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Put the verbs in brackets into the correct
 actions completed in the past;
 past habits; past tense.
 past actions which happened one
immediately after the other;
1. A: ……… (you/see) the film last night?
 completely past actions not B: No. It …….. (start) before I ………
connected to the present with a (finish) my homework.
stated or implied time reference.
2. A: What ……… (happen) to Tom?
Time expressions: yesterday,
yesterday morning/evening, last B: He ……… (fall) and ……… (break) his leg
night/week, two weeks/a month ago, while he ……… (ride) his bike to school.
in 1988, etc. 3. A: Why ……… (Mary/cry) before?
B: She ……… (train) for the finals for over
a week before she ……… (find out) that she
had been dis qualified.
(was/were Ving)
 actions which were in progress at a
4. A: When ……… (you/meet) her?
stated time in the past; B: Yesterday after I ……… (finish) work.
 a past action which was in progress 5. A: Why ……… (he/not come)?
when another action interrupted it;
B: He ……… (just/arrive) at the airport
 two or more actions which were
happening at the same time in the when he ……… (realise) he ……… (leave) his
past. passport at home.
Time expressions: while, when, as,
6. A: What ……… (you/do) yesterday at 7
all day/night/morning, yesterday,
etc. o’clock in the evening?
B: Well, Jane ……… (tidy) the house while I
……… (plant) some flowers.
PAST PERFECT (had Ved/3)
 actions which happened before
7. A: What ……… (happen) to Kate yesterday?
another past action or before a B: She ……… (walk) home when a man ………
stated time in the past; (steal) her bag.
 an action which finished in the past
8. A: ……… (you/go) out last night?
and whose result was visible in the
past. B: No, I ……… (work) all day, so I ………
Time expressions: before, after, (stay) in and ……… (watch) TV.
already, for, since, just, till/until/
9. A: ……… (you/see) your brother this
when, by, by the time, never, etc.
B: No, he …….. (already/leave) the house
PAST PERFECT CONTINUOUS by the time I …….. (wake) up.
(had been Ved/3) 10. A: Why ……… (you/run) when I ……… (see)
 actions which lasted for some time in you yesterday?
the past and whose result was visible
11. B: Oh, I ……… (chat) to a friend for ages
in the past.
Time expressions: for, since, how when I ……… (realise) I was late for school.
long, before, until, etc.

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