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3448 Back to Sales dashboard button – 9 Sep 2021

1. Project Module / Sales Dashboard

a. When the payment is done, need to show the entered details in the receipt (view & print).

2. Project Module / Sales Dashboard

a. Once a sale is finalized, print page is show. Need to have a button “Back to Sales Dashboard” as in
the below image. Once clicked this, redirect to the sales dashboard page.

3. Project Module / List Projects / List All Project / Action / Block Details pop up
a. Need Type & search box for the below dropdowns
i. Customer
ii. Block Number
iii. Sales officer
b. Need to show the NIC Number of the Customer in the related column.

4. Project Module / List Projects / List All Project

a. Date range to show This Year by default. Now showing This month.

5. Project Module / List Projects / Sold Details

a. Date range to show This Year by default. Now showing This month.

6. Project Module / List projects / Sold details / Action / View payments

a. Pop up trying to load the Paid details, but not loading. Need to fix.
b. Popup width needs to increase by 15%, So all details could be visible clearly

7. Project Module / List projects / Sold details / Action / View payments / Add Payment popup
a. Need to add a new field “Ref No” and number to auto increment.

8. Project Module / Project Customers

a. When the payment is done in the sales dashboard or Add payment popup (as above), entered payment
details to show in the project Customer Ledger with all the related details.

i. Total Block amount to show on the Debit Side

ii. Paid amounts to show on the Credit Side
iii. Balance Payment = Previous row balance + Credit - Debit

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