.
• Support for Avaya Aura® Media Server. Media services can be provided using Avaya Aura® Media
Server instead of G450 Media Gateway. In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2 and later,
Avaya Aura® Media Server is available as the media server for Avaya Aura® Communication Manager,
and is available in two possible deployments:
• The medium deployment is virtualized (using 8 vCPUs) and can support up to 1400 MPU.
• The large deployment is an appliance that supports up to 4800 MPU.
• Support for Avaya Aura® Conferencing (replaced by Avaya Equinox® Team Engagement in Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.0.
• Support for Avaya Equinox® iOS, Android, and Windows clients.

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Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution deployment options

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution is available with the following deployment option, with
high availability configurations:

• Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS in a dual data center

You can deploy the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution using the following different
infrastructure configurations:

• Virtual servers provided by hosted service providers

• Avaya Pod Fx (Avaya Pod Fx)

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution provides the following deployment models:

• Dedicated instance deployment

• Multi-instance multi-tenant deployment

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS in a dual data center

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS in a dual data center provides all features of single data center
configurations and also supports geographical redundancy of the solution components. The Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution supports high availability in a single data center and geo-redundancy in a
dual data center and uses:

• Active-active functionality of Avaya Control Manager Service Provider Edition, Application Enablement
Services, Avaya Contact Recorder, Avaya Call Management System, and Avaya Aura® Session
Manager in a single data center.
• Geo-redundancy functionality provided by Avaya Contact Recorder, Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager, Avaya Aura® Session Manager, Avaya Aura® System Manager, Call Management System,
Avaya Aura® Messaging, Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and Avaya Session Border Controller for
Enterprise to support geo-redundancy in a dual data center.
• Geo-redundancy support in case of Presence Services.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS on Avaya Pod Fx

Avaya Pod Fx is a framework that enables businesses, organizations and partners to use, build, deliver and
enhance communication and collaboration solutions in the cloud.

Avaya Pod Fx leverages key components from Call Center Elite Multichannel and VMware. Avaya Pod Fx
delivers virtualized storage, computing and networking that are finely tuned for the unique performance
requirements of collaboration and other real-time applications. The solutions include storage arrays from Call
Center Elite Multichannel, VMware vCenter™ and VMware View® from VMware, and networking,
management, communications applications and integration from Avaya. They also feature fully-integrated

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 13


management, orchestration enabling enterprises to use a common interface to manage all of the pod
components - from the application to the network devices.


Infrastructure components
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS includes the following components:

Components Version

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager 7.1.3

Avaya Aura® Session Manager 7.1.3

Avaya Aura® System Manager with WebLM and


Avaya Call Management System 18.0.2

Avaya Control Manager 8.0.3

Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services


G450 Media Gateway 7.1.3

Avaya Aura® Media Server 7.8 SP7

Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise 7.2.2

Firewalls -

Avaya Diagnostic Server 3.0

Network Load Balancer or Stingray Traffic Manager

from Riverbed Stingray -

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 14


Components Version

Avaya does not provide the Network Load Balancer .

The release number is valid only for Riverbed
Stingray. You can use other load balancers.

Avaya WebLM 7.1

Avaya Breeze™

Avaya Aura® Utility Services 7.1.3

Avaya Aura® Device Services 7.1.3

Avaya Aura® Presence Services on Avaya Breeze™ 7.1.2

Avaya Aura® Web Gateway 3.4

Avaya Pod Fx 3.1

Avaya Usage Metering 1.0

Avaya Esna Officelinx 10.6 SP1

Avaya Equinox Attendant Snap-in 5.0

Application components

Component Version

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite 7.1.3

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel 6.5 SP3

Contact Filter - Application for Avaya Aura® Session


Avaya Aura® Messaging 7.0 SP0 Patch 3

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal. If you need an ASR 7.2.1

or TTS, you can install the following optional
components of Nuance Speech Recognition:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 15


Component Version

• Nuance Recognizer Release 10.5

• Nuance Vocalizer Release 6.2
• Nuance Dialog Modules Release 6.2

Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization : Avaya

Contact Recorder

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager 3.1

Avaya Oceana™ Solution

Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights

Avaya Equinox® Conferencing 9.1

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select 5.2.1

Avaya Multimedia Messaging 3.4

End-customer components

Component Version

Avaya 96x1 SIP Desk phones: 9601, 9608, 9621G,

9621GS, 9641G, and 9641GS

Avaya 96x1 IP Desk phones H.323 (9601, 9608,

9621G, 9621GS, 9641G, 9641GS, and 9650

Note: 6.6.6
After March 2016, customers must buy the 9641GS

AudioCodes SIP analog gateways MP114 6.6

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel

6.5 SP3
Reporting Desktop

Avaya Vantage™ 1.1

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 16


Component Version

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel Desktop

6.5 SP3
with and without Supervisor plug-in

Avaya Equinox® for Web 1.1

Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization : Avaya

Contact Recorder Web Client

Avaya Control Manager SP Edition: Web Client 8.0.3

Avaya one-X® Agent H.323 (Telecommuter mode) 2.5 SP11

Avaya one-X® Agent SIP in Shared Control mode

2.5 SP10
with 9608 Deskphone SIP

Avaya Agent for Desktop 1.7

Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization Avaya Contact

Recorder Web Client for Supervisors

Avaya B179 SIP Conference Phone 2.4 SP3

Avaya B189 Conference IP Phone 6.6.5

Avaya H175 Video Collaboration Station

Avaya one-X® Communicator SIP 6.2 SP12

Avaya Call Management System CMS Supervisor 18.0.2

Avaya Communicator for Microsoft Lync

Avaya Equinox® Attendant (SIP) 5.0

Avaya Equinox® for Android

Avaya Equinox® for iOS

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 17


Component Version

Avaya Equinox® for Windows

Avaya Equinox® for Mac

Avaya Equinox® for Web 1.1

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal Web Desktop 7.2.1

Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces

Avaya J129 IP Phone (SIP) 2.0

Avaya J169 IP Phone (SIP) 2.0

Avaya J179 IP Phone (SIP) 2.0

Avaya Pod Fx management components

When you deploy Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS on Avaya Pod Fx, each data center in this dual
data center configuration has a vCenter appliance and a suite of Pod Orchestration Suite components.

Ensure that the Avaya Pod Fx iSCSI Storage Processor ports do not share the same subnet by default for the
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution. If they do, contact your Avaya representative for assistance
for configuring the storage array according to Call Center Elite Multichannel best practices (Reference: EMC
KB article: 000041172).

Component Deployment platform Patch

A centralized configuration,
Avaya Configuration and provisioning, and troubleshooting
Orchestration Manager includes component for network devices, None
Virtualization Provisioning Service including routing switches and
wireless LAN devices.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 18


Component Deployment platform Patch

An application-level monitoring
Avaya IP Flow Manager and diagnosing component for None
service provider administrators.

A component that provides

network discovery, topology
visualization, and fault and
Avaya Visualization Performance
performance management. Use None
and Fault Manager
full form collects data from each
port and analyzes data for network

A Windows 2008 R2 server that

you can use to manage or upgrade
Management Server Console None
Avaya Pod Fx software and

A component that provides access

to visualization applications and
Avaya Pod Visualization Manager
management applications for None
configuration, orchestration, and
management of Avaya Pod Fx.

In the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service solution, relevant Bash Shell
security patches are supported. For more information, see

1 The Network Load Balancer is a required element to control connectivity of Experience Portal to external
primary and secondary databases (MS SQL servers).

Avaya Aura Application Enablement Services

Application Enablement Services (AES) is deployed as a required component for Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service in support of the following applications either a Dedicated
Instance or Multi-tenant Instance, as applicable:

• Call Center Elite Multichannel (EMC)

• Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR)
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution
• Avaya Workforce Optimization Select

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 19


AES allows Presence Server to monitor the presence state of H.323 endpoints, such as Avaya one-X
Communicator and CM H.323 sets.

In general, the service providers use AES to offer the CTI-based applications for Avaya Aura® Call Center
Elite Multichannel or their own CTI-based applications for screen-pop functionality.
The service provider must ensure that their CTI applications inter-operate in the Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service environment.

If service providers offer their CTI applications, ensure that such applications inter-operate in the Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service environment.
The following are the maximum values you must consider when using AES for CTI applications:

Number of AES servers a single CM supports 16

Number of streams (client connections) an AES


Message rate per CM system and per AES server 2000 messages per second

For a single AES server to support monitoring up to 4,000 agents, the CTI application requires one or more
application servers. The actual number of servers depends on the CTI application. The client connections into
AES are the application server connections and supports up to 2,500 application server connections. The
application servers manage the actual number of client desktop connections.

Starting with CM 7.0 and AES 7.0, the maximum number of AES servers that you use concurrently monitoring
the same set of station extensions is 8.

The number of AES servers that is required in an deployment depends on the components deployed, that is,
Oceana versus EMC and ACR versus AWFOS. The total number can vary from a total of 2 to 7 AES servers
as follows:

• ACR requires two AES servers to run as an Active/Standby application in a single Data Center
deployment. The active application requires a different AES server than the standby to avoid single
point of failure conditions. Additionally, the dual Data Center deployment requires a second standby
server to deploy in the second data center while the above two ACR servers are deployed in the
primary data center. The second ACR standby server requires an additional AES server in the geo-
redundant Data Center.
• EMC shares two of the three servers required by ACR. EMC can also share the two AES servers
required by AWFOS.
• Avaya Oceana requires two AES servers per Data Center dedicated to the Oceana solution. Currently,
you cannot share these AES servers with any application.
• AWFOS requires one AES server per Data Center.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 20


Based on the new limit of 8 station domain controls per station extension limitation, you cannot add any more
than 8 AES servers. This assumes that every AES server requires to monitor the same set of station
extensions. Additionally, the more AES servers are added to the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
environment, the quicker the overall CM message throughput limitation of 2,000 messages/sec could be
reached. Therefore, service providers must strictly limit the inclusion of third-party CTI applications and
carefully engineer with the help of Avaya design teams.

The CTI application supplied by a service provider must inherently support multi-tenancy.

For more information about Application Enablement Services, see Application Enablement Services overview.

High Availability support

In a Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service virtualized environment, High
Availability (HA) is provided by running active-active AES servers to serve active-active applications. Even
Active-Standby applications, such as ACR require the operation of active-active AES servers. The MPHA
capability that AES provides is not applicable to Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a
Service since the hardware appliance model does not support in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, but
only the virtualized deployment model. Additionally, Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center
as a Service does not support the GRHA capability as all supported CTI applications in the Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service Reference Architecture require active-active

Avaya Aura Communication Manager and Avaya

Aura Call Center Elite
Communication Manager (CM) provides:

• Telephony features to all users in the solution

• Call Center Elite (CC Elite) functionality to agents and supervisors
• Premier skills-based distribution algorithms, such as Least Occupied Agent and Most Idle Agent

While CM is an IP Multimedia Sub-system-enabled (IMS) feature server, you can deploy a CM instance in the
cloud as an Evolution Server (ES) because for the following reasons:

• The feature is a requirement for Call Center Elite.

• CM-ES provides better performance and SIP trunk usage.
• Communication Manager is the only SIP feature server deployed in the solution.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports up to 4000 concurrent active SIP Call Center Elite staffed

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 21


You can use the Communication Manager tenant partitioning at run time to prevent an agent within one
enterprise population to directly call a VDN in another enterprise. A Communication Manager instance running
with standard software supports a maximum of 250 Tenant Numbers (TNs) or tenant partitions. With the
Communication Manager tenant partitioning, customers can provide customized announcements and music

Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service currently supports Avaya Session
Border Controller for Enterprise and Business Advocate.

Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service has functional differences when you
compare it to a Call Center Elite enterprise solution. Some of the functional differences are related to the
inherent functional gaps between the H.323 and SIP endpoints.

The following table summarizes the functional differences between H.323- and SIP-based agent:

Function H.323-based agent SIP-based agent

4,000 concurrently active staffed

Agent staffed capacity 10,000 concurrently staffed agents

Avaya one-X® Agentsupported


• My Computer (VoIP)
• Deskphone (Shared
• Other Phone
Avaya Agent for Desktop
The Central Administration module supported configurations:
support the following features:
• My Computer (VoIP)
Native Call Center Elite Soft Client The Deskphone and Other Phone
• Deskphone (Shared
configurations require a separate
phone to carry voice. control)
• Other Phone
With the Deskphone feature, agent
can continue to take calls using
the phone in case if the computer

With the Other Phone

(Telecommuter) feature, agents
continue to use any existing
telephony equipment to handle
voice media, including a PSTN

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 22


Function H.323-based agent SIP-based agent

Avaya Agent for Desktop

supported configurations:

• My Computer (VoIP)
• Deskphone (Shared
• Other Phone

Agent greetings from 96x1
Yes The Avaya one-X® AgentSIP
Shared Control version does not
support this feature.

The SO capability supported from
• Service Observing (SO) SIP endpoints from Partner Cloud
Supervisor features: • RONA Alert button Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.0 and
• System Reset Alert later.
• Add or Remove Skills

Agent features:
• VOA controls (repeat, No

EMC Desktop Yes

• Agent EMC 6.5 supports the H.323 voice Yes

• Supervisor feature. Therefore, you can use a
full soft client desktop in a Partner Requires a separate phone
This is a CTI-based desktop, not a Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
native CM soft client. dedicated instance model.

Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces Yes Yes

For more information about Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, see Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager Overview and Specification.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 23


For more information about Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite, see Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Overview and

Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel

Call Center Elite Multichannel (EMC) is a Microsoft® Windows-based software suite that enables companies
to evolve one dimension call centers into multichannel contact centers. With EMC, callers/customers can gain
access to contact centers through phone, e-mail, text, or Instant Messaging (IM). Irrespective of callers habit,
such as texting on their mobile phone, sending e-mails, or chatting over the Internet, EMC treats their
preferred method of communicating exactly the same as a traditional phone call.

The Multichannel Media Director server uses the ASAI (Adjunct/Switch Application Interface) Phantom Call
construct using as the originators to reserve a queue slot in the appropriate skill for a non-voice contact. The
CTI stations are administered without deskphone extensions in Communication Manager (CM). Call Center
Elite (CC Elite) handles the phantom call by distribution algorithms, such as Skills-based routing, in the same
way the system handles that voice contacts. Hence, the same treatment is provided by CC Elite algorithms
independent of the contact channel type. The system places the contact in a priority queue and distribute the
call to agents with relevant skills and knowledge. Additionally, the agent can choose to reply using the same
method of contact, conducting a helpful conversation, as customers expect over the phone. You can define a
skill as a multichannel skill and can mix the multichannel contacts in the same queue. If you have mixed the
multichannel contacts, you can queue the voice contacts and web chat with the same priority and can queue
the e-mail with lower priority. You can also configure the skill with Multiple Call Handling (MCH) capabilities to
allow agents to handle multiple contacts at the same time.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 24


EMC handles FAX if the FAX server converts the received file to an e-mail message and sends an e-mail to
the appropriate mailbox. EMC also handles the voice-mail messages if the message is converted to text and
an e-mail message is composed by the voice-mail server and sent to the appropriate mailbox. EMC treats FAX
and voice-mail at the same service levels than e-mail.

CC Elite Multichannel also offers the following feature:

• Out-of-the-box desktop applications for agents and supervisors. The contact center supervisor plug-in:
• Allows supervisors to silently monitor calls.
• Provides coaching support to agents without caller’s awareness.
• Joins the call as a conferee to help resolve a problem.
Contact center supervisors can use these capabilities to mitigate and supplement the current Service
Observing feature gap that exists for SIP endpoints. The VoIP iClarity component that is supported in
an enterprise environment is not supported in Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center
as a Service. Therefore, the EMC desktop requires a 96x1 desk phone for audio.
• Framework applications, including intelligent routing, interaction data, and centralized configuration.
• Outbound preview dialing, either automated or agent-initiated.
• Powerful application development tools for complete customization and integration.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 25


• Simple and fast wizards for desktop screen pops and routing rules.

You can divide the EMC solution into three major categories:

Category Includes Note

• Agent Desktop must be

on a network that
provides a high quality
audio experience.
Therefore, wherever the
agent in the network
must meet sufficient
bandwidth, latency, and
jitter requirements.
• The desktop is
comprised of about 35
different plug-ins. Some
plug-ins are currently
not well suited for a
EMC Desktop, EMC Reporting, single multi-tenant
and MS CRM Connector
instance of EMC.
Note: Therefore, you must
Desktop The iClarity component is not deploy EMC as
supported in the Customer dedicated virtualized
Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
instances per end
Contact Center as a Service
architecture. customer. Customer
Engagement OnAvaya
Aura – Contact Center
as a Service supports
up to 10 EMC
• Use the Supervisor
plug-in for Service
Observing. The You can
also use the Supervisor
plug-in for Agent
Coaching function
during a call without the
caller being aware of it

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 26


Category Includes Note

Includes Media Director, Voice

Media Store, Preview Contact
Media Store, Email Media Store,
Simple Messaging Media Store,
MSN Messenger Gateway, AOL
Instant Messenger Gateway, Short
Message Service Gateway, Web
Chat Gateway, License Director,
Application Management Service,
Configuration Server, XML Server,
Virtual Agent and web service for
EP integration, Call Routing
Server, Interaction Data Service,
Contact Database, SQL Plug-in,
Rules Plug-in, SOAP Plug-in, and
Script Plug-in.

a set of .net assemblies and a

The Development Toolkit is
Microsoft Visual Studio template
Development Toolkit available only to the provider and
for developing plug-ins for the
not to the end customer.
EMC solution

To support up to 1000 agents, you need the following three servers:

• The core EMC server: The core server includes the following components:
• Configuration server
• XML server
• Media Director
• Media Stores
• Media Gateways
• Call Routing server
• The Interaction Data Server: The IDS server provides statistical and presence information to the
Supervisor and Wallboard applications and statistical and aggregated real time and historical data to
the EMC reporting application.
• The SQL database server

The service provider use the configuration server to configure the EMC solution. However, the SP can use a
combination of the configuration server and Avaya Control Manager to initially configure EMC, but the bulk of
the daily management is done using Avaya Control Manager.

The EMC Reporting Desktop is used for providing reporting capabilities to supervisors in the Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS dedicated instance deployment and to provide real-time and historical reporting in

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 27


the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS multi-tenant deployment model. EMC is deployed dedicated per
customer in a multi-tenant model; therefore, each customer must gain access to only their own reports.

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager is the open, highly-reliable, and extensible IP Telephony foundation on
which Avaya delivers intelligent communications to large and small enterprises. Communication Manager
delivers telephony and contact center features to Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS. Communication
Manager scales from less than 100 users to a maximum of 36,000 users on a single system.

With support for SIP, H.323, and other industry-standard communications protocols, Communication Manager
provides features including centralized voice mail and attendant operations to organizations, across multiple
locations. You can configure Communication Manager as Evolution Server (ES) through Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS. Communication Manager as an ES uses the full-call model to provide
Communication Manager features to SIP and non-SIP endpoints.

Communication Manager supports the following features in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

• Provides multi-tenancy capabilities.

• Provides options to separate telephony services for each customer. With this feature, each customer
can have their own customized dial plans, routing, features, groups, announcements, and music on
hold (MoH) service.
• Provides centralized call control for a distributed network of gateways and a wide range of analog,
digital, and IP-based communication devices. These features are supported for SIP endpoints in multi-
tenant instance model and SIP or H.323 endpoints in the dedicated instance model.

• Communication Manager is only supported as CM-ES.
• Since Communication Manager does not support H.248 and SIP for AAMS across a NAT, you cannot
deploy AAMS servers and G450 gateways either on end customer enterprises or with any NAT
between the controlling Communication Manager and the G450 gateway.
• H.323 does not support across NAT, except in the telecommuter mode. Therefore, H.323 does not
support in the multi-tenant deployment model.

Avaya Aura Experience Portal

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 28


With Avaya Aura® Experience Portal, Avaya delivers voice and video self-service solutions for customer care.
A single Experience Portal system manages up to 5,000 concurrent sessions. You can cluster the Experience
Portal systems to support more sessions.

Experience Portal consists of the following subsystems:

• Experience Portal Manager (EPM): EPM controls the Experience Portal system and provides roles-
based configuration, administration, and reporting capabilities for the system. EPM routes outgoing
calls from the Application Interface web service to an available Media Processing Platform (MPP)
server. Additionally, EPM monitors the heartbeat of MPP servers and redistributes the telephony ports
when an MPP fails.
• Media Processing Platform: MPP processes all incoming and outgoing calls. The Experience Portal
system supports up to 30 MPPs and 5,000 concurrent sessions.
• Auxiliary EPM server: An auxiliary EPM server handles outgoing calls if the primary EPM server is

Experience Portal also provides a service creation environment based on Avaya Aura® Orchestration
Designer. With Orchestration Designer, service providers design VXML applications for end customers’ call
flows. Service providers use Orchestration Designer to design and write their Experience Portal applications.

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal 7.0 introduced the concept of zoning. With zoning, you can partition a system
into multiple zones to create artificial boundaries for resource management. For example, you cannot share
the media resources across different zones. The media resources are allocated and managed within a zone.
You can use zoning to allocate a set of media servers and speech servers to a channel partner or re-seller in a
multi-tenant environment. Re-sellers use zoning to manage their own set of media and speech resources
among their own tenants.

From a service provider perspective, the partitioning of resources requires a larger pool of resources in zoning
as against using the system as a common pool of resources. For example, to support two tenants, each
requiring 200 media resources using two different zones with redundant media servers, you require four media
servers. In this condition, you cannot share media servers across zones. In contrast, if you do not use zoning
for these two customers, you require three media servers to meet their capacity requirements and have
redundancy. Zoning, however, offers flexibility for re-sellers to manage their own zone, including administering
the Experience Portal applications.

The Experience Portal solution offers a variety of reports for customers to analyze call volumes, trends, and
effectiveness of their Orchestration Designer applications.

Experience Portal comprises one or more MPPs, supporting a number of VoiceXML and CCXML-based
applications. The Experience Portal Management system, provides centralized management and reporting
services. The EPM system downloads Call Detail Records (CDR), Session Detail Records (SDR) and log tags
from VoiceXML/CCXML applications from the media servers on a scheduled basis. The application server
pushes the Application Detail Records (ADR) to the EPM system when sessions terminate. Similarly, the EPM
system collects CDR and SDR from EP SMS and Email processors. The HTML application pushes the CDR
and SDR reporting data to the EPM system when sessions terminate.

Together, these records provide the input for a number of statistical and historical reports across all media
servers and applications. You can customise reports by using filtering options or by exporting the reports into

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 29


spreadsheet applications for sorting and graphing. You can also schedule reports to run at regular intervals
while supporting a number of notification methods to indicate the creation of the report output.

Experience Portal reporting is available through the EPM system for both dedicated instance and multi-tenant
instance models.

The tenant naming convention between Avaya Control Manager and Experience Portal must match for the
solution to work appropriately. For more information about naming convention, see Administering Contact
Center as a Service.

Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service does not support Intelligent Customer
Routing and Call Back Assist applications on Experience Portal.

For more information about Avaya Aura® Experience Portal, see Avaya Aura Experience Portal Overview and

Avaya Aura Media Server

In the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution, you can provision media services using the Avaya
Aura® Media Server (AAMS) instead of or in addition to the G450 gateways. AAMS reduces rack space
required media processing compared to the G450 gateways.

In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, AAMS is available as the media server for Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager, and is available in two possible deployments:

• As medium deployment in virtualized environment using 8 vCPUs and can support up to 1400 Media
Processing Unit (MPU)
• As large deployment in an appliance environment and can support up to 4800 MPU

The following are the advantages of using AAMS:

• Support for SRTP.
• When AAMS is used with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, you cannot share AAMS with any
other AAMS applications.
• You can share AAMS between multiple instances of Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. However
in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS dedicated instance model environment, two instances of
the solution serving different customers cannot currently share an AAMS.

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager connects to the AAMS to request media services as opposed to
the G450 gateways, where the G450 gateway registers with Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 30


• AAMS redundancy is supported using a 1+1 active/standby architecture behind a single virtual IP
address where the active machine claims the IP address at the ARP level. This is transparent to Avaya
Aura® Communication Manager, which communicates with virtual IP address. On an AAMS failover,
the system preserves all calls, including calls in dialing states on the newly active AAMS transparent to
Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. The only glitch tones or announcements which were in
progress will be restarted by the new active machine, since the active machine does not know where
the old active left off.
• You can deploy AAMS in a mix with G450 media gateways. However, in Greenfield deployments,
Avaya recommends AAMS over G450 media gateway because of its substantially higher capacity and
lower rack space.
• AAMS monitors RTCP and tears down media connections which have gone idle for an extended time,
and reclaims resources associated with those connections. This is important for various failover cases
to minimize resource usage.
• For geo-redundancy and in cases on a local Avaya Aura® Communication Manager restart, AAMS may
have calls in progress which need to be preserved, that is, pre-existing calls which the new Avaya
Aura® Communication Manager does not know about. For these, AAMS does not support “connection
preservation” as defined in the SIP reference architecture. Instead, it depends on the SIP session
timers, which are set to 10 minutes by defaults. AAMS policy is that connections will be preserved until
the session timer fails twice, that is. between 10 and 20 minutes. After that amount of time, any pre-
existing calls will be torn down.

481 responses to AAMS from the newly active Avaya Aura® Communication Manager results in
immediate session teardown.
• For geo-redundant deployments, AAMS instances are deployed in both data centers at a capacity
sufficient to support the entire enterprise, if required. Unlike G450 media gateways, AAMS can support
multiple masters simultaneously, simplifying the failover/failback and recovery cases.

Functionality Supported (Yes/No) Notes

Virtualization Yes -

Includes call preservation.

High Availability Yes Implemented with virtual IP

Pre-existing connections are

Geo-redundancy Yes preserved for a timeout interval
and then torn down.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 31


Functionality Supported (Yes/No) Notes

Local survivability No -

Feature not supported by AAMS,

but provided by Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager and
Multi-tenancy No
other elements higher up in the
architecture, and AAMS can be
used in multi-tenant deployments.

While AAMS supports service

NAT traversal Yes across a NAT, this configuration is
not used in our deployments.

Usage billing No -

Avaya Aura Messaging

Avaya Aura® Messaging (AAM) is an easy-to-deploy component on standard Linux® -based servers. AAM is
an enterprise-class messaging system targeted at flexible deployment options in single site and multi-site
environments. Using the variety of features and capabilities the solution offers, end users can receive and
respond to calls and contacts from customers, partners, and coworkers faster.

AAM provides the following benefits:

• Allows important calls to get to the right person, at the right time.
• Alerts employees to critical new messages.
• Provides fast and easy access to all messages.

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS multi-tenant solution supports only the basic call answering and
voice messaging functionality. In the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS multi-tenant solution, you
cannot compose and address voice messages using menus, as Avaya Aura® Messaging does not support
multi-tenancy. This functionality, however, is available in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
dedicated solution.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports up to 20,000 UC users on a single CM/SM instance, to
provide mailbox to 20000 UC users. AAM server requires clustering of three application virtual system and one
storage virtual system if deployed on the VMware virtual server.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 32


For more information, see Deploying Avaya Aura® Messaging for Single Server Systems and Deploying
Avaya Aura® Messaging for Multiserver Systems.

The AAM server supports virtualization on VMware and deployment leverages VMware vMotion and HA for
local redundancy. For more information, see Avaya Aura® Messaging Overview and Specification.

Presence Server

This section applies to Presence and IM services in an environment without Avaya Multimedia Messaging
(AMM) services included. For IM in an environment with AMM, see the section on Avaya Multimedia

The Presence Server provides presence and instant messaging services. Use the SIP signaling for Presence
Services and XMPP for IM services. The SIP Presence Services are provided across Avaya Session Border
Controller for Enterprise (ASBC) using the same SIP infrastructure as communication services. All SIP
presence messages flow through Avaya Aura® Session Manager to Presence Server. XMPP flows directly
between the client and Presence Server across the ASBC or a separate firewall.

In the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution, Avaya ASBC is the only line-side SBC and telephony
presence is supported as a part of Avaya Aura® Presence Services.

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution supports up to 20,000 UC users on a single Session
Manager instance. But a single Presence Server only supports 16,000 users. A hosted service provider
requiring more than 16,000 presence users must deploy a second Presence Server instance. You must deploy
both instances on the same subnet in the data center.

Presence Server supports virtualization on VMware. This deployment leverages VMware for local redundancy.
Both vMotion and HA are supported for Presence Server. Presence Server does not support the geographic
redundancy. Presence Server(s) are deployed in the primary data center only. If that data center fails,
presence services are lost.

The dedicated instance solution model does not require the use of the Contact Filter application, as it is valid
only for multi-tenant solution. The dedicated instance model supports H.323 endpoints, which are not
supported in the multi-tenant model. The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution supports Avaya
Aura® Presence Services based on SIP signaling. The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution does
not support Avaya Aura® Presence Services for H.323 endpoints.

A limited multi-tenancy is provided by the contact filter sequenced application supplied by Professional
Services. This filter on Avaya Aura® Session Manager (SMGR) ensures that no client can add a contact that
belongs to a different tenant. Without these contacts, Avaya clients cannot request Presence Services. The

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 33


contact filter does not provide robust multi-tenancy. A non-Avaya SIP client cannot subscribe for presence
using another tenant’s SIP handle and Presence Server can honor the request.

Avaya Aura Session Manager

Session Manager (SM) provides the following functions:

• Integrates with third-party equipment and endpoints to normalize disparate networks.

• Provides centralized routing of calls using an enterprise-wide numbering plan.
• Offers centralized management through Avaya Aura® System Manager, including configuration of user
profiles and efficient deployment of enterprise-wide centralized applications.
• Interconnects Communication Manager and Avaya Communication Server 1000 and provides multiple
feature support for SIP and non-SIP endpoints.
• Enables third-party E911 emergency call service for enterprise users.
• Centralizes Avaya Aura® Presence Services providing scale and reduced network complexity with a
variety of endpoints and communication servers.
• Supports converged voice and video bandwidth management.
• Provides geographic redundancy.
• Provides mobility of SIP telephones and enterprise mobility for SIP users.

Session Manager SIP-based routing provides more centralized control capabilities and significant
improvements in scale, enables more cost effective and larger distributed deployments for enterprises. All SIP
endpoints and applications register to Session Manager.

The Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service solution includes separation of
Session Manager (SMT) on the trunk access and routing side from the SMU on the user access side. Each
data center requires one of each for dual data center large user deployments. A single data center deployment
will also require all four SMs to be deployed for full redundancy of line-side and trunk-side, all in the same data
center for large user deployments.
For smaller user deployments up to 5000 user endpoints, a single combined routing and user functions
Session Manager can optionally be deployed.

As a best-practice, any deployment with higher than 5000 SIP endpoints will require the deployment of
separate SMs for routing (trunking) and user-access handling. Splitting the trunk routing functions from the
user signaling and registrar functions is important for larger deployments that can run into Communication
Manager overload conditions, especially in contact center environments. It is helpful to resolve any
troubleshooting of issues in large deployments.
Additionally, both Session Managers handle inbound and outbound traffic. In a dual data center configuration,
the inbound traffic is load balanced by the carrier.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 34


The Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service solution is defined and tested
utilizing two active-active Session Managers. These Session Managers provide the full user and centralized
routing functionality that Session Manager supports. However, these two main roles supported by a single
Session Manager can be split into two dedicated Session Managers for deployments of more than 5,000
endpoints, as follows:

• One Session Manager dedicated to provide user registrar functions and application sequencing to CM,
as the telephony server application. This Session Manager would use the SIP trunks required for
station signaling.
• A second Session Manager dedicated to provide centralized routing for all SIP calls. This Session
Manager does not perform any user registrar functions. This Session Manager is used for inbound and
outbound calls from and into the carrier network for UC and Call Center traffic. Also, this Session
Manager routes calls into and from Experience Portal and any other SIP network entity like Avaya
Aura® Messaging.

Therefore, instead of deploying two active-active Session Managers that provide the combined functionality, as
shown in all figures in this document, the service provider has the option to deploy a total of 4 Session

Two of these Session Managers are for user registrar functions and the other two for centralized routing
functions. However, logically they function as if there are two active-active Session Managers. If these four
Session Managers are deployed in a dual data center configuration, each data center would include one user
registrar and one centralized routing Session Manager.

For more information about Avaya Aura® Session Manager, see Avaya Aura® Session Manager Overview
and Specification.

Avaya Aura Device Service

Avaya Aura® Device Services(AADS) is deployed on a separate virtual machine from Session Manager.
AADS currently provides a set of services to Avaya Equinox® clients. It is a REST-based API. Existing SIP
clients continue to receive services from the Personal Profile Manager (PPM) SOAP-based component within
Session Manager. Though the AADS virtual machine is separate from Session Manager, it shares Session
Manager's Cassandra database and must be deployed on the same physical host as the Session Manager
(which provides user registrar functions) virtual machine. The Session Manager OVA provides services to
clients, including SIP routing, proxy, registrar and SOAP based web services for clients and endpoints. For
more information, see Deploying Avaya Aura® Device Services.

The AADS deployment is illustrated in the following figure:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 35


Avaya Aura System Manager

System Manager is deployed in conjunction with Avaya Control Manager to provide management functions to
service provider administrators.

System Manager and Avaya Control Manager do not provide end user portal for self-service functionality.

System Manager provides a central management framework for supported products. With the System
Manager framework, the following central management functions are provided to the service provider

• Authentication, authorization, and administration

• Central authentication, including Single Sign-On (SSO)

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 36


• Central authorization, including Roles-Based Access Control (RBAC)

• Element/application registration and Public-Key Infrastructure (PKI), including trust management
• Logging, alarming, and SNMP traps
• Central logging and log harvesting
• Central alarm handling
• SNMP management, enabling discovery and inventory
• User management
• Central licensing

System Manager is a centralized management tool for several Avaya applications and systems, and also the
element manager for administering Session Manager and Presence Server.
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service does not support centralized logging for
the Contact Center components. The service providers must use the logs from the different Contact Center
components for troubleshooting.

For more information about Avaya Aura® System Manager, see Avaya Aura® System Manager Overview and

Avaya Aura Utility Services

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution uses Avaya’s mainline SIP solution. The solution
includes a Avaya Aura® Utility Services which provides firmware and settings information to the enterprise SIP
endpoints. The cloud service provider must populate each utility server with the appropriate tenant-specific
firmware and settings files. Avaya Aura® Utility Services offer directory services to 96X1 phones through the
Enhanced System Directory (ESD) application.

Avaya Aura Workforce Optimization and Avaya

Contact Recorder
The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution provides two call recording solutions that service
providers can select from Avaya Contact Recorder and Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization Select. This
section describes the Avaya Contact Recorder option.

Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) from the Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization (WFO) suite provides an
efficient and scalable, voice recording platform. When recording calls from Communication Manager, ACR

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 37


uses the Device, Media and Call Control (DMCC) interface from Application Enablement Services (AES) to
provide the following recording modes:

• On Demand Recording
• Meeting Recording
• Bulk Recording

Call recorders must reside in the service provider core.

The ACR server application uses the DMCC interface from AES for call recording. Each AES server supports
up to 4000 H.323 registered DMCC ports. Each ACR server supports upto 1000 simultaneous recording
sessions, regardless of the codec used. You must engage the Avaya Technical Support team to ensure that
the system is configured correctly to support the maximum number of concurrent sessions and overall BHCC
supported for call recording.

The ACR application is not natively a multi-tenanted solution. However, there is a key call recording attribute
for controlling users who can gain access to the recording files for replay. This attribute is the recording owner.
The default recording owner of the recording is the target extension (VDN, phone, Skill, AgentID). Each
extensions are assigned to each tenant. Therefore, inherently, the recording owners are also unique for each
tenant. Hence, the recording owner attribute is a tenant partitioned attribute.

You can configure the ACR application to be partitioned into owners, where each owner maps to a tenant. All
recording targets, such as VDNs, agents, and stations can be defined within an owner. Additionally, users can
be defined with replay rights or administration rights under a specific owner. Hence, these users can replay
recording files for calls associated with the targets defined under the specific owner. For example, recording
target from VDN 2500 to 2550 can be assigned to Owner1. Also, User1 can be assigned replay rights only for
Owner1. Therefore, User1 can replay all recorded calls that are associated with VDNs 2500 – 2550 and no
other calls.

In Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service, you cannot administer ACR through
Avaya Control Manager. For administering ACR, the service provider must use the native administration
interface. The end customers cannot administer the ACR administration capabilities. ACR also uses TSAPI for
third-party Call Control functions. To record call, ACR uses the third-party Single Step Conference (invisible
mode, which means in listen-only mode) to add one of the recording ports into the call. As a result, CM brings
the call back into the TDM plane to create the conference call and it sends the media stream to the recording
port (the DMCC soft phone's IP port). While the recording port is H.323, the parties participating on the call can
be on any type of endpoint or any type of trunk. The tenant enterprise network supports archiving of call

The following illustration depicts the end customer connectivity to the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
Contact Center as a Service solution required by the WFO/ACR system. Customer Engagement OnAvaya
Aura – Contact Center as a Service supports only the ACR component. While all diagrams showing the SIP
endpoint connectivity to the core, the HTTP traffic between the endpoint and Session Manager, that is,
Personal Profile Manager (PPM) traffic is shown going through the Session Border Controller directly to
Session Manager. Service Providers might require the HTTP PPM traffic to be routed by the Session Border
Controller through a firewall before routing the traffic to Session Manager. The service provider can define a
routing rule in the Session Border Controller to accomplish the routing of the traffic.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 38


For more information about Application Enablement Services, see Avaya Contact Recorder Planning,
Installation, and Administration Guide.

For more information about Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization, see Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization

Avaya Breeze™
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Avaya Breeze™ as a framework for deployment of snap-
ins. Avaya Breeze™ provides an execution environment for various services. Avaya developers, business
partners, and customers leverage the functionality of Avaya Breeze™ to accelerate feature and application
delivery. Avaya Breeze™ serves as the underlying framework in three separate spaces within the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS architecture:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 39


• Avaya Presence Services

• Avaya Oceana™ Solution
• Service providers can develop applications and delivered to an end customer or a third-party
application developer.

Avaya Breeze™'s connection points into the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS infrastructure are as

• Avaya Aura® System Manager manages the Avaya Breeze™ framework through the Avaya Breeze™
Element Manager (EM) to deploy and manage applications as snap-ins. There is no native interface
between Avaya Breeze™ and Avaya Control Manager.
• Avaya Breeze™ connects to the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS infrastructure using SIP. SIP
usage is completely flexible, though Avaya Breeze™ connects through Avaya Aura® Session Manager.
• Avaya Breeze™ snap-ins are available to inter work with a variety of other signaling interfaces,
including WebRTC, e-mail, SMS, and the DMCC interface on AES. However, the usage of any of these
interfaces is the responsibility of an application developer.
• Snap-ins provide managements feature for deployed applications. The applications may integrate with
Avaya Aura® Session Manager, Avaya Control Manager or other third-party management system or
database. Alternatively, the applications might provide only a native management interface.

The following diagram depicts Avaya Breeze™:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 40


Snap-ins deployed into Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS must adhere to the constraints of the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS architecture. Snap-ins which work well in an on-premises enterprise
deployment might not be suitable for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

• Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS billing works on a usage model. If any aspect of the snap-in
is related to billing or needs to be charged for, it must conform to the constraints of the Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS usage collection architecture and its associated rate cards.
• Day-to-day management of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS is generally performed through
Avaya Control Manager. If snap-in requires end customers in an Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS deployment to perform management functions. The management functions must be configured
through Avaya Control Manager. While Avaya Aura® System Manager architecturally provides a
sufficient RBAC infrastructure for allowing end customer management. However, this capability is not
tested or supported on Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• In the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS dedicated deployment model,Avaya Control Manager is
shared among end-customers; therefore, any snap-in managed by Avaya Control Manager must
conform to the Avaya Control Manager architecture used by Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 41


The Avaya Breeze™ framework provides extreme scalability, so that applications can grow to high capacities if
you have sufficient computing resources. Avaya Breeze™ runs fully virtualized.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports deployments of Avaya Breeze™ only in the dedicated
instance model.

Avaya Breeze™ supports limited geo-redundancy:

• Avaya Breeze™ does not support clustering across data centers, even if the servers are all on the
same underlying subnet.
• To deploy Avaya Breeze™ geo-redundantly, the service provider must deploy two separate and
independent clusters, one in each data center. Snap-ins must be independently deployed on each
• Routing is handled using DNS, which resolves into the IP addresses of each data center. Load
balancers in each data center handle the clustering in that data center.
• SIP routing is implemented using the Avaya Aura® Session Manager's LHNR infrastructure.
• Geo-failovers are not call or session preserving.
• The deployed snap-in must implement geo-redundancy, including any required application data
synchronization, failover/failback algorithms.

Avaya Call Management System

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Call Management System running on VMWare Linux.

The Call Management System features help customers to monitor and analyze the performance of the contact
center operations. Call Management System provides an administrative interface to Call Center Elite using
which the administrators can generate reports, administer ACD parameters, and monitor call activities to
determine the most efficient service.

Call Management System is a database based on Informix, administration, and reporting application designed
for enterprises that receive a large volume of inbound calls, have complex contact center operations, and use
Communication Manager and CC Elite to handle such volume of calls. It is this in-depth database structure
and the data collection capabilities that will be leveraged for Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact
Center as a Service.

In addition to providing reporting functionality in dedicated deployments, Call Management System supports
multi-tenant capabilities to provide reporting functionality within a multi-tenant deployment. Call Management
System is used as the reporting solution for Call Center Elite within Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
for multi-tenant deployments.

For more information about Call Management System, see Call Management System Overview and

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 42


Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Call Management System multi-tenancy capabilities for the
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS multi-tenant deployment model. The end customers directly use the
Call Management System reporting capabilities, including the use of Call Management System Supervisor, in
both the dedicated instance and multi-tenancy deployment models. The recommended CMS Supervisor client
for reporting users is the web-based client.

Avaya Control Manager is used to perform Call Management System and all contact center related operational
administration. Therefore, most customers need not deploy the CMS Supervisor thick client, which is the only
CMS client that supports CMS administration tasks. The customer need not deploy the CMS Supervisor thick
client only if there are CMS administration tasks required by the customer that are not possible from ACM.

Avaya Control Manager

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Avaya Control Manager 8.0.3 with the following features:

• Support for Avaya Oceana™ Solution.

• Merge the enterprise, service provider, and Avaya Oceana™ Solution load lines into a single product
which supports the feature suite for all offers.
• Support for configuring multiple device access (MDA) inAvaya Aura® Session Manager, enabling
multiple SIP devices to register simultaneously.
• Support for configuring Service Observing for SIP endpoints. This enables closing a critical functional
gap for SIP endpoints for CC applications.
• Support for CMS multi-tenancy.
• Support for configuration of administration options to use the Business Advocate functionality.

Avaya Control Manager is used as provisioning platform to administer various elements of the Avaya solution.
Avaya Control Manager with System Manager provides operational administration for several components in
the solution.

Avaya Control Manager provides the following major and critical functions for Avaya Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service:

• An overlay for centralized operational administration for the multi-tenant or dedicated instance
environment of the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service solution:
• Communication Manager
• Call Management System
• Call Center Elite Multichannel
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution
• Avaya Aura® Messaging
• Avaya Aura® Presence Services

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 43


• Administrative segmentation capabilities by which the service provider can setup a multi-tenant
environment and offer end customer operational administration capabilities to manage their daily
changes with appropriate authoritative restrictions based on RBAC mechanisms.
• Usage monitoring capabilities to implement a utility-based billing model for Avaya and the service
• Usage monitoring capabilities to implement a utility-based billing model for Avaya and the service

The Avaya Control Manager systems include the following functions:

• Avaya Control Manager Web UI

• Avaya Control Manager Web Services
• Avaya Control Manager Application Services
• Avaya Control Manager Billing Services (Optional)
• Avaya Control Manager and Billing Databases (Optional)
• Avaya Control Manager Provisioning Services

The Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service supported Avaya Control Manager
administration is operational administration. The administration is related to the adding, changing, and
removing of:

• Users, such as agents, supervisors, managers, and general Unified Communication users
• Call Center Elite related resources in Communication Manager, such as VDNs, skills, and vectors.

The service provider must use the different native management systems for each component to perform
certain basic system administration functions. For example, dial plan and numbering plan for the overall
infrastructure must be configured with the System Manager and Communication Manager tools.

The provider must define a hierarchical organizational structure with Avaya Control Manager as it is the basis
for defining tenants or end-customers in a mixed deployment of multi-tenant and dedicated Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS instances. The root of the organizational tree represents the service provider and
multiple ACM locations. Under each ACM location, multiple sites are defined. Additionally, departments and
teams are defined within each site. An ACM location represents an end-customer or tenant within Avaya
Control Manager, and each ACM location is comprised by the collection of application components, such as
Communication Manager, Avaya Contact Recorder, and Experience Portal.

The hierarchical organizational structure is an important capability of Avaya Control Manager in a mixed
environment of dedicated and multi-tenant instances of the overall Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
solution that Avaya Control Manager manages. One or more sites are defined within each ACM location and
this organizational structure conforms a tenant or end-customer. In a multi-tenanted environment, a single
instance of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution is shared by multiple tenants. These ACM
locations or tenants are mapped to the tenant partition numbers (TN) in Communication Manager and are also
mapped to the same set of application components comprised by the multi-tenant Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS instance. In a dedicated instance, the ACM location or end-customer is mapped to a unique/
dedicated set of application components that comprises the dedicated instance. In a dedicated instance, the
ACM Location is not required to map to a tenant partition number in Communication Manager since the
instance is dedicated to the end-customer.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 44


The number of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instances that is supported by ACM is 15 instances.
The total number of tenants supported by the multi-tenant instance in this mixed environment is 150 tenants.

In multi-tenanted Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance, the service provider must assign a tenant
with a range of resources that the tenant will manage, based on a defined ACM Dial Plan, for example, user
extensions, agent IDs, skills, VDNs, vectors, and vector variables. Additionally, the service provider must
define at least one user with roles that allows to manage the entire site/location combination, and all resources
assigned to the site/location combination or tenant. This user will have the ability to define other users with
appropriate roles and permissions to manage the site.

Regardless of the type of instance, dedicated or multi-tenant, when an agent is added to Avaya Control
Manager, Avaya Control Manager ensures that the agent is added to all applicable application components.

For example, there is a tenant with multi-channel capabilities who does not use Avaya Contact Recorder. In
that case, if you add an agent to the system, Avaya Control Manager accesses:

• Communication Manager to add the Agent login ID with its assigned skills and levels.
• Call Center Elite Multichannel to add the agent with the appropriate channels.
• Call Management System to add the agent to the dictionary database with its appropriate skills.

While Avaya Control Manager is used to administer most of the Contact Center related solution elements, a
service provider might access the native solution elements for administrative tasks and for other functions,
such as operational reporting. The service provider can grant access to some of these functions to the
enterprise, depending on their discretion.

The following table provides a summary of how the service provider must perform administration and
operational reporting activities. For more information, see Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

Avaya Aura®
Call Call Center Avaya
Call Center Experience Optimization
Tasks Management Elite Oceana™
Elite Portal / Avaya
System Multichannel Solution

Use CMS Use EMC Use
Supervisor Reporting Experience See
View Web client for Desktop for Portal Recording
See CMS web client for
operational CC Elite Real EMC Real Manager searching
entry Real Time
reports Time and Time and Web client for and reply
and Historical
Historical Historical historical entry.
reporting from
reports reports. reports.

For Avaya
Use Avaya Use Avaya Use Avaya Use
Add/delete Contact
Control Control Control Experience N/A
users or Recorder, all
Manager Manager Manager Portal

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 45


Avaya Aura®
Call Call Center Avaya
Call Center Experience Optimization
Tasks Management Elite Oceana™
Elite Portal / Avaya
System Multichannel Solution

is done
directly on the
server to
configure it to
operate in
change user
Aura –
Center as a
Service. For
that reason,
is accessible
only to the
Add/delete or Manager
change Call Use Avaya makes
Center Elite Control appropriate N/A N/A N/A N/A
related Manager updates to
resources the dictionary
database as

Use Avaya
Add/delete or Manager for
modify Call users,
Center Elite templates
Multichannel and their N/A N/A N/A
related assignments.
Director and
Media Stores

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 46


Avaya Aura®
Call Call Center Avaya
Call Center Experience Optimization
Tasks Management Elite Oceana™
Elite Portal / Avaya
System Multichannel Solution

must be
configured on
Call Center
by the service
provider only.

Deploy self-
service N/A N/A N/A Only by the N/A N/A
applications service

Configuring providers use
modes and Avaya
rules Contact

use Avaya
Search and
Replay Web
client for
playback of
Recording recording
searching N/A N/A N/A N/A files. For
and replay details see
the Avaya
User Guide
and Avaya

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 47


Avaya Aura®
Call Call Center Avaya
Call Center Experience Optimization
Tasks Management Elite Oceana™
Elite Portal / Avaya
System Multichannel Solution

n Guide.

Use Avaya

agents and
attributes are
added to the
UCA by
Add Oceana
If needed, Avaya
agents and
See Avaya these objects Control
attributes as
Oceana™ can also be Manager.
well as CC N/A N/A N/A
Solution added to the Also, if the
Elite objects
entry. CMS Agent
used for
dictionary. supports
voice, the
adds the
LoginID with
skill to Call
Center Elite.

Avaya Control Manager 8.0.3 SP Edition runs on Windows Server 2012, 2014, and 2016.

Avaya endpoint support for dedicated and multi-

tenant instance
The following table lists the endpoint types supported for each applicable deployment:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 48


Partner Cloud Powered by

Dedicated instance Multi-tenant instance
Avaya xCaaS solution elements


Avaya 96X1 SIP Endpoint Yes Yes

Avaya J129 IP Phone Yes Yes

Avaya J169 IP Phone Yes Yes

Avaya J179 IP Phone Yes Yes

Avaya 96x1 H.323 Endpoint Yes

AudioCodes SIP analog gateways-

Yes Yes

Avaya B179 Yes Yes

Avaya B189 Yes

Avaya H175 Video Collaboration


Avaya Vantage™ (Basic &


Soft clients

Yes (except in the Telecommuter

Avaya one-X® Agent (H.323) Yes

Avaya Agent for Desktop (SIP and

Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite

Yes Yes
Multichannel Desktop

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite

Multichannel Desktop with Yes Yes
Supervisor plug-in

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 49


Partner Cloud Powered by

Dedicated instance Multi-tenant instance
Avaya xCaaS solution elements

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite

Yes Yes
Multichannel Desktop Reporting

Avaya Call Management

Yes Yes


Avaya one-X® Communicator Yes Yes

Avaya Equinox® Attendant (SIP) Yes Yes

Avaya Communicator for Microsoft

Yes Yes

Avaya Equinox® for Android Yes Yes

Avaya Equinox® for Windows Yes Yes

Avaya Equinox® for iOS Yes Yes

Avaya Equinox® for Mac Yes Yes

Avaya Equinox® for Web Yes

Avaya Equinox Attendant (Breeze Snap-In)

Avaya Equinox® Attendant consists of two modules:

• The Avaya Equinox® Attendant client is a Windows-based user interface that supports real-time
multimedia communications.
• The Avaya Equinox® Attendant snap-in is deployed on Avaya Breeze™ (Breeze). The snap-in provides
the call queue, phone book, and presence capabilities.

This section describes the latter of these two modules:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 50


To provide a directory features, you require an end customer to open a pinhole for the Avaya Equinox®
Attendant snap-in to access Active Directory on the enterprise network. Many customers do not permit this
pinhole, due to security risk. Customers unwilling to open this pinhole cannot use the directory features from
the Avaya Equinox® Attendant snap-in.

Avaya Equinox® Attendant serves only a low number of attendant users. Therefore, for optimized resource
utilization, you must deploy its snap-in along with the Presence snap-in on the same Breeze server without
impacting the capacity of Presence Server.

Virtualization and redundancy

Virtualization and redundancy are built on top of the Breeze infrastructure. These functions support both local
and geo-redundancy for snap-in can support. In case of Avaya Equinox® Attendant, the relevant data for
snap-in is implemented in the Breeze framework so that it is preserved on a failover. For instance, if the snap-
in is migrated to a different Breeze instance.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 51


The Avaya Equinox® Attendant snap-in supports geo-redundancy by deploying two separate Breeze clusters,
one in each data center. Then deploying the snap-in on that cluster. If the snap-in is deployed on the same
Breeze cluster as Avaya Presence Server, then the snap-in is deployed on the geo-redundant Presence
Server clusters. The snap-in depends on user provisioning synchronized from Avaya Aura, which must also be
geo-redundantly deployed. The Avaya Equinox® Attendant client release 5.0 SP1 or newer is required for
clients to connect to two (geo-redundant) Breeze clusters.

As long as topics and subscription are not changing a lot over time, same topics can be created and
maintained within both Avaya Equinox® Attendant clusters separately caller-related data including favorites,
suggested users, and notes. The call history information is not replicated between the two Breeze clusters
unlike other data. Therefore, it is not available in case of failover. Operators are not limited in handling calls,
searching users in case of failover, but the historical data is missing. It is assumed that loss of context and the
historical data is acceptable for customer in case the second data center is primarily for disaster recovery.

The Avaya Equinox® Attendant snap-in is not natively multi-tenanted. It does not provide the tenant
partitioning. To implement multi-tenancy, a separate snap-in must be deployed and provisioned for each
tenant. This is supported in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.1 by using a separate Breeze server
per tenant. This approach is wasteful of Breeze resources, but required to avoid special untested manual
procedures on Breeze, specifically, deploying multiple instances of the same snap-in requires manually
renaming each snap-in uniquely during deployment. Customer can pursue as a variant a single Breeze server
and using this manual procedure. A special deployment must ensure the resource requirements on Breeze,
such as memory and CPU.

Avaya Equinox Conferencing

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution provides conferencing capabilities using Avaya
Equinox®. Avaya Equinox® is Avaya's conferencing solution which merges the best of Avaya Aura®
Conferencing (AAC) and Avaya Scopia® Conferencing (ASC) solutions. Avaya Equinox® provides audio,
video, and web application conferencing and collaboration, integrating the capabilities of the AAC and ASC
solutions. It's primary client is the Avaya Equinox® Client, though all Avaya clients are supported with less
integrated conferencing functionality. Avaya Equinox® is available in two models:
• An Over-the-Top model which is deployed as standalone on top of an existing infrastructure without
much integration.
• An Avaya Aura® tightly integrated solution model that is called Avaya Equinox® Team Engagement.

The solution model supported in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS is Avaya Equinox® Team
Avaya Equinox® iTeam Engagement deployment option has the following core components, in addition to the
Avaya Aura® components it connects to:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 52


• Equinox Management Server

• Equinox Media Server.
The server includes the following:
• Avaya Aura Media Server (AAMS)
• Web Collaboration Server (WCS)
• Edge Optional Components:
• Avaya SBCE
• Avaya Equinox® Streaming and Recording
• Scopia Desktop Server

The primary interfaces between Avaya Equinox® and the rest of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
deployment are:

• Avaya Aura® System Manager: Performs the management of Avaya Aura® components, including
provisioning, configuration, and fault monitoring.
• Avaya Aura® Session Manager: Routes all calls to or from Avaya Equinox® through SIP through Avaya
Aura® Session Manager.
• Avaya Aura® Communication Manager and SIP endpoints (indirectly through Avaya Aura® Session
Manager): Constructs overall SIP call topologies.
• Avaya Equinox® Management manages all conferencing components.
• Avaya Equinox® Management synchronizes with Avaya Aura® Device Services (AADS).

Avaya Equinox® provisioning, including user profile information, is performed natively on the IVIEW
component of the Avaya Equinox® conferencing server. Through Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS,
Avaya Equinox® can be provisioned through Avaya Aura® System Manager. The provisioning is not currently
supported from Avaya Control Manager only. Therefore, provisioning users requires two separate steps: users
must first be added on Avaya Control Manager, then their Equinox profile information must be provisioned on
the Avaya Aura® System Manager interface. Since Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS providers do not
provide native access to their end customers, this imposes an inconvenient two-step provisioning process
where the provider must perform the second step. Removal of users requires a similar two-step process.

Avaya Equinox® provides no usage billing information. Its value is included in the existing Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS rate cards.

A single AMS cannot support both Avaya Equinox® and CM. Separate AMS servers are required. Avaya
Equinox® requires an external service for STUN, TURN, and HTTP Reverse Proxy services. These are
generally provided by ASBC deployed as part of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Avaya Equinox® 3.0 and later releases thick clients, Avaya
Equinox® for Web, and Equinox Meetings for Web. Only Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox provides
WebRTC engine support. With Internet Explorer, limited web conferencing functionality is available because it
does not have WebRTC engine.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 53


Avaya Equinox® is delivered only as a virtualized application. Only Avaya Equinox® Management (IVIEW)
component of Avaya Equinox® supports both high availability and geo-redundancy. Other components have
different model of providing redundancy. Avaya Equinox® Team Engagement does not support multi-tenancy.

Avaya Esna OfficeLinx

Avaya Esna OfficeLinx provides Voice-mail features and is added as a preferred voicemail application. You
can use this component as an alternative to Avaya Aura® Messaging (AAM). You can deploy either Avaya
Esna OfficeLinx or AAM in the solution.

Avaya Esna OfficeLinx is a feature rich application that offers solution for organizations or situations. Avaya
Esna Officelinx provides features which can be fully customized to meet the specific needs of an organization.

The following illustration describes how Avaya Esna OfficeLinx is integrated with the Partner Cloud Powered
by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Avaya Multimedia Messaging

Avaya Multimedia Messaging (AMM) provides an integrated and seamless solution for:

• Sending, receiving, and threading multi-modal asynchronous messages

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• Spanning the temporal spectrum from near real-time, soon-time to delayed receipt (IM, ESM, VM, SMS
etc, voice, video, text, picture)
• Bringing pervasive enterprise-grade mobile messaging to consumer (BYOD) devices and Aura
• Providing differentiating Point-to-Point, Point-to-Group and the publish/subscribe social features
• Ramping Off /On to Traditional IM (MPP, MS Lync), SMS, and Voicemail
• Providing policy control and security for enterprises
• Enterprise-friendly centralized record of all communication for archiving and search
• Aligning with Aura for technology services and reuse
• Integrating Enterprise Short Messaging into Aura clients for a holistic User Experience
• Extraordinary User Experience to link Enterprise Short Messaging into the overall User personas and
workflows ( Personal Assistant, traditional VM, use cases)

The AMM solution has no native capability to collect or disseminate presence information. As a result, an
AMM-based solution continues to rely on Avaya Aura® Presence Services (AAPS) to support the client-based
presence management. AMM communicates with AAPS using HTTP through a REST interface. The AMM
core server also interacts with and depends on services from SMGR and end customer’s enterprise directories
through LDAP. The LDAP services are used to perform the user authentication and authorization.

AMM is available only in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS dedicated solution instance since it does
not support multi-tenancy capabilities.

Avaya Oceana Solution

Avaya Oceana™ Solution is an omni-channel Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution that provides
seamless customer experiences across mobile, web, and traditional dial-up channels. With Avaya Oceana™
Solution, Avaya Breeze™, provides Contact Centers with modular, scalable, and extended snap-ins. Contact
Centers can use the snap-ins to manage customer-centric business in a unified way while supporting
customer journey information across channels.

Avaya Oceana™ Solution consists of the following modules:

• Avaya Oceana™ core: Server-side components, such as Avaya Breeze™ snap-ins to support
multichannel interaction handling and system configuration.
• Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces: An HTML5 based multichannel desktop application for agents and
• Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights: A framework that provides report for end-to-end customer on
multichannel sources.

Avaya Oceana™ Solution is currently integrated to Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite for several voice capabilities
that are heavily used in contact centers today. Additionally, the Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite integration
provides a failback option for voice services to Avaya Oceana™ Solution in the event that a critical Avaya
Oceana™ Solution component fails. If an Avaya Oceana™ Solution fails, Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite

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handles inbound voice interactions arriving through the SIP service provider network. This is an option that
requires appropriate configuration of Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite back-up skills in addition to an Avaya
Oceana™ Solution skill to voice-enabled agents.

For more information, see Avaya Oceana™ Solution Description and Using Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights.

Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces is an HTML5 browser-based multichannel desktop application that Contact
Center agents use to handle inbound customer interactions through channels such as voice, e-mail, SMS, and
web chat. Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces brings key customer data from multiple sources into one common
area for agents and supervisors so that agents can perform specific tasks on any interaction type.

Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces consists of the following main components:

• Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces client: The Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces web application with features
to help agents and supervisors perform their day-to-day activities.
• Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces Client SDK: An SDK used by Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces to deliver
• Unified Agent Controller snap-in: An Avaya Breeze™ snap-in that unifies all services in Avaya
Oceana™ Solution to a central integration point for SDK.

For more information, see Using Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Avaya

Oceana Solution full solution stack
The full solution stack of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS with Avaya Oceana™ Solution is similar to
deployment in the enterprise since Avaya Oceana™ Solution is supported only as a dedicated instance model.

The full solution stack comprises of the following components:

• Avaya Aura® suite: Consists of Avaya Aura® System Manager, Avaya Aura® Session Manager, Avaya
Aura® Communication Manager, Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite, Avaya Application Enablement
Services (AES). The Avaya Aura® suite also consists of Avaya Aura® Media Servers and Avaya Aura®
Experience Portal for call segmentation and self-service. Call segmentation is the process of identifying
a caller's identity and determining the caller's intent for contacting the contact center.
AES special considerations for Avaya Oceana™ Solution: In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS,
the AES server that provides connectivity between the CM and Avaya Oceana™ Solution is dedicated
to Avaya Oceana™ Solution. This impacts the overall Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
footprint size since two additional AES VMs are deployed for each data center.
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution consists of three Avaya Breeze™ clusters and composed of the following

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• Cluster 1: Consists of three Avaya Breeze™ nodes. This cluster is mandatory for all Oceana
deployments. Each node includes the following snap-ins:
• Unified Collaboration Administration(UCA)
• Unified Collaboration Model(UCM)
• Call Server Connector
• Work Assignment
• Context Store(CS)
• Customer Management
• Engagement Designer(ED)
• Cluster 2: Consists of two Avaya Breeze™ nodes. The other snap-ins are optional and depend
on customer requirements. The UAC snap-in is required and it is the interface to the Agent
Workspaces desktops. Each node includes the following snap-ins:
• Unified Agent Controller(UAC)
• Avaya Mobile Communications(AMC)
• Co-Browsing
• Chat Bot
Avaya Mobile Communications requires a dedicated Avaya Aura Media Server (AAMS). AAMS
used by the Avaya Aura core cannot be shared with this component. This is a core Avaya
Oceana™ Solution snap-in component to support WebRTC flows. The snap-in requires the
services of two other components. These components are Mobile Video Gateway (MVG) and
Mobile Video Media Broker (MVMB). These components perform two main functions, such as,
HTTPS/WebRTC to SIP conversion and media termination, respectively. In other words, these
components convert the WebRTC session into a SIP session supporting audio and video calls.
For more information about MVG and MVMB, refer to Installing Avaya Mobile Video Server and
Media Broker. Avaya Oceana™ Solution supports only voice WebRTC calls from the caller side.
On the agent side, calls are converted to SIP signaling before routing them to the Avaya Aura
• Cluster 3: Consists of a single Avaya Breeze node known as Omni-Channel Provider (OCP).
The OCP cluster is a mandatory component for the handling of multimedia contacts. This
Breeze node includes the following snap-ins:
• e-mail
• Chat
• Messaging service for handling SMS and social interactions
• Core data
• Social Media
• Outbound for handling POM interactions

• Avaya Control Manager: Provides a single point of administration for Avaya Oceana™ Solution. Avaya
Control Manager also manages the rest of the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center
as a Service solution stack. In other words, a single Avaya Control Manager system manages
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service with Avaya Oceana™ Solution.
You must place the Avaya Control Manager in the CSP network behind a NAT along with its own SAL

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to secure it. You can deploy up to 10 multiple instances of the solution in the end customers' IP address
spaces under a single Avaya Control Manager system.
• Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces: Provides unified user workspaces for agents and supervisors deployed
at the end customer premises.
• Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights: Provides real-time and historical reporting platform for Avaya Oceana™
• Avaya Workforce Optimization Select (AWFOS): AWFOS provides call recording to calls routed by CC
Elite and Avaya Oceana™ Solution. That is, AWFOS records calls delivered to Avaya Oceana™
Solution and CC Elite agents using DMCC and TSAPI through AES.
The following are the high level functionality supported by AWFOS for Oceana:
• Voice channel recording with screen capture included
• Quality monitoring
• Call metadata with attribute tagging
• Recording of text channels, such as chat, e-mail, SMS, and Social Media through screen
• Control of pause/resume through the AWFOS widgets for Oceana Workspaces
The CSP can decide whether to deploy AWFOS or ACR.

• Avaya Call Recording (ACR) special considerations for Avaya Oceana™ Solution: Avaya Oceana™
Solution requires its own ACR version other than the ACR system that records Call Center Elite routed
traffic. However, in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS with Avaya Oceana full stack solution, the
same ACR that is used to record calls routed by Avaya Oceana™ Solution is tested to record calls
routed by Call Center Elite.

• POM provides a strong integration with Avaya Oceana™ Solution. Therefore, Partner Cloud Powered
by Avaya xCaaS adds support of POM and Avaya Oceana™ Solution integration. A single POM
system can be used to support outbound campaigns for Call Center Elite or Avaya Oceana™ Solution
managed agents. A separate POM system is required to support outbound calling in a mixed
environment of Avaya Oceana™ Solution and Call Center Elite agents. Therefore, Avaya recommends
deploying outbound capabilities only for one of the agent populations, either for Call Center Elite or for
Avaya Oceana™ Solution. If for any reason, a customer must have Outbound capabilities for both
agent populations, then, use AAEP for Avaya Oceana™ Solution. POM must be the same AAEP that is
used to provide call segmentation and self-service capabilities for Avaya Oceana™ Solution. The
following are some of the limitations of Avaya Oceana™ Solution:
• Customers must enter the same list of Disposition Codes into both POM and Avaya Oceana™
Solution. POM campaigns must use the full list of Disposition Codes to match the list in Avaya
Oceana™ Solution. Avaya Oceana™ Solution does not support filtered disposition codes and is
not aware of POM campaigns.
• Mandatory entry of disposition codes is not supported.
• Users are on outbound exclusively, as blending is not supported.
• While on outbound, users cannot process chat or other interaction types.

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• POM users require ACW. As ACW is a global setting in Avaya Oceana™ Solution, it applies to
all users not just outbound users.
• Users must be re-configured to move between outbound and other channels.
• The Preview feature is not supported.
• Outbound snap-in HA and POM HA are not supported.
• POM zoning is not supported.
• Call controls, such as, hold/un-hold, transfer, and conference are not supported.
• No consolidated reporting, including POM and Oceanalytics are required. POM provides
campaign reporting. Oceanalytics provides user reporting.
• Agents need not have the CTI control of their phone set while on a POM call. The user’s phone
set is not acquired and not modelled in UCM.
• An agent must answer the POM “nailed” up call on the phone set (the call is not modelled in
• The user must only use their phone to answer the nail-up call and not to transfer or conference
the nail-up call.
• Supervisor functionality on Workspaces, such as Observer and Barge-In are not supported.
• Agent notes are not supported.
• Maximum of 100 users on outbound calls.
• Hot-desking is not supported.
• Mandatory disposition codes can not be enforced until the core Oceana Disposition Code
feature supports it. Users must enter the disposition code while in ACW.
• Customer details can be displayed but not updated.
• The customer details displayed in Workspaces reflects the set currently defined in Avaya
Oceana™ Solution. Some POM customer details such as custom fields is not displayed.
• The customer journey is not displayed on Workspaces as an Outbound contact is delivered to
the agent, even though POM has written the customer details of the outbound contact to CS.

• ADS SAL Gateways: Deploy one for Avaya Control Manager and the other one for Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS/Avaya Oceana™ Solution full stack. A single SAL can manage up to 500
elements. Although Avaya Oceana™ Solution, Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights, and Avaya Equinox®
are adding several additional components to the overall solution, a single SAL per Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance is sufficient to manage all elements.

Customer-supplied components and deployed on-premises: Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS includes
the support of e-mail server, Web server, and Social Media channel. These channels require the Avaya
Messaging Automation component. The Avaya Messaging Automation (AMA) component runs on AWS in a
Private Virtual Cloud. Therefore, it is neither deployed in the CSP DC nor in the customer premises. It is used
by Avaya Oceana™ Solution as a service from AWS. It interfaces to the Social Media snap-in through Amazon
Simple Queue Service (SQS) using an HTTPS/REST interface. A reverse proxy function provided by the
ASBC must front end the Social Media snap-in. Two queues are setup by customer account on the AMA side.
One of the queues is for the Social Media snap-in to poll for inbound messages to Avaya Oceana™ Solution
and the other queue is for Social Media snap-in to send outbound messages from Avaya Oceana™ Solution
into AMA. Each account is mapped to an ED workflow, a route point, and an attribute set on the Avaya

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Oceana™ Solution side. AMA is a multi-tenant capable application that is deployed in a regional basis. The
regional segmentation is the following:

For example, US, Europe, Australia, Singapore, and China. If an Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
deployment serves a US customer, a tenant is added to the US regional AMA. Each instance of AMA can
currently support between 10 to 20 tenants. An option for a single tenant AMA is also available if the customer
has such requirement. AMA supports Facebook and Twitter social media platforms. The illustration below
shows a schematic of the AMA component providing the social media service to Avaya Oceana™ Solution.

AMA Cloud Connect is a gateway function to social media networks for interaction mining. AMA Cloud
Connect supports data mining from Facebook and Twitter. Messaging Automation Bot is a self-learning text
automation engine that filters the social media messages of interest to Avaya Oceana™ Solution. The CC
Connect component manages the interactions with Avaya Oceana™ Solution to send the social media
messages for Avaya Oceana™ Solution to process and apply customer experience management, customer
journey tracking, Business Process based resource allocation, agent interaction and full operational reporting
and advanced analytics.

The SMS snap-in, which handles the SMS channel interactions, requires an SMS-Connector snap-in that must
be delivered by the SMS service provider. This SMS-connector provides the interface to the specific SMS
service provider network.

Avaya Oceana™ Solution and Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights provide only Disaster Recovery capabilities. For
more information, see Failover Management for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

The following diagram depicts the deployment architecture for full stack Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS with Avaya Oceana™ Solution:

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Hybrid Avaya Oceana Solution stack

For Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service hybrid solution model, the Avaya
Oceana™ Solution components are deployed in the CSP data center to provide multi-channel services to a
Call Center Elite voice solution deployed in a customer premises. The Avaya Oceana™ Solution components
are deployed in the CSP data center following the same approach as the Customer Engagement OnAvaya
Aura – Contact Center as a Service dedicated instance model. The customer's IP address space is extended
into the CSP's data center and the connectivity between the Avaya Oceana™ Solution components and the
on-premises components must be provided by a private network, such as MPLS. There is no NAT between the
premises components. Clients and the Avaya Oceana™ Solution deployed in the CSP data center. The Hybrid
solution is comprised of the following components:

• Avaya Aura®: Use Avaya Aura® System Manager, Avaya Aura® Session Manager for application
sequencing functions, Avaya Aura® Media Server, and Avaya Aura® Experience Portal for call

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segmentation. If a customer has an Avaya Aura® Experience Portal system at the appropriate software
level for providing segmentation services to Avaya Oceana™ Solution, install the appropriate Pluggable
Data Connectors (PDCs), as described in the “Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center
as a Service Avaya Oceana™ Solution full solution stack” section. Also, the customer must make
appropriate changes to existing IVR type applications, or deploy new ones to write the required data to
Context Store through PDC. Avaya Aura® Experience Portal on customer premises is supported only if
the customer meets the following requirements:
• Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services special considerations: Avaya Aura® Application
Enablement Services (AES) is a required component for Avaya Oceana™ Solution, However,
the AES servers used by Avaya Oceana™ Solution is deployed on-premises co-located with
Communication Manager with the appropriate level of software. Avaya Oceana™ Solution
requires two AES servers for primary and secondary connectivity. Only the primary server is
actively handling CTI traffic during normal operation. The enterprise customer must dedicate the
AES servers for use only by Avaya Oceana™ Solution. You cannot share AES with other
enterprise CTI applications.
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution: Consists of the same set of core components/snap-ins deployed on Avaya
Breeze™ and described in the “Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service
Avaya Oceana™ Solution full solution stack” section.
• Avaya Mobile Communications (AMC): This component supports the WebRTC use case. If the
support of this use case is a requirement for a Hybrid solution deployment, then the following
additional components are also required in this configuration. These components are required
due to a 7 msec latency requirement between Avaya Breeze™ and SM, which is not achieved if
the SM deployed on-premises is used. There is an interaction between Avaya Breeze™ (AMC
Snap-in) and SM as the AMC snap-in is sequenced by SM into the SIP call flow after the
WebRTC session is converted to SIP.
• Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise provides reverse proxy functions to the
WebRTC session to protect against DoS attacks from the internet and provide topology
• Avaya Mobile VideoGateway (MVG) converts HTTPS/WebRTC to SIP signaling before
offering the call to Avaya Oceana™ Solution components
• Avaya Mobile Video Media Broker (MVMB) provides media termination in the DMZ as
directed by the AMVG.
• Avaya Aura® Session Manager provides application sequencing to the converted SIP
call to sequence AMC and ED snap-ins.
• Avaya Aura® Media Server anchors the voice media from the ingress WebRTC call after
it is converted to SRTP by the Mobile Video Gateway's media broker.
• Avaya Control Manager: Provides a single point of administration for up to 15 instances of the Hybrid
deployment model. Avaya Control Manager (ACM) is placed in the CSP network behind a NAT along
with its own SAL gateway.

ACM must be able to manage a combination of Hybrid and Full-Stack solution instances.

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• Avaya Oceana™ Workspaces: Provides unified user workspaces for agents and supervisors deployed
in the customer premises. In initial release, Avaya deskphones (SIP or H.323) or the H.323 one-X
Agent are required to handle the voice media. Avaya one-X Agent SIP is not used since it does not
handle voice media.
• Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights: The components deployed for real-time and historical reporting in the
Avaya Oceana™ Solution full stack solution are also deployed for Hybrid model, as described in Avaya
Oceanalytics Insights Overview section.
• Call Recording: QM is currently not supported in xCaaS Reference Architecture as supported by the
Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR). If the customer already has an ACR system in their data center, then
the customer has the option of using the same ACR to record Avaya Oceana™ Solution routed calls, if
required. However, the ACR software must be upgraded to the minimum software release supported for
Avaya Oceana™ Solution 3.3 (ACR 15.1.1). Otherwise, if the customer requires recording of Avaya
Oceana™ Solution routed calls, then the CSP has the option of deploying an Avaya Workforce
Optimization Select (AWFOS) or an ACR in the Service Provider data center. Also, the AES servers
used to connect to AWFOS or ACR may be shared with existing applications in CPE and are different
from the ones used by Avaya Oceana™ Solution. The AES servers used by Avaya Oceana™ Solution
are dedicated to Avaya Oceana™ Solution.
• Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager (POM): If an AAEP is deployed in the CSP DC, then the POM
application is deployed on the same AAEP. If there is an AAEP in the customer premises and it already
has a POM deployed to provide outbound capabilities to the Call Center Elite agents, then the POM
may not be used for Avaya Oceana™ Solution. In this case, you may deploy another AAEP in the cloud
to be dedicated for Oceana call segmentation and for POM. Avaya recommends having only one POM
system in the overall solution, either Call Center Elite based or Oceana based.

POM does not support geo-redundant deployments, even for disaster recovery purposes. Therefore,
POM is only deployed in DC1.
• ADS SAL Gateways: One for ACMs and an additional one for every instance of Avaya Oceana™
Solution core components deployed in the CSP data center.

An e-mail server and a Web server must be provided by a customer and deployed at the customer premises.

If an AAEP is deployed on the customer premises, it can be used as a supported variant to provide call
segmentation functions for the Oceana Hybrid in the cloud. However, the appropriate software load must be
used in AAEP. You must deploy the appropriate pluggable data connectors for Context Store and DE
Workflow in Orchestration Designer. If a third-party IVR platform exists on the customer premises, the
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service solution requires an AAEP system
deployed in the CSP data center.

The deployment architecture for the hybrid stack Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS with Avaya
Oceana™ Solution is provided in the following diagram:

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Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager (POM) is an interactive outbound application that supports automated
voice, SMS, and e-mail notifications, both one-way and two-way.

POM supports the following protocols:

• E-mail: POP3, IMAP4, and SMTP

• SMS: SMPP since SMS supports two-way capability and offers high scalability.

POM supports agent-based outbound for voice interactions by integrating to Call Center Elite using SIP
through Avaya Aura® Session Manager and several other integration points to other Avaya components. POM

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 64


supports as an Oceana Outbound channel. Therefore, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS includes the
support of POM by Avaya Oceana™ Solution.

POM is integrated with Avaya Aura® Experience Portal (AAEP). POM is installed on AAEP and runs as an
AAEP-managed application. This means that POM uses the Experience Portal Manager (EPM) as the
management interface. POM supports the zoning mechanism supported by AAEP.

Avaya Diagnostic Server (SAL Gateway)

The ADS server includes the SAL gateway functionality in addition to advanced diagnostics and network
monitoring capabilities. However, the SAL gateway functionality is only activated for Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS. The diagnostics and network monitoring capabilities are not used. The ADS servers operate
independent of each other. The primary ADS server handles all remote access requests. If the connection
request to the primary ADS server fails, the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution makes a
connection request to the secondary ADS server.

In dedicated instance deployments, an additional ADS server is required per dedicated instance for monitoring
alarms because each instance is in its own IP address space and ADS cannot monitor SNMP alarms through

For more information about Avaya Diagnostic Server, see Deploying Avaya Diagnostic Server.

Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise

Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise provides security to SIP-based unified communications. Avaya
Session Border Controller for Enterprise is available in two versions: Advanced Services and Standard
Services. Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise has two main components: the Session Border
Controller (Avaya SBCE) and a management system called the Element Management System (EMS). You can
use SBCE as:

• Line side interface to endpoints on an enterprise network

• Line side interface to endpoints on a public Internet
• Trunk side interface to PSTN
• Trunk side interface to SIP tie trunk to an enterprise network

Depending on the network size and service requirement, you can deploy Avaya SBCE in one of the following

• Standalone configuration: In the standalone configuration, the Avaya SBCE and EMS coreside in the
same server.

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• Multiple server configuration: In the multiple server configuration, EMS and Avaya SBCE are deployed
on separate servers.
• High availability (HA) configuration: In the High Availability or HA configuration, Avaya SBCE servers
are deployed in pairs. Each pair has one Avaya SBCE server acting as primary while the other is
secondary. Both servers are controlled by a single Avaya Element Management System (EMS) device
or a replicated EMS pair

You cannot deploy SBCE as a line side interface to endpoints on an enterprise network on the same SBCE
servers. There is a system-wide setting on the SBCE for emergency call handling from anonymous or
unregistered endpoints. The setting is set to Yes for the line side interface to the enterprise network. All other
deployments use the setting No. You will need a dedicated SBCE for the line side interface to the enterprise

Depending on the network size and service requirement, you can deploy Avaya SBCE in one of the following
• Standalone configuration: In the standalone configuration, the Avaya SBCE and EMS coreside in the
same physical server.
• Multiple server configuration: In the multiple server configuration, EMS and Avaya SBCE are deployed
on separate physical servers.
• High availability (HA) configuration: In the HA configuration, Avaya SBCE servers are deployed in pairs.
Each pair has one Avaya SBCE server acting as primary while the other is secondary. Both servers are
controlled by a single Avaya Element Management System (EMS) device or a replicated EMS pair.
Avaya recommends using a replicated EMS pair for deployment for Customer Engagement OnAvaya
Aura – Contact Center as a Service.

Avaya Usage Metering

Avaya's Usage Metering (UM) provides the Pay-Per-Use billing. In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
2.0.1 and earlier, usage metering was provided as part of Avaya Control Manager (ACM), also known as ACM
Billing. The new UM module in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.1 replaces the ACM billing
significantly shrinking the solution footprint. UM aggregates usage meters (collectors) deployed with the
solution into the usage information which is uploaded to UM's Processor. The UM Processor sends the usage
billing data to Avaya's billing infrastructure.

UM is specifically targeted to support Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS. The architecture includes a
description of integrating the UM into the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

The UM Collector is deployed by CSP with the rest of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution
elements. The UM Collector supplies the usage data to UM's Processor, which is deployed in AWS by Avaya.

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A single UM Collector can serve the entire capacity of the largest Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

Virtualization and redundancy

UM Collector does not support redundancy. However, it is important that UM Collector does not fail to report on
all usage data, including usage while Collector itself was not in service. This reliability is provided by the
solution elements themselves.

The solution elements keep the usage information, such as CDR records, agent login/logout reports, and so
on reliably and persistently.

If the collector is out of service, the system queries the usage data missed while the collector was down. To do
this, the architecture must itself keep track of what it has reported and save this information across failures. If
Collector itself does not have to track this information, it looks for the last usage reports sent by Collector.

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In release 2.1, there are a few limitations to UM's automatic loss-less service:

• The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Offer operations team must manually generate the
submission of data to SAP for any days Processor does not have usage data, using the manual
process which pre-dated UM. SAP has a recovery mechanism which starts on the day the automatic
invoicing occurs. If there are 1 to 3 days of missing data, SAP fills in with previous day’s data.
• UM obtains its station counts from ACM. ACM does not provide the historic counts. If UM Collector is
down for several days, the UM does not collect the station counts for those days. SAP fills these
missing days with the counts from the previous recorded day.

For geo-redundant deployments, a separate Collector is deployed in each data center in an active/standby
fashion, though the failover and failback are performed manually in Release 1.0.

UM assumes about all of the metering data it collects: No matter which server the Collector queries (primary,
locally redundant server, geo-redundant server), it gets the same answer. The data source must replicate all
relevant data across all of these servers. This assumption ensures that UM gets accurate usage and billing
data, even though Collector only reports to Processor infrequently. If the WAN link(s) between data centers
fails and both data centers go active simultaneously, then some usage data is lost.

UM provides the usage on a per-tenant basis, but does not provide any tenant-specific reports to end
customers. The usage reports provided by UM are intended for CSP consumption and not for end customer or
tenant consumption. This is similar to how the ACM usage reports are used.

Avaya WebLM
Avaya WebLM is the license manager for Unified Communication (UC) and Customer Engagement OnAvaya
Aura – Contact Center as a Service components. The recommended deployment for WebLM is Avaya Aura®
System Manager as it supports licensing for multiple instances of the same product, such as Avaya Aura® Call
Center Elite Multichannel. The WebLM server provides a web user interface (UI) for license administration.
You can gain access license administration from a standard web browser over a secure SSL link.

You can install WebLM as co-resident with System Manager or on a separate server. To acquire licenses from
the WebLM server, you must configure the product software with the URL of the WebLM server.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 68


For Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service deployment, deploy a co-resident
WebLM server with System Manager for all Avaya Aura components.

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select (WFOS) is an Avaya software component, formerly known as Knoahsoft
Harmony. WFOS is a web-based work force optimization software suite, based on Web 2.0. WFOS provides
portal-based dashboard user interface. WFOS provides some of the core capabilities, including call recording,
screen capture, and quality monitoring with coaching and e-Learning.
WFOS does not support Work Force Management (WFM) capabilities. Instead, WFOS integrates with a third-
party application from Teleopti to enable the WFM functionality.

WFOS provides a centralized recording and monitoring architecture to support multi-tenanted environments.
Call recordings are decoded in either WAV with G.711 codec or MP4/M4A with H.264 and AAC codec formats.
WFOS is compatible with network attached storage, such as NAS and SAN that is accessible through
Windows UNC path, folder mount, or drive letter mapping. WFOS runs on Windows server 2012 R2 versions
and the database runs on MS SQL server 2012 or 2014 or 2016 for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

Network load balancer

A Network Load Balancer is a required component to provide connectivity to a primary and secondary
database for Avaya Aura® Experience Portal. The Riverbed Stingray Traffic Manager load balancer is tested
with Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service to provide connectivity to a primary
and secondary database. Network Load Balancers are optional components for use to distribute web service

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 69

Administration process

Administration process

Administration process

Before using this document, you must finish installing and configuring the components for the Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution. The hosted service provider network should also be in place and ready to
provide service to the end customer.

Ongoing administration tasks in the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service
solution includes administering users and call center objects, managing solution components, and validating
user functionality.

Components for administering Partner Cloud

Powered by Avaya xCaaS

In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, you can administer various products in the solution through a
single interface. The following sections describe the components that you can use to administer the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Avaya Control Manager

Avaya Control Manager provides a single interface to administer the features and functionalities of the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Avaya Control Manager supports three critical functions in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
solution. Avaya Control Manager provides:

• An overlay for operational centralized administration of various components of the solution such as:
• Avaya Aura® Communication Manager with Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite
• Avaya Aura® System Manager
• Call Management System
• Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel
• Avaya Aura® Messaging from Avaya Control Manager using Avaya Aura® System Manager or
directly using Avaya Aura® Messaging
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 70

Administration process

• Administrative segmentation capabilities by which the service provider can set up a multitenant
environment and offer user administration capabilities. Using these capabilities, service providers can
manage daily changes with appropriate restrictions based on the Role Based Access Control (RBAC)
• Usage monitoring capabilities to implement a utility-based billing model for Avaya and the service
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager with Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite
Avaya Aura® Communication Manager provides the telephony features to the users. It provides Avaya Aura®
Call Center Elite functionality to agents, supervisors, and also provides premier skills-based distribution.

Call Management System

Call Management System (CMS) is suitable for enterprises that receive a large volume of inbound calls, has
complex contact center operations, and uses Communication Manager and Call Center Elite to handle calls.
CMS provides an administrative interface to Call Center Elite, which enables contact center managers to
generate reports, administer ACD parameters, and monitor call activities. CMS provides all the real time and
historical reporting for Call Center Elite and the end customers use CMS Supervisor as the reporting client.

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal

Experience Portal Manager (AEP EPM) manages Proactive Outreach Manager (POM) and Experience Portal

Avaya Contact Recorder

Avaya Contact Recorder from Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization provides an efficient and scalable voice
recording environment. While recording calls made on Communication Manager, Avaya Contact Recorder
uses the Device, Media and Call Control (DMCC) interface to provide the following recording modes:
• On Demand Recording
• Bulk Recording

Customers can opt for On Demand recording but the system generates bills considering the recordings as bulk

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select is a web-based suite of tightly integrated tools designed to enhance and
improve all aspects of contact center operations and performance. The solution is easy to implement,
maintain, and manage in a variety of contact center deployment models from centralized contact centers to
distributed branches and work-at-home agents.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 71

Administration process

Avaya Equinox® Attendant (Breeze Snap-In)

Avaya Equinox® Attendant client is a Windows-based user interface supporting real-time multimedia
communications. Avaya Equinox® Attendant snap-in is deployed on Avaya Breeze™ (Breeze). The snap-in
provides the call queue, phone book, and presence capabilities.

Avaya Equinox®
Avaya Equinox®is Avaya's conferencing solution that merges Avaya Aura® Conferencing(AAC) and Avaya
Scopia Conferencing solutions. It provides audio, video, and web/application conferencing and collaboration,
integrating the capabilities of the AAC and Scopia solutions. Its primary client is the Avaya Equinox® client,
though all of the Avaya clients are supported with less integrated conferencing functionality. With Avaya
Equinox®, users can be provisioned from Avaya Control Manager and Avaya Aura® System Manager. The
native Avaya Equinox iView management interface is also used for advanced configuration options.

Avaya Esna OfficeLinx

Avaya Esna OfficeLinx provides Voice-mail features. You can use this component as an option to Avaya Aura

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager (POM) is an interactive outbound application that supports automated
voice, SMS, and email notifications. POM also supports agent-based outbound voice interactions by tightly
integrating to Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite using SIP through Avaya Aura® System Manager and several
other integration points to other Avaya components. the Experience Portal Manager is used to manage POM.

Avaya Usage Metering

Avaya's Usage Metering (UM) provides the Pay-Per-Use billing. In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
2.0.1 and earlier, usage metering was provided as part of Avaya Control Manager (ACM), also known as ACM
Billing. UM aggregates usage meters (collectors) deployed with the solution into the usage information which
is uploaded to UM's Processor. The UM Processor sends the usage billing data to Avaya's billing

Avaya Multimedia Messaging

Avaya Multimedia Messaging (AMM) provides advanced multiparty instant messaging (IM) and rich media
exchange capabilities to Avaya Unified Communications (UC) applications. When AMM is enabled on a
supported application, you can exchange text-based instant messages with users of AMM and Avaya Aura®
Presence Services. For Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.1, AMM is supported only in the dedicated
instance deployment model. It does not provide any multi-tenancy support.

Avaya Oceana™ Solution

Avaya Oceana™ Solution is an omni-channel customer engagement solution that provides seamless customer
experiences across mobile, web, and traditional dial-up channels. Built on Avaya Breeze™ based on the snap-
in architecture, Avaya Oceana™ Solution provides contact centers with modular, scalable, and extended snap-

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 72

Administration process

ins. Contact centers can use the snap-ins to manage customer-centric business in a unified way while
supporting customer journey information across channels. Contact centers can also improve customer service
by linking customers to the best available agent or knowledge worker based on history, agent training, and
desired service levels.

Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights

Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights is a framework that provides cradle to grave reporting for end-to-end customer
journey on multichannel sources. With Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights customers can access and visualize
Avaya Oceana™ Solution data to build reports based on agent, accounts and routing service.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

components management
The following table lists the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS components and corresponding
information about who manages that component and whether it is virtualized and supports multitenancy.

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

Avaya Aura®
Yes Avaya Control Manager Yes
Communication Manager

Avaya Aura® Session

Yes Avaya Control Manager Yes

Avaya Aura® System

Yes Native Yes

Avaya Aura® Presence

Yes Avaya Control Manager Yes (with Contact Filter)

Avaya Multimedia
Yes Native No

Avaya Aura® System

Avaya Aura® Messaging Yes Manager and Avaya Yes
Control Manager

Avaya Call Management

Yes Avaya Control Manager Yes

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 73

Administration process

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

Avaya Control Manager

Yes Avaya Control Manager Yes
xCaaS Edition

Application Enablement
Yes Native Yes
Services (AES)

G450 Media Gateway

(Optional if no analog or
No Native Yes
digital devices are
needed and Avaya Aura®
Media Server is used)

Avaya Aura® Media

Server (Optional if G450 Yes Native Yes
Media Gateway is used)

Avaya Session Border

Controller for Enterprise
Yes (Optional) Native Yes
(Supports CSR2, CSR3,
and VMWare)

Avaya Secure Access

Yes Native Yes
Link (SAL) Gateway

Avaya Equinox®
Avaya Aura® System
Yes No
(Available only with Manager
dedicated instance

Avaya Aura® Experience

Yes Native Yes

Avaya Aura® Web

Yes Native No

Avaya Proactive
Outreach Manager
Experience Portal
Yes Manager (AEP EPM) No
(Available only with
(POM option)
dedicated instance
model. No integration

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 74

Administration process

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

with Avaya Oceana™


Avaya Workforce
Optimization Select

(Available only with

Yes Native No
dedicated instance
model. No integration
with Avaya Oceana™

Avaya Aura® Utility

Services (Enhanced Yes Native Yes
system directory)

Avaya Aura® Call Center

Elite (Hybrid Oceana Yes Avaya Control Manager Yes

Yes. Avaya Aura® Call

Center Elite Multichannel
can be used in multi-
tenant deployment
model. In this deployment
model one Avaya Aura®
Call Center Elite
Avaya Aura® Call Center
Yes Avaya Control Manager Multichannel instance is
Elite Multichannel
dedicated to an end-

Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact
Center as a Service
supports 10 instances.

Avaya Aura® Workforce

Optimization (WFO): Yes Native Yes
Avaya Contact Recorder

Avaya 96x1 IP Desk

phones (SIP) for Call
Center Agents (9608, — Avaya Control Manager Yes
9608G, 9611, 9621G,
9641G and 9641GS)

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 75

Administration process

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

Avaya 96x1 IP Desk

phones (H.323) for Call
Center Agents (9608, — Avaya Control Manager No
9608G, 9611, 9621G,
9641G and 9641GS)

Avaya J129 IP Phone — Avaya Control Manager Yes

Avaya B189 Conference

Avaya Control Manager
IP Phone

Avaya Vantage™ Avaya Control Manager

Call Center Elite

— Avaya Control Manager No
Multichannel Desktop

Call Center Elite

Multichannel Desktop — Avaya Control Manager No
with Supervisor Plug-in

Call Center Elite

Multichannel Reporting Avaya Control Manager
— No
Desktop (required for a or Native
dedicated instance)

Avaya one-X® Agent H.

323 in Telecommuter — Avaya Control Manager Yes

Avaya Agent for Desktop — Avaya Control Manager Yes

Avaya Oceana™
— Avaya Control Manager No

Avaya WFO Avaya

Contact Recorder Web — Native Yes
Client for Supervisors

Experience Portal
Manager (required for a — Native Yes
dedicated instance)

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 76

Administration process

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

CMS Supervisor client

(required for a dedicated — Native Yes

Contact Filter
Yes Native Yes
(Available only with the
Multi-tenant model)

Avaya Breeze™

(Supports Presence
Yes Native No
Services, Oceana and
customer-defined snap-

Avaya Pod Orchestration

Avaya Pod Fx No Yes

Avaya Communicator for

— Avaya Control Manager Yes
(Optional. Used only if
Avaya Equinox® is not

Avaya Aura® Device

Yes Native No
(Must be deployed with
Avaya Aura® Session
Manager [URE])

Avaya Oceana™ Solution

(Available only with Yes Avaya Control Manager No

dedicated instance

Avaya Oceanalytics™
Yes Avaya Control Manager No
(Available only with
dedicated instance

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 77

Administration process

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

Avaya one-X®
— Avaya Control Manager Yes

Avaya Equinox® Client — Avaya Control Manager Yes

Avaya Equinox® for Web

— Avaya Control Manager No

Avaya One-X Attendant Avaya Aura® System

— Yes
(H.323) Manager

Avaya B179 SIP

— Avaya Control Manager Yes
Conference Phone

Avaya H175 Video

— Avaya Control Manager Yes
Collaboration Station

Call Center Elite

Multichannel Agent — Avaya Control Manager No

Call Center Elite

Multichannel Reporting — Native No

Avaya WFO Avaya

Contact Recorder Web — Native Yes

Avaya Aura® Experience

Portal Web Desktop — Native Yes (using zones)

Avaya Control Manager

— Avaya Control Manager Yes
Web Desktop

Avaya Proactive
Outreach Manager Agent — Native No
Desktop (3rd party)

Avaya Aura® System

Avaya Esna Officelinx Yes No

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 78

Administration process

Supported in multi-
Component Virtualized Managed by
tenant deployment

(Available only with

dedicated instance

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 79



Multi-tenant model versus dedicated instance

model for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

A dedicated instance model of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS is a single instance of the solution
deployed in the Cloud Service Provider's (CSP) data center intended to support only a single end customer
and never expected to grow to include other customers within that instance. The multi-tenant model is a single
instance of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution deployment intended to support multiple end
customers or tenants.

The Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS reference architecture enables economies of scale by enabling a
cloud service provider to build one Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance running in a single or
dual data center configuration and allows for the solution to be shared between multiple tenants. The tenants
or end customers can use the same system due to the partitioning of resources that are managed using Avaya
Control Manager for historical and real-time reporting. This reference architecture configuration is also known
as a shared or multi-tenant instance of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

In some cases, a dedicated instance might be deployed on an entire Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
instance. A service provider might choose to operate an instance as dedicated instance because of the
quantity of agents is close to the capacity of the entire system. Some requirements of a shared SIP instance
which is multi-tenanted might become less necessary when dedicating an instance to one customer. For
example, the line side Session Border Controller might not be necessary when a dedicated instance is running
on dedicated circuits and there is no sharing of the Avaya Aura® infrastructure. The following are
characteristics of the dedicated instance solution model and they differentiate the dedicated model from the
multi-tenant model. These characteristics are supported as the reference architecture for the dedicated model.

• The dedicated instance model has a dedicated set of servers for each tenant in the cloud.
• The dedicated instance model can have a dedicated IP address space or VLAN for each customer in
the cloud, if required.
• The dedicated instance model does not require tenant partitioning, because each instance is fully
dedicated to a tenant.
• The dedicated instance model uses Avaya Control Manager to manage up to 10 instances. Avaya
Control Manager is present in the Service Providers network and uses NAT traversal to access each
instance if the address space overlaps.
• The dedicated instance model does not require deployment of Avaya Session Border Controller for
Enterprise on the line-side. However, if a tenant requires internet access for SIP remote worker access,
then Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise is required between the public internet and Avaya
Aura® in the tenant network.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 80


A single Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise can be shared across multiple tenants to
simplify the deployment and minimize hardware.
• The tenants in case of the dedicated instance model connect directly to Avaya applications in the cloud.
• The dedicated instance model supports H.323 and SIP endpoints. Support of analog and DCP
endpoints is a variant of the reference architecture for the dedicated instance model. The multi-tenant
model supports only SIP endpoints, with the following exceptions.
• Avaya Equinox® Attendant in Telecommuter mode to a SIP endpoint.
• Avaya one-X® Agent in Telecommuter mode to a PSTN phone.
• The dedicated instance model must not have network address translation (NAT) traversal between the
core components such as Avaya Aura® Communication Manager and Avaya Aura® System Manager
and the enterprise network. The dedicated instance model does not work if NAT is present.

Users in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution instances must go through a NAT
traversal to access Avaya Control Manager. The Avaya Control Manager administration and billing
engine functions must also go through a NAT traversal to access the solution components.

Planning checklist


• .

No. Task Notes

Ensure that you have the

Sold-To/Ship-To numbers
before adding a new
For more information on
instance and registering it
the Sold-To/Ship-To
using SAL.
numbers, see Ship-To
hierarchy types in Partner
If you do not have the
Cloud Powered by Avaya
numbers, contact the
Cloud Specialist Desk at

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 81


No. Task Notes

For more information

about planning,
Ensure that you
performing pre-
completed the
configuration steps, and
deployment tasks
deploying the Partner
2 required to install Avaya
Cloud Powered by Avaya
Control Manager for the
xCaaS solution, see
Partner Cloud Powered
Deploying Partner Cloud
by Avaya xCaaS solution.
Powered by Avaya

Ensure that the

appropriate Unified
Communications as a
Service (UCaaS)
infrastructure is installed
and that you completed
all the appropriate
deployment tasks for the
Avaya Enterprise Cloud:
xCaaS Team
Engagement offer:

• Avaya Aura®
For more information
Manager about planning,
• Avaya Aura® performing pre-
Session configuration steps, and
deploying the Partner
3 Manager Cloud Powered by Avaya
• Avaya Aura® xCaaS solution, see
System Deploying Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya
Manager xCaaS.
• Avaya Aura®
• Avaya Aura®
• Avaya Aura®
• Avaya

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 82


No. Task Notes

Ensure that the

appropriate Contact
Center as a Service
(CCaaS) infrastructure is
installed and that you
completed all the
appropriate deployment
tasks for the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS solution:

• Avaya Aura®
Call Center All Customer
deployments require a
• Avaya Call subset of the Team
Management Engagement components
System from step 2. That is, CM,
SM, SMGR, AES, and
• Avaya Aura® AAM.
4 Portal For more information
about planning,
• Proactive performing pre-
Outreach configuration steps, and
Manager deploying the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya
• Avaya Aura®
xCaaS solution, see
Call Center Deploying Partner Cloud
Elite Powered by Avaya
Multichannel or xCaaS.

• Avaya Contact
Recorder or

If applicable, ensure For more information

Avaya Breeze™ as a about planning,
platform infrastructure is performing pre-
in place. configuration steps, and
deploying the Partner

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 83


No. Task Notes

Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS solution, see
Deploying Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya

Verify Avaya Service


Owner(s): Avaya and
6 • A2R/Remedy Partner
connection to
Avaya Control
Manager for
usage tracking

Ensure appropriate
UCaaS and/or CCaaS
specific product feature
Owner(s): Avaya and
7 requirements are
identified for new
customer (tenant or

Identify Team
Engagement user profiles Owner(s): Avaya and
7 a)
types and required Partner

Identify Customer
Owner(s): Avaya and
7 b) Engagement required

Ensure appropriate billing

codes are available for
the Team Engagement
and Customer
Owner(s): Avaya account
Engagement profiles. You
8 team and product
must load these billing
codes and their
corresponding profiles to
the ACM Billing

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 84


No. Task Notes

If applicable, ensure the

required fixed
subscription product and
Owner(s): Avaya account
features are identified
9 team and product
and appropriate licenses
are deployed: Proactive
Outreach Manager,
Avaya Oceana™ Solution

All Partner Cloud

Powered by Avaya
If applicable, identify any xCaaS reference
Partner Cloud Powered architecture variants
10 by Avaya xCaaS need to go through an
reference architecture Avaya approval process
variants and needs. called Technical Solution
Review (TSR) prior to

Ship-To hierarchy types in Partner Cloud Powered

by Avaya xCaaS

In order to appropriately setup the software entitlements and register the solution components for appropriate
field support, it is critical to understand the Ship-To hierarchy types and their definitions. For details on how to
appropriately register the solution components on the Global Registration Tool, see GRT Registration for
Avaya Enterprise Cloud: xCaaS Job Aid.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports the following:

• CSP Sold-To
• CSP Ship-To
• CSP Instance Ship-To

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 85


• Tenant Ship-To

Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Sold-To

A commercial Sold-To number that is assigned to a CSP on SAP. This is the Top Tier account number in the
Ship-To hierarchy for the CSP business partner for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS deals. For
example, a CSP called Widgets is assigned a CSP Sold-To = A, where A is a 10 digit number. The commercial
CSP Sold-To number will cover different locations where the CSP can deploy Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS solution components, as in data centers.

Cloud Service Provider (CSP) Instance Ship-To

This represents the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution instance on SAP deployed at a CSP
data center for an end-customer. SAP uses the “End Customer ID” as the “CSP Instance Ship-To”. Each
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance must have a unique End Customer ID assigned.

Key requirements associated with the CSP Instance Ship-To for an Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS dedicated instance environment
• The CSP Instance Ship-To number must be different than the CSP Ship-To defined.
• If an existing Avaya on-premises enterprise customer migrates to the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS cloud solution, the existing “End Customer” ID assigned to the Avaya customer must not be
used as the CSP Instance Ship-To. A new “End Customer” ID must be assigned to the Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance and use this new ID as the “CSP Instance Ship-To”. Generating a
new ID is important in this case, as the CSP Instance Ship-To number identifies the Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution instance that is deployed in the CSP data center to server the end
• If an existing Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS end-customer requires an additional Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance, that is, in order to meet the end customer’s user or agent
capacity requirements, this new instance must also be assigned a new “End Customer” ID for an
additional Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance for the existing customer. This will provide
the ability to uniquely identify the licensing and service entitlements associated with each instance.
• There must only be one CSP Instance Ship-To even though the solution is a geo-redundant solution.
The CSP Instance Ship-To is associated with the DC where the primary instance is deployed, generally,
in DC1. This means that the Ship-To address associated with it must be that of the main DC.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 86


• Naming convention – The recommended naming convention to use for the End Customer Name is as
follows: CSP-Name_CAAS_CUSTOMER-NAME. For instance, if Widgets is the CSP name and one of
their customers is CUST1, the name for the CSP Instance Ship-To would be:

Licensing and registration process for the dedicated instance environment:

• Licensing for all solution components within an instance – All licenses associated with a specific
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance should be generated based on the CSP Instance
Ship-To number. Since the CSP Instance Ship-To is associated with the main DC, the licenses are
deployed in the main System Manager (SMGR). The main System Manager replicates the license files
onto the SMGR-geo. Hence, only one set of licenses are required for the Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS components. The CSP Instance Ship-To number is used for PLDS LAC.
• GRT Registration for all solution components within instance – Registration of all software components,
including SAL, through the Global Registration Tool (GRT) is performed using the CSP Instance Ship-
To. The main instance and the geo-redundant instance are both registered using the CSP Instance
Ship-To, even though the address associated with the CSP Instance Ship-To is that of DC1. The GRT
registration instructions specify how to appropriately associate the components with the appropriate
ADS/SAL gateway.

Key requirements associated with the CSP Instance Ship-To for an Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS multitenant environment
• Assign a CSP Instance Ship-To to a multi-tenant instance only when on-boarding the first tenant. When
the second and more tenants are on-boarded, there is no need to generate additional CSP Instance
Ship-To since the solution instance is deployed only once.
• Assign the CSP Instance Ship-To by following the same requirements as for a Dedicated instance, with
the exception of the Naming Convention.
• Ensure that the CSP Instance Ship-To (End Customer Name) name that must be used is that of the
CSP using the following format: CSP_Name_CAAS_MT_Main. The suffix “Main” could also be “ONE”
as in the first Multi-tenant (MT) instance. For example, if CSP Widgets deployed a MT instance, the
name string could be WIDGETS_CAAS_MT_ONE.

Licensing and registration process for the multitenant environment:

• Licensing is done based on the CSP Instance Ship-To, as in the Dedicated Instance (DI) environment.
• GRT Registration is also done using the CSP Instance Ship-To, as in the DI environment.

Tenant Ship-To

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 87


This field/number represents the real end customer or tenant. It is needed only for the Avaya Control Manager
(ACM) Location configuration and for Compensation tracking in EDW. This is the Ship-To number that must be
used as part of the ACM Location Name when creating a Location and an Organizational Structure in ACM for
each end customer or tenant. The ACM Location Name is of the form “Customer-Name|Tenant-Ship-To-
Number”. This applies to ACM Locations created for customers/tenants in Multi-tenanted or Dedicated
environments. It is important to note that the same Tenant Ship-To number applies to the solution in DC1 and
DC2; hence, only one Tenant Ship-To number is requested.

Guidelines for using a Tenant Ship-To number:

• If the end customer is an existing Avaya On-Premises customers that is migrating to or adding an
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS deployment, the customer would already have a Sold-To/
Ship-To number associated with their On-Premises solution. In this case, you an existing Ship-To
number as the Tenant Ship-To number instead of creating a new one.

The Tenant Ship-To number is different than the CSP Instance Ship-To number requirement.
• If the end customer is not an existing Avaya On-Premises customer, you must generate a new end
customer Ship-To/Sold-To number. This Ship-To/Sold-To number must include the end customer details
including the corporate address of the end customer.

For guidance on how to generate or obtain a Tenant Ship-To number contact the Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS Concierge Desk at
The CSP Instance Ship-To number is also referred to as Functional Location (FL) number in Siebel.

Example widget

To illustrate the above definitions, let’s use the example of the above CSP called Widgets. Widgets has a
corporate address which is the same as the main DC and it is located in New York City, NY. They have their
geo-redundant DC in Los Angeles, CA. The CSP is deploying their first customer called CUST1. The physical
location of CUST1 is irrelevant to the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS CSP Ship-To hierarchy. Hence
the following Ship-To hierarchy is assigned to Widgets:

Commercial Sold-To = A -----------CSP Name = CAAS_WIDGETS ------- Address: NY

, NY
Main DC: CSP Ship-To = A ----------CSP Name = CAAS_WIDGETS -------- Address: NY
, NY
DC2: CSP Ship-To = B ----------------CSP Name = CAAS_WIDGETS_DC2 ---- Address:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 88


Los Angeles, CA
CSP Instance Ship-To = End Customer ID = C --- Customer Name: WIDGETS_C
Address: NY, NY where Main DC is located.
Tenant Ship-To = G ---- For compensation purposes and part of A
CM Location name, as configured in ACM. For example: CUST1 | G

A, B, C, and G are all 10–digit numbers.

The following diagrams summarize the CSP Ship-To hierarchy, licensing, and registration associated with the
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instances for the geo-redundant solution, further illustrating the
example of the CSP named Widgets:

Figure 1. GRT Registration

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 89


Figure 2. GRT Registration

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 90


Figure 3. License Generation

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 91


Figure 4. License Generation

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 92


Administrative segmentation
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS requires administrative segmentation capability based on Avaya
Control Manager. Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS must be capable of having a single Avaya Control
Manager instance that manages multiple end tenants IP telephony infrastructure, Contact Center application
services and multiple agent extensions. A dedicated instance has access to its own segment managed by
Avaya Control Manager.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 93


An administrative segmentation solution is required to allow private end-customer administration, overall

Service Provider administrator privileges, and usage and license monitoring and tracking across a breadth of
Contact Center applications.

Avaya Control Manager provides administrative segmentation as a capability that is used in a multi-tenant
environment. Administrative segmentation is also required in case of a dedicated environment when multiple
instances of the dedicated environment are managed by a single instance of Avaya Control Manager in order
to appropriately perform usage-based tracking for billing purposes.

The following tables list the features and define who has the administrative rights to perform the tasks.

Table 1. Instance/Tenant Creation and Management and Role Based Access Control

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

tenant and related

• Organizational
• Numbering plan
• Avaya Control
Avaya Control Manager,
Location Experience Portal, Avaya
definition Contact Recorder, Avaya
Session Border Controller
Yes No
Note: for Enterprise, System
*You must be careful Manager, Call Center
while deleting tenants. Elite Multichannel, and
You must ensure objects POM
within a tenant have been
either moved or deleted
in the sequence they
were created. A better
option is to not use that
tenant and manage
permission using access
rights to that tenants so
that it is not visible to the
users but not actually

Add initial or secondary

Requires Avaya
instance of Customer Avaya Control Manager No
Engagement OnAvaya

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 94


Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Aura – Contact Center as

a Service

Create channel partner

level administrative user Avaya Control Manager Yes No
per tenant

Create additional tenant

or instance administrative Avaya Control Manager Yes No

Integration with
Communication Manager,
equipment on the
System Manager, and
customer premise, for Yes No
Avaya Session Border
example, hybrid and tie
Controller for Enterprise

Communication Manager,
Integration with carrier/ System Manager, and
Yes No
PSTN trunking Avaya Session Border
Controller for Enterprise

Communication Manager,
Integration with SIP tie
System Manager, and
trunks, required for hybrid Yes No
Avaya Session Border
SIP trunking
Controller for Enterprise

Add additional site for

existing tenant
Communication Manager,
Note: System Manager, and
Yes No
Avaya Control Manager Avaya Session Border
only supports one Controller for Enterprise
Communication Manager
location per tenant.

Table 2. Unified Communications Management and Role Based Access Control

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Add profiles for telephony

user creation for Avaya Control Manager,
Requires Avaya
additional feature System Manager, and No
combinations, such as SQL
Avaya Session Border

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 95


Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Controller for Enterprise


Add, delete, and modify

Unified Communications
Avaya Control Manager Yes Yes
(UC) user for both H.323
and SIP

Add, delete, and modify

Communication Manager
Attendant Console for H. Yes No
and System Manager

Add, delete, and modify

Attendant Console for
Telecommuter SIP Avaya Control Manager Yes Yes
endpoint for Attendant

Add, delete, and modify

Avaya Control Manager Yes No
coverage path

Communication Manager,
Add, delete, and modify
System Manager, and
audio codes for SIP ATA Yes Yes
Avaya Session Border
analog endpoint
Controller for Enterprise

Table 3. Avaya Control Manager: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Add and remove Communication

Avaya Control
Call Center Elite Manager / Call Yes Yes
agents Center Elite

Add and remove Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes Yes
supervisors Manager
Center Elite

Change agent skills Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes Yes
and levels Manager
Center Elite

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 96


Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Populate business Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes Yes
hours Manager
Center Elite


Avaya recommends
Call Vectoring Communication
Avaya Control that only some call
features — Check Manager / Call Yes
Manager vectoring features
for business hours Center Elite
should be
accessible to the
end customer.

Call Vectoring
features — Change Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes Yes
announcement Manager
Center Elite

Call Vectoring Communication
Avaya Control Avaya recommends
features — Queue Manager / Call Yes
Manager that no access be
call priority Center Elite
given to queue call

Auto-Attendant Communication
Avaya Control
(prompts and collect Manager / Call Yes No
digits) Center Elite

Route call to local Communication

Avaya Control
or distant Manager / Call Yes No
destinations Center Elite

Record Communication
Pre-recorded .wav
announcements Manager / Call Yes Yes
(.wav file) Center Elite

Deploy Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes No
announcements Manager
Center Elite

Network call Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes No
redirection Manager
Center Elite

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 97


Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Percentage Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes No
allocation routing Manager
Center Elite

Route request to
CTI for Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes No
segmentation and Manager
Center Elite
screen pop

Redirection on Avaya Control
Manager / Call Yes No
OPTIM Failure Manager
Center Elite

Create, modify, and

delete Avaya
Avaya Oceana™ Avaya Control
Oceana™ Solution Yes Yes
Solution Manager
attributes and
service levels

Add and remove

Avaya Oceana™ Avaya Control
Avaya Oceana™ Yes Yes
Solution Manager
Solution agents

Use System Manager or Avaya Control Manager to configure the supported Unified Communications (UC)
elements. For more information on how components are managed, see Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS components management.

Table 4. WFO Call Recording: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

including adding
links to Application WFO Avaya Call Avaya Contact
Yes No
Enablement Recording Recorder
Services, platform,
user names, and
recording locations

Set up an
WFO Avaya Call Avaya Contact
organizational Yes No
Recording Recorder
structure in which

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 98


Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

the Owner = End

Customer and then
define recording
targets and roles

Role configuration
including, full
rights, restricted WFO Avaya Call Avaya Contact
Yes No
administration Recording Recorder
rights, replay, and
authorized replay of

Configure users
with full
rights, including
WFO Avaya Call Avaya Contact
adding recording Yes No
Recording Recorder
target or removing
one and adding
recording ports
system level

Replay (can replay WFO Avaya Call Avaya Control

Yes Yes
recordings) Recording Manager

Configure recording
targets (station
number, VDN, skills,
and agentIDs).
Configure recording
targets using Avaya
Control Manager
WFO Avaya Call Avaya Control
Avaya Contact Yes No
Recording Manager
Recorder Remote
interface API.
Associate style (for
each tenant) in
Avaya Control

Associate within
Avaya Contact
WFO Avaya Call Avaya Control
Recorder a style or Yes No
Recording Manager
group of styles with
a specific owner,

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 99


Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

where the owner

maps to a tenant

Recording rules for WFO Avaya Call Avaya Control

Yes No
targets Recording Manager

Table 5. Experience Portal: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Experience Portal
configuring EPM,
Experience Portal Manager (EPM) Yes No
MPP, VoIP, Speech
Server, SNMP,
alarms, logging and

User and Role
Experience Portal EPM only No
Management Service Provider
administrators only

Self Service Designer and Avaya
Experience Portal Yes No
application creation Control Manager

Self Service
application Experience Portal File transfer Yes No

Self Service
application Experience Portal EPM only Yes No

Self Service
Experience Portal EPM only Yes No
including DNIS ->
URL mapping,

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 100

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

configuration, and
VXML interpreter

Self Service
changes, including
configuring menus Avaya Control
Experience Portal Yes Yes
and prompts, if Manager
properly designed
using Avaya Control

Access to self
Contact Center
service application Experience Portal Yes Yes

Add or delete
Automatic Speech
Recognition (ASR)
Experience Portal EPM only Yes No
and Text-to-Speech
(TTS) servers to
Experience Portal

Customize ASR and

TTS servers,
including changing
Experience Portal EPM only Yes No
and configuring
languages and

Install licensed
features and
Experience Portal Nuance server Yes No
languages on ASR
and TTS servers

Add ASR and TTS

to Experience Portal
applications, that is Experience Portal EPM only Yes No
configuring speech

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 101

Table 6. Call Center Elite Multichannel: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Manager Skills, Call Center Elite Avaya Control
Yes Yes
VDNs, vectors, Multichannel Manager
Agents, and

CT Server Call Center Elite Enablement
Yes No
Configuration Multichannel Services Config

Call Center Elite

Multichannel server
Call Center Elite
configuring license
Call Center Elite Multichannel
server, call routing Yes No
Multichannel software initial
server, interaction
data server, xml
server, media
director and web
chat gateway

Avaya Aura® Call

Center Elite Call Center Elite
Multichannel Server Call Center Elite Multichannel
Yes No
Desktop Application Multichannel software initial
(EMC Control setup

Call Center Elite

Queue, Media Store
and Gateway Call Center Elite
EMC Control Panel Yes No
configuration (Post Multichannel
initial Call Center
Elite Multichannel

AS Mediastore
configuration, Call Center Elite
EMC Control Panel Yes No
including Multichannel
configuring groups,

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 102

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

programs, and

AS Contact
including adding Call Center Elite
EMC Control Panel Yes No
contacts**, creating Multichannel
contact groups, and

Create, modify, and

delete Call Center
Elite Multichannel
User and Agent
Call Center Elite Avaya Control
Profiles and Call Yes Yes
Multichannel Manager
Center Elite

WFM is not part of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS offer. However, you can use WFM as a variant
of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Table 7. Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization Workforce Management – Central Management and Role
Based Access Control

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Initial Setup,
configuring data
source, agent sync
adapter, data
source groups, and WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes No
aux codes and also
creating public
Pulse views to be
shared by all

configuration, WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes No

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 103

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

administering roles
and special

Provision new

• Create the
n hierarchy
• Set up
data WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes No
and aux
• Create
queues at
nal level
and map
to data

Set up an Initial
WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes No
Scheduler user

Add, edit and

terminate WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes Yes*

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 104

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Configure access
WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes Yes*

View and configure

WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes Yes*

Configure holidays WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes Yes*

View and configure

time collection WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes Yes*
mapping privileges

Core WFM
activities, including

• Managing
ns and

g and
• Managing
work rules
• Viewing WFO Avaya WFM WFM Yes Yes
• Shift swap
and time
off bids
• Self-
for agents

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 105

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

*Access to administer users and rights within a tenant, once the tenant is set up, might be given to the end
customer or might be retained by the Service Provider or Channel Partner.

Differences in Multitenant Workforce Management from Enterprise/Dedicated Instance configuration:

• Agents cannot access My Time on the MY Home module.

Tenants (Managers, Supervisors and Schedulers) cannot send popup messages.
• Managers and Supervisors cannot configure or view system alert rules.
• Schedulers cannot create public views in Pulse.
• Schedulers do not have Access to What If Mode.

Table 8. Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

POM and
Proactive Outreach
Experience Portal
Manager (POM)
POM Experience Portal Yes No Access
Manager (AEP

POM users and

POM AEP EPM Yes No Access
roles management

Outbound Orchestration
POM Yes Yes
application creation Designer (OD)

OD on application
application POM Yes No Access

application POM AEP EPM Yes Yes

POM reports POM EPM Yes Yes

Add, modify, and

delete contact lists

Campaign Manager, POM EPM Yes Yes

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 106

Management Service Provider End Customer

Features Application
Source Access Access

Restrictions, and
Completion Codes

Campaign Agent
Scripts, Attributes,
and Address Book

Configure Contacts:
Contact List,
Attributes, and DNC

POM Monitor

• Start,
and DNC
• View POM EPM Yes Yes

Table 9. Avaya Oceana™ Solution: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Avaya Breeze™ node/

System Manager No Access No Access
cluster configuration

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 107

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Snap-in deployment System Manager No Access No Access

Avaya Breeze™ node/

System Manager No Access No Access
cluster configuration

Initial system
Native tools No Access No Access
configuration (snap-in)

Avaya Control Manager Yes
* No system configuration

Contact Center
Avaya Control Manager Yes Yes

Table 10. Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Avaya Oceanalytics™
System configuration Yes No Access
Insights Portal

User/Role/Profile Avaya Oceanalytics™
configuration Insights Portal
* No system configuration

Avaya Oceanalytics™
Real-Time Reports Yes Yes
Insights Portal

Avaya Oceanalytics™
Historical Reports Yes Yes
Insights Portal

Avaya Oceanalytics™
Integrated Reports Yes Yes
Insights Portal

Table 11. Avaya Equinox®: Central Management and Role Based Access Control

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

Avaya Equinox®
System configuration Yes No Access
Management (Iview)

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 108

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

User/Role/Profile Avaya Equinox®
configuration Management (Iview)
* No system configuration

Administrator Profile

• Avaya
Portal Avaya Equinox®
• Can schedule Yes Yes
Management (Iview)
• Can view
meetings in
user portal
• Can record

Meeting Organizer Profile

• Avaya
Administration Avaya Equinox®
Yes Yes
Management (Iview)
• Can schedule
• Can record

Regular User Profile

• Can dial into Avaya Equinox®

Yes Yes
Management (Iview)

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 109

Table 12. Avaya Workforce Optimization Select (WFOS) Call/Screen Recording: Central Management and
Role Based Access Control

Service Provider
Features Management Source End Customer Access

System configuration (For

example, links to
Application Enablement
WFOS Yes No Access
Services, platform,
usernames, and
recording locations)

Set up organizational
structure in which the
Owner = End Customer.
WFOS Yes No Access
You must also define
recording targets and

Role configuration: Full

administration, restricted
administration, replay, WFOS Yes No Access
authorized replay of calls
requires authorization

Full administrative users

(For example, adding
recording targets or
removing recording WFOS Yes No Access
targets and adding
recording ports at system

Replay (can replay

WFOS Yes Yes

Replay (can replay

WFOS Yes Yes

Screen Recording WFOS Yes Yes

Recording rules for

WFOS Yes Yes

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 110
End customer management

End customer management

Sample taskflow in Avaya Control Manager for

Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact
Center as a Service

This taskflow is a sample sequence of procedures that you can configure in Avaya Control Manager for
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service.

Figure 1. Sample taskflow in Avaya Control Manager for Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact
Center as a Service

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 111
End customer management


Create a new customer/tenant/

Define Organizational Hierarchy

Create ACM dial plans for each Add users/extensions, VDNs, skills,
customer/tenant/location agents, annoucements

Create templates for each customer.

Add Experience Portal Usage,
For example, adding templates for
if required
extensions, skills, VDNs, agents.

Add multichannel capabilities,

Assign dial plans to each location
if required

Add user profiles and billing codes

Deploy Avaya Oceana capabilities,
to ACM Billing DB Material Code
if required

Define roles and permissions


The Service Provider performs the following tasks:

• Create a new customer/tenant/location

Currently, Avaya performs this task.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 112
End customer management

• Create Avaya Control Manager dial plans for each customer/tenant/location

• Create Templates for each customer: skill templates, extension templates, SIP templates and so on
• Assign dial plans to each location
• Adding Agent Profiles
• Defining roles and permissions
• Configure Avaya Oceana™ Solution Screenpop and Work codes

Either the Service Provider or the end customers can manage the following:

• Users/Extensions
• VDNs
• Skills
• Announcements
• Agents
• Experience Portal applications, if required
• Multichannel capabilities, if required
• POM outbound capabilities, if required
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution agents
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution services and attributes

Creating routing locations

About this task

In Avaya Aura® Session Manager, configure routing locations for each office site within an enterprise. An
enterprise with multiple geographic office locations has multiple Session Manager routing locations. You can
use the Locations screen to configure gateway and user locations. The IP address of the device determines
the current physical location of the caller or the called user.

Session Manager uses the following methods for location-based routing:

• If the location matches the IP address of the bottom-most VIA header against IP address patterns on
the routing locations to select a location.
• If there is no IP address match found, uses the assigned location on the sending SIP entity.
• If no assigned Location is found, uses the assigned location of the Session Manager SIP entity.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 113
End customer management

1. On the System Manager web console, click Elements > Routing.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Locations.
The system displays the Location Details screen.
3. Click New.
4. To add a new location, perform the following:
a. In the Name field, enter the location.
b. Optional: In the Notes field, enter the notes about the location.
c. In the Dial Plan Transparency in Survivable Mode section, enter the Dial Plan Transparency (DPT)
d. In the Overall Managed Bandwidth Parameters section, specify the parameters for the location.
e. In the Per-Call Bandwidth Parameters section, specify the average bandwidth per call for the location.
f. In the Alarm Threshold section, specify the alarm threshold percentage for audio and multimedia calls
for the location.
g. In the Location Pattern section, click Add and enter an IP address pattern for the end user location.
h. Fill in all other required fields.
i. Click Commit to save your changes.

5. To edit an existing location, perform the following:

a. Select an item from the list of locations.
b. Click Edit.
c. Update the required information.
d. Click Commit to save your changes.

Creating a customer ID

About this task

Service Providers (partners) need to create a customer ID for the end customer every time they onboard a
new end-customer.

Avaya Partners can utilize PRM Partner View to submit Sales Support Requests (SSRs). This capability gives
Partners a single, consistent, global process to communicate with and engage Avaya support resources. The
first two SSRs available are Get Solutions Design Support and Avaya Account Inquiry, which enable Partners
to obtain an existing new Avaya Account number (Sold to ID# and Ship to ID#) for end-user product

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 114
End customer management

registration and services. Sold to ID# and Ship to ID# are required for Avaya Control Manager usage

Partners often need to obtain, create, update Avaya account numbers (Sold to ID# and Ship to ID#), in support
of an end-user product registration support agreement. Avaya Partners can use PRM Partner View to inquire
as to the existing number, request a new one be created, and submit a change of address.

For more information about PRM Partner View, go to the Avaya Learning website at
and attend the course ASC00326WEN - PRM Partner View Partner Sales Support Requests.

1. Log in to PRM Partner View.
2. In cases where you need an Account Number, which is not related to an Opportunity, access the Sales
Support Request tab in PRM Partner View and select the Create New Sales Support Request button.
3. On the next menu, select Avaya Account Inquiry.
4. In the blank form, enter the required details and click Save and then Submit.
The fields marked with a red bar are mandatory. However, as this form is used globally, there are validation
rules which trigger when the user selects Save to ensure each country’s requirements are met. You might
receive one more notifications to fill in a field to meet these requirements.

SAP END-USER records are a requirement for Sales Out Reporting (SOR) in the Indirect Channel,
Functional location creation for Software support and Hardware support orders and Export compliance
purposes. Always select the End User check box, when an Indirect business Partner needs to ship an
order to an install base location. For any other shipping location other than the sold to address select Ship
to ID# outside the US, Sold to ID# within the US. If the ship to address is outside of the European Union,
then the export compliance screening form must be completed and attached to the SSR. You can access
this form using a link that is present at the bottom of the SSR after saving. If this is a change of address,
state the information in the Requested Deliverable section of the form and fill in the new address. Provide
appropriate document to support the change of address from the customer.
5. After completing the fields, click Save.
The system displays a message that the request is saved but not submitted.
6. Click OK to attach documents, such as tax-exempt form, other required documentation.
7. You can browse your computer for the document, and click Save File.
The system lists the document in the Attachment List.
8. Click Submit to send the request to the Queue for processing.
Your saved request will have a Request number. This will be your reference for status notifications. You will
receive status emails during the processing when the request is Assigned, Paused, Rejected, or
Completed. You might receive emails generated from the request asking for additional information. You will
be able to add comments to the request after submitting, to provide more information if required. Each

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 115
End customer management

request has a history section showing its progress. The Sold to ID# and Ship to ID# will be populated onto
the request when completed.
To submit changes to existing customer information, use the same procedure. Enter the customer’s
existing Sold to ID# and Ship to ID# in the Account Number field. Provide the new information in the
appropriate fields, and note that this is a change in the Request Deliverables field.

Location Management

Organizational structure in Avaya Control Manager

Locations are virtual containers at the heart of the Avaya Control Manager environment. Location can also be
referred as tenants or customers in a multitenancy or service provider environment. Every object in Avaya
Control Manager is related to a location. This allows partitioning between different locations. You create
locations using Configuration Portal > Locations. All products, after being created and configured in Avaya
Control Manager, need to be mapped to a location. This enables the provisioning flow for the location.

Avaya Control Manager locations are separate from and must not be confused with Communication Manager
and System Manager locations. Avaya Control Manager locations are similar to tenant numbers.

Once you create a location in Avaya Control Manager, you must build the organizational structure. The
organizational hierarchy within a location is displayed in the following image:

Figure 1. Organizational hierarchy in Avaya Control Manager

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 116
End customer management

For a dedicated instance each Avaya Control Manager location maps to each end customer. Each instance
can have only one location.

Configurations in a location
The following image displays the various objects that can be configured in a location.

Figure 2. Objects that can be configured in a Location

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 117
End customer management

Location Permissions Structure

Figure 3. Permissions Structure

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 118
End customer management

The structure of location permissions is as follows:

• Organizational hierarchy Permissions: Controls the ability of the user to view specific organizational-
chart entities. It controls what the user sees in the Groups to view tab.
• Direct Permissions: Controls the contact center-oriented objects that are assigned to the user. It
controls what the user sees in the Skills to view and the VDNs to view tabs. The user is able to view
only the specific skills and VDNs that the user can see in the skills to view and the VDNs to view tabs
rather than all the skills and VDNs. What the user can view in the skills to view tab affects the ability of
the user to assign skills to agents. If a supervisor requires to change an agent skill from Sales skill 1
and Sales skill 2 for example, the supervisor requires the ability to view these skills. Direct Permissions
also controls the ability of the user to view specific vectors from the Visual Vector application. It controls
what the user sees in the Vectors to view tab.
• Locations Permissions: Controls the ability of the user to view locations. This servers as a base for
what objects the user can view within Avaya Control Manager.

Adding Enterprise customers in Avaya Control


Before you begin

• Ensure that you have your Sold to ID# and Ship to ID#. For more information, see Creating a customer

The Sold-To ID/Ship-To ID refers to the End Customer Sold-To ID/Ship-To ID and not the service
provider Sold-To IDs/Ship-To IDs.
• Ensure that the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager dial plan is created.
• Ensure that the main location and dial plan for an enterprise are also configured in Avaya Control
Manager. The Avaya Control Manager billing engine requires the Avaya Control Manager dial plan for
extensions to be configured in both multi-tenant and dedicated instance deployments. For more
information, see Adding a dial plan.
In a multi-tenant environment, the Avaya Control Manager dial plan is required for all managed
Communication Manager and System Manager objects, so that the objects are assigned and
synchronized with the appropriate Avaya Control Manager location or tenant. In a dedicated instance

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environment, only the Avaya Control Manager extensions dial plan range is required. However, the use
of this feature is highly recommended for both deployment types.
• You must also associate the main Avaya Control Manager site location for the enterprise with
configured Avaya Aura® servers and dial plans.

For more information on adding a dial plans and templates, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

• There is a dependency to the Core and Access SBC when it comes to adding new tenants. Either the
SBC solution elements have already been preconfigured to the maximum expected or supported
tenants, or this configuration element has to be addressed as part of the tenant on-boarding process.
For SBC configuration details, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• In a multi-tenant deployment, you must install and configure a separate Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite
Multichannel instance for each tenant. The rest of the products are shared between enterprises in the
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.
• Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports 150 voice enabled tenants, 10 of the tenants can be
Call Center Elite Multichannel tenants.

About this task

You can administer enterprises using Avaya Control Manager interface, which provides a centralized overlay
to administer enterprises in your system.

1. To add tenants or enterprises to the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution as part of the Avaya
Aura® Communication Manager configuration, perform the following steps:
a. Optional: Only required in case of a multi-tenant instance deployment. Use the change tenant <n>
command in Communication Manager to update enterprise information.
b. Use the Special Application SA9115 to increase IP-network-map table entries in Communication
Manager from 500 to 4000
In a multitenant deployment, for each end customer site, you must add two entries in the table for the
Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) private IP addresses and one entry for each
Avaya Equinox® Attendant. If you are using a SBCE for remote endpoints connected over the internet,
you must add an entry for the private IP Address of the SBCE.
c. Configure location parameters for the enterprise in Communication Manager.
For more information, see Configuring enterprise location parameters.
d. Add the main site location for the enterprise in the Communication Manager Locations page.
You must enter a descriptive name for the tenant in the Locations page. This name is used as the
identification for the tenant.

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For more information, see Defining enterprise locations.

2. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager webpage.

3. Ensure a dial plan and SIP template exist for the enterprise in Avaya Control Manager.
You must associate the dial plan in Avaya Control Manager with the dial plan you created for the enterprise
in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. You also must associate the template in Avaya Control Manager
with a template you defined in Avaya Aura® System Manager.
If you need to create a dial plan for the enterprise in Avaya Control Manager, see Adding a dial plan.
For more information about adding a SIP template, see Adding SIP template.
4. Create an Avaya Control Manager location to represent the enterprise.
Only one Avaya Control Manager location can exist to represent the enterprise. This Avaya Control
Manager location must correspond with the location you configured in Avaya Aura® Communication
a. Click Configuration Portal > Locations.
b. Click the Add button ( + ) on the left-hand side of the screen.
c. Fill in the following fields:
• Name: Enter a name for the Avaya Control Manager location and include the site address
number for the enterprise. You must enter the information in the following format: <ACM
location name>|<Sold to ID# for the enterprise>.
|<Sold to ID#> is mandatory.
An example of a location name is Customer 1|12345678.

For clear tenant separation on Avaya Aura® Experience Portal the organization name on
Experience Portal must fully match the defined Avaya Control Manager location (tenant) name in
exactly the name notation <ACM location name>|<Sold to ID#>.
For information on creating a Sold to ID# and Ship to ID#, see Creating a customer ID.
• Description: Enter <CM tenant ID>;<CM location number>.

This step is required only for the multi-tenant deployment of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS. For the dedicated instance deployment, you can either skip this step or set the TN to 1.
d. To enable the audit capabilities for this location, in the Auditing Location field select True.
e. Click Save and Close.

5. Enable Communication Manager billing.

a. In Configuration > Locations, double-click the location for which you want to enable Communication
Manager billing.
b. Under the Billing tab, select the Enable CM Billing option to enable Communication Manager

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This is applicable for ACM billing only.

c. Click Save.

6. Configure the Avaya Contact Recorder billing type.

You can set the following options (applicable for ACM billing only.):
• The Absolute Monthly Peak option indicates that monthly usage Web billing reports for the customer
(that is, the Control Manager location) are calculated based on the absolute daily peak of Avaya
Contact Recorder ports for the month (that is, the highest daily value in the month).
• The Average of Daily Peak option indicates that monthly usage Web billing reports for the customer
(that is, the Control Manager location) are calculated based on the average of the daily Avaya
Contact Recorder port peaks for the month.
7. In Configuration Portal > Locations > Systems, select the Avaya Control Manager location for the
The Avaya Control Manager location for the enterprise must be associated with the appropriate Avaya
Aura® Communication Manager servers, dial plans, and Avaya Aura® System Manager servers.
Based on the customer requirements, you can also assign the following product servers: servers, servers,
and servers .
• Call Management System
• Avaya Aura® Experience Portal
• Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel
• Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization
• Avaya Contact Recorder
• Avaya Aura® Messaging
• Avaya Oceana™ Solution
8. Create geographic office site locations for the enterprise.
You must also create an Administrative site location for administrative users.
a. Click on the Avaya Control Manager webpage click Users and select the Avaya Control Manager
location associated with the enterprise.
b. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Add Organization Chart item.
c. Fill in the following fields:
• Site Name: You must enter the name of the office site followed by the Ship to ID# in the following
format: <Site office name>|<Ship to ID# for the enterprise>.
|<Ship to ID#> is mandatory.
An example of a site name is Avaya Cupertino Office|87654321.

The Ship to ID# in the site name is not the same as the one in the location name, unless the
tenant has a single site. The location represents the tenant and the sites are the various physical
addresses for that tenant. Similarly there should be an enterprise Ship to ID# for the tenant and
possibly different Ship to numbers for various sites.
• Site description: If necessary, enter a description for the office site.

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• Site location: From the drop-down menu, select the Avaya Control Manager location for the
d. Click the Save button ( ) to save your changes.

9. In the office site location, configure a department.

In most cases, you should only configure one department for each site location. The department is
associated with the Avaya Aura® Session Manager routing location. The exception to this rule is the
departments created in the Administrative site location. You must create the following departments in the
Administrative site location:
• Sync Department: The team in this department will be used to track users created in Avaya Aura®
System Manager that need to be recreated in Avaya Control Manager.

The system does not synchronize the departments, but synchronizes the teams within the
• Administrator Department.
a. Click the Users tab and select the appropriate enterprise site location.
b. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Add Organization Chart item.
c. Fill in the following fields:
• Department name: Enter a name for the department.
• Department site: Select the appropriate site from the drop-down menu.
• Department description: If necessary, enter the System Manager location value. All users in this
department will be provisioned to System Manager using this value.
d. Click the Save button ( ) to save your changes.

10. In each department, make sure the appropriate teams are configured.
Examples of possible teams include Sales, HR, and IT.

You must also create teams for the Sync Department and Administrator Departments described in the
previous step. In the Administrator Department, you must create the following teams:
• Admin Team: This team is for standard administrative users.
• Reporting Team: This team is for administrative users that can generate reports.
• Default Sync Team: Create at least one default sync team per tenant.
To create a new team, do the following:
a. Select the appropriate geographic office location or department for the enterprise.
b. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Add Organization Chart item.
c. Fill in the following fields:

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• Team name: Enter a name for the team.

• Team department: Select the appropriate department from the drop-down menu.
• Team description: If necessary, enter a description for the team.
• To create a default sync team for a tenant select the Default Sync Team check box.
d. Click the Save button ( ) to save your changes.

11. Synchronize the customer environment using the Avaya Control Manager synchronizer application in an
initial mode.
Ensure that you have assigned the dial plan to the location.

Next Steps
After creating locations, perform the following tasks:
• Add a dial plan
• Manage profiles
• Add a new extension
• Manage skills
• Manage VDNs
• Configure Avaya Aura® Communication Manager with Avaya Control Manager. For more information,
see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Configure Avaya Aura® Session Manager with Avaya Control Manager. For more information, see
Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Configure Avaya Aura® System Manager with Avaya Control Manager. For more information, see
Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Configure Call Management System with Avaya Control Manager. For more information, see Deploying
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Configure Avaya Aura® Messaging with Avaya Control Manager. For more information, see Deploying
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Configure Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel with Avaya Control Manager. For more
information, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• Integrating and configuring Avaya Control Manager Functional Server. For more information, see
Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

Configuring enterprise location parameters

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1. Log on to Avaya Aura® System Manager.
2. Click Element Cut-Through.
3. From the list of elements, click the link for the element you want to configure.
4. Type change location-parameters and press Enter.
5. Fill in the fields to define location parameters for the enterprise.
6. To save your changes, click Enter.

Defining enterprise locations

About this task

Use this procedure to define the location for an enterprise and the proxy route to use for outgoing calls in the
enterprise. You must also define dial plan prefixes when you configure the location for each enterprise.

The first enterprise location you define is location number 11 in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
solution. The first ten locations in the solution are reserved for system configuration. In Communication
Manager, you cannot configure more than one location for each enterprise. If an enterprise has multiple
geographic office locations, you must provision a different routing location for each office in Avaya Aura®
Session Manager.

1. Log on to Avaya Aura® System Manager.
2. Select System > Locations.
3. To add a new location, click New and fill in the required fields.
To edit an existing location, click Edit and fill in the required fields.

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4. To save your changes, click Enter.

Deleting Enterprise customers from Avaya Control


Before you begin

Ensure that all the agents and users are removed from the location before you delete a location.

About this task

If you want to delete a tenant, you must follow the following hierarchy:

1. Move or delete agents and Users from the teams.

2. Move or delete other objects (for example, Subscribers, CC objects, and so on) from the ACM location.

Deleting objects from ACM causes the objects to be deleted in the products underneath.

3. Clear the Default Sync Team check box and delete the teams.

4. Delete the department.

5. Delete the site.

6. Delete the Avaya Control Manager location.

Carefully plan the organization structure, since once the objects from the adjunct system are in the Avaya
Control Manager databases, SQL-query-based deletions are not supported out-of-the-box. Therefore
previously synced dormant locations even if not used by the customer will exist in the system.

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1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as administrator.
2. Click Users.
3. Navigate to the appropriate team in the organization hierarchy, by clicking the appropriate site and
4. To delete a team, ensure that the team does not have any associated users and then perform the following:
a. Click on the team you want to delete.
b. Click the additional features button and select Edit Organization Chart item.
c. Clear the Default Sync Team check box.
d. Click Save.
e. Click the additional features button and select Delete Organization Chart item.
The system displays a confirmation dialog box.
f. Click Confirm.

5. To delete a department, ensure that the department does not have any associated teams and then perform
the following:
a. Click on the department you want to delete.
b. Click the additional features button and select Delete Organization Chart item.
The system displays a confirmation dialog box.
c. Click Confirm.

6. To delete a site, ensure that the site does not have any associated departments and then perform the
a. Click on the site you want to delete.
b. Click the additional features button and select Delete Organization Chart item.
The system displays a confirmation dialog box.
c. Click Confirm.

7. To delete the Avaya Control Manager location that represents the enterprise ensure that the location does
not have any associated site, dial plan, template or any other object and then perform the following:
a. Click Configuration Portal > Locations.
b. Click the appropriate Avaya Control Manager location and click Delete.
The system displays a confirmation dialog box.

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c. Click Confirm.

Adding a dial plan

Before you begin

Ensure that you have created your dial plan based on the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS dial plan
requirements and recommendations. For more information about dial plan requirements, see Deploying Team
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS).

About this task

With the Avaya Control Manager dialing plan, you can manage the extension numbering logic of the

You can use the Avaya Control Manager Importer to import dial plans from Microsoft Excel. Using the Avaya
Control Manager web interface, you can download a sample Excel file for dial plans and populate this file with
your dial plan data and import the data into Avaya Control Manager. For more information about using the
Avaya Control Manager Importer, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

Dial plan is applicable to the following elements in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS:

• Agent login id
• Extension
• Hunt/Skill Group Extension
• Skill
• Subscriber
• Vector
• Vector routing table
• Announcements

You can use the Avaya Control Manager Importer to import dial plans from Microsoft Excel. Using the Avaya
Control Manager web interface, you can download a sample Excel file for dial plans and populate this file with
your dial plan data and import the data into Avaya Control Manager. For more information about using the
Avaya Control Manager Importer, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

The following dialing plan configuration features are provided in the Avaya Control Manager environment:

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• In Range: When you activate this feature, each time the system creates a new object, the system
checks if the object number is within the range defined in the location dialing plan. If the number is
outside of the range, the user will not be able to create the object.
• Range Management: When you activate this feature, the system handles assigning numbers
automatically for each new object, based on the location dialing plan. In this case, the user cannot type
in a number manually.

In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, select the Range Management check box only when you
are creating skill dial plans.
• Do Not Synchronize: When you activate this feature, the Synchronizer (both service and manual) does
not import any object of this type from Communication Manager into the location associated with this
dial plan. Objects that are not used by the enterprise, for example Data Module, are set to Do Not
Synchronize to block the synchronization mechanism from synchronizing these objects for the
customer location. Note that the voice mail range for each enterprise must be the same range as the
extension ranges for the enterprise.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Resources Manager Portal > Dialing Plan.
The system displays the Dialing Plan list.
2. On the Dialing Plan page, click Add (+).
Avaya Control Manager handles each object separately in the dialing plan. You can activate or disable the
management features for each object.
3. In the Name field, enter the dial plan name.
4. From the Location drop-down list, select the location for the dial plan.
5. To enter a range for a specific object, from the Entity drop-down list select an object.
The system displays the range selection window for the corresponding object.
6. Select the In Range check box for entities such as Agents login ID, VDN, Vector, Extension, Skill, and Hunt
7. To add a range, click Add.
8. In the Start Range and End Range fields, enter the ranges and click Save.
9. Click Save.

You must assign the dial plan to the location in Configuration Portal > Locations.
10. To assign the dial plan to a location, perform the following steps:
a. Click Configuration Portal > Locations.
b. Select a location and click Edit.
c. Click the Systems tab.
d. In the System Type field, select DialPlan.

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e. In the System Name field, select the dial plan to be associated with this location.
f. Click Save.

Template management

A template is a predefined object configuration that you can use for creating new extensions, VDNs, skills, or
agents. Each template is assigned to a location and appears if the new object is related to the same location
as the template. For example, when adding a new agent to Location B, you see only the available agent
templates that are assigned to Location B. Avaya Control Manager manages templates for extensions, VDNs,
skills, and agents.

Adding an agent template

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Resources Manager Portal > Templates.
The system displays the list of extension templates by default.
2. Click Agent Templates.
3. Click Add (+).
4. On the Agent Template page, complete the following fields:
a. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template.
b. In the Location field, select the location to which the agent template is assigned.
c. Optional: Select the Is Default check box to make this template the default agent template for the

You must select the Is Default check box to ensure that locations use their own templates. Templates
must not be shared among tenants. Only one default template can be assigned to a location.
d. Optional: Select the Is System Default check box if you want this template to be accessible for all
e. In the TN field, enter the tenant partition number.
f. In the COR field, enter the Class of Restriction (COR) for the template.
g. In the Password field, enter the password for the template.
h. In the Password Confirmation field, retype the password.

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i. Enter appropriate value in each of the remaining fields.

The Agent feature is identical to the screen that appears in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. For
more information, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Screen Reference.
5. Click Save.

Adding a SIP template

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Resources Manager Portal > Templates.
2. Click SIP Templates.
3. Click Add (+).
4. On the SIP Template page, complete the following fields:
a. Optional: In the General tab, select the Is Default check box to make this template the default SIP
template for the location.

You must select the Is Default check box to ensure that locations use their own templates. Templates
must not be shared among tenants. Only one default template can be assigned to a location.
b. Optional: In the General tab, select the Is System Default check box if you want this template to be
accessible for all locations.
c. On the General tab, in the Template Name field, enter the name of the SIP template.
d. On the General tab, from the Location Name drop-down list, select the location to which the SIP
template is associated.
e. On the Identity tab, in the Authentication Type field, select between Basic or Enterprise type of
If you select Enterprise, directory servers that are external to System Manager authenticate the user
If you select Basic, Avaya Authentication Service authenticates the user login.
f. In the Communication Profile tab, in the Communication Profile - Communication Address section,
select the type of handle in the Type drop-down list.
For example, when you select Avaya SIP, this indicates that the handle supports Avaya SIP-based
communication or when you select Avaya E.164, this indicates that the handle supports E.164

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The templates shown in the Type drop-down list are templates that are added using System Manager
and synchronized with the Avaya Control Manager database. Any templates added using Resources
Manager Portal > Templates > Extension Templates do not appear in the list of SIP template types. If
you require a customized template, you must first add it to System Manager, and then you must
synchronize Avaya Control Manager with System Manager.
If you use the default SIPCC profile to create a template, the system creates a station with Type of
3PCC set as None on the Communication Manager station form. Therefore, create any Extension
templates you plan to use with SIP templates in System Manager instead of Avaya Control Manager.
Once you create the templates in System Manager, you can use the templates in Avaya Control
g. On the Communication Profile tab, in the Communication Profile - Communication Address section,
enter the domain name with which the handle is registered in the Domain field.
h. On the Communication Profile tab, in the Communication Profile - Session Manager Profile section,
define the following information with the Session Manager details:
• Primary Session Manager
• Secondary Session Manager
• Origination Application Sequence
• Termination Application Sequence
• Conference Factory Set
• Survivability Server
• Max. Simultaneous Devices
• Home Location

In the template, the system ignores the Home Location value and sets this value using the
Department description in the Avaya Control Manager organization chart.
i. On the Communication Profile tab, in the Communication Profile - CM End Point section, define the
following information:
For the following fields, the values are retrieved from the Configuration Portal > Team Engagement >
Communication Manager configuration parameters.
• System
• Set the Profile Type field to Endpoint.
• Template: The Communication Manager endpoint templates list is populated from the Avaya
Control Manager database. This list supports the official Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura
– Contact Center as a Service templates. For customization of templates, contact Avaya
Professional Services.
• Security Code
• Select the Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint from User or on Delete User check box.
Selecting this check box deletes the endpoint from the communication management device after
removing the association between the endpoint and the user.
• Select the Override Endpoint Name check box.


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The SIP Template page is identical to the screen that appears in the Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager. For the procedure to use this feature, see the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager
j. To add a SIP user profile with an Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber, using the System Manager
template, on the Communication Profile tab, in the Communication Profile - Messaging Profile section,
define the following information:
• From the System drop-down list, select the messaging system on which you want to add the
• From the Template drop-down list, select the template you want to associate with the subscriber.
• In the Password field, enter the password for logging into the mailbox.
The password must be set according to the messaging server password rules.
• Select the Delete Subscriber on Unassign of Subscriber from User or on Delete User option to
specify whether to delete the subscriber mailbox from the Messaging device or Communication
System Management when you remove this Messaging profile or when you delete the user.

When you add a SIP user profile with an Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber, Avaya Control
Manager communicates with System Manager to add the SIP user profile. System Manager then
communicates with Avaya Aura® Messaging to create a mailbox subscriber.
k. Add a Presence profile by clicking the Communication Profile tab and then adding the necessary details
in the Communication Profile - Presence Profile section.
l. Add a B5800 Branch Gateway Endpoint profile by clicking the Communication Profile tab and then
adding the necessary details in the Communication Profile - B5800 Branch Gateway Endpoint section.
m. Add a Conferencing profile by clicking the Communication Profile tab and then adding the necessary
details in the Communication Profile - Conferencing Profile section.

5. Click Save.

Adding a skill template

About this task

You must create at least one skill template in Avaya Control Manager per customer that contains the TN/COR

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1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Resources Manager Portal > Templates.
2. Click Skill Templates.
3. Click Add (+).
4. On the Skill Template page, complete the necessary fields as follows:
a. In the Location field, enter the location to which you want to assign the template.
b. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template.
c. Optional: Select the Is Default check box to make this template the default skill template for the location.

You must select the Is Default check box to ensure that locations use their own templates. Templates
must not be shared among tenants. Only one default template can be assigned to a location.
d. Optional: Select the Is System Default check box if you want this template to be accessible for all
e. On the Connectivity tab, in the TN field, enter the tenant partition number.
f. On the Connectivity tab, in the COR field, enter the Class of Restriction (COR) for the template.
g. Enter appropriate value in each of the remaining tabs and fields.

The Skill feature is identical to the screen that appears in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. For the
procedure to use this feature, see the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager documentation.
5. Click Save.

Adding a VDN template

About this task

You must create at least one VDN template in Avaya Control Manager per customer that contains the TN/COR

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Resources Manager Portal > Templates.
2. Click VDN Templates.
3. Click Add (+).

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4. On the VDN Template page, complete the necessary fields as follows:

a. In the Location field, enter the location to which you assign the template.
b. In the Template Name field, enter the name of the template.
c. Optional: Select the Is Default check box to make this template the default VDN template for the

You must select the Is Default check box to ensure that locations use their own templates. Templates
must not be shared among tenants. Only one default template can be assigned to a location.
d. Optional: Select the Is System Default check box if you want this template to be accessible for all
e. On the VDN tab, in the Name field, enter the name of the VDN.
f. On the VDN tab, in the Vector Name field, enter the associated vector name.
g. On the VDN tab, in the TN field, enter the tenant partition number.
h. On the VDN tab, in the COR field, enter the Class of Restriction (COR) for the template.
i. Enter appropriate value in each of the remaining tabs and fields.

The VDN feature is identical to the screen that appears in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. For the
procedure to use this feature, see the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager documentation.
5. Click Save.

Adding an extension template

About this task

You must create an extension template before you can add a user profile. For example, before you can add a
H.323 user profile, you must create an H.323 extension template.

Extension templates created using this procedure cannot be used when you create a SIP template using
Resources Manager Portal > Templates > SIP. If you use an Extension template created using this procedure
when you are creating a SIP template, the system a station with Type of 3PCC set as None on the
Communication Manager station form. To work around this limitation, create any Extension templates you plan
to use with SIP templates in System Manager instead of Avaya Control Manager. Once you create the
templates in System Manager, you can use the templates in Avaya Control Manager.

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1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Resources Manager Portal > Templates.
2. Click Extension Templates.
3. Click Add (+).
4. Select the type of the template from the Extension Type drop-down.
Using the Type field, you can change between the different extension types. Each extension type is
reflected with a different set of fields and properties.
5. Enter a name for the template in the Name field.
6. Select the location for the template from the Location drop-down.
7. Optional: Select the Location Default check box to make this template the default extension template for
the location.

You must select the Location Default check box to ensure that locations use their own templates.
Templates must not be shared among tenants. Only one default template can be assigned to a location.
8. Optional: Select the System Default check box if you want this template to be accessible for all locations.
9. Enter X in the Port field.
10. Enter a numerical code in the Security Code field.
11. Specify an appropriate value in the TN, COR, and COS fields.
Define other tabs and fields such as Station Options, LDAP Mapping, Feature Options, Enhanced Call
Forwarding, Site Data, Abbreviated Dialing, and Button Assignments as required.
The Extension feature is identical to the screen that appears in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. For
more information, see Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Screen Reference.
12. Click Save.

Profile management

Profiles overview

Using feature profiles, hosted service providers can offer a combination of advanced or basic solution
packages to each customer and charge customers based on the usage.

Hosted service providers can use the prepackaged user and agent profiles that Avaya provides. Hosted
service providers can also create customized user profile packages by combining different features as required

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by the end user enterprise. End users can select one or more user profiles that contain the most suitable
features based on business need. The capability to create customized profiles provides additional flexibility to
the hosted service providers.

You can use custom templates to predefine user settings that you want. Profile Manager collects custom
templates, permissions, and roles into a single profile, which can be assigned to users.

For a list of sample profiles, see “Chapter 16: Administration of usage collection”.

Accessing the Avaya Control Manager Profile


About this task

You must access Profile Manager to manage profiles.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager interface as an administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
3. Click the additional features button ( ).
4. Click Profile Manager.
The system displays the Profile Manager page.
Profile Manager is installed, by default, with a set of predefined profiles.

Adding a new profile

Before you begin

You must define the appropriate templates for various entities in Avaya Control Manager such as agents,
skills, VDNs, and vectors.

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About this task

You can use Profile Manager to create profiles by defining settings, templates, roles, and permissions into a
single profile. You can assign a profile to a user so that the user inherits the predefined settings for that profile.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Profile Manager.
3. To create a new profile, click Add Profile .
The Profile Manager wizard contains the following sections:
• Profile Details: The basic profile details.
• Application Assignment: The assignment of the user to applications and roles.
• Contact Center: If the user is also a contact center agent, the agent template should be assigned to
the user.
• Unified Communications: If the user requires unified communication related elements such as
Extension or Subscriber.
• Groups to view: If the user is an Avaya Control Manager user, you can assign the user to specific
• VDNs to view: If the user is an Avaya Control Manager user, you can assign the user to VDNs.
• Skills to view: If the user is an Avaya Control Manager user, you can assign the user to skills.
• Vectors to view: If the user is an Avaya Control Manager user, you can assign the user to vectors.
• Locations to view: If the user is an Avaya Control Manager user, you can assign the user to
• Summary: The summary screen.
4. Enter the required details in the Profile Details section.
You can define whether this profile is for Contact Center or for Unified Communications or for both the
a. In the Name field, enter the name of the profile.
b. In the Location field, enter the location of the profile.
This location does not affect the provisioning flow. The location controls the access rights to the profile.
For example, if the profile is assigned to location A and the user does not have access rights to location
A, then the user cannot see or use the profile.
c. In the User Type field, select Yes or No.
If the profile is not active, you cannot use the profile.
d. In the Active field, select Contact Center or Unified Communications or Both.
Unified Communications: Disables all contact center related steps in the profile wizard.
Contact Center: Disables all Unified Communication related steps in the profile wizard.
Both: All options are available.
e. Optional: In the Comments field, you can enter comments about the profile.

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5. Define the applications assigned to this profile and the corresponding roles in the Application Assignment
Click Add to add more than one application to the profile. You can assign between 0-N applications to each
a. In the Applications field, select the Avaya Control Manager application that you want to assign to the
b. In the Role field, select the role that you want to assign to the user.
c. Optional: In the Application Template field, enter the require template.

6. Optional: If the user is an agent, in the Contact Center section and in the Agent Template field, select the
agent template.
7. Optional: Enter the required details in the Unified Communications section.
a. Select Create Extension to create an extension for the profile.

The Create Extension option must be selected only for H.323, analog, and digital stations. Do not select
this option if you are provisioning SIP stations.
b. In the Template field, select the extension template that must be used for the new extension.
c. Select Create Subscriber to create a subscriber for the profile.

Do not select the Create Subscriber option if you are provisioning SIP stations.
d. In the Subscriber Template field, select the subscriber template that must be used for the new
e. Select Create SIP User to create a SIP user for the profile.

Select the Create SIP User option only for SIP stations.
f. In the SIP User Template field, select the SIP template that must be used for the new user.

8. Select the groups for the profile in the Groups to view section.
The Groups to view section displays the sites, departments, and teams that a user can view in Avaya
Control Manager. This option must be used if the user is assigned to the Avaya Control Manager
9. Select the VDNs for the profile in the VDNs to view section.
The VDNs to view section displays the VDNs that a user can view in Avaya Control Manager. This option
must be used if the user is assigned to the Avaya Control Manager application.
You can add or remove VDNs assigned to the user using the arrow buttons.
10. Select the skills for the profile in the Skills to view section.

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The Skills to view section displays the skills that a user can view in Avaya Control Manager. This option
must be used if the user is assigned to the Avaya Control Manager application.
You can add or remove skills assigned to the user using the arrow buttons.
11. Select the vectors for the profile in the Vectors to view section.
The Vectors to view section displays the vectors that a user can view in Avaya Control Manager. This
option must be used if the user is assigned to the Avaya Control Manager application.
You can add or remove vectors assigned to the user using the arrow buttons.
12. Select the locations for the profile in the Locations to view section.
The Locations to view section displays the locations that a user can view in Avaya Control Manager. This
option must be used if the user is assigned to the Avaya Control Manager application.
You can add or remove locations assigned to the user using the arrow buttons.
13. Verify the profile details in the Summary section.
14. Click Save to save the profile.

Editing a profile

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Profile Manager.
3. Select the profile that you want to edit.
4. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Edit Profile.
The system displays the Profile Manager - Profile Details screen.
5. Edit the profile details as required.
6. To save your changes to the profile, click Save .

Deleting a profile

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.

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2. Click the additional features button ( ) and select Profile Manager.

3. Select the profile that you want to delete.
4. Click the additional features button ( ) and click Delete Profile.
The system displays a Warning screen.
5. Click OK.
The system deletes the profile from Avaya Control Manager.

Permissions management

Managing permissions

About this task

Using the Roles Management Portal, you can set user roles for each application and then set of permissions
for each role. The Roles Management Portal contains tiles for each application. Using the General tab, you
can add roles for each application and the role controls the set of permissions that the user has in the
application. The Permissions tab lists the permissions assigned to the role. Permissions specify the user
settings and define what can be run from within the application.

For more information about the permissions, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager interface as an administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Roles Management Portal.
3. Select the product for which you want to assign permissions. For example, select ACM or CMS.
4. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
5. Click the Permissions tab.
6. Assign the appropriate permissions to the selected role.
For information about the permissions you can assign to a role, see Using Avaya Control Manager for
Service Providers and Configuring Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

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7. Click Save.

Mapping a role to a location

About this task

With the location based logic, you can map roles to locations. By default, the system does not map the role
that you create in Avaya Control Manager to any location. All users in Avaya Control Manager can view the
role. For example, when you create a new user and assign permissions to the user using the Permissions tab,
you can see a list of all the roles that are part of the application.

By mapping a role to a location, you can use the Locations to view permissions to hide specific roles from

The following diagram explains the mapping between the entities:

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Roles Management Portal > <product_name>. For
example, Roles Management Portal > CMS.
2. On the Roles page, select a role and click Edit.
3. Click the Locations tab.
4. Map the location to the role using the arrows to move the appropriate locations from the Available
Locations section to the Selected Locations section.
5. Click Save.
After applying the changes, only users that have access to the same locations assigned to them using the
Locations to view option can use this role.

Adding a skill

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Before you begin

You must create at least one skill template in Avaya Control Manager per customer that contains the TN/COR
number. For more information, see Adding a skill template.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Communication Manger Objects > Skill.
2. Click Add (+).
3. On the Skill page, complete the necessary fields as follows:
a. In the Location field, select the location to which you want to assign the skill.
b. In the Name (English) field, enter the name of the skill that is assigned to Avaya Aura® Communication
The name must be in English, up to 22 letters, without special characters other than _ (underscore).
c. In the Skill Number field, enter the hunt number in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.
This number is from the Dialing plan.
d. In the Alias Skill field, specify the alias name of the skill.
e. In the Template field, the system populates the skill default settings based on the template that was
f. In the Extension field, enter the extension.
g. Optional: In the Skill description, enter a description of the skill.

4. Click Save to add the new skill.

Once a skill is added, you must grant access to other supervisors for the skill you have added.
5. To grant other supervisors access for the newly-added skill, perform the following steps:
a. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
b. Double-click the supervisor to whom you want to grant access to the new skill.
Select the supervisor user to whom you want to grant access to the new skill, click the additional
features button ( ) and click Edit User.
c. Click the Skills to view tab.

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a. Select the skills that you want to assign from the Available skills list.

Conversation Sphere and Vector Management

Conversation Sphere overview

Conversation Sphere is a web-based graphical tool with Avaya Control Manager security engine. Using
Conversation Sphere you can design Avaya Aura® Communication Manager vectors.

With Conversation Sphere, you can design any vector using the Avaya Site Administration (ASA) tool with an
easy- to-use drag-and-drop interface.

The system stores the conversation in Avaya Control Manager. However, in the Avaya environment, the
system stores the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager vectors in the Avaya Aura® Communication

For more information about the Conversation Sphere user interface and information on using Conversation
Sphere and design Avaya Aura® Communication Manager vectors see Using Avaya Control Manager
Conversation Sphere for Service Providers.

Conversation Sphere access

You can access Conversation Sphere from the Avaya Control Manager web interface (http://<ACM server>/
ACCCMconversation) or through a Uniform Resource Locator (URL) with the Conversation Sphere user name
and password for the Avaya Control Manager administration.

After you log in, if the entire screen does not appear in Microsoft Internet Explorer, press F11.

You might not see some tabs and options because of lesser screen resolution. Ensure the screen resolution is
set to 1280x1024 pixels.

Managing Conversation Sphere permissions

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About this task

Use Avaya Control Manager to manage Conversation Sphere permissions.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as an administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Roles Management Portal > Conversation Sphere.
3. Select a role and click Edit.
4. Click the Permissions tab.
5. On the Permissions page, select the relevant permissions to be assigned to the user.
You can control each vector step by insert, update, or delete permissions.
For more information about permissions, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.
6. Click Save.

Creating a new Avaya Aura Communication

Manager vector

Before you begin

Ensure that you have the permissions to access Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere.

About this task

A vector controls the steps a contact goes through to be delivered to a skill. Avaya Control Manager uses
Conversation Sphere to make the configuration of vector quicker and easier to use.

For more information on vectoring in Avaya Control Manager, see Using Avaya Control Manager Conversation
Sphere for Service Providers.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager Portals page, click Conversation Sphere.

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The system displays the Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere application with options to start the
3. Select New Conversation and click Next.
The system displays the Save Conversation dialog box.
4. Perform the following steps:
a. From the Location drop-down list, select the location for which you are creating the conversation.
b. In the Name field, enter the conversation name.
c. Select the Save to Avaya check box.

When you select the Save to Avaya option, the system provisions your conversation in to the Avaya
systems. Otherwise, the system saves the incomplete or inconsistent vectors or conversation to the
Avaya Control Manager database.
d. Click Save.
A new conversation for the location specified in the Location drop-down list is created. A vector in
Communication Manager and Call Management System is created, which is functional when assigned
to a VDN.
The system displays the following screen:
Figure 1. Conversation Sphere window

5. In the Avaya section, click Visual Vectoring ( ).

6. From the Start Vector section in the left navigation pane, drag the Start Vector icon to the right pane.
The vector must have a Start Vector and End.

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7. From the left navigation pane, drag the other required vector step icons to the right pane.
8. To edit a vector step, perform the following steps:
a. Double-click the icon.
The system displays the Properties window dialog box.
b. Edit the vector step properties and click OK.

9. To link the vector steps, click on the arrow that appears within a vector step icon, and drag and drop to the
other vector step icon.
10. Use Validate vectors ( ) to confirm the vector programming.
11. In the File section, click Save Conversation to save the conversation.

Once a vector is added, you must grant access to other supervisors for the vector you have added.
12. To grant other supervisors access for the newly-added vector, perform the following steps:
a. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
b. Double-click the supervisor to whom you want to grant access to the new vector.
Select the supervisor user to whom you want to grant access to the new vector, click the additional
features button ( ) and click Edit User.
c. Click the Vectors to view tab.
d. Use the arrows to move the new skill created from the Available vectors section to the Vectors to view

Importing vectors

Before you begin

• Ensure that you have the permissions to access Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere.
• For vectors to be fully functional from Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere, ensure that you
import, synchronize, or create the prerequisites that are to be imported or used in vectors, such as
skills, announcements, and service hours in the Avaya Control Manager system before importing
vectors. In Conversation Sphere the icons for fields such as skills, announcements, service hours will
not populate unless those objects previously exist in the Avaya Control Manager system.

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About this task

Avaya Control Manager supports vector import. Use this procedure to import an Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager vector to the current conversation. This procedure adds a vector to the existing vectors of the
conversation without replacing the existing vectors.

When you import an existing vector:

• If the vector and metadata exist in the database, the information is retrieved from the database.
• If the vector and metadata do not exist in the database, the information is retrieved from
Communication Manager.
• If the vector exists in the database but does not exist in Communication Manager, the vector is
presented with the Start Vector step. For information about vector steps, see Using Avaya Control
Manager Conversation Sphere.
• The vector is displayed in Conversation Sphere even if the vector does not match the dial plan, so that
the user can rename the same vector to the value that exists in the dial plan.
• The name of the conversation is displayed as conversation_<$vector number>.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager Portals page, click Conversation Sphere.
The system displays the Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere application with options to start the
3. Perform one of the following:
• In the Start Conversation from dialog box, select the Import Conversation from File option and click
Next. Click Browse to navigate to the vector on your computer and then click Import Now.
• In the Import/Export section, click Import Vector ( ).
4. Enter the following details
a. From the Vector Location drop-down list, select the location for which you are creating the conversation.
b. In the Vector Name field, enter the vector name.

5. Click OK.
The system starts importing the vector. This process can take up to two minutes depending on the
structure of the vector and the size of the vector.

Exporting vectors to Microsoft Visio

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Before you begin

• Ensure that you have the permissions to access Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere.
• Ensure that the Avaya Control Manager web application server where Conversation Sphere is hosted
has Microsoft Visio installed and configured.

The following procedure uses Visio 2010 for exporting vectors.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager Portals page, click Conversation Sphere.
The system displays the Avaya Control Manager Conversation Sphere application with options to start the
3. In the Start Conversation from dialog box, select the Existing Conversation option and click Next.
4. In the Open Conversation dialog box, click the vector you want to export.
5. Click Export to Visio ( ).
The system creates a Visio document and displays the File Download dialog box.

If you are using a pop-up blocker, disable the pop-up blocker.
6. Save the Visio file to the local directory or open the file.

Adding a VDN

Before you begin

You must create at least one VDN template in Avaya Control Manager per customer that contains the TN/COR
number, and configure a corresponding vector before proceeding with adding a VDN. For more information,
see Adding a VDN template.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Communication Manager Objects > VDN.

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2. Click Add (+).

3. On the VDN page, complete the necessary fields as follows:
a. In the Location field, enter the location to which you want to assign the VDN.
b. In the Number field, enter the VDN number.
c. In the Name (English) field, enter the VDN name that is added to Avaya Aura® Communication
The name must be in English, up to 22 letters, without special characters other than _ (underscore).
d. In the Vector Name field, enter the vector name that is built in the VDN.
e. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the VDN.
The system does not display this text.
f. In the VDN Template field, the system populates the VDN default settings based on the template that
was selected.

If required, select the Also save to CMS and Export to External System(s) check boxes.
4. Click Save to add the new VDN.

Once a VDN is added, you must grant access to other supervisors for the VDN you have added.
5. To grant other supervisors access for the newly-added VDN, perform the following steps:
a. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
b. Double-click the supervisor to whom you want to grant access to the new VDN.
Select the supervisor user to whom you want to grant access to the new VDN, click the additional
features button ( ) and click Edit User.
c. Click the VDNs to view tab.
d. Use the arrows to move the new skill created from the Available VDNs section to the VDNs to view

Adding an announcement

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Communication Manager Objects > Announcement.
2. Click Add (+).
3. On the Announcement page, complete the necessary fields as follows:
a. In the Location field, select the location to which you want to assign the announcement.

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b. In the Number field, enter the announcement number.

c. In the Name field, enter the announcement name that is added to Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager and which must be identical to the announcement .wav file, if the .wav file is present.
d. In the Alias field, enter the announcement name.
e. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the announcement.

4. Click Save to add the new announcement.

For more information on managing announcements, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service

Work Assignment attributes management

Work Assignment is a highly available work distribution system that assigns work to resources across an
enterprise. Work Assignment has categories, attributes and attribute sets. You can also assign attributes to a

Attributes are the main basis to select from available resources to be assigned work, or to select waiting work
to be assigned to the newly available resources. while categories are ways of grouping attributes, while
attribute sets are collections of attributes.

A user in Work Assignment is at the highest level in the hierarchy and represents a human or an object. A user
involved in Work Assignment is referred to as a Work Assignment Resource.

For detailed instructions about Work Assignment tasks such as, adding attributes to Avaya Control Manager,
adding a user for Work Assignment, assigning attributes to a user, see Using Avaya Control Manager to
Administer Avaya Products.

Managing password rules

About this task

Avaya Control Manager includes the capability to manage the password rules in the environment.

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1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as an administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Configuration Portal > Security > Password Rules.
3. On the Password Rules Edit page, enter appropriate values in the following fields:
a. In the Password will expire in (days) field, type the number of days before the password expires.
b. In the Warn # days before password expires field, type the number of days before the password
expiration. The user gets a warning message during the login process to change the password.
c. In the Minimum Password Length field, type the minimum number of characters in a password.
d. In the Minimum # of Upper case Letters (A-Z) field, type the minimum number of upper case letters that
must appear in a password.
e. In the Minimum # of Lower case Letters (a-z) field, type the minimum number of lower case letters that
must appear in a password.
f. In the Minimum # of Digits (0-9) field, type the minimum number of digits that must appear in a
g. In the Minimum # of Special Characters ('!#$%&()*+,-.:;<=>?@^_`~\|") field, type the minimum number
of special characters that must appear in a password. The special characters are ' ! # $ % & ( ) * + , -. : ;
h. Select the Force Password Change On New Users check box to force users who are created within
Avaya Control Manager to change their password during the first login.

4. Click Save.

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Administering users

Administering users

Avaya Control Manager User administration

The User functionally provides options to add various types of users, such as agents, supervisors, managers,
and administrators. You can also clone a user and search users by using filters.

Adding a role

About this task

A user role controls the set of permissions that the user has in an application. You can create Administrator
and Supervisor roles according to your business requirement. When you create a user, you assign the user to
a role that you define as detailed in this procedure.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support LDAP.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as an administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Roles Management Portal > <product_name>.
3. Click Add.
4. On the General tab, in the Role name and Role description fields, type the name and the description of the
5. On the Permissions tab, select the relevant permissions assigned to the role.

For customer supervisors, you must clear all the View All XXX check boxes, as this is equivalent to a
system role for the XXX element.
For tenants, you must clear Manage Agent Experience Manager parameters, View Experience Manager,
Update CFG databases, Update CFG Ext. Systems Tab, Update Location, View CFG Tab, View

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Administering users

Campaigns Tab, Update CFG network, Update user campaigns to view, Manage Routing Point Experience
Manager parameters, View ONYX Tab, Update CFG system parameters, View Permissions Tab, View
CNAV Tab, and Update CFG campaigns check boxes.
You must clear the View CCE tab check box to restrict the customers and supervisors to view and use the
CCE tab on the Avaya Control Manager GUI. For CCE capabilities, you can use the tenant specific URL.

You cannot add new permissions. You can only select the permissions from the predefined list. If you select
the System Role check box, then by default all the permissions are selected for the role. System
administrators manage and configure the Avaya Control Manager environment using the Configuration
Portal. For Customer supervisors, do not enable the System Role check box.
6. Once you have created a role, you need to assign the role to the tenant location. In the Locations tab,
select the locations to which you want to assign the roles.
Use the arrows to move the locations from the Available locations section on the left to the Selected
locations section on the right.
7. On the Additional Permissions tab, select the relevant permissions assigned to the role.
8. On the User assignment tab, you can see the list of users to which the role is assigned.
9. Click Save.
10. To edit a role, double-click the role or highlight the row, and click Edit.

When you double-click a specific role, the system displays all the users who have the corresponding role.
When you double-click a name, the system displays the corresponding user record.
11. Perform Step 2 through Step 10 to add roles for other applications.
12. Click Save.

Adding a supervisor

Before you begin

• You must have access to the Avaya Control Manager web interface.
• Ensure that you configure the enterprise for the end user in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager and
Avaya Control Manager.
• Create the organizational structure for the enterprise. You must create the following organizational
• Avaya Control Manager location
• Site (geographic office) location
• Department under each site

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Administering users

• Teams

You must configure routing locations for each enterprise office as part of the Avaya Aura® Session Manager
configuration. For more information on managing users and profiles, see Using Avaya Control Manager for
Service Providers.

About this task

You must add details for each user in Avaya Control Manager. You must add users for each enterprise you
configured. Users are associated with teams in Avaya Control Manager.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. To create a profile for the user, on the Users tab, click the Create a new user icon.
3. On the Users page, enter appropriate value in the fields.

You must fill in the SIP URI and Extension fields if you are creating a standard end user. You do not need to
fill in the SIP URI field if you are planning to assign the supervisor role to the user.
a. In the First Name (English) field, enter the user first name.
b. In the Surname (English) field, enter the user surname.
c. In the Profile field, select Supervisor as the profile from the drop-down list.
d. Keep the LDAP Username field blank.

Currently, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support Microsoft Active Directory LDAP
Sync functionality. Only the local LDAP on Avaya Control Manager is supported.
e. Optional: From the Authentication drop-down list, select the authentication mechanism applicable to the
f. Optional: Keep the Domain field blank.

Currently, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support Microsoft Active Directory LDAP
Sync functionality. Only the local LDAP on Avaya Control Manager is supported.
g. In the Username field, enter the name of the user.
The user name is the name the user uses to log in to any of the relevant applications. This name is a
single user name for all applications managed through Avaya Control Manager.
h. In the Password field, enter the user password.
The user uses this password to log in to any of the relevant applications. This password is the same for
all applications managed through Avaya Control Manager.

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Administering users

i. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.

j. Optional: Select the Force password reset on next login option if you want the user to reset the
password when the user next logs on to the system.
k. In the AVAYA login field, enter the supervisor login ID for the Avaya softphone according to the Avaya
Aura® Communication Manager number plan.
If dial plan is active, you cannot enter the Avaya login manually. Then, click the magnifying glass and
the system will pick a free supervisor login ID from the dial plan range that is configured for this
l. From the Team drop-down list, select the team that the user is assigned to as per the organizational
hierarchical tree.
m. From the Template drop-down list, select the template that is created for the customer.
n. Optional: In the Description field, describe the user.
o. Optional: In the Email field, enter the email address of the user.
p. Optional: In the SIP URI field, enter the SIP URI of the user.
This field is not required for supervisors or administrators.
q. In the Extension field, type the extension that must be assigned to the user.

Every Avaya Control Manager user must have a voice extension.

4. In the Available applications section, assign the user to one or more applications. In the Available
applications section, you can activate the applications the user is able to log in to.
Refer to the “Components” table for the list of applications that Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
Contact Center as a Service uses.

For all supervisor users, you must select the ACM check box. For supervisor users with report generating
privileges, you must also select the check box for Historical Reporting.
5. To export the user to external system using the Avaya Control Manager API, click the Export to external
system(s) option.
The system automatically activates this option during the integration between Avaya Control Manager and
external systems by using the Avaya Control Manager API. When you save the user or an agent, the
system triggers an external integration. If you do not select this option, the system does not export the
specific user or an agent to the external systems.
6. Click Save to save the new supervisor in Avaya Control Manager.
7. To assign roles to the selected applications, go to the Permissions tab.

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Next Steps
After creating a supervisor, you must define information in the associated tabs such as Locations to view,
Skills to view, VDNs to view, Groups to view, and Vectors to view on Avaya Control Manager. For detailed
information, see “User functionality”.

Adding a Call Center Elite agent

About this task

You must add details for each user in Avaya Control Manager. You must add users for each enterprise you
configured. Users are associated with teams in Avaya Control Manager.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. To create a profile for the user, on the Users tab, click the Create a new user icon.
3. On the Users page, enter appropriate value in the fields.
a. In the First Name (English) field, enter the first name of the user.
b. In the Surname (English) field, enter the surname of the user.
c. In the Profile field, select Agent as the profile from the drop-down list.
d. Optional: Keep the LDAP Username field blank.

Currently, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support Microsoft Active Directory LDAP
Sync functionality. Only the local LDAP on Avaya Control Manager is supported.
e. Optional: Keep the Domain field blank.

Currently, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support Microsoft Active Directory LDAP
Sync functionality. Only the local LDAP on Avaya Control Manager is supported.
f. Optional: From the Authentication drop-down list, select the authentication mechanism applicable to the
g. In the Username field, enter the name of the user.
The user name is the name the user uses to log in to any of the relevant applications. This name is a
single user name for all applications managed through Avaya Control Manager.
h. In the Password field, enter the user password.

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The user uses this password to log in to any of the relevant applications. This password is the same for
all applications managed through Avaya Control Manager.
i. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.
j. Optional: Select the Force password reset on next login option if you want the user to reset the
password when the user next logs on to the system.
k. In the AVAYA login field, enter the agent login ID at Avaya softphone according to the Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager number plan.
If dial plan is active, you cannot enter the Avaya login manually. Then, click the magnifying glass and
the system will pick a free agent login ID from the dial plan range that is configured for this customer.
l. From the Team drop-down list, select the team that the user is assigned to as per the organizational
hierarchical tree.
m. From the Template drop-down list, select the template that is created for the customer.
n. Optional: In the Description field, describe the user.
o. Optional: In the Email field, enter the email address of the user.
p. In the SIP URI field, enter the SIP URI of the user.
q. In the Extension field, enter the extension that is assigned to the user.

Every Avaya Control Manager user must have a voice extension.

4. In the Available applications section, assign the user to one or more applications. In the Available
applications section, you can activate the applications the user is able to log in to.
Refer to the Components table for the list of applications that Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
Contact Center as a Service uses.
5. To export the user to external system using the Avaya Control Manager API, click the Export to external
system(s) option.
The system automatically activates this option during the integration between Avaya Control Manager and
external systems by using the Avaya Control Manager API. When you save the user or an agent, the
system triggers an external integration. If you do not select this option, the system does not export the
specific user or an agent to the external systems.
6. Click Save to save the new agent in Avaya Control Manager.
When you create a new agent, the system displays a list of all system skills. You must assign necessary
skills to the agent. You must add at least one skill to save the new agent.
7. Select the skills to assign to the agent from the Available skills list.
The skills you select from the Available skills list move to the Selected skills list.
Drag and drop the skills to order the skills in the Selected skills list.

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8. Click Save to assign the skills to the agent.

Adding a SIP user profile

About this task

You must add details for SIP users in Avaya Control Manager.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. To create a profile for the user, on the Users tab, click the Create a new user icon.
3. On the Users page, enter appropriate value in the fields.

You must fill in the SIP URI and Extension fields if you are creating a standard end user.
a. In the First Name (English) field, enter the first name of the user.
b. In the Surname (English) field, enter the surname of the user.
c. In the Profile field, select a SIP profile from the drop-down list.
For example:
For configuring a J129 phone, select the J129 profile from the Profile field.
For configuring a 9608 SIP phone, select the 9608SIP profile from the Profile field.

J129 is aliased in System Manager as any 96x1SIP phone. Therefore, the Avaya Control Manager
Unified Communications profile for the J129 phone maps to a SIP template with a 96x1SIP CM
Endpoint template. For more information, see “Adding a SIP template”.
d. Optional: Keep the LDAP Username field blank.

Currently, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support Microsoft Active Directory LDAP
Sync functionality. Only the local LDAP on Avaya Control Manager is supported.
e. Optional: Keep the Domain field blank.

Currently, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS does not support Microsoft Active Directory LDAP
Sync functionality. Only the local LDAP on Avaya Control Manager is supported.

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f. Optional: From the Authentication drop-down list, select the authentication mechanism applicable to the
g. In the Username field, enter the name of the user.
The user name is the name that the user uses to log in to any of the relevant applications. This name is
a single user name for all applications managed through Avaya Control Manager.
h. In the Password field, enter the user password.
The user uses this password to log in to any of the relevant applications. This password is the same for
all applications managed through Avaya Control Manager.
i. In the Confirm Password field, enter the password again.
j. Optional: Select the Force password reset on next login option if you want the user to reset the
password when the user next logs on to the system.
k. From the Team drop-down list, select the team that the user is assigned to as per the organizational
hierarchical tree.
l. From the Template drop-down list, leave it selected as the default template.

Only users assigned to Avaya Control Manager profiles that map to Avaya Control Manager SIP
templates with the Presence profile configured get Presence and Instant Message (IM) capabilities in a
multitenant environment. In a multitenant environment, Presence and IM capabilities are provided by
the Avaya Aura® Presence Services server. In a dedicated instance environment Presence and IM
capabilities are provided by both the Avaya Aura® Presence Services Server and the Avaya Multimedia
Messaging server.
m. Optional: In the Description field, enter a description for the user.
n. Optional: In the Email field, enter the email address of the user.
o. In the SIP URI field, enter the URI in the format number@domainname.
p. In the Communication Profile Password field, enter the password that is used to log in to the extension.
q. In the Confirm Communication Profile Password field, confirm the password that is used to log in to the
r. In the Extension field, enter the extension that must be assigned to the user.
s. In the E.164 Extension field, type the E.164 extension that must be assigned to the user.
E.164 extensions support up to 18 digits for numbers of agents, stations, skills, VDNs.
If you type the E.164 extension value in the E.164 Extension field, then the E.164 communication
address is added to the communication profile. If you leave the E.164 Extension field blank then E.164
communication address is not used when saving user information to System Manager.
t. In the Available applications section, select the SIP check box.
u. To export the user to external system using the Avaya Control Manager API, click the Export to external
system(s) option.
The system automatically activates this option during the integration between Avaya Control Manager
and external systems by using the Avaya Control Manager API. When you save the user or an agent,
the system triggers an external integration. If you do not select this option, the system does not export
the specific user or an agent to the external systems.

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4. Click Save.

Configuring Avaya Equinox

Provision a Unified Communications User with Avaya Equinox® conferencing capabilities by first adding a
user in Avaya Control Manager and then use Avaya Aura® System Manager to add the Avaya Equinox®
For information on adding Avaya Equinox® users using Avaya Aura® System Manager, see Administering
Avaya Aura® System Manager. For information on adding Avaya Control Manager users, see “Avaya Control
Manager User administration”.
Only Service Providers can provision Avaya Equinox® profiles using Avaya Aura® System Manager. You must
first delete Avaya Equinox® user profiles from Avaya Aura® System Manager before you delete users from
Avaya Control Manager.
You must consider SEMT interoperability while creating solutions using these products, for more information
see SIP Endpoint Managed Transfer (SEMT) – Product Interoperability.

Adding an H.323 user profile

Before you begin

You must have an H.323 extension template. For more information, see Adding an extension template.

About this task

You can add a H.323 user profile using the Profile Manager. Alternatively, you can use Resources Manager
Portal > Templates > Extension Templates menu to add an extension.

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1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. Click additional features button and select Profile Manager.
3. On the Profile Manager page, click Add Profile (+ symbol).
4. On the Profile Manager - Profile Details page, define the following:
a. Type the name for the profile in the Name field.
b. Select a location from the Location drop-down.
c. Specify whether the profile is active in the Active drop-down.
By default, the system specifies Yes for the Active field.
d. Select the user type as Unified Communication, Contact Center, or Both in the User Type drop-down.

Select Unified Communication from the User Type drop-down, if the profile relates only to endpoints.

5. Click Unified Communications on the left-side menu.

6. On the Unified Communications page, define the following:
a. Select the Create Extension check box.
b. From the Template drop-down, select the template you created for H.323 user profiles.

7. Click Summary on the left-side menu.

8. In the Summary page, verify that the specified settings are visible.
9. Click Save.
10. Close the Profile Manager page.
11. To add a user profile using the profile you created in Profile Manager, click the Users tab.
12. Click Add (+ symbol).
13. Enter the required values in the following fields:
a. Specify the name of the user in the First Name (English) and Surname (English) fields.
b. Select the profile created for the H.323 user from the Profile drop-down.
c. Select a team from the Team drop-down.
A team indicates the Dial Plan range of extension numbers.
d. Specify the template as the default template in the Template drop-down.
e. In the Extension field, select the next available extension from the Dial Plan range.
f. Click Save.

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14. To verify the successful creation of the user profile, login using the user profile on an endpoint.

Editing an Avaya Aura Messaging subscriber using

the System Manager template

About this task

There are two ways you can create an Avaya Aura® Messaging mailbox subscriber:

• Using the System Manager template. The following procedure describes this method.
• Using a direct connection from Avaya Control Manager to Avaya Aura® Messaging using the
Subscribers tab. The procedure for which is described in Editing an Avaya Aura® Messaging
subscriber using the Subscribers tab.

When you add a SIP user profile with an Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber, Avaya Control Manager
communicates with System Manager to add the SIP user profile. System Manager then communicates with
Avaya Aura® Messaging to create a mailbox subscriber. For more information about adding a SIP user profile
with an Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber, see Adding a SIP template.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. Navigate to the organization, where you want to update the Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber.
3. Double-click the SIP user profile where you want to update the Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber.
Select the SIP user profile where you want to update the Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber. Then click
the additional features button ( ) and click Edit User.
4. On the User Details page, click SIP Properties.
5. On the Session Manager User page, click the Communication Profile tab.
6. Click Messaging Profile and fill in the required fields:
a. From the System drop-down list, select the messaging system on which you want to add the subscriber.
b. Select the Use Existing Subscriber on System option to specify whether to use an existing subscriber
mailbox number to associate with this profile.
c. In the Mailbox Number field enter the mailbox number for the subscriber.
d. From the Template drop-down list, select the template you want to associate with the subscriber.
e. In the Password field, enter the password for logging into the mailbox.

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f. Optional: From the Preferred Handle drop-down list, select the Avaya SIP handle that is administered
for the user.
g. Select the Delete Subscriber on Unassign of Subscriber from User or on Delete User option to specify
whether to delete the subscriber mailbox from the Messaging device or Communication System
Management when you remove this Messaging profile or when you delete the user.

7. Click Save.
8. Optional: To delete an Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber, you must remove all the settings in the
Messaging Profile section and click Save.
The system deletes the mailbox from Avaya Aura® Messaging.

Editing an Avaya Aura Messaging subscriber using

the Subscriber tab

About this task

There are two ways you can create an Avaya Aura® Messaging mailbox subscriber:

• Using the System Manager template. The procedure for which is described in Editing an Avaya Aura®
Messaging subscriber using the System Manager template.
• Using a direct connection from Avaya Control Manager to Avaya Aura® Messaging using the
Subscribers tab. The following procedure describes this method.
The Subscribers tab contains a list of all the subscribers that are synced with Avaya Control Manager.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Communication Manager Objects > Subscribers.
2. Double-click the Avaya Aura® Messaging subscriber you want to update.
Select the subscriber you want to update and then click the additional features button ( ) and click Edit
3. On the Subscribers page, edit the subscriber details as required.
a. In the Last Name field, type the last name of the subscriber.
b. Optional: In the First Name field, type the first name of the subscriber.

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c. In the Password field, type the password of the subscriber.

d. In the Mailbox Number field, type the mailbox number for the subscriber.
e. In the Numeric address field, type the messaging numeric address for the subscriber.
f. In the PBX Extension field, type the PBX extension number behind this voice mail.
g. From the Class of Service drop-down list, select the messaging Class of Service (COR).
h. From the Community ID drop-down list, select the community ID.
i. Click Show/Hide Advanced Data ( ) to view and edit the details of the advanced fields as required.

4. Click Save.

User functionality

The Users tab

Avaya Control Manager offers several user functionalities, which are classified and divided as tabs. Each of
these tabs is described in the following sections. For detailed information about managing the user
functionalities, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

The Users list displays all users in the chosen item in the grid view. The table displays all users, including
agents, supervisors, managers, and administrators, with their details. You can sort the columns by clicking on
the column headers. The table is divided into pages. You can toggle between the pages to view the full list of
users. If you select the Show active users only option, the system displays only the active users. Once you
remove the selection for the Show active users only option, the system displays all users in the chosen
section. The function buttons that manage the user details are located at the top left of the Users list.

The Permissions tab

The Permissions tab controls user roles and permissions for each application in a unified view. The screen is
divided into the various applications based on the selection you make through the Available Applications pane.
A user can have only one role for each application at any given point. The system takes the permissions set
for each role from the permissions defined for the role in the Avaya Control Manager Permissions
Management tab. You can modify the permissions by using the Permissions tab. Once you have set the role,
the system displays the assigned permissions in the read-only form. You cannot edit the role or set specific
permissions for specific users. However, you can only assign a role. To add or update the role, you must select
a role from the Role drop-down list, and click Save to update the changes.

The Skill tab

With the Skill tab, you can assign skills and skill levels for each agent. If you do not set the administrated agent
call handling preference to Percentage allocation, the system disables the RL/PA fields. You can assign or
remove select by selecting or clearing skills from the Available skills list . The skills you select from the

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Available skills list move to the Selected skills list. Drag and drop the skills to order the skills in the Selected
skills list. The Skill level reflects the skill level of that specific user on that skill. The system updates the
changes directly in Avaya Aura® Communication Manager.

The Groups to view tab

The Groups to view tab manages the sites, departments, and teams that are seen by the user. You can
manage the group through Avaya Control Manager. The Groups to view tab appears only if the user profile
type is set to Supervisor, Manager, or Administrator. The system displays only these groups in the agent tree
and in Display Agents in Avaya Control Manager.

The Skills to view tab

The Skills to view tab manages the skills that are seen by a user. You can manage skills using Avaya Control
Manager. The Skills to view tab appears only if the user profile type is Supervisor, Manager, or Administrator.
You can select the skills that the user must see in Avaya Control Manager applications by selecting the skills
that appear in the Available Skills list.

The VDNs to view tab

The VDNs to view tab manages the VDNs that are seen by a user. You can manage VDNs using Avaya
Control Manager. The VDNs to view tab appears only if the user profile type is Supervisor, Manager, or
Administrator. You can select the VDNs that the user must see Avaya Control Manager applications by
selecting or clearing the VDNs that appear in the Available VDNs list.

The Vectors to view tab

The Vectors to view tab manages the vectors that a user sees. You can manage in the V-Vectoring application.
The Vectors to view tab appears only if the user’s profile type is Supervisor, Manager or Administrator. The
system activates the Vectors to view tab only if the user has the V-Vectoring application activated in Available
Applications. You can assign or remove vectors to be viewed by the user by selecting or clearing the vectors
that appear in the Available Vectors list.

The Locations to view tab

The Locations to view tab manages the locations that a user sees. You can manage the location using Avaya
Control Manager. The location access of the user affects which Avaya Aura® Communication Manager objects
the user manages in Avaya Control Manager.

Virtual Groups
Avaya Control Manager manages the Organizational Hierarchy Virtual Groups. Since the physical
organizational structure allows a single user or an agent to be assigned to a single team, the system uses the
virtual groups to assign users or agents to more than one team. Use Virtual Site in the organizational tree to

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create and manage virtual groups. You can manage the user assignment to specific virtual groups using the
Virtual Group page.

Viewing user details

About this task

Use this procedure to view the details for users in a geographic office location.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. In the appropriate main enterprise location, select a geographic office location or department.
3. Select the team with the users you want to view.
4. Click the user name to view the details.

Cloning a user

About this task

You can create a new user by cloning most of the properties, profile, and team information for an existing user.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. On the Users tab, select a team.
The system displays the list of users in the team.
3. Double-click the user who you want to clone.
Select the user who you want to clone. Then click the additional features button ( ) and click Edit User.

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4. On the Users page, click Clone user.

5. Update all the required fields in the user details page.
Avaya Control Manager copies the following properties:
• Team
• Description
• Profile
• Skills and skill levels
In case of agents, Avaya Control Manager copies the following properties:
• Team
• Description
• Profile
• Available applications
• Permissions
• Groups to view
• Skills to view
• VDNs to view
• Vectors to view
• Locations to view
Avaya Control Manager does not copy the following properties, so you must enter the details in the
following fields manually:
• Name
• User name
• Password
• AVAYA login
6. Click Save to save the new user.

Deleting a user

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as an administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
3. On the Users tab, select a team.
The system displays the list of users in the team.
4. Select the user you want to delete. Then click on the additional features button and select Delete user.
The system displays a Confirmation dialog box.

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5. Click Yes.

Filtering users

About this task

Avaya Control Manager provides a filtering option to find users from the Avaya Control Manager user list. You
can filter users by first name, last name, profile name, Avaya login name, login name, or extensions. You
cannot search for departments, teams, or geographic office locations.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. Perform one of the following steps and click the Search icon:
• To find a user by name, type the first name, last name, or profile name of the user in the Filter field.
• To find a user by extension, type the extension number in the Filter field.

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Communication Manager administration

Communication Manager administration

Avaya Aura Communication Manager


You can administer Avaya Aura® Communication Manager features using the Communication Manager
Objects tile.

You can administer the following features using Avaya Control Manager:

• Extension management
• Off-PBX-station-mapping
• Off-PBX-telephone-config
• VDNs management
• Skills management
• Hunt Group management
• Holiday Table management
• Coverage path management
• Coverage answer group management feature
• Coverage time of day management feature
• Remote call coverage management
• Announcement management
• Service Hours management
• Time of Day management
• Pickup group management
• Intercom group management
• Group page management
• Terminating Extension Group page management
• Vector Routing Tables (VRT) page management
• Variables page management
• Abbreviated Dialing Group feature
• Abbreviated Dialing Personal feature
• Abbreviated Dialing System feature
• Abbreviated Dialing Enhanced feature
• Policy Routing Tables feature
• VuStats feature
• Templates management. For more information, see Template management.

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Communication Manager administration

• Dial plan management. For more information, see Adding a dial plan .
• Save CM Translation command

For more information about administering Avaya Aura® Communication Manager features, see Using Avaya
Control Manager for Service Providers.

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Oceana administration

Oceana administration

Avaya Oceana Solution administration

You can administer Avaya Oceana™ Solution features using the Avaya Oceana™ tab on the Avaya Control
Manager Portals page.

With Avaya Control Manager, you can add attributes, configure properties, and add a user for Work
Assignment. You can also assign attributes to the users.

A user is at the highest level in the hierarchy and represents a human or an object. A user involved in Work
Assignment is referred to as a Work Assignment Resource.

Attributes are the main basis to select from available resources to be assigned work, or to select waiting work
to be assigned to the newly available resources.

For information about administering Avaya Oceana™ Solution features, see the “Administering Work
Assignment” chapter in Using Avaya Control Manager.

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Administering AES

Administering AES

Application Enablement Services administration

In the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution, WFO-ACR, Call Center Elite Multichannel (EMC),
Avaya Workforce Optimization Select, Avaya Oceana™ Solution, and POM connect to Application Enablement
Services (AES). So you need to create a CTI user for WFO-ACR, and EMC on AES as unrestricted users. You
must also configure the System Management Service within AES for POM to access Communication Manager
in a dedicated instance model environment.

Application Enablement Services supports third-party CTI applications in a multi-tenant environment. AES
supports CTI Users. By using CTI Users a Cloud Service Provider (CSP) administrator can limit the access of
an AES client application to a group of extensions. To support tenant partitioning, a CSP administrator can
create a device group, which is a set of extensions with specific types, and associate a device group to a CTI
User. Therefore a CTI User can represent an AES tenant. One or more CTI Users can be defined per tenant. If
a tenant requires more than one third-party CTI application, one CTI User can be defined per application to
have more flexibility for troubleshooting when issues arise. This way, the single application can be set off-line
by the administrator by forcing off the specific CTI User.

To add a new tenant the CSP administrator creates and configures a CTI User and all its related entities such
as devices (all associated Communication Manager resources) and device groups that make up the tenant. An
AES Client application connects to the AE Services server using the user credentials defined for the CTI User.
A CTI User can be associated with a Worktop and/or one or more device groups. A CTI User can be uniquely
assigned to a tenant. CTI users defined for third-party CTI applications must be defined as restricted users.
The appropriate definition of these users in the AES Security Database (SDB) provides the ability to control
the access privileges of a CTI user. The SDB stores information about CTI users and the devices they control.
For more details on the AES SDB, see Administering and Maintaining Avaya Aura® Application Enablement

CTI users for ACR and EMC must be configured as unrestricted users in order to control or monitor all the
devices they need to access in the solution.

WFO-ACR requirements
• WFO-ACR requires a DMCC and TSAPI user created on AES.
• CTI Information received over an AES TSAPI link allows Avaya Contact Recorder to record calls on
specific stations, agents, skill groups, and VDNs.
• DMCC is used to control softphone conferences (with customer + agent) on the media gateway.

For more information, see Avaya Contact Recorder Planning, Installation and Administration Guide.

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Administering AES

EMC requirements
EMC uses TSAPI to monitor stations, so that the EMC desktop client can connect in the shared control mode.
EMC also uses TSAPI for real-time statistics for wallboards on supervisor endpoints.

For more information, see Installing Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel.

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager requirements

Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager (POM) utilizes AES to obtain information about the agents that can
participate in the outbound campaigns. POM utilizes AES to access skills from Communication Manager using
the System Management Service. There is no data stream involved, once an agent logs into POM, POM
fetches the skill of the agent and retains the skill in the POM database until the agent logs out. POM does not
utilize AES for campaigns that do not require agents. Once AES is installed, POM utilizes existing AES
connections for its operation. POM utilizes only the System Management Service connection with AES and
does not utilize TSAPI or DMCC licenses.

For information on configuring the System Management Service, see Administering and Maintaining Avaya
Aura® Application Enablement Services.

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EMC administration

EMC administration

Avaya Aura Call Center Elite Multichannel


Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel (EMC) adds a CTI-based application which provides customers
the ability to handle non-voice contacts such as email, SMS, and web chat. For information on how to
configure EMC on Avaya Control Manager, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

Desktop application configuration is dependent on the EMC server parameters. Therefore, you must not
proceed with the configuration of the desktop application until you have configured the EMC server parameters
such as IP addresses, WebLM locations, extension ranges, and AES.

After installing the EMC Desktops, the network administrator must add entries in the DNS of agent desktops to
resolve the EMC Core, IDS, and SQL host names to point to the external IP of the Firewall.

The CC Elite Multichannel Desktop application is used to administer the EMC desktop client settings. During
installation of the EMC Desktop client, if a reference is made to the Configuration Server, the client downloads
the settings from the CC Elite Multichannel Desktop application and pre-populates the client settings under
Tools > Options.

Adding an EMC agent

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
2. On the Users tab, click the Create a new user icon.
3. On the Users page, enter appropriate values in the fields.
a. In the Username field, type the name of the user.
The system automatically creates a user on the EMC portal provided for your tenant space on the User
tab with this user name. The Filter U field on the EMC portal User page is populated with the value
specified in the Username field on the Avaya Control Manager Users page when creating an EMC

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EMC administration

The value of the Filter U field on the EMC portal User page is used during the installation of the EMC
desktop client when retrieving settings from the EMC configuration server.
b. In the Password field, type the user password.
c. In the Confirm Password field, type the password again.
d. Fill in all the other required fields.
For more information about the fields present on the Users page, see Adding an agent.

4. In the Available applications section, assign the appropriate EMC application to the agent.
5. Click Save to save the new agent in Avaya Control Manager.
When you create a new agent, the system displays a list of all system skills. You must assign necessary
skills to the agent. You must add at least one skill to save the new agent.
6. Select the skills to assign to the agent from the Available skills list.
The skills you select from the Available skills list move to the Selected skills list.
Drag and drop the skills to order the skills in the Selected skills list.
7. Click Save to assign the skills to the agent.
You must assign the created EMC agent an appropriate EMC role.
8. To assign the created EMC agent an appropriate EMC role and permissions for the configured location,
perform the following steps:
a. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Users.
b. Navigate to the created EMC agent and on the Users page, double-click the EMC agent to whom you
want to assign the EMC role.
The system displays the Users tab for the create EMC agent.
c. Click the Permissions tab.
d. From the Role drop-down list, select the appropriate EMC role.
e. Click Save.

Once you complete creating an EMC user using Avaya Control Manager, the system automatically creates
a user on the EMC Portal provided for your tenant space on the User tab and automatically assigns this
user to the EMC Desktop Application (Applications tab).

Next Steps
Configure the agent as an EMC user. For more information, Configuring an EMC user.

Configuring an EMC user

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 176
EMC administration

Before you begin

Ensure that you create an EMC user using Avaya Control Manager and assign the appropriate EMC
application to the agent. Ensure that you select the EMC check box in the Available applications section on the
Users page, if you want the agent to be saved to the EMC database. For more information, see Adding an
EMC agent.

About this task

Once you complete creating an EMC agent using Avaya Control Manager, the system automatically creates a
user on the EMC Portal provided for your tenant space on the User tab. You configure an EMC user using the
Users tab on the EMC portal by assigning a machine name (Filter M). The client PC uses the EMC machine
name (Filter M) and user name (Filter U) information to synchronize and download an EMC application during
installation of the client on a PC. The Filter U field on the EMC portal User page is populated with the value
specified in the Username field on the Avaya Control Manager Users page when creating an EMC agent.

You must not change the values of the Username and Filter U fields on the User on the EMC portal.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager webpage, and click EMC.
The system displays the EMC Portal provided for your tenant space.
2. Enter the Username and Password.
3. Click the Users tab.
4. Double-click the user you want to configure.
The system displays the User page containing filled in ID, Username and Filter U fields.
5. Enter the EMC machine name for the user profile in the Filter M field.
6. Click Save.

Assigning users to EMC applications

About this task

In the Application tab, you can assign or remove users from applications. On the App. Details page, the
Available Users list displays a list of all the users that are created in the User tab. You can select the users
who you want to associate with the selected application.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 177
EMC administration

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager webpage, and click EMC.
The system displays the EMC Portal provided for your tenant space.
2. Enter the Username and Password.
3. Click the Applications tab.
4. Double-click the application to which you want to assign users.
5. In the App. Details page, select a user from the Available Users pane.
6. Click the right-arrow button to assign the user to the application.
You can use left-arrow button to remove a user from the application.
7. Click Save.

Deleting an EMC-enabled agent

About this task

You must use the Avaya Control Manager web page to delete an EMC-enabled agent.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager web page, click Users.
2. Double-click the agent that you want to remove from EMC.
3. In the Available applications section, clear the EMC check box.
4. Click Save.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 178
IVR administration

IVR administration

IVR administration

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS uses Avaya Aura® Experience Portal as the IVR.

Avaya Aura® Experience Portal 7.2 supports zoning, which allows a system to be partitioned into multiple
zones to create artificial boundaries for resource management. For example, media resources cannot be
shared across zones, they are allocated and managed within the zone. Zoning can be used to allocate a set of
media servers and speech servers to a channel partner or reseller in multi-tenant environment to allow the
reseller to manage their own set of media and speech resources amongst their own tenants. For partitioning of
resources, zoning requires the deployment of a larger pool of resources as compared to using the system as a
common large pool of resources. For example, to support two tenants, each of which requiring 200 media
resources, by using two different zones with redundant media servers, it would require a total of four media
servers. This is due to the fact that the media servers cannot be shared across the zones. In contrast, if zoning
is not used for these same two customers, three media servers would be required to meet their capacity
requirements and have redundancy. Zoning, however, would give more flexibility to the reseller since it would
allow the reseller to manage their own zone, including the ability to administer the Experience Portal

In a multi-tenant model, it is recommended to use dedicated Media Processing Platform (MPP) servers per
zone, if zones are not used then it is recommended to use a common pool of resources. In a dedicated
instance model it is recommended to use a common pool of resources.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Avaya Aura® Experience Portal Self-service (SS) Speech-
enabled applications. A speech bundle from Nuance provides the Automated Speech Recognition (ASR)
capabilities. Use the Nuance speech server to writer SS applications that use the ASR capabilities, including
Text-to-Speech (TTS) capabilities. For more information, see Nuance documentation.

Service Provider administration steps

Service Providers must use Experience Portal Manager to perform the following administration steps:

• The Service Provider or Avaya creates the Channel Partner zones.

• The Service Provider or Avaya creates tenants or organizations and assigns them to Channel Partner
zones. The organization names must match the Avaya Control Manager tenant names.
• The Avaya Control Manager location name is structured as follows: Avaya Control Manager
(ACM) Location Name = <Tenant Name|Sold-to-ID>. An example of an ACM Location Name is
• You must name the ACM Location name as per the specification given above to maintain the
multitenant structure between ACM and Avaya Aura® Experience Portal (AAEP). The AAEP

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IVR administration

organization name must be equal to the ACM Location Name. This is a must for multitenancy to
work correctly across the two systems, specifically for ACM Billing for AAEP. An example of an
AAEP organization name is Tenant10|12345678.
• Each AAEP organization , or ACM location, can have one or more AAEP applications. In AAEP,
the applications are structured as AAEP organization name or AAEP application name. You can
also have one or more AAEP applications per tenant. For example, if you have an AAEP
application name as “inboundSales”, the structure of the AAEP organization name or the AAEP
application name is Tenant10|12345678/inboundSales.
• The Service Provider or Avaya creates tenant administration IDs for Channel Partners. One tenant
administration ID per organization.
• The Service Provider or Avaya uploads the IVR applications to the application servers. Applications can
be developed by the Channel Partner, Service Provider, or Avaya.

Since application servers can host applications for multiple tenants from multiple Channel Partners, Avaya
recommends that the Service Providers perform the actual Experience Portal application deployment. Channel
Partners send the Self-Service application to the Service Provider for them to upload the application to the
appropriate application servers. If the Service Provider supports a reseller environment with Channel Partners,
the Service Provider must send a request to Avaya for enabling the ability to use tenant administration
capabilities for Channel Partners.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 180
Avaya Contact Recorder and Workforce Optimization Select administration

Avaya Contact Recorder and Workforce

Optimization Select administration

About Avaya Contact Recorder

Avaya Contact Recorder provides an extremely efficient and scalable, voice recording platform, running on
standard hardware or in a virtualized environment.

Avaya Contact Recorder creates audio files of calls that have occurred on your telephone system. Authorized
users can search and replay recordings of interest using the Avaya Contact Recorder browser-based

In addition to initial configuration, there are a number of tasks that need to be performed on an ongoing basis
such as:
• the use of the Status monitoring pages
• the Audit Trail
• preventative maintenance tasks that should be carried out on a regular basis

If you have added Quality Monitoring (QM) to your Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution and the
Avaya Contact Recorder property file has
, WFO core application server or QM controls the recording and rules. QM also performs Avaya Contact
Recorder station administration for recording as QM supports custom rules that Avaya Contact Recorder does
not support.

QM is not part of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS offer. However, you can use QM as a variant of
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

For detailed information on how to administer Avaya Contact Recorder, see Avaya Contact Recorder Planning,
Installation and Administration Guide.

About Avaya Workforce Optimization Select

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select is a web-based work force optimization software suite, providing a
portal-based dashboard user interface and including the following capabilities for Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS 2.0:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 181
Avaya Contact Recorder and Workforce Optimization Select administration

• Call Recording. Full-time or on-demand recording for SIP and H.323 endpoints for agents and non-
agent users, supporting G.711, G.729 and G722 codecs. Avaya Workforce Optimization Select
supports active and passive recording methods. However, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
supports the active method of recording using DMCC media handling capabilities.
• Screen Capture. Avaya Workforce Optimization Select records desktop activity while it is recording
audio for voice interactions and it can also capture screens for email or chat interactions when
integrated to multichannel applications. The screen capture capability supports NATed environments
and a centralized management. In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 2.0, Avaya Workforce
Optimization Select is not yet integrated with Call Center Elite Multichannel Agent Desktop or POM.
• Quality Monitoring (Evaluate Module) - Avaya Workforce Optimization Select provides multichannel
Quality Assurance for Voice, email, and chat. It auto assigns coaching and also conforms to defined
Business Processes by allowing the definition of QA plans and automatically distributing calls to
appropriate supervisors. WFO Select provides the ability to calibrate evaluators and allows agents to
appeal their evaluations.

Provisioning extensions for Avaya Contact

Recorder and Avaya Workforce Optimization Select

About this task

You can use Avaya Control Manager to configure the Bulk Recording and Setup features of Avaya Contact
Recorder and Avaya Workforce Optimization Select.

Using the Bulk Recording option, you can assign extensions, agents, VDNs and skills to the recorder. Avaya
Contact Recorder supports Styles, which means that every number that the system records must be assigned
to a recording style. You must create a least one recording style in Avaya Control Manager to add numbers to
the recorder.

Using the Setup option, you can configure the Avaya Contact Recorder recording parameters that relate to
Communication Manager integration.

Use Avaya Control Manager to provision Avaya Workforce Optimization Select extensions.

Avaya Workforce Optimization Select is available only in the dedicated instance model.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 182
Avaya Contact Recorder and Workforce Optimization Select administration

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as administrator.
2. Click Communication Manager Objects > Extensions.
3. Create H.323 extensions that will be used by the recorders to record calls using DMCC.

To configure stations with non-Avaya recording systems, see the “Configure stations for DMCC recording
with non-Avaya recording systems” section in the “Recommendations for tracking Billing or Usage for each
add-on license” topic.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 183
AAM administration

AAM administration

Avaya Aura Messaging administration

Avaya Aura® Messaging provides voice mail functionality to customers. For information on how to configure
Avaya Aura® Messaging with Avaya Control Manager, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

Configuring Avaya Aura Messaging

Before you begin

Ensure that you have added the Avaya Control Manager server as a trusted server on Avaya Aura®
Messaging. For more information, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Configuration Portal > Team Engagement > Messaging.
2. Click Add.
3. On the Connection Details page, configure different parameters to activate the messaging integration.
a. In the Alias field, type the alias name of the UM system.
b. From the Type drop-down list, select Aura Messaging.
c. From the Version drop-down list, select the version number for Avaya Aura® Messaging.
d. In the UM Server Host field, type the host name or IP address of the UM server. The default port
number is 389.
e. In the Port field, type the port number that is used for the integration.
f. In the Username field, type the user name that is used for the integration.
g. In the Password field, type the password of the user.
h. Update the other fields, as required.

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AAM administration

4. Assign the Messaging system to a location.

For more information, see Assigning the Avaya Aura® Messaging system to a location.
5. Configure the DEM connector and provision Avaya Aura® Messaging.
For more information, see the “Configuring Avaya Aura® Messaging with Avaya Control Manager” section,
in Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
6. Click Save.
7. Verify if the MM connector service is running, if not then start it.

Assigning the Avaya Aura Messaging system to a


About this task

You must assign each Avaya Aura® Messaging system to a location for users to administer voice mails.

1. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Configuration Portal > Locations.
2. On the Location List page, double-click the location to which you require to assign the Avaya Aura®
Messaging system.
3. On the Location Edit page, click the Systems tab.
4. Click Add.
5. From the System Type drop-down list, select UM.
6. From the System Name drop-down list, select the configured Avaya Aura® Messaging system that you
want to assign to this location.
7. Click Save.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 185
Avaya Equinox™ Attendant (Breeze Snap-In) administration

Avaya Equinox™ Attendant (Breeze Snap-In)


Creating an Endpoint template

About this task

Use the procedure to create a custom template on Avaya Aura® System Manager and import the template into
the Avaya Control Manager database.

1. Log on to System Manager.
2. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Templates > CM Endpoint.
3. In the Supported Feature Server Versions area, select the CM 7.1 check box.
4. On the Custom templates tab, click New.
System Manager displays the New Endpoint Template page.
5. In the Set Type field, click 9641SIP.
6. In the Template Name field, type a name for the template.
7. On the General Options and Feature Options tabs, enter the details in the mandatory fields.
8. Click the Button Assignment tab.
9. Click the Main Buttons tab and select the following:.
10. On the Main Buttons tab, select the following:
• Six buttons for the call appearance feature
• One button for the call park feature
• One button for the call unpark feature
11. Click Commit.

Create SIP Template

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 186
Avaya Equinox™ Attendant (Breeze Snap-In) administration

1. Navigate to ACCCM Portal > Resource Manager > Templates > SIP Template.
2. Click + to add a new template.
3. On the General Page, define a name for the SIP template.
For example, SIP_Attendant_Template_Location9.
4. Select the appropriate location for which the attendant is to be created.
5. On the Communication Profile page, click Communication Address. Select the Type as Avaya SIP and
choose the appropriate domain and click + to add.
6. (Optional) If required other communication addresses like Avaya E.164 or Other mail.
7. Click Session Manager Profile.
a. Select the appropriate values in this section.

The mandatory ones are Primary Session Manager, Origination and Termination application sequences
and Home Location.

8. Click CM Endpoint Profile.

a. Select the appropriate System.
b. In the Profile Type, select Endpoint.
c. In the template select the Extension template defined in Creating Endpoint template.
Define a security code and check Delete Endpoint on Unassign of Endpoint from User or Delete User
and Override endpoint name.

9. Select the appropriate values for other profiles like Messaging Profile and Presence profile as they are
defined for other SIP users in the system.
10. Click Save.

Adding a Foundation profile for Attendant User

1. Navigate to Users Page. Click on the drop down icon and choose Profile Manager.
2. Click + icon to add a new profile.

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Avaya Equinox™ Attendant (Breeze Snap-In) administration

3. On the Profile Details field, define a name for the profile.

For example, Foundation_SIP_Attendant_Location9.
a. Select an appropriate location.
b. Select Active as Yes and User Type as Both.

4. On the Application assignment page, do the following:

a. In the Application field, select SIP.
b. In the Role field, select Default.
c. In the Application Template field, select the SIP template created in Create SIP Template.
d. Click + to add this application.

5. On the Unified Communication page, do the following:

a. Check Create SIP User.
b. In the SIP User Template field, select the SIP template created in Create SIP Template.

6. On the Groups to view page, select the appropriate group.

7. On the Locations to view page, select the appropriate location.
8. On the summary page, check all the details.
9. Click Save.

Adding attendant user

1. Go to Users Page. Click + icon to add a new user.
2. On the Users page, provide appropriate values for First Name, Last name, Username, password, SIP URI,
Communication profile password, extension.
3. On the Profile drop down, select the Profile created in Adding a Foundation profile for Attendant User.
4. Save the form.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 188
Avaya Equinox® administration

Avaya Equinox® administration

Avaya Equinox administration

Avaya Equinox® is a full-featured multimedia conferencing solution, providing audio, video, and web
conferencing and collaboration.

The primary interfaces between Avaya Equinox® and the other Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
components are:

• Avaya Aura® System Manager. Used for managing Avaya Equinox®, including provisioning,
configuration, and fault monitoring.
• Avaya Aura® Session Manager. Used for routing calls to and from Avaya Equinox® using SIP.
• Avaya Aura® Communication Manager and SIP endpoints. Used to construct the overall SIP call
topology related to media anchoring.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS supports Avaya Equinox® in the dedicated instance deployment
model only.

Also, a single Avaya Aura® Media Server cannot support both Avaya Equinox® and Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager. Separate Avaya Aura® Media Server servers are required.

Avaya Aura® Device Services administration

Avaya Aura® Device Services (AADS) provides a set of services to Avaya Equinox® 3.0. AADS is co-resident
with Avaya Aura® Session Manager and is delivered as a separate OVA. In xCaaS 2.0, AADS is deployed on
a separate virtual machine from Session Manager

AADS client makes the Avaya Equinox® client highly functional. However, it is available only in the dedicated
instance model. In the multi-tenant model, the Avaya Equinox® client is without AADS and AMM. For
information on administering Avaya Aura® Device Services, see Administering Avaya Aura® Device Services.

Configuring Avaya Equinox

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 189
Avaya Equinox® administration

Provision a Unified Communications User with Avaya Equinox® conferencing capabilities by first adding a
user in Avaya Control Manager and then use Avaya Aura® System Manager to add the Avaya Equinox®
For information on adding Avaya Equinox® users using Avaya Aura® System Manager, see Administering
Avaya Aura® System Manager. For information on adding Avaya Control Manager users, see “Avaya Control
Manager User administration”.
Only Service Providers can provision Avaya Equinox® profiles using Avaya Aura® System Manager. You must
first delete Avaya Equinox® user profiles from Avaya Aura® System Manager before you delete users from
Avaya Control Manager.
You must consider SEMT interoperability while creating solutions using these products, for more information
see SIP Endpoint Managed Transfer (SEMT) – Product Interoperability.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 190
Avaya Esna Officelinx administration

Avaya Esna Officelinx administration

Assigning the Officelinx profile to a SIP user

1. Log in to Avaya Control Manager and do the following:
a. Create a SIP user.
b. Specify the appropriate Coverage Path configured to route voicemails to Officelinx.

2. Log in to System Manager and do the following:

a. Navigate to Users > User Management > Manage Users.
b. Select the check box of the SIP user that you created through Avaya Control Manager and click Edit.
c. On the Communication Profile tab, scroll down to Officelinx Profile.
d. Select the Officelinx Profile check box.
e. Click the Refresh button next to the Officelinx System field to retrieve the latest configuration from
f. In the Officelinx System field, select the Officelinx system that you added to the System Manager
g. In the Mailbox number and Password fields, enter appropriate values.
h. In the Company, Department, Feature Group, and Capability fields, select appropriate options.
This information is retrieved from the Officelinx server.
System Manager populates the Domain Account Name and Synchronization User Name fields? by
default based on the information provided on the Identity tab.

3. Click Commit.
The mailbox details are now saved on Officelinx. SIP users can dial their voicemails to setup their mailbox
after the configuration is complete.
For more information about installation and failover, TLS, and general administration, go to http://

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 191
License tracking

License tracking

License administration

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS follows an Operational expenditure (OPEX) model, which means that
the software licenses are billed monthly based on usage, also called utility billing. The providers, in turn, bill
their customers using the same monthly utility billing model. This is in contrast to the traditional Capital
Expenditure (CAPEX) model where customers purchase a number of licenses statically.

In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS, the utility billing model, also known as the Billing Engine, is
implemented by Avaya Control Manager, which tracks daily and monthly license usage for each tenant as well
as for the entire system and provides the data in reports. Avaya billing systems interface with Avaya Control
Manager daily and calculates usage at the end of the month to generate a bill. Service Providers, in turn, can
utilize the reports generated by the Billing Engine to generate a monthly bill for their customers. For more
information on Billing Usage reports, see Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS usage reports.

The Avaya Control Manager Central License and Traffic Tracker application stores the entire tracking history in
the Avaya Control Manager database. The Billing Engine stores the billing data in the Billing database. The
Billing Engine uses the Avaya Control Manager Central License Tracker application to collect usage
information from each EMC system. A daily process moves EMC usage data from the Avaya Control Manager
database into the Billing database.

The Avaya Control Manager Central License Tracker configuration for each EMC system must only be done
by Avaya and/or the Service Provider.

For detailed information about the License Tracker, see Using Avaya Control Manager Central License and
Traffic Tracker.

In the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution, the Avaya Control Manager database is hosted on a
different SQL server than the Billing database for the multi-tenant and the dedicated solution instance models.

Configuring the generic tracker for EMC usage


January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 192
License tracking

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Configuration Portal > Licenses > License Tracker Settings.
3. On the License Tracker Settings page, click Add.
4. On the License Tracker Settings Add page, enter appropriate values in the following fields:
a. From the Product Name drop-down list, select EMC.
You must select EMC as you are monitoring the EMC system with the license tracking tool.
b. In the Alias field, type the alias for the system name that you want to monitor with the license tracking
c. In the Tracking History(days) field, type 5.
The Tracking History(days) field specifies the number of days the license tracking history is stored in the
Avaya Control Manager database.
d. In the Tracking Interval(minutes) field, type 5.
The Tracking Interval(minutes) field specifies the time interval in minutes after which Avaya Control
Manager connects to the tracked system, retrieves the license information and saves the license usage
into the Avaya Control Manager database.
e. Select the Enable check box, to enable the license tracking for the integrated system. Clear the Enable
check box, to disable the license tracking for the integrated system.
f. In the WebLM Address field, type the URL that points to the WebLM server of the tracked system.

The WebLM Address field is applicable only to WebLM enabled systems.
g. In the WebLM Username field, type the user name to access WebLM.
h. In the WebLM Password field, type the password to access WebLM.

5. Click Save.
6. To edit an existing record, perform the following steps:
a. Double-click the relevant row from the list of records.
b. On the License Tracking Settings Edit page, edit the required details of the record and then click Save.

Enabling centralized licensing for EMC

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 193
License tracking

Before you begin

Ensure that you have created a license in WebLM for Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel (EMC). You
must generate a license using the Host ID and Centralized License ID (CLID).

For example, to generate an EMC license for customer 6, append “00006” to the System Manager Host ID as
shown in the following image:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 194
License tracking

1. On the System Manager web console, in the Services section, click Licenses.
2. From the left menu, click Licensed Products > CALL_CENTER_ELITE_MULTICHANNEL > Configure
Centralized Licensing.
3. Click Enable Centralized Licensing.
4. From the left menu, click Install license.
5. On the Install license screen, click Browse to navigate to the generated EMC license file.
6. Click Install.
The system displays the new license under Installed License Files.
7. From the left menu, click Configure Centralized Licensing.
8. In the Elements and License File Assignments section, click New.
The system displays the Add License Mapping page.
9. In the Element Display Name field, enter the machine name of the EMC server.
You get the machine name of the EMC server from the CC Elite Multichannel Control Panel. From the CC
Elite Multichannel Control Panel dialog box, and open the License Directors menu as shown in the
following image:

10. Add an element in System Manager and assign it the new license file. In the Element ID field, enter the
Element ID of the EMC server.
The Element ID must match exactly how EMC identifies itself to WebLM as shown in the following image:

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 195
License tracking

You must modify License Director on the EMC server and configure System Manager as the WebLM
server. Save and then restart License Director.

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License tracking

You must verify that EMC Server acquires the license successfully.

11. Verify that System Manager acquires the license successfully.

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License tracking

Configuring notifications

About this task

You do not need to configure notifications for the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution. The
procedure of configuring notifications is provided here as a reference in case Avaya or the Service Provider
needs access to this information in a future release or for a customize engagement.

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License tracking

Only Avaya or Service Providers have the right to configure notifications.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Configuration Portal > Licenses > License Tracker
3. To add a new notification, on the License Tracker Notifications List page, click Add.
4. On the License Tracker Notifications List Add page, from the Notifications drop-down list, select the
notification as EMAIL or SNMP.
Based on your choice, perform one of the following actions:
• If you select SNMP, enter the following information:
• In the IP address field, type the IP address of the SNMP receiver.
• In the Port field, type the port number of the SNMP receiver.
• From the Template drop-down list, select the appropriate template.
• If you select Email, enter the following information:
• In the Email address field, type the email address of the user.
• From the Template drop-down list, select the appropriate template.

There are separate templates for EMAIL and SNMP.
5. Click Save.
6. To edit a notification, select the check box for the notification and click Edit.
7. To setup a notification rule, click the Notification Rules tab and select the notification you added and assign
the notification rules.
8. Click Add.
9. On the License Tracker Notifications List Add page, enter the following information:
a. From the System drop-down list, select the system you want to monitor for notifications.
b. From the Type drop-down list, select the type of license tracker notification.
c. From the Server Type drop-down list, select the system that you want to monitor for notifications.
For example, AES.
d. From the License Type drop-down list, select a license.
Based on the selected system in the Server Type drop-down list, the system displays a list of all
available licenses.
e. From the Qualifier drop-down list, select a mathematical qualifier, such as <,>,=,<>,<=,>=
f. From the Threshold field, type the license threshold.
For example, if you set the threshold as 10, then the configuration triggers a notification every time the
quantity of Telephony Services Application Programming Interface (TSAPI) available licenses is less
than 10.

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License tracking

10. Click Save to add the notification.

Configuring SMTP settings

About this task

You do not need to configure SMPT settings for the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution. The
procedure of configuring SMPT settings is provided here as a reference in case Avaya or the Service Provider
needs access to this information in a future release or for a customize engagement.

Only Avaya or Service Providers have the right to configure SMPT settings.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as administrator.
2. On the Avaya Control Manager webpage, click Configuration Portal > Services > Notification Server.
3. On the Notification Servers List page, click the notification service that you want to edit.
4. Click More > SMTP Parameters .
5. In the SMTP Host field, type the IP address or the Host name of your SMTP server.
6. In the SMTP Port field, type the port number that is used by your SMTP server.
The default port number is 25.
7. In the SMTP SSL? field, select one of the following options:
• True: If you select True then SSL is required for SMTP connectivity. True is the default value.
• False: If you select False then SSL is not required for SMTP connectivity
8. In the SMTP Sender Email field, type the email address that is used to send emails.
9. In the SMTP Username field, enter the username for your SMTP server.
10. In the SMTP Password field, enter the password for your SMTP server.
11. Click Save.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Administration of usage collection

The initial configuration of Avaya Control Manager for usage data collection is part of the Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS deployment process and is documented in the Deploying Partner Cloud Powered
by Avaya xCaaS guide. The usage data collection process involves the initial configuration of profiles. These
profiles are divided in two types:

• User-based and known as ACM UC User Profiles, or simply User Profiles. This type of profile is used to
bundle and track the telephony functionality. They are tracked based on configuration. In other words,
for these profiles, usage is tracked by daily peaks of configured usage. You must define the profiles
based on the functional bundles that each end customer requires. Each end customer must use a
unique set of User Profiles, as many as needed.
• Contact Center Application-based profiles. This type of profile is used to track usage of licenses or
ports. These profiles are pre-defined by the ACM system and their names cannot be changed.
Additionally, Avaya Control Manager can only track one bundle for each of these profiles across all
customers. These profiles track daily peaks of concurrent usage. Examples of these profiles are Elite
Agent and Experience Portal Port.

User Profiles, both SIP and H.323-based map to appropriate station templates in Avaya Control Manager
which populates System Manager when a new user is added to the system. As an ongoing part of the system
administration process, whenever a new profile is created, a corresponding entry must be defined in the Avaya
Control Manager database table which maps usage or billing codes to specific profiles. There can be one or
more user profiles per solution instance that map to the same station type when customized templates are
required per tenant. However, there can only be one profile per solution instance for ACR or AAEP or any
other non-user profile. For a list of the user profiles, see “Material Code configuration in Avaya Control

SIP and H.323 user profiles define various types of stations and the features configured on those stations. In
addition, these user profiles can be used to identify add-on or a-la-carte licenses that must be billed for specific
users. For example, a different template can be created for Foundation SIP CC stations to be used by agents
that must have a TSAPI basic license added compared to agent stations that do not require any extra CTI
license usage. When you create a different user profile, a new usage code must be added to the Avaya
Control Manager database table that maps user profiles to the code they must use to identify the licenses
required by any users configured with that user profile. Every SIP and H.323 user profile must have a
corresponding entry in the Avaya Control Manager material code table to specify what usage code is used in
reports and when usage is collected by the Avaya central invoicing systems.

Avaya Global Integration Services (AGIS) must be contracted to add or change the Avaya Control Manager
usage or billing code table. Therefore, whenever a new SIP or H.323 user profile is added, AGIS must be

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

contacted to make the corresponding additions to the Avaya Control Manager database. During this process,
the appropriate usage codes and a-la-carte licenses that must be added to the base suite license for the
profile are identified. Base suite licenses include Foundation, Mobility, or Basic IPT. After identification of the
usage codes and a-la-carte licenses, a new usage code is requested from the Avaya Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service and Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified
Communications as a Service (UCaaS) Product Management, who bundles the suite license with the
appropriate a la carte licenses. By doing this, a SIP or H.323 user profile can be created which maps to any
combination of desired features, all contained in one material code, also known as a collection code.

For more information about configuring the usage collection for billing data, see Deploying Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

For information on how to use the Remedy application to poll the billing data for Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS, see Using Remedy for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Billing

Base licenses

Base licenses are counted by Avaya Control Manager. Avaya Control Manager calculates actual usage of the
following unique items and then communicates the usage details to Avaya’s invoicing systems on a daily basis
for use in calculating a monthly bill:

• Peak number of each station profile that is provisioned, whether all stations are actually used or not
during the day. This includes both contact center and non-agent stations.
• Multiple SIP or H.323 user profiles can be created to identify different types of stations. Each
unique profile can then be assigned additional a-la-carte usage licenses that must be billed in
addition to the UC suite that makes up the base package. Standard profiles or suites that can be
configured include Foundation for Contact Center agents, as well as Foundation, Mobility, Basic
IPT, Analog, and Attendant stations for non contact center users. H.323 profiles can also be
created when needed with the above base profiles. Avaya Control Manager calculates and
reports on the number of stations provisioned in the Aura® system for each profile that is known
to Avaya Control Manager.
• The number of each of the following contact center licenses that are used at the peak period each day
on a per end customer or per tenant basis:
• Call Center Elite agents
• Call Center Elite Multichannel agents
• Avaya Aura® Experience Portal (AAEP) ports
• Avaya Contact Recorder ports (includes encryption)
• Avaya one-X® Agent Telecommuter/Roadwarrior agents
• Reporting Supervisors for CMS


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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

This license is currently not measured but will be added in a future release. Until then, reporting
supervisors can be used with no monthly charge.

Add-on licenses

Add-on licenses are not counted separately by Avaya Control Manager, however add-on licenses are bundled
with a base license. The following contact center licenses can be bundled with the base licenses using
collection codes. For more information about collection codes, see Collection codes versus individual license
codes. When the add-on licenses are bundled with a base license, these add-on licenses are counted based
on the count of the item they are bundled with and that is counted by Avaya Control Manager:

• Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization Workforce Management agent

• Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization Advanced Workforce Management agent
• VDI agent (Avaya Agent for Cloud)
• Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise Contact Center (CC) user
• TSAPI Basic
• TSAPI Advanced
• DMCC Basic
• Speech Recognition/Text-to-Speech (Nuance)

Other a-la-carte features that can be added to the non contact center station licenses in bundles, by creating a
unique SIP or H.323 user profile and corresponding collection usage code, including:

• Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise Unified Communication (UC) user
• EC 500
• Avaya Aura® Messaging

These three UC features are already included in the Mobility suite. Thus, these are only appropriate and
necessary options for Foundation and Basic IPT stations. Avaya Aura® Messaging is included in both
Foundation and Mobility so it only applies to Basic IPT when adding as an option.

There are other licenses, besides those that have been listed, that are made available for controlled use.
Contact the Avaya Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service and Team
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) Product Management to discuss
other Avaya products and their ability to be included using Opex billing.

By creating different station profiles that include some or all of these add-on features, usage can be
customized on a per tenant or even a per user basis. However, bundling add-on licenses with the base contact
center licenses such as Elite agent and Experience Portal causes the bundle to be used for all tenants or end
users on the system. If the system-wide application of a license is not desired, such as billing all Call Center
Elite agents for workforce management as an add-on, then creating separate station profiles containing the

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

specific add-on licensing desired and assigning those profiles to individual tenant users allows for more
granular control of feature billing on a per tenant or per user basis.

Station License for third party DMCC Recording

The DMCC Full license can be configured for stations that are being set up for use in DMCC recording using a
non-Avaya, (i.e. third party) call recording system.

The DMCC Full license is Opex ready, contains both a Foundation station and DMCC basic license that is
needed for call recording using third party solutions.

When you configure the recording ports for use with Avaya Contact Recorder and Avaya Workforce
Optimization Select, the recommendation is to create those stations through Avaya Control Manager as
extensions and not as users. Third-party call recording would require the DMCC ports to be configured as
users in Avaya Control Manager. These users must be assigned user profiles that include DMCC full license
and TSAPI basic license.

Avaya Control Manager licensing

Prior to Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2, Avaya Control Manager (ACM) was billed using a flat
rate charge for the system that was invoiced monthly. If a single ACM is used to manage multiple instances, up
to 10 instances of Aura®, you incur only a single ACM monthly fee. In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS 1.3.2, ACM was invoiced on a per user basis. However, with Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
2.0 and later releases, ACM became an entitlement and is not charged for separately.

For more information, see the offer definition document of the appropriate Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS release.

Configure Billing or Usage Codes in the Avaya

Control Manager database

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

All desired features must have been ordered with the system so that licenses are available for use. If new
features or licenses that were not part of an original installation of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
environment need to be added, an additional order must be placed through your Avaya Account Manager to
acquire the necessary Opex licenses at no initial software charge.

Once the system is installed with the proper licenses, then a determination must be made of how each add-on
license requires to be bundled with other licenses. If this step is not done, then proper invoicing of add-on
licenses does not occur even though they might be in use, which violates the license agreement. The Cloud
Service Provider must work with Avaya Services and Avaya Product Management during the initial Avaya
Control Manager installation process to determine what combinations of optional features require to be set up
for usage collection. Then as new tenants are on boarded, any additional license requirements and billing
combinations must be discussed to determine if new SIP or H.323 user profiles and collection codes are
needed to properly invoice what is being used.

Whenever a new collection of licenses is needed in order to add a desired feature or to bill for a combination
not previously established, a request must be made to Avaya Product Management to create a new collection
code and to identify the changes required in the Avaya Control Manager database to enable this new usage
code to be used. The Avaya Control Manager database changes are then implemented by the AGIS team as
part of a project or ongoing system administration statement of work. Once the Avaya Control Manager
configuration tables are appropriately updated, then any users who are defined with the new SIP or H.323 user
profile can leverage the new usage code. This ensures that there is appropriate collection of items to be
invoiced in place of the previous individual license or collection. The Avaya Control Manager usage reports will
then display the new collection and all collection codes will begin with the letter “C” indicating that more than
one item will be invoiced for that line item when the monthly bill is sent by Avaya.

Multi-Rate Card in SAP

Contact Center (CC) Application-based profiles are defined by Avaya Control Manager (ACM) in a system-
wide basis and it can only track one profile bundle across all customers managed by the same ACM.
Additionally, ACM can only track a single rate card across all customers managed by it.

Starting with Release 2.0.1, Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS SAP supports a Multi-Rate Card
capability. With Multi-rate cards, the partner can have different rate cards across a set of tenants. The partner
can have any of the following options:

• Multiple tenants associated with one rate card

• One rate card per tenant
• A combination of the two options

Additionally, the partner can also define the use of one CC application bundle per end customer instead of
being forced to offer the same bundle across all end customers. For example, using the Multi-Rate Card
capability, a partner can offer customer X the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Agent Bundle and can
offer customer Y the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Agent Bundle with Avaya Agent for Desktop.
Prior to the Multi-Rate Card capability both customers would have had to use and pay for the same bundle.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

To add in an additional rate card for a new tenant, the partner must work with their Avaya Sales Engineer to
get a quote or rate card for either a new tenant or pricing level, depending on what is required. The quote or
rate card must be ordered, and will require another blanket purchase order. After the quote or rate card is fully
set up, billing is put in place to allow for separate invoices at a new price level and/or CC functionality on per
end customer basis.

Recommendations for tracking Billing or Usage for

each add-on license

Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization (WFO) — Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) for
Unified Communications (UC) Users

1. Create a SIP profile to identify UC Users that will use a specific WFO bundle:

a. Workforce Management (WFM)

b. Advanced Workforce Management

2. Request the collection code for the Foundation suite plus the appropriate WFM license.

3. Add the new profile and collection code to the Avaya Control Manager material code table. The material
code must then be obtained from the Avaya Product Manager responsible for Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service.

4. All SIP or H.323 users associated with the newly created profile will be billed for both a Foundation station
and the appropriate WFM license.

Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization (WFO) — Avaya Contact Recorder (ACR) for
Contact Center (CC) Users

1. Create a SIP profile to identify CC Users that will use a specific WFO bundle:

a. Workforce Management (WFM)

b. Advanced Workforce Management

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

2. Configure other global options that would trigger WFM to be billed for all tenants include bundling WFM
with Elite Agent so all agents on the system are billed for WFM, or bundling WFM with Avaya Contact
Recorder so any tenant that needs WFM must also take Avaya Contact Recorder.

VDI agent billing options

• Option 1 – If all agents on the system use the VDI agent, then all agents on system can be billed by
acquiring a collection code that adds the VDI agent license to the Elite Agent collection code. This
collection code can be substituted in the Avaya Control Manager material code table in place of the
existing code used for Elite Agent. When this is done, all agents on the system (one or more tenants)
will be billed for Call Center Elite agent, CMS agent, and VDI agent.
• Option 2 – Create a SIP or H.323 station profile that identifies stations that must include a VDI agent
and use this profile for all agents that need VDI agent functionality. A collection code must be requested
that bundles the Foundation suite license with the VDI agent license and this code must be used in the
Avaya Control Manager material code table while defining the new station profile. After adding the
collection code to the Avaya Control Manager material code table, all stations on the system that are
associated with this profile will be billed for Foundation + VDI agent.

Speech enabled IVR billing options

• Only one option currently exists for automated billing of Speech Enabled IVR. Speech IVR can be
bundled with Experience Portal at a system level so all IVR port usage is billed for the Experience
Portal port plus the Speech IVR port. This means all tenants will be billed for Speech IVR. There is
currently no option to have some tenants with Speech IVR and some without Speech IVR in a multi-
tenant instance of Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service.
• To use this option, the desired bundle of speech IVR features must be identified and a collection code
must be requested from the Avaya Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a
Service Product Manager to include the AAEP port usage plus the bundle of requested Speech IVR
features. This collection code must be updated in the Avaya Control Manager material code table to
replace the standard code for Experience Portal.
• Once the collection code is added to the Avaya Control Manager material code table, every AAEP port
that is used will also be billed for the collection of Speech IVR features built into the collection code.

Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise Opex billing

• For an all SIP deployment, the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) license for
agents can be added into the Elite Agent collection code. Then, SBCE licenses are billed on peak
agent usage. To enable this, a new Elite Agent collection code that includes the SBCE Contact Center
(CC) user licenses must be requested and this must be updated in the Avaya Control Manager material
code table. Using this option, all tenants have to pay for SBCE CC usage.
• For any mixed deployments where some agents might not need SBCE licenses, due to H.323
deployments or dedicated instances that do not have SBCEs, then SBCE CC user licenses can be

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

added to the collection code for only those agent stations that require SBCE. To enable this, a new
Foundation collection code that includes the SBCE CC user licenses must be requested and this must
be updated in the Avaya Control Manager material code table for the profiles that need this licensing.
Using this option, only tenants that use the specific user profile require to pay for SBCE CC usage.
• For any non-agent Foundation or Basic IPT SIP stations that need a-la-carte SBCE licensing, then a
SBCE Unified Communication (UC) user licenses must be added to the collection code for only the SIP
stations that require SBCE. To enable this, a new Foundation or Basic IPT collection code that includes
the SBCE UC user licenses must be requested and this must be updated in the Avaya Control Manager
material code table for the profiles that need this licensing. Using this option, only tenants that use the
specific user profile require to pay for SBCE UC user licensing.

TSAPI and/or DMCC CTI billing

1. Tie the TSAPI and/or DMCC CTI billing licenses to the Foundation station profile that will be used by the
tenant who require TSAPI and/or DMCC CTI.

2. Request a collection code of Foundation + TSAPI Basic (and optionally TSAPI advanced), or Foundation +
DMCC Basic.

3. Substitute the new collection code for any Foundation profile that will use the CTI interface in the Avaya
Control Manager material code table.

Configure stations for DMCC recording with non-Avaya recording systems

1. Create an H.323 profile that will be used to identify the DMCC stations.

2. Add this profile and the billing or usage code for DMCC Full to the Avaya Control Manager material code
table, which provides a station license and a DMCC license in one profile.

3. If TSAPI is also needed, request a collection code that includes both DMCC full and one or two TSAPI
basic licenses and use that in the Avaya Control Manager material code table for the DMCC recording.

Using this option, each tenant pays for the DMCC stations they are using for 3rd party recording.

License usage collection timing

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

The Avaya Control Manager billing engine collects data from the integrated systems in order to calculate the
usage. The following table summarizes the time for collecting the data from each system and adding this data
into the Billing database.

Entity Description Source System Time Date collected Comments

There is a daily
Number of process within
Every hour
provisioned the billing
during the day,
ACM Profile users that are Control engine that
between Today
data (UCaaS) assigned to a Manager determines the
Control daily peak value
Manager profile. from the hourly

There is an
hourly process
within the billing
engine that runs
to determine the
Number of Every 5 minutes
peak value for
concurrent during the day,
Communication the hour from
CC Elite Agents users that are between Today
Manager the 5-minute
logged into Call 00:00:00-23:59:
data and a daily
Center Elite. 59.
process that
determines the
daily peak value
from the hourly

The License
Tracker process
collects the
license usage
Number of from the EMC
One time
concurrent License Director
process that
EMC Users users that are EMC Today every 5 minutes.
runs at 12:15
logged into However, the
a.m. every day.
EMC. billing engine
collects the data
from the License
Tracker once a

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 209
Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Entity Description Source System Time Date collected Comments

The calculation
One time
is done once a
Number of process that
day, but the data
concurrent runs at 1:30
AAEP (CDR in the table
AAEP Ports AAEP ports that a.m. and Yesterday
table) includes all calls
are used by collects all the
in that day. The
each tenant. data of the
peak usage is
previous day.
per second.

Number of
Set the
registered users
d parameter to
that are logged
False in the
into the Avaya
Avaya Control
one-X® Agent
application in
Every 5 minutes BillingEngineCo
the Other Phone
during the day, nfig.xml file. The
Registered CM mode Communication
between Today parameter
Stations (Telecommuter Manager
00:00:00-23:59: configures CM
for Multi-tenant
59. Billing service to
instance) or the
not collect the
My Computer
list of configured
mode (Road
stations from
Warrior for
Manager every
instance) for H.
5 minutes.

For more information on data processing for billing, see Failover Management for Partner Cloud Powered by
Avaya xCaaS.

ACR billing data is based on Elite Agent count and is also dependent on ACR being turned on or off on Avaya
Control Manager for a particular customer. For more information, see the “Tracking billing usage for Avaya
Contact Recorder” topic in Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS. CMS billing data is based on
the Elite Agent count.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Daily Billing Job

The daily billing job runs every day at 2:00 a.m., and calculates the data of the previous day. This means that
you cannot run the job during the day and expect to get results of the same day. Every day you can run the
billing reports and expect to see the billing data of the previous day.

Material Codes for OPEX Billing

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS OPEX Material Codes are structured to create relationships to define
software licenses, Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service bundles, and a-la-carte items that can
be ordered, provisioned, tracked, and billed.

Figure 1. OPEX material code relationships

For example, when you configure Avaya Control Manager for a Cloud Service Provider, Avaya Control
Manager Profiles are created for different types of Unified Communication (UC) users. Avaya Control Manager
profile names for contact center applications are predefined. When a UC user is added, an Avaya Control
Manager profile is associated with the user which defines the services to be provisioned for that user.

The following table shows four profiles all of which are based on standard SIP phone models that are
supported with Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2. Other phone models are also supported. In this
example, the Avaya Control Manager material code is the same for all four types of provisioned stations.
Different profiles might use the same material code if they use the same set of features. The code used in the
following table (C20001) is a commonly used bundle that represents the Foundation Suite, which is required
for Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service agent stations.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 211
Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Material Code Material Description Profile Name

C20001 Foundation_9608_SIPCC

C20001 Foundation_9611_SIPCC

C20001 Foundation_9621_SIPCC

C20001 Foundation_9641_SIPCC

UC usage is measured by provisioning stations to be used by end users and assigning each station to a profile
(SIP or H.323) in Avaya Control Manager. The specified profile enables the end-user of that station to access
features provided by a UC bundle, such as Foundation or Mobility, and possibly by additional a-la-carte options
that can be added to the standard bundles. Standard UC bundles are extended to include additional a-la-carte
features by using a special material code called a “Collection Code”. Avaya Control Manager reports the peak
count of provisioned profiles per day by tenant location. Each profile is tied to the bundle of features it
includes, which can be either a standard bundle or a customized bundle using a collection code.

For Contact Center (CC) applications, Avaya Control Manager reports the peak daily concurrent usage of each
core contact center application that it tracks. Profiles for these core contact center applications are reserved
words. These words must not be reused when creating UC profiles. An application such as a Call Center Elite
agent might translate into a bundle of features using a collection code in the Avaya Control Manager database
that maps to the Elite Agent reserved profile name. The collection code might contain multiple applications
such as Call Center Elite agent, Call Management System and Call Management System High Availability.
Concurrent usage is measured by tenant.

Monthly usage overall for the service provider for both UC and CC applications is calculated for each material
by summing the daily usage of each tenant divided by the length of the billing period (rounded up).

The following table describes how UC stations can be tracked at a site level, which can be used to break down
the station usage by site, department, or any other measure. The total usage is based on the sum of usage at
all of the sites within a given tenant.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Usage Tenant Location

Contract Material Tenant Location
Date Quantity Quantity

4000000 8/1/2013 210 One Ltd 100 Paris
Fnd Suite

Day 1 4000000 8/1/2013 210 One Ltd 110 Munich
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/1/2013 120 Two Ltd 120 London
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/2/2013 220 One Ltd 110 Paris
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/2/2013 210 One Ltd 110 Munich
Fnd Suite
Day 2
4000000 8/2/2013 128 Two Ltd 89 London
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/2/2013 128 Two Ltd 39 Madrid
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/3/2013 247 One Ltd 160 Paris
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/3/2013 247 One Ltd 87 Munich
Fnd Suite
Day 3
4000000 8/3/2013 141 Two Ltd 76 London
Fnd Suite

4000000 8/3/2013 141 Two Ltd 65 Madrid
Fnd Suite

Total = 1066

Average = 356

The same breakdown is not possible for contact center licenses and contact center licenses are tracked only
at the overall tenant level. This is because contact center licenses are billed based on concurrent use and
measuring usage by site within a tenant might result in overcharging. For example, if tenants use the follow the
sun principle and reuse contact center licenses across sites, that is if one site uses licenses at a particular time
of day and another site reuses the same contact center license at a different time that does not overlap the

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

time when the license was being used by the first site. So reporting on use of contact center licenses by site
within a tenant is not currently possible.

Collection codes versus individual license codes

Collection codes enable multiple items to be billed even though Avaya Control Manager only counts one item
such as an Elite Agent or a SIP or H.323 station. An example of a collection code used as a standard is the
Elite Agent code, C20003. This code begins with a “C”, which specifies that it is a collection code. The C20003
collection code consists of the following separate material codes:




These codes apply when the system is deployed as a co-delivery solution. Other similar codes are used for
Avaya Private Cloud Services (APCS) supported systems. By putting the C20003 code into the Avaya Control
Manager material code table as the code to use when counting Elite Agent usage, all three of the licenses
listed earlier are invoiced whenever one Elite Agent is counted.

Similarly, a collection code made up of any combination of one base license plus one or more add-on licenses
can be created and associated with one of the items that Avaya Control Manager counts, causing the add-on
license usage to be included in the monthly invoice.

Therefore, it is important to understand what collection codes are defined and used when Avaya Control
Manager reports usage and what those collections actually contain in order to know exactly what gets invoiced
by Avaya.

Combine Avaya Control Manager measured

features with bundled features using Collection

Following is a summary of how to add a-la-carte application features to an Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
xCaaS environment to ensure they are included in the monthly invoicing process:

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• Avaya Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service includes many features, which
are also called applications.
• The Cloud Service Provider (CSP) can choose the applications they want to offer for their cloud
• Each core UC and CC application has a monthly usage fee.
• Some applications are considered in use as soon as they are provisioned in the system. This
includes any UC stations, such as Foundation and Mobility, and the a-la-carte applications that
are bundled with any UC stations.
• Some applications are only considered in use when an agent logs into that application. This
includes any of the agent-based contact center applications
• Some applications are considered in use during the time that an actual customer interaction is
received and processed. This includes Avaya Aura® Experience Portal.
• In most cases, Avaya Control Manager tracks usage for the core UC and CC applications directly and
• The applications that are not tracked directly by Avaya Control Manager are considered bundled
• A-la-carte applications can be bundled together with any of the core UC and CC applications to offer a
specific combination of features to meet needs of a customer without requiring Avaya Control Manager
to measure each feature individually.
• Since Avaya Control Manager does not measure a-la-carte features directly, a-la-carte features must
be bundled with other features that are measured using a Collection Code. In most cases, Collection
Codes are used to extend Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service
(UCaaS) standard bundles, such as Foundation, Mobility, and IPT Basic, but collection codes can also
be applied to Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service core features in
certain cases.
• In some cases, if an a-la-carte feature applies to all contact center users and all tenants that are
managed by the specific Avaya Control Manager instance, then an a-la-carte feature can be bundled
with a core contact center application. An example of this would be bundling a feature with the Call
Center Elite agent software that applies to all agents, such as the CMS Admin Sync feature or the
Avaya Agent for Cloud feature, which are considered a-la-carte features. All agents on the system are
then charged for these add-on features when bundled with a contact center application.
• The CSP can request specific UC bundles be created and base their usage on establishing user
profiles in Avaya Control Manager.
• The CSP can request specific CC bundles, and in this case any a-la-carte features in the bundle have a
monthly usage equal to the underlying Contact Center feature that the bundle is tied to.
• Avaya Control Manager leverages special Collection Codes to identify stations and contact center
applications associated with a specific bundle and to track monthly usage.
• Collection Codes are created by Avaya and must be requested by sending an email to After the Product Ops team reviews the request and if it is approved as a
valid bundle by the product manager, an existing collection code that matches the features requested is
provided. Alternatively, a new collection code will be created if a matching bundle does not exist.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• Avaya Professional Services (APS) performs an update to the Avaya Control Manager configuration to
deploy any new collection codes, create any new entries for new UC profiles, and make the bundle
effective. There might be APS charges to add bundled features so requests must be combined to allow
all needed changes to be performed in as few separate updates as possible.

Process of monthly billing

Avaya’s cloud management systems receive usage data daily into from each Avaya Control Manager
deployed in the data center of a CSP. The daily data includes the peak usage for each license type per tenant.
This data is stored in Avaya’s SAP system pending the monthly invoice calculation. On the 4th day of every
month, the Avaya SAP system triggers the monthly invoice calculation program to calculate the usage
quantities from the previous month. Following are the calculation steps used by the Avaya SAP system:

1. Failsafe, which means checking that data has been properly collected and filling in the missing data.

If data is not collected sufficiently then the processing is stopped and an alert is sent for manual
intervention. For more information, see Failsafe processing and Manual intervention billing process.

2. Calculate average daily usage materials.

3. Calculate monthly high-water mark usage materials.

4. Calculate non-usage based materials.

5. Check and add necessary quantities to satisfy minimum volume commitments. Only after grace period has

6. After checks and calculations have passed, the data is submitted for invoicing.

Failsafe processing

Failsafe processing is a process to confirm that daily data has been collected properly. As the first step in each
monthly billing cycle, the collected data is analyzed and for any days that were not collected successfully and
an attempt is made to automatically fill in the missing data with the following logic:

• Before any calculation can occur, the invoicing procedure must ensure that usage data has been
received for every day of the considered billing period.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

The failsafe process checks the daily usage collection and ensures that at least one data record exists
for every day of the period.
• When a day is found missing, the data of the previous day is duplicated. Any duplicated records in the
daily table are uniquely flagged and have a reference to the original records.
• Before continuing, the process confirms that a threshold has not been hit which indicates that
insufficient daily data was collected and manual intervention is required:
• The number of consecutive days of missing data > 3.
• The total number of days missing over each billing period > 3.
• In the event that one of the thresholds is met, an email goes to a predefined distribution list within
Avaya for manual resolution of the problem and the processing of the particular contract is stopped. In
this case, the contract cannot be invoiced.

Manual intervention billing process

When failsafe thresholds are met due to not collecting sufficient data during the month, the following are the
options for manual recovery, for a targeted contract:

• Option 1: Daily usage data exists in Avaya Control Manager. Re-execute the daily interface fetch for
each missing day. The monthly calculation can then be executed as normal.
• Option 2: Run the monthly calculation program with no application of failsafe. Only existing daily usage
data is used and average calculations are divided by the length of the billing period. This option results
in lower averages than with a month of complete data.
• Option 3: Run the monthly calculation program with specific failsafe thresholds. This allows failsafe to
duplicate the missing data over more days than the default, which is intended to be conservative.
• Option 4: Determine usage through other external mechanism or agreement. An excel spreadsheet
with such data can then be submitted to be loaded using a monthly contract updating program.

Minimum Volume Commitments and Grace Periods

With Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)-only deployments, in
most cases, the station bundles carry a minimum volume commitment per month. In a Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service or Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS deployment, there
are minimum commitments on both the station bundles and Call Center Elite agent usage. The Minimum
Volume Commitment (MVC) is documented as part of the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact
Center as a Service contract amendment between Avaya and the service provider. If these usage levels are
not met for the month, then the minimum level is billed instead. All other items not covered by the MVC are

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

billed at actual usage levels with no minimum, and in most cases, Avaya Control Manager monthly fees are
the same regardless of usage levels.

A Grace Period is the number of billing cycles during which the minimum volume commitment is not
applicable. Grace periods allow a service provider some time to ramp up service before commitments must be

APCS materials that are billed for Day 2 system management do not have a grace period.

The Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) MVC is measured
against the sum of Foundation, Mobility, and Collaboration suites that have been provisioned. The delta
between the MVC and the sum of Foundation, Mobility, and Collaboration usage is added to the Foundation
Suite bundle. In the following image, the usage fell short of the MVC by 400 units, which is then added to the
Foundation Suite usage:

The Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service MVC is measured against the
number of Call Center Elite agents that are used per month. If the Call Center Elite monthly average is lower
than the MVC, then difference is added to cause the Call Center Elite agent usage to match the MVC amount.

APCS materials also have minimum volume commitments but these have no corresponding grace period. The
Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) and Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service MVC for APCS services are applied to the
following two materials when usage falls below the minimum per month:

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

Material Description



Material Code configuration in Avaya Control


Avaya Control Manager contains mapping of what material codes are billed based on the unique configuration
of features selected by each Cloud Service Provider. By setting different material codes in the Avaya Control
Manager database table, bundled features can be added to the normal billing of stations and contact center
licenses if these are used in the specific deployment.

If you are using an Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS release earlier than Release 1.3.2, or using an
Release 1.3.2 or later, but are not using any of the two defined Agent Bundles in the Partner Cloud Powered
by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2 offer, then contact the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Offer Manager for
information on how to configure the tracking of CMS Supervisor usage. The CMS Supervisor material code
needs special consideration and configuration.

While the UC-related ACM User profiles can be configured uniquely per Cloud End Customer, the Contact
Center related profiles have reserved/fixed name strings that cannot be changed. The list of UC-related ACM
User profiles given in this section are general profile names that do not include the Cloud End Customer name

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName Notes

303646 One-X Agent TC RW One-X Agent TC RW -

There are many other

303642 Elite Agent Elite Agent
Collection codes with
Elite Agent and various

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName Notes

other associated material

C20002 Elite Agent wCMS *Elite Agent codes. Only one “Elite
Agent” billing code can
be configured in Avaya
C20003 Elite Agent wCMS HA Elite Agent Control Manager.

338687 Experience Portal Port Experience Portal Port -

303648 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 -

WFO – Contact
303840 *ACR Ports
Recording Only one “ACR Ports”
billing code can be
configured in Avaya
WFO - Contact Control Manager.
C20004 ACR Ports
Recording w Encryption

The Avaya Control Manager database table that contains the material code mapping is called
dbo.tblProfileUsagePerLocationPerSiteMonthly_MaterialCodeConfiguration. The following is a sample view of
this table from a sample Avaya Control Manager database.

The following mapping of Avaya Control Manager User profiles to a billing code applies to stations used for
Contact Center Agents for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS releases prior to Release 1.3.2, or for
Cloud End Customers using Release 1.3.2, or later releases, who are not using any of the Agent Bundles
defined in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2 and later releases.

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

303672 Foundation_CCSIP Foundation_9608_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_CCSIP Foundation_9611_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_CCSIP Foundation_9621_SIPCC

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MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

303672 Foundation_CCSIP Foundation_9641_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_CCH323 Foundation_9608_H323CC

303672 Foundation_CCH323 Foundation_9611_H323CC

303672 Foundation_CCH323 Foundation_9621_H323CC

303672 Foundation_CCH323 Foundation_9641_H323CC

Avaya counts one supervisor, material code 305461, for every ten agents, whose usage is reported on by
Avaya Control Manager. Supervisor material codes must be captured in a collection code associated with Elite
Agents and the account manager must ensure that the resulting discounted rate in the rate card for supervisor
is 1/10 the value.

The following list of ACM User Profiles apply only if the Cloud End Customer is using one of the Agent
Bundles defined in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2 and later releases.

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName Notes

TBD Foundation_CCSIP_A Zero cost agent station

TBD Foundation_CCSIP_A Foundation_9611_SIPCC Zero cost agent station

TBD Foundation_CCSIP_A Foundation_9621_SIPCC Zero cost agent station

TBD Foundation_CCSIP_A Foundation_9641_SIPCC Zero cost agent station

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName Notes

TBD Foundation_CCH323_A Zero cost agent station

TBD Foundation_CCH323_A Zero cost agent station

TBD Foundation_CCH323_A Zero cost agent station

TBD Foundation_CCH323_A Zero cost agent station

Starting with Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2, the Core and Power suites were defined for
Unified Communications-based functionality. As a result, the Foundation and Mobility suites may no longer be
used for new Cloud End Customer deployments. However, the existing Cloud End Customers may continue to
use these suites. In such cases, the ACM User profiles would be of the form Foundation_9608_SIP or
Foundation_9608_H323 or Mobility_9608_SIP or Mobility_9608_H323, as appropriate. There are many other
Collection codes with Foundation/Mobility/Core/Power and various other associated material codes that may
be needed to add available a la carte options. For help with the appropriate selection of Collection codes,
contact your Sales Account Manager.

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

390346 Core_9608_SIP Core_9608_SIP

390346 Core_9611_SIP Core_9611_SIP

390346 Core_9621_SIP Core_9621_SIP

390346 Core_9641_SIP Core_9641_SIP

390346 Core_B179_SIP Core_B179_SIP

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MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

390346 Core_9608_ H323 Core_9608_ H323

390346 Core_9611_ H323 Core_9611_ H323

390346 Core_9621_ H323 Core_9621_ H323

390346 Core_9641_ H323 Core_9641_ H323

390346 Core_B189_ H323 Core_B189_ H323

390352 Power_9608_SIP Power_9608_SIP

390352 Power_9611_SIP Power_9611_SIP

390352 Power_9621_SIP Power_9621_SIP

390352 Power_9641_SIP Power_9641_SIP

390352 Power_9608_H323 Power_9608_H323

390352 Power_9611_H323 Power_9611_H323

390352 Power_9621_H323 Power_9621_H323

390352 Power_9641_H323 Power_9641_H323

390352 Power_H175_SIP Power_H175_SIP

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9621_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9641_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9608_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9611_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9621_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9641_ H323

303634 IPT_J129_SIP IPT_J129_SIP

303674 OneX_Attendant OneX_Attendant

You might need to update this table for the following reasons:

• To change co-delivery material codes to corresponding APCS codes if you are using APCS for
managing the system. This is not necessary for an accurate invoice, but it causes the Avaya Control
Manager billing reports to show the accurate codes wherever possible in usage reports.
• To add any profiles for UC stations so that billing is done on all SIP and H.323 stations that are created.
• To add a custom bundle of features to some or all of the entries as required, by changing material
codes to collection codes that have additional features bundled together. If any features are required
that Avaya Control Manager does not count directly, for example features such as CTI licenses
(TSAPI), such features must be added using collection codes. You must change the material codes to
different collection codes depending on what additional bundled features are required.
See the material codes tables in the Offer Definition Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS for the
features that must be added using collection codes in order to be properly billed.
• To implement changes such as requests of a new bundled feature by an end customer for certain
stations, such as TSAPI, DMCC, EC500, Messaging and Voicemail.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• In this case, identify if an existing collection code has the combination of UC suite plus bundled
features. Standard collection codes and the rate card are listed in the Offer Definition Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.
• If the needed collection does not exist, send a request to to request a
new collection code.
• Create a new SIP or H.323 template in Avaya Control Manager.
• Add the template to the material code table in the Avaya Control Manager billing database,
dbo.tblProfileUsagePerLocationPerSiteMonthly_MaterialCodeConfiguration, specifying the
material code to be used as the collection code that is identified or created in the previous steps.
Also, include a meaningful description for the material code, as this appears in usage reports.
• New UC profiles.
• New bundled features.
• Some bundled features might be added to the contact center features that Avaya Control Manager
counts, such Elite Agent, EMC, or AAEP ports, by substituting a collection code in the Avaya Control
Manager material code table. When this is done, all tenants managed by that Avaya Control Manager
are counted as users of that additional bundled feature.
Example: By adding the CMS Admin Sync license to the Call Center Elite billing code as part of a
collection code, all agents across all tenants are billed for the CMS Admin Sync feature. This is an
example of an appropriate use of a bundled add-on to a contact center feature as it is billed to all
However, if only one tenant, or selected tenants, in a multitenant environment are to be billed for a
feature such as Avaya Agent (soft phone) then this must not be added to a core contact center feature,
such as the Elite Agent, using a collection code. Because this causes all tenants to be billed for Avaya
Agent. If this is not the desired scenario, then you must tie the feature to a unique UC Station Profile
where that billing code can be applied to specific stations and then all tenants on the system are not
• Billing options for WFO/WFM, Speech IVR (Nuance), and other features not measured by Avaya
Control Manager (bundled items).
The following items are considered bundled and are not counted directly by Avaya Control Manager:
• All Nuance speech enabled IVR licenses.
• All WFO licenses except for Contact recording, which are WFM, QM, and WFO.
• Encryption for Contact Recording, This must be bundled with Contact Recording using a
collection code.
• UC station bundled options must be added using a collection code, unless the option is already
included in the bundle natively, such as EC500 is already included in Mobility.
• CMS and CMS HA are bundled with the Elite Agent using a collection code.
• Avaya Agent for cloud (APS offer).
• DMCC and TSAPI licenses.
• CMS Admin Sync interfaces (APS offer).
• If the features listed above require to be included in Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS
installation and properly billed, they must be included in a collection code that is applied to one of the
core items that Avaya Control Manager directly counts, including the following:

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• AAEP ports
• CC Elite Agents
• CC Elite Multichannel Agents
• One-X Agent
• Any station defined as a SIP or H.323 user
• Avaya Contact Recording

For the reasons listed above, the values in the

dbo.tblProfileUsagePerLocationPerSiteMonthly_MaterialCodeConfiguration table on any Avaya Control
Manager system might differ, especially for the values of the MaterialCode column. The MaterialCode and the
ProfileName columns are extremely important. MaterialCode values must match valid material codes that are
part of the SAP contract of the CSP for either a single material that is billed whenever that profile is used, or
the material code value must match a valid Collection Code that has the correct bundle of features that
requires to be billed for that profile, and all materials in the collection code must be part of the SAP contract of
the CSP. Collection codes are defined by Avaya Product Operations under the guidance of Product
Management. The various profiles for each Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a
Service (UCaaS) station type to be used on the system is defined in Avaya Control Manager as SIP or H.323
templates and assigned to various users. Whenever a new SIP or H.323 template is created to support a
different phone model or to identify a different bundle of licenses that some phones will be assigned, a new
row must be added to the dbo.tblProfileUsagePerLocationPerSiteMonthly_MaterialCodeConfiguration table,
which then specifies what material code is used when billing for that new Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) profile.

The core Contact Center features are not tied to a Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified
Communications as a Service (UCaaS) profile but are billed based on the usage measurement done by Avaya
Control Manager.

Contact Center (CC) profiles names

The rows in the material code table with the following profile names make up the currently supported core
applications that are directly counted by Avaya Control Manager for usage and billing. The rows for these
entries identify what billing codes, including any collection codes, to use when usage is captured. The Contact
Center profiles names are hard coded and you must not change the names that are listed in the following

ProfileName Description

Avaya one-X® Agent Telecommuter or Roadwarrior

One-X Agent TC RW

All features tied to a logged-in Call Center Elite

Elite Agent

Experience Portal Port Avaya Aura® Experience Portal port.

EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel agent.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

ProfileName Description

Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization (WFO) Contact

ACR Ports
Recording agent.

The ProfileName must match exactly what is shown in the table above, so that Avaya Control Manager uses
the corresponding billing code for that profile during billing for that feature. There must only be one row per
ProfileName for both the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service and Team
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS) profiles in the material code
configuration table. Any features not appearing in the list are considered bundled features and are only billed
if: (1) They are part of a collection code that is tied to a profile, or (2) they are sold as fixed subscriptions that
are part of the contract of the CSP with Avaya. In the case of #2, any fixed subscription licenses are added to
the monthly invoice with no usage measurement and therefore these do not need to be present in the Avaya
Control Manager material code table or as part of a collection code.

Co-delivery versus APCS codes in Avaya Control Manager database

The material codes in the Avaya Control Manager table are in either the co-delivery or APCS versions. The
invoice that is generated by Avaya systems after the usage data is collected is converted to the proper codes
based on the contract that has been established. So if an account is set up as co-delivery, the usage data is
converted to co-delivery codes, even if APCS codes are specified in the Avaya Control Manager database. If
an account is using APCS support, the codes are converted to APCS, even if co-delivery codes are used in
the Avaya Control Manager table. This is in addition to expanding the collection codes to the detailed line
items in the actual monthly invoice.

Guidelines for Avaya Control Manager user profile

Use profile names are descriptive of the licenses and features associated with the mapping billing code. The
number of characters in your Avaya Control Manager (ACM) user profile name should not exceed 200. You
might want to follow these guidelines while defining ACM user profile names.

• Use ASCII characters (A-Z , a-z, 0-9, _, - ). No white space or any other special characters are
recommended. For example, Foundation_Basic_License_PW
• Use less than 200 characters in your ACM user profile name. For example,
Foundation_Basic_License_PW . The sample name has 27 characters including the underscores.
• Use underscore (_) or hyphen (-). to separate different words. For example,
• Start each word in your ACM user profile name with capital letter. For example,

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• Do not start your ACM user profile name with a number. For example,
3_Foundation_Basic_License_PW is not recommended.
• Do not prefix customer name with the ACM user profile name. For example,
PW_Foundation_Basic_License_PW is not recommended.
• Suffix customer name with the ACM user profile name. For example,
• Keep the customer name that you suffix with the ACM user profile name short. Two or three capital
letters preferred. For example, Foundation_Basic_License_PW or

Do not change the name of any of the following profiles below. These must be used as defined and shared by
all end customers or tenants. If you change any of the profile names in the following table, ACM will not be
able to perform usage tracking:

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName ApplicationProfile

303646 One-X Agent TC RW One-X Agent TC RW CC Application profile

303642 Elite Agent wCMS Elite Agent CC Application profile

303850 Experience Portal Port Experience Portal Port CC Application profile

CCaaS Reporting CCaaS Reporting

305461 CC Application profile
Supervisor Supervisor

303648 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 CC Application profile

WFO – Contact
303840 ACR Ports CC Application profile

Example user profile names

The following table provides sample profiles names. However, you can use the name you want for profiles.
Use profile names that are descriptive of the licenses and features associated with the mapping billing code.

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9608_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9611_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9621_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9641_SIPCC

390346 Core_SIP Core_9608_SIP

390346 Core_SIP Core_9611_SIP

390346 Core_SIP Core_9621_SIP

390346 Core_SIP Core_9641_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9608_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9611_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9621_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9641_SIP

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9608_H323CC

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9611_ H323CC

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9621_ H323CC

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9641_ H323CC

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9608_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9611_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9621_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9641_ H323

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9608_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9611_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9621_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9641_ H323

303646 One-X Agent TC RW One-X Agent TC RW

Elite Agent wCMS HA and Admin

C20013 Elite Agent
Sync Dual

303850 Experience Portal Port Experience Portal Port

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9630_H323CC

305461 CCaaS Reporting Supervisor CCaaS Reporting Supervisor

303648 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0

303840 WFO – Contact Recording ACR Ports

Third-party recording system billing configuration

in Avaya Control Manager

When using Avaya Aura® Workforce Optimization (WFO) Contact Recording, the licenses required for CTI
integration as well as soft phone support needed to perform call recording are included in the monthly fee.
However, when using a third-party recorder other that WFO Contact Recording, Avaya makes the CTI and soft
phone licenses available for a monthly charge as part of OPEX billing. In most cases the following licenses are

• DMCC Full Station license plus 1 TSAPI basic license per recording port.
• TSAPI basic license per station to monitor for potential recording.

To establish billing for this configuration and use with third-party recorders, do the following:

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• Create a profile in Avaya Control Manager that maps to a station template in Avaya Aura® System
Manager (SMGR).
The profile name must be “DMCC_Station_Plus_TSAPI”.
• Use the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager DMCC stations template. The DMCC stations template
is 4624 and this template exists within the Avaya Control Manager configuration.
• For every recording port needed, create a user associated with this profile. This ensures that a monthly
charge is billed for every DMCC port.
Avaya recommends that you create a team and to place all DMCC station users in that team to keep
these special recording port users segregated from the real users. End customers must not be allowed
to modify this team, therefore keep this team hidden or protected from access by the end customer.
All end customer administrators with access to Avaya Control Manager must not be allowed to create
extensions, by having their access to Create Extensions disabled. You can disable Create Extensions
using the Avaya tab in Avaya Control Manager. This ensures that end customers cannot create stations
that are not billed.

Examples of collection codes used in third-party recording configurations are:

• C20007 = Foundation +1 TSAPI Basic license. Used for the stations to be recorded.
• C20012 = DMCC Full + 1 TSAPI Basic license. Used for the DMCC stations that perform recording.

If these collection codes do not fit your exact requirements, then additional collection codes can be created by
contacting Update the material code mapping table in Avaya Control Manager as

1. Change the material code for any station profiles that are agent phone types from the default value to
C20007. The default value can be C20001.

2. Create a new row in the material code table that corresponds to the “DMCC_Full_Plus_TSAPI” profile
using the C20012 material code. This is the profile used to create the DMCC stations, using the custom
team that must not be visible to end customer administrators.

An example of the updated rows is seen in the following table, where the Foundation_9608_SIPCC agent
station profile is recorded using the third-party recorder:

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

C20007 Foundation_CCSIP Plus TSAPI Foundation_9608_SIPCC

C20012 DMCC Full Station Plus TSAPI DMCC_Station_Plus_TSAPI

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

If other station profiles require to be recorded, then you must also change the material code for those
station profiles to C20007.

The Avaya Control Manager database table that contains the material code mapping is named

Guidelines for usage measurement and billing

Following are additional points that provide insight into the usage measurement in an Partner Cloud Powered
by Avaya xCaaS system:

• When you are not using the new comprehensive agent bundles, the Contact Center (Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service) licensing agent fees do not include the
actual station license used by the agents. Station licenses are charged in addition to the Contact Center
licenses, except when you use the comprehensive agent bundles.
• Every agent requires an IP station provisioned in the system. When you are not using the new
comprehensive agent bundles that include the IP station, Avaya Control Manager track these stations,
as part of the Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)
model, which is based on provisioned stations. Other stations created for general users (non-agents)
are also billed in this way. If you choose one of the comprehensive agent bundles, then the system is
configured to only bill for non-agent stations and not to bill separately for agent stations.
• The CSP is invoiced for both the contact center usage, generally tied to average number of logged-in
agents over the month, as well as for the UC stations provisioned in the system. UC stations for agents
are included in the total UC station count except when the comprehensive agent bundles are used.
• The system tracks logged-in agents and does not discern if an agent is active or not. An agent logged
in is counted as a user even if no calls are handled by that agent, so agents must log out when they are
not using the system to reduce usage counts.
• The system tracks provisioned IP or H.323 phones. A phone is billed for the period it is provisioned in
Avaya Control Manager, even if the phone is not active or registered.
• CSPs lease the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS licenses on a monthly basis. The ownership
of the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS licenses is retained by Avaya.
• Prior to Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Release 1.3.2, Avaya Control Manager was charged
only on a fixed monthly fee. Under this model, the fee was the same throughout the contract regardless
of usage level. Each Avaya Control Manager deployed to manage production systems was charged the
monthly fee.
In Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS Release 1.3.2 and later, the per Avaya Control Manager
system fee is being switched to a per user fee for all new deployments of Avaya Control Manager.
Existing deployments might be able to be converted to per user Avaya Control Manager billing, if

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

desired. The conversion requires a statement of work to change the Avaya Control Manager billing
codes to include the new per user fees for CC Elite Agent. This is a one-time change and cannot be
reverted. For new deployments, the Avaya Control Manager usage fee is included in the cost of a
provisioned UC station for non-agents based on profiles such as Core, Power, Foundation, and IPT
Basic and an additional charge per agent is either added to the Call Center Elite agent collection code
or is already included in the new comprehensive agent bundles.
• Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel (EMC) license count is automatically decremented by two
before billing begins. This covers using the Voice Media Store and Media Director both of which
consume a license. Each logged-in agent consumes one EMC license regardless of which interaction
types the agent handles. A flat fee per EMC agent is charged allowing the agent to use all interaction
types supported by EMC at the same monthly fee.
• Avaya SBCE OPEX billing. Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise (SBCE) is generally
required for Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 1.3.2 and later configurations. If required to
support the cloud configuration, SBCEs can be procured as a CAPEX expense or can be billed on a
per user per month basis.
• The monthly fee for the UC Core and Power suites already includes the Session Border
Controller (SBC) license required for UC access. SBCE OPEX licensing and monthly fees can
be added to IPT Basic and Foundation profiles using a collection code bundle.
• For CC Agent users, a CC-specific bundle giving access to the increased number of SBC
resources, which might be required for logged-in agents handling active calls, can be added to
the Elite Agent collection code to allow SBCE to be used in an OPEX mode for contact centers.
A separate billing code for lineside and trunkside resources is available depending on if both or
only one is needed in the configuration.
• In addition, the SBCE fee for both trunk and station side access is included in the new
comprehensive agent bundles at no additional charge.
• There is no way to charge partially for opex use of SBCEs when some capex and some opex
SBCs are deployed in the same Avaya Aura® instance. If opex is required at all, it will be billed
equally across all stations and agents. There is no credit given for mixing opex and capex SBCs
in same system Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS instance.
• Avaya Aura® Media Server opex billing. Avaya Aura® Media Server can be deployed as either a capex
or opex configuration.
• For non-agent users, the Avaya Aura® Media Server billing code for UC users must be added to
all UC profiles in use for non-agents, by establishing a new collection code that includes the UC
station billing code and the Avaya Aura® Media Server for UC user billing code.
• For agent users, the Avaya Aura® Media Server billing code created for CC users must be
added to the CC Elite Agent by creating a new collection code. Note that agent stations must
have a different UC profile from non-agents and UC profiles for agent stations must not include
the Avaya Aura® Media Server billing code for UC users, as this is already covered under the
CC Elite Agent collection code.
• Avaya Aura® Media Server usage is also included in the new comprehensive agent bundles.
• There is no credit for mixing opex and capex media resources. For example, no credit can be
given for mixing capex G450s and opex Avaya Aura® Media Server servers by charging less for

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

the Avaya Aura® Media Server usage per month. The opex cost for Avaya Aura® Media Server
is applied to all users if enabled, so keeping the either all capex or all opex regarding media
server resources is currently recommended.
• Avaya Control Manager does not measure any usage of Avaya Breeze™, Avaya Oceana™ Solution or
Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights or POM in the fixed subscription model. Therefore, no Avaya Breeze™,
Avaya Oceana™ Solution, Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights, POM, or Avaya Control Manager daily and
monthly usage appears in any Avaya Control Manager report.
• Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager opex billing. Proactive Outreach Manager (POM) is currently not
measured by Avaya Control Manager. Therefore to offer POM using an opex billing model per month, a
basic fixed subscription model has been established. This model reflects a lower price per month due to
the fact that usage will not go up or down.
• POM opex licensing must be ordered in the quantity needed per instance.
• Avaya Control Manager does not measure POM usage so POM daily and monthly usage is not
present in Avaya Control Manager reports.
• The monthly Invoice from Avaya includes the fixed subscription charge for POM licenses based
on the quantity ordered and the appropriate discount given off the list price.
• POM includes all AAEP ports needed for outbound calls to be dialed. No additional AAEP usage
is measured for POM and use of outbound ports is not included in the usage report from Avaya
Control Manager.
• The Hosting Partner must track how many POM licenses are to be billed to each end customer
managed by a single Avaya Control Manager as the Avaya invoice shows a total POM usage
across all instances managed by a single Avaya Control Manager.
• Callback Assist (CBA) is now offered in a per agent per month basis.
• Add the CBA per agent billing code to the Elite Agent by requesting a new collection code.
• The CBA per agent monthly fee includes the cost for the necessary AAEP port to issue the
callback. No additional AAEP usage is measured for CBA and use of outbound ports is not
included in the usage report from Avaya Control Manager.
• Determining when a new Avaya Control Manager instance is needed. You must deploy a separate
Avaya Control Manager in the following scenarios:
• Different rate card or discount level for different end customers. The discount rate of the monthly
charges is tied to a specific Avaya Control Manager. If different rates are needed to address
different customer segments, then each different rate card requires its own Avaya Control
• Different combination of Contact Center features needed per end customer. The collection
codes define exactly what is included and billed with each CC Elite Agent, each Elite
MultiChannel Agent, each WFO user, each AAEP inbound port and each One-X Agent is set per
Avaya Control Manager. All Contact Center features are billed with the same bundle of features
for any end customers managed by the same Avaya Control Manager. For example, you require
a separate Avaya Control Manager in the following cases:
• If one customer needs AAEP basic with touchtone only and one needs AAEP with

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

• If one customer needs the comprehensive agent bundle and one needs just a basic voice
• When the 11th instance of Aura is needed. Each Avaya Control Manager can support up to 10
instances of Aura.
• When more than 100,000 UC users or 25,000 agents need to be managed. The limit of users
that can be managed by a single Avaya Control Manager, regardless of the number of instances
managed, is 100K UC users and 25K CC users. If several very large instances are needed, then
the limit on users might be exceeded before reaching the 10 instance limit, triggering the need
for a new Avaya Control Manager deployment.

Guidelines for naming profiles

MaterialCode MaterialDescription ProfileName

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9608_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9611_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9621_SIPCC

303672 Foundation_ SIPCC Foundation_9641_SIPCC

390346 Core_SIP Core_9608_SIP

390346 Core_SIP Core_9611_SIP

390346 Core_SIP Core_9621_SIP

390346 Core_SIP Core_9641_SIP

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

390352 Power_SIP Power_9608_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9611_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9621_SIP

390352 Power_SIP Power_9641_SIP

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9608_H323CC

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9611_ H323CC

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9621_ H323CC

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9641_ H323CC

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9608_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9611_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9621_ H323

390346 Core_ H323 Core_9641_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9608_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9611_ H323

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9621_ H323

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Administration of Tenant Specific Usage Collection

390352 Power_ H323 Power_9641_ H323

303646 One-X Agent TC RW One-X Agent TC RW

Elite Agent wCMS HA and Admin

C20013 Elite Agent
Sync Dual

303850 Experience Portal Port Experience Portal Port

303672 Foundation_ H323CC Foundation_9630_H323CC

305461 CCaaS Reporting Supervisor CCaaS Reporting Supervisor

303648 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0 EMC.CCM Voice 6.0

303840 WFO – Contact Recording ACR Ports

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS usage reports

You can create and view Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS usage reports. Once you view reports, you
can generate monthly invoices by summing up the billable Material Code quantities. This section describes
how to use and view Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS usage reports. For information on configuring
Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service usage reports, see Deploying Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

Only Service Providers can access the usage reports.

Adding administrative users with report-generating


1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as an administrator.
2. Create the appropriate profile for the user.
Ensure that the profile assigned to the user identifies the user’s permissions for generating reports. Some
administrators can only generate reports for an enterprise, and others can also generate reports for all
enterprises managed by the provider.
Ensure that you select ACM and Historical Reports as available applications for the user.
For more information, see Adding a SIP user profile.
3. Based on the permissions you want to assign to the user, assign an appropriate role to the user.

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

For more information, see Adding a role.

Running Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

usage reports

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
Service Providers use this URL to run usage reports.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
The system displays the SQL Server Reporting Services screen.
3. Select the folder that contains the report you want to run. For example select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
The system displays a list of existing reports.
4. Select the report you want to run.
5. Define the required parameters for the report.
6. Click View Report.
The system displays the report.

Exporting Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

usage reports

About this task

You can export reports and save the reports in the format of your choice:

• XML file with report data

• CSV (comma delimited)
• MHTML (web archive)
• Excel

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

• Tiff file
• Word

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
Service Providers use this URL to run usage reports.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
The system displays the SQL Server Reporting Services screen.
3. Select the folder that contains the report you want to run.
For example select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
The system displays a list of existing reports.
4. Select the report you want to export.
5. Define the required parameters for the report.
6. Click View Report.
The system displays the report.
7. Click the Export button and select the output format.
8. Save the file in an appropriate location on your system.

Printing Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

usage reports

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
Service Providers use this URL to run usage reports.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
The system displays the SQL Server Reporting Services screen.
3. Select the folder that contains the report you want to run.
For example select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
The system displays a list of existing reports.
4. Select the report you want to print.

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

5. Define the required parameters for the report.

6. Click View Report.
The system displays the report.
7. Click the Print button to print the report.

Scheduling Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS usage reports

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
Service Providers use this URL to run usage reports.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
The system displays the SQL Server Reporting Services screen.
3. Select the folder that contains the report you want to run.
For example select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
The system displays a list of existing reports.
4. Click the report and select Subscribe.
The system displays the Subscription screen.
5. Click the Select schedule button and configure the required schedule.
You can select the schedule option from the following:
• Hour
• Day
• Week
• Month
• Once
You can also select the calendar to select the start and end dates to run the schedule.

Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS usage


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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

You can create and view Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS usage reports. Once you view reports, you
can generate monthly invoices by summing up the billable Material Code quantities.

If a tenant has multiple sites defined in the Avaya Control Manager organization structure, then the Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service billing reports show one line per site for every
Foundation profile.

Viewing the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS Monthly Usage by Customer reports

About this task

This report displays the monthly usage of CCaaS profiles per customer.

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
3. Select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
4. Select CCaaS Monthly by Tenant.
5. From the Month field, select the billing month.
6. From the Customer field, select a customer.
7. Click View Report to display the CCaaS Monthly Usage by Customer report.
The system displays a report output similar to the following image:
Figure 1. CCaaS Monthly Usage by Customer report

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

A similar report is available for the UCaaS Profiles monthly usage per customer site if applicable to the
customer deployment. The CCaaS report also shows the UCaaS profiles, but not on a per customer site
Figure 2. UCaaS Provisioned profiles by a customer site by month report

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

Viewing the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS SP Monthly Usage reports

About this task

This report shows the monthly usage of CCaaS profiles per Service Provider (SP). The usage for this report is
the sum of all monthly quantities by location. You can use a similar procedure to view the monthly usage of
UCaaS profiles per SP by selecting the Avaya UCaaS folder.

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
3. Select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
4. Select CCaaS Monthly SP.
5. From the Month field, select the billing month.
6. Click View Report to display the CCaaS Service Provider Monthly Usage report.
The system displays a report output similar to the following image:
Figure 1. CCaaS Service Provider Monthly Usage report

A similar report is available for the UCaaS Profiles monthly usage per SP if applicable to the customer
deployment type.
Figure 2. UCaaS Provisioned Profiles by Month report

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

Viewing the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS Daily Usage by Customer reports

About this task

This report shows the daily usage of CCaaS profiles per customer for a day. You can use a similar procedure
to view the daily usage of UCaaS profiles per customer by selecting the Avaya UCaaS folder.

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
3. Select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
4. Select CCaaS Daily Report.
5. From the Day field, select the billing date.
6. From the Customer field, select a customer.
7. Click View Report to display the CCaaS Daily Usage by Customer report.
The system displays a report output similar to the following image:
Figure 1. CCaaS Daily Usage by Customer report

A similar report is available for the UCaaS Profiles daily usage per customer site if applicable to the
customer deployment. The CCaaS report also shows the UCaaS profiles, but not on a per customer site
Figure 2. UCaaS Provisioned Profiles by Customer Site by day report

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

Viewing the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya

xCaaS SP Monthly Usage Customer Summary

About this task

This report shows the monthly usage of CCaaS profiles per Service Provider (SP). The usage for this report is
the sum of all monthly quantities by location. You can use a similar procedure to view the monthly usage of
UCaaS profiles per SP by selecting the Avaya UCaaS folder.

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

1. Open Internet Explorer browser and browse to http://reportingserver/reports.
Where reportingserver is the server where you deploy the Report manager.
2. Enter your User Name and Password.
3. Select the Avaya CCaaS folder.
4. Select CCaaS Monthly Report.
5. From the Month field, select the billing month.
6. Click View Report to display the CCaaS Service Provider Monthly Usage Customer Summary report.
The system displays a report output similar to the following image:
Figure 1. CCaaS Service Provider Monthly Usage Customer Summary report

A similar report is available for the UCaaS Profiles Monthly Customer usage if applicable to the customer
deployment type. The CCaaS report also shows the UCaaS profiles, but not on a per customer site basis.
Figure 2. UCaaS Provisioned Profiles by Customer by Month report

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Administering CCaaS Usage reports using ACM

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 250
Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

Usage billing using Usage Metering

Usage billing is implemented with three principal solution elements:

• Avaya Usage Metering collector module is deployed with the xCaaS solution.
• Avaya Usage Metering processor receives metering data from the Usage Metering collector and
delivers it to Avaya IT.
• Avaya IT hosts the SAP infrastructure which receives reports from the Usage Metering processor and
generates the xCaaS invoices.

xCaaS usage billing includes the following:

• Material Code (MC) - is a 6 digit number in SAP, used for ordering or billing. For ACM billing or Usage
Metering to associate the usage of ACM profile to the material code, a material code must be mapped
in the ACM profile.
• Collection Code (CC) - is an alpha-numeric name in an ACM profile used to bundle multiple material
codes. The CC that includes the bundle of MCs must be mapped to an ACM Profile in a similar way as
described above.
• Billing Code - is a generic term used for either an MC or a CC. Each ACM profile must be mapped to
one and only one billing code.

Usage-based Billing
The usage data generated by Usage Metering is sent to Usage Metering processor. The processor stores the
data in a database implemented in AWS. This database is polled by Avaya IT for billing. Avaya IT uses a
collection system which consists of A2R and Fusion Middleware.

Usage Metering sends the usage data through the OPS Tool server which fetches the data from the processor
database and sends it directly to Fusion Middleware.

Fusion Middleware performs data integrity checking and removes the fields not required by SAP. On
successful processing of the raw data, Fusion Middleware sends the data to SAP for storage and processing
of the usage data to generate the invoice for the CSP.

The Usage Metering processor generates alarms if the errors occur and sends them into the Ops Tools server.

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

Usage Tracking and Reporting

Avaya bills xCaaS services using a usage-based model through an Op ex model. Cloud Service Provider
(CSP) is billed monthly based on usage or utility billing. Avaya bills the providers based on the number of
provisioned users and other resources, month-by-month. The CSPs bill their customers using the same
monthly utility billing model.

Usage Metering tracks the usage on a per tenant and system-wide basis. The reports of the collected usage
information is sent to Avaya on a daily basis. Avaya uses the daily reports to generate a monthly bill. The
Usage Metering part of the solution generates the usage data and usage reports for the CSP. CSP and Avaya
can generate the bill.

The billing mechanism for xCaaS is based on a concurrent usage model for all Contact Center applications. All
usage is tracked and reported by Usage Metering.

For more information on Usage Metering, see Avaya Usage Metering Reference.

Billing Migration to Usage Metering

Migration from Avaya Control Manager Billing to

Usage Metering
There are three ways to migrate from the Avaya Control Manager billing metering mechanism to Avaya Usage

• Installing Usage Metering along with the Avaya Control Manager Meter running – This option requires
the A2R/Remedy Poll to be disabled before enabling the Usage Metering Feed into SAP. Both Avaya
Control Manager and Usage Metering calculate usage; but only the Usage Metering usage data is
entered into the Avaya Billing system.
• Installing Usage Metering and only disable the Avaya Control Manager Metering engine – This option
disables the billing engine, however the software along with the billing historical data remains available.
The Avaya Control Manager Web Usage reports and the web service remain available with this option.

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

• Installing Usage Metering and removing Avaya Control Manager Metering software – Avaya Control
Manager Billing software and database are completely removed.

Migrating to Usage Metering

1. Install Usage Metering and perform the initial configuration.
Ensure the following tasks are completed: entering new CSP configuration, adding Avaya Control Manager
billing meter, and generating AWS credentials for collector.
For more information on installing and configuring Avaya Usage Metering, refer Avaya Usage Metering
2. Check the processor for the usage data of Avaya Control Manager billing meter.
When usage data is received, download the data. Fill up the new xCaaS instance worksheets for the
xCaaS instances identified in the migration worksheet.
3. Update the Collector SEID using the MOPS tool upon receiving email from CSP, requesting migration.
4. Update the CSP configuration with the new xCaaS instances, meters, locations and profiles-to-billing code
mappings upon receiving approval email. The email includes approved sheets from the account manager.
After CSP has installed and registered their collector an alert is auto generated.
5. Compare the data collected from Avaya Control Manager and Usage Metering to verify the results.
This is based on Processor/Collector alarms.
6. Stop the switch from Avaya Control Manager usage reporting to SAP after the data has been verified. For
more information, refer to the procedure Disabling A2R/Remedy Poll for ACM Metering.
7. Confirm the next day that a CSV was submitted to SAP by Usage Metering.
8. After Usage Metering has initiated the SAP usage submission, verify that the data is being received

Disabling A2R/Remedy Poll for Avaya Control

Manager Metering

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 253
Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

About this task

This procedure only disables Avaya Control Manager metering from entering data into Avaya Billing system.
This procedure does not stop the collection of UC profile data and usage data from the Avaya Control
Manager metering system.

1. Open a web browser.
2. In the address bar, type the URL of the Remedy application.
3. Log on to the Remedy interface as an administrator.
The system displays the Control Panel page.
4. In the left pane, click Manage Deployments > Data Centers.
5. Select the required Data Center and click Edit.
6. Click Status drop down and select Delete.
7. Click Save.
Deletion is completed after 24 hours.
8. Confirm the next day that no polling was received from Avaya Control Manager.

Disabling Avaya Control Manager Metering engine

Before you begin

Before disabling Avaya Control Manager metering, eEnsure that Usage Metering has initiated the SAP usage
submission with the correct data.

1. Log in to Avaya Control Manager as an administrator.
2. Disable billing for all Avaya Control Manager instances. how?
3. Navigate to Configuration Portal > General > System Parameters.
4. Change the value of system parameter Enable Billing to No.
5. Disable the following two services that collect data from Avaya Aura® Experience Portal and
Communication Manager sources:
• AAEP Billing Service

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

• CM Billing Service
6. To stop the collection of UC profile data from the Avaya Control Manager system, dDisable the following
Avaya Control Manager billing database jobs.:
This option stops the collection of UC profile data from the Avaya Control Manager system. The jobs to be
disabled are:
• Clean History
• Move ACCCM licenses
• Move Agent Ranges
• Move Dial Plan
• Move Extension
• Ranges
• Move Location
• Multi Daily Profile Billing
• Multi Hourly Profile Billing
• Multi Monthly Profile Billing
• Shrink SQL T-Log
Also dDisable Avaya Control Manager billing database jobs on the secondary billing server.

Removing Avaya Control Manager Metering engine

About this task

This procedure removes Avaya Control Manager billing components from the application server. It does not
remove Avaya Control Manager billing database or any billing jobs from SQL server.

Before you begin

Before removing Avaya Control Manager metering, ensure that Usage Metering has initiated the SAP usage
submission with the correct data.

1. Log in to Avaya Control Manager as an administrator.
2. To disable billing for all Avaya Control Manager instances, do the following:
a. Navigate to > Configuration Portal > General > System Parameters.
b. Change the value of system parameter Enable Billing to No.

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

3. Remove the billing system from the Avaya Control Manager Application server and UI server as follows:
a. Navigate to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program.
b. Select ACM_BILLING and click Uninstall.

4. To remove the database components such as database and jobs, do the following:
a. Click SQL Server Management Studio.
b. Connect to Billing database server.
c. Navigate to SQL Server Agent > Jobs.
d. Select a specific job.
e. Right click and click Delete.
f. Click OK.
Remove following jobs from the SQL server:
• Clean History
• Move ACCCM licenses
• Move Agent Ranges
• Move Dial Plan
• Move Extension
• Ranges
• Move Location
• Multi Daily Profile Billing
• Multi Hourly Profile Billing
• Multi Monthly Profile Billing
• Shrink SQL T-Log

5. (Optional) To remove the Billing database, do the following:

a. Click SQL Server Management Studio.
b. Connect to Billing database server.
c. Select ACM_BILLING database.
d. Right click and click Delete.
e. Select Close existing connections.

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

f. Click OK.

Usage reports using UM


Sample report
Usage Metering generates reports in the
format. The types of reports are:

• Daily
• Monthly

The following sample reports depict historic usage information:

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

A generated report shows the following:

Column Description

Billing date The date on which the system sends you an invoice.

The Business Partner Link ID of the business partner.

Link ID
This is a SFDC / CMD identifier of a partner used in the SAP system.

The Value Contract which is a rate card.

Contract You must configure the Value Contract in ACM.

Value Contract contains SAP material codes and an Offer Type.

The unique name of a customer.

Location consists of the following:

• A description of the customer
• A separator
• Sold To Number (STN) of the customer

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

Column Description

Site The area where your system is located.

The profile of the user. You can use the ACM system to:
• Create............
create a orofile for every user.

Measure the usage of every user profile.

Billing code The material code and collection code which together comprise the billing code.

The number of agents who are logged in at one instance. Site quantity is measured
Site quantity
by using usage units.

The average usage data generated in a month.

Viewing Avaya Usage Metering reports

About this task

Use this procedure to generate and see Usage Metering reports.

1. Log on to the Usage Metering interface.
2. On the Avaya Usage Metering home page, click Reports.
3. In the Select Type field, click one the following:
• Daily: For daily reports.
• Monthly: For monthly reports.
4. In the From field of the calendar, within the date range, click one of the following: *For a Daily report: A date
other than the current date. * For Monthly reports: Any month other than the current month.
5. Click RUN REPORT.

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Administration of usage collection for UM Billing

You can download and save this Excel sheet report at the required location. You can also open the report in
Google Chrome or Mozilla Firefox web browsers.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 260
Contact Center Operational Reports

Contact Center Operational Reports

Avaya Call Management System reports

Avaya Call Management System (CMS) collects data from ACD activity and stores it in one of the CMS
databases. Use CMS Supervisor reports to summarize the status of:

• Any measured subset of the ACD, including agents, splits/skills, trunks/trunk groups, VDNs,
• vectors, call work codes, and call records
• Agent administration
• Contact center administration
• Dictionary
• Exceptions
• Maintenance

You can generate the following types of reports:

• Standard real-time
• Standard historical
• Standard integrated
• Custom (CMS) real-time
• Custom (CMS) historical
• Designer (CMS Supervisor) historical
• Designer (CMS Supervisor) integrated

Real-time, historical, integrated, and custom report types are used in Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
Contact Center as a Service for Call Center Elite Operational reporting.

Apart from the CMS Supervisor application, you can also use the CMS Web report capability for CMS reports.
However, the CMS Supervisor application is required for operational administration and maintenance.

CMS Reporting is available for both the Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service
multi-tenant and dedicated instance deployment models. You must enable the CMS multi-tenant feature for
CMS to be used in a multi-tenant model.

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Contact Center Operational Reports

For more information about CMS reports, see the “Using Reports” chapter in Avaya Call Management System

Configuring CMS Supervisor call profile reports

About this task

You can be configured the reports using Avaya Control Manager but the reports must be activated only by the
Service Provider using CMS Supervisor:

Following are the call profile reports:

• Skill Graphical Call Profile Daily

• Skill Call Profile Daily
• Skill Call Profile Weekly
• Skill Call Profile Monthly
• VDN Graphical Call Profile Daily
• VDN Call Profile Daily
• VDN Call Profile Weekly
• VDN Call Profile Monthly

You can also use CMS Supervisor to configure these reports. For more information on configuring and
activating the call profile reports using CMS Supervisor, see Avaya CMS Supervisor Reports.

1. Log on to the Avaya Control Manager web interface as a supervisor.
2. To configure the call profile information for VDNs, perform the following:
a. Click Communication Manager Objects > VDN.
b. To edit a VDN, double-click the VDN you want to configure.
c. To configure the call service level and service level increments, on the VDN page, click VDN Profile.
d. In the dialog box type the values in the Acceptable Service Level and Service level increments
(seconds) fields.

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Contact Center Operational Reports

e. To save the VDN call profile, click Save on the dialog box.
f. On the VDN page, click Save.

3. To configure the call profile information for Skills, perform the following:
a. Click Communication Manager Objects > Skill.
b. To edit a Skill, double-click the Skill you want to configure.
c. To configure the call service level and service level increments, on the Skill page, click Skill Profile.
d. In the dialog box type the values in the Acceptable Service Level and Service level increments
(seconds) fields.
e. To save the Skill call profile, click Save on the dialog box.
f. On the Skill page, click Save.

Call Center Elite Multichannel reports

For Call Center Elite Multichannel report details, see Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel Reporting
User Guide. Following is the list of Call Center Elite Multichannel reports that you can view using the Call
Center Elite Multichannel Reporting Desktop:

Historical Reports
• Agent Attendance
• Agent Graphical Time Spent Daily
• Agent Group Attendance
• Agent Login-Logout (Skill)
• Agent Split Skill
• Agent Summary

• Conversations and Interactions

• Customer Statistics

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 263
Contact Center Operational Reports

• Customer Statistics - Order By Agent

• Queue Service Level

• Work Code
• Work Code - Order By Work Code
• Work Code - Order By Work Code Agent

• Program Interactions
• Program Interactions - Date Details
• Program Interactions - Date Details (Order By Agent)
• Program Schedules
• Program Schedules - Daily and Weekly Schedules
• Program Schedules - Monthly and Yearly Schedules
• Program Statistics
• Program Status

• Split Skill
• Split Skill (Graphical)
• Split Skill Call Profile (Graphical)
• Split Skill Service Level (Graphical)
• Split Skill Summary
• System

• VDN Call Profile

• VDN Call Profile (Graphical)

Realtime Reports
• Realtime Agent Status - State
• Realtime Agent Status - State (Order by agent)
• Realtime Agent Status – Statistics
• Realtime Agent Status - Statistics (Order by agent)

• Realtime Device Status

• Realtime Queue Status - Count Statistics

• Realtime Queue Status – State
• Realtime Queue Status - Time Statistics

• Realtime VDN status

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Contact Center Operational Reports

• Realtime Supervisor Status – State

Avaya Aura Experience Portal reports

For Avaya Aura® Experience Portal report details, see Avaya Aura® Experience Portal 7.1 Documentation
Library. Following is the list of Avaya Aura® Experience Portal reports that you can view:

• Application Summary
• Application Detail
• Contact Summary
• Contact Detail
• Performance
• Session Summary
• Session Detail
• Data Export

Avaya Oceanalytics Insights reports

For Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights report details, see Using Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights Reports. Following
is the list of Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights reports that you can view:

Historical Reports
• Agent Performance Summary
• Agent Performance Top 5 and Bottom 5
• Agent Compare
• Account by Agent
• Routing Service Monitoring
• Agent Behaviour
• Agent Configuration
• Agent By Routing Service
• Time Series
• Engagement Report
• Supervisor Summary Report

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Contact Center Operational Reports

Realtime Reports
• Agent Instantaneous
• Routing Service Instantaneous
• Agent Interaction Details

• Realtime Device Status

• Agent Performance Moving Window

• Agent by Account Moving Window
• Routing Service Moving Window
• Agent By Routing Service Moving Window

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 266
Avaya Control Manager Schedule server

Avaya Control Manager Schedule server

Avaya Control Manager Schedule server overview

Using the Avaya Control Manager Schedule server, you can schedule administration tasks. The task can be
any administrative action that is supported by Avaya Control Manager.

You can schedule tasks in Avaya Control Manager in two different ways:

• Using the Schedule wizard.

• Using the Delayed save button to schedule the save action for a later time.

Schedule wizard

The Schedule server is a designed in a hierarchical structure:

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Avaya Control Manager Schedule server

• Job: A Schedule server Job is the highest entity in the hierarchy and a Job represents a group of tasks.
• Schedule: A Schedule is the timing of a Job (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly). You can assign a single
schedule to unlimited number of Jobs.
• Task: You can assign a single task to only one job. A job can handle unlimited number of tasks.
• Actions: An action is the operation, for example, changing an agent skill. You can have unlimited
number of actions in a single task.

For information about using the Schedule wizard, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

Delayed save

You can delay the save action from the Avaya Control Manager interface. In each system screen, there are
two different save icons:

• Save ( ) for immediate execution.

• Delayed save ( ) for scheduled execution.

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Avaya Control Manager Schedule server

For information about using the delayed save, removing a scheduled task, schedule server parameters, and
controlling the schedule server date structure, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

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Avaya Control Manager Synchronizer

Avaya Control Manager Synchronizer

Avaya Control Manager Synchronizer overview

Using the Avaya Control Manager Synchronizer service, you can synchronize the Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager database with the Avaya Control Manager database automatically .For more
information about using the Avaya Control Manager Synchronizer service, see Using Avaya Control Manager
for Service Providers.

You must use the Manual Synchronization mode for the initial synchronization process only. With the Manual
Synchronization mode, you can select the Avaya Aura® Communication Manager objects to synchronize with
the Avaya Control Manager locations that are part of the synchronization process.

Using the Sync Service mode, you can activate the automatic synchronization based on a predefined interval,
for example, every 30 minutes. You can configure the Sync Service mode based on locations.

The Avaya Control Manager Dial Plan has an impact on the synchronization process, which is described in
Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

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Avaya Components Monitoring

Avaya Components Monitoring

Monitoring Avaya components

Avaya products support native alarming using Avaya Secure Access Link Gateway (SAL Gateway). Alarms
can also be routed through Avaya Aura® System Manager. Therefore, you can monitor Avaya products using
SAL Gateway or System Manager.

The following tables detail the alarm flow support mechanism for various Avaya products within the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.

Table 1. Infrastructure components

Partner Cloud Powered

Alarm flow support
by Avaya xCaaS SAL remote access SAL Alarming

Avaya Aura® Session

System Manager Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Both System Manager

Yes Yes
Communication Manager and SAL Gateway

Application Enablement
SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® System

System Manager Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Presence Both System Manager

Yes Yes
Services and SAL Gateway

Avaya Control Manager

SAL Gateway Yes No
Service Provider Edition

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Avaya Components Monitoring

Partner Cloud Powered

Alarm flow support
by Avaya xCaaS SAL remote access SAL Alarming

Avaya Session Border

SAL Gateway Yes Yes
Controller for Enterprise

Avaya Secure Access

SAL Gateway Yes Yes
Link (SAL) Gateway

Infrastructure Pod (Avaya

SAL Gateway Yes (AVSTOR) No
Pod Fx)

G450 Media Gateway SAL Gateway Yes
Alarms are raised by
Communication Manager.

Avaya Aura® Utility
SAL Gateway Yes
Services Utility Services does not

Avaya Aura® Media
SAL Gateway Yes
Server Alarms are raised by
Communication Manager.

Avaya Breeze™ SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Oceana™ Solution SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Device

SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Web

SAL Gateway Yes Yes

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Avaya Components Monitoring

Table 2. Applications

Partner Cloud Powered

Alarm flow support
by Avaya xCaaS SAL remote access SAL Alarming

Both System Manager

Avaya Aura® Messaging Yes Yes
and SAL Gateway

Avaya Aura® Experience

SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Call Management System SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Workforce

Optimization (Call SAL Gateway Yes No
recording only)

Avaya Aura® Call Center

SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Aura® Call Center

SAL Gateway Yes No
Elite Multichannel

Avaya Proactive
SAL Gateway Yes Yes
Outreach Manager

Avaya Multimedia
SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Avaya Workforce
SAL Gateway Yes Yes
Optimization Select

Avaya Oceanalytics™
SAL Gateway Yes No

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 273
Avaya Components Monitoring

Partner Cloud Powered

Alarm flow support
by Avaya xCaaS SAL remote access SAL Alarming

Avaya Equinox® SAL Gateway Yes Yes

Monitoring Avaya components using Avaya

Control Manager

Before you begin

Ensure that you configure the Central log server and client and List Trace features on Avaya Control Manager.

Use logs generated in Avaya Control Manager to monitor components managed by Avaya Control Manager.
For information on component management, see Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS components

Monitoring Avaya Components using System


Monitoring configuration settings of Avaya

components using System Manager

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 274
Avaya Components Monitoring

Before you begin

Add Avaya Aura® Messaging and Avaya Aura® Presence Services as administered elements in System
Manager. For more information, see “Solution configuration at hosted provider site” in Deploying Team
Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS).

About this task

Use this procedure to view the connectivity status of every configured Session Manager and to check the
configuration settings for Avaya components.

You must separate Session Manager on the trunk-access side (SMT) from Session Manager on the user-
access side (SMU) to support large Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution deployments efficiently.
Each data center requires one of each for dual data center deployments. A single data center deployment also
requires all four Session Managers to be deployed for full redundancy of line-side and trunk-side in the same
data center.

1. In the System Manager web console, click Home > Elements > Session Manager > Dashboard to check
the connectivity status of every configured Session Manager.
2. Look at the list of components configured in System Manager and click on each component to verify its
configuration. You can also update settings for each component.
a. In the System Manager web console, click Home > Services > Inventory > Manage Elements.
b. In the list of components, click on the component you want to verify.
c. Update any necessary settings.

Monitoring alarms in System Manager

Viewing alarms

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Avaya Components Monitoring

1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, select an alarm from the Alarm List. You can select multiple alarms.
4. Click View.
The system displays the alarm details on the Alarm - View Alarm Detail page.

Searching for alarms

Use the Advanced Search function to find alarms based on certain specified conditions. The system displays
only those alarms that satisfy the search conditions. You can specify multiple search conditions.

1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, click Advanced Search.
4. In the Criteria section, from the first and second drop-down fields, select the search criterion and the
The default value in the first drop-down field is Time Stamp.
5. Select or enter the search value in the third field.
6. To add another search condition, click + and perform the following:
a. Select the AND or OR operator from the drop-down field.
b. Repeat Step 4 and Step 5.

To delete a search condition, click -. You can delete a search condition only if you added more than one
search condition.
7. To find alarms for the given search conditions, click Search.

Filtering alarms

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Avaya Components Monitoring

The criteria for filtering the alarms are Severity, Status, Host Name, Message, Identifier, and M/E Ref Number.
You can use more than one filter criterion on the selected alarms.

1. On the System Manager web console, click Services > Events.
2. In the left navigation pane, click Events > Alarms.
3. On the Alarming page, select the alarms you want to filter.
4. Click Filter: Enable at the top right corner of the Alarm List table.
5. Select the filter criteria you want to apply to the selected alarms.
The Status and Severity fields have drop-down menus.
You can enter the alarm code in the Message field to find all alarms that contain a particular alarm code.
6. Click Filter: Apply.

The system displays a message if no records are found that match the specified filter criteria.

The system displays the alarms that match the filter criteria.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 277
Audit logs overview

Audit logs overview

Audit log overview

Avaya Control Manager supports audit logs.

There are three types of audit logs that Avaya Control Manager manages:

• System audit log

• Avaya Control Manager admin changes
• Avaya Aura® Communication Manager list history

For more information about managing audit logs, see Using Avaya Control Manager for Service Providers.

System audit log

Avaya Control Manager System audit log tracks changes in the Avaya Control Manager objects within the
environment. The system stores these changes in the audit log table and removes the audit log table
automatically. Using the System audit log, you can see the entire change history for the system.

The System audit log also captures changes that are made on Avaya Aura® Communication Manager using

Avaya Control Manager admin changes

Avaya Control Manager admin changes log tracks changes to administrative data within Avaya Control

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager list history

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager list history log is a log captured from the Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager list history.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 278
Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance

Routine maintenance
The following checklist outlines maintenance procedures for the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS

No. Tasks Notes

Upgrade Avaya Pod Fx, if

1 None

You must upgrade to new releases

of components, as required. You
also require to update patches and
service packs for each component.

Administration from Avaya Control
Upgrade the Avaya Control Manager might fail due to incorrect
2 Manager or Service Provider or expired passwords of different
Edition components as necessary Aura® elements, such as Avaya
Aura® System Manager.
Passwords must be changed from
the respective Aura® product,
using the GUI or CLI and then
updated on Avaya Control
Manager for administration to work

3 Backup solution components None

For information about recovering from a disaster in case of a failover, see Failover Management for Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

Upgrading solution components

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 279
Routine maintenance

You must download new versions of Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution components. You must
also update patches and service packs for these components. Do not upgrade any Avaya components until
Avaya informs you that the solution supports a new version of the component.

For information about the upgrade sequence for an existing Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact
Center as a Service 1.0.3 solution to a Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service
1.3.2 or 2.0 solution, see Deploying Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS. For information about the
upgrade sequence for an existing Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service
(UCaaS) 1.2 solution to a Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service (UCaaS)
1.3.2 or 2.0 solution, see Deploying Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Unified Communications as a Service

For more information about how to upgrade Avaya components, see the relevant administering, installing,
upgrading, and deploying guides for each component as listed:

• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Communication Manager, see Upgrading Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Session Manager, see Upgrading Avaya Aura® Session
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® System Manager, see Upgrading Avaya Aura® System
Manager on VMware® in Virtualized Environment.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Control Manager, see Upgrading Avaya Control Manager.
• For information on upgrading Call Management System, see Avaya Call Management System Platform
Upgrade and Data Migration.
• For information on upgrading Application Enablement Services, see Implementing Avaya Aura®
Application Enablement Services for a Bundled Server.
• For information on upgrading G450 Media Gateway, see Installing and Upgrading the Avaya G450
Media Gateway.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Media Server, see Deploying and Updating Avaya Aura®
Media Server Appliance.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise, see Upgrading Avaya
Session Border Controller for Enterprise.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Experience Portal, see Upgrading to Avaya Aura®
Experience Portal 7.1.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager, see Upgrading Avaya Proactive
Outreach Manager.
• For information on upgrading Avaya WebLM, see Deploying Avaya WebLM using VMware® in
Virtualized Environment.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Utility Services, see Deploying Avaya Aura® Utility Services
on VMware® in Virtualized Environment.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel and Call Center Elite
Multichannel Desktop, see Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel Upgrade and Migration Guide.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 280
Routine maintenance

• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Messaging, see Upgrading Avaya Aura® Messaging for
Single Server Systems and Upgrading Avaya Aura® Messaging for Multiserver Systems.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Aura® Presence Services, see Deploying Avaya Aura® Presence
Services on VMware® .
• For information on upgrading Avaya Breeze™, see Upgrading Avaya Breeze™.
• For information on upgrading Avaya 96x1 IP Desk phones (SIP) for Call Center Agents (9608, 9608G,
9611G, 9621G, 9621GS, 9641G, and 9641GS), see Installing and Maintaining Avaya
9601/9608/9608G/9611G/9621G/9641G IP Deskphones SIP.
• For information on upgrading Avaya B179 SIP Conference Phone, see Avaya B179 SIP Conference
Phone Installation and Administration Guide.
• For information on upgrading Avaya one-X® Communicator (SIP), see Implementing Avaya one-X®
• For information on upgrading Avaya Configuration and Orchestration Manager (COM) includes
Virtualization Provisioning Service R1.1.1, see Avaya Configuration and Orchestration Manager
• For information on upgrading Avaya Visualization Performance and Fault Manager (VPFM), see
Installing the Avaya Visualization Performance and Fault Manager.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Oceana™ Solution, see Deploying Avaya Oceana™ Solution.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights, see Deploying Avaya Oceana™ Solution.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Workforce Optimization Select, see Upgrading and Migrating
Avaya Workforce Optimization Select.
• For information on upgrading Avaya Multimedia Messaging, see Deploying Avaya Multimedia

Backing up solution components

You must back up the following components in the Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution.
• Back up Avaya Control Manager. For more information, see Deploying Avaya Control Manager for
Service Providers and Upgrading Avaya Control Manager.
• Back up Avaya Aura® Communication Manager. For more information, see Administering Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager and Deploying Avaya Aura® Communication Manager on VMware® in
Virtualized Environment.
• Back up Avaya Aura® System Manager. Use the backup and restore functions of System Manager to
backup and restore data and configuration files of System Manager. For more information, see
“Managing backup and restore” in Administering Avaya Aura® System Manager and Deploying Avaya
Aura® System Manager on VMware® in Virtualized Environment.
• Back up Avaya Aura® Session Manager data. For more information, see Administering Avaya Aura®
Session Manager and Deploying Avaya Aura® Session Manager on VMware® in Virtualized

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 281
Routine maintenance

• Back up Avaya Aura® Utility Services. For more information, see Deploying Avaya Aura® Utility
Services on VMware® in Virtualized Environment.
• Back up the Messaging server for Avaya Aura® Messaging. For more information, see Administering
Avaya Aura® Messaging.
• Back up the Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise. For more information on backing up Avaya
Session Border Controller for Enterprise see “Maintenance procedures” in Troubleshooting and
Maintaining Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise.
• Backup and restore the system, database, and servers for Avaya Aura® Experience Portal. For more
information, see Administering Avaya Aura® Experience Portal.
• Backup and restore the AE Server data. For more information, see “Backing up server data” and
“Restoring the server data” in Administering and Maintaining Avaya Aura® Application Enablement
Services and Avaya Aura® Application Enablement Services using VMware® in the Avaya Aura®
Virtualized Environment Deployment Guide.
• Backup and restore databases for Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel. For more information,
see Administering Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel.
• Backup and restore Call Management System data. For more information, see Avaya Call Management
System Administration and Avaya Call Management System Software Installation, Maintenance, and
Troubleshooting for Linux®.
• Backup and restore the virtual machine. For more information see, Deploying Secure Access Link
Gateway using Avaya Aura® System Manager in the VMware® Virtualized Environment.
• Backup and restore WFO databases for WFO-ACR. For more information see, Avaya Aura® Workforce
Optimization Suite Upgrade and Migration Guide.
• Backup Avaya Proactive Outreach Manager databases. For more information see, Implementing Avaya
Proactive Outreach Manager.
• Backup and restore Avaya Aura® Media Server. For more information see, Implementing and
Administering Avaya Aura® Media Server.
• Backup and restore Avaya Oceanalytics™ Insights. For more information see, Deploying Avaya
Oceana™ Solution.
• Backup and restore Avaya Oceana™ Solution. For more information see, Deploying Avaya Oceana™
• Backup and restore Avaya Workforce Optimization Select. For more information see, Upgrading and
Migrating Avaya Workforce Optimization Select.
• Backup and restore Avaya Multimedia Messaging. For more information see, Deploying Avaya
Multimedia Messaging.

Guidelines for routine maintenance

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 282
Routine maintenance

You must work with Avaya Professional Services to decide on the maintenance procedures for the Partner
Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution. However, following are some guidelines that you can follow for
routine maintenance of the solution:

1. Backup databases and test the restoring of databases on a separate server on a quarterly basis. This
ensures that you have a good backup file that can be restored if required.

2. List all custom configuration done on any out-of-the-box files such as web.config that relate to logging,
delays and timeouts, which might get overwritten during an upgrade and therefore, require you to back up
such files.

3. List patches so you can check the patches when you require to upgrade to the next version, so that you
can ensure that the latest patches have been included.

4. Test all configured connectors

a. Perform adding, modifying, or deleting objects using connectors, such as Communication Manager
connector or a CMS connector.

b. Track any noticeable delays or any errors that you encounter.

5. Monitor replication along with SQL transaction logs, if replication is configured.

6. Monitor and track the growth of log files growth. If you do not implement a log archiver, move the log files
on a separate drive on a regular basis.

7. Observe task manager during high usage or peak times, when many supervisors are using the system or
randomly track any unusual CPU or memory usage that can be reported.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 283


The following table lists the documents related to Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS solution. Download
the documents from the Avaya Support website at

Title Description Audience

• Implementation
Provides an overview of the
infrastructure, applications, and • Solution Architects
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
end user devices supported in the • Sales Engineers
xCaaS Solution Description
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya • Hosted Service
xCaaS solution.
• Design Engineers

Provides an overview of the • Implementation

design, topology diagrams,
capacities, interoperability
information, features, and • Sales Engineers
Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya
functionality limitations related to a • Hosted Service
xCaaS Reference Configuration
specific reference configuration of Providers
the Customer Engagement
OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center • Solution Architects
as a Service solution. • Design Engineers

Provides deployment procedures

for installing and configuring the
Customer Engagement OnAvaya • Implementation
Aura – Contact Center as a Engineers
Service solution based on a • Solution Architects
Deploying Partner Cloud Powered
verified reference configuration.
by Avaya xCaaS • Hosted Service
Additionally, this document also
describes installation, Providers
configuration, initial administration, • Sales Engineers
as well as testing and validation
checklists and procedures.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 284

Title Description Audience

This document provides a brief

description of operational
considerations for the Customer
Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
• Sales Engineers
Customer Engagement OnAvaya • Implementation
Contact Center as a Service
Aura – Contact Center as a
solution. This document highlights Engineers
Service Release Notes
known issues about Customer
• Solution Architects
Engagement OnAvaya Aura –
Contact Center as a Service with
workarounds that are available.

Provides deployment procedures

for installing and configuring the
Deploying Team Engagement
Team Engagement OnAvaya Aura • Implementation
OnAvaya Aura – Unified
– Unified Communications as a
Communications as a Service Engineers
Service (UCaaS) solution based
on a verified reference

Provides information on how to

Using Remedy for Partner Cloud use the Remedy application to poll
Powered by Avaya xCaaS Billing the billing data for Partner Cloud
Powered by Avaya xCaaS.

Provides an overview of the

solution infrastructure, • Implementation
Avaya Pod Fx Solution Description specifications, and components Engineers
that are supported in a Avaya Pod • Solution Architects
Fx solution.

Describes the procedures and

Administering Avaya Aura® screens used in administering • Implementation
Communication Manager Avaya Aura® Communication Engineers

• Sales Engineers
Avaya Aura® Communication Provides information on Avaya • Implementation
Manager Overview and Aura® Communication Manager
Specification gateway connectivity. Engineers
• Solution Architects

Provides a detailed description of • Implementation

Avaya Aura® Communication
the fields of Avaya Aura®
Manager Screen Reference Engineers
Communication Manager screens.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 285

Title Description Audience

Provides procedures for upgrading • Implementation

Upgrading Avaya Aura®
Avaya Aura® Communication
Communication Manager Engineers

Provides procedures for deploying

the Avaya Aura® Communication
Manager virtual application in the
Deploying Avaya Aura® Avaya Aura® Virtualized
Communication Manager on Environment. The document • Implementation
VMware® in Virtualized includes installation, configuration, Engineers
Environment initial administration,
troubleshooting, and basic
maintenance checklists and

Provides procedures for

configuring Avaya Aura® System • Implementation
Administering Avaya Aura®
Manager and the Avaya Aura® Engineers
System Manager
applications and systems that • Solution Architects
System Manager manages.

Provides procedures for upgrading

Avaya Aura® System Manager
Upgrading Avaya Aura® System from earlier releases to Release • Implementation
Manager on VMware® in 6.3.13 running on VMware in
Virtualized Environment Virtualized Environment. This Engineers
document includes upgrading
checklists and procedures.

Provides procedures for deploying

the Avaya Aura® System Manager
virtual application in the Avaya
Deploying Avaya Aura® System Aura® Virtualized Environment. • Implementation
Manager on VMware® in The document includes
Virtualized Environment installation, configuration, initial Engineers
administration, troubleshooting,
and basic maintenance checklists
and procedures.

Provides information on • Implementation

Administering Avaya Aura®
administering and managing
Session Manager Engineers
Avaya Aura® Session Manager.

Provides procedures for upgrading • Implementation

Upgrading Avaya Aura® Session
the software of an Avaya Aura®
Manager Engineers
Session Manager server.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 286

Title Description Audience

Provides procedures for deploying

the Avaya Aura® Session
Manager virtual application in the
Avaya Aura® Virtualized
Deploying Avaya Aura® Session • Implementation
Environment. The document
Manager on VMware® in
includes installation, configuration, Engineers
Virtualized Environment
initial administration,
troubleshooting, and basic
maintenance checklists and

Provides the administration and • Implementation

Administering and Maintaining
maintenance procedures for the
Avaya Aura® Application Engineers
day-to-day functioning of
Enablement Services • Solution Architects
Application Enablement Services.

Describes tested product

characteristics and capabilities,
including product overview and
• Implementation
Avaya Aura® Application Engineers
feature descriptions,
Enablement Services Overview
interoperability, performance • Solution Architects
and Specification
specifications, security, and
• Sales Engineers
licensing requirements for
Application Enablement Services.

Provides procedures for deploying

the Avaya Aura® Application
Enablement Services virtual
Avaya Aura® Application
application in the Avaya Aura®
Enablement Services using • Implementation
Virtualized Environment. The
VMware® in the Avaya Aura®
document includes installation, Engineers
Virtualized Environment
configuration, initial administration,
Deployment Guide
troubleshooting, and basic
maintenance checklists and

Describes implementing product

Implementing Avaya Aura® characteristics and capabilities, • Implementation
Application Enablement Services including installing, upgrading and
for a Bundled Server licensing requirements for Engineers
Application Enablement Services.

Avaya Aura® Application

Describes procedures for installing • Implementation
Enablement Services TSAPI and
and configuring TSAPI and
CVLAN Client and SDK Installation Engineers
CVLAN clients.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 287

Title Description Audience

Provides information on how to • Implementation

Avaya CMS Supervisor Reports use Avaya CMS Supervisor Engineers
reports. • Solution Architects

Avaya Call Management System • Implementation

Provides procedures on how to
Software Installation,
install, configure, and maintain Engineers
Maintenance, and Troubleshooting
Avaya Call Management System. • Solution Architects
for Linux®

Describes the steps for data

Avaya Call Management System migration from an existing Call • Implementation
Platform Upgrade and Data Management System (CMS)
Migration computer to a newly installed CMS Engineers
R17 computer.

Describes how to administer a • Implementation

Avaya Call Management System
contact center using Call
Administration Engineers
Management System.

Provides the administration • Implementation

Administering Avaya Aura® Call procedures for the day-to-day
Center Elite functioning of Avaya Aura® Call
Center Elite. • Solution Architects

Provides procedures on how to

Implementing Avaya Aura® • Implementation
install, configure, and troubleshoot
Experience Portal on a single
Experience Portal on a single Engineers

Provides procedures on how to

Implementing Avaya Aura® • Implementation
install, configure, and troubleshoot
Experience Portal on multiple
Experience Portal on multiple Engineers

Provides procedures on how to • Implementation

Upgrading to Avaya Aura®
upgrade to Experience Portal
Experience Portal 7.1 Engineers

Provides information about

administering and configuring • Implementation
Administering Avaya Aura®
specific Avaya Aura® Experience
Experience Portal Engineers
Portal functions and features using
a web-based interface.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 288

Title Description Audience

Provides information about

managing the databases and • Implementation
Administering Avaya Aura® Call
configuring the services in Avaya Engineers
Center Elite Multichannel
Aura® Call Center Elite • Solution Architects

Describes Avaya Aura® Call

Center Elite Multichannel and • Implementation
Installing Avaya Aura® Call Center
explains the installation,
Elite Multichannel Engineers
configuration, and licensing
requirements of the product.

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Provides information about Avaya • Implementation
Multichannel Reporting User Aura® Call Center Elite Engineers
Guide Multichannel reports. • Solution Architects

Provides information about how to

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite upgrade or migrate Avaya Aura® • Implementation
Multichannel Upgrade and Call Center Elite Multichannel from
Migration Guide Release 6.2.x or 6.3.x to Release Engineers

Avaya Contact Recorder Planning, Provides instructions on how to • Implementation

Installation and Administration manage, customize, and configure
Guide Avaya Contact Recorder. Engineers

Avaya Aura® Workforce Provides update and migration • Implementation

Optimization Suite Upgrade and information for Avaya Aura®
Migration Guide Workforce Optimization. Engineers

Describes the procedures to use

Avaya Control Manager (ACM) for • Implementation
Using Avaya Control Manager for
Service Providers. This document Engineers
Service Providers
also describes the features and • Solution Architects

Describes the procedures to • Implementation

Deploying Avaya Control Manager
deploy Avaya Control Manager for Engineers
for Service Providers
Service Providers. • Solution Architects

Describes procedures to configure • Implementation

Configuring Avaya Control
Avaya Control Manager for
Manager for Service Providers Engineers
Service Providers. The document
also provides information about • Solution Architects

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 289

Title Description Audience

enabling the connectors and

configuring the components.

Describes how to use Avaya

Control Manager Conversation • Implementation
Using Avaya Control Manager
Sphere for Service Providers and
Conversation Sphere for Service Engineers
also describes the features and
Providers • Solution Architects
capabilities of Conversation

Describes the procedures to back • Implementation

Upgrading Avaya Control Manager up, upgrade, and migrate Avaya Engineers
Control Manager. • Solution Architects

Describes how to use Avaya

Control Manager Central License
and Traffic Tracker and also • Implementation
Using Avaya Control Manager
describes the features and Engineers
Central License and Traffic Tracker
capabilities of Avaya Control • Solution Architects
Manager Central License and
Traffic Tracker.

Describes tested product

characteristics and capabilities,
including feature descriptions,
• Implementation
Avaya Session Border Controller Engineers
interoperability, performance
for Enterprise Overview and
specifications, security, and • Sales Engineers
licensing requirements of Avaya
• Solution Architects
Session Border Controller for

Provides information about • Implementation

Administering Avaya Session administration tasks and
Border Controller for Enterprise configurations of Avaya Session
Border Controller for Enterprise. • Solution Architects

Provides procedures for upgrading

Avaya Session Border Controller • Implementation
Upgrading Avaya Session Border
for Enterprise. The document Engineers
Controller for Enterprise
includes an upgrade checklist and • Solution Architects
upgrade procedures.

Troubleshooting and Maintaining Describes how to use • Implementation

Avaya Session Border Controller troubleshooting tools and utilities.
for Enterprise The document also describes the
procedures to contact Avaya • Solution Architects

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 290

Title Description Audience

Support and contains typical error

messages and resolution tasks.

Provides information about port • Implementation

Avaya Aura® Solution Design
network and gateway connectivity Engineers
Considerations and Guidelines
for G450 Media Gateway. • Solution Architects

Provides procedures for • Implementation

Administering Avaya G450 Branch
administering G450 Branch Engineers
Gateway. • Solution Architects

Provides procedures for installing • Implementation

Installing and Upgrading the Avaya
and upgrading Avaya G450 Media
G450 Media Gateway Engineers

Provides information on installing, • Implementation

Implementing Secure Access Link
upgrading, uninstalling, configuring Engineers
and administrating SAL Gateway. • Solution Architects

Provides checklists and

procedures for deploying the
Secure Access Link Gateway
Deploying Secure Access Link virtual application in the Avaya
Gateway using Avaya Aura® Aura® Virtualized Environment. • Implementation
System Manager in the VMware® The document includes Engineers
Virtualized Environment installation, configuration, initial
administration, troubleshooting,
and basic maintenance checklists
and procedures.

Describes how to upgrade and

Upgrading Avaya Aura® • Implementation
configure a single-server reference
Messaging for Single Server
configuration for Avaya Aura® Engineers

Describes how to upgrade and

Upgrading Avaya Aura® • Implementation
configure a multiserver reference
Messaging for Multiserver
configuration for Avaya Aura® Engineers

Provides information about • Implementation

Administering Avaya Aura®
administration of the Messaging Engineers
system. • Solution Architects

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 291

Title Description Audience

Provides installation, configuration,

Deploying Avaya Aura® Utility initial administration, and basic • Implementation
Services on VMware® in maintenance checklists and Engineers
Virtualized Environment procedures for Avaya Aura® Utility • Solution Architects

Provides installation, configuration,

initial administration, and basic • Implementation
Deploying Avaya Aura® Presence maintenance checklists and
Services on VMware® procedures for Avaya Aura®
Presence Services. The document • Solution Architects
also contains upgrade information.

Provides end-user procedures for • Implementation

Using Avaya one-X® Agent
Avaya one-X® Agent. Engineers

Provides procedures for deploying

the Avaya WebLM virtual
application in the Avaya Aura®
Deploying Avaya WebLM using Virtualized Environment. The • Implementation
VMware® in Virtualized document includes installation,
Environment configuration, installation Engineers
verification, troubleshooting, and
basic maintenance checklists and

Describes how to install and

maintain 9600 Series IP
Installing and Maintaining Avaya • Implementation
Deskphones models 9601, 9608,
9608G, 9611G, 9621G, and Engineers
9641G IP Deskphones SIP
9641G in a SIP environment and
troubleshoot problems.

Provides information on setup,

Avaya B179 SIP Conference registration of accounts, • Implementation
Phone Installation and configuration and upgrade of
Administration Guide Avaya B179 SIP Conference Engineers

Describes how to download, • Implementation

Implementing Avaya one-X®
install, and configure Avaya one-
Communicator Engineers
X® Communicator.

Avaya Configuration and Provides information and • Implementation

Orchestration Manager Installation procedures you require to install,
license, uninstall, and troubleshoot Engineers

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 292

Title Description Audience

Avaya Configuration and

Orchestration Manager.

Describes how to install Avaya

Installing the Avaya Visualization Visualization Performance and • Implementation
Performance and Fault Manager Fault Manager (VPFM) on Engineers
Windows and Linux platforms.

Describes how to install, configure,

Implementing Avaya Proactive administer, and troubleshoot • Implementation
Outreach Manager Avaya Proactive Outreach Engineers

Describes how to administer, • Implementation

Implementing and Administering
configure, and troubleshoot Avaya
Avaya Aura® Media Server Engineers
Aura® Media Server.

Describes how to administer

Avaya Breeze™ and includes • Implementation
Administering Avaya Breeze™ procedures for installing and Engineers
administering snap-ins running on • Solution Architects
Avaya Breeze™.

Describes how to deploy, back up, • Implementation

Deploying Avaya Oceana™ restore, and upgrade Avaya
Solution. Oceana™ Solution and Avaya
Oceanalytics™ Insights. • Solution Architects

Describes how to back up, restore, • Implementation

Upgrading and Migrating Avaya
and upgrade Avaya Workforce Engineers
Workforce Optimization Select.
Optimization Select. • Solution Architects

Describes how to deploy, back up, • Implementation

Deploying Avaya Multimedia
restore, and upgrade Avaya Engineers
Multimedia Messaging. • Solution Architects

Finding documents on the Avaya Support website

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 293

1. Navigate to
2. At the top of the screen, type your username and password and click Login.
3. Click Support by Product > Documents.
4. In Enter your Product Here, type the product name and then select the product from the list.
5. In Choose Release, select an appropriate release number.
6. In the Content Type filter, click a document type, or click Select All to see a list of all available documents.
For example, for user guides, click User Guides in the Content Type filter. The list displays the documents
only from the selected category.
7. Click Enter.


The following courses are available on the Avaya Learning website at After logging
into the website, enter the course code or the course title in the Search field and click Go to search for the

Course Code Course title

Avaya Aura® Communication Manager Messaging

Embedded Implementation

Knowledge Access: ACIS - Avaya Aura®

4U00030E Communication Manager and CM Messaging
Embedded Implementation.

Knowledge Access: Avaya Aura® Session Manager

and System Manager Administration.

Avaya Customer Experience Management

Framework Experience Layer

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 294

Course Code Course title

Avaya Call Center - Analyze, Design, and Plan


Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel Sales

Knowledge Session

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Multichannel

Technical Sales Knowledge Session

Knowledge Access: ACSS - Avaya Aura® Contact

Center Elite Implementation and Support

Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Implementation and


Avaya Aura® Call Center Elite Implementation and


AVA00398WEN Avaya Call Management System Administration

4C00101W Avaya Aura® Experience Portal Administration

7091V Avaya Control Manager Administration

7090V Avaya Control Manager Implementation

Avaya Control Manager Service Provider Edition for

Cloud Administration

Avaya Quality Monitoring Configuration &


January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 295

Course Code Course title

PRM PartnerView and SFDC Partner Sales Support

Requests (SSR)

Knowledge Access: Avaya Session Border Controller

for Enterprise Implementation and Support

Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise

Implementation and Support

Avaya Session Border Controller for Enterprise

Implementation and Support

I: Instructor Led

O: On Demand

V: Virtual

WEN: Web (online) course

VEN: Virtual

E: Self-paced in virtual campus

W:Web (online) course

Viewing Avaya Mentor videos

Avaya Mentor videos provide technical content on how to install, configure, and troubleshoot Avaya products.

About this task

Videos are available on the Avaya Support website, listed under the video document type, and on the Avaya-
run channel on YouTube.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 296

• To find videos on the Avaya Support website, go to and perform one of the
following actions:
• In Search, type Avaya Mentor Videos to see a list of the available videos.
• In Search, type the product name. On the Search Results page, select Video in the Content
Type column on the left.
• To find the Avaya Mentor videos on YouTube, go to and perform one
of the following actions:
• Enter a key word or key words in the Search Channel to search for a specific product or topic.
• Scroll down Playlists, and click the name of a topic to see the available list of videos posted on
the website.

Videos are not available for all products.

Go to the Avaya Support website at for the most up-to-date documentation, product
notices, and knowledge articles. You can also search for release notes, downloads, and resolutions to issues.
Use the online service request system to create a service request. Chat with live agents to get answers to
questions, or request an agent to connect you to a support team if an issue requires additional expertise.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 297



Service contract = Value Contract (SAP). In most cases there is only one unique Service contract per Avaya
Control Manager. If Automatic Billing is required then only one unique Service contract is allowed per Avaya
Control Manager.


Refers to Business Partner (BP) Link ID and is also known as PRM ID.


Can refer to a Cloud Service Provider or an enterprise.

Customer Code

Also known as Customer ID. Customer Code is a required field in GPPR and is used to distinguish certain
billing artifacts. Customer Engagement OnAvaya Aura – Contact Center as a Service (CCaaS) requires a new
CCaaS company code be created and used in the quoting process for CCaaS licenses.

Dedicated Instance

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 298

Refers to deployments where each of Avaya Aura® instance serves only one enterprise. A single Avaya
Control Manager can support multiple deployments of Avaya Aura® that can be a mix of dedicated and/or
multitenant instances.


Geographic office locations in Control Manager. You must add departments under each enterprise in Control

Directory functionality

Utility Services provides directory functionality with which 96x1 telephones users can search the corporate
directory using the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP).

End User

Can refer to an enterprise or to human users and agents.


A paying, hosted company with human users and agents. Each enterprise has a unique ship-to number called
the enterprise-ship-to.

Enterprise locations

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 299

The main site location to represent an enterprise. The enterprise location is created in Avaya Aura®
Communication Manager.


Refers to a deployment of Avaya Aura®, which includes components such as, Communication Manager,
System Manager, and Session Manager.


Lightweight Directory Access Protocol


A field within the Avaya Control Manager structure associated with a single enterprise. The format of the
LocationName string must be EnterpriseName|enterprise-ship-to. In deployments with resellers
separate from the provider, the format of the LocationName string must be


January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 300

Refers to deployments where a single Avaya Aura® instance supports multiple enterprises. A single Avaya
Control Manager can support multiple deployments of Avaya Aura® that can be a mix of dedicated and/or
multitenant instances.


Can refer to Cloud Service Provider (CSP) or Service Provider (SP). A CSP is a company that offers some
component of cloud computing services to other businesses or individuals.


Public Switched Telephone Network. The PSTN is the international telephone system.


A business entity that resells cloud services provided by the CSP to end customers.

Routing location

A location defined in Avaya Aura® Session Manager that represents each geographic office location in an

Ship-to, enterprise-ship-to and site-ship-to

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 301

Ship-to identifies a physical address associated with an order, where equipment can be sent. An enterprise-
wide ship-to number is called enterprise-ship-to and is associated with the initial order and identifies the first
site for the enterprise. Each site for that enterprise has its own ship-to number called site-ship-to associated
with that specific site. Important:

Usage data for Unified Communications is always reported with site-ship-to but usage data for Contact Center
is always reported with enterprise-ship-to.


A physical location of an enterprise, with a unique site-ship-to number. An enterprise might have multiple sites.


A field within the Avaya Control Manager structure that is nested within the Location associated with a specific
site of that enterprise. The format of the SiteName string must be Site Name|site-ship-to.


Teams exist in Control Manager to define the type of work that a user does. Examples of teams include Sales,
HR, and IT.


Can refer to an enterprise or to Avaya Aura® multitenancy feature.

January 31, 2023 Administering Partner Cloud Powered by Avaya xCaaS 302

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