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2. Listen to Dr. Mendes, a medical doctor a tone the clinics in Maputo as he explains what we
can do when we have the flu.

4. Write these statements and questions in indirect speech.

a) “My husband is using the net for fishing”, Maria said.

b) “Cholera is a serious disease”, said the doctor.

c) Maria said, “I don’t have the money for such tests”.

d) “Do you know that mosquito nets can help prevent malaria?” João asked Maria.

e) “What is plasmodium?” asked Maria.

f) “Are the texts expensive?” asked Maria

5. Listen to your teacher read the passages below. These passages will provide you with more
information about malaria.

Lission 5

1. Study the statements below and change them into indirect speech.
a) “Scientists have discovered a plant to treat the flu”, wrote the Science Daily.
b) “The plant root tastes like onion when cooked”’ the scientists said.
c) “People used this plant during the 1918 Spanish flu”’ reports the Science Daily.
d) “We have identified chemicals in the plant that show greater potency against
influenza A (HINI) than available antiviral drugs do”’ said Chang and Wu.
2. Now write these questions in reported speech.
a) “Is the plant effective against all kinds of flu?” asked the reporter.
b) “Where can we get plant?” asked another reporter.
c) “Have you ever had malaria before?” asked me.
d) “When did you first begin to feel ill?” the doctor asked the girl.

1. Work in and discuss what the following words and expressions mean.

Contract employee Employment


To make a profit Wages Workforce


4. Write your own sentences with five of the pronouns listed below.

One another themselve Everyone

Each other
somebody It
none one

2. Work in pairs to reverbs. Copy and complete the table below in your exercise book.
Write down then simple past tense and the past participle of the verbs. Then swap your
work with a partner and correct each other’s work.

Infinitive Simple past tense Past participle

Open Opened Opened
Eat Ate Eaten
Be Was/were Been
Give it gave giving
Wake He remembered Awake
Win Has won. winning
Walk walked walking
Come He came coming
Make Made feat
Remember remembered remembered
Buy Bought purchased
Want I wanted I wanted
Go gone gone
Have He had He had
Find Found Found
3. To get a job, one must usually apply through an employment agency, or respond to job
advertisements in a newspaper or on Internet. Listen as your teacher reads the passage.
Then make a list of places where you could look for jobs.
 Sector Primário: onde estão as relações de trabalho que lidam directamente com a
matéria-prima, como a agricultura, a pecuária e a extracção mineral e vegetal;
 Sector Secundário: onde estão as relações de trabalho que lidam com a modificação da
matéria-prima, construindo objectos utilizáveis, como as indústrias e a construção civil;
 Sector Terciário: onde estão as relações de trabalho interpessoais, ou seja, que há
correspondência entre as pessoas, a prestação de serviços, como o ramo de vendas,
bancos, hospitais, escolas, ou seja, quando a forma de trabalho lida com pessoas e não
com os objectos como principal foco de trabalho. São esses sectores que se encontram
principalmente a força de trabalho intelectual.

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