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Design Project 1

Final Project Report

Theme: Engineering Excellence: Design Innovations In

Water, Sanitation, Energy, Environment And



(2018001912) KRISHNEET K KUMAR
(2018000052) MIVAL NAIDU
(2018001189) SAHIL PRASAD
This report deliberates the implementation of flood barriers particularly self-closing flood
barrier in a flood prone community such as Nadi town. It discloses the floods impacts on
households and shops in numerous ways, and unearth strategies employed by householders to
lessen the negative effects of floods.

This paper reports that shop owners draw on various resources to simplify their process of
implementing flood defence measures. However, the implementation of such flood protection
system is made difficult by several factors such as financial deficiency and lack of resources.
Table of Contents
1.0 INTRODUCTION__________________________________________________________________________1

2.0 OBJECTIVES_________________________________________________________________________3

3.0 RESEARCH QUESTIONS________________________________________________________________3

4.0 CONSTRAINTS_______________________________________________________________________4

5.0 LITERATURE REVIEW__________________________________________________________________5

5.1 FLOOD BARRIER MATERIALS_____________________________________________________________5

5.2 FLOOD WARNING SYSTEM IN FIJI__________________________________________________________5
5.3 SITE CONSIDERATION__________________________________________________________________6
5.4 CIVILIZED METHODOLOGY_______________________________________________________________6
5.5 EXPERIMENTAL ELECTROMECHANICAL MODULE________________________________________________7
5.6 BARRIER LAKE______________________________________________________________________7
5.7 CLOSING FLOOD BARRIER_______________________________________________________________8
5.8 PASSIVE FLOOD BARRIER_______________________________________________________________8
5.9 SPAKENBURG FLOOD BARRIER____________________________________________________________8
5.10 MOBILE FLOOD BARRIERS_______________________________________________________________9
5.11 URBAN DRAIN BARRIERS________________________________________________________________9
5.12 SELF-CLOSING FLOOD BARRIER___________________________________________________________10

6.0 METHODOLOGY_____________________________________________________________________11

6.1 PRIMARY DATA COLLECTION____________________________________________________________11

6.2 TOTAL FORCE ACTING ON FLOATING WALL_________________________________________________11
6.3 SECONDARY DATA COLLECTION__________________________________________________________11
6.4 SOFTWARE USED____________________________________________________________________11

7.0 DESIGN CRITERIA____________________________________________________________________12

7.1 FLEXIBILITY________________________________________________________________________12
7.2 SYSTEM WEIGHT____________________________________________________________________12
7.3 SYSTEM HEIGHT____________________________________________________________________12
7.4 AUTO HANDLING___________________________________________________________________12
7.5 TRANSPORTATION___________________________________________________________________12
7.6 INSTALLATION______________________________________________________________________12
7.7 MAINTENANCE_____________________________________________________________________12
7.8 DURABILITY_______________________________________________________________________12
7.9 COST___________________________________________________________________________12

8.0 OBSERVATION______________________________________________________________________13

9.0 QUESTIONNAIRE DATA ANALYSIS_______________________________________________________14

10.0 PROPOSED DESIGN OF THE SELF-CLOSING FLOOD BARRIER__________________________________17

10.1 CALCULATIONS___________________________________________________________________18
10.1.1 UPWARD FORCE___________________________________________________________18
10.1.2 THRUST FORCE____________________________________________________________18
10.1.3 TOTAL FORCE ACTING ON FLOATING WALL______________________________________19
10.2 3D DRAWING OF THE SELF-CLOSING FLOOD BARRIER___________________________________________20
11.0 MATERIALS_________________________________________________________________________21

12.0 HAZOP ANALYSIS____________________________________________________________________22

13.0 EVENT TREE ANALYSIS________________________________________________________________22

14.0 GANTT CHART______________________________________________________________________23

15.0 RESOURCE REQUIREMENTS____________________________________________________________24

16.0 CONSTRUCTION METHODS____________________________________________________________25

17.0 RECOMMENDATION_________________________________________________________________26

18.0 CONCLUSION_______________________________________________________________________27

19.0 QUESTIONNAIRE____________________________________________________________________28

List of Figures
Figure 1: Digital elevation model data for Nadi.............................................................................................. 1
Figure 2: Proposed SCFB at main street Nadi town........................................................................................2
Figure 3: Objective Tree of a Self-Closing Flood Barrier..................................................................................3
Figure 4: Nadi river layout........................................................................................................................... 13
Figure 5: Street Layout of Nadi town........................................................................................................... 13
Figure 6: Affected Properties....................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 7: The scope of damage caused by that flood....................................................................................14
Figure 8: Estimated cost of damage............................................................................................................. 15
Figure 9: Assurance that property is safe..................................................................................................... 15
Figure 10: Height of the flood experienced.................................................................................................. 16
Figure 11: Plan of the SCFB.......................................................................................................................... 17
Figure 12: Section Elevation of the SCFB...................................................................................................... 17
Figure 13: Section End Elevation of the SCFB............................................................................................... 18
Figure 14: Submerged Self-Closing Flood Barrier.......................................................................................... 20
Figure 15: Erected Self-Closing Flood Barrier................................................................................................ 20
Figure 16: Important materials required for the SCFB..................................................................................21
Figure 17: Hazop analysis for the SCFB........................................................................................................ 22
Figure 18: Event tree analysis for the SCFB.................................................................................................. 22
Figure 19: Timeline of SCFB construction..................................................................................................... 23
Figure 20: Machine and materials cost analysis for the SCFB........................................................................24
Figure 21: Parts of the SCFB......................................................................................................................... 25
Fiji is very vulnerable to floods and tropical cyclones, which already have major impacts on
the economy and population of the country. The average asset losses due to tropical cyclones
and floods are estimated at more than F$500 million per year. (Anon., 2017) Multiple
initiatives were launched with support from development partners that aimed at reducing the
country’s vulnerability to cyclone and flood.

The government has investigated how to further strengthen the population’s resilience, it
targeted risk management initiatives such as the project for the planning of the Nadi river
flood control structures. In 2009, Nadi town’s full restoration works reached up to
$2,601,450.94. (Anon., 2009)

Digital elevation models and flood maps are useful as a first screen to identify areas that
might be suitable for development. Provided in figure1 below, marked in red are the low-
lying areas highly exposed to river floods (below 2 m elevation), blue (below 3 m), and
orange (below 4 m). The areas considered at high or extreme risk of flood. (Anon., 2017)

Figure 1: Digital elevation model data for Nadi.

Large investments done in Nadi for flood protection measures include, expansion of
underground distribution lines. Nadi town also has expanded its gauge network in the recent
years, where several gauges were installed as part of the basin’s integrated water resources
management pilot.

Implementing the idea of the Self Closing Flood Barrier (SCFB) to combat flood destruction
in Nadi Town would definitely benefit not only the government and town council but also
prevent shop owners to have major losses. Installing the SCFB in front of shops, along the
streets and around villages would prevent massive flood destructions.

Its success can be attributed to the simple, but ingenious concept of using the approaching
floodwaters to automatically raise the barrier. The Self-Closing Flood Barrier effectively uses
the problem to create the solution (no manual intervention required). This barrier will recede
fully into the ground thus making it less prone to vandalism and damages. Also will not be an
obstruction to people and cars when it is fully submerged.

The reaction time of the barrier will be as the rise of flood water. In case of flash flooding,
the barrier will rise with and secure against flood water. The people of Nadi town need not to
worry of any flooding due to the barrier’s 24/7 protection. In addition, lengths will not be an
issue for the reason that the SCFB can be interconnected from 2m to 1km or more.

Figure 2: Proposed SCFB at main street Nadi town

2.0 Objectives
1. Must be durable to flood water and all floating debris.
2. Should be able to keep shops and buildings secure from flood water.
3. Must be cost efficient.
4. Must be quick to emerge and submerge during times of flood.
5. Must be profitable and beneficiary for the society.

Figure 3: Objective Tree of a Self-Closing Flood Barrier

3.0 Research questions

1. Will the barrier still work when there is a power cut?
The barrier is not energy driven and therefore still operates in case of a power cut.
2. Is the barrier prone to vandalism?
In its closed position the barrier is protected below ground level and therefore not
prone to vandalism.
3. Can heavy rain fill the service pit and falsely trigger the barrier?
The drain pipe in the pit will always drain the system if it is not surcharged as it
would be in a flood situation. In some case a pump is installed with a floating switch
which drains rainwater from the service pit.
4. What is the lifespan of the barrier?
The system is made of very durable materials designed to last for a minimum of 10 -
20 years.
5. How does the product deal with silt infiltrating the system?
The silt will stay in the pit and is unlikely to enter the basin. The system needs an
annual check according to a maintenance schedule. If there is silt, it must be removed.
6. Is it possible to raise the barrier manually?
For manual operation, the service pit can be connected to an independent supply.

4.0 Constraints
Ground conditions – the ground conditions need to offer a flush threshold for the flood
barrier to seal against, therefore the ground conditions needs to be considered prior to

Durability – the barrier needs tough and sturdy materials, materials that are able to withstand
not only flood water but also debris, trees, cars which have been swept by flood currents.
Suitable materials may lead to increase in cost.

Cost - The cost of a flood wall will depend on the height of the wall and the overall length.
The height will be designed accordingly to the average or maximum flood height. Higher
barrier equals higher cost.

Height - The barrier will only be designed to certain height, this cannot guarantee secureness.
Flood may exceed the height of the barrier.

Water Damages - Water can penetrate through small gaps. Leakages may cause damage to
the barrier, resulting to bad performance and unable to secure the perimeters from flood

Maintenance - If floods don’t occur often, flood barriers need scheduled maintenance.
Without maintenance, sediments may get stuck or rust may form. This will result into bad
performance of the barrier.

Area Clearance - Since the barrier will be stored underground, the area must be kept clear in
order for the barrier to successfully emerge. If there are cars parked above the barriers when a
flood occurs, this will not be able to raise itself and the car together.


5.1 Flood barrier materials

Climate change tolerant building materials, such as high temperature resistance and flooding
resistance, affect living condition of people in an accommodation. The change causes
variations in temperature, rainfall, extreme weather condition, hurricane, and storm surge and
season period. Nowadays many countries face these problems. Flooding causes the decay of
wall and floor, while wall is affected by both high temperature and flooding. Wall material
has to be able to tolerate with future climate change. Hence, the wall has to cope with
extreme temperatures and water resistance. In the past, material selection factors are price,
quality, aesthetics and brand reliability.

Wall material can be divided into many types which are Bricks, Concrete block, Precast
concrete, wood, PVC, Metal sheets, Aluminium, Glass, Fibreboard, etc. However, material
with high water resistance and water permeability is rarely found. Apart from that, despite not
much satisfaction. Standard criteria of building material should always be adjusted and
developed in order to support the current situation and cope with the future circumstance.
Quality is another important factor for consumers. They should be able to distinguish the
characteristics of each material in order to choose the most proper material for suitable
(Patcharawan Bootkaew, 2018)

5.2 Flood warning system in Fiji

In Fiji, flash floods are common hazardous events that pose a serious threat to populations. In
recent years, floods and landslides have claimed lives of people, damages to properties and
infrastructure, putting back decades of development, and disruption to business and
livelihoods. In February 2017, parts of the Nadi area were under water as continual heavy
rain created multiple flash flooding events. In April of 2018, tropical cyclone “Josie” brought
torrential weekend rains and flooding in the town of Ba on the island of Viti Levu, causing
four fatalities, and another presumed drowned.

Fiji is to press ahead with an early warning system for floods. Experts, staff of the Fiji
Meteorological Service and Disaster Management Office met in Nadi, Fiji from 12 to 16
November 2018, to discuss the implementation of the Flash Flood Guidance System (FFGS).
The meeting discussed and developed a work plan for the implementation of FijiFFGS, a
name chosen to ensure ownership of the project, and show that its applications are
specifically targeting the islands of Fiji. ((WMO), 28 November 2018)

5.3 Site consideration

A site survey will be necessary for quotation purposes and in the event of a project going
ahead, a more detailed survey should be undertaken for manufacturing and installation
details. Initially a layout drawing will be prepared to show the location and the overall
dimensions of a proposed SCFB for quotation purposes.

Where the project involves a riverside location it may be possible to use gravity. The
Drainage is to empty and the service pit when flooding recedes. This will depend on the
relative levels of the normal water level and the adjacent ground level. The SCFB sections are
in standard lengths of 2 meter which may be linked together.

The use of pillars can facilitate changes of direction or deviations from a straight line in the
run of the barrier. The fig.1 represents the section view of the barrier with concrete basin. The
route of the barrier therefore needs to be defined and divided into suitable section lengths up
to 50 linear meters. Where a barrier is used to protect a building entrance or drive-way. Top
of the barrier installation will be at ground level when not in use.

The service pit will require pumped drainage with a built-in pumping system, associated level
switches and alarms if required. The fig.2 represents barrier installation in the underground
surface. For these projects, datum level sand gradients are important in ensuring that the
installation provides full protection against flood conditions. (Mugesh, 2019)

5.4 Civilized methodology

It will be necessary to use excavation and lifting equipment on the installation site and
therefore necessary to consider the selection of suitable equipment for each project and to
make sure that the equipment can gain access to required areas. It may also be necessary to
consider how traffic may impact on site working will traffic control or control of site working
hours be necessary.

The flood wall is designed to withstand more than 10 times the hydrostatic pressure exerted
by floodwater at its maximum height. Calculations based on project-specific data are carried
out to ensure that the rise times for the SCFB are such that the barrier will rise before
flooding of the protected area can occur.

These calculations will determine the positions and dimensions of intake structures for drive-
way barriers to ensure that water will not enter the control pits unless flooding is taking place
but will enter sufficiently rapidly when flooding commences. The calculations take into
account type of flooding (flash flood, melting snow, heavy rainfall, etc.), surface levels and
gradients of surrounding area.

The Hydrostatic testing of each complete system from intake structure were checking for
leakage of seals at the base of the rising barrier during the test and that replace seals that
show the signs of leakage for 12 months. Visual inspection of seals at the ends of the flood
gate that have perished or testing of submersible pump. Finally the testing and cleaning of
non-return flap valves in control pit is done. (, 2019)

5.5 Experimental electromechanical module

Venice flood barrier, after allegations of corruption, delays and overspending, the
construction finally has an end in sight. The construction of the final phase of the massive
flood barrier system will protect Venice and its lagoon from high waters. The first four
modules of the MOSE project – named after the biblical leader who parted the Red – Sea,
was installed at the Lido inlet, one of the three waterways that connects the lagoon with the
Adriatic Sea, in the summer of 2013. The system comprises of a series of modular gates that,
when filled with water, rest on the seafloor; they will be raised by filling them with
compressed air. (Guarino, 2014)

5.6 Barrier Lake
Barrier Lake is affected by highly changing and complex environment; it is always a great
challenge that proper actions must be performed within a limited amount of time. Thus, how
to scientifically and efficiently analyse the dam-break risk of the barrier lake and its impact
area is very important for barrier lake disposal and downstream communities transfer. To
improve the efficiency and the accuracy of the dam-break flood routing simulation, this paper
mainly focuses on the construction of the virtual geographic environment (VGE) system and
the scale effect analysis.

Unlike most of the current cellular automata (CA)-based flood simulation systems, the
proposed VGE system can offer an intuitive, efficient, and interactive visualization
environment through which users can explore complicated spatial information and conduct
risk assessment work. Some key technologies including the CA model of dam-break flood,
the VGE system framework, the impact analysis method, and the scale effect analysis method
were discussed in detail.

A prototype system was developed to support dam-break simulation and risk analysis of the
Xiaojiaoqiao barrier lake in Anxian County, Sichuan Province of China. By means of a
variety of cell scales effect analysis experiments, the adaptation scope and characteristics of
multiscale cells were obtained to implement the simulation analysis of the dam-break flood
routing better. The proposed VGE system can improve the efficiency of risk assessment and
decision-making. (Zhu, et al., 2015)

5.7 Closing flood barrier

Q-Park (2015): The exit of the Q-Park car park near the Berchem railway station is quite low-
lying. In case of heavy rainfall, all the water floods into the car park through this exit. (As a
result, the parked cars stand deeply in the water, and the water flow makes it extremely
difficult to drive them outside). Q-Park contacted the engineering firm Arcadis. They
recommended the Closing Flood Barrier (SCFB) by Aggéres. The barrier disappears into the
exit, and does not block the exit when it is not raised. This installation proves that the SCFB
can also be installed underneath traffic infrastructure. Fortunately, the works were finished
one day ahead of schedule as the barrier was already put to the test one day later, during a big
flooding on 13 August 2015 (Aggeres Flood Solution, 2013).

5.8 Passive Flood Barrier

From vertically rising barriers to ‘flip- up’ types gates, this range of barriers is perfect for
installation across car park entrances, office buildings, commercial and industrial premises,
historic centres, along riversides and many locations. Passive Flood Barriers require zero
manual intervention.
Lourdes Hospital in Binghamton, New York was flooded 2006 and forced the hospital to
close for 2 weeks and caused $20 million in damage. Relocating the hospital was not feasible,
but it was determined that a floodwall system would provide the necessary protection.
The flood wall, which protects the wall, consists of passive floodgates at each 11 entry points.
The gate automatically deploy during a flood, triggered by the hydrostatic pressure of the
rising flood waters. When the floodwaters recede, the gate lower to their original open. The
passive flood barrier was installed in 2010 (Lourdes, 2019)

5.9 Spakenburg flood barrier
Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe (Netherlands) (2016-2017): Spakenburg, a former fishing
village located at the shores of Lake Eem, needed to be protected against extreme storms. The
Waterschap Vallei en Veluwe made a call for tenders in order to find a flood protection that
would not interfere with the typical character of the historical harbour and slipway.  The
project asked for the solution to blend into the historical centre, taking up little space and
with a maximum deployment time of three hours. Furthermore, the Spakenburg flood barrier
had to be able to withstand water levels that occur during north-western storms at wind force
12. A permanent wall was not an ideal solution, as it would behave like a bath tub in case of
heavy rainfall.

As such, the wall would be part of the problem, instead of the solution. In Spakenburg, the
Self-Closing Flood Barrier (SCFB) will be used for the first time at such a large scale, as a
primary flood barrier. Various studies indeed demonstrated that the SCFB was eminently
suitable for the intended purpose. Furthermore, it amply met the requirements for primary
water barriers set by the Dutch authorities.
With its total length of 360 metres and a height of 80 centimetres, this floating dam is the
longest self-closing barrier in the world. A major challenge during this project was that the
very long barrier must not interfere with the special character of the historical fishing village.
This was solved by making the barrier around the historical harbour disappear into the
pavement when deactivated. Near the new harbour, it disappears into the quay wall, in order
to preserve Spakenburg’s historical character. An especially nice touch is that the Spakenburg
anthem is engraved into the upper side of the flood barrier. These measures are part of the
dyke improvement along the Zuidelijke Randmeren and Eem. The project is funded by the
national High Water Protection Programme (HWBP) (Aggeres Flood Solution, 2013).

5.10 Mobile flood barriers

Flood protection means measures to prevent and prevent damage to floods, carried out mainly
by systematic prevention and implementation of preparatory measures within the
municipality's preparedness for floods. Part of anti-flood measures is the ability to cope with
unwanted water leakage into areas that need to be protected from flooding. Types of mobile
flood protection include sandbags or FBP. The flood protection barriers are divided according
to the type of construction (supporting frame, chamber concept, filling mixture) and used
material (steel, aluminium, plastic, glass, cloth and wood).

Quick - Immediate installation, a system of modules that connect to each other, will allow
quick installation. Unlimited barrier length and shape.
Stability - Stable system of connected heavy bags, construction with boards or pallets and
tarpaulin. Possibility of stacking up rows.
Price - The total cost of a flood protection barrier does not exceed the total value of 380 000
Lifespan - Minimum 10-year FPB lifetime (excluding sealing elements) for installation and
repeatable use of FPB core components. FPB resistant to abrasion and mechanical damages.
(L Malerova, 2017)

5.11 Urban drain barriers

As urban drain systems were explored, alternative and innovative usage for drainage systems
were explored, in which barriers were installed and controlled in upstream underground
conduits. Such components were approached to retain water in upstream sections of a given

drainage system, to reduce the flow of water that reached its downstream sections and,
consequently, their overload degree. The developed rule-based control system monitors the
drainage system by acquiring data from different locations and performs the necessary
control actions on a set of installed barriers.

This control system was applied in drainage systems with a given set of properties, subjected
to rainfall events with specific characteristics. With the developed control system, it is
possible to prevent flood events within certain limits. When this task becomes impossible
water withdrawals to external retention basins can be promoted, avoiding the need to perform
any intervention. These results suggest the feasibility of the proposed approach for remote
monitoring of drainage systems, accommodating the effects of climate changes. (Leitao &
Cardoso, 2017)

5.12 Self-closing flood barrier

Waterschap De Dommel (Netherland) (2016): Its location at the banks of the river Dommel
means that during a flood, the Van Abbe Museum may suffer water damage in case of high
water. The library and art collection may suffer, but the climate control system may break
down too. In such a case, the museum would have to close for at least six months.

Furthermore, water damage to the artworks could be irreparable.(In 2012, there was a terrible
cloudburst that posed a threat to the museum in ninety minutes, the water rose to a height of
one and half meter. As a precaution, sand bags were put in place and all objects were
removed from the halls on the lower levels).

The solution was custom-made, at the request of Waterschap De Dommel and in close
collaboration with the Van Abbe Museum and the city of Eindhoven, who is the proprietor or
the building. As of 1 April 2016, a Self-Closing Flood Barrier (SCFB) of 33 meters long, 80
centimetres high and 20 centimetres thick will protect the museum against flooding in case of
heavy rainfall.

The challenge for this project was that the barrier had to be installed in a pond. As such, the
barrier disappears completely under the water when it is not raised The barrier will be raised
3 times a year on average, claims Peter Glas of Waterschap De Dommel. The wall bears an
inscription ‘I protect the museum and the artworks against the water’. These measures are
part of a larger plan to protect Eindhoven against high water (Aggeres Flood Solution, 2013).

6.0 Methodology
This area clarifies the examination strategy utilized to accomplish the objectives laid out in
the project. For this project, the methods used to collect the qualitative and quantitative data
was primary and secondary data collection method.

6.1 Primary Data Collection

The primary source was:
 Interviews- face-to-face questions were asked to the people who were affected by the
flood and analyzed.
 Questionnaires- a set of 28 questions were printed and distributed to the people of
Nadi Town.
 Online survey- carried out to find out the suitable location for the project.

6.2 Total Force Acting On Floating Wall

( )
+ ρ water gV (John F. Douglas, 2005)

Floating wall requires the upwards force of water pushing from below and the thrust force
exerted by the wall when floating in water.

6.3 Secondary Data Collection

The secondary source was:
 Data available on internet- research done and data gathered online.
 Books from the library- information extracted from the books in the library about
materials that are going to be used and its properties

6.4 Software used

 Autocad 2016 – used to draw the plan and views of the self-closing flood barrier.
 Microsoft office programs – Microsoft word, Microsoft PowerPoint and Microsoft
Excel were used in the reports and analysis of the project
 Photoshop – used for editing the barrier onto the existing flood images.

7.0 Design criteria
7.1 Flexibility
 The barrier is suitable to the ground condition.
 Environmental friendly.
 Durable.
7.2 System weight
 Light weight so that it can rise itself when flood water arises.
7.3 System Height
 Designed at a certain height that guarantees secureness.
7.4 Auto handling
 No warning and no man power needed for the barrier to rise.
 Auto sets back after the flood.
7.5 Transportation
 No need to transport form one place to the other because the barrier goes back in the
ground after the flood.
7.6 Installation
 Manpower needed to install.
7.7 Maintenance
 Maintenance work is reduced by proper design and using right materials.
7.8 Durability
 It depends on the materials used for each component of the barrier.
7.9 Cost
 Includes: manufacturing, transport cost, labor, maintenance, materials, machines etc.

8.0 Observation
Additional information on flood defense systems was gathered through observation of
building designs, public infrastructure and the general layout of the street of Nadi town.

To acquire greater insights on the issue faced, the group engaged further with Nadi town
civilians, householders and shop owners which allowed for better understanding of facts and
several situations existing.

Figure 4: Nadi river layout

Source: Krishneet K Kumar, 2019

Figure 5: Street Layout of Nadi town

Source: Krishneet K Kumar, 2019

9.0 Questionnaire Data Analysis

Yes No

Figure 6: Affected Properties

As shown in the pie chart majority of people (80%) answered the questionnaire yes, that
shows most of the people and their properties were affected by floods. Flood brings a lot of
destruction which leaves people helpless and traumatised.

Furthermore, most people find it hard to recover from flood damages, both financially and
mentally. Nadi town, almost always get flooded, this project will help find appropriate
solutions to tackle the problem at hand.

Completely Wiped

Figure 7: The scope of damage caused by that flood

The evidence from the pie chart shows that about 50% of people said that the scope of
damage caused by floods is moderate. Approximately 40% of people stated that the scope of
damage caused by the flood was massive, and about 10% of the people stated that the damage
was slight.

Moreover, the scope of damage was determined by the cost and if the damage was repairable.
Many said that recovering from flood was difficult, and they were hoping and looking for a
way of preventing flooding.


Figure 8: Estimated cost of damage

As per the pie chart analysis, majority (50%) stated that the estimate cost of damage was
between $1000 and $5000. Approximately, 40% of the respondent stated that the cost of
damage was between $5000 and $10000, and the rest stated that the cost of damage was
about minimum of between $500 and $1000.
Additionally, for some people they have a higher cost of damage, from which they can never
recover, hence leading in to hardship and difficulties in life.

Yes No


Figure 9: Assurance that property is safe

The evidence from the pie chart show that majority (80%) of people stated that there properties
are not safe from any future floods and the rest stated that it may be safe or unsafe. Based on this
analysis, it is evident that people and their properties need to be protected. This is where the idea
of a self -closing flood barrier is implemented.

This barrier will be placed around Nadi town ensuring that the properties are free of damage.
Also, no manual operation is required to operate the flood barrier, as the name suggests, the flood
barrier will operate automatically as the flood rises, and will go back to place when the flood
recedes. Furthermore, based on the analysis below on height of flood reached, the average height
was taken as a reference, in considering the height of the floating wall in our self-closing flood

1 ft 2 ft 2.5 ft

3 ft 4 ft 5 ft

8 ft

Figure 10: Height of the flood experienced

The above pie chart depicts the different flood height that was experienced by the civilians of
Nadi town. The majority of the answers were 8 feet. This height portrays the massive depth
of the flood experienced in Nadi town especially by the owners.

The minority chose 2.5 feet and 1 foot as the experienced flood height. Although this height
may not be as deep, this is still very alarming. Flood water is not supposed to enter any shops
or households.

Based on the analysis below on height of flood reached, the average height was taken as a
reference, in considering the height of the floating wall in our self-closing flood barrier.

10.0 Proposed Design of the Self-Closing Flood Barrier

Figure 11: Plan of the SCFB

Figure 12: Section Elevation of the SCFB

Figure 13: Section End Elevation of the SCFB

ρwater =1000


F1 F 2
A1 A2

F 2=F1
( )



mg ρvg
P= =


P= ρgh

F T =F 2−F 1

F T =P2 A−P1 A

F T = ρwater g h2 A−ρw ater g h1 A

F T = ρ water gAH

F T = ρ water gV


A1 ( )
+ ρ water gV


2.217 KN
F 2=F1
A1 ( )
F 1=2.217 KN π D2 A2=L ×W
π (0.15) ²
A1= A2=2.2× 0.5
A1=0.0177 m² A2=1.1m ²

F 2=F1
A1 ( )
F 2=2.217 × (
0.0177 )
F 2=137 .78 KN

F T = ρ water gV ρwater =1000 V =L ×W × H
V =2× 2.2× 0.1
V =0.88 m³
F T = ρwater gV
F T =( 1000 )( 9.81 ) ( 0.44 )
F T =4316 . 4 KN

( )
+ ρ water gV

F TOTAL=137 .78+ 4316 . 4

F TOTAL=4454 .18 KN

The floating wall requires the upwards force of water pushing from below and the thrust
force exerted by the wall when floating in water. Based from the calculations and the
observation of the flood water Nadi town. A 150mm diameter pipe will be used in the design,
also a 100mm thick fibreboard will be used as the flood wall with 50mm RHS as support on
the back of the wall.

10.2 3D Drawing of the Self-Closing Flood Barrier

Figure 14: Submerged Self-Closing Flood Barrier

Figure 15: Erected Self-Closing Flood Barrier

11.0 Materials
The knowledge of material and its properties is one of the important fact for an engineer. The
project and its components should be made with such materials which has properties suitable
for the condition of operation. However, while selecting the materials the following were
 The performance requirements
 Properties of the materials
 The cost
 Maintenance

Figure 16: Important materials required for the SCFB

12.0 Hazop Analysis
Figure 17: Hazop analysis for the SCFB

13.0 Event tree analysis

Figure 18: Event tree analysis for the SCFB

14.0 Gantt chart
Figure 19: Timeline of SCFB construction

Constructing of the self-closing flood barrier will take approximately 3 months to be built.
The long processes in the construction would be the excavating of foundation (14 days),
laying of the barrier in the excavated trench (28 days) and backfilling (28 days). The days
allocated for each job considers the traffic in Nadi town Main Street. The construction will
stay within the timeline given, which was semester 2.

15.0 Resource Requirements
Figure 20: Machine and materials cost analysis for the SCFB

According to the 2019 national budget the amount of money allocated for Nadi flood
alleviation is $ 7,950,000. (Anon., 2019) The cost analysis is done for barrier of 1 meter
length and 2.4 meter high.

After the cost analysis done for the materials and equipment needed for the construction of
the self-closing flood barrier. It can be stated that the project is possible and has stayed within
the budget allocated the government for flood protection towards Nadi town.

16.0 Construction Methods
In order to complete any project, there are certain ways or methods to follow which make it
easier to carry out the project. To successfully complete the project, we need to plan and
schedule the project so that it’s done within the timeframe.

The self-closing flood barrier that we have designed mostly consists of all readily available
materials with a suitable cost. Not forgetting that this design will be dealing with water, it
was also necessary to choose the materials that does not have chemical reaction while in
contact with water. This will help the project last long.

However, a little idea about the self-closing flood barrier was given earlier in this report and
now this sections will elaborate more intensive and absolute idea some of the main
components. The flood barrier is a complex unit, which is made of several parts having
exclusive functions of their own. An account of those parts, along with their respective

The diagram shows the respective parts of the barrier. By looking at the diagram, it’s simple
enough to understand how the barrier is going to operate using the idea of hydraulics.

Figure 21: Parts of the SCFB

Source: Van Den Noort Innovation

17.0 Recommendation
After all the research and reviews we recommend that this project is not only for Nadi town
but can be also installed in all other flood prone areas in the pacific as a solution to flood.
Since most of the place in Fiji is affected by flood when heavy rainfall takes place, this flood
barrier will act as the alternate solution to this issue. It is a long term solution and we could
say it’s one the best alternative since it operates itself as discussed earlier in this report.

The recommendation of this project is to increase the strength (MPa) of the concrete and try
to make a composite material with the aluminium, cast steel and galvanized keep a
regular check on the barriers condition and to check if there is any repair is to be done and if
there is any repair to be done then how will we repair it and how much will it cost. The repair
of the damaged flood barriers will take time because the project is based in Nadi town. Due to
the traffic the process will take time in the night and the area is located near village so the
noise level has to be in control.

18.0 Conclusion
Systems of flood protection and management are being increasingly considered in the context
of sustainable development. Structural flood defences like flood brigades, storage reservoirs
and embankments are often listed in this category. There is no single universal remedy
against floods. It is necessary to be aware of the possibility of floods, having the attitude of
living with floods seems more sustainable than hopelessly striving to combat floods.


19.0 Questionnaire
Title: Design of a Self-Closing Flood Barrier (SCFB) for Nadi Town
Theme: Engineering Excellence: Design Innovations in Water, Sanitation, Energy,
Environment and Sustainability

Recipient: Nadi town shop owners/ residents

Name (optional): Date:


1. Has flood ever affected you or your property?

o Yes
o No
2. How can you describe the scope of damage that was caused by that flood?
o slight
o Moderate
o massive
o Completely wiped
3. What was the estimated cost of damage?
o $500-$1000
o $1000-$5000
o $5000-$10000
o $10000 >
4. If there was a flood tomorrow can you assure that your property is safe?
o Yes
o No
o Maybe

5. How would you prepare for a flood event?


6. To your best knowledge, what was the depth of the flooding? Briefly describe.

7. How would you feel to have a barrier around your property?


8. Any comments, on our idea of the SCFB?


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